Creative meeting with writer Elena Naumova. Scenario of a meeting with a writer Title of creative meetings with local writers


Extracurricular activity

Scenario of a creative meeting with the writer E.S. Naumova

Participants : students of grades 7-8, teachers, librarians.

annotation . The event is held in the form of a creative meeting in the library named after A.S. Pushkin. The students meet an interesting person: the Vyatka writer E.S. Naumova. In advance, students carry out research work (studying the biography and creativity of the writer, preparing literary composition). During the meeting, the author answers questions and reads his poems.

Subject : “Whoever wants to understand the poet must go to the poet’s country” (Goethe).

Target : education of spirituality, patriotism, citizenship; introducing schoolchildren to beauty; development of connections between generations.

Tasks : introduce students to art world writer E.S. Naumova, to involve them in creative research work; develop the communicative literacy of students, their Creative skills; to form aesthetic taste and educate an aesthetic and moral personality on this basis;

The event is based on meta-subject technology. The teacher creates conditions for the realization of the natural inclinations inherent in the child, organizes the activities of students, becomes an assistant and participant educational process. In the process of preparing for and participating in the event, children learn to creatively present their thoughts, learn cooperation, the ability to correlate their activities with the activities of others, independently obtain knowledge, if necessary, resorting to the help of a teacher and other students.

Planned results:

1) subject:

understanding literature as special way knowledge of life,

formation of the need for dialogue with the text, the ability to co-create with the writer in the process of reader perception,

preparing students for creative work;

ability to plan paths achieving goals,

mastery different types speech activity and the foundations of the culture of oral and written speech,

formation of information culture child's personality,

skills formation creative activity,

ability to work in a group, ability to effectively collaborate and enter into dialogue, participate in collective discussion; possession of self-presentation skills; development of skills to give reasoned assessments;

3) personal:

familiarization with moral values ​​through communication with interesting and famous people,

formation emotional sphere through “living” the text.


- exhibition of books by E. Naumova,

- presentation for a literary composition;

- multimedia projector.

Event structure:

1.Organization of a reception in the library named after A.S. Pushkin (Kirov).

2. Exhibition of books by E. Naumova.

4. Creative conversation with a writer.

5. Presentation of commemorative copies of books autographed by E. Naumova.

Contents of the event.

The created work is a biography of the soul.

E. Naumova.

1. Reception at the library named after A.S. Pushkin.

2. Exhibition of books by E. Naumova.

3. Literary composition about the life and work of E. Naumova.

(In preparation for the event, students worked in groups; tasks were offered: get acquainted with the creative biography of the writer, select poems for a literary composition and learn them by heart, create a script together with the teacher and create a presentation)

Students read poetry by heart.

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, our dear guests, dear guys! Today we have a wonderful day. And it is wonderful because it awaits us extraordinary meeting! Meeting with the amazing creative person, capable of seeing miracles in the simplest and most extraordinary phenomena and objects - Elena Naumova!

Presenter 2. Elena Stanislavovna Naumova was born in the Kirov region, in the village of Vakhrushi, Slobodsky district, in the family of a musician and an employee. In addition to his parents, his grandmother and godmother played a major role in the upbringing of the future poet.

Due to his profession, my father was forced to travel most of the time. But, despite his busy schedule, it was he who, having read his daughter’s first poems, immediately saw herethical talent, musicalnewsb, contentthe sincerity and sincerity of her poems.

Presenter 1. Platerliterary club "Youth" dAlopportunity for talenteddgirl to believe in herself and present her poemsreaders. A accept pThe decision to enter the Literary Institute was helped then by a young writer, and nowfamous TV show hostSmart guys and smart girls,” MGIMO professor Yuri Vyazemsky, who spotted the lyrithe talent of Elena Naumova.

Elena enrolls - first as a correspondence student, and then transferred to the full-time department of the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky. But does the Literary Institute make its students poets and writers? Rather, it helps to hone her skills, because the gift of words and a clear awareness of her path came to Elena much earlier.

In 1989, Elena Naumova, a fourth-year student at the Literary Institute, was accepted into the Writers' Union at the IX All-Union Meeting of Young WritersTHE USSR.

Presenter 2. 1990 was a milestone: I graduated from college, and I needed to look for a foothold. Elena returns to her small homeland, Vyatka. Works in regional periodicals, does he organizeliterary and journalistic studio "Children's patterns" at the Kirov Regional Palace of Children and Youth Creativity and,Of course, he continues to write.

Presenter 1. Elena Naumova has her own wide circle readers. The name of the poetess from Vyatka has long been discovered by poetry lovers, literature teachers, students and schoolchildren. Her poems, stories and stories are published not only in Vyatka, but also in a hundredpersonal publications: in the almanacs “Origins”, “POETRY”, “Evening Album”, “Russian Soul”, in the magazines “October”, “Moscow”, “Our Contemporary”, “North”, on the pages of “Literary Gazette”, and are also published in separate collections.

Presenter 2. Elena Naumova becomes a laureate of the Kirov literary prizes named after Leonid Dyakonov, Ovid LyubovikovA, All-Russian Prize nameNikolai Zabolotsky. In 2005 and 2008 she was the winner of the annual Moscow International1st Contemporary Poetry CompetitionGolden feather."

Leading 1. C B 2008 story by Elena Naumova “Graycat on a white cloud" was butmined famous critic and literary critic Pavel Basinsky atPremium " Yasnaya Polyana» named after Leo Tolstoy. And Elena Naumova becomes a finalist for the Ivan Bunin Prize.

Elena Stanislavovna Naumova enjoys authority among her colleaguesPabout peru. But the respect of colleagues, the love of readers, and the attention of literarycriticsshe is not reassured, but only encouraged to doubt, search, introspection and high demands on her works.

Presenter 2. 2011. Poems by E. Naumova set to music talented musician Evgeny Shchekalev, who recorded the song “Girl and Rain” together with Valentina Tolkunova.

Spring 2013. A collection of poems "Tokens" is published.

Presenter 1. TMarina Tsvetaeva's creativity is especially frequent« comes to life" in the imagination of Elena Naumova. Tsvetaeva’s poems help not to despair,ne refuse creative suffering and joys. Elena finds a feeling of kinship withvoice, intonationMarieny Tsvetaeva. There are direct initiations.

