Interpretation of the dream: a full bucket of garbage. See a vessel with different drinks. Why did you dream about cleaning, sweeping, collecting garbage?


In the old days, you often had to walk quite far to get water - to common wells. All the villagers flocked here, simultaneously discussing the latest news and gossip.

It is not surprising that then the answer to the question: “Why do you dream about a bucket” was to receive useful news. Centuries have changed, so it is better to use modern dream book: The bucket has acquired a lot of additional meanings.

What does the dream mean?

A bucket is an extremely useful item in any household. Did you dream about a bucket? Well-being will improve, and it will be possible to significantly improve the quality of life. After such a dream, you can plan to purchase household appliances and carry out major repairs.

  • In a dream, does the container stand still? Expect passive income from unexpected sources, arrival distant relatives with gifts.
  • Do you have to carry a bucket in your sleep? Pretty soon you will be able to perform well (in personal affairs or at work) and earn the favor of significant people.
  • For young couples, such a dream foreshadows an improvement in relationships, especially if it is filled with milk or alcohol.

A more accurate interpretation depends on what the container is filled with in the dream. Try to remember the details of the dream, and then hurry to look into the dream book - a bucket can portend a lot of good things!


Did you dream about a homemade trash bin? This means that you will soon get rid of the worries associated with social activities or solve pressing family problems.

Relationships will be cleansed of old grievances. It is especially favorable to see how you throw out garbage in a dream. An empty trash can symbolizes small household purchases, which will be very useful.


Often we are disturbed by a dream where there is an empty bucket. Even subconsciously we want to fill it - it comes to mind old sign It's unfortunate to see it empty. Why do you dream of a bucket without filling and should you worry? Not really!

Carrying an empty bucket means getting new and unexpected opportunities to realize your talent. Usually, before such a dream, a person notices that old hobbies and ways of having fun have become less enjoyable. Time to gain new experience.

Seeing another person carrying an empty bucket means getting the opportunity to provide material or psychological support. If in a dream you see a friend with a vessel, take an interest in his affairs and problems, you will probably be able to easily help him.

What was inside?

You always dream of a bucket of water or another drink to receive useful or long-awaited information. Most often we dream of containers filled with water - let's look at the most useful interpretations.

Men's dreams

For men, it predicts changes at work - a change in management, a change in a technological or business process. It is better not to resist change, but to become the leader of the change - this will bring a lot of bonuses.

I dreamed of a container with dirty water– you will have to take on a lot of responsibility, but this will help you reveal your potential to management. In a dream you are carrying a bucket around the work area clean water? Your opinion will be listened to.

Did you happen to carry water before important meetings or business meetings? The negotiations will be successful, you will be able to gain support and begin profitable cooperation.

Women's dreams

  • Young women dream of buckets of water as a sign of many family joys, the arrival of old friends or close relatives.
  • A vessel of clean water portends a sea of ​​fun and friendly communication.
  • On the eve of the holidays, such dreams remind you of the need to stock up on many gifts (not necessarily expensive ones).

A container with dirty water warns of a lot of troubles associated with preparation - the guests will probably be with children, so it’s worth preparing in advance for ordinary difficulties. The better you prepare for your arrival, the more enjoyable your time will be!

Seeing a vessel with different drinks

Carrying a bucket full means successful outcome significant matters. Soon you will be able to “get the hang of” completed projects and enjoy your vacation. For unmarried girls, carrying milk in a dream symbolizes a quick and extremely successful marriage.

Why dream of a bucket filled with milk in the wrong hands? You will soon have support influential people, you can successfully use their advice. Spilling a bucket of milk portends charitable activities associated with material costs.

  • Carrying a container of alcohol in a dream means pleasant company and unbridled fun.
  • Red wine symbolizes the return of passion in a relationship
  • I dream of champagne for the upcoming holidays with friends

When you are doused with large buckets in your dreams, this foretells good weather and good luck on long trips. If the container is metal and new, then the journey will be comfortable and joyful.

Rusty buckets promise a lot of empty chatter from old acquaintances - on a business trip you should limit yourself from unnecessary communication in order to get the maximum benefit. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

This symbol has several meanings in a dream. It all depends on how this image appeared in your dream.

Since ancient times, a bucket has been valued and was considered a necessary and valuable thing in the household. They used a bucket to get water from the well, pour milk into it, etc. The bucket is associated with labor, heaviness, profit and the weather.

