What are carbohydrates contained in? What carbohydrates can you eat when losing weight - daily intake and list of products. Types of complex carbohydrates


Slow glucose (low GI) is beneficial. Eat these carbohydrates every day, even on the most restrictive diet.
Forget about counting calories! Allow yourself “healthy” foods without regard to calorie content.

The energy for the activity and vitality of a healthy person’s body always comes from food. Most of the energy needs are met by foods rich in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are traditionally divided into fast and slow. They are also called simple and complex (or complex). Weight loss occurs if you exclude a maximum of simple “bad” carbohydrates from your diet, leaving “good” carbohydrates on the menu.

Fats, proteins and carbohydrates - what goes with what

Nutritionists have long divided all the products on the human dining table into three general groups:

  1. Protein food
  2. Carbohydrates

The first includes meat and fish in any form, eggs of all types of birds, legumes, and various nuts. The most powerful and at the same time dangerous source of energy in terms of caloric content are heavy animal fats and vegetable-based oils (including refined ones). Fat enters the body with fish and dairy products, meat and eggs. Finally, carbohydrate-containing products are all types of flour products, sugar and all variety of sweets, potatoes, and cereals. Carbohydrates are in no way compatible with proteins and vice versa.

The main difference between the former and the latter is that for proper digestion of a protein product in the stomach and its high-quality breakdown, the gastrointestinal tract must have an acidic environment, and in order for carbohydrate foods to be properly absorbed by the body, the environment in the stomach must become alkaline. Thus, when these incompatible food groups are combined on your plate, your stomach will either ignore the first when digesting it, or will not digest the second. This threatens regular digestive disorders, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, decreased metabolic rate, diabetes mellitus and negative weight fluctuations.

But the third group - fats - is compatible with both the first and second, but is categorically not recommended for a person losing weight. True, only in some of its product variations. Despite the persistent associations of fatty foods with French fries and hamburgers and, as a result, with extra pounds and blurred waistlines, the “right” fat (which is unsaturated fatty acids) is able to burn out the most hopeless fat deposits from the body. Healthy sources of unsaturated fats include: avocado, fish and white meat, nuts and natural vegetable oils (first and second pressing).

What are bad and good carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are organic compounds of carbon and water. The human body will not function fully without regular carbohydrate feeding. Without the intake of carbohydrates, the internal organs will not be able to process either fats or proteins and the liver, the most important organ for enriching blood cells with the necessary substances, will cease to function properly.

Carbohydrates are the main supplier of food for the mind - glucose for the brain.

The division into slow/fast carbohydrates is directly related to the speed of their breakdown by the body and the time of transformation into nutritious glucose. By the way, glucose is precisely the main irreplaceable energy source for the body.

To measure the speed of a car, the indicator of kilometers traveled is used, divided by the unit of time hour - kilometers per hour. To indicate the rate of breakdown of glucose, an equally interesting measurement value has been introduced - the glycemic index.

List of foods with healthy carbohydrates (and glycemic index below 40):

  • brown and colored long rice
  • unprocessed rice
  • wholemeal bread products
  • whole wheat noodles
  • all types of cereals, with the exception of semolina
  • fresh or frozen zucchini
  • green spinach and other greens from the garden
  • all types of cabbage
  • sour fruits (fresh kiwi and grapefruit, orange, and green apple)
  • boiled red and green lentils
  • all types of soybeans
  • beans, beans
  • barley porridge
  • dried apricots
  • plums with peaches
  • ripe avocados
  • fresh bell and chili peppers
  • onions of all types - yellow, red, leek and others
  • processed edible mushrooms
  • juicy fresh tomatoes

How “proper” carbohydrates work

When they enter the body with food, they are absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and slowly raise blood sugar levels. There are no glucose surges in the body, the person’s mood and condition remain stable and even. In general, don’t want to be considered a nervous and fussy person? Adjust your diet towards the healthiest “slow” carbohydrates.

It is noteworthy that a person starts digesting this type of carbohydrate from the first piece of product that enters the mouth. This is facilitated by a special enzyme produced by human saliva. Therefore, no to stress, yes to weight loss and peace!

"Wrong" carbohydrates

As it becomes clear from the explanation of the effectiveness of carbohydrates with an eye to the speed of their absorption, fast carbohydrates (or “death to the diet”) are those that have a high glycemic index. They, of course, are also saturated with a number of vitamins, and they contain microelements. But they have much less benefit than low-index carbohydrates. Therefore, it is not recommended for those who want to lose weight to allow themselves to do so every day. By the way, this type of carbohydrate includes alcohol, which is unloved by nutritionists, in all its variations.

But if you can’t do without “wrong” carbohydrates, then allow yourself delicious desserts, delicious pastries, relaxation with a glass, at least in the format of a very rare “holiday”. Remember, more frequent concessions to your “I want and I will” do more damage not to your waist width, but to your health in general. Thus, the pancreas, which is responsible for the production and supply of insulin, begins to work at the limit of its capabilities as soon as the body is overloaded with such “wrong” carbohydrate foods. As a result, blood sugar jumps, the mood changes from cheerful to tearful, the brain plunges into despondency, and the stressful state and gloomy tension do not go away even after “treatment” with chocolate-enrobed buns.