When the singing stops

On the eve of cold weather

And the time comes

Rowan fruits -

Away with the last wedge

Farewell cry melts...

Boyarina rowan

It burns with rubies.

The rains will be worse

Whipping at random and at random

The sweeter and sweeter

Rowan bunch.

Presenter 2. A special soul-lifting role in creative biography E. Naumova syGRala Yunna Moritz - an amazing poet, whose letters Elena Stanislavovna is kept as a relic and a sign of great friendship of the “singing heart”. Yunna Moritz was able to professionally evaluate the poems of Elena Naumova and giftedneturnips, friendly communication. In the preface to the collection of poemsny "“Through the foliage” she writes: “...Elena Naumova is a poet from those who liveAweigh -like leaves, trembles in the wind of life - like leaves, birds of joyand sorrows singher soul - like in foliage, her poems are frank and reverent - likefoliage, and in the bestits lines contain the excitement of foliage in a state of constantyanny movementAweigh"

Of course, autumn

Of course it's autumn

I love everyone.

Miles of Aprils,

Through drops

And Februarys.

The leaf is burning out.

Trembling and melting.

Last page.

And a quiet angel

Hovering over everything.

Saved and clean.

Presenter 1. Poetess“reveals” to readers the sources of his creativity:« God, love, work." Only about himselfthe main thingone can speak in verse, and the poet spiritualizes the fusion of “suffering and labor” and endows his lyrics with the ability« to be born, to live, to breathe.”

My poems are not that bad.

They are without silver and gilding.

Without bright tinsel and husk...

From God, from love and from work

Born. And they breathe and they live.

And they will live in this world for a long time.

My poems are suffering and labor.

My poems are open, like children.

Leading 2 . The poem is very touching"Behind the crane." It is about the tragic connection of a person living on earth with heaven, with the breath of the earth.

Maybe I'm that crane

I'll never, ever catch it.

God, how defenseless the earth is,

How beautiful

Especially in May.

I can hear her breathing.

I feel every exhalation and inhalation.

And the high sky is calling

Tirelessly, especially in May.

But the fiercer the crane's cry,

The more painfully the wings erupt,

The more desperately the earth holds

All the juices, herbs, dust...

To cling to the wedge of cranes

And flap your wings at random.

But again I remain on earth,

And I look into the sky and cry.

Presenter 1. Naumova’s lyrics have their own natural world, in which they describe various phenomena. It seems that the poetess looks at him through the eyes of an artist, strives to create a picture that the reader will see and feel.


Will terrible winds blow?

Or the heat torments the gardens,

They are not at odds with each other

Because of the land, because of the water.

Surrounding us all with care,

They carry warmth for centuries.

Why does he offend them?

Big and strong man?!


How many sad branches there are in October!

They are silent, remembering spring.

They only tremble quietly at dawn.

And there is one like this under my window.

Rain-lashed, naked

Before people, before an indifferent world.

She is already prickly, like winter,

Frosty. And yet beautiful.


In winter the trees are stricter and wiser,

No unnecessary jewelry, no glitter.

Without March glass. No fuss.

Without senseless bird noise.

Everything is purity and severity in December.

Everything - graphics, mysterious signs...

And the harmony of light lines at the dawn.

And in the quietest twilight, and in darkness.


Solo concerts are over.

The larks fly away


Despite the cold whirlwind

Crumb the bread

And yellow millet.

In the snow, like a small dawn,

This scarlet bird is

Not in vain.

Somewhere in mid-January

Let's celebrate the bullfinch's birthday.


How quickly she flew


Breaking out of the winter shackles!

Like her silver body

It cracked loudly and easily!

Blue melting ice floes

Light streams flowed,

Helping little blades of grass

Get out from under the ground into the light.

Presenter 2. Elena Naumova’s poems help readers “listen” to life, love it, “the best thing that happens on this day,” admire the miracle of snow in July, art Dymkovo toys, to see POETRY in life, to believe in a dream.

What's the hurry, my friend?

It's snowing outside.

Look how he walks

You follow his flight.

At first he flew like a midge.

Then, like a snow swallowtail.

What could be the matter?

When winter is white and white!

Ah, snow is a shaggy, wondrous beast,

Floats over the city like a shadow.

And this is the best, believe me,

What happens on this day.

Presenter 1. Elena Naumova feels life deeply. By using artistic word she conveys her thoughts about its course, about the difficulties that every person faces every day.

Only in this way: through suffering and joy are born good books. And good books change a person, make him look at the world differently.

Perhaps a meeting with the books of Elena Naumova will change you and your life for the better!

Conversation with my son about a star (the poem is abbreviated)

One day my son told me a secret:

I’ll get a star from the sky into this one.

Whether with a net, a hook, or another object -

You'll see, I'll get this star.

Presenter 2. Believe in your dream, light stars in the sky and read wonderful books Elena Naumova!

4. Creative conversation with the writer.

Poems about war occupy a special place in Elena Naumova’s lyrics. The fact is that Elena’s mother went to the front as a fifteen-year-old girl, after she lost two siblings. One of the most heartfelt poems, “There were funerals for families,” is dedicated to this topic.

The poetess read her favorite poems with inspiration. The students listened to her carefully, asked questions about life and creativity that interested them, and received succinct, meaningful answers.

5. Presentation of commemorative copies of books.

At the end of the event, commemorative copies of books signed by the writer were presented, and photographs were taken.

List of information sources.

    Through the foliage: poems / E. S. Naumova; comp. M. V. Karpova; artist M. V. Naumov. - Kirov: [b. i.], 2004.

    Gray cat on a white cloud: a story / E. S. Naumova; [preface E. O. Galitskikh; artist M.V. Naumov]. - Kirov: ORMA, 2008.

    Fern flower: poems, fairy tales, stories, stories / E. S. Naumova. - preface E. O. Galitskikh. - Kirov: O-Kratkoe, 2009.

Creative meeting with the writer N. Bichekhvost “From Stalingrad to Luxembourg...”

February 10, 2015 at the Volgograd Regional Scientific Library named after. M. Gorky, the first event of the project “Literary and local history educational program” took place, timed to coincide with the Year of Literature, which involves holding a series of meetings between readers and Volgograd writers.

The first creative meeting was timed to coincide with the next anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad.

