"Tomka". "How Tomka learned to swim." "Tomka was scared." "Tomkin's dreams." “How Tomka didn’t seem stupid.” "Nikita the Doctor." Description of a person's appearance. Verbal portrait of a person What characteristics relate to the functional description


E. Charushin - Tomka was scared.

Answers to page 6

1. Restore the sequence of events in the text. Put the numbers in the correct order.

    1. I took him hunting with me.
    2. Tomka chases butterflies and dragonflies.
    3. But he can’t catch anyone.
    4. I ran closer, and the cow was no longer as tall as a sparrow - it seemed as tall as a cat.

2. Did you like the hero or not? Describe Tomka.

I liked Tomka. He is still a small, sweet, unreasonable, timid puppy.

3. Ask yourself questions about the text you read. Start them with:

Who took Tomka hunting?

Who woke up Tomka?

Why Was Tomka scared of the cow?

Why did the cow seem small to Tomka?

4.a. Retell the text in detail. First, underline the words in the text that you will use, describe the events that happened.

When Tomka was just a small puppy, I took him hunting with me. Let him get used to it.

Here we go with him. Tomka chases butterflies and dragonflies. Catches grasshoppers. Barks at birds. Only can't catch anyone. Everyone flies away. He ran and ran and got so tired that he stuck his nose into a mound and fell asleep. Still small. And I feel sorry for waking him up.

Half an hour passed. A bumblebee has arrived. Bunchits, flies right over Tomkin's ear. Tomka woke up. Twirled around in his sleep, looked: who is it? such does it interfere with sleep? He's not a bumblebee noticed, but saw a cow and ran to her. And the cow was grazing far away-far and must be seemed to Tomka at all small, no bigger than a sparrow.

Tomka runs to kill a cow, tail raised up - he had never seen a cow before. I ran closer, and the cow not like a sparrow - seems as tall as a cat. There's a little Tomka here I ran more quietly, and the cow was no longer as big as a cat, but as big as a goat.. Tomka became scared. He didn’t come close and sniffed: what kind of animal is this?

At this time the cow moved- Someone probably bit her. And Tomka ran away from her!

He's been close ever since not suitable for cows.

4.b. Determine the main idea.

This beautiful world contains many discoveries for the curious.

4.c. Make a plan.

Good day to everyone who is reading this review! I think that most of those who are interested in Evgeny Charushin’s book “About Tomka” are most likely parents. And for every parent, what is truly important is what he will read to his child, what thoughts this or that book will put into his head. And what conclusions will the child draw on his own?

Publishing house - "Rech".

This book is really similar to the one that I read to my son since childhood. It is worth noting that this is all thanks to the illustrations, which were left original in all versions, that is, the authorship of Evgeniy Ivanovich Charushin himself.

One dog got new puppies, but they are all different! One was too lazy, the other was too angry, the third was too affectionate. And the fourth is Tomka. Tomka was real hunting dog! In short stories about Tomka, we can watch how he grows, learns about this world, and learns from his mistakes. The child must mentally identify himself with this hero, striving to be like him, striving to understand how interesting it is to learn something new about our world every time! But the child must contrast himself with other puppies, because laziness, anger and excessive affection (flattery is clearly implied here) are what the child should strongly associate with a bad model of behavior, which he definitely does not want to adopt! It is thanks to the short stories of Evgeny Charushin that a child learns such, at first glance, simple things. And you know, I believe that reading such books for a child in childhood is much more useful than, say, including everyone’s adored “Masha and the Bear.” After all, children are really too susceptible, and then their parents still wonder why they become as disobedient and uncontrollable as Masha.

In general, for a child’s correct, adequate worldview, I highly recommend reading Evgeniy Cherushin’s story “About Tomka,” as well as his other book of stories for the little ones, “Tupa, Tomka and the Magpie.” After all, such good books They also teach children to love animals and reveal some of the secrets of nature. Since the book is written very simply and accessible, it will be understandable to absolutely any child. You can read it from the age of two.

