DIY kinder chocolate cake. How to make a kinder chocolate cake with your own hands. Buy a ready-made set: pros and cons


Chocolate eggs with toys have been delighting children for many years. And if you want to give a tasty, original and beautiful gift, then try making a kinder cake. There are many ideas and options for making it yourself.

A DIY kinder cake is very simple, but at the same time it looks unusual. In addition, the gift is made from chocolate, which means, in addition to impressions, the hero of the occasion will also receive his favorite sweets.

The sweet present is not only very attractive on the outside, but also delicious on the inside.

We will need:

  • base, for example, the one used for ordinary cakes;
  • beautiful ribbon;
  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • kinders and chocolates.

Build process:

  1. Using glue, we attach the kinder chocolates vertically to the base in a circle, placing them close to each other. To make it look more beautiful, you can decorate everything with a ribbon: tie the chocolates and make a bow.
  2. If you have a lot of sweets, then you can completely fill the inside of the base with them. If there is not much, cut out a circle of colored paper with the same diameter as the base, glue it on top and place the kinders on it. If desired, you can use any other decorative items.

With lollipops

Kinder surprise cake can be made not only from chocolates and eggs, but also with the popular caramel on a stick, which children also adore.

We will need:

  • foam for the base;
  • kinders, chocolates, lollipops;
  • ribbons, wrapping paper and other decor.

Build process:

  1. The base of any shape is cut out of polystyrene foam, but a round “cake” looks more beautiful.
  2. We cut off the inside a little so that the side parts are higher and a small depression appears in the middle.
  3. We cover the base with wrapping paper, it is advisable to glue it - this way it will hold more securely.
  4. We place chocolate bars vertically on the sides of the base, also fasten them with glue and wrap them with satin ribbon.
  5. Closer to the middle of the base, right behind the chocolates, stick the caramel on a stick directly into the foam.
  6. Place kinders in the middle and the birthday cake is ready.

Gift for a girl

If you are preparing a gift for a girl, then in order to please the little one, you should follow some nuances when assembling the cake.

A kinder cake is a bright and original holiday gift for a girl!
  • Use many different decorations: ribbons, flowers, bows and even soft toys.
  • Don't forget about the color scheme. As a rule, little princesses love pink. Perhaps you know exactly what color the child likes, then it should definitely be included in the surprise.
  • Take any base, but the easiest way to work is with a round foam mold.
  • The cake will turn out very beautiful if you make it in several tiers and decorate it with ribbons of different widths. You can add hairpins, beautiful elastic bands and bracelets, which will become an additional gift.
  • Be sure to place kinders in the middle of the cake, and you can put a small teddy bear or Barbie doll right on them.

Kinder cake for a boy

It is much more difficult for boys to assemble a cake, because they do not like all sorts of ribbons, frills and other girly pleasures. But even here you can find an approach.

  • Bows should not be used, but tying the cake and chocolate levels with ribbon is quite acceptable. This will make the cake look elegant. The most important thing is to choose the right color. Blue is considered universal. You can add white decor to it.
  • For boys, it is better to put out more sweets and less decorations. But a small car in the very center of the cake or some kind of toy robot will never hurt, and will most likely delight the birthday boy.

Kinder and chocolate cake

A cake made from kinders and chocolates is usually made with sweets from a given manufacturer, but if you wish, you can add others, based on taste preferences (your own or the one to whom the gift will be presented).

Small bars of chocolates for children in combination with a kinder surprise can turn into a great gift for a child.
  • First you need to cut out the base. It is best to do this from polystyrene foam, and its height should be the same as the height of the chocolate bars. And if you cut out several bases of different diameters, you will get a multi-tiered cake.
  • Place the chocolates around the base, pressing them tightly together. You can glue the tiles or use a rubber band, wrap it tightly around the “cake” and insert chocolate behind it. Its presence is hidden with a beautiful satin ribbon.
  • We place kinders on top, which do not need to be attached. We decorate the “cake” with any decor and items you wish.

Dessert from Kinder Penguin

There is another option for assembling a “cake”, for which you will need soft, tender Kinder Penguy sponge cakes. The preparation process is absolutely the same, you just need to replace the small chocolates with “penguins”. The biscuit can also be placed on top, along with the kinders.

The Kinder Maxi King cake is made in the same way, only it will have waffles. Or you can even combine both, alternating with each other. It all depends on your preferences and imagination.

Heart shaped

It is not at all necessary to give such a beautiful “cake” only to children. After all, you can do something nice for your loved one by collecting a sweet gift for him in the form of a heart.