The guest speaker was local historian, publicist, and senior adviser to justice Nikolai Fedorovich Bichekhvost.

At the meeting, Nikolai Fedorovich spoke about his new story - “From Stalingrad to Luxembourg...”, dedicated, on the one hand, to a tragic, and on the other hand, to a glorious page in the history of the 20th century - the Great Patriotic War. The author spoke about the difficult war and post-war past of our country using the example of the fate of his parents, who went through the millstones of war, but were not broken, did not lose their fortitude, about their love and loyalty.

All of Nikolai Fedorovich’s work is permeated with the spirit of patriotism, in it
the main idea can be traced - so that they do not forget, remember those who laid down their lives for the future of those living today!

Nikolai Fedorovich spoke about himself and the history of his family. Its natural
charm, kindness, spiritual openness, genuine interest in your work
Literally from the first minutes of the meeting, we endeared ourselves to everyone present.
The author conveyed his thoughts and creative ideas in an easy and accessible way for the audience.

He was born on the Novokievsky farm in the Stalingrad region, graduated from school,
served in the Armed Forces. In 1973 he graduated from Saratov Law School
Institute named after D.I. Kursky. Started his service in the prosecutor's office
investigator of the prosecutor's office of the Mikhailovsky district of the Ryazan region, held
various positions in the prosecutor's office of the Volgograd region, including
prosecutor of the Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd. And off we went, day and night, in slush, blizzard and bad weather, to the scenes of serious crimes, investigating criminal cases of premeditated murders, participating in trials, considering statements from residents about infringement of their rights and violations of the law. This is how his development as a lawyer began. He had seen all sorts of human grief, tried as best he could to ease the pain of death, the loss of loved ones, small children...

He finished his service as a senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Volgograd region for relations with funds mass media and the public. The profession is harsh and leaves an indelible mark on the life of every professional, but there were also worthy, respectable people, experienced mentors who are remembered to this day kind words.

Special mention should be made of the enormous love, memory and deep tenderness for one’s
parents, family, to a difficult past, a sincere desire not to lose
heard from father and mother. Nikolai Fedorovich remembered his father’s behest forever and
carries through life to this day: “Children, never lose heart...”.

Actually, for this reason, his research and writing activities about our great and forgotten countrymen and compatriots began...

Currently, Nikolai Fedorovich Bechekhvost is engaged in historical and archival research
research on personalities of the Volga-Don region, previously known in Russian Empire, Europe, America and Asia in the military, civil and spiritual fields.

He published essays about them in federal and local magazines, scientific and local history collections, regional and city newspapers, and published a documentary and artistic collection “Ring, Ring, Holy Rus'!” Published historical narratives“Star of Ataman Denisov”, “Secrets of old archives”. At the Volgograd State Television and Radio Company, TRV hosted the television author's program “Secrets of the Old Archives” and “Eye of the Sovereign.”

The creative meeting in Gorkovka took place in a sincere, warm atmosphere.
Nikolai Fedorovich cited several cases from his prosecutorial practice.
Some stories are sad, but there were also entertaining, even funny, that
aroused genuine interest and smiles among the audience.
The event was attended by students of Volgograd Technical College
and admirers of the writer’s work. The guests, especially young people, listened with attention to the interesting storyteller, who managed to win them over and captivate him with his wonderful narration.

After the meeting, everyone had a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the exhibition of the author’s works, which are stored in the Volgograd OUNL named after. M. Gorky.

At the end of the creative meeting, Nikolai Fedorovich thanked all those present
for the warm welcome and wished the younger generation:

“Life goes on, it has many beautiful colors. And I write about the amazing, mysterious past and no less fascinating today. Read the classics, read modern literature, books are the best helpers and advisers in life..."

Everyone was able to ask Nikolai Fedorovich questions, get autographs, and
also take a photo for memory.

The granddaughter of the story about Brikhnichev responded to me!

My correspondence with the granddaughter of the story “I. Stalin’s Friend and Enemy I. Brikhnichev” about the outstanding fellow countryman Ionne Brikhnichev - dear Mila.

I remember being very impressed and attracted by this powerful personality! Dear Mila! My computer is acting up right now, a number of sites are not working, so I decided to come here. To contact me, you can go to my page on Odnoklassniki (working), on Prose ru, where the above article is posted.
Please write - I’m very glad to meet you!
With warm respect, Nikolai Bichekhvost,

Nikolay, your news is like a gift!
I wrote to you so long ago, there was no answer, I thought I was bothering you. In general, it was based on emotions. And I deleted my “message”. I'm not on Odnoklassniki. And I don’t know how to connect myself. If I can communicate somewhere, I will be very glad. By the way, I’m still on Twitter under the same name (my maiden name)). On Mile - [email protected]
I'll try to google your article).
Nikolai, I am immensely grateful to you for my grandfather and for your response. If we communicate, I will be very, very happy!
Sincerely. Mila)))

Dear Mila! Thank you for such a warm, responsive letter!
You know, the essay about your grandfather is in my literary creativity was one of the first. And I am grateful to his, your grandfather’s, spirit for encouraging me to do such painstaking and exciting work!
Then I wrote many dozens of such essays, almost all of them are published in literature. Proza ru server, on my page. But THIS essay still warms my soul.
For 4 years I hosted (based on my essays) such a program on Volgograd TV, “Secrets of Old Archives.” I also proposed your grandfather’s candidacy for 15 minutes. film, but the director did not pull it off, because it was very difficult for him to present on TV this difficult lover of truth, a philosopher, with multifaceted views.. and who managed to STAND UP AND SURVIVE everything with WORTHY troubled times, disasters and authorities in Russia. It’s just that in the process of working on this essay I was “sick” of this spiritual personality, and the director, alas...

Dear Mila, I wonder if any family heirlooms about my grandfather have survived? Based on a number of my essays on the Internet, relatives, colleagues and other people also wrote to me and asked for help. And at meetings with readers, I usually talk about this connection and the MEMORY of generations, and young people, with their mouths open, listen to such matters... About me you can read the article “A Little About Me” on PROZ ru.
When I master THIS page, I will send you an article about your grandfather and about myself. That's how we met! My cousin, and this year, God willing, my wife and I will go to them. It's a small world...Thank you for your attention! Sincerely,..

