PAINT Tutorial. Paint how to draw a dotted line in Where is the broken line in paint


In this lesson we will learn how to draw lines and shapes. Without them, it is impossible to implement many ideas, for example, the following drawing was drawn only by them.

In order to draw straight lines, the Paint program has a special tool. It is located in the same place as all other tools - either on the left or on top.


Click on it with the left mouse button. Then choose the color you want to draw the line with. In the old version of Paint, the colors are in the bottom left, while in the new version they are in the top right.

You can also choose the line thickness. The old version of the program has a special field for selecting thickness. Left-click on the appropriate type.

In the new version, you need to click on the “Thickness” button and select the appropriate type from the proposed list.

In the new version of Paint, you can choose not only the thickness, but also the type: pastel, oil, watercolor, marker and others. There is a special “Contour” button for this.

To draw a line, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse to the side. Once you have stretched it to the desired size, release the mouse button.

There is another similar tool - .


Here you can also choose the color and thickness, and in the new version of the program you can also select the outline.

Once you draw a line, you can make it curved. To do this, point at the place where the bend should be, click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse in the desired direction.

Release the left mouse button when you have curved the line the way you want.

Drawing shapes in Paint

The program has a whole set of tools for drawing figures.

Or - oval (ellipse). Like lines, you can choose a color, thickness, and outline for it. True, there are some nuances here.

In the old version of Paint, you first need to select the type of oval: regular, opaque, or colored. After that, start drawing. But in the new version everything is somewhat different. For an oval, you can choose the thickness and contour, but not necessarily right away - you can do this after you have drawn it.

You can also fill its inside with color with a certain effect. But first you need to select a fill. To do this, click on the “Color 2” button and select the one you need in the palette.

On a note . “Color 1” is the one with which the outline will be drawn, and “Color 2” is the one with which the oval will be filled (filled).

An oval is drawn in the same way as a line: press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, “stretch” it to the desired size.

Or - a rectangle. Just as in the case of an oval, in the old version of the Paint program you can select the type (regular, opaque, colored) of the rectangle. And in the new version - its thickness, outline, fill. It's drawn the same way.

Or - a polygon. Press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, draw a line. This will be the first side. To draw the next one, just click once on where you want the end to be. When you reach the last side, click twice instead of once to connect and “lock” the shape.

The rest of the shapes (triangle, diamond, arrows, stars and others) have the same settings.

As the name suggests, the Line or Curve tool in Paint.NET is used to draw straight or curved lines. These two features are implemented in one tool, because... an ordinary straight line is a special case of an arbitrary curve. Using this tool, you first draw a straight line, which you can then change by bending it as needed.

Drawing a line in Paint.NET is easy. First, click the mouse pointer at the start point of the line and, without releasing the mouse button, drag the cursor in the direction of the line. After this, release the mouse button at the point where the line should end. By holding down the Shift button on the keyboard while drawing a line, you can limit the change in its angle to an interval of 15 degrees. This is especially convenient, for example, for drawing completely straight lines or lines at an angle that is a multiple of 15 degrees, for example, drawing the intersection of lines at right angles. Immediately after the line is drawn, four square markers will appear on it. Visually, the markers are pulsating translucent squares to make them easier to distinguish from the image itself.

The markers described above are needed just to make an arbitrary curve out of a straight line. To curve a line in Paint.NET, use your mouse pointer to drag the line handles in the direction of the curve. When using the left mouse button, the curvature is carried out according to the principle of cubic splines, when using the right mouse button, according to the Bezier curve principle.

An example of curving a line using the left mouse button according to the first principle can be seen in the figure below on the left. With this option, the curve must pass through all four markers. An example of curving a line using the right mouse button according to the second principle can be seen in the figure below on the right. Please note that when you curve a line using the right mouse button, the curve does not have to go through all the markers, so this method of drawing curved lines in Paint.NET allows you to create curves that are not possible with the first method.

To finish drawing the line and accept all changes, press the Enter key on your keyboard. After this, you can switch to another tool or start drawing another line.

Line style in Paint.NET

The Paint.NET toolbar allows you to customize line type, line thickness, line start and end styles, etc. The line style in Paint.NET allows you to make it solid, dotted, dot-dash, dashed, and dash-dotted. In addition, the style parameters allow you to set the type of beginning and end of the line: regular, arrow, tip and rounded. An example of using different styles when drawing lines can be seen in the figure below.

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to use the standard Windows graphics editor - Paint. Of course, in terms of functionality it will not be able to even closely compete with Photoshop or similar programs, but many basic things can still be done with it. And most importantly - Paint does not need to be downloaded, it is already pre-installed on any version of Windows. Therefore, if you need to make some edits to the image - rotate it, crop it, insert text, etc., Paint will work just fine. Paint is simply irreplaceable if you need to take a screenshot using standard Windows tools.

How to draw on a computer in Paint

One of the most important and popular features of the Paint graphic editor is that you can create drawings from scratch. To do this, just open the program that is hidden on our computer at the address: Start – All Programs – Accessories – Paint. The following window will appear:

All the necessary drawing tools in Paint are at the top of the program.


Let's start with the pencil, which is located in the Tools panel. Left-click on it to highlight it.