Stimulation by serotonin (the hormone of happiness) from the consumption of carbohydrate foods can be avoided to the point of absurdity if you heed the advice of doctors. Cheer yourself up (occasionally) with the following foods.

List of foods with a glycemic index above 60:

  • honey, propolis, bee waste products
  • fresh and canned candied pineapples
  • dried raisins
  • watermelon
  • yellow banana
  • sugar melon
  • sweet dates
  • pancakes, including store-bought ones
  • crackers
  • sweet corn flour sticks
  • corn flakes, including for children
  • instant porridge (oatmeal, etc.)
  • potatoes baked in the oven or in the coals of a fire
  • homemade/instant potato puree
  • boiled carrots
  • all types of pumpkin fruits and desserts
  • white rice
  • grain and white bread
  • cookies
  • couscous, including coarse wheat flour
  • semolina porridge
  • dry prepared food products (industrial production adds pure carbohydrates - sugar/glucose, as well as starch) to already processed products.

How to lose weight with carbohydrates, proteins, fats

Knowledge is power, and separate nutrition is power, assure crowds of men and women who have achieved ideal indicators on the scales thanks to the separate nutrition system. The main advantage of separate nutrition is the absence of strict prohibitions, and therefore, breakdowns. The creator of the system is Dr. Herbert Shelton, famous in the twentieth century.

So, the rules of separate nutrition (or carbohydrate-protein diet):

  1. Never eat proteins with carbohydrates. The latter should be put into the mouth no earlier than three to four hours after eating protein food.
  2. A carbohydrate food is one that contains at least 20% carbohydrates. A protein product is one that contains more than 10% protein.
  3. One meal should contain only 3-4 foods, either protein or carbohydrate. Are you planning to have a healthy vegetable salad for lunch? And it should be prepared with no more than 2-3 ingredients!
  4. Planning a protein lunch or dinner? Supplement it with a freshly chopped vegetable salad without starch (for example, Chinese cabbage, fresh cucumber, juicy radish, red-sided tomato).
  5. Avoid combining carbohydrate foods with a GI above 60 with foods containing acids (lemon, apple, grapefruit, tomato).
  6. Acidic foods are also incompatible with raisins (cottage cheese, fish, etc.).
  7. If giving up sugar is very difficult, replace it with bee products. Don’t be cunning and buy food with “unnoticeable” sugars.
  8. No mono diet! No monotonous diet, otherwise there is a high risk of serious harm to your health. On one day, alternate meals as much as possible in different meals.
  9. Do you want some bread? Eat! But not as a snack to chicken broth or vegetable salad, but as a separate independent product - an autonomous meal.
  10. For pregnant women, any food experiments and diets are completely prohibited. Restrictions on food and adjustments to the diet of an expectant or nursing mother should occur under the strict supervision of a supervising physician.

Approximate daily ration when sharing meals

  • Breakfast "Carbohydrate food" plus fresh vegetables
  • Lunch "Protein" plus vegetable salad"
  • Dinner "Mono-carbohydrate"

Common truths of losing weight

  • Eliminate any sugars from your diet.
  • Forget about flour and baked goods made from premium flour.
  • Throw all purchased processed foods in the trash.
  • There is no need for energy bars for athletes; they are easily replaced with natural “correct” carbohydrate products.
  • Monitor your blood insulin levels. Its low level starts the fat burning process.
  • Carbohydrates - for breakfast, for energy, activity, sports.
  • If you have a choice between proteins or carbohydrates for dinner, take proteins (fish, cottage cheese, eggs). This way, insulin will remain at its previous level (there are no sweets on the dinner menu), and the weight loss process will continue even in your sleep!

It is noteworthy that during separate meals you will not have to try to overcome the constant feeling of hunger. You will eat quite normally and eat as much as you need to feel full. You will not experience mood swings, the desire to take a nap, irritability and fatigue.

Without sacrifices, financial costs, psychological breakdowns, and most importantly - practically without effort, you will begin to lose weight and become more active and cheerful!

Carbohydrates - what do we know about them? Considering the increased interest in them among modern nutritionists, they are one of the most important macroelements. And at the same time the most dangerous - after all, it is the main source of energy or calories, which turn into excess weight. However, not all saccharides are harmful, but only those that hide behind the prefix “mono”. But first things first.

Many people preferred sucrose and fructose - simple and refined carbohydrates - to starch, glycogen and fiber. The consequences are a wave of obesity among adults and children, diseases directly related to excess body weight - diabetes, hypertension.

What is the difference between slow macroelements and fast ones? Their effect on people's health and performance has been studied by nutritionists around the world. And they discovered that even these two groups have their own varieties. We will talk about them, as well as about foods containing the healthiest carbohydrates, in this article.