Nikolay, thank you again for everything.
To my surprise, your first message and my response disappeared from this page. I don't know what will happen next. Apparently something is wrong in our correspondence? I don't understand. But I’m very glad that a dialogue has started. I hope we will support you. All the best to you and your family.


Mila, don't worry, please!
Everything is saved on my page. Failure may be due to sudden changes in weather.
Yes, if possible, which children and grandchildren continued, and where and by whom, the family of the respected Jonah Brikhnichev. If my question is not correct, then, of course, skip it!)))

Nikolai, I’m the only one left, my granddaughter.
And my nephew, that is, my grandfather’s great-grandson. He has two children.
His daughter is interested in family chronicles. Initially, she brought the articles. After all, there are some very unflattering findings. But I read everything I come across with trepidation. Left over from grandfather dear to the heart"seeds". This is what he called the quarters of paper on which he wrote down the thoughts of great people, aphorisms, his poems, etc. At every meeting he gave everyone a pack of such seeds))) I saw my grandfather last time in January 1967 My husband and I came to say goodbye before a business trip to Africa. He blessed us. Soon he was gone... That's it - briefly. If there is interest, maybe I will remember my “seeds” about my grandfather.
I really feel very warm and good from your words.
See you live))

© Copyright: Nikolay Bechekhvost, 2018
Certificate of publication No. 218110700926

Write a review
Hello, Nikolay! I congratulate you on this result of your work! It’s so wonderful that your granddaughter came out to you! Me too similar case was. Imagine, my relatives responded to my stories. Now we maintain the warmest relations!
Blessings to you!
Best regards, Galina.

13.10.2017 02:10

Meeting writers in the library is always a holiday. And meeting with writers whose books are popular among readers is doubly a holiday, because such impressions are usually remembered for a lifetime. For the residents of Aniva, who were not spoiled by such meetings, this was a real event!

On October 10, a landing force landed in Aniva, or rather, the so-called “literary landing.” On this day in the conference room central library students gathered secondary schools cities, older generation readers.

The meeting with the writers took place within the framework of the III Interregional Festival of Patriotic Books “About Russia - with Love”. The participants of the creative landing were:

Mikhail Shchukin (Novosibirsk) – prose writer, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Chief Editor literary magazine"Siberian Lights";

Gennady Prashkevich (Novosibirsk) - poet, prose writer and translator, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, the Union of Journalists of Russia;

Nikolay Tarasov (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) - poet, prose writer, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, executive secretary of the Sakhalin regional branch of the Union of Writers of Russia;

Anna Safonova (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) - poet, prose writer, critic, member of the Russian Writers' Union.

Literature lovers listened with genuine interest and attention to writers, their stories about their work, and asked them questions. Our readers were interested in everything: where they were born and studied, their favorite book in childhood, when they began publishing their books, who their favorite writer is. The younger part of the audience was interested in how to become a writer, where they could go to publish their works.

On the same day, the guests visited the local history museum, got acquainted with our city, which made a very big impression on them. good impression. And we, librarians, were pleased to hear words of gratitude for the excursions and for the warm welcome.

G. Shtepa, ch. bibliographer-local historian

The Seven Wonders of the World were created by people in ancient times. But there is another wonder of the world, no less amazing. It is familiar to each of us, but we are so accustomed to this creation of mankind that we rarely think about its value. And this miracle is always at hand and, like a true friend, is ready to help at any moment. Teach, advise, encourage, tell. This miracle is a book.

June 19 best readers from all over the Kudymkar region gathered at the Kudymkar district cultural center for a literary picnic called “The Book Gives Inspiration.” The holiday program was very varied. Funny Games, including Komi-Permyak, correspondence interactive tour in the “Treasured Treasure” ethnopark, master class “Giving Day” postcard, book exhibitions. While guests arrived from all over the area, it was possible to take part in various interactive platforms before the opening of the holiday. The venue, the village of Peshnigort, was not chosen in vain, because there are legends about this village about the “cherished treasure” and it is there that the Komi-Permyak writer, poet, playwright, folklorist Vasily Vasilyevich Klimov lives. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, he was unable to attend, but the librarians prepared a presentation about him. I also met in absentia with the Perm writer Vladimir Vinichenko.

S. Ya. Marshak said: “Literature also needs talented readers, as well as talented writers. It is on them, these sensitive, creatively imaginative readers that the author counts when he strains all his mental strength in search of the right word.” The main goal A literary picnic is a meeting of readers with writers.

So this time, Gulyaeva Lyudmila Petrovna, a Komi-Permyak writer and poetess, kindly agreed to come. The meeting took place in a surprisingly warm atmosphere. They listened with genuine interest and attention to the “living” writer, her stories about her work, and asked questions. Our readers were interested in many things, how to become a writer, where they can go to publish their works, who can correct the text, etc. For young readers, this meeting will be remembered for a long time and will serve as a good incentive to read books by Komi-Permyak writers that they have not yet read. Introduction to Komi-Permyak literature is always wonderful, and contact with beauty is always great. The meeting with the writers brought a lot of positive emotions to everyone present at the meeting and became surprising and interesting discovery! As a result of this wonderful meeting, everyone was satisfied. There were also autographs as souvenirs.

The event ended with the play “Sister and Brother” puppet theater on wheels Kudymkar. All young readers received not only positive emotions, but also received books as a gift.

The organizers of this holiday are the Municipal Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports of the Kudymkar District, Beloevskaya Central district library them. F.F. Pavlenkova, Beloev Children's Library.

Taking this opportunity, we would like to sincerely thank the team of the Kudymkar District House of Culture, we are grateful to you for sparing no effort and time and directing your talent to achieve the success of our holiday.

N.V. Plotnikova, bibliographer of the Beloev Children's Library

Literary Picnic - 2017

For active young readers of the Kudymkar region, on June 16, 2017, as part of the anniversary events, a LITERARY PICNIC “FIREWORKS OF CHILDREN’S BOOKS” was held.

On this beautiful sunny day, young readers and librarians met interesting people, participated in master classes, had the opportunity to purchase literature provided by the bookselling organization Lira LLC. The culminating moment was creative meetings with writers Fyodor Vostrikov (Perm), Vasily Kozlov (Kudymkar) and Vera Melekhina (Kochevo).