  • First of all, you need to take care of an even, stable shape. Foam plastic is ideal for this, although you will also have to tinker. If you decide to make the base out of paper, then use thick cardboard and try to cut out the heart as carefully as possible.
  • Be sure to wrap the base with packaging or any other paper so that the foam or cardboard is not visible.
  • Place chocolates around the base using an elastic band, wrap them with ribbon, and tie a bow. You can even make several of them. It will look very beautiful if you use ruffles or lace ribbons.
  • In the middle of the base we place kinders, Raffaello candies and any other sweets that your significant other likes.
  • You can also use flowers. Of course, it would be ideal to come out alive, but you need to keep in mind that without water they will quickly wither.

To make an unusual sweet surprise, you don’t have to order it from some company and pay a lot of money. You can easily make a kinder cake yourself, because it’s very simple. The main thing is to find time, desire and stock up on sweets.

Kinder cake- this is a bright and original holiday gift! You can present it not only to a child, but also to a teenager, and even an adult, be sure that everyone will be happy with such a sweet gift, besides, in every “detail” of this gift there is a real surprise hidden. Kinder is a chocolate egg, inside of which there is a plastic container with a surprise toy.

Kinder cake

Certainly, Kinder and chocolate cake- a long-awaited gift for every child. For each child's birthday, a wide variety of gifts awaits him - dolls, soft toys, felt-tip pens and pencils, among them there will be sweet gifts. And we decided that even for children's gifts it is necessary to make original packaging, so we will decorate chocolate eggs with a surprise and candies in the form of a large cake. This design option will be useful to you if you are preparing a surprise for the New Year, for March 8, or for Angel Day. This design has one more advantage - you can place any present inside the cake, for example, hide a soft toy or a set of stationery.

On the Internet you can find many options for what it might look like. DIY kinder cake completed. Some ideas seem very complex, almost impossible to implement at home, but rest assured that at home you can independently bring any idea to life. And for this you will not need any special tools, special materials or skills to work with it. As a rule, the frame is made using paper and cardboard, and the main decorative element is chocolate eggs and chocolates. Additional materials are also used for decoration, such as satin ribbons, butterflies and flowers, to make the cake look truly festive and unique.

The amount of materials needed directly depends on the size of your gift, but even if you first buy an insufficient number of kinders, you can always send it to the supermarket to buy the required amount. Please note that you will have to work with a “material” that is easily deformed; if handled carelessly, the chocolate shell can easily break. In addition, if the room is too hot, the chocolate may begin to melt, so it is recommended to store all purchased surprises in the refrigerator until they are attached to the base, and also store the finished cake in the refrigerator until you go to the party.

For the base you will need thick cardboard and paper, regular PVA glue and a glue gun. In the process of work, you cannot do without simple tools - scissors, a ruler and a simple pencil in order to correctly measure the material for the base. Small Kinder milk chocolates will be used as the main decorative element; we will cover the entire base with them, and surprise eggs will decorate the top of the cake.

You can decorate the finished surprise for a child with lace, satin ribbons and bows. For example, if the main gift for the holiday will be earrings for your beloved daughter, then a box with earrings in the shape of a bunny or a heart can be placed on the top, and the surprise eggs themselves can be placed in the middle of our homemade box, or vice versa, i.e. hide the gift itself inside the cake.

Sweets are always waiting for us under the Christmas tree, but you can make it in the form of a birthday cake, decorated with surprise eggs and chocolate bars.

DIY kinder cake

The first step is to decide on the size of our base. Kinder chocolates can be placed in one row or in two; you can make a cake in several tiers, in which case each layer is formed separately, and then they are assembled together. Our kinder cake will be small in size, and the chocolates will be in one layer and positioned vertically. It is necessary to measure the height of the chocolate bar on the cardboard, adding 1-1.5 cm, in order to then glue the base from below. On one side along the entire length you need to mark the teeth and carefully cut them with scissors.

The resulting cloves should be bent. We will use this part to form the high sides of our cake, which we will then decorate with chocolates. All that remains is to make the bottom, for this it is better to take thick cardboard and cut out a circle, its diameter should be one centimeter larger than the resulting cylinder of thick paper. Next, glue a paper tube onto the cardboard circle using teeth, each of which should be smeared with a small amount of glue. The resulting workpiece must be left alone for a while so that the glue dries.

