Exercises for posture. Exercises for beautiful posture at home


It will not be a secret to anyone that the external attractiveness of people largely depends on correct posture. In addition, the normal functioning of all systems and internal organs of the body also depends on posture.

Over the years, changes in posture occur in every person, as flexibility is lost and the muscle corset is weakened. Many defects can be corrected by exercises to improve posture, which must be performed regularly.

The term "posture"

Posture is the usual posture of a person who stands relaxed, with his heels close and toes apart. The peculiarities of posture are determined taking into account all measurements from head to toe: head position, vertebral curves, shape of the abdomen and chest, muscle tone, pelvic tilt, shape of the feet.

There are many reasons on which posture depends: the development of the muscles of the back, abdomen, neck, chest, the functionality of the muscles and how capable it is of long-term tension. In addition, the presence of various problems with the spinal column affects.

Good posture is a companion to excellent health, but bad posture indicates that a person has health problems.

If posture is impaired, discomfort and pain occur, the skeleton is deformed, and internal organs are affected. Its violation occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, wearing uncomfortable clothes and shoes.

The influence of posture on human health

If a person has poor posture, this will certainly lead to a number of health problems. First of all, the spinal column and the roots of the spinal cord begin to suffer, the failure of which disrupts the functioning of many internal organs.

Often, postural problems occur during puberty or during rapid growth.

It is during this period that posture is negatively affected by a soft bed, incorrect body position while sitting, as well as improper load on the vertebrae, for example, carrying a weight in only one hand.

There is a violation of the outflow of bile and problems with the intestines, since the body is constantly in a bent position, and the abdominal muscles are weakened. All this leads to problems with digestion, the body becomes polluted, immunity decreases, frequent headaches and fatigue appear.

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The vertebra's resistance to various types of deformation decreases, and there is a risk of developing scoliosis. As a rule, poor posture is accompanied by muscle weakening, and this can lead to a disease such as a hernia of the pelvis and abdomen.

How to determine correct posture?

Assessing correct or incorrect posture in a person is quite simple.

You need to stand close to the wall with your back, close your feet, keep your head level, that is, lie tightly against the wall, and lower your arms.

The posture is correct if you cannot stick your palm between the lower back and the wall, and if the palm passes freely, then this indicates the presence of lordosis, that is, the muscular corset is weak and pulls the spinal column forward.

Good posture is when the torso and head are located on the same vertical. As for the shoulders, they are turned out, but slightly lowered and symmetrical, and the neck should also be symmetrical on both sides.

The shoulder blades should not protrude, the physiological curvature should be within normal limits. The abdomen should be retracted and the feet should be without visible deformation.

By following the simple tips for good posture that will be listed, you can form correct posture and prevent the occurrence of various complications, which will be much more difficult to get rid of.

  1. If you have problems with excess weight, then this problem needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible.
  2. In order for correct posture to be correct, you must not lower your head, look forward, your spine straightens, and your shoulders move back a little.
  3. You can purchase special posture correctors, but before doing this you should definitely consult with a specialist.
  4. While working, you need to sit closer to the table.
  5. Carry a book on your head more often.
  6. If you sit somewhere, listen to your body and sit in a way that is comfortable for you. Don't stay in one position, change your position more often to prevent fatigue.
  7. Don't sit for more than two hours, be sure to get up and do a little warm-up.
  8. While sitting, the head, neck and back should be vertical.
  9. When walking, you need to place your foot on the entire surface, and not on the heel.
  10. If you are carrying something heavy, then keep it closer to your chest.
  11. When carrying a bag, change the bag so that the load is the same.
  12. You need to sleep on a flat, hard mattress with a non-down pillow.
  13. You can't sleep on your side, only straight.
  14. Before you begin posture exercises, you need to warm up.

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A set of exercises against the wall

To complete this you will need a free wall.

  1. You need to press your whole body tightly against the wall. Take 8 deep breaths and stand in this position for a minute. Next, you need to fix it without changing the position of your body and imagine that the wall is stuck. In this position, you need to walk around the room for as long as possible and under no circumstances change position. This exercise will be very difficult at first for those who slouch a lot.
  2. The position is exactly the same as in the first exercise, but here you need to bend your leg at the knee and do 10 leg swings.
  3. In the same position, do 10 arm swings.
  4. Leaning against the wall, stand on your toes and raise your arms up. Stay in this position for a minute.

Other types of exercises for correct posture

For proper posture, you must perform the following exercises for at least four weeks.

  1. Starting position - legs crossed, back straight. Tilt your head left and right 10 times in each direction.
  2. The starting position is exactly the same as the previous one. Turn your head to the right, hold it for five seconds, and return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat six times in each direction.
  3. Same starting position. Push your shoulders back and forth 15 times.
  4. The starting position is to kneel and focus on your hands. Bend your back, raise your head up, then bend your back and lower your head down. Repeat fifteen times.
  5. Starting position - lie on bent arms, legs together. Straighten your arms, bending at the lower back, but do not lift your pelvis from the floor. Repeat the exercise six times.
  6. The starting position is to stand one step away from the wall, touching it with your hands. Bend back as much as possible and hold in this position for five seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat six times.
  7. Starting position - standing, legs apart. Place a book on your head. You need to do five squats so that your head and back are straight and the book does not fall.
  8. Same starting position. Hold a book on your head and walk a few meters.

Traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category. Adult and children's specialist, Moscow State Medical University, 1998

Correct posture is the most important component of health and beauty. A stooped figure will not look beautiful even with good physical condition and enviable natural characteristics. But the realization of this comes, most often, when the formation of the skeleton is already completed.

Does this mean that all that remains is to regret missed opportunities? No, fortunately, posture can be corrected at any age. Posture exercises will help straighten your back even for mature people; the main thing is to do them regularly and not deviate from your intended goal.

The spinal column should be strictly vertical and symmetrical in the frontal projection, and in the side view it should have 3 smooth curves in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions, forming the shape of a smoothed letter S of the Latin alphabet. This slightly wave-like shape of the spine provides shock absorption when running, jumping and other vertical loads. Without these bends, impact forces would not be softened and would be harshly transmitted to the intervertebral discs, constantly injuring them and causing rapid wear of the cartilage.

The correct position of the spine not only protects it from wear and tear, but also sets the correct position for all internal organs, without limiting their functionality.

People with correct posture have the greatest amplitude of respiratory movements and maximum lung volume. Thanks to the uniform distribution of pressure between the vertebrae, the nerve fibers are not pinched anywhere, the roots are not pinched, and all signals from the brain to the muscles are transmitted without obstacles.

The luminaries of ancient Eastern medicine believed that each section of the spine is responsible for the state of certain areas of the body, and all curvatures and disturbances in them are reflected in the functioning of the controlled internal organs. Therefore, a healthy spine ensures the smooth functioning of all organs and, in fact, is one of the most important factors in human health and longevity. And since the correlation between the health of the spine and posture is clearly visible, we can say that correct posture is one of the most important conditions for a long and healthy life. Therefore, by performing exercises to correct your posture, you take care not only of your beauty, but also of your health.

Deviations of the spine from its normal position can be in both frontal and lateral projections. Curvatures of the spinal column in the frontal plane are called scoliosis; they are characterized by deviations of the axis of symmetry of the spine from the vertical in the thoracic and lumbar regions. In this case, twisting of the spine around its axis, asymmetry of the shoulders, ribs, shoulder blades, and pelvic bones can also be observed.

Deviations in the lateral projection can consist either in the straightening of the natural deflections of the spine where they should be, or in the appearance of excessive bends.

  • Excessive backward deflection of the spinal column in the thoracic region is called kyphosis; it is this that forms a stooped back, up to the appearance of a hump;
  • Kyphosis can be combined with pathological lordosis - when there is an excessive forward deflection in the lumbar or cervical spine;
  • Another option for poor posture is when kyphosis is combined with straightening in the lumbar region;
  • Posture is also considered incorrect if there are no curves in the spine - a flat back.

All types of posture disorders negatively affect not only a person’s appearance, but also their health. They lead to an increase in the load on the vertebrae, and the stress in the joints and bones is distributed unevenly. As a result, the wear of cartilage accelerates, nerve endings are pinched, which causes various diseases of the ridge.

Posture exercises at home will help restore the physiological shape of the spinal column and prevent pathological changes.

How to identify poor posture

Those who suffer from postural disorders most often know about this, because most people acquire this pathology in childhood and adolescence. Although during the growth of bones and the formation of the musculoskeletal system, it is easiest to correct postural disorders. Children do not even have to do exercises to straighten their posture; it is enough to take up ballroom dancing or some kind of sport: gymnastics, swimming, figure skating.

But often this opportunity is missed, and people think about the need to straighten their backs when much more effort is required to correct this deficiency.

But even in adulthood, problems with posture may appear. The reasons for its deterioration may be:

  • Injuries;
  • Diseases;
  • Sedentary work and sedentary lifestyle;
  • Excess weight;
  • Pregnancy.

These and many other factors can contribute to the fact that even normal posture can deteriorate with age. The following tests will help you check whether your posture needs correction:

  1. Bend over, rounding your back and hanging your arms down. The ribs should be symmetrical relative to the spine.
  2. Stand straight, without straining, and ask to measure the circumference of your shoulders with a measuring tape at a level of 10 cm below the collarbones strictly horizontally. The front of this measurement (between the center points on the arms down) should be at least 0.9 times the back. That is, the distance between the shoulders along the back should be no more than 10% greater than the distance measured on the chest, and ideally these values ​​should coincide.
  3. Approach your back to a free vertical surface. This could be a wall without a plinth, a door without a threshold. When you touch the surface with your heels, calves, buttocks and shoulder blades, is it easy for you to touch the wall with the back of your head? Depending on how difficult this pose is for you, you can judge the degree of stoop by the level of tension and discomfort. Another criterion for correct posture is that your palm should pass between the wall and the body at the waist.