Managers children's reading(librarians and educators), invited guests and writers took part in the discussion event: “ Open mic"on the topic "Problems of the development of literature and the state of children's reading", during which the following questions were discussed:

State book funds libraries; literature of Perm writers; local history literature in the Komi-Permyak language.

Solution to the problem: getting children to read.

At the master classes, young readers made bright bookmarks - emoticons and a paper book man. Specialists from the ethnocultural center of the city of Kudymkar and the children made an eco-frame and taught them to play the pelyans.

Everyone present was delighted with the area for the “Fun Adventures in the Land of Reading” photo shoot. The children happily posed with various photo props with a reading theme. Books from the “Fireworks of Children's Books” exhibition were in great demand.

Volunteers from the Beloevskaya Secondary School actively participated in the picnic.

All participants received a lot of positive emotions, each child received a gift, and the best gift was a book.

We express our gratitude to the administration of MAOU "Beloevskaya comprehensive boarding school for students with disabilities", on the basis of which the event was held, MKU "Beloevsky SKDC", State Budgetary Institution "Komi-Permyak Ethnocultural Center", Department of Ethnocultural Development of the Ministry of Affairs of the Komi-Permyak District Perm region.

T. D. Yepina, head. Beloevskaya Central Children's Hospital

About native - in native

The library today is not only a repository of books, but also a cultural and spiritual center, playing an important role in the processes of national revival, propaganda of the history and culture of the native land, the formation national identity and patriotism. Creative meetings with interesting people have become traditional at the Beloev Children's Library. Over the past few years, many Komi-Permyak writers have visited us: Vera Melekhina, Vasily Kozlov, Viktor Rychkov, Nina Tomskaya, Elena Konshina and others. Conversations that take place live with the author broaden the horizons of schoolchildren and successfully influence the formation of national identity.

On October 21, the Beloev Children's Library was visited by Vasily Grigorievich Kolchurin, a master of words with unique gift to catch even in the sad and sad the good, the bright and the funny. The meeting was attended by 9th grade students, despite the fact that they do not study the Komi-Permyak language, the atmosphere of live communication with the writer did not leave anyone indifferent. The prose poet is so simple and open, he told me a little about himself and introduced me to his creativity. He urged us to love our native language, to respect and honor the traditions of our ancestors, so that when we visit foreign places, “they will not fall in the face, but with feeling and dignity they can defend their native nation.” The hour flew by unnoticed. And then there was a photo for memory.

We think that children will remember this meeting for a long time and will serve as a good incentive to read V.G.’s books. Kolchurin, which they had not yet read.

Plotnikova N.V., librarian of the Beloevskaya Central Children's Library

"Meeting with creative people"

March 29, on the days school holidays, the Beloevskaya Central Children's Library hosted a creative workshop “The Joy of Meeting Interesting People” with the deputy. editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Parma" Irina Dultseva. Teachers took part in this event primary classes, philologists, history teachers and in English. Irina Leonidovna presented a supplement to the district newspaper "Parma" called "Parma ru", which is a 24-page glossy publication in the Komi-Permyak language.

The application in color version was released in 2015 with the support of the Ministry of Affairs of the Komi-Permyak District, under the Parma ru project, the leader of which was Irina Leonidovna herself. A new issue was published in February 2016.

The magazine not only revealed new names for all those present, but also returned to the past and reminded readers of the classics, from whose works aspiring writers should learn. Irina Leonidovna explained all the sections in detail and shared what interesting people she met when creating the magazine.

Everyone liked the design of the magazine, its “deep symbolism”, which reflected the passage of time, life itself, and the birds symbolizing the seasons. The first issue's cover was designed in the style of ethnofuturism by artist and illustrator Polina Rychkova. The second issue was designed by the children of the Yurlin Children's Art School, pleasantly surprising with their original drawings, also in the style of ethnofuturism.

We are currently working on the next spring release, which we will be looking forward to. And we wish creative team professional success, new successful projects, optimism and good spirits!

T. D. Yepina, head. Beloevskaya Central Children's Hospital.

Literary picnic

The year 2015, proclaimed the Year of Literature in Russia, is coming to an end. On December 16, a Literary Picnic event called “Writers Living Nearby” was held at the Kuva Country Camp. The organizers were the Municipal Municipality “Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports of the Administration of the Kudymkar Municipal District”, the Municipal Public Institution “Beloevskaya Central Settlement Library named after. F.F. Pavlenkov", Beloevskaya Central Children's Library. More than 100 participants from all over the region gathered for the holiday. Among them were the best readers, librarians, and philologists.

The head of the administration of the Kudymkar municipal district, Valery Anatolyevich Klimov, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. In his speech, he noted that such events should be held not only during the Year of Literature, but should become a tradition.

The head of the Beloevskaya Central Children's Library, Tatyana Dmitrievna Yepina, was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Governor of the Perm Territory “For the achieved results in the implementation of socially significant projects and many years of conscientious work.”

After a fascinating journey through the fabulous park “Gazha Yag”, the participants were divided into two audiences. Adults were treated to a master class “Children and Money” from Eduard Matveev, general director investment company "Custom Capital", author of two books, useful economic fairy tales "Forest Exchange" and "Dima and the Owl"

Andrei Zelenin, a Perm writer and author of more than 25 books, gathered the children in the assembly hall. His literary baggage includes fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles and many true stories, with whom he introduced the children.

We couldn’t help but invite Komi-Permyak writers to this meeting. Lyubov Kosova also introduced her to her work by reading works in her native language.

This event was the final point in the Year of Literature. The holiday was a success, no one was left without a gift. The children were given books by Andrei Zelenin. Those who wished could also purchase books by other authors. When leaving, everyone thanked us for organizing this holiday and for the invitation.

Let's hope that the coming Year of Cinema will be just as interesting, bright, and creative.

You are the Komi region - a drop of Russia

The Beloev Children's Library hosted a month-long campaign to attract readers, “You are a Komi region – a drop of Russia,” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Komi-Permyak Okrug.

In the reading room, a local history exhibition dedicated to the native language “Native language is an inexhaustible spring” was displayed, which presented books about the Komi-Permyak language, about writers and poets of the district, and fiction.

A native language lesson “Let’s read Komi books, learn a lot of new things” was held with primary school students, where the children were introduced to the latest Komi-Permyak literature and the magazine “Sizimok”. We met in absentia with Komi-Permyak writers and poets, and paid attention to book illustrators.

