The cat has stomach problems than to treat. Gastrointestinal diseases in cats. Treatment and prevention


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If possible, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of inflammation. When treating, strictly follow the recommendations of the veterinarian on diet. For example, it may be suggested not to feed the cat for 24 hours to give the digestive system a rest. When feeding is resumed, it is often recommended to add soluble fiber to the diet. Gradually, the amount of fiber can be reduced or fiber completely removed from the diet. For the first time after refeeding, it may be recommended to replace the protein source with one that the cat has not previously eaten, such as mutton, lamb, venison or rabbit. This is done to identify foods that cause food allergies in a cat. For some types of inflammation, a change in diet (for example, switching to a lamb and rice diet, or other prepared medicated foods) may be enough to treat. To quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, in addition to changing the diet, anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed. Some cats require additional short-term medication to thicken the stool until the inflammation is under control.

Constipation in cats.

constipation are a common problem in cats. As a rule, constipation is fairly easy to manage. However, in more severe cases, symptoms can be severe. The longer the fecal matter remains in the colon, the drier and tougher it becomes and the more difficult it is to pass. obstipation- These are systematic constipations that are difficult to treat.

Prolonged constipation can cause blockages inside the intestines, narrowing of the intestines from outside influences, or neuromuscular problems in the colon itself. Obstruction is the most common cause, usually due to the inability to pass poorly digestible, often hard materials (eg, hair, bones) that are mixed with fecal matter. Some cats with long-term constipation or constipation may experience megacolon, an expansion of the intestines due to weakened bowel muscle strength. The cause of megacolon often remains unexplained. Some medications, among the side effects, can cause constipation.

Symptoms of constipation are difficult bowel movements, hard and dry stools. Some cats experience lethargy, depression, loss of appetite, nausea, and abdominal discomfort.

Cats suffering from constipation should drink more water. Mild constipation can often be relieved by feeding the cat a high-fiber diet and constant access to water, and by using (usually short-term) appropriate laxatives. It is clear that laxatives should only be used when prescribed by a veterinarian, as human medicines for a cat can be extremely dangerous. In severe cases, veterinarians may remove the faeces with an enema or other method while the cat is under general anesthesia. For chronic constipation or megacolon that does not respond to conventional treatment, surgery is performed to remove the affected section of the colon.

Read more about constipation in cats in a separate article.

Coronavirus enteritis in cats.

Coronavirus enteritis cats is a highly contagious disease transmitted through close contact. The disease is very closely related to the virus that causes the more serious disease, feline infectious peritonitis. Infection with the feline enteritis coronavirus causes inflammation in the small intestine, which is fortunately not usually fatal.

The virus is spread through the feces of infected cats. Close contact between cats is necessary for transmission, although the possibility of infection through contaminated objects also remains. In catteries, the virus can cause inflammation of the intestines (of varying severity) in kittens from 6 to 12 weeks. Recently weaned kittens may experience fever, vomiting, and diarrhea lasting 2 to 5 days. In more severe cases, kittens may refuse food for 1 to 3 days. In adult cats, the disease often occurs without visible signs.

Feline enteritis virus is extremely widespread, many recovered cats remain carriers. Coronavirus enteritis infection can only be prevented by minimizing cat fecal contact. Most cats develop an effective immune response after infection that persists after recovery. In the intestinal form of the disease, there are no symptoms of feline infectious peritonitis. However, if signs of the disease develop in cats with feline infectious peritonitis, the disease becomes fatal. Currently there is no specific management of the disease, cats should receive supportive care and, if necessary, fluid infusions.

Inflammation of the stomach in cats.

Gastritis(or inflammation of the stomach) in cats often begins due to the ingestion of objects that violate the integrity of the lining of the stomach. A common symptom of gastritis is nausea. With long-term gastritis, vomit may contain leftover food (such as grass), bile, foam, fresh blood, or digested blood (looks like coffee grounds). Often the inflammation is accompanied by diarrhea. Short-term or single vomiting usually does not cause the development of any additional disorders. On the contrary, nausea that persists for a long time can lead to weakness, lethargy, weight loss, dehydration and salt imbalance in the body. The prognosis for recovery depends on the cause of nausea and the success of the treatment of the primary disease.

Cat bowel cancer.

bowel cancer it is very rare in cats, accounting for less than 1% of all cancers. As a rule, cancerous tumors develop in the small intestine, more often in older cats. For most intestinal tumors, specific causes have not yet been identified. It is believed that the alimentary form of lymphoma (even with a negative test result for the virus) is caused by the feline leukemia virus. Intestinal tumors in cats are usually malignant and grow and spread rapidly.