If at least one of these tests shows a negative result, then there is a problem with posture.

Exercises to straighten the spine will help correct it; to achieve the desired result, they will have to be systematically performed for at least six months.

Important information

Correcting your posture requires not only regular exercise, but also vigilant self-control. You will need to continuously monitor the position of your spine, trying to keep your back straight. Without this, classes to correct posture will not be effective.

Aligning your posture while standing against a wall usually requires a lot of tension. It is very difficult to constantly be in this position, at least at first. A more affordable option for straightening a hunched back, which does not require strong muscle tension, is this:

  1. Imagine yourself as a partner in a waltz. Your partner's hand rests on your back slightly above your waist. Stretch this place forward and upward, as if towards an imaginary partner.
  2. Lower your shoulders freely without straining.
  3. Move the back of your head back. Raise your head a little.

This pose doesn't require much effort, which means it'll be easier for you to maintain throughout the day. Of course, you can’t do without exercises to improve your posture. They will strengthen the muscles of the back and abs, increase the flexibility of the joints, which will help over time to give the spine the correct position more and more easily and effortlessly until it becomes a habit.

When you decide to do back exercises at home, adhere to the following rules:

  • Start training at least 1-2 hours after eating.
  • Before class, always perform joint exercises to warm up your muscles and warm up your joints.
  • Increase the number of repetitions gradually, avoid excessive loads.
  • Train every other day, giving your muscles time to recover.
  • It is desirable that the diet be balanced and contain sufficient amounts of protein, calcium, and phosphorus.
  • Avoid sleeping on soft and sagging mattresses. The best choice would be an orthopedic mattress from a good company, designed for your weight.
  • Don't quit training without achieving your goal in a short time. Exercises to correct posture in adults produce results only after months of hard practice. Perseverance and patience will definitely help you achieve beautiful posture.

A good addition to home exercises would be swimming, hanging exercises, yoga, Pilates, and dancing.

These types of physical activity help straighten the spine and will help you achieve your goal faster.

Set of exercises

Exercises to correct posture must be performed every other day, but there is one exercise that requires daily performance. This is a wall stand. Make it a rule to walk up to a wall every day and stand touching it in five places: your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head. At the same time, the stomach should be pulled in, the shoulders should be turned. Maintaining this position for a long time is difficult for most slouched people, and can even take your breath away.

Increase the time you stand in this position to 10 minutes. This will be perhaps the best exercise for correcting posture; doing it daily will significantly speed up your progress towards your goal.

Lie on your back, on a hard surface, stretch your arms straight behind your head, feet at right angles to the floor. Stretch your spine, alternately moving your heels and arms to the maximum possible distance from the body. When the spine is in the most stretched position, place your hands behind your head, press your elbows and heels to the floor and begin to vibrate your whole body left and right for 1-2 minutes.

The essence of this exercise is to hold the pose for as long as possible. The plank strengthens the deep muscles of the body that stabilize the spine, helping not only to straighten the spinal column, but also to create a harmonious muscle corset.

According to the name of this exercise, the body should take a position straightened in one line. From a lying position on your stomach, rest on your toes and forearms. Elbows lie on the floor in line with the shoulders, do not raise your head, look down. Try to ensure that your pelvis does not sag or protrude upward, but is on an imaginary straight line connecting your shoulder blades to your heels.

To avoid feeling pressure on your elbows, place something soft under them; for the comfort of your feet, wear sports shoes with flexible rubber soles. Hold the plank position until your muscles are completely fatigued. Beginners with poor physical fitness can stand in the plank for up to 1 minute; a trained person can hold this pose for 5 minutes or more.

Start the number of repetitions of the exercise with one, gradually increase to 8-10 with short pauses for muscle rest.


This exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms and body, it is indispensable for. Take an emphasis lying on outstretched arms. Bend your arms, bringing your shoulder girdle closer to the floor, your body straightened in line with your legs. Then return to the starting position.

If this exercise is too difficult for you, you can simplify it by doing push-ups from a bench or even a wall at a comfortable height for you. To prevent your feet from sliding on the floor, wear shoes with rubber soles. When the muscles become stronger, move on to push-ups, but place your feet on your knees rather than on your toes. After mastering this exercise, move on to classic push-ups. Do push-ups until your muscles fatigue, the number of repetitions will depend on your physical fitness. Number of approaches – 2 or more.

Lying on your back, place emphasis on your shoulders and feet with your knees bent, raising your pelvis and straining your buttocks. The arms are stretched out on the floor along the body, the body from the knees to the shoulder blades is straightened in a straight line, the buttocks are tense. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower your pelvis to the floor.

Repeat up to 15 times in 2 sets, gradually reaching this number of repetitions.