On February 16, a meeting with the Komi-Permyak poet and writer Vasily Vasilyevich Kozlov took place in the library. The meeting was attended by students studying the Komi-Permyak language.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vasily Vasilyevich briefly spoke about himself, his books of poetry and prose for children. A teacher by training, working at school No. 3 as a teacher of Russian language and literature, he quickly found a common language with the children.

Among other things, he drew the children’s attention to how important it is in our time to understand and know their native language, and also invited the children to try their hand at the literary field and send their works to the children’s magazine “Sizimok”.

The writer introduced his works in a playful way. He taught the children tongue twisters in the Komi-Permyak language, asked riddles, and suggested choosing antonyms in poetic form.

Nikita Konshin, a student of grade 4 “b”, read a poem by Vasily Vasilyevich, for which he received a prize - a book.

The children studied with pleasure, and as a result, their vocabulary was replenished with new words in the Komi-Permyak language. In the “Honorary Guest Book,” Vasily Vasilyevich left wishes for people to love their language and preserve the traditions of their native people.

Epina T.D. Head of the Beloev Children's Library


Any book begins with the writer. His fantasy makes us sad, happy, reasoning, thinking. We can agree with him or argue. It’s very good when you have the opportunity to meet a writer, to get to know a person who knows how to revive your thoughts and dreams. Creative meetings for children are especially interesting. The guys listen carefully and ask many interesting and sometimes unexpected questions.

Meetings with writers and poets have become a good tradition at the Beloev Children's Library. Many famous children's writers of our region visited here. And the library is always open to meeting new authors.

On March 21, a meeting took place with Mikhail Khoroshev, dedicated to world day poetry. For connoisseurs and connoisseurs of poetry in our region, this name is quite well known. You can meet his work by opening the collections “Inva”, “Native Corners”, “A Drop of Dew”, etc. And in 2010, Mikhail Khoroshev’s book “Nostalgia of the Soul” was published. The famous Komi-Permyak poet Stepan Ivanovich Karavaev said: “I am not Russian, but a Russian,” on one of the first pages of the book there is this statement, followed by the poem “I am a Komi-Permyak,” this speaks of a sense of patriotism, love for one’s land and native language.

“...I am proud to belong
to an ancient family...
...Yes, I am Russian.
And Komi-Permyak.”
Despite the fact that the children were after school, they listened with great interest to the author’s work, got acquainted with his biography, and asked various questions.
On poetry day, according to tradition, poems should be sung. The children came to the meeting prepared. They recited poems by their favorite authors - Pushkin, Lermontov, Bunin.
But what surprised everyone most with her performance was Maria Karavaeva, a 5th grade student, who performed Anna Istomina’s poem “Cockroach.” I would like to note that Masha is the only one who read the poem in the Komi-Permyak language.
At the end of the meeting, Mikhail Khoroshev, according to established tradition, left wishes for the readers of our library in the book of honorable guests.
The need for such events is very urgent today. I would like to introduce the younger generation to creators, professionals who masterfully speak Russian and Komi-Permyak words.
Plotnikova N.V., librarian of the Beloevskaya Central Children's Library.



On February 12, at the Beloevskaya secondary school, a meeting was held with Komi-Permyak writers Vera Melekhina and Nina Tomskaya, dedicated to the Day of the Komi-Permyak Language, which is celebrated on February 17. For experts and connoisseurs of their native language and literature, these names are known. Their works were repeatedly published in collections and newspapers. The meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

The children's library workers prepared a presentation that talked about the work of Vera Petrovna Melekhina, after which the author herself appeared before the audience and told what inspired her to become a writer and poet. But first, she thanked everyone for giving her the opportunity to speak the Komi-Permyak language. With great pleasure everyone listened to the pure, expressive speech. It was also interesting for those who did not understand the Komi-Permyak language and often asked those sitting next to her, what was she talking about? Vera Petrovna said that she began writing poetry since childhood, but was embarrassed to show her works and was afraid of criticism. In the extracurricular classes taught by Vasily Ivanovich Isaev, the stories that the teacher read out in front of the class turned out well, thereby making the novice author blush. She gained self-confidence after meeting Alexander Shadrin. As she admitted: “I showed him my works, he simply said: “I like it.” Perhaps out of great modesty, the author of many poems does not like being called a poetess, says that she does not deserve such a title, but is forced to argue with her, especially since she has published a book “Olanlon passez”, which is read in one sitting. Each piece gives you the opportunity to feel the smell of nature, warmth home, love for loved ones...

Nina Nikolaevna Tomskaya told the children: “I started writing late. Before and not
I thought about creativity when I worked as a nurse in a hospital. But after retiring,
began to describe life stories. I decided to show one of them to Vera Petrovna,
having received positive feedback, I decided to send it to the newspaper.” Now the works of this
The author can be periodically seen on the pages of the newspapers “Parma” and “Kama Kytshyn”.
The most memorable moment for the children was hearing Nina Nikolaevna’s story
“Penny”, which she read. At the end of the meeting, the children wanted to take pictures
With wonderful people and proudly posed in front of the lens, standing next to

/Light, lyrical music sounds in the background/

Librarian: Once upon a time French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery wisely noted: “The greatest luxury is the luxury of human communication.”

Wise words indeed! We just have to find

confirmation of them in life!

Communication with a talented person is a double luxury.

The main thing is to see, notice him and tell him “thank you” in time for the generosity of his soul, for the ability to give his talent selflessly, for the fact that he lives in the world and does good.

As a rule, the amazing is always nearby...

Remember, the Russian poet V. Mayakovsky has these lines: he will plow the land, write poetry... The same can be said about Vladimir Vladimirovich Korovkin, a farmer from the village of Kalinovka. He writes poetry and even free time performs them to the accordion as songs. Today Vladimir Vladimirovich is the guest of this creative meeting. Let's greet him and give him the floor.

/ guest performance…/

Librarian: When I met Vladimir Vladimirovich (and this happened at a literary seminar in Zheleznogorsk), I was very touched by his work. I decided for myself that someday I would organize a meeting with the students of our school. And now this time has come...

What does the local poet, bard, write about? About many things... But at the heart of each of his things is real, not fictitious life.

Our schoolchildren also did not remain indifferent. They wanted to take part in a creative meeting and read the poems they liked.