The symptoms of tumors depend on the size and location of the tumor. These can be nausea (sometimes with blood), diarrhea (also with blood), weight loss, constipation and difficult bowel movements, abdominal pain, bloating, abdominal infections associated with intestinal damage. Cats with intestinal tumors may show signs of anemia, such as pale gums.

Diagnosis is based on the results of physical examinations and a study of the medical history. For confirmation, a biopsy of tissue samples is performed. The preferred treatment is surgical removal of the tumor. The prognosis of treatment depends on the prevalence of tumors of their type and the possibility of removal, therefore, it can be either very good or bad.

Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract in cats.

The inability to pass food from the stomach develops due to tumors, foreign objects, polyps and excessive growth of stomach tissue.

Intestinal obstruction may be complete or partial. Causes include foreign objects, intussusception (a condition in which one part of the intestine is embedded in another), strangulation (or incarceration, such as compression in a hernia), or tumors. Long thin objects (thread, yarn, fibers) can get stuck at the base of the cat's tongue. If the object is long enough to reach the bowel, then its normal movements cause a tearing and cutting effect on the walls, leading to perforation of the bowel and increasing the risk of abdominal infections.

Symptoms of small bowel obstruction include lethargy, poor appetite, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen or when swallowing, fever or low temperature, and dehydration. For diagnosis, the veterinarian needs all possible information about the cat's eating habits. It is important to know whether the cat had access to threads, needles, etc., whether any items (for example, toys) were missing. Palpation of the abdominal region (neatly feeling the internal organs with the hands) sometimes allows experienced veterinarians to determine the increase in some parts of the body, thickening of intestinal loops, or the presence of gases. An x-ray, ultrasound, or endoscopy is also used to identify the problem.

Cats with generalized signs of illness, such as depression or fever, respond well to intravenous fluids. If the obstruction cannot be removed using an endoscope, surgery is necessary. Cats with sudden onset of abdominal symptoms for which no cause is known and whose condition worsens may also require surgery. Many cats recover well after surgery.

Intestinal ulcer in cats.

intestinal ulcer are wounds in the stomach or intestinal surface caused by the action of gastric juice or digestive enzymes. Causes that can cause ulcers to form include certain medications, tumors, infections, and generalized illnesses.

Cats with intestinal ulcers may not show visible signs of illness. In other cases, there may be cases of nausea, sometimes with blood, and abdominal discomfort, which can be relieved after eating. Dark, tarry stools mean the presence of blood in it, pale gums (a sign of anemia). There may also be symptoms of the disease that led to the formation of the ulcer (for example, signs related to kidney failure).

If a cat has nausea, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, or sudden weight loss, veterinarians use special tests to determine the cause. An abdominal ultrasound or x-ray is used to confirm the diagnosis. In cases where the cause remains unclear or with obvious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endoscopy and biopsy of the stomach and intestines are often used for diagnosis.

For the treatment of intestinal ulcers, it is very important to determine the cause of the disease in order to eliminate it or bring it under control. It is critical to provide your cat with supportive care. Medications in the treatment of ulcers serve to reduce the acidity of the stomach, which prevents further destruction of its surface tissues and promotes healing of ulcers. As a rule, treatment lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. During treatment, a light diet (eg cottage cheese and rice or chicken and rice) should be followed.

Ideally, ulcer healing should be monitored by endoscopy. If the ulcers do not respond to medication, the next step is to take samples from the stomach and small intestine for biopsy. The prognosis for cats with peptic ulcers and benign tumors is good. In ulcers associated with renal or hepatic insufficiency, as well as with gastric carcinoma or gastrinomas, it is bad.

Inflammatory bowel disease in cats.

Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease- this is a group of diseases of the digestive system, for which stable signs are certain, and inflammation begins without a clear reason. Forms of intestinal inflammation are classified according to the location and type of cells involved.

Inflammatory bowel disease can occur in cats of all ages, genders, and breeds, although it is slightly more common in purebreds (and possibly treated more frequently). On average, the disease begins in cats older than seven years. Symptoms are often observed for a long time, sometimes disappearing periodically - nausea, diarrhea, changes in appetite and weight. Inflammations can be difficult to diagnose, as their symptoms are characteristic of many other diseases.

Your veterinarian may recommend switching your cat to hypoallergenic or eliminated foods. This means that the cat will eat food with a source of protein that has not been eaten before. These formulations are commonly available from veterinary clinics, pharmacies, grocery stores, or can be made at home. The cat should be fed only such food for at least 4 - 6 weeks and not take any medications not prescribed by a doctor. This type of diet is effective in controlling symptoms in some cats with inflammatory bowel disease, but is not effective in food sensitivities or food allergies. Only adding fiber to a cat's diet is rarely effective in severe cases.