Complicated bridge

The previous exercise is complicated by the fact that the emphasis is not on the shoulders, but on the back of the head. At the same time, the neck is tense, the pelvis is raised as high as possible. Start with 2-3 repetitions, gradually increase to 10 repetitions in 2 sets.

This exercise has several variations. To enhance its effectiveness, perform each option 15-20 times.

Lying on your stomach, place your heels under a support (cabinet, sofa, radiator). Place your hands behind your head and interlace your fingers, elbows apart. Raise your head and upper body as high as possible, squeezing your shoulder blades and freezing at the top point for 3-5 seconds, and then lowering your head to the floor and relaxing.

Lying on your stomach, arms along your body, resting on the floor. Lift off the floor and try to raise your legs straight, arching at the lower back. At the point of maximum lifting of the legs, fix the position for 3-5 seconds.

Lying on your stomach, arms extended forward, bend your back, simultaneously raising straight legs and arms, toes extended. Hold for 3-5 seconds at the maximum lift.


Lying on your stomach, bend your knees. Wrap your hands around your ankles and lift your legs, lifting your knees off the floor. Roll on your stomach from your chest to your knees and back.


Lying on your back, lift your straight legs up and place them behind your head, lifting your pelvis off the floor. The arms are extended along the body and the palms rest on the floor. Try to touch your toes to the floor behind your head and hold this pose, feeling the stretch in your back muscles.


Lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Raise your straight legs together to a vertical position, and then, lifting your pelvis off the floor, make a vertical stand on your shoulder blades, supporting your body with your hands, focusing on your elbows.

Standing on all fours, alternately round your back, lowering your head down and arch, tilting your head as far back as possible. 10-15 reps.


The bridge exercise perfectly develops flexibility of the spine. Mastering it will have a beneficial effect on your posture and, moreover, will allow you to arouse admiration by demonstrating this spectacular acrobatic element.

Start mastering the bridge by performing it from a lying position. Place your heels as close to your buttocks as possible, place your palms on both sides of your head, and fingers pointing toward your shoulders. Raise your body while straightening your limbs. The head is lowered down, the back is arched as much as possible.

If you can’t immediately make a bridge from the floor, start mastering this posture exercise by lying with your back on some kind of support - a fitball or a bench. Having learned how to make a bridge from a support, and then from the floor, it’s time to move on to mastering this stand from a vertical position.

To learn how to perform a bridge from a standing position, you will need regular training against a wall. Walk with your back to the wall and take two steps away from it. Bend back and, “walking” your hands along the wall, lower yourself down as far as your flexibility allows, and then use your hands to return to the starting position. By doing this regularly, you will be able to sink lower and lower until you reach the floor.

When you can easily bend, leaning your hands on the wall, all the way to the floor and return to a standing position, you can master the bridge without the support of a wall. First, you will need a safety net; ask your partner to support you behind your back around the waist.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, raise your arms up and begin to bend back, while bending your knees and pushing your pelvis forward to maintain balance. Tilt your head down, you should see the space behind you. When you bend low enough, you should fall on half-bent, springy arms. At this moment, at first you need backup, and as you master the exercise, you will be able to perform this stance on your own.

You can get up from the bridge by lifting one hand off the floor and turning on your side. But it is more impressive to rise from the bridge without using your hands. To do this, you need to transfer the center of gravity to your legs and, pushing off the floor with your hands, straighten up using the force of your back and abdominal muscles. It is also advisable to master the climb from the bridge with the support of a partner.

Mastering the bridge stance will make classes aimed at correcting posture more interesting and increase motivation for training.

Upon completion, you will receive a double result - mastering a spectacular acrobatic element and achieving your main goal - beautiful, proud posture.

Not many people can boast of a beautiful, straight back, because correct posture is formed in childhood and adolescence. As a rule, no one controls a child when he sits incorrectly at his desk at school. Some slouch because they are too tall so as not to stand out from the rest. And sometimes wearing heels also affects stooping. If incorrect posture appears in old age, this indicates some pathologies of the spine and musculoskeletal system. Sometimes children are already born with a hump or a curved spine.

IMPORTANT! In any case, whatever the reason, you need to get rid of it. After all, everyone knows about the importance of correct posture. The fact is that poor posture not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of the figure, but also entails a lot of unpleasant consequences. This could be scoliosis, disorders of the heart and blood vessels, brain, and so on. Therefore, it is extremely important to start correcting stoop as soon as possible.

Correct posture is the ability of any person to hold the body straight and at ease. At the same time, the muscles of the whole body should not tense.

Signs of good posture:

Expert opinion

Over time, pain and crunching in the back and joints can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine, even to the point of disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy to cure joints, which is recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky... Read more"

  1. Light floating gait.
  2. Tight belly.
  3. The shoulders are slightly lowered and pulled back.
  4. The legs are slightly turned out at the knees.
  5. The chest moves forward a little.
  6. The head position is strictly vertical.
  7. The spine is straight.