For the lid, you need to cut a circle from cardboard; its diameter should be slightly larger than the first circle that we cut out earlier. You should also cut out a long strip of paper, one side of which is then cut into teeth and glued to the circle. In this case, the width of the strip should be small - only a couple of centimeters.

We will attach the chocolates to the base using a thin rubber band: the first chocolate bar should be attached to the base and tie a rubber band (not tightly) around the middle. Next, you need to place other Kinder chocolate bars under the rubber band until they cover the entire surface of the tube in a circle.

You can see kinder cake photo and make sure that then the rubber band will not be visible and will not spoil the look of the finished surprise. After all the preparations, we will hide the elastic band behind a satin ribbon, which we will tie around the cake. This kind of fastening will be enough to keep the chocolates on the workpiece, and if you glue them with glue, then it will be difficult to separate them from the paper base, and their packaging will tear.

Now we move on to the final stage, how to make a kinder cake: decoration. The lid can be decorated with lace or miniature flowers can be made using satin ribbons or corrugated paper. The internal cavity can be decorated with satin fabric of a delicate color. Decorating a cake depends on your imagination, because for this you can use various materials and elements that you have on hand. In our case, in the center of the lid there will be a miniature box for jewelry - a small bunny, in which the main gift for the baby - earrings - will be hidden. And we’ll hide kinder surprises inside, after which you can close the lid and decorate the cake with satin ribbons on top.

So that you don’t have any questions about how to register Kinder cake, step by step photo We have prepared work for you. Following the master class, you can make a real sweet surprise for your child.

How to make a kinder cake

It turns out very bright and original DIY kinder cake, photo We have selected the most interesting works for you. After looking at the photographs of the finished works, you can repeat any of them, or come up with your own unique decor for a sweet children's present.

The lid can be decorated in several ways, for example, by fixing a three-dimensional number decorated with corrugated paper and miniature chocolate eggs. You can also make a large bow on the lid using satin ribbons, multi-layered, which would cover the entire surface of the lid, and then secure the kinder in the center.

In addition to the chocolates already demonstrated, you can use other sweets, for example, Barney biscuit bars and miniature chocolate dragees, beloved by children. In addition, among Kinder products you can find chocolate bars of various shapes; children love them very much.

Kinder surprise cake can look like a real work of art if you decorate it with various decorative elements. If you are preparing a surprise for a child, then you can put small figurines of your favorite cartoon characters on the cake. You can decorate a sweet gift with flowers made with mastic; you will find a detailed master class on the process.

How to make a kinder cake with your own hands

If you know, how to make a kinder cake with your own hands, you can arrange a unique surprise not only for a child, but also for an adult. For example, such a gift will pleasantly surprise your best friend, just like. And romantic young people can arrange a gift for a girl on February 14 in this way; in this case, the toys should be replaced with fresh flowers. Among the sweets, the most long-awaited surprise for every girl may be hidden - an engagement ring.

We are confident that you will not encounter any difficulties when creating DIY kinder cake, step by step photo will become your main assistant. The pictures show all the key moments of creating a sweet surprise, but the methods of decoration directly depend on the flight of your imagination.

You can decorate not only with Kinders, but also complement the decoration with Love is chewing gum. In one chocolate egg you can hide the main gift for your beloved - a ring or a heart pendant - the main romantic gift for Valentine's Day. To do this, carefully separate the egg into two halves, put a gift in a plastic container, and then connect the chocolate halves by soldering them, for example, one half can be melted a little on a hot lid, and then connected and packaged again.

DIY kinder and chocolate cake

We have already told you, but if you create DIY kinder and chocolate cake, then it is not at all necessary to stick to a round shape, for example, if you are preparing such a surprise for a girl on February 14, then the base can be made in the shape of a heart. Using paper, you can make the base in any shape you like.

For example, for a boy you can make a car or a ship out of candy for a holiday, and for a girl you can make a cake in the shape of a heart. To do this, you need to cut out the base of the appropriate shape, and then glue a long strip of thick paper along the contour. Guided by our master class, you will quickly understand how to perform DIY kinder cake, step by step The photo will tell you the main points: how to form the base and how to fix the chocolate bars.

As a rule, the cake is hollow inside, so it can be filled with various goodies or small souvenirs. Such a surprise filled with miniature m&m jelly beans looks very bright and impressive.

Kinder cake- this is a bright and original holiday gift! You can present it not only to a child, but also to a teenager, and even an adult, be sure that everyone will be happy with such a sweet gift, besides, in every “detail” of this gift there is a real surprise hidden. Kinder is a chocolate egg, inside of which there is a plastic container with a surprise toy.