/Poems sound/


No one can paint a picture of the sky

Where clouds can fly like birds.

No one can find the words to the song,

When the sun goes to sleep in a haystack.

No one can make silence scream.

When night covers the earth, burying the scarlet.

No one can stop you from loving Selena,

When the sun will sleep in the fragrant hay.

Where everyone wants to fly is our souls.

And after the dawn the sunset will come again:

It has always been like this, is and will be!

* * *

The moon is like an orange slice

She bent over my village.

Sunset red stripe

Takes the night beyond the horizon

They float silently in the sky,

Somewhere the herons are roosting for the night.

A little breeze plays with the leaves,

And someone’s quiet laughter is heard.

There, on the neighbor's bench,

In the lilacs, hidden from view -

He and she are having a conversation.

They don't care what time it is!

* * *

Bright - bright room.

White - white night.

The owl bursts into laughter.

The dream flies away.

Marvelous, marvelous side by side,

It’s worth holding out your palm.

And touching, it will settle down

Gently on the white chest.

It will subside and echo,

Echo from the laughter of an owl.

Will cradle in the palm of your hand

Tenderness, whispering lips.

With him we fly into the invisible,

Carrying it with me.

Tender, wondrous, sweet,

The fire doesn't go out at night!

* * *

They sleep at home, tired from the day.

The breeze slightly sways the leaves

The smell of hay is in the meadow.

The pond is a quiet water surface.

The willows bent low to the water,

The quails in the fields are calling to sleep,

Dew fell on the rich grass.

If there is a paradise on our earth,

Then he is here, where the family and my home are.

And where the bird of paradise sings,

And she is called a nightingale.

Librarian: Vladimir Vladimirovich’s soulful, lyrical poems always echo the events of what he experienced and saw. And this is not surprising. He has traveled a lot around the world and seen a lot. Since childhood I dreamed of the sea. In 1969 he graduated with honors from the Odessa Maritime School. He swam, his paths - roads ran through the Middle East, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey. Then service in Soviet army. After his dismissal, he studied at the naval school in the city of Murmansk... He met many true friends in life, with whom he is still connected to this day by the bonds of faithful male friendship. And, probably, it is no coincidence that he devoted many of his poems to this topic.

Don't be sorry, don't be sorry

That time has quickly passed.

Re-harness your “horses”

Now it's not much use

Don't be sorry, don't be sorry.

That our years have flown away.

After all, we are still all those

Only, however, they turned grey.

And let the old woman grumble about life.

Like, your time has flown by,

And we will answer: we will live!

Let's empty our glasses with you

Re-harness your “horses”

We'll be there after the crossing!


Excuse me Andryukha, I'm sorry.

For my awards on my chest.

That you are not destined to wear yours,

You are lying there - you have been killed for a long time.

Sorry, Andryukha, sorry,

Don't blame me for walking in the sun,

And you should lie under the grave stone

Forever young, young

How many years have passed, Andryukha, don’t blame me,

I got married, my relatives have children

Everything goes according to plan.

Sorry, Andryukha... That’s not what I’m talking about.

We remember you, your friends:

Borka is red, Kolka, and me too.

We always have a toast for four:

For you, Andryukha, and for the three of us.

Sorry Andryukha, sorry.

Hops are walking in my head, we are not alone

On this day we get drunk in hell

We remember both Chechnya and Afghanistan.

I'm sorry, Andryukha, I'm sorry.

Fate has different standards, apparently.

It's not my fault that I'm alive,

Why are you not next to me?

A fresh wound always hurts more

Sorry, Andryukha, for us, friends!

That we live in this white world without you:

Red-haired Borka, Kolka, and me...

* * *

The rain outside the window is blowing with the wind,

The weather is bad today.

I don't turn on the lights in the house,

Although it's high time

The clock struck exactly midnight

What can we do?!

Don't be sad, pour some wine,

It's time to sleep, but here's the problem:

I just need to forget myself a little -

Faces and eyes pop up

And I, like a wounded bird,

I scream in the pitch darkness,

I see the faces of the dead guys

In a pitch-black dream,

In a pitch-black dream.

We went on a caravan together,

Divided the water in sips

And we disappeared without a trace,

And flew away to the clouds

The stormy weather is noisy

Shadows walk in the corners.

Someone invented night dreams.

But I can't sleep at night...


I'm not on the list of those killed

But I’m not alive there.

I can't find peace...

I am between heaven and earth.

I should have gone crazy.

But he didn’t get off.

I had to go into oblivion

But he didn’t leave.

I'm between heaven and earth

I'm neither dead nor alive.

They don’t send me to hell or heaven,

And on earth they wait all the time.

I am an eternal wanderer, bitterness, pain,

Hope, Faith and Love

I am someone's son and someone's brother,

Missing Soldier.

I'm neither dead nor alive,

Neither flesh nor spirit: I am the pain of the heart!

You can't mourn me.

The earth did not accept me.

I can't be buried!

After all, I can still be.

I am between heaven and earth.

I'm neither dead nor alive.

I am the expectation, I am the pain,

Someone's hope and love!

Librarian: It is clear from many poems that the author has experienced a lot and gained a lot in his army life.

And still the call native land turned out to be stronger. Vladimir Vladimirovich returned to small homeland, to Kalinovka, and in 1979 he graduated from the Kalinovsky Agricultural College, mechanization department. Now he is busy farming, working in field cultivation... And in his free time he writes poetry. Apparently, it is no coincidence that so many of his poems are dedicated to winter nature: frosty clear days, snow, favorite animals - horses, Russian sleighs and the starry sky.

* * *

I still want snow

I still want winter.

I still want to run -

Sledge of the lungs and,

To make the flakes fly

Snow, right in the face.

For the blizzards to howl,

Sweeping the porch!

So that the wind curls

The mane is the luxury of a horse,

He was rowdy in the open air,

The ride into the distance beckons!

To make your cheeks burn,

The blood was like wine!

To sing in a snowstorm

And the whole night was shaking!

And, falling asleep in bed,

The run would continue:

Those flickering fir trees,

About unthinkable negations.

And waking up in the morning,

With a keen eye out the window:

The horse stands rested;

And the village settled in the snowdrifts.

And again on the crunchy snow,

The wind - the horse cuts the tablecloth of the fields.