Although inflammatory bowel disease in cats can often be controlled with a combination of diet and medication, the disease is rarely completely cured, so relapse is always a possibility.

Malabsorption in cats.

Malabsorption is poor absorption of nutrients due to disturbances in digestion, assimilation, or both. Digestive disorders in cats are usually associated with a lack of certain pancreatic enzymes (pancreatic insufficiency), and most cases of insufficient absorption are caused by diseases of the small intestine.

The symptoms of malabsorption are mainly due to insufficient absorption and loss of nutrients through the faeces. Typical symptoms include prolonged diarrhea, weight loss, and changes in appetite (decreased or increased excessively). However, diarrhea may be absent even in severe cases. Weight loss can be significant despite a good appetite. Cats with malabsorption usually remain otherwise healthy unless they have severe inflammation or cancer. Nonspecific signs include dehydration, anemia, and accumulation of fluid in the abdomen or other tissues. Thickening of the intestinal loops and an increase in the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity are possible.

Diagnosing malabsorption in cats can be difficult, as prolonged diarrhea and weight loss are common symptoms in many diseases. Special laboratory tests help determine if symptoms are caused by an underlying multisystem or metabolic disease (eg, hyperthyroidism).

Many owners mistakenly believe that if a cat has nine lives, then they should worry about the appearance of minor (at first glance) symptoms of the disease,

not particularly worth it. Cats, indeed, have great survival in the most incredible situations. But that doesn't mean she can't die,

without waiting for help from the person she loved .....

Be alert for any symptoms of illness in your pet.

So, any owner should be able and know what needs to be done if ....

If the cat has had diarrhea or vomiting. Of course, this is not a reason to immediately run to the doctor. Unless you are sure that your cat has inhaled or ingested some poisonous substance. Inhalation poisoning can be caused by carbon monoxide, the smell of paints and varnishes, the use of insecticides when treating a room, and so on and so forth.

Well, getting poison inside ... it can be anything, ranging from any household chemicals, which are in abundance in every modern home, to taking ordinary, it would seem, food .... ...

So vomiting or diarrhea...

With a one-time vomiting or not prolonged diarrhea (no more than two days), any owner can quite independently cope with the situation that has arisen. But! Remember - diarrhea itself is not an independent disease, it is often a symptom of another, possibly very dangerous disease. If diarrhea with mucus, with blood, very strong, with vomiting, accompanied by a strong fever, if vomiting becomes indomitable - RUN to the doctor! Do not be like those owners who spend hours sitting at the computer typing phrases like this in search engines: “The cat has not eaten for five days, breathes heavily, does not move, vomiting, diarrhea, what should I do?”


Diarrhea in cats is quite common. Contrary to popular belief, cats are happy to dig in the bin. And even adult cats can try and swallow small objects that can be inedible and even poisonous (do not believe it, but right now, while I am writing, my small one pulled the remote control towards him, grabbed the film from it with his teeth and dragged it towards him in the mouth. Well, I'm nearby, I took it. Here they are with us - they need constant supervision)))). The cause of diarrhea can also be a change in food. But the cause of a prolonged disorder can already be viral infections and liver diseases, and inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as tumors. Do not forget that with severe, prolonged diarrhea, there is a large loss of water, this leads to dehydration, and this, in turn, leads to a very rapid death of your pet …..

So diarrhea...

What can you do? Put your cat on a daily starvation diet. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to give the cat 1-3 tablets of activated charcoal, be sure to give it plenty of fluids, you can brew grass: a decoction of chamomile, a decoction of flax seeds. In a day, start feeding the cat with rice water, boil the chicken, buy Vetom 1.1, add it to food. Until the stool returns to normal, stick to the rice-chicken diet. It is also recommended to serve the homeopathic remedy Nux vomica-homaccord. It is good for diarrhea to give a cat n Smektu. Dilute 1/2 of the sachet with water. How much water, in fact, is not so important - water is just a solvent, I dissolved it in 1/4 cup. And drink a teaspoon every three hours. It is impossible to get poisoned by Smecta, but still be careful - do not give the drug if the diarrhea has stopped. Constipation for a cat is also useless.

If the diarrhea is severe, does not stop and lasts more than two or three days, and moreover, mucus or blood appears in it, immediately, without hesitation, go to the doctor!!!

Failure to help a cat when SUCH symptoms appear leads to rapid dehydration of the body and death of the pet.