Simple and fast

They are otherwise called monosaccharides. Scientists have discovered more than two hundred macroelements belonging to this class, but not everyone knows them. Most often we hear about the following types:

  • Glucose

Or dextrose. This is sugar in its pure form, found in confectionery, soda, bars and other products so loved by both children and their parents. Is it worth getting so carried away by something that causes an uncontrollable desire to eat or drink more? One glass of the sweet fizzy drink contains 5.25 teaspoons of sugar. There is hardly any need to talk about how dangerous such a sugary energy boost is for our figure.

  • Galactose

A monosaccharide found in animal products. Galactose is similar in composition to glucose. Most of it is in lactose. The level of this carbohydrate in the blood of a healthy person should remain at around 5 mg/dl. Each of us receives our daily requirement by consuming dairy products. One of the well-known plant sources of a monosaccharide belonging to the hexose class is celery. It contains more of this important substance than root vegetables.

  • Fructose

Converts to glycogen in the liver. Therefore, it is used as one of the main ingredients in sports energy drinks. This type of simple carbohydrates is found in both natural and artificially produced foods. It can be found in sugar and corn syrup, ketchup, processed foods, cakes and other foods that contribute to weight gain.

Why are simple and fast carbohydrates so dangerous for our figure?

    They enter the blood almost instantly and provoke an increase in glucose levels.

    All we feel is energy satiety, followed by fatigue and hunger.

    Monosaccharides do not nourish, but only provoke us and whet our appetite. Hence the desire to take a double portion of French fries in fast food restaurants, eat another piece of candy, pastry or slice of cake.

By increasing portions and eating incorrectly, you earn not only excess weight, but also health problems. This is the harm of fast carbohydrates.

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Products containing monosaccharides are not recommended for weight loss. Athletes who need to gain muscle mass also refuse them. The reason is the same - these macroelements instantly turn into fat, reduce the level of insulin in the blood, and you always want more and more of them. The result of excessive consumption of sweet and unhealthy foods is a vicious circle of “eating, getting fat, eating again,” leading to the development of obesity.

Can fast carbohydrates be beneficial?

The positive effect of monosaccharides is reported by athletes who note the effect of carbohydrates on the fat burning process during intense strength training. However, the rules of professional bodybuilding do not work in the life of an ordinary person far from the gym.

Simple carbohydrates are most dangerous for our figure in the afternoon. It is at this time that the body is especially active in converting them into fat.

Monosaccharides are found in:

  • Sahara
  • Sweets
  • Jams, jellies and other homemade and store-bought preparations
  • Milk chocolate
  • Soda, milkshakes
  • Some fruits (grapes, bananas, etc.)

If you are watching your figure, it is in your best interests to reduce the consumption of foods containing simple carbohydrates or give up some of them - for example, sugary confectionery, refined sugar (replacing it with stevia), milk chocolate (in exchange for dark),

Why complex carbohydrates are good for the body

Now let's turn to polysaccharides - they are called so because they contain several chains of monosaccharide molecules.

  • Starch

There is a lot of it in potatoes, baked goods, pasta, cereals and some legumes, as well as in rice. The beneficial properties of starch include slowing down the absorption of sugar and a prolonged feeling of fullness after eating, and improving intestinal function. However, you should not abuse this polysaccharide if you do not want to get colic, flatulence and new kilograms.

  • Fiber

Coarse dietary fiber contained in foods of plant origin. Fruits and vegetables stored raw accumulate this important component, losing vitamins and microelements. During heat treatment, the beneficial substances of this polysaccharide disappear - the effect of stewing is especially strong.

Accumulating in the body, fiber forms a “food lump” in it, which moves through the intestines without staying in it. The most important function of dietary fiber is to maintain normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Their deficiency leads to constipation, irregular bowel movements, and congestive processes in the pelvic area.

Fiber plays a huge role in the diet of those losing weight. Eating an apple containing this polysaccharide will keep you full for a long time. No ravenous appetite - no overeating and extra pounds. Dietary fiber also normalizes metabolism - the body begins to work like a clock. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, and diabetes is reduced.

  • Glycogen

It contains glucose molecules that are stored in reserve. How? After eating, it enters the bloodstream - sometimes in excess. It is this excess energy material that is sent to storage in the form of glycogen. When blood sugar levels drop, the complex macronutrient is broken down. This way our condition is normalized, and the body receives the necessary nourishment.

So, to the question of which carbohydrates are the most useful, we can confidently answer – complex ones. They allow us to stay in good shape for a long time without feeling hungry, and they prevent insulin from rising abruptly - as is the case with monosaccharides.

Where to get energy fuel for the body

We have already told you where to look for simple carbohydrates - they are found in abundance in those foods that children love so much - everything sweet and unhealthy. Dangerous fat derivatives are found not only in confectionery products, but also in products that we are accustomed to consider healthy - fruits, even muesli with sugar, presented by manufacturers as a healthy diet.

But you shouldn’t deprive yourself of melons, bananas, grapes, carrots, honey, corn and other fruits, vegetables and favorite foods - the body needs them as a source of essential vitamins and microelements. Count calories and eat sweet fruits and vegetables before 16:00 - after this time they are instantly transformed into fats, and we don’t need that.