Kinder cake

Certainly, Kinder and chocolate cake- a long-awaited gift for every child.

Every child's birthday is awaited by a wide variety of gifts - dolls, soft toys, markers and pencils, among them there will be sweet gifts. And we decided that even for children's gifts it is necessary to make original packaging, so we will decorate chocolate eggs with a surprise and candies in the form of a large cake. This design option will be useful to you if you are preparing a surprise for the New Year, for March 8, or for Angel Day. This design has one more advantage - you can place any present inside the cake, for example, hide a soft toy or a set of stationery.

On the Internet you can find many options for what it might look like. DIY kinder cake completed. Some ideas seem very complex, almost impossible to implement at home, but rest assured that at home you can independently bring any idea to life. And for this you will not need any special tools, special materials or skills to work with it. As a rule, the frame is made using paper and cardboard, and the main decorative element is chocolate eggs and chocolates. Additional materials are also used for decoration, such as satin ribbons, butterflies and flowers, to make the cake look truly festive and unique.

The amount of materials needed directly depends on the size of your gift, but even if you first buy an insufficient number of kinders, you can always send it to the supermarket to buy the required amount. Please note that you will have to work with a “material” that is easily deformed; if handled carelessly, the chocolate shell can easily break. In addition, if the room is too hot, the chocolate may begin to melt, so it is recommended to store all purchased surprises in the refrigerator until they are attached to the base, and also store the finished cake in the refrigerator until you go to the party.

For the base you will need thick cardboard and paper, regular PVA glue and a glue gun. In the process of work, you cannot do without simple tools - scissors, a ruler and a simple pencil in order to correctly measure the material for the base. Small Kinder milk chocolates will be used as the main decorative element; we will cover the entire base with them, and surprise eggs will decorate the top of the cake.

You can decorate the finished surprise for a child with lace, satin ribbons and bows. For example, if the main gift for the holiday will be earrings for your beloved daughter, then a box with earrings in the shape of a bunny or a heart can be placed on the top, and the surprise eggs themselves can be placed in the middle of our homemade box, or vice versa, i.e. hide the gift itself inside the cake.

Sweets are always waiting for us under the Christmas tree, but you can make a New Year's gift with your own hands in the form of a birthday cake, decorated with surprise eggs and chocolate bars.

The first step is to decide on the size of our base. Kinder chocolates can be placed in one row or in two; you can make a cake in several tiers, in which case each layer is formed separately, and then they are assembled together. Our kinder cake will be small in size, and the chocolates will be in one layer and positioned vertically. It is necessary to measure the height of the chocolate bar on the cardboard, adding 1-1.5 cm, in order to then glue the base from below. On one side along the entire length you need to mark the teeth and carefully cut them with scissors.

The resulting cloves should be bent. We will use this part to form the high sides of our cake, which we will then decorate with chocolates. All that remains is to make the bottom, for this it is better to take thick cardboard and cut out a circle, its diameter should be one centimeter larger than the resulting cylinder of thick paper. Next, glue a paper tube onto the cardboard circle using teeth, each of which should be smeared with a small amount of glue. The resulting workpiece must be left alone for a while so that the glue dries.

For the lid, you need to cut a circle from cardboard; its diameter should be slightly larger than the first circle that we cut out earlier. You should also cut out a long strip of paper, one side of which is then cut into teeth and glued to the circle. In this case, the width of the strip should be small - only a couple of centimeters.

We will attach the chocolates to the base using a thin rubber band: the first chocolate bar should be attached to the base and tie a rubber band (not tightly) around the middle. Next, you need to place other Kinder chocolate bars under the rubber band until they cover the entire surface of the tube in a circle.

You can see kinder cake photo and make sure that then the rubber band will not be visible and will not spoil the look of the finished surprise. After all the preparations, we will hide the elastic band behind a satin ribbon, which we will tie around the cake. This kind of fastening will be enough to keep the chocolates on the workpiece, and if you glue them with glue, then it will be difficult to separate them from the paper base, and their packaging will tear.

Now we move on to the final stage, how to make a kinder cake: decoration. The lid can be decorated with lace or miniature flowers can be made using satin ribbons or corrugated paper. The internal cavity can be decorated with satin fabric of a delicate color. Decorating a cake depends on your imagination, because for this you can use various materials and elements that you have on hand. In our case, in the center of the lid there will be a miniature box for jewelry - a small bunny, in which the main gift for the baby - earrings - will be hidden. And we’ll hide kinder surprises inside, after which you can close the lid and decorate the cake with satin ribbons on top.