If the cat cannot go to the toilet "in a big way" for more than two days, it's time to sound the alarm. Most often, constipation occurs when a large amount of woolen lumps enter the stomach, swallowed by a cat when washing, but it can also occur when a cat swallows small, indigestible objects.

What to do first: The best remedy is to give the cat regular vaseline oil (one tablespoon). Vegetable oil must not be used! It is also impossible to do an enema with constipation - it is not known for what reason this trouble happened.

If the constipation does not stop, it is necessary to take the cat to the veterinarian.

The main thing with constipation is to exclude intestinal obstruction.

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction can develop in cats due to constipation (coprostasis), as a result of helminthic invasion, and also due to swallowed objects (often this is a Christmas tree decoration in the form of "rain" or thread) or intestinal torsion. Distinguish mechanical ileus, in which intestinal transit is blocked, and ileus functional or paralytic, caused by atony of the intestinal wall. Functional ileus can be observed in case of peritonitis, dystonomia (disturbance of the autonomic nervous system), or after general anesthesia.

Symptoms: the cat is in a depressed state or, on the contrary, does not find a place for itself, it refuses food, an unpleasant odor comes from the mouth, vomiting appears. The stomach swells, the cat meows plaintively, rolls on the floor, trying to stretch the stomach, looks back at the stomach.

What to do. Without hesitation, deliver the cat to the doctor! In case of intestinal obstruction, urgent intervention of specialists is necessary. She needs to undergo an X-ray examination (differential diagnosis is supplemented by the method of contrast radiography using barium).

Acute gastritis

Causes: poor-quality food, change of food, poisoning with certain drugs, overfeeding, not regular feeding, giving cold (from the refrigerator) or hot food, helminthic invasion.

Symptoms: the main symptom of acute gastritis is the appearance of sudden vomiting. The cat refuses food, hunches over when moving, groans, soreness in the stomach, a grayish-white coating on the tongue is possible. Temperature increase is possible, feces are often unformed, with mucus. Constipation is often replaced by diarrhea.

What to do: On the first day of illness, you can give Cerucal (antiemetic). Do not feed the cat for the first day, then give it mucous decoctions (rice), boiled chicken meat, always for 3-5 days. In the future, if the food is digested, the diet can be gradually expanded, but in any case, you must adhere to a sparing diet for a month. It is advisable to switch to dietary feeds for some time (for example, use the Royal Canin or Hill's therapeutic line). Most often, if you follow these recommendations, the manifestations of acute gastritis disappear already on the third or fifth day.

Chronic gastritis.

Chronic gastritis may be a consequence of acute. Also, the causes of chronic gastritis can be a stressful situation (exhibitions, change of housing, change of owner, nervous situation in the family where the cat lives), endocrine diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism), inflammatory processes (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.) .

Symptoms: In chronic gastritis, the cat loses weight, bad breath appears, vomiting is usually single, diarrhea or constipation, belching, flatulence, pain in the epigastric region.

Treatment of chronic gastritis will be long and individual.

What to do: Diet - Meat and fish only boiled, slimy decoctions. Meals 5-6 times a day in small portions. Eliminate fiber, fatty foods. A good help to the general scheme of treatment is the use of a homeopathic remedy - nux vomica-homaccord.

After a one-day fasting of the pet, it is necessary to serve decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, flax seed.

It is advisable to take the cat to the veterinarian.


Gastroenteritis is inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Has much in common with acute gastritis. It occurs due to excessively greedy food intake and overfilling of the stomach, and can also be observed in some infectious diseases, such as panleukopenia, salmonellosis.

Symptoms: It flows quite sharply. There is a complete refusal of food, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid weight loss, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are reddened, the nose is dry and warm, fever, severe thirst can be observed.

Feces in catarrh are thin, watery, offensive, mixed with undigested food and mucus.

What to do: Diet. During the first day, do not feed the cat, give only water, but rather herbal decoctions and infusions. It is advisable to give an injection of gamavit, buy at the pharmacy Vetom - 1.1, add it to the cat's food. The first 3-5 days after a daily fast, serve mucous decoctions, it is recommended to give raw, low-fat meat.

Necessarily show the cat to the vet.

With inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract - the so-called inflammatory cells penetrate into the stomach and intestines - cells that form in the body when - lymphocytes and plasmacytes responsible for the body's immune responses, eosinophils, neutrophils responsible for cleaning damaged tissues. In chronic inflammation, normal tissue may be replaced by fibrous tissue.

