Spending too much time and effort on acquiring status items


What makes us happy? The answer is simple - these are our habits, which determine how happy we are. Psychologists have identified ten good habits, which the “lucky” ones have.

1. The fact remains that happy people are not at all interested in what others might think about them. Agree, we are used to worrying about what opinion people have about us. But do not forget that there are as many opinions as there are people in the world. It’s not even worth imagining what will happen if we decide to please everyone. Coco Chanel also exclaimed: “I don’t care what you think of me, I don’t think about you at all.” Everyone likes someone who is independent and self-confident, who has a strong life position People. Be just such a person, and don’t look at the opinions and condemnations of people around you.

2. You need to be able to thank from the heart. The fact is that gratitude can work real miracles. When we give thanks, we focus our attention not on what we do not yet have, but on what we already have. As they say, like can attract like. Therefore, try to respond with gratitude to everything, and before you go to bed, remember at least 5 reasons to be grateful for your life.

3. Failed love? Betrayal of friends? Missed opportunity? Happy people don't torture yourself with regrets. We are all prone to regret, but don't forget that we spend a lot of our lives doing it. What happened cannot be corrected, but drawing the right conclusions will never be superfluous.

We have always been inspired by stories of successful people. However, most often we live a routine and ordinary life, without trying to change anything to achieve the same results. This article shows 10 habits of successful people that will help change your life in better side.

The habit of getting enough sleep

It is a mistake to believe that the longer a person sits at work, the more effective the result will be. Instead of an excellent result, the “workaholic” becomes irritable, tired and Bad mood. Timely decision-making about the quality and duration of sleep can affect health, beauty and performance. Believe me, the effect will be noticeable within a few days.

An action like smiling can bring a lot of good things into your life. Firstly, relationships with relatives, colleagues and friends will noticeably improve. Secondly, you will feel more attractive, which will increase general mood. And thirdly, resistance to stress will increase.

The habit of planning will help you put things in order in your life. You need to start small. For example, you can try planning your day. Afterwards, start making plans for a month, a year, your whole life. This way, you will move in small steps towards your previously planned goal.

It is necessary to develop the habit of resting as after working day, and after working week. A rested person copes with problems much faster and also has increased performance.

Dreams will help direct positive energy towards the implementation of your plans. By revealing his creative potential, a person begins to look at life differently.

Agree, it is quite difficult to suddenly start getting up early in the morning, so it is necessary to gradually adjust your sleep and wakefulness schedule to the early awakening. Many successful people start their day quite early, explaining this by the fact that productivity most often occurs in the morning rather than in the evening.

When starting to make excuses to someone, a person feels guilty. This gives rise to negative thoughts and emotions. The habit of not making excuses to anyone will help you become calmer, more balanced, and will also improve your relationships with people around you.

Anyone can develop every day. For this there are books, trainings, courses, the Internet, etc. Even by taking a small step towards self-development every day, you can achieve certain goals.

World-renowned psychiatrist Dr. Mark Gholston on the habits that happy couples have and, by the way, if you decide to adopt them, don’t forget about habit number 7!

Dr. Mark Gholston is a world-renowned psychiatrist and the author of several best-selling books. In addition, he is also an active blogger. And his article “10 Habits” happy couples» has already been read by more than half a million people from all over the world. No matter what state your relationship is in, you will still be interested in reading about what habits Dr. Gholston considers important to ensure that the magic of love between you and your soulmate never ends :)

1. Try to get to bed at the same time

Remember the beginning of your relationship, when you couldn't wait to be in the same bed together so you could finally make love. Happy couples resist the temptation to go to bed late different times. They go to bed at the same time, even if then one of the partners quietly gets up to do business without disturbing the sleep of their loved one.

2. Find common interests

After the raging fire of initial passion has died down and been replaced by the steady flame of love, many couples find that they don't have much in common. However, don't downplay the importance of what you can do (and enjoy) together.

And even if you don't have many common interests, you may well find something that you both will like (if, of course, you want to be a happy couple). And don’t forget about your own interests and hobbies - this way you will not only become more interesting to your partner, but will also appear less dependent on him.

3. If you go somewhere together, hold hands or walk side by side

When a happy couple goes somewhere, it doesn’t happen to them that one of the partners walks behind the other or runs in front - no, they walk holding hands, or at least next to each other. They know that the desire to be close to each other is much more important than the desire to arrive somewhere first.