So that you don’t have any questions about how to register Kinder cake, step by step photo We have prepared work for you. Following the master class, you can make a real sweet surprise for your child.

How to make a kinder cake

It turns out very bright and original DIY kinder cake, photo We have selected the most interesting works for you. After looking at the photographs of the finished works, you can repeat any of them, or come up with your own unique decor for a sweet children's present.

The lid can be decorated in several ways, for example, by fixing a three-dimensional number decorated with corrugated paper and miniature chocolate eggs. You can also make a large bow on the lid using satin ribbons, multi-layered, which would cover the entire surface of the lid, and then secure the kinder in the center.

In addition to the chocolates already demonstrated, you can use other sweets, for example, Barney biscuit bars and miniature chocolate dragees, beloved by children. In addition, among Kinder products you can find chocolate bars of various shapes; children love them very much.

Kinder surprise cake can look like a real work of art if you decorate it with various decorative elements. If you are preparing a surprise for a child, then you can put small figurines of your favorite cartoon characters on the cake. You can decorate a sweet gift with flowers made using mastic; you will find a detailed master class on the process here.

How to make a kinder cake with your own hands

If you know, how to make a kinder cake with your own hands, you can arrange a unique surprise not only for a child, but also for an adult. For example, such a gift will pleasantly surprise your best friend, just like a bouquet of sweets. And romantic young people can arrange a gift for a girl on February 14 in this way; in this case, the toys should be replaced with fresh flowers. Among the sweets, the most long-awaited surprise for every girl may be hidden - an engagement ring.

We are confident that you will not encounter any difficulties when creating DIY kinder cake, step by step photo will become your main assistant. The pictures show all the key moments of creating a sweet surprise, but the methods of decoration directly depend on the flight of your imagination.

An excellent cake for Valentine's Day can be decorated not only with Kinders, but also with Love is chewing gum. In one chocolate egg you can hide the main gift for your beloved - a ring or a heart pendant - the main romantic gift for Valentine's Day. To do this, carefully separate the egg into two halves, put a gift in a plastic container, and then connect the chocolate halves by soldering them, for example, one half can be melted a little on a hot lid, and then connected and packaged again.

DIY kinder and chocolate cake

We have already told you how to make a ship from candies, and if you create DIY kinder and chocolate cake, then it is not at all necessary to stick to a round shape, for example, if you are preparing such a surprise for a girl on February 14, then the base can be made in the shape of a heart. Using paper, you can make the base in any shape you like.

For example, for a boy you can make a car or a ship out of candy for a holiday, and for a girl you can make a cake in the shape of a heart. To do this, you need to cut out the base of the appropriate shape, and then glue a long strip of thick paper along the contour. Guided by our master class, you will quickly understand how to perform DIY kinder cake, step by step The photo will tell you the main points: how to form the base and how to fix the chocolate bars.

As a rule, the cake is hollow inside, so it can be filled with various goodies or small souvenirs. Such a surprise filled with miniature m&m jelly beans looks very bright and impressive.

Simple DIY kinder cake

A DIY kinder cake is very simple, but at the same time it looks unusual. In addition, the gift is made from chocolate, which means, in addition to impressions, the hero of the occasion will also receive his favorite sweets.

We will need:

  • base, for example, the one used for ordinary cakes;
  • beautiful ribbon;
  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • kinders and chocolates.

Build process:

  1. Using glue, we attach the kinder chocolates vertically to the base in a circle, placing them close to each other. To make it look more beautiful, you can decorate everything with a ribbon: tie the chocolates and make a bow.
  2. If you have a lot of sweets, then you can completely fill the inside of the base with them. If there is not much, cut out a circle of colored paper with the same diameter as the base, glue it on top and place the kinders on it. If desired, you can use any other decorative items.

With lollipops

Kinder surprise cake can be made not only from chocolates and eggs, but also with the popular caramel on a stick, which children also adore.

We will need:

  • foam for the base;
  • kinders, chocolates, lollipops;
  • ribbons, wrapping paper and other decor.

Build process:

  1. The base of any shape is cut out of polystyrene foam, but a round “cake” looks more beautiful.
  2. We cut off the inside a little so that the side parts are higher and a small depression appears in the middle.
  3. We cover the base with wrapping paper, it is advisable to glue it - this way it will hold more securely.
  4. We place chocolate bars vertically on the sides of the base, also fasten them with glue and wrap them with satin ribbon.
  5. Closer to the middle of the base, right behind the chocolates, stick the caramel on a stick directly into the foam.
  6. Place kinders in the middle and the birthday cake is ready.