A list of weight loss products containing correct and healthy “slow” carbohydrates can be found in the table.

Don't forget: the higher the glycemic index, the worse it is for our figure. Don't give up foods containing fiber. Coarse fiber is part of a complete diet, and monosaccharides are a blow to our figure and health. Eat right - this is enough to make your weight problems a thing of the past.

The benefits of some products from the list, which contain complex carbohydrates and are essential for weight loss, must be discussed separately.

    Oatmeal - our usual porridge - is a real storehouse of dietary fiber. Prepare it with pieces of fruit in milk or water - this start to the day will provide a boost of vigor and strength for several hours.

    Seeds and nuts are sources of fiber, which saves us from hunger and makes the body work properly, acting like a hard brush that sweeps away waste and toxins. Don't forget that almost all nuts are very high in calories - eat little by little, but for your benefit.

    Zucchini contains not only the dietary fiber we need, but also vitamins B, A and C. Consumption of this natural source of essential substances will help reduce blood cholesterol and normalize metabolism. Zucchini can be added to salads and soups, baked - it all depends on your culinary imagination.

    Celery - in addition to valuable fiber, contains proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, helps slow down the aging process and stimulates digestion, regulating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. From it you can prepare not only a delicious salad, but also vegetarian cutlets, and also a fragrant and delicate cream soup.

    Beans – complex carbohydrates contained in legumes keep you full for a long time. Another property of beans, appreciated by nutritionists, is that it prevents the absorption of starch that enters the body with other foods. It also allows you to show your culinary skills in all its glory - it can be stewed, baked, boiled, or made into a light soufflé or steamed cutlets.

    Apples - they contain a lot of fiber, pectin, vitamins, microelements and a minimum of calories. They not only improve metabolism and provide excellent saturation, but also normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Apples can be boiled, baked, added to homemade baked goods - diversify your menu by inventing new healthy combinations.

How to cook foods with complex carbohydrates

There are several rules that will help you switch to a healthy diet and lose weight without denying yourself culinary delights:

  • Look for new tastes

Give your usual sweet oatmeal a spicy kick by adding unusual seasonings.

  • Don't forget to watch your calories

To do this, keep a special diary and write down the calorie content of each dish in it. All results must be honest - otherwise you will not lose weight.

  • Choose only useful combinations

For example, make a bright and tasty salad with spinach and beets, stew beef with carrots, serve fish with grilled vegetables, and season durum wheat pasta with a light sauce of lemon juice, olive oil and finely chopped garlic.

Our specialists will help you figure out which carbohydrates are best left in your past life, and which ones to take with you into your new – slim and happy one. We will create an individual program, give advice on proper nutrition and tell you how to lose weight easily and simply, without giving up your favorite foods.

Complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates that are digested slowly, promote proper digestion, and do not lead to spikes in insulin in the blood.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for humans. According to their structure and speed of absorption by the body, they are:

  • simple - carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (the glycemic index shows the speed at which carbohydrates are absorbed by the body and increase blood sugar levels);
  • complex - carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.

What are complex carbohydrates

There should be little in the diet of simple (fast) carbohydrates, which are quickly broken down and give a jump in insulin. They are necessary when there is a powerful expenditure of energy and you need to quickly recharge (for example, before or after an active workout). In other words, they will be useful and will not cause harm when the energy quickly released from them is spent in action. Otherwise, the body will give a signal to send unspent energy to fat.

Complex carbohydrates are also called slow or healthy carbohydrates. They are called complex because of their complex structure. It is this structure that prevents them from splitting quickly. Complex carbohydrates take longer to break down, energy is released evenly, and glucose from them is absorbed by the body gradually. This provides long-lasting satiety without spikes in blood sugar.

Slow carbohydrates will not only harmoniously fill the body with energy, but will also help digestion. They come in different types. Each type has different beneficial properties and ability to influence the body.

Types of complex carbohydrates

Depending on the glycemic index and nutritional value, slow carbohydrates are divided into four types:

  1. Pectin. This substance protects the gastric mucosa from mechanical and chemical damage, glues and removes toxins, pathogenic and putrefactive microorganisms. Pectin is found in some algae, root vegetables, vegetables, fruits (plenty in apples), and berries. Pectin is an adhesive substance formed mainly by galacturonic acid residues. Pectin is practically not absorbed by the human body and has excellent adsorbing (absorbing and removing) properties.
  2. Glycogen. Helps maintain blood glucose levels and restore muscle mass. It is a chain of glucose molecules. Contained in red meat, fish, liver, beef heart.
  3. Starch. This substance gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety and a uniform supply of energy. Thanks to it, sugar rises slowly, there are no insulin spikes and no excess load on the pancreas. Starch normalizes metabolism and improves immunity. Contained in rye bread, potatoes, brown (brown) rice, pasta, buckwheat, oatmeal, lentils, soybeans, peas.
  4. Fiber is plant fiber that takes a long time to be absorbed by the body. Insoluble plant fiber, like an internal cleaner, improves bile flow, helps remove excess cholesterol, and makes the intestines work. It is found in the shell of legumes and grains, in the peel of vegetables and fruits. Soluble fiber is found in apples, cabbage, citrus fruits, wholemeal flour, berries, seeds, nuts, buckwheat, and oats.