Causes of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in cats. The exact causes of this kind of pathology in cats are unknown. Genetic predisposition, nutrition, various pathogens, and malfunctioning of the immune system can all play a role. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract may not be a disease per se, but a characteristic reaction of the body to certain conditions caused by various factors.

The types of cells that invade the intestine determine the form of the inflammatory disease.

What are the clinical signs of gastrointestinal inflammation in cats? Characterized by diarrhea and arising depending on the area of ​​​​the lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. Damage to the stomach and upper small intestine causes vomiting, and damage to the large intestine causes diarrhea. Sometimes the stool becomes more frequent, but each time it becomes less and less. Mucus and blood often appear in the stool. In severe cases, the animal is depressed, refuses to feed, loses weight, and has a fever. In some cats, the only symptom of intestinal inflammation is bloody stools. Others stop using during defecation.

A veterinarian may suspect inflammation of the stomach or intestines if the animal has vomiting, diarrhea, mucus or blood in the stool for a long period of time. On examination, the animal is emaciated; in some cats, a thickened intestine can be felt.

Laboratory studies, as a rule, show nothing. With very serious inflammation, the lesion can affect neighboring organs - the liver and pancreas. As a result of this, the content of liver enzymes and amylase, which is produced by the pancreas, increases in the body. There may be a decrease in protein levels in the blood, and with severe vomiting, there may be a decrease in the level of electrolytes, especially potassium.

In most cases, the blood test is normal, although anemia can sometimes develop. Some animals have eosinophils in their blood.

X-ray and ultrasound usually do not give any data. Sometimes thickening of the intestines and accumulation of gas can be noticeable, but this happens with various diseases.

Treatment of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment usually consists of various diets and medications.

Diet. At the first stage of treatment, a food test is needed - the use of hypoallergenic products, sources of protein and carbohydrates that the animal has not previously eaten, for example, duck. The animal should not eat anything else and should not take any medication. Such a test should continue for 2-3 months.

If the health of the animal does not improve with such a diet, then you need to try other foods.

If the disease affects mainly the large intestine, then it is useful to give food rich in fiber. You can add oat bran to the feed. If the lesion has affected the small intestine, then some animals may benefit from a well-digestible, low-fiber diet. Low gluten carbohydrates are also helpful.

Do not give food containing wheat, oats, rye and barley. Sometimes the animal is fed natural homemade food, but this is rarely balanced and commercial food is therefore preferable for a long period of time.

It is clear that you can try a large number of different diets before the animal comes to a visible improvement in health. This requires a lot of patience from the owner.

Fatty acid. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to help reduce gastrointestinal inflammation. Eicosapentanoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (fatty acids derived from fish oil) are beneficial in humans, but further research is needed to determine if they also have beneficial effects in cats.

Medication treatment. To reduce the number of inflammatory cells, various are used. Azathioprine and cyclophosphamide: These medicines suppress the immune system and are usually used only when other treatments have failed or in combination with corticosteroids. These drugs can have a negative effect on bone marrow function, so careful monitoring of health and regular blood tests are recommended when using them.

Metronidazole: Metronidazole may be used alone or in combination with corticosteroids. This drug also suppresses the functions of the immune system.

Constituents sulfasalazine and mesalamine: They are used in medicines for dogs that are used for lesions of the small intestine. Sulfasalazine belongs to the salicylates (which also includes aspirin), and these substances are very toxic to cats.

In a cat, indigestion can occur for a variety of reasons. The disorder may happen once and never recur, or it may be chronic. At some point in life, the animal may have problems with digestion.

Symptoms of indigestion can vary:

  • loss of appetite along with vomiting, diarrhea or constipation;
  • increased or decreased feeling of thirst;
  • dull and/or ruffled coat;
  • weight loss (in chronic situations).

Digestive problems in cats can be acute or chronic. Acute gastric disorders are often self-limiting. Chronic indigestion requires a comprehensive veterinary examination to identify underlying causes and determine appropriate treatment.

If the disorder is accompanied by alternating diarrhea and constipation, vomiting that continues for several days, and these symptoms get worse, consult your veterinarian. This is important to prevent dehydration, infections, and complications to the liver or kidneys. Veterinarians often give medication to relieve symptoms and also give intravenous injections to treat indigestion and prevent dehydration.


Inflammation of the stomach, pancreas, or intestines in a cat can cause vomiting. Swallowing excessive amounts of hair, foreign objects can be the causes of stomach disorders in cats. Food hypersensitivity can develop in cats of any age and can also cause vomiting. Possible causes for a one-time indigestion:

Cats with acute vomiting should be restricted in food for 12-24 hours to prevent gastrointestinal upset from increasing. After a short fast, soft foods such as turkey or lamb are introduced for a few days.