How to fix bad posture

Unfortunately, stooping cannot be treated with medication, although it would be easier to take a pill and wake up with a straight back. But, on the other hand, it can be fixed completely free of charge, albeit with a little effort of your own. When you start taking the right poses or doing special exercises, you may experience some pain and discomfort, so you need to start gradually.

Many experts recommend doing the following:
  1. You can buy an orthopedic bandage in the form of a corset. Putting it on, you will feel how it will prevent slouching on a mechanical level.
  2. In your free time, it is advisable to carry an ordinary book on your head, similar to how luggage is carried in India. It is enough to walk like this for 20-30 minutes a day. The idea behind this method is that the book can only be held up if you have the correct posture, but if you hunch a little, it will fall. Therefore, you will be forced to keep your back straight. In addition, it improves movement coordination. By the way, you can hold a book on your head in a sitting position, for example, when you are sitting at a computer or watching TV. It has been noted that after just a week or two a person’s book stops falling altogether.
  3. If you have a sedentary job, then the chair must be an office chair. Because it is designed for the duration of a person’s work with the correct body position.
  4. When sitting at a table, you need to move as close to the table as possible so that your elbows are at a right angle (perhaps at a slightly sharp angle). This way, you will position the chair correctly for proper posture.
  5. As an option, you can tie a red thread on your finger or hand as a reminder. It will remind you to take the correct posture.
  6. When you adjust the chair, your thighs should be exactly parallel to the floor.
  7. Be sure to take breaks from working to stretch your back.
  8. You should sleep exclusively on a hard mattress.
  9. When sleeping, lie less often on your stomach and side. Give preference to your back.
  10. Avoid down pillows; they are too soft.
  11. When lowering any load, no matter how small, always bend your knees. Only in this case the spine will remain smooth and straight. It is strictly forbidden to bend your lower back.
  12. Lifting weights is the same as lowering them.
  13. If you have to do heavy physical work, it is better to tie a belt that holds your lower back.
  14. Distribute the load in two hands. It is unacceptable to carry bags on only one side.

How to check correct posture

In order to check what condition you need to stand in with good posture, you need to lean against a flat wall. In this case, the buttocks, heels, back of the head and shoulder blades should fit snugly to the surface. But the gap should be between the shoulder blades and the lower back. Ask someone to insert their palm into this area: it should go freely.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and clear. Read more"

To adjust your gait, you need to direct your gaze only straight ahead and step softly. The feet must be slightly spread to the side, and you need to step directly on them, and not on the heels. When landing the foot, it is better to bend the leg slightly at the knee. Don't forget about a straight back and free shoulders. In general, you need to develop your gait in orthopedic shoes.

The easiest and most effective exercises

You can also correct a stooped back with the help of special exercises for beautiful posture, which are performed quite simply:
  1. In a sitting position, when you are working, for example, you need to periodically relax your shoulders. This will avoid slouching.
  2. To straighten your back, you need to stand up and try to connect your shoulder blades. Shoulders should be pulled back as much as possible. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds, and then return to the starting position and relax. You can repeat at least 4-5 times. This exercise is aimed at strengthening the back muscles.
  3. It is very useful to raise and lower your shoulders and make rotational movements with them.
  4. “Kitty” is probably known to everyone who has ever done exercises. To do this exercise, you need to get on all fours and arch your back down and pull your stomach in. Stand in this position for 7-10 seconds. Now the back arches in the opposite direction. And so on several times. To complicate the exercise, with your back arched downwards, you can bend forward strongly, like a cat stretching. The legs will be in a straight position.
  5. Lie on your back with your arms extended along your body. Next, you need to slowly raise your head, then your neck, and then your shoulders. And so stretch until you lean on your own elbows. You can stretch your arms forward. Stop for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  6. Lie on your back with your legs bent: your knees do not touch each other, and your heels are located near your pelvis. Then you need to raise your pelvis and stand for 10 seconds.
  7. Starting position: the same, but while raising the pelvis, your arms should be extended upward.
  1. All exercises must be done constantly and, preferably 2-3 times a day.
  2. Gradually increase the number of times.
  3. You can also do strength exercises with dumbbells.
  4. Exercises for correct posture include push-ups and exercise machines.
  5. Walk and run more.
  6. Do exercises in the morning.
  7. Visit the pool and swim more.
  8. Let your body get enough oxygen while walking.
  9. Ventilate the room more often.

ATTENTION! If you have serious problems with the spine in the form of diseases, then be sure to consult a doctor before exercising. You may have to give up some exercises to achieve good posture. The fact is that for some pathologies there are contraindications. But you don’t want to harm your own body, do you?

You can watch some more exercises in the video:

A man with a straight back and proudly planted head attracts admiring glances in any company. Posture exercises at home will help anyone who wants to become the same. Classes will not require large financial costs and exhausting work. The secret of correct posture lies solely in your desire to achieve perfection.

Incorrect posture can be the result of hereditary diseases or spinal injuries. But most often the causes of the pathology lie in the incorrect position of the back during work, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. At risk are students, schoolchildren, office workers, knowledge workers, seamstresses, and professional drivers.