Gift for a girl

If you are preparing a gift for a girl, then in order to please the little one, you should follow some nuances when assembling the cake.

  • Use many different decorations: ribbons, flowers, bows and even soft toys.
  • Don't forget about the color scheme. As a rule, little princesses love pink. Perhaps you know exactly what color the child likes, then it should definitely be included in the surprise.
  • Take any base, but the easiest way to work is with a round foam mold.
  • The cake will turn out very beautiful if you make it in several tiers and decorate it with ribbons of different widths. You can add hairpins, beautiful elastic bands and bracelets, which will become an additional gift.
  • Be sure to place kinders in the middle of the cake, and you can put a small teddy bear or Barbie doll right on them.

Kinder cake for a boy

It is much more difficult for boys to assemble a cake, because they do not like all sorts of ribbons, frills and other girly pleasures. But even here you can find an approach.

  • Bows should not be used, but tying the cake and chocolate levels with ribbon is quite acceptable. This will make the cake look elegant. The most important thing is to choose the right color. Blue is considered universal. You can add white decor to it.
  • For boys, it is better to put out more sweets and less decorations. But a small car in the very center of the cake or some kind of toy robot will never hurt, and will most likely delight the birthday boy.

Kinder and chocolate cake

A cake made from kinders and chocolates is usually made with sweets from a given manufacturer, but if you wish, you can add others, based on taste preferences (your own or the one to whom the gift will be presented).

  • First you need to cut out the base. It is best to do this from polystyrene foam, and its height should be the same as the height of the chocolate bars. And if you cut out several bases of different diameters, you will get a multi-tiered cake.
  • Place the chocolates around the base, pressing them tightly together. You can glue the tiles or use a rubber band, wrap it tightly around the “cake” and insert chocolate behind it. Its presence is hidden with a beautiful satin ribbon.
  • We place kinders on top, which do not need to be attached. We decorate the “cake” with any decor and items you wish.

Dessert from Kinder Penguin

There is another option for assembling a “cake”, for which you will need soft, tender Kinder Penguy sponge cakes. The preparation process is absolutely the same, you just need to replace the small chocolates with “penguins”. The biscuit can also be placed on top, along with the kinders.

The Kinder Maxi King cake is made in the same way, only it will have waffles. Or you can even combine both, alternating with each other. It all depends on your preferences and imagination.

Heart shaped

It is not at all necessary to give such a beautiful “cake” only to children. After all, you can do something nice for your loved one by collecting a sweet gift for him in the form of a heart.

  • First of all, you need to take care of an even, stable shape. Foam plastic is ideal for this, although you will also have to tinker. If you decide to make the base out of paper, then use thick cardboard and try to cut out the heart as carefully as possible.
  • Be sure to wrap the base with packaging or any other paper so that the foam or cardboard is not visible.
  • Place chocolates around the base using an elastic band, wrap them with ribbon, and tie a bow. You can even make several of them. It will look very beautiful if you use ruffles or lace ribbons.
  • In the middle of the base we place kinders, Raffaello candies and any other sweets that your significant other likes.
  • You can also use flowers. Of course, it would be ideal to come out alive, but you need to keep in mind that without water they will quickly wither.

To make an unusual sweet surprise, you don’t have to order it from some company and pay a lot of money. You can easily make a kinder cake yourself, because it’s very simple. The main thing is to find time, desire and stock up on sweets.

Probably, each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of making a Kinder Surprise cake. This is an ideal tasty gift for both children and adults. There are many options for making kinder cakes. Let's look at everything in order.

Kinder cake base

In order to make a cake from kinders and chocolates with your own hands, first of all you need to make a base, the size of which depends on the desired size. Foam plastic is best suited for the base; it is easy to work with. For a medium size, a cut out circle from foam plastic with a diameter of 15-16 cm is suitable. Thus, you need to cut out two circles and glue them together using a heat gun so that the height of the workpiece corresponds to the height of Kinder chocolates (you can use Kinder penguins instead of chocolates).

We cover our base with corrugated paper on both sides. After this, cut out a strip from the same paper, slightly wider than the candies, and glue it on the sides. The edges can be stretched a little to make it look more beautiful. On top of the side paper we glue a wide strip of double-sided tape, onto which we will attach the candies.

