Khakamada's special daughter was diagnosed with cancer. “I don’t know how this will all end...” Irina Khakamada told the truth about the future wedding of her “special” daughter The fruit of great love


20 year old daughter Irina Khakamada Maria already more than a year meets with world champion in bench press among juniors Vlad Sitdikov. Both lovers were diagnosed with Down syndrome as children. However, despite this, they lead a full and eventful life. In July, the young people vacationed together in Greece, from where Maria sent her mother romantic photographs from the sea coast. And in June, the lovers took part in the “Male/Female” program on Channel One, in the studio of which they talked about their relationship.

The host of the program, Alexander Gordon, asked the couple when the wedding would take place. Marie was embarrassed and looked at her lover, and he briefly noted that “not soon yet,” but immediately turned to the TV presenter with a request: “Alexander, you are a respected and experienced person. I want you to become my matchmaker, because you know Masha’s mother well.” Gordon did not ignore Vlad’s request and made it clear that he fully approved of Maria’s choice: “I promise you that since I know Ira, I will definitely talk to her. I’ll tell you what impression you made on me, how happy Masha is next to you. I think it will grow together,”— the program host assured the young man.

And recently Khakamada herself spoke out on this matter, noting that she in no way interferes with the couple’s wishes. “Masha has already grown up and is dating a young man. Their love is carrots. They went to Channel One on Gordon’s program without me and announced their wedding. Cheers to your health! They are adults. Don't they have the right to do this? They have. And such programs can help other people, parents of such children. I don't know how this will all end, so I pause. For people with Down syndrome, fantasy and reality exist together, there are almost no boundaries, so it is unclear when they are playing and when everything is for real. They are such wizards. Therefore, there is no evil in them,” Khakamada said at the opening of the Moscow Dialogues series of meetings.

Irina admitted that she learned a lot from her daughter and still continues to learn from her. “I learned to be a bit of a rain man, like my daughter. Today the weather is good - and happiness. Masha smiles - happiness again. She writes to me every morning and evening: “You are the most beloved, the best mother in the world,” and again happiness. We walk down the street, and I think: “I have a loved one with me. Yes, he depends on me, so what? She doesn't need anything from me. Or rather, only one thing - for me to be nearby.” This great lesson- enjoy every moment of life. Here and now",— said Khakamada.

Maria Sirotinskaya and Vlad Sitdikov

Today, Channel One aired the program “Male/Female,” dedicated to the socialization and achievements of people with Down syndrome.

The host of the program, Evelina Bledans, urged her followers on Instagram to definitely watch the program “About our Olympic champions, about the village “Svetlana” near St. Petersburg, where people with special needs live, and which, of course, needs help (the score will be posted on the screen), as well as about the upcoming wedding of Irina Khakamada’s daughter, Masha Sirotinskaya, and a guy with Down syndrome, Vlad Sitdikov.” (The author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Ed.).

A post shared by Evelina Bledans(@bledans) on Aug 17, 2017 at 9:13pm PDT

Participants in the program “Male/Female”

20-year-old Maria Sirotinskaya has been dating Vlad Sitdikov for several years. In July, the young people vacationed together in Greece, from where Maria sent her mother romantic photographs from the sea coast.

On the air of the “Male/Female” program, Maria and Vlad told viewers the story of their relationship and talked about the depth of their feelings. The lovers treat each other with care and do not hide the fact that they are serious.

Irina Khakamada’s daughter calls Vlad very responsive and kind: “My beloved person,” Maria summed up. Sitdikov, in turn, did not skimp on compliments to his chosen one: “She is very cheerful, I like how she laughs loudly.”

During the program, Alexander Gordon asked when the wedding will take place. Maria, embarrassed, gave the floor to her beloved. In turn, Vlad limited himself to a brief: “Not soon yet,” but immediately turned to the TV presenter with a request:

“Alexander, you are a highly respected and experienced person. I want you to become my matchmaker, because you know Masha’s mother well.”

Alexander Gordon did not remain silent and made it clear that he fully approved of Sirotinskaya’s choice: “I promise you that since I know Ira, I will definitely talk to her. I’ll tell you what impression you made on me, how happy Masha is next to you. I think it will grow together.”

Maria Sirotinskaya told TV viewers that she dreams of creating good family, marry your loved one and have children. But her plans don’t stop there:

“I want to open my own company, I will also earn money, provide for my family and even my husband,” Maria added.

Vlad Sitdikov supported the chosen one: “And, of course, so that we live in perfect harmony, right? And we never quarreled."

The daughter of a celebrity does dancing, sports, draws and studies a lot English language. All this had a positive impact on her. Let us remember that Maria was born with Down syndrome, due to which Khakamada began a difficult period.