The benefits of correct posture and how to check it

The benefits of correct posture are obvious. The straight line of the back, neck and shoulders looks aesthetically excellent. It speaks not only about a person’s physical health, but also about his discipline, ability to work on himself, respect for himself and others. A companion to an even posture is a “royal” gait. An ideal back gives you self-confidence and brings additional competitive advantages.

Slouched shoulders, a curved back and a sagging belly speak either of laziness or complete indifference to the environment. This not only looks unsightly, but is also dangerous to health. Even a slight curvature of the spine can lead to:

  • to dangerous pathologies of internal organs;
  • breathing problems;
  • slowing blood flow in the extremities;
  • hypoxia of brain tissue;
  • pinched nerve endings.

Correct posture is characterized by a straight body position in a vertical plane. The shoulders are at the same level in height, slightly turned and lowered. The chest and back may protrude slightly forward. A person can easily straighten his legs at the knees without experiencing discomfort. When brought together, they should be absolutely straight, and the knees, heels and hips should touch each other.

There is a very simple method for checking correct posture. You should lean your back against the wall and straighten up completely. The feet should be brought together, the arms should be lowered along the body. The head is also pressed against the back surface, the gaze is in front of you.

Someone close to you should stick your hand between the wall and your lower back. If the palm moves freely, then the posture is correct. Otherwise, there is a curvature of the spine. Weakened abdominal muscles push the back back, preventing it from straightening.

Lessons for beginners

Posture correction begins with performing the simplest exercises. First you need to learn how to sit correctly with a straight back. Exercise can be done right in front of the computer to develop the habit:

  1. We sit up straight, shoulder blades brought together, chin leaning towards the chest. This position must be held for at least half a minute.
  2. With a straight back, we make movements with our arms, as when swimming crawl.
  3. We lean forward, clasping our ankles with our hands.

To correct incorrect position of the spine, exercises with improvised objects are well suited. One of them is done with the help of several books. You need to put them on your head and walk like this to the opposite wall. Books must not fall. To complicate the exercise, you can walk up the stairs.

Correct posture is trained by passing various objects with your hands behind your back. In this way, the shoulder and lumbar joints are well developed. First, the pass is carried out with the left hand over the right shoulder, then the side changes. This movement must be repeated 15–20 times.

Another exercise is performed while standing. We stand as straight as possible, stretching the top of the head up. Feet together, arms along the body. As you inhale, we stretch up into a string, and as you exhale, we bend over, rounding at the lower back. We focus on breathing. Repeat 10–15 times.

Yoga therapy

Prevention of back diseases and restoration of the correct position of the spine in the early stages of scoliosis is effectively performed with the help. Followers of this teaching claim that a person is young and healthy as long as his spine bends.

Let's look at the 3 most suitable asanas for relaxing the back muscles and relieving pain:

  1. "Cat". A simple and very useful exercise. To correctly align the asana, it is recommended to study its photo. The starting position of the body is on all fours. As you inhale, a deep bend is made, as you exhale, the back rounds. We do it 15–20 times daily.
  2. Lie face down, the knee is pulled towards the chin, the other leg is extended with the toe back. The forehead and palms rest on the floor. The exercise is repeated several times on each side.
  3. Sitting on our knees, we raise our hands. We lower our buttocks onto our heels, and stretch our arms forward, sliding along the floor. In this position, you need to relax for several tens of seconds.

The following complex is perfect for correcting posture:

  1. Lie on your back and press your knees to your chest with your hands. Press your hips into your stomach and exhale powerfully. Relax completely, listening to your breathing.
  2. Starting position - lying on your back, feet hip-width apart. As you exhale, slowly extend your arms behind your head and, leaning on your shoulders, raise your pelvis and hips as high as possible.
  3. As you exhale, lower your hips and press your legs to your chest again. Exhale completely.
  4. As you inhale, your arms go back, and your legs need to be raised at a right angle. Exhaling, press your knees to your chest again.

This exercise trains the spine well by relaxing the shoulder girdle. Exercises for beautiful posture are performed 8 times.

The following complex will help relieve back pain and remove tension:

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach, the forearms of both hands are in front of you. The left leg bends at the knee, with the same hand you need to grab it from behind the foot. Bend your back backwards and simultaneously extend your leg. Deepen the pose by moving your left hand forward. We hold this for 6 breathing cycles, then repeat the exercise on the other side.
  2. With our hands we grab the ankles of both legs from behind. Lifting your chest off the floor and bringing your shoulder blades together, arch as much as possible. We sway slightly back and forth in rhythm with our breathing. Hold the pose for 8 inhalations and exhalations. Then repeat the asana twice.
  3. Lying on your back, press your knees and hips to your chest. You can sway from side to side, removing the clamps from the muscles. Grasp your right knee with your right hand, and your left knee with your left. Slowly rotate 3 times clockwise and the same amount in the opposite direction.