List of foods that contain complex carbohydrates

Cereals, vegetables, fruits, and legumes contain large amounts of carbohydrates. Nutritionists recommend introducing them into the diet in the amount of 50-60% of the total food consumed.

Best sources of complex carbohydrates:

  1. Porridge is a healthy, balanced food. The best grains for complete nutrition are bulgur, oats, wheat and buckwheat. It is better to avoid semolina and white rice; they contain a lot of calories and a minimum of fiber.
  2. Fruits and vegetables are an important component of a balanced diet. For maximum benefit, it is recommended to consume it raw or after minimal heat treatment.
  3. Greens are good to add to salads. Use only fresh.
  4. Dairy products. Slow carbohydrates are found in natural yogurt without additives, low-fat kefir, and low-fat cottage cheese.
  5. Drinks are good to use as a form of consuming fruits and vegetables. Juice from tomatoes, carrots, oranges, apples or pineapples are sources of slow carbohydrates.
  6. Legumes, grains. An excellent daily option is to replace regular bread with whole grain, wholemeal bread. Legumes help you maintain carbohydrate balance and stay lean at the same time.

Tables of complex carbohydrate content in foods

Nutritionists recommend the following scheme for calculating the daily dose of carbohydrates: 4-5 grams per kilogram of weight under normal conditions and up to 8 grams during intense sports activities (or daily hard physical labor). You can calculate the daily norm using tables.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy; they are found in almost all products except animal proteins. Food rich in carbohydrates quickly saturates, after consumption there is an increase in strength and increased performance. If you monitor your nutrition and create a daily diet taking into account their quantity, it is important to know the list of high-carbohydrate foods from the table where the most carbohydrate foods are collected.

  • What types of carbohydrates are there?
  • Simple carbohydrates
  • Complex carbohydrates
  • The most carbohydrate foods
  • Bananas
  • Brown rice
  • Berries
  • Energy bars
  • Sports drinks
  • Nuts
  • Oatmeal
  • Tomato sauce
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Carbohydrate food table

What types of carbohydrates are there?

All of them are divided into simple and complex, they are also called fast and slow. Depending on the product, the carbohydrates it contains provide either quick energy or, after consumption, leave you feeling full of food for several hours.

Every type of product we eat has a glycemic index - GI. The higher it is, the faster carbohydrates enter the blood and increase sugar levels, the faster they are broken down. All simple carbohydrates have a high GI, and all complex carbohydrates have a low GI.

Simple carbohydrates

Once in the stomach, the products that contain them increase blood sugar levels within a few minutes. This gives you a feeling of quick satiety and gives you energy. Many people know this effect from eating fast food, drinking a cup of sweet coffee or after eating sweets.
When there is an excess of them in the diet, the excess is converted into fat, that is, it becomes overweight. Therefore, when creating a diet, it is necessary to consume the same amount of carbohydrates as you consumed in order to prevent obesity. The most harmful to humans are those found in fast food, processed foods such as sauces and mayonnaise, sausages, baked goods and sweet dishes.

Complex carbohydrates

They are found in foods rich in starch, glycogen and cellulose. The body spends a lot of time breaking them down, so after consumption you feel full for a long time.

Their main function is to ensure digestion processes, as well as a supply of energy for physical work and normalize blood sugar levels. The most beneficial for the body are those that have undergone heat treatment - mainly porridge.

High carbohydrate foods

Carbohydrates are found in almost all foods, to a greater or lesser extent. All sweet foods are high carbohydrate. There are also a lot of them in berries and fruits, in foods rich in starch, in baked goods and cereals, and in dishes rich in starch.

Foods rich in simple carbohydrates

These include those whose excessive consumption leads to excess weight:
baked goods – 60-80 g;
honey – 98 g;
dried fruits – 60-70 g;
pasta – 60-70 g;
jam and marmalade – 70-75 g;
candies – 80-90 g;
halva – 55 g;
bakery products – 60-70 g.

Separately, fast food and any food prepared by repeated processing should be included in this list. These are sausages, sausages and all semi-finished products. Such products may contain soy and therefore become high in carbohydrates. Also, any product that is cooked in batter and in a large amount of oil contains a large amount of carbohydrates.
Adding sugar or honey makes any dish high in carbohydrates; this should be taken into account when preparing baked goods or jam. Even if you add sugar to regular porridge, it will turn from a product with a low glycemic index into a high-carbohydrate dish.

Foods rich in complex carbohydrates

This list includes foods that do not cause obesity:
buckwheat porridge – 70 g;
rice porridge – 73 g;
semolina – 70 g;
legumes – 55-60 g;
beets – 35 g;
boiled corn – 45 g;
potatoes – 60 g.

A few words should be said separately about potatoes. It is rich in both slow carbohydrates and starch, which breaks down into glucose. If you boil it, the complex carbohydrate content increases, but if you fry it in oil, it becomes rich in simple carbohydrates. Therefore, French fries are harmful, but mashed potatoes are healthy.