And again I’ll give myself up to him, I’ll run,

Rider of painted trump cards!

* * *

Over there behind that linden tree,

Sunset with yellowness.

Soft feather bed

The clouds lie.

The night creeps in gloomily.

The brilliance of stars is rare;

Kauraya snorts, -

The late one pulls the cart.

Quacks with alarm

Ridge drake.

Behind the pond the dog groans,

Like groovy.

Subdued by slumber,

Sleeping, calmed down,

Forest and green leaves,

Whispering half asleep.

The night has covered in darkness

Linden and sunset.

Every time on time

The roosters are crowing.

So they crow

Tomorrow is my day.

Everything in it will be bright,

And the shadow will disappear.

* * *

Behind the wall the wind howls

Behind the wall is the roar of winter.

In the fence, there is a maned horse.

In the manger, grass hay.

It smells like the sun and the sultry wind.

It smells like morning dew.

Summer, knocked down to the roots,

A horse is munching on hay in a manger!

Librarian: V.V. Korovkin’s poems were often published in the newspaper “District News”, some of them were published in the international almanac “Slavic Bells”, they are also in our school guide “Small Corner” great Russia" We are attracted to them by their sincerity, warmth, sincerity, and deep philosophical meaning.

* * *

Why does it feel so sad,

Is the same sadness tearing at your soul?!

Autumn is withering underfoot,

There's a cry in the sky - I'll be back!

My October leaves are smoking.

And the fires are burning, burning,

Over my head

What's troubling, explain to me

Stale Rus'?!

Along the temples, splashing with gray hair,

A trace left by sadness.

It hits the heart with pain, pain,

Not to exhale, but to inhale,

Feather grass expanse,

Yes, someone's heavy sigh.

The alarm bell rings in my soul.

Autumn - autumn, autumn - autumn,

My song is leaf fall.

* * *

On a knurled track - it’s so simple

It goes in threads beyond the horizon.

Your own land! Without fear and easily!

On the knurled track forward!

It’s dangerous to roll on land that’s not your own,

Roll along someone else's rut.

And it rolls and seems to be smooth,

But the track was not rolled by me!

And on your own land - even on the side of the road,

I'll leave a rut behind me!

I’ll leave it without dotted lines, just a line!

I’ll leave my own rut behind me!


Everything has a charm for me

Perhaps because it cannot be returned

Gone? But the heart keeps freshness

My memories are the essence!

Our garden with apple and plum trees

And old willows are around

And the pond is full of mud algae,

And a colorful meadow nearby!

My old men and old ladies are dear to me

With your care and kindness.

And you are not just a guest for them, but the best,

Of all the guests: “before”, and “after”, and “then”.

Cordiality and warmth are sincere,

Written on the faces of old people...

And to tears, speeches caress the ear

With such a familiar way of speaking!

I love everything that I am apart from

And it is not from pink dreams that the soul trembles.

And from what I live with, essentially:

I escape the roots of my native ones, with the memory of the nodes!


When reading poetry, you always wonder: is it possible to understand the reasons that aroused the author’s feelings, which subsequently resulted in the lyrics.

— What can awaken the inspiration sleeping inside every person, the joyful feelings of unity with nature?

- Of course.

Glubokoe inner experience And human tragedy?

- Yes!

Love and understanding?

- Undoubtedly.

All this in the verses of V.V. Korovkina. His heart is not closed to love for people, for native land, to the beloved woman... It responds to the voice of poetry and sounds in lyrical lines. And from the mouth of the author himself, the poems simply come to life. Therefore, we will ask the author to read the lyrical poems, because only he can convey to us their intonation and mood.

We are happy to give the floor to the author, a talented and interesting person.

* * *

Burns with fire on the glass

The last ray of sunset.

Come to me, my love,

I said it once.

But now, I don’t say.

I'm burning in the evening fire.

Although I still love you

With your former love.

Come on, my love, with you

Let's forget our quarrels.

Nothing is eternal under the Moon…

How stupid are those discords!

And let everything burn in flames,

Evening fire -

Resentments, bitterness and everyday life,

Which are not in vain.

Met a woman

The evening is in full swing and melting

Smoke from expensive cigarettes

I like the woman very much

The one sitting opposite.

Thin, fragile, sweet,

Lips caress the glass.

The vein in my neck is pulsating,

I would give anything for her.

Champagne is flowing like a river.

Let's drink to good friends

We are giving table speeches.

I'm all about her and about her.

Thin, fragile, sweet,

Lips caress the glass.

How I envy him!

I'd rather kiss them!

The hall is in twilight, everyone is dancing,

It’s like I’m walking towards her in a dream.

Stop deceiving each other:

I see that she likes me.

Thin, fragile, sweet

He offers his hand.

The vein in my neck is pulsating,

Blues saxophone leads.

We danced a lot more,

They said a lot without words

And for dessert we ordered with her

Fruits, wine and love!

Fragile, tender, sweet

Drunk from kisses.

Time suddenly disappeared somewhere -

She's next to me!

Librarian: It must be said that at the beginning of its creative path Vladimir Vladimirovich was only engaged in versification; later he began to select melodies.

Today the author has dozens of songs to his credit own composition. Several years ago, a friend from Volgograd, having become acquainted with the work of V.V. Korovkina, offered to donate several of his tapes for the Grushinsky Bard Song Festival. One of the recordings was played on Mayak. So maybe we can ask our distinguished guest to perform this song now?

Librarian: Nothing in life happens by chance. Everything has its roots, origins... I would like to ask my first question now:

- Where did you get all this from?

/ Attendees ask questions/

They say that a person who lives where he was born can rightfully be called happy.

Do you regret that you live in Kalinovka and not somewhere in Egypt?

What would you wish for young people? Etc.

Librarian: Today, within our walls school library, lyrical poems and songs were sung to the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich Korovkin. Kind, smart, deep words and feelings.

It remains to add: “lyros”, translated from Greek as “soul”.

As is the soul, so are the poems... There is a poet in each of us... You just need to notice it.

Thank you for being with us. Please accept a souvenir from all those present and those who prepared this meeting. This photo of the landscape of our area was entered into a competition on the Internet and took an honorable 2nd place there.

We all wish you new creative success!

Low bow and thank you for everything! See you again, friends.