There is a sign that if a person with an empty bucket crosses your path, then failure, trouble, frustration, sadness awaits you, and if the bucket is full, then this is a sign of good luck.

If you dreamed that a bucket fell and the contents spilled out of it, then this portends you troubles that will occur through your fault, due to your imprudence and carelessness.

Seeing empty buckets - bad dream, prophesying some kind of loss, a major loss. Perhaps such a dream means that all your efforts will be empty and you will not achieve what you want.

Carrying a heavy bucket - You will have to arrange things with your own efforts. A dream in which you are carrying heavy full waters buckets - means that everything you managed to achieve in life was given to you through hard and painstaking work.

To see in a dream how someone is carrying buckets on a yoke is a sign of help and patronage, which you may not notice yet, but after analyzing the events last days, You will understand that they did not happen by themselves.

If in a dream you are trying to repair a bucket, it means that in real life You are helpless and give up in the face of any difficulties. As they say: “Okay, let’s knock down a bucket: the hoops are under the bench, and the rivets are in the oven - so it won’t leak.”

Seeing a bucket with holes from which water flows in a dream means that in reality you missed the opportunity to change your life for the better.

If in a dream you are carrying buckets full of water and spilling water from them, this dream symbolizes losses and unexpected losses.

A dream in which water is poured on you from a bucket means a change in the weather.

If in a dream you feel thirsty and look into empty buckets in the hope of finding at least a drop of water there, then in reality you need to be patient and hopeful. Better times will definitely come. In such cases they say: “When the time comes, it will pour like a bucket.”

Seeing a rusty bucket in a dream means gossip and slander.

In a dream, you are trying to fill a bucket with water, but all your efforts are in vain, because there is no bottom in this bucket - this means that in real life you should not waste your energy on a person who will never appreciate you. “You can’t fill a bottomless tub with water.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Each dream book presents the interpretation of the same dream differently. To understand why garbage is dreamed of, you need to remember under what circumstances it was seen. this dream, what kind of behavior of people accompanied the vision and much more.

Why do you dream of garbage according to Miller’s dream book?

This kind of dream predicts that in real life it will not be easy to cope with important problems. Seeing garbage in the form of large heaps means troubles and worries; humiliating situations in real life are also possible.

Interpretation of garbage in a dream according to Vanga

Such dreams warn dreamers that immediate cleansing is necessary, both spiritually and physical sense. You need to change your lifestyle, habits, find the meaning of life, and then there will be changes for the better. If in real life not everything goes as planned, you should radically change your line of behavior.

Seeing garbage in a dream according to Azar’s dream book

A dirty room, accumulations of garbage, as well as scattered things in a dream are a prediction of troubles, both personal and professional field. This could be quarrels, scandals or gossip. You should beware of evil tongues and talk less about your plans to strangers.

Esoteric dream book: garbage

See in large quantities - material well-being. Collecting in a heap is a sign of good luck; if there is a difficult situation, then there will be an instant way out of it. Sweeping him out of the house means that in the near future the dreamer will stop communicating with useless people in reality.

Seeing garbage in a dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Great things await a person that will end positively. Success in career or love affairs. Sweeping out the trash means getting rid of people in real life who bring failure and quarrels to the family.

Small Velesov dream book: garbage

Seeing such dreams means profit, big money. Sweeping it away means separation, and in some cases, the death of a person you know.

Interpretation of garbage in a dream according to the Wanderer's dream book

The activity you are engaged in will end unsatisfactorily. Seeing a garbage chute means dissatisfaction with life, confusing situations and discomfort.

See garbage according to the dream book of the writer Aesop

A person who sees such a dream will become the subject of general gossip in reality. Perhaps he once told a secret, because of which he will become the subject of general discussion. In a dream, collecting garbage in a dustpan, while scattering it, means in real life there will be a quarrel with a loved one, which will lead to separation. If a person is lonely, a vision of this kind can lead to conflicts at work, provocations will arise that will result in a reprimand from superiors.

Why did you dream about cleaning, sweeping, collecting garbage?

Such a dream predicts dramatic changes in life for the better. A promotion at work is also possible. If a man sees such a dream, then even seemingly unprofitable deals at work will bring considerable income or even advancement up the career ladder.

Why do you dream of garbage in a house or apartment?

Such a dream portends prosperity in the home and family life. Large piles of garbage in the room - an improvement in the dreamer’s material well-being. Seeing a room without furniture, littered with old rubbish - to family troubles that will lead to internal discomfort. If a woman sees such a dream, it means gossip that will be spread by people entering the house.