When a cat suffers from abdominal pain, famotidine at a dose of 2.5 to 5 mg once or twice a day, which suppresses the production of hydrochloric acid, may help. If hairballs are suspected, Hairball Plus and Laxatone are recommended. Cod liver oil may also help in removing foreign objects or hair from the stomach.

Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla and Arsenicum Album are homeopathic remedies for cats with acute stomach upsets. If any remedy does not help within 12-24 hours, switch to another drug.

If the pet's condition worsens and symptoms persist for more than 24-48 hours, a complete medical examination should be performed.

If indigestion becomes a problem for the cat and recurs frequently, possible causes include:

  • intestinal inflammation
  • oncology
  • bacterial or fungal infections
  • metabolic diseases (hyperthyroidism, renal failure, liver failure)
  • sedentary lifestyle


Diarrhea in cats is a common symptom of intestinal inflammation. It is watery or mucous in appearance and may contain blood if there is inflammation of the intestines in the colon. In cases of colitis, common symptoms include abdominal tension, rapid and inappropriate defecation outside of the litter box. Diarrhea in cats can have the following causes:


The recommended product for feline indigestion and diarrhea is the soothing herbal slippery elm supplement, available in health food stores. Probiotics such as FortiFlora, enzyme preparations such as NaturVet Digestive Enzymes Plus Probiotic can help in many cases. It is recommended to introduce a bland diet, it may help to relieve the symptoms of the disorder.


The appearance of constipation often accompanies a condition when a cat has an upset stomach. Diarrhea occurs when there is not enough fiber in the diet, or when indoor cats do not move much. In some cases, if the cat is not allowed to defecate when the desire arises, it may develop a habit of holding the stool. This is most common in domestic cats with dirty litter boxes.

Constipation can occur due to a foreign body present in the digestive tract, such as wool or hair, or due to polyps or growths in the intestines. Older cats with spinal problems often have trouble defecation.

Megacolon is a colon disorder where the colon loses its ability to mechanically expel stool, often leading to severe constipation requiring an enema and medical and even surgical treatment.

Methods of treatment

Adding extra fiber to your pet's diet in the form of natural psyllium husk or Vetasyl will help with constipation. Mineral or olive oil is used temporarily. Products such as Hairball Plus, Vetri HBr, Vetri-Science help with excessive hair buildup in the intestines.

Increasing the moisture content of an animal's food by adding water and/or removing dry food from the diet can help with constipation. One to two teaspoons of canned pumpkin added to a meal is an effective home remedy, provided that indoor cats are getting enough exercise. Play with your pet more often. Make sure your cat has a clean, dry litter box.


Evaluation and diagnosis of feline gastric diseases is complicated due to its poor clinical availability, involvement in the disease state in many systemic and extragastric diseases, and also due to the predominance of non-specific symptoms. The stomach is most sensitive to environmental influences, emotions and food changes.


Gastritis - inflammation of the stomach lining. It occurs in both acute and chronic forms.

Acute gastritis can develop suddenly due to poor quality food, swallowed foreign body or due to poisoning. Other primary causes of acute gastritis may be food contaminated with salmonella or staphylococci and certain medications (salicylates, sulfonamides, antibiotics, glucocorticoids, pyrazolone derivatives, etc.). Endogenous factors provoking the development of acute gastritis are infectious diseases, autointoxication, tissue breakdown during burns. The stomach of cats generally reacts most sensitively to the influence of the environment, emotions and food changes.

Secondary causes are general diseases (leptospirosis, liver disease, kidney failure, allergies, etc.), circulatory disorders, metabolic and hormonal disorders, increased vagal tone.

Symptoms: in acute gastritis, the main symptom is sudden vomiting, sometimes prolonged. The cat is depressed, refuses food, a grayish-white coating on the tongue is possible, pain in the stomach. It is possible to increase the temperature, the feces are often unformed, with mucus, in the blood - neutrophilic leukocytosis.

First aid: the cat is put on a one-day starvation diet, after which it should be given mucous decoctions (rice), vegetable puree, boiled chicken meat, polysorb on an empty stomach for 3-5 days. On the first and second days of the disease, antiemetics are prescribed in small doses - metoclopramide (cerucal, maxolan, etc.) and phytoelite cleansing tea in the form of a solution as directed by water every 3-4 hours, enemas with chamomile. On the third day, cleansing tea is given 3 times a day as instructed. Conservative treatment is prescribed depending on the content of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, in the presence of pathogenic microflora, antibiotics are used - levomycetin, baytril, enroxil or imodium, 1 capsule per day for 3 days. To fully restore digestion and prevent dysbiosis, cleansing tea is prescribed 1 tablet 1 time in 2 days for a month, as well as lactoferon (as instructed - prevention). Medications on an empty stomach are given only for special indications. It must be remembered that vomiting in cats is the most common symptom in many diseases and is associated with the excitation of the vomiting center of the brain. In all cases of vomiting in cats, a soothing herbal tea "Cat Bayun" is prescribed according to the treatment regimen.