Making a kinder cake with your own hands

Let's look at a step-by-step guide to creating a kinder cake with your own hands.
Having a ready-made base (or bases, if the cake is two-tiered), all that remains is to correctly place everything in its place.

We will need:

  • foam base;
  • glue;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • red satin ribbon;
  • chocolate products;
  • decorative elements.

Cooking process:

1. Carefully peel off a strip of double-sided tape and apply candies around the entire perimeter (approximately 50 candies).
2. Apply a thin layer of glue to a red satin ribbon (about 2 cm wide) and attach it along the entire perimeter to the sides (candies). If the product is multi-story, we do the same with the second part (it will be slightly smaller in diameter than the bottom). They need to be glued together.
3. We attach a round Raffaello box on top of the second tier.
4. Take the choco-bons candies and lay them out on the surface, attach them to drops of glue.
5. To make everything beautiful, glue decorative elements (for example, ladybugs) to the surfaces.
6. Make a small bow from a red satin ribbon and attach it in the middle.

Simple kinder cake

To make a simple kinder cake with your own hands, we will need:

  • cake base (made of foam or other material);
  • glue;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • ribbon;
  • kindersurprise (several are possible);
  • Kinder chocolate candies.


  1. Place chocolate bars evenly around the base and tie with ribbon.
  2. Glue a Kinder egg (or several eggs) to the very top, and place various round-shaped candies around it. The larger the product, the more sweets you will need.

Kinder and juice cake

An interesting and no less popular cake is made from kinders and juices. This option will especially please children, for example, giving it as a birthday present. To make a juice cake we will need the following materials:

  • two cardboard circles;
  • wrapping paper;
  • scotch;
  • wide ribbon;
  • kinders;
  • small juice packs.


  1. First of all, we cover the cardboard circles with wrapping paper (bottom and lid).
  2. On one of the circles, place the juices evenly around the entire circumference with the front side facing out.
  3. We carefully and discreetly secure the juices together with transparent tape.
  4. Place chocolate eggs (the quantity is up to you) in the middle of the juices and cover it with a second cardboard circle.
  5. We secure our lid with tape.
  6. We take a ribbon and tie it around the sides, and use it to make a bow, which we place on top.
  7. You can decorate in different ways, for example, by placing candies and a few more eggs on top around the bow.

How to make a kinder cake?

This option is a little more complicated, since here you have to deal with the dough. It is best to use pre-prepared. If the cakes are square, then you need to make an egg shape (for example, from cardboard) and trim off all excess.

The next step is to coat the cakes with cream. Please note that in order to achieve the egg shape, you need to remove all excess with a knife or, on the contrary, lay out the scraps, securing them with cream. Make the surface smooth and let it harden in the refrigerator.

Next you need to use mastic. You can make it yourself (for example, from marshmallows, lemon juice and powdered sugar) or buy it. Further work on the cake will require attention and patience. Roll out the white mastic on the table in a thin layer and carefully cover the cake. We cut off all excess.

Then we will need red mastic to make the cake really look like kinder. We cut out a wave from red mastic and attach it to the cake, moistening it with water. Everything else is the work of your hands and imagination. Make all the details using mastic (letters, barcode, milk drops, etc.).

Thus, there are many options for making cakes using kinders. Each one is original and beautiful in its own way. It takes a lot of work to make it work, but the results are worth it!

Kids love sweets very much, so parents always want to please their children with an original gift for the holidays. An excellent solution would be to make your own cake from sweet eggs and chocolate - you can do without dough, cream and sugar mastic, but the result will exceed all expectations. A detailed guide will help you figure out how to make a kinder cake with your own hands and surprise your son or daughter.

Making a sweet cake begins with purchasing materials. To create an unusually delicious gift, you will need:

  • Various chocolates: kinder milk slice, kinder penguin, kinder bueno, kinder milk and others;
  • Kindersurprise chocolate eggs from one or more series;
  • Candies "Raffaello";
  • Multi-colored dragees “Mmdems”;
  • Thick cardboard, 1-3 cake boxes of different sizes or polystyrene foam;
  • PVA glue or silicone gun;
  • Thin pharmaceutical rubber band;
  • Scissors;
  • Multi-colored corrugated paper (red, white, etc.);
  • Red satin ribbon, a piece of organza, artificial butterflies, flowers, soft toys, rhinestones and beads.

The number of kinders and chocolates needed depends on the size of the future cake. A two-tier cake will require more sweets than a small one-tier cake.