Why do you dream about taking out the trash?

Throwing garbage into a garbage chute in a dream, a person may encounter quarrels and gossip in real life. Moreover, all the troubles will arise precisely through the fault of those around him, and not of himself. In order to cope with such a situation, it is necessary to trust strangers less and treat subordinates fairly, if any. If young unmarried girl in a dream he takes out the trash - to the fulfillment of desires. New relationships may also begin, which will be serious and lead to the creation of a family.

Dream Interpretation - trash on the floor

To monetary profit. It will be an easy profit large sizes, winning or inheritance is possible. If at the same time in a dream you burn heaps of rubbish on the floor, then such profits will not take long to arrive.

Why else do you dream of garbage - interpretation options

Details allow us to interpret this or that night vision in more detail, to see garbage:

  • In water - to failure. If a person falls into water with garbage in a dream, such a vision is a warning, and in order to avoid troubles in real life, you need to reconsider your behavior and be careful. Seeing garbage in a seething river that quickly flows along its course - all problems and failures will pass by the dreamer and changes are expected soon.
  • In black hair - to betrayal and deception, if you dream of garbage in blonde hair- you are tormented by bad thoughts that actually do not pose any threat to his life.
  • A lot of garbage portends big things that will be successfully resolved and goals achieved.
  • Dumping garbage - to stability at work and improvement of the financial condition of the family. If such a dream is seen by a person who has own business, this portends new sources of income and considerable profits.
  • On the street - such a dream promises gossip that can harm family relations. Even your closest friends should be trusted less.
  • A pile of garbage is a material reward for work that a person rightly deserves. Having seen such a vision, a person can safely take on new endeavors and projects, as this will bring monetary rewards. If the dreamer is a young girl, in the near future the chosen one may greatly offend or even humiliate her.
  • A mountain of garbage - in the near future, in reality, a person who sees such a dream will be in a sad and depressed state; it is worth postponing important matters for later and long trips. This mood can negatively affect all family members, so you need to be more restrained.
  • A bag of garbage indicates that a person has terrible secret, the disclosure of which could lead to bad consequences at work or at home. To avoid exposure, you should be extremely attentive and cautious, and not make new acquaintances.
  • Collecting garbage in a bag means that in reality it will be easy to achieve all your goals, no matter how difficult they may seem at first glance.
  • Smoldering - prophesies active participation in public affairs. However, you should not devote a lot of time to them, because this can damage family relationships.
  • Construction waste prophesies in a dream serious conflict, however, after its completion, it will be possible to restore good relationship with all its participants.
  • A trash can is a solution to accumulated problems. Digging through the trash can means rethinking your own actions. Emptying the bucket signifies readiness to start life with a clean page.
  • Falling into a garbage pit means sudden prospects that will open in the near future.
  • Foul-smelling accumulations of garbage reflect a person’s negative thoughts. Only after all actions in real life are reviewed will it be possible to feel a change in life for the better.
  • The wind lifts garbage into the air - such a vision portends a quarrel and misunderstanding on the part of others.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of Garbage in a dream according to 28 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Garbage” symbol from 28 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

American dream book

Garbage - you should get rid of something.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about Garbage in a dream according to the dream book?

Garbage is a dream that says: you will not cope with your affairs and responsibilities.

If you dream of garbage heaps- nothing good awaits you in commercial affairs. No one will appreciate your merits.

Maly Velesov dream book

Garbage - money, profit; sweep - to death, separation.

Russian dream book

Garbage - quarrels.

Russian folk dream book

Garbage - disagreements, conflicts, quarrel; if in a dream you see piles of garbage- there are many complex unresolved problems in your life; picking up trash means trying to improve relationships with others; bad smelling garbage- it means the situation has already worsened too much.

Family dream book

We saw garbage in a dream- you will cope poorly with your affairs.

Large piles of garbage- foreshadow concerns related to social life. Failures in business and humiliating situations in relationships with other people are also possible.

Slavic dream book

Garbage means gossip, of which you will be the hero.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Garbage?

Seeing piles of garbage in a dream- means social contradictions and failure of commercial affairs of any type. For a woman such a dream- is an ominous prediction: she will be underestimated, or even simply abandoned by fans.

Dreamed garbage- predicts that you will not cope with your affairs and responsibilities.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Garbage is the need to free yourself from any garbage in your head and life.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you see Garbage in a dream?