Now choose the line thickness:

And in the next window we select the color with which we will draw. Here you can set two colors at once: Color 1 is drawn with the left mouse button (LMB), Color 2 is drawn with the right mouse button (RMB). To do this, click LMB on Color 1 or 2 and then in the palette to the left select the desired shade, also LMB.

Now you can practice on a white background: press and hold LMB first, drawing a line, then do the same while holding RMB. As you can see, the resulting lines are of different colors.

By holding down the Shift button, you can draw straight vertical and horizontal lines.


For more experienced artists, the Brushes tool will be much more interesting. Left-click on it to expand the available types of brushes.

Having chosen the brush you like, just like with the Pencil tool, you can select the thickness of the lines and set 2 drawing colors. Try to draw - you get lines that resemble the strokes of a real brush with paint.


The Line tool comes in handy when we need to draw straight lines at any angle. In this tool you can also set the line thickness and color.

Using Line, the Outline settings become active. Click on the corresponding icon on the toolbar and select one of the presented items. I won’t go into detail about each of them; you yourself can understand why they are needed by experimenting.

The process of drawing a straight line is quite simple: click LMB anywhere and drag a line in any direction. By lifting your finger from the mouse button, a line will be drawn. However, you can change it - angle, location, length. To do this, simply pinch one of the dots at the end of the line and pull in the desired direction.


The Curve tool differs from the Pencil tool in that it allows you to draw smooth lines. This tool is also located in the Shapes section and has the same settings as Straight.

Drawing a Curve is quite easy: click LMB anywhere, hold the button, drag it to another point, then release LMB. You will get a straight line. Now, by left-clicking on any part of the line and holding the button, you can stretch the line in different directions, changing its curvature.

How to draw a shape in Paint with the mouse

In the Shapes panel you can see standard shapes. Use the scroll down buttons to view all available shapes.

Let's choose for example Hexagon. For him, not only the Outline tool now becomes active, but also the Fill tool. If you want the shape to be immediately filled with a solid color, choose Solid Color.

It should be remembered that in the Colors panel, Color 1 will determine the color of the shape’s outline, and Color 2 will determine the fill color of the shape.

To draw a figure, simply click LMB anywhere and drag the held mouse to the side and up or down. To ensure the shape is correct, hold down the Shift key. Once the shape is drawn, it can be changed by pulling one of the corners of the dotted square. You can also move the hexagon to any point by clicking on it with LMB and holding down the button.

So we’ve covered the main points of how to draw on a computer in Paint.

How to write text in Paint

If you need to write text in Paint, click on the A icon in Tools.

Left click anywhere, the following window will appear:

There will also be a new tab in the Text toolbar, which provides many settings:

These settings are almost identical to the parameters Microsoft Word. Those. You can change the font, font size, make it bold, italic or underlined. You can also change the text color here. Color 1 is for the text itself, Color 2 is for the background.

Press Image – Select – Select All, or RMB – Select All so that the entire photo is selected along the outline. With it, you can also perform the actions described in the previous paragraph.

Working with a selection

In the Images toolbar, after selecting part or the entire image, you can use the buttons: Crop, Resize and Rotate.

If you click on Crop, the rest of the photo, with the exception of the selected fragment, will disappear:

Click Resize to resize the picture, or tilt it horizontally or vertically.

You can rotate the selected object by 90 or 180 degrees, or expand the drawing.

Paint provides the opportunity cutting, copying, pasting selected objects. Select part of the picture, right-click, select Copy or Cut / keyboard shortcut сtrl+c or ctrl+x. The object will be placed on the clipboard. Now, anywhere in the picture, right-click and select Paste, or Ctrl+V.

Other Paint tools

In Paint, you can delete part of a drawing in two ways - using the selection and the Delete button, or using the Eraser tool:

You can set the thickness of an eraser, just like a pencil or brush. Drag your LMB over any part of the drawing to erase it.

Next to the eraser is the Palette tool. Click on it, and then click LMB on the desired color in the picture. This color will automatically be set to Color 1. i.e. Now you can paint with the color you want, and you don’t need to select a shade from the palette.

The Loupe tool is necessary for enlarging individual areas of the image. Click LMB to zoom in on the drawing and RMB to zoom back in.

In Tools there is also Color Fill. With its help, you can fill the drawn shapes with any color. Select a color from the palette, or use the Palette tool and LMB on the shape to paint it.

Well, that’s probably all that concerns use Paint on the computer. If there are some points I haven’t covered, write in the comments, I’ll try to supplement the article.

Inserting a line or curve

The insert line or curve mode () works as follows. First, set the color in the Palette panel (light blue). Move the cursor to the beginning of the line and click on the left mouse button, then, without releasing it, move the cursor to the end of the line, and then release the left mouse button.

After the line is drawn, there will be four squares on it, one at the beginning of the line, one at the end and two in between. If you need a straight line, then you don't need to do anything else and you can switch to another mode or draw another line.

If you need to draw a curve, then grab either square and move it to another place. That is, let’s move the mouse cursor to the square, click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move it to another place. Then release the left mouse button. For example, if you move the end point, you get the following line.

If you move the previous square, you will get the following picture.

You can move not one, but several squares.

The parameters in the top line allow you to: - set the line thickness (), style () and fill ( - discussed in the description of the brush tool).

Style determines what the beginning, middle and end of the line will look like. For the start and end of the line, there are the following options: regular, arrow, tip and rounded.