It is advisable to take the cat to the veterinarian.

Chronic gastritis. The basis for the occurrence of chronic gastritis is an inadequate response to stressful influences (frequent exhibitions, change of owner, nervous situation in the family, excessive demands of the owner, etc.), tissue hypoxia, iron deficiency, autointoxication (uremia, urolithiasis, etc.), endocrine diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism, "greasy tail", etc.), inflammatory processes (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.).

Symptoms. In chronic gastritis, vomiting is usually single, the cat loses weight, regurgitation, belching, diarrhea or constipation, rumbling, flatulence, pain in the epigastric region are observed. Usually anemia. This is the so-called precancerous condition of the stomach, and therefore requires very careful attention to these symptoms.

Treatment should be comprehensive, long-term and individually oriented.

Elimination of violations of the central regulation of digestion by treating neurosis with the drug "Cat Bayun" as instructed.

Diet - exclude bread, dry and canned food (with the exception of special ones), sweets. Meat and fish boiled. Vitamin supplements are only restorative phytomines, as they contain natural, non-chemically synthesized vitamins. Meals 5-6 times a day in small portions. Eliminate fiber, fatty foods.

Homeopathic treatment. Mucosa compositum subcutaneously or orally for all types of gastritis is the basic remedy. A good addition to standard therapy can be drugs such as engystol, nux vomica-homaccord, cardus compositum.

Phytotherapy. In the treatment of gastritis, the most important are plants that have astringent, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, sedative, antiseptic properties that enhance tissue regeneration. Treatment with medicinal plants can be started after emergency measures (gastric lavage and fasting). The main task of herbal medicine is to protect the mucous membrane from further hydrochloric acid.

Of the phytotherapeutic agents, decoctions of marshmallow root, dandelion root, wormwood herb, infusion of ipecac, calamus, buds and birch leaves, flowers of immortelle and chamomile herb, oregano herb, agrimony, cudweed, anise, bergenia, watch, St. John's wort, licorice root, meadowsweet , yarrow and others. You can use tablets "Cleansing tea".

Prevention. The main measure is the annual phytoprophylaxis, which reduces the frequency and severity of exacerbations, and in some animals provides long-term remission. To do this, during the period of exacerbation expected from animal observations, use cleansing tea 1 tablet per day for 1 month. It is optimally used in the form of tea, for which you can dissolve 1 tablet in a bowl of water and leave until completely drunk. Carrying out these activities will most likely prevent the development of ulcers and stomach cancer.

Helicobacter heilmannii, a bacterium closely related to H. pilori bacteria, which plays a possible etiological role in human gastric and duodenal ulcers, is often detected in cats with gastritis. Cases of peptic ulcer disease have been identified in cat lovers, in which "cat" bacteria were isolated from the stomachs of people. This indicates that it is undesirable for peptic ulcer-prone people to have too close contact with their cats, since Helicobacter heilmannii can be transmitted through saliva.


Gastroenteritis It is an inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Catarrhal gastroenteritis (catarrh of the stomach and intestines) - develops in cats due to excessively greedy food intake and overfilling of the stomach, and can also be observed with panleukopenia, salmonellosis, staphylococcosis, colibacillosis and some other diseases. Catarrhal phenomena also occur under the influence of their own intestinal microflora, which has become pathogenic due to exposure to adverse conditions. Most often, gastroenteritis is observed in kittens.

Symptoms: hot and reddened oral mucosa, warm and dry nose, decreased appetite or extreme fastidiousness in food, fever, extreme thirst, constipation and depression. Catarrh of the stomach is often accompanied by vomiting, the stomach is painful, sensitive to the touch. With intestinal catarrh, these phenomena are absent, while with damage to the duodenum, diarrhea appears, and the urine turns bright yellow. Feces in catarrh are thin, watery, offensive, mixed with undigested food and mucus.

First aid and treatment: rest and sparing diet. Do not feed the cat for 1-2 days, give only water or herbal decoctions and infusions, enter s / c gamavit, give vetom-1.1, lactoferon, polysorb on an empty stomach for 5-7 days. In the future, feed with nutritious meat food. It is best to give raw, low-fat meat.