Recently, Maria Sirotinskaya and her chosen one, athlete Vlad Sitdikov, were relaxing on the seashore. Irina Khakamada shared a touching photo of the heiress on her social network page. Subscribers public figure They noted that the girl looks simply beautiful.

The young man gently hugs his beloved around the waist. Later in one of the interviews, the young people added:

“My plans are to make a good family, marry my beloved and always be with him and have my own children. I want to open my own company, I will also earn money, provide for my family and even my husband,” says Maria, who is studying to become a ceramist and is interested in theater.

“She’s very funny, I like the way she laughs loudly,” said the athlete, a junior bench press champion. “My parents are happy because I found the one I wanted to find.” The girl calls the guy “her favorite person” and notes that her relatives also approved of her choice.

The couple looks very happy. Maria has been dating her boyfriend for almost a year. They appeared together more than once at social events, and also took part in the charity project of the Love Syndrome Foundation.

Irina Khakamada’s subscribers admire her heiress and praise the woman, since she managed to properly raise her daughter so that she would adapt to society: young people with Down syndrome lead active image life and believe that you should never despair and sit with your hands folded.

In one of the frames, a young man teaches his chosen one to play giant chess. Some users social networks They urge lovers to quickly legalize their relationship and get married. Vlad actively shares photographs from his travels with friends and acquaintances.

Irina Khakamada is happy for the child, as next to Vlad the girl literally blossomed.

Let us remind you that Irina Khakamada’s daughter Maria was born in 1997. For several years, the politician hid the child from prying eyes, but over time, the daughter began to appear in public with her mother. Maria dances, sports, draws a lot and studies English.

The other day, Maria Sirotinskaya and her boyfriend Vlad Sitdikov presented a track in which they shared their plans for the future.

Vlad admitted that he could no longer live without his chosen one and was even ready to kidnap her.

You're a cool girl, Mashunya,
You will always be mine, honey!

But I don't want to wait that long
I want to have you today!

The girl persuades young man wait a little and first ask your parents for permission. Vlad agrees. But from everything it is clear that the young man is more than serious.

November 07, 2017

Maria Sirotinskaya and her chosen one Vlad Sitdikov announced back in August that they wanted to get married. The other day they staged a rap battle in which they talked about their plans for the future. The chosen one of the heiress of Khakamada admitted that he cannot wait for the wedding day - he loves her so much.

Photo: Instagram

Previously, Irina Khakamada tried to protect her daughter Maria from the public, since the 19-year-old girl was born with Down syndrome. The politician introduced her “special” daughter to the public only nine years ago. Now she is happy to take Maria with her on social events, and also allows the girl in various projects. The heiress of Khakamada is fond of theater, and has also recently successfully built her personal life with the same “special” young man Vlad Sitdikov, the world champion in bench press among juniors.

The other day, the lovers recorded a video of their rap battle. So in an original way the young people decided to talk about their plans for the future. Vlad admits that he cannot live without his chosen one and is even ready to steal her. He states that he cannot wait to become Mary's husband. “You’re just a head-scratcher, dear, and you’ll be my true friend.<…>But I don’t want to wait that long, I want to possess you today!” - Sitdikov addresses his beloved. However, Maria explains that she must first get her parents' approval. In the end, Vlad agrees with her.

Let us remember that back in August of this year they announced that. Maria and Vlad became the heroes of the “Male/Female” program and talked about their lives, love stories and plans for their future together.

Irina Khakamada’s daughter Maria Sirotinskaya, who suffers from Down syndrome, and her boyfriend Vlad Sitdikov decided to get married.

Daughter of a famous Russian politician- Maria Sirotinskaya - marries her friend Vlad Sitdikov.

The bride and groom themselves spoke about this in the “Male/Female” program on Channel One.

Both Masha and Vlad were born with a diagnosis of Down syndrome. But that doesn't stop them from living life to the fullest, study, play sports and make plans for the future. And the young people’s plans, as it turned out, are serious: Maria and Vlad are going to start a family. They have already introduced each other to their loved ones.

“My plans are to make a good family, marry my loved one and always be with him and have my own children. I want to open my own company, I will also earn money, provide for my family and even my husband,” said Maria Sirotinskaya.

But the lovers are still not going to rush into getting married. But Irina Khakamada’s potential son-in-law approached him right in the studio with a request to become his matchmaker, because the TV presenter is well acquainted with the mother of his beloved.

“I promise you that since I know Ira, I will definitely talk to her. I’ll tell you what impression you made on me, how happy Masha is next to you. I think it will grow together,” Gordon answered.

As you know, Masha is the late child of Irina Khakamada. She became a mother for the second time after 40. Irina hid the “special” girl from the public for a long time, but when she grew up, she began to actively take her with her to social events.

Irina has repeatedly said that she considers Masha completely normal person and communicates with her accordingly. True, raising children with Down syndrome is still a special story, notes Khakamada.