Nutritionists recommend eating these products for breakfast. They provide the body with energy for several hours. This is important for losing weight and reducing appetite without loss of performance. As for grains, processed ones from instant packets are not included in this list, as they lack nutrients and fiber. It is better to prepare porridge from regular grains that have not been processed.

The most carbohydrate foods

People who engage in sports and physical labor should eat high-carbohydrate foods. It provides the bulk of the energy necessary for strength and endurance. Also, those who engage in mental work are required to eat foods that are rich in carbohydrates, because they nourish the brain.

The proverb has long been known: “Bread and porridge is our food!” Our ancestors worked in the fields, so they ate simple food that gave them strength for the whole day. Today, it has become much easier to charge the body with energy, because in addition to bread and cereals, many new products have appeared that contain the necessary carbohydrates.


Bananas are recognized worldwide as one of the best sources of carbohydrates - 30 grams per fruit. It is recommended to eat them along with cereals, so the ideal way to start the day is oatmeal with a banana.

Brown rice

Brown rice contains 50 grams of carbohydrates per glass, so porridge made from it is a valuable source of energy. This product is also recommended for people with diabetes, as it has a low glycemic index.


Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, blueberries and other berries contain sugar, due to which they are rich in carbohydrates. On average, there are about 20 grams of berries in a glass. The sweeter the berries, the more energy they give the body.

Energy bars

This product can be found on the sports nutrition shelf or prepared yourself. It contains cereals, dried fruits, nuts, honey - the perfect combination. One bar contains 45-50 grams of these valuable components.

Sports drinks

Protein shakes contain up to 20 grams of carbohydrates, are also rich in protein, and contain almost no fat. But this is more of an addition to the main diet than a complete dish that will replace a meal.


The healthiest snack is nuts, which contain about 30 grams of carbohydrates per glass. They are also rich in plant protein, go well with cereals and are an integral component of energy bars.


This is the perfect breakfast, containing 50 grams of healthy complex carbohydrates per serving. You can add honey, banana, nuts to the porridge and get even more energy for a good start to the day.

Whole wheat pasta

When choosing pasta or pasta, pay attention to the inscription “durum”. This is a special variety of wheat that is rich in carbohydrates - up to 70% per 100 grams of product. This side dish does not harm the figure, unlike pasta, which is not made from durum wheat, since its composition is close to porridge.

Tomato sauce

It is produced by processing tomatoes, adding sugar and starch. A tablespoon of sauce contains 15 grams of carbohydrates, and this product is also healthy because it can be combined with other carbohydrate dishes - vegetables and cereals.


100 grams of honey contains 85 g of carbohydrates, the rest is water and pollen. If you need to quickly restore energy, eat a spoonful of honey in the morning on an empty stomach. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy.


The most carbohydrate product in the world is sugar - 99.5 g per 100 grams of product. These are carbohydrates in their pure form.

Carbohydrate food table

To properly plan your diet, you need to count carbohydrates so that their amount corresponds to the norm. To do this, it is convenient to use a table that indicates how many of them are contained in grams per 100 g of product.

To calculate the amount of food per day, you need to know your daily requirement:
for mental workers – 320 g;
those engaged in light physical labor – 350 g;
workers with moderate physical labor - 370 g;
those engaged in heavy physical labor - 400 g.
The norms are very conditional, as they depend on age, metabolic level and personal needs.

Carbohydrates are an essential component of almost any product. By maintaining a balance of fats and carbohydrates, you can always remain healthy, energetic and free of health problems. To do this, you should find your daily norm and follow it, and also pay special attention to a balanced diet.
Nutritionists around the world agree that the diet should be balanced. Our body needs foods rich in carbohydrates, as it helps us stay full of energy. By maintaining the right balance between simple and complex carbohydrates, you can stay healthy, not overweight and always full of energy.

How are the main sources of our energy – carbohydrates – beneficial for the body? The creators of the most popular “horror stories” on the Internet for those losing weight insist: it is these substances that contribute to the accumulation of fat deposits and become the cause of excess weight. However, agreeing with this opinion, we forget that we are talking about poly- and monosaccharides, and there is a huge difference between them. To eat or not to eat? You will find the answer to this question in our article.

They store protein - a kind of constructor for the tissues of our body, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help get rid of accumulated fat - all these properties are inherent only in starch, pectin, glycogen and fiber. All of these are so-called complex or “slow” carbohydrates, which provide invaluable assistance in normalizing metabolic processes. Simple ones include fructose, glucose, sucrose, lactose - they are found in abundance in those unhealthy foods, the regular intake of which leads to obesity.

Now we know which carbohydrates are truly healthy - these are polysaccharides found in cereals, vegetables, bran bread and pasta made from durum wheat. However, this list simply needs to be continued, which we will do later. In the meantime, let's talk about the contribution that these essential substances make to the fight against excess weight.