You dreamed of a bunch of junk, old or unnecessary things- means that deep down you condemn some of your hobbies or actions.

Cleaning up trash in a dream- actually means coping with difficulties.

Dreaming of garbage means big things to come.

If in a dream you sweep garbage out of the house- this means that you “sweep out” yourself or another.

Carrying heaps of all sorts of rubbish around the house- this means you will become a victim of strange and stupid gossip that will greatly annoy you.

Seeing trash in a dream- means in reality a lot of almost insoluble problems and meager rewards, a feeling of dissatisfaction.

I dream about garbage- to difficulties, failures in business.

Burning pile of old trash- a harbinger of income from an unexpected source.

Azar's Dream Book

Garbage - gossip, trouble, quarrel.

Dream book of the future

Garbage - you will do your business poorly; if you see large piles of garbage- this foreshadows concerns related to social life.

Dream book for lovers

If you dream of piles of garbage- this means that you will experience humiliation from your chosen one.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Garbage can be a sign of something you no longer need in your life that you need to get rid of.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Garbage in a dream means disordered thoughts or feelings that you don’t mind getting rid of.

Amount of garbage- symbolizes the depth and importance of accumulated problems.

If there is too much garbage and it starts to interfere with your sleep- this is a sign that disorder in business can seriously complicate your life.

Smelly piles of garbage- these are your own negative thoughts, emotions and feelings that poison your existence. Try to get rid of your negativity, and then your waking life will become much easier.

Throwing out trash in a dream- a sign of getting rid of old problems and quick relief.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Cleaning up trash means peace of mind.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Empty the trash from the bucket to the garbage chute- to gossip.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing piles of garbage in a dream- to money.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing garbage in a dream- means that you will cope poorly with your affairs.

Large piles of garbage- foreshadow concerns related to social life. Failures in business and humiliating situations in relationships between people are also possible.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Garbage in a dream?

Seeing a lot of garbage in your apartment in a dream- portends annoying troubles from slander.

Throwing trash in the trash- to fulfill desires.

Rake trash into piles- in reality you will do a poor job with the task assigned to you.

Burn dry garbage- to receive an unexpected inheritance.

Smoldering or smoking damp garbage- means that in real life you will actively engage in social activities to the detriment of household chores.

Seeing a garbage pit in a dream- portends an increase in prosperity with stable incomes.

Cart trash into it on a cart- to family troubles.

Fall into a garbage pit- portends that a wonderful prospect will soon open up in front of you if you yourself do not prevent this.

Seeing a garbage truck in a dream- means that you will receive disappointing news from distant friends.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Garbage - gossip, troubles.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Garbage in a dream means that you are not yet able to control your affairs.

Large piles of garbage- foreshadow concerns related to social life. Failures in business and humiliating situations in relationships with people are possible.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Garbage according to the dream book?

Garbage, litter - unsatisfactory completion of activities; discomfort in the soul.

Heaps of all sorts of rubbish and scattered garbage in general- reflect our emotional state after any unsatisfactory events or incidents. Sometimes, according to the law of inversion, garbage means great things, accomplishments and making money.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Garbage is big business; sweep the trash out of the house- you will sweep yourself or someone else out.

Aesop's Dream Book

Probably see garbage in a dream- in reality, become the subject of gossip, gossip, general discussion, since this dream symbol is closely related to the saying: “washing dirty linen in public,” that is, to flaunt personal problems and intra-family affairs.

If in a dream you see mountains of garbage- this dream foretells you that in the near future you will be in a gloomy and depressed mood, so you should not start new things or plan family entertainment together.

Picking up trash - in reality you will cause disagreements in your family or team at work, although you won’t even notice how you will involve everyone in the conflict.

If in a dream you carefully collect garbage in a dustpan, and it wakes up again on the floor- this means a major quarrel with a loved one or a reprimand from your superiors, in any case, try to control yourself and do not add fuel to the fire.

If you dreamed of construction waste- this means that after a conflict or unpleasant conversation you will be able to restore your previous relationship.

Seeing in a dream how the wind lifts garbage into the air- an unpleasant dream that foreshadows discord with others, which will become known to everyone.

Universal dream book

As you know, what is trash for one person is a real treasure for another.- what do you think is not worth attention, what can actually be of value?

What do you exclude in your dream? How do you feel about this? Are you glad it's gone from your life, do you consider it a disadvantage, or do you not care?- your answer will determine how you feel about parting with what you no longer need.