Kinder surprise cake

If you want to make a Kinder Surprise cake, the step-by-step recipe below will make your task easier. If the base for the gift is hollow, you can put a beautiful chocolate egg from a Kinder Surprise (4-10 pieces), small toys, cookies and other sweets that the child likes inside the cake.

If the base of the cake is dense, you can decorate its top with chocolate eggs and decorate each of the tiers. A two-tier kinder cake made with love will leave magical memories for the birthday boy and his guests.

Kinder cake

What is the frame made of?

Kinder cakes can have different shapes and heights. The most common shape is round, but some artists prefer a heart- or star-shaped base.

The frame for the model is made of thick paper or cardboard if you plan to hide several more gifts inside the cake. Another kinder cake can be prepared by making the base from one or several pieces of dense foam. A large or small Kinder Bueno cake, richly decorated with multi-colored ribbons and Mmdems dragees, can consist of one, two or even three tiers.

Kinder and chocolate cake

A cake made from kinders and chocolates is easy to make at home. Follow the following recommendations before starting a master class on creating this product from the world of suite design.

  1. Before starting work, carefully study the photographs of the finished models and think about what your dream sweet cake should look like.
  2. Depending on your idea, purchase all the necessary supplies;
  3. Since sweets contain perishable products, store chocolates and eggs in the refrigerator before starting work;
  4. The child receiving such an unusual gift must be over 2 years old, otherwise there is a risk that the baby will choke on small parts of the toys.
  5. Glue all decorative elements very carefully so as not to violate the integrity of the composition.

Detailed instructions will help every adult make a pleasant surprise for children. You can also make a romantic kinder cake for your significant other on Valentine's Day or any other holiday.

Master class with step-by-step instructions

Let's figure out how to make a kinder cake with your own hands; Step-by-step photos of each stage will greatly facilitate your work and improve its quality.

  • First, choose what material you will use to make the frame of the product.

If you prefer foam, then cut two or three cylindrical pieces of different diameters from it. The height of the cylinders should correspond to the length of each kinder chocolate.

If you decide to work with paper, place all the chocolates (or each of the two groups, if the cake is two-tiered) in a row on a piece of cardboard, and mark on it a rectangular part of the desired length and width. Step back 2 cm from the resulting outline and draw another rectangle.

On the longer sides of the shape, draw triangular-shaped teeth. For the first tier you need to draw teeth at the top and bottom, for the second - only at the bottom of the rectangle.

Cut out two paper pieces along the outline

  • Glue the 2 pieces of foam together, placing the smaller diameter cylinder on top of the larger shape.

If you are making a paper frame, then it's time to prepare a round base for each of the tiers. Glue tubes from two rectangles using their short sides without teeth.

From very thick cardboard, cut out a circle with a diameter 2-4 cm larger than the diameter of the first tier tube. Prepare another circle with teeth, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the tube - this will be the lid of the bottom of the cake.

To create the lid for the top tier, you will need a cardboard circle with a diameter that matches the diameter of the second tube, and a narrow paper strip with teeth on one side, approximately equal to the length of this circle.

  • We assemble the paper frame of the product from kinders.

Assemble all the frame parts together using PVA glue. Glue the cylinders of the first and second tiers. Then attach the first cylinder to the base, and place the second on top of the first.

Separately glue the lid for the second tier and check whether it tightly closes our secret compartment in the sweet gift.

  • We move on to decorating our frame with kinders.

Decorate the first and second tiers of the cake with red and white corrugated paper on the sides. Secure it to the cake with tape or glue.

Stretch two thin rubber bands over the corrugated paper at two levels. Under these rubber bands we place vertically all the chocolates, one at a time, thus filling the entire cake on the sides.

To hide each elastic band, tie it on top with a scarlet satin ribbon, from which you make a large fluffy bow. You should get two bows - on the first and second tiers.

  • The final stage of decoration is decorating the top of the first tier and the lid.

To do this, use Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs, Rafaello candies, organza, beads, plastic figures of cartoon characters or small soft toys (cute bunnies, bears). If this doesn’t seem enough, add multi-colored “Mmdems” dragees, wafer sweets, artificial butterflies or flowers.

The recipe for the Kinder Surprise cake will be unique in each case, and the abundance of master classes only serves as the basis for the flight of your imagination. Engage in sweet creativity and give joy and pleasant moments to your loved ones.

How to make a two-tier cake from kinder chocolate. Detailed master class.