Carbohydrates: beneficial properties and harm

First, let's try to understand the specific effects of polysaccharides, which have a complex molecular structure, on the body. They are practically insoluble in water, and the process of their absorption takes a lot of time and energy.

    One of the beneficial properties of essential “slow” carbohydrates is a thorough cleansing of the intestines.

    Eating foods containing polysaccharides does not cause a sharp increase in insulin levels in the blood.

    After eating “profitable” food, the least amount of unnecessary substances remains in our body, contributing to the accumulation of fat “reserves”.

    Complex carbohydrates regulate the gastrointestinal tract and normalize metabolism.

The situation is different with mono- and disaccharides - the sources of extra pounds and the main enemies of all those losing weight. Their effect is exactly the opposite: when snacking on buns and buns, sweets and fast food, we constantly feel hungry and strive to get rid of it, sending more and more portions into the stomach. What is happening in our body? The level of insulin in the blood rises sharply. A high concentration of glucose will cause the formation of glycogen reserves, and after them – fat deposits.

Eat tasty and healthy food and lose weight or hide the figure of your dreams under a layer of reliable shell of extra pounds - it’s up to you. Products with low nutritional value will become the building blocks that will gradually separate you from the desired result. Proper nutrition and sweet buns made from white flour, sweet cereals, confectionery, fast food and smoked foods are absolutely incompatible things. Create a balanced diet, and your figure will become slim, health, vigor and self-confidence will return.

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What you need to know about carbohydrate absorption

Poly- and monosaccharides begin to be absorbed in our mouth: the molecules are broken down under the influence of a special enzyme - “salivary amylase”. The complex process is completed in the intestines, where the resulting glucose enters the blood, saturating the cells with the energy necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. The remaining substances wait in the liver and muscle tissues, turning into glycogen. If the sugar level is low, these “reserves” are used for their intended purpose. When an important indicator increases, our “fat depot” is immediately replenished, and our weight increases.

The mechanism of assimilation of “unprofitable” food is always the same: we eat, and then we feel appetite again and again. We have already figured out the reason for this reaction of the body: insulin exceeds the norm, and negative changes immediately cause a feeling of hunger. It is important to abandon the destructive addiction to simple carbohydrates and choose complex, healthy polysaccharides:

    Are you used to eating a sweet pie for breakfast, washing it down with coffee? We offer another option that will help you gain harmony and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time - a tasty and healthy porridge. Add delicious pieces of fruit to it, and replace the high-calorie invigorating drink with green tea.

    When organizing your diet, do not forget: half of it should be foods rich in complex carbohydrates.

    Sweet vegetables and fruits should be eaten strictly before 16:00! You can have dinner with lean meat or boiled fish with a side dish of juicy salad.

    Don't forget to monitor the glycemic index of the food you eat. The lower it is, the better. This indicator is directly related to the degree of impact of the food eaten on blood sugar levels. Heat treatment helps increase GI. If you cannot do without it, do not overcook the ingredients under any circumstances. Remember: everything is good in moderation.

Simple carbohydrates: black list

Monosaccharides include:

    Glucose or grape sugar is what is converted into glycogen, participating in the formation of fat reserves. Its molecules are found in abundance in sweets, honey, fruits, etc.

    Lactose is a substance obtained by our body along with dairy products, necessary for full development in early childhood.

    Fructose is another simple carbohydrate processed by the liver into glycogen. It is absorbed by our body much better than sucrose and is found in berries, honey and sweet fruits.

    Sucrose - its excess increases the formation of fats, leads to increased cholesterol levels and deterioration of intestinal microflora.

Now let’s remember what those who want to lose weight should not include in their daily diet, and list the foods that contain harmful fast carbohydrates:

  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • pies and buns;
  • candies;
  • cookie;
  • all confectionery products made from white flour;

At the same time, we should not forget that sweet fruits containing fiber should not disappear from our diet: it is enough to consume them before 16:00, minimizing the risk of excess weight gain. Don’t forget to count the calories you eat per day, and the weight will begin to decrease, bringing you closer to your cherished goal - an ideal figure.

The most useful complex carbohydrates for weight loss: a list of foods necessary for the body

Substances that help us in the fight against extra pounds - what should you know about them? There is the following classification according to which polysaccharides are divided into:

    Starch is a substance that is absorbed by humans when it enters the digestive tract and makes up about 80% of all carbohydrates we consume. Exposure to saliva promotes its conversion to maltose.

    Glycogen is an energy material for cell nutrition, the reserves of which accumulate in the liver and muscles.

    Pectin is a polysaccharide formed from hexuronic acid residues. The source of this beneficial substance is apples, plums, citrus fruits, and some types of algae.

    Fiber is a coarse plant fiber found in large quantities in cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Once in our stomach, these invisible workers cleanse the body, rid it of waste and toxins and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Is starch good for you? It turns out that not all types of this polysaccharide lead to obesity. Steady slow carbohydrates found in grains, seeds, peas, beans and lentils help reduce appetite, keep you feeling full longer, and even help you lose excess fat!

Why is the word “starch” strongly associated with excess weight in our minds?