Garbage in a dream also symbolizes- releasing emotions or getting rid of negativity. Think about it and relate it to what you are doing and who you saw yourself in your dream.

In real life, you recently solved a personal problem, and garbage symbolizes- solution, liberation from unnecessary things?

Perhaps garbage symbolizes- your disagreement with the opinion of any person: you think that his ideas are complete nonsense.

In our world that cares about environment, most of the garbage is recycled- perhaps your dream speaks of your desire to redefine, think about and develop those aspects of life that you previously considered a stage passed for yourself?

Esoteric dream book

Garbage, a heap - material well-being.

Collecting in a pile is good luck, a safe way out of a difficult situation.

Sweep - part with unnecessary things and unnecessary acquaintances. Don't regret your losses.

Throw it in the garbage chute- quarrel, blaming others for your troubles.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Garbage according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, garbage- may be a warning about the deterioration of your affairs.

More interpretations

Clean it up- means being on the path to solving serious problems.

Sweeping out of the house in a dream- it will not be easy for you to drive away someone who is unpleasant to you.

If you set it on fire- you will make a profit where you did not expect it.

It comes from the garbage bad smell - such a plot is a reflection of your negative emotions.

You sweep it away with a broom or broom- you will finally be able to solve all your problems and misunderstandings and achieve long-awaited peace.

A dream in which you sweep garbage onto a dustpan, but it scatters again- warns that now you need to be especially restrained and prudent, otherwise major scandals You cannot avoid problems at home and at work.

Take him out of the house- this means that in real life you should put everything in order, say goodbye to the past, free up space from unnecessary trash, and changes for the better will not take long to arrive.

According to the dream book, the process of garbage collection- warns that you will unwittingly become a bone of discord, and because of your carelessness, everyone around you will become mired in disputes and squabbles.

Video: Why do you dream about Garbage?


Did you dream about Garbage, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Garbage in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.


    Hello! I had a dream on Wednesday. I see a bunch of things near the garbage, I approach and see that these are things necessary for the household. I begin to select them and collect them in bags and boxes. Among the things I often came across pliers, probably 8 times, and there were also a lot of bolts, cogs, etc.

    Good evening, Tatyana. My dream: colleagues at work festive table. I sweep up the litter and dust, collect it in a dustpan and put it in the trash can. I feel calm, and it’s like they don’t see me. Stranger guy, who is watching me, asks: “Don’t they know that your father died?” (this happened last year). I'm waking up.
    Thanks for the explanation.

    I was dreaming about our pine grove, but I don’t remember whether we wanted to cook barbecue there or just go for a walk, I remember that we stood and looked around the clearing at that moment the girl next to us put a lot of bags of garbage and then the dream was interrupted

    picnic (but not on the street, but in some room). at a picnic former employees, today a non-existent organization. everything is fine. everyone is fine. The manager comes up to me, tilts his head close to my face, says something, I kiss him on the tip of his nose. He is surprised, but pleasantly and leaves, but as if just the beginning of something different between us...then I put away the dishes after the picnic. I’m about to wash them, but they’re all greasy(((I clean up the trash and put it in large bags. She’s sitting next to a trash bag (one of her former colleagues is arguing with someone one of the men (a stranger, not one of ours), and next to her sits a small (probably a year old) boy who seems to be her son, but she only has a daughter in her life. I keep walking and looking at everyone. I go up to the manager’s door, and it’s kind of old. closed, but so light. I thought he left, but he didn’t leave... I’m still waiting for something from him...

    I dreamed that we were windsurfing across something like a river: like a river, only as if underground.
    And so we almost swim to the shore and the girl holding the sail is shot in the leg and we all fly to the shore and there I lose consciousness. Having woken up, I examine the place, it looks the same as the other shore, i.e. sand, water and 4 walls, there is a lot of garbage on the water in front of the shore. The girl who controlled the sail returned back to the other shore. Her boyfriend and I are returning there because we have things, documents and money there. Arriving there we see an empty beach. The girl began to go crazy from the fact that she was shot and locked herself in the bar. We begin to come up with a plan to take our things and leave, but without her noticing otherwise she will be furious. And then the thought occurs to me that this is a film, we are starring in it, and it’s called “Stash.” I begin to look for this cache, explaining along the way new plan action and exit. And I wake up.