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Description of a person's appearance- this is a description of a person’s face, his figure, gestures, manners, characteristic posture, clothing. The main task of such a description is to find characteristic features, the main thing is in a person’s appearance and being able to convey them in words. They may be associated with peculiarities of manners, gait, his occupation and profession, and character traits.

The source of essays describing appearance can be anything. As with other descriptions, this may be life experience, when a verbal portrait is recreated from memory (for example, “The appearance of a person I saw once ...”). Or imagination (“My portrait in 10 years”).

Sample essay plan:

1. Introduction.
2. General impression (figure, height).
3. Facial features (oval face, eyebrows, eyes, nose, forehead, lips, chin, cheeks). Hair (color, length and hairstyle). Ears.
4. Clothes.
5. Behavior (gait, manner of speaking, posture...).
6. Conclusion.

Possible definitions:

Eyes - green, gray, brown, blue, black, light blue, heavenly, grayish-blue, radiant, dark, expressive, thoughtful, light, big, small, cunning, running, narrow, slanting, slanting, evil, kind, funny, wild , friendly, distrustful, insidious...

Brows - beautiful, straight, thick, thin, sable, wide, shaggy, spread out, fused, asymmetrical...

Forehead - tall, low, open, straight, Socratic, wide, wrinkled, sloping, flat...

Sight - confused, attentive, expressive, smart, curious, ironic, flirtatious, loving, embarrassed, indifferent, envious, surprised, cheerful, incredulous, open, sad, enthusiastic, cunning, trusting...

Nose - straight, with a hump, upturned, wide, narrow, snub-nosed, long, short, ugly, beautiful, small, potato-shaped, duck-shaped...

Hair - short, long, chestnut, light, blond, straw, gray, with gray hair, thick, lush, curly, shiny, straight, wavy, sticking out like tow, braided, pulled back, combed back, disheveled, styled...

Figure - good, slender, tall, large, plump, thin, squat, masculine, feminine...

Gait - fast, leisurely, light, silent, heavy, collected, waddle, strange, bouncing, funny...

Pose - majestic, intense, graceful, beautiful, picturesque, strange, relaxed, comfortable, uncomfortable...

We will borrow an example of a description of appearance from M.Yu. Lermontov (from the novel “Hero of Our Time”):

“He was of average height; his slender, thin figure and broad shoulders proved a strong constitution, capable of enduring all difficulties nomadic life and climate changes, not defeated either by the debauchery of metropolitan life or by spiritual storms; his dusty velvet frock coat, fastened only with the bottom two buttons, made it possible to see his dazzlingly clean linen, revealing his habits decent person; his stained gloves seemed deliberately tailored to his small aristocratic hand, and when he took off one glove, I was surprised at the thinness of his pale fingers. His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not wave his arms - a sure sign of some secretiveness of character. However, these are my own comments, based on my own observations, and I do not want to force you to believe them blindly.

When he sat down on the bench, his straight waist bent, as if he didn’t have a single bone in his back; the position of his whole body depicted some kind of nervous weakness: he sat as Balzac’s thirty-year-old coquette sits on her downy chairs after a tiring ball. At first glance at his face, I would not have given him more than twenty-three years, although after that I was ready to give him thirty. There was something childish in his smile. His skin had a certain feminine tenderness; his blond hair, naturally curly, so picturesquely outlined his pale, noble forehead, on which, only after long observation, one could notice traces of wrinkles that crossed one another and were probably visible much more clearly in moments of anger or mental anxiety. Despite light color his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of the breed in a person, just like the black mane and black tail of a white horse. To complete the portrait, I will say that he had a slightly upturned nose, teeth of dazzling whiteness and brown eyes; I must say a few more words about the eyes.

First of all, they didn't laugh when he laughed! -Have you ever noticed such strangeness in some people?.. This is a sign of either an evil disposition or a deep constant sadness. Because of the half-lowered eyelashes, they shone with some kind of phosphorescent shine, so to speak. It was not a reflection of the heat of the soul or the playing imagination: it was a shine, like the shine of smooth steel, dazzling, but cold; his gaze, short, but penetrating and heavy, left an unpleasant impression of an immodest question and could have seemed impudent if he had not been so indifferently calm.”