The source of the problem is the foods that modern people are accustomed to eating. We replace the resistant polysaccharide with regular refined carbohydrate. Instead of wholemeal flour, it is white and crumbly, completely devoid of beneficial properties. And natural food has long been replaced by semi-finished products that have undergone serious industrial processing.

The conclusion is simple - you should abandon everything harmful and artificial in favor of natural sources of complex polysaccharides. Products containing healthy carbohydrates are:

    Cereals - oats, buckwheat, brown or brown rice - are welcome guests on your menu. Remember: industrially processed cereals lose a good half of the nutrients our body needs for stable functioning and health.

    Legumes - beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas contain fiber, which relieves us of hunger for a long time and cleanses the intestines. This polysaccharide sweeps waste and toxins out of the body and flushes out excess cholesterol.

    Pasta made from durum wheat - when consumed, the blood sugar level changes smoothly and gradually, and not abruptly, and we feel full much longer than after a “harmful” snack of baked goods or sweets.

    Whole Grain Bread – Replace the white flour loaf and roll with 1-2 crispy bran-based slices. Remember: grains must be present in a healthy and balanced diet.

    Vegetables – the list of foods rich in complex and healthy carbohydrates included cabbage, zucchini and celery, tomatoes, leeks and sweet peppers. Do not forget that heat treatment of Mother Nature’s useful gifts should be kept to a minimum - this way you will preserve the valuable substances, vitamins and microelements contained in vegetables.

    Fruits - apples, plums, tangerines, apricots, pears and lemons - are sources of pectin - a polysaccharide that speeds up metabolism and reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

    Greens - various types of lettuce (lettuce, leaf, iceberg, corn, arugula) can be added to vegetables by seasoning the vitamin cocktail with olive oil.

This list allows us to say with confidence: healthy slow carbohydrates in food for weight loss are not a fiction. It is important to correctly create a diet and keep a daily count of the calories of consumed dishes - then your figure will again delight you with slimness and beauty, digestion will improve and metabolism will improve.

How to accustom yourself to proper nutrition?

When we eat so-called refined carbohydrates, which are found in abundance in sweets, baked goods and other delicacies, our body not only begins to store fat, but also experiences an urgent need for vitamins and minerals. Below we will give you some tips on how to counteract harmful monosaccharides:

    Don't forget that switching to a healthy diet involves eliminating sugar from it. Replace it with stevia - it is much healthier and contains no calories at all.

    If you want all kinds of desserts made from fruits and berries or light puddings to remain on the table, try to diversify their taste, taking care of your figure - for example, adding sweet and sour apple puree to them.

    Homemade baked goods always want to be decorated. It is better to use for these purposes not icing, powdered sugar and confectionery powder, but fresh fruit, a few grated nuts, or almond petals.

    Looking for a mid-workday snack? Skip the buns and white bread sandwiches and make yourself a light salad of apples, pears or any other ripe seasonal fruits and vegetables. Don't forget the rule: more benefits, fewer calories.

    Instead of chocolate and marmalade, you can add candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots, various seeds and nuts to homemade baked goods (for example, muffins) - you need to take very little of them due to their high energy value.

    For breakfast, prepare yourself healthy hot porridge from various cereals with pieces of fruit.

    Replace soda with unsweetened compotes and freshly squeezed juices. The latter should be drunk with caution - they all represent liquid calories and should be consumed exclusively before meals.

Is it possible to eat foods containing complex carbohydrates in large quantities?

If polysaccharides are so important for our body, is it worth eating exclusively foods containing them in order to lose weight? Unfortunately, this approach will only lead to excess weight gain. Why? Don’t forget that no one has canceled the calorie intake for daily portions. There is another important argument: there is a norm for carbohydrates (3-4 g per 1 kg of weight).

At the same time, it is important to remember that many methods, following which involve complete abandonment of these important substances, have their own contraindications and have a detrimental effect on the body. What conclusion should be drawn from all of the above? The diet must be prepared correctly. This should be done by a nutritionist who will explain to you that everything is good in moderation, and any extreme can distance you from the expected result.

Another reason why you should not abuse complex carbohydrates, or rather foods containing them, is the presence of gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, etc.). Vegetables, grains, cereals and pasta contain a lot of fiber, which is difficult for a sick stomach to digest, causing indigestion, pain, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, belching and flatulence. Especially often, such consequences arise as a result of eating vegetables and legumes.

Sweet peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, apples, pears and other healthy foods retain most of the substances necessary for the body (vitamins, minerals, trace elements) in raw or semi-raw form. However, a person suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract must follow a gentle diet that excludes raw fruits and vegetables and allows them to be consumed only in boiled, stewed or baked form.

Do not forget that any product may have its contraindications. Before drawing up a new menu for each day, you should consult with your doctor, who will give recommendations on what to exclude and what to leave.

Our clinic specialists will tell you which foods contain healthy carbohydrates and the harm of fast mono- and disaccharides. Come to us in search of harmony and beauty - choose a life without restrictions and giving up your favorite foods. Change yourself without changing yourself - lose weight with pleasure with us!