4. Let trust become your normal mode.

If (more precisely, when) you quarrel or quarrel, know that happy couples are happy because they are ready to trust each other and forgive each other instead of cultivating distrust and anger in themselves.

5. Try to think more about what your partner does right and less about what he does wrong.

If you look for only flaws in your partner, you can trust me - you will find them in abundance. But in the same way, you can find good in it. It all depends on what exactly you are looking for. Happy couples have a positive outlook.

6. Hug each other when you meet each other in the evening after work

Our skin has a memory for “good touch” (love), “bad touch” (abuse), and “no touch” (neglect). And when you say hello or goodbye to your “other half”, accompanied by a hug, you are literally immersed in “good touches” - and they, in turn, help us endure any adversity.

7. Tell each other “I love you” and “Have a nice day” every morning

This is a great way to get a good boost of tolerance and good mood, with which you can go to fight traffic jams, long queues, and other unpleasant phenomena.

8. Wish each other every evening Good night– and it doesn’t matter how sincerely you do it

This tells your partner that no matter how upset you are with him or her, you still care about your relationship and want to continue it. This suggests that what happens between you is much larger and more important than one single unpleasant incident.

9. Don’t forget to ask each other how you’re doing.

Don't forget to call your partner at home or work from time to time to see how their day is going. This is a great way to know in advance what you can expect from him or her when you meet in the evening. For example, if your partner's day was simply terrible, you can hardly expect him to be sincerely happy about your cloudless day.

10. Enjoy being seen together

Happy couples are not ashamed to appear with people together, moreover, they enjoy being seen during any emotional contact, be it a simple touch on the hand or shoulder, or a passionate kiss. And they are not at all trying to shock others with this - they just want to show that they belong to each other, and are happy with it. The habits of happy couples are very different from those of unhappy couples. But what is a habit? It is a pattern of behavior that you perform automatically and that requires little effort on your part to maintain. For any behavior to become a habit, it must be repeated for at least 21 days - and if you adopt the behaviors described in this article, they will certainly make your personal relationships much healthier and happier. And remember - if you don't succeed the first time, don't despair. Simply apologize to your partner, ask for their forgiveness, and continue to work on developing healthy habits. If luckily in love and ordinary life If there were any key to success, then part of it would certainly be the following: when talking to people, listen more than you talk, be more interested than try to interest, and admire more than you admire.

Do you want to catch your luck? Then learn about 10 habits that you should never acquire if you really want to be a successful person. Here they are:

1. The habit of jumping to conclusions.

Very often it seems to us that we already know in advance what will happen and how, and we begin to act according to our erroneous ideas about the future. In fact, life likes to throw up surprises that are even difficult to imagine, so you shouldn’t rely on your hasty conclusions. It is also a mistake to think that we know the reasons for people’s actions and their subsequent actions. This is absolutely false, and very often leads to conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships.

2. The habit of dramatizing events.

Don't exaggerate minor failures or get upset over little things. With this behavior, we develop anxiety, which prevents us from being successful in life.

3. The habit of creating stereotypes and labels.

When we try to determine the essence of things once and for all, we can be very mistaken. In fact, everything in the world is much more interesting than it might seem at first glance, so you shouldn’t try to force everything into a certain framework.

4. The habit of dividing everything into “black and white”.

In fact, there are thousands of options in the color palette of life, and the desire to get “all or nothing” leads to the fact that we simply do not notice them. There is no perfect job, friends, or relationships. Great art is to be happy with what you have.

5. The habit of generalizing.

Often we try to find a trend in the series of our successes and failures. In fact, several repeated situations do not indicate anything. Treat every event as valuable in itself.

6. The habit of taking everything to heart.

Don't worry about bad news on TV, stories about your neighbor's illness, or about your colleague's misfortune. Sympathize, help, but don’t worry about other people’s problems.

7. The habit of trusting surging emotions.

Your feelings show your subjective perception of the world, which is not always correct.

8. The habit of being apathetic.

To be lucky, you have to be an optimist. Wait, seek and believe in the good - and you will receive it! People with a negative attitude often don't even notice opportunities that could bring them luck.

9. The habit of doing everything according to the rules.

Often we set certain limits for ourselves that bring nothing but difficulties and nervousness. Don't create unnecessary obstacles where there are none.

10. The habit of bringing up the past.

It is much better to leave the past alone, forgive all offenses to yourself and others, and with with a pure heart live on. Don't keep past failures and disappointments in your heart. Move on, believing in luck and hoping for the best!

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