    I just had a dream. I was collecting garbage in a pile with a broom near front door, me An elderly woman I knew, a former boss, helped, she took a large pile out into the street, but some of the garbage remained, dust from it settled on the walls. This happened in the apartment that I sold, but in the dream I knew that it was at work.

    Hello, I dreamed of a pile of garbage that was buried with slag by my buyer of my apartment and she is also the grandfather of the house that we bought from him! Then the police came and some man beat me!

    the money was in the bag, the bag somehow ended up in a garbage bin, which was taken to a landfill, and I was looking for my bag at the landfill. When I found it, the documents remained in it, and some of the money was yes, but most of it was not.

    Hello, I dreamed today that I felt like I was on the street near the market and suddenly a large car dumped out a huge pile of garbage (junk), people ran away, and I walked away, walked further down the street and there was garbage, then I wanted to sort out what I needed with someone, but then I quit this activity with the words “people will find their things themselves,” why such a dream?

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was cleaning my house and was very surprised when I collected a huge pile of garbage (dust, hair and all sorts of small pieces of trash). I look at it very carefully and throw it away. Thank you.

    I dreamed of my late father, who scolded me for not taking out the trash bag, then he took the bag and threw it into the hall, to which I told him that now I definitely won’t take out the trash - let him take it out himself, even if he will stink

    I'm visiting relatives in an old house. The relative decided to wash the cat and I was holding it in my hands, and she went to get water. I went out to get her and there was water, at first there was little of it, and then the water became higher than my knees and all sorts of garbage was floating in it (broken things, toys, an old bathtub, and something else). I felt uneasy from this garbage, but the water was not cloudy. I woke up from this water and garbage.

    I dreamed that I was walking with a girl, just like in the park in the forest, it was a day on the street and there were piles of garbage in big bags all around, the forest itself was green and there I was hanging out with my great boy, whom I broke up with 3 months ago, with him There were 10 rocks at a time, but at the moment I write only intermittently and rarely meet.

    I’m throwing out garbage from the cluttered area of ​​my home, and I’ve never gone there before, I ask for help, but no one even wants to go in, in the end I cleaned it out with a roar, throwing it out the window, then I immediately dream that a friend gives me a ring as if it’s not the right size for her

    I dreamed about mine deceased mother She died of cancer 6 years ago. I was taking care of her in the hospital and there was some kind of garbage. I was collecting it and there were trash cans in the hallway. I carried everything there. The bins were full. I rarely have dreams. That’s why it’s strange. Yes. .my father was nearby. He was lying on the next bed. Thanks in advance Tatyana.

    my friend took black bags of garbage from the hallway of my house and left the house. I went up to see she was standing behind the gate with bags. At this time, our beloved cat ran out into the street through the gate, but he was not red, but gray shades. I shouted, Tanya, hold Felix and woke up

    I saw in a dream how I was throwing out trash to tree, and next to everything was beautiful and in beautiful colors, especially green, green grass, everything was well-groomed. Then I saw an apple tree on which for some reason clean things were hanging to dry and I wanted apples, but some girl stopped me, but still I shook the apple tree and two apples fell for some reason it turned out to be in the mud, and the other one cracked a little and I collected them.

    I went outside, a woman threw out a bag of garbage in my direction from the 4th floor (a 5-story building) and it fell next to me. I tried to assemble it to take it to her apartment, but it didn’t work; it kept falling apart. I looked around and saw that there was also garbage lying around.

    I went out into the street, and someone told me to remove the garbage that was near the house, at first it seemed like there was a big pile, and then a small one ((an unpleasant smell came from it)) I began to clean up and put everything away ((and then I woke up ))

    It’s as if I’m in my aunt and uncle’s house, I’m cleaning their place. They’ve accumulated a lot of papers and unnecessary things. I take it all out into the trash and I don’t even have enough hands to take it all out, but I manage and take it out at once, take out all the rubbish

    I dreamed of a snowy road, but it was cleared with large dumps along the edges, but while I was walking along the road, at some intervals there were many bags of garbage, some lying on the road, others somewhere below, but there were a lot of them. Besides the bags of garbage, there were also cars but not whole, but only frames! I also met an old woman with children, she asked me what, but I remembered the date she said it was January 31! Then I dreamed that I was going to go skiing, but the skis didn’t fit my boots, the fastenings were wrong and I climbed up the stairs and woke up

    I dreamed of large bags of garbage, and there were a lot of them, and I brought another small bag of garbage to them and put them, but where the bags were, it was clean, as if everything was put in one room)

    