Show the cat to the vet.

Phytotherapy. From plants for the preparation of herbal decoctions and infusions for gastroenteritis, marshmallow root, string, oak bark, sage leaves, chamomile are recommended. The drug cleansing tea is also shown.

A number of herbal preparations are used.
1. Common fennel (fruits) 25 g, marshmallow (roots) 25 g, chamomile (flowers) 25 g, licorice (root) 25 g.
2. For the prevention and treatment of acute gastroenteritis: chamomile, flowers - 2 hours, drooping birch, buds - 2 hours, burdock, roots - 2 hours, plantain, leaves - 1 hour, common yarrow, grass - 1 hour, coltsfoot, leaves - 1 hour, Scotch pine, buds - 1 hour. Brew one tablespoon in a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 25-30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes at room temperature, drain. Squeeze out the remaining raw materials, bring boiled water to 0.2 l. Give a warm decoction 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before eating. After 15-20 minutes, make a microclyster from the same decoction once a day in a volume of 10 ml. Therapeutic dose of decoction for cats is 8-10 ml, prophylactic - 4-5 ml. (according to I.V. Sidorov, V.V. Kalugin et al., 2001).
3. For the prevention and treatment of chronic gastroenteritis: St. 1 hour. Brew one tablespoon in a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Give infusion 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes before eating. Microclysters from the same infusion are recommended once a day in a volume of 10 ml. Therapeutic dose of infusion for cats is 10-12 ml, prophylactic - 5-6 ml (according to I.V. Sidorov, V.V. Kalugin et al., 2001).


Catarrh of the stomach and intestines- one of the most common diseases that develops in cats due to excessively greedy food intake and stomach overflow, as well as as a result of feeding cold or spicy food. Catarrhal phenomena also occur under the influence of infection.

Symptoms. Symptoms of catarrh of the stomach and intestines are hot, reddened mucous membranes of the mouth, warm and dry nose, decreased appetite or extreme fastidiousness in food, fever, great thirst, constipation and depression. Catarrh of the stomach is often accompanied by vomiting, the stomach is painful, sensitive to the touch. With intestinal catarrh, these phenomena are absent, while with damage to the duodenum, diarrhea appears, and the urine turns bright yellow.

First aid. With an appropriate diet, catarrh of the stomach and intestines in cats passes relatively quickly and easily. For one to one and a half days, keep the cat on a starvation diet, giving only water. In the future, start feeding the cat nutritious dairy food. It is also desirable to give a decoction of rice, egg white, vitamins.

Treatment: ftalazol 0.2 g 2 times a day, enteroseptol 1/2 tablet 3 times a day, vetom-1.1. Prevention consists in proper rational nutrition and prevention of infectious diseases.


The disease occurs in cats in two forms: simple and progressive ulcer. It usually proceeds in a chronic form and is characterized by ulceration of the gastric mucosa. It develops most often due to diseases of internal organs (liver, kidneys, bladder, intestines), as a consequence of pancreatitis, etc. Poor nutrition, feeding too cold or, conversely, too hot food can also contribute to the development of stomach ulcers.

Symptoms: Often the disease is asymptomatic. The first signs are usually depression, weakness, the appearance of vomiting with an admixture of blood after a few hours after eating, liquid tarry feces.

Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Homeopathic treatment. The main drugs are mucosa compositum and traumeel. With severe pain and vomiting, atropinum compositum is indicated. Often, the ulcerative process in cats develops as a result of chronic renal failure.

Often, treatment with the preparations Cantharis compositum and Berberis-homaccord ends in complete recovery. Perhaps the combination of Mucosa compositum and Cantharis compositum is most successful in the treatment of gastric ulcers in cats. An ulcer on the background of hyperacid gastritis is most quickly cured with the help of Liarsin.

Phytotherapy. The treatment of peptic ulcer is to eliminate or neutralize the factors that contribute to ulcer formation (aggression factors) and to stimulate the body's defenses (protection factors). Plants are used with enveloping (calamus, flax, borage, verbena, etc.), antispasmodic (calamus, ammi tooth, anise, oregano, etc.), reparative (aloe, marshmallow, cuff, etc.), antimicrobial (yarrow, calendula officinalis, knotweed, thyme, etc.) by action. Aloe vera juice, for example, can be added to drinking water 1 teaspoon daily. Also prescribed are decoctions of flaxseed, chamomile flowers, milk thistle oil. Collection: fennel (fruits) 30 g, chamomile (flowers) 30 g, heart-shaped linden (flowers) 30 g.