Japanese method

A very interesting method for correcting posture in adults was developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. It is based on returning the spine to its anatomically correct position. A Japanese specialist claims that just 5 minutes a day is enough to acquire a straight posture. The exercise is performed using.

As a result of daily exercises, a person learns to stand straight both while sitting and while moving. The spine straightens, the gait gains confidence. In addition, breathing becomes noticeably easier, sleep improves, and the psyche is balanced.

The Fukutsuji technique involves performing the following actions:

  • sit on the mat with your legs and lower back aligned;
  • lie on your back, placing it exactly at the level of the navel;
  • spread your legs about 25 cm, with your big toes touching each other and your heels moving to the sides;
  • arms are extended behind the head, palms down so that the little fingers touch;
  • stay in this position for 5 minutes.

If pain occurs, the exercise time should be reduced and then gradually increased.

Exercises with a stick

This type of gymnastics is perfect for everyone, but it is especially popular among women. Exercises with the apparatus tone the back muscles, remove tension and straighten your posture. You should start with small loads, gradually increasing them.

For exercises, a length of 120 cm is used. This size allows you to perform exercises in all positions: sitting, standing and lying down. Each movement is repeated 10–20 times, depending on the person’s level of training.

Here are the most popular exercises:

  1. From a standing position, the arms are extended, holding the projectile with a wide grip. The stick rotates in different directions, up to twisting the limbs.
  2. Holding the projectile vertically, perform leg swings through it.
  3. Maintain balance on one leg. The stick is placed on another. The pose is held for a few seconds and the legs change.
  4. Jumping on one leg over an apparatus installed parallel to the floor.
  5. Starting position - on your knees. The stick is raised with both hands and a circle is drawn with it. Movements are carried out only with the torso.
  6. In a standing position and holding a stick behind your head, bend forward. Another version of the exercise is with a projectile lowered behind your back.
  7. With emphasis on the stick, rocking up and down is done with outstretched arms.
  8. We lie on our backs and hold the projectile in front of us with outstretched arms. The legs are bent and held under the stick.

Not all exercises can be completed at once. Therefore, they must be mastered gradually, moving from simple to complex.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

This projectile can be of great benefit for the formation of beautiful posture. Today, there is a horizontal bar in any park, in many courtyards, and anyone can install it at home. Usually men are interested in such activities, but basic exercises will also be very useful for girls.

The main exercise for the back is the usual hang on the bar. With the help of traction, posture is leveled and the load on the spine is reduced. It is advisable to hang for 1 minute several times a day, relaxing your muscles as much as possible. This way the intervertebral discs will definitely fall into place.

If necessary, the exercise can be complicated by swinging your legs and torso. Another option is to imitate walking by making appropriate movements with your lower limbs. For osteochondrosis, it is recommended to hang with your legs crossed at the ankles. But in this case, you should consult a doctor before exercising.

To strengthen the muscle corset and form a straight back, it is recommended to do pull-ups. It is important to perform the movement smoothly, synchronizing it with breathing. The grip should be firm, with the thumb pushed back. It is advisable to keep your elbows parallel to each other.

Thus, everyone can choose exercises in accordance with their level of training and their own taste. However, before starting classes, you should read the list of contraindications and consult with your doctor.

Children's posture, that is, the correct position of the child’s body, many parents do not pay attention to. We often encounter children who walk with their heads down, hunch over, hold their shoulders unevenly, stick their stomachs out, stand leaning on only one leg (Fig. 1), and their parents do not correct them or teach them how to hold themselves correctly.

How to check the correct posture of a child at home?

To control correct posture at home you can use a vertical plane, for example a wall without a plinth, to which child touches the whole body (heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and head). To determine whether there is an excessive deflection in the lower back, the child should stick his hand flat into the lumbar deflection and keep his head straight. If the back side touches the body and the palm touches the wall, then there are no violations.

Incorrect posture not only unsightly, but also has a harmful effect on the functioning of internal organs (heart, lungs), causes curvature of the spine, leads to rapid fatigue of the child’s spinal muscles and a decrease in his performance. Many children have no idea what correct body position is. A stooped schoolboy (Fig. 2) stands at attention and only straightens his arms. At the same time, all other errors in body position are only further emphasized (Fig. 3).

Child with correct posture He always holds his head and body straight, his head is slightly raised, his back is straight, his shoulders are slightly pulled back, his chest is slightly pushed forward, his stomach is tucked in (Fig. 4).

Causes of poor posture in children

Most parents do not notice the connection between the general condition of the child, his lifestyle and the occurrence of various postural disorders. Meanwhile, the connection here is often the most direct.

For example, children Those who have had rickets or suffer from tuberculosis intoxication, due to the weakening of the body, get tired faster than healthy children. During classes, they take incorrect postures, which gradually become cause of poor posture and curvature of the spine. In the same way, children with impaired vision or reduced hearing, taking comfortable, but not always correct, poses, thereby violate their posture.

It is very important that each student has a desk, study table and place at the common table that matches his height. The height of the chair should be such that the edge of the table is 2-3 cm above the elbow of the arm bent at a right angle. Your feet should be with your entire foot on the floor. If they do not reach the floor, substitute a low bench. When writing, you need to place your forearms on the table so that both elbows lie on the same line. Be sure to keep your shoulders at the same height, without hunching or hanging your head low. Make sure that when reading, the child leans on the back of the chair and holds the book at a slightly inclined angle; for this reason, he will not bend over to the book. It is good to use a special book stand when reading.

Sufficient lighting is also necessary. Poor lighting forces the child to lean towards a book or notebook, which leads to deterioration of not only posture, but also vision.

Make sure your children are in the correct position while sleeping. Children are recommended to sleep on a flat, dense and not too soft mattress with a low pillow. Do not allow children to sleep curled up, that is, with their legs tucked to their stomach.

Often schoolchildren carry a briefcase in the same hand (usually the right). Pulling down one shoulder for a long time leads to curvature of the spine. Therefore, teach children to carry a briefcase alternately in their left and right hands.

Some parents try to limit the children's mobility, forbid them to run, jump, play, and at the same time forget that children's need for movement is natural and healthy, and the lack of movement only strengthens and perpetuates defects in posture. Just to develop good posture, it is very useful for children to move more: walk, run, participate in outdoor games and other activities related to active muscle activity.

Make sure that during free time from classes - on Sundays, holidays, vacations - children spend more time outdoors, in the fresh air. Skiing, ice skating and sledding are the best activities for children in winter. If it is possible to enroll a student in a children's sports school, be sure to use it and convince the child of the importance of systematic sports activities. We can recommend sections in gymnastics (especially rhythmic), athletics, skiing and speed skating (especially figure skating). Among sports games, basketball and volleyball are very useful for preventing postural disorders. Of the summer sports, swimming deserves special attention; it contributes to the development of good posture in children.

Those parents who make a mistake are asking the doctor to exempt their healthy son or daughter from physical education lessons for no apparent reason. Physical exercise improves posture, so all students should attend physical education classes and be sure to do exercises in the morning.

When doing homework, you need to take a 10-minute break every 45 minutes. Let the child run in the air or do 3-5 exercises that expand the chest and straighten the spine. To such exercises include: abducting the arms to the sides until the shoulder blades come together or raising the arms up and the sides while simultaneously lifting onto the toes.

In addition to daily morning exercises, for improving children's posture at home we recommend carrying out a special gymnastics. Posture exercises for children We recommend doing it 1-2 times a day (after morning exercises and after doing homework).

Gymnastic exercises for poor posture in children

For the first two exercises, the starting position is the child sitting correctly on a chair (Fig. 5).

Exercise 1st. Starting position. Pull your shoulders back until they touch the back of the chair; pull your stomach in and bring your back closer to the back of the chair (inhale) (Fig. 6). Return to the starting position (exhale).

Exercise 2. Starting position. Place the clasped fingers of both hands on the back of the head, spread your legs. Tilt the torso alternately to the left and to the right with a straight back and a tucked stomach (Fig. 7).

For the eight remaining exercises, the starting position is standing at attention.

Exercise 3. Starting position, hands at your sides. Stand with your back to the wall, touching it with the back of your head, shoulder blades and buttocks (Fig. 8).

Straighten your shoulders, bringing them closer to the wall, pull in your stomach, bringing your lower back closer to the wall (inhale) (Fig. 9). Return to the starting position (exhale).

Exercise 4. Starting position, hands on the belt. Raise forward, straightening the knee, alternately the left and the right leg, while keeping the leg standing on the floor completely straight (Fig. 10).

Exercise 5th. Starting position. Stand against the wall, touching it only with your buttocks. Rise on your toes, stretching your arms (palms inward, forward upwards and looking at the extended thumb. Return to the starting position (Fig. 11).

Exercise 6th. Starting position. Squat down, spreading your knees to the sides. With straight, parallel lowered arms, reach the floor (Fig. 12). Return to starting position.

Exercise 7th. Starting position, hands on the belt. Squat down, keeping your back straight, while keeping your hands on your belt, knees spread apart. Maintain this pose while counting to 5 (Fig. 13). Return to starting position.

Exercise 8th. Starting position. March around the room, maintaining the correct posture. Move your arms as if you were walking normally (Fig. 14).

Exercise 9th. Starting position. Extend your arms (palms inward) forward upward, look at the thumb. Bend your body forward, keeping your back straight and lowering your arms down (look at your thumb) (Fig. 15). Return to previous position.

Exercise 10. Starting position. Bend your body forward with your back completely straight. Press your hands to your body (Fig. 16). Return to starting position.

To correct posture problems for children It is also useful to put a pillow with sawdust or sand, a board or a box on your head and perform various exercises and gymnastics: normal walking, on the toes and half-bent legs, walking on a log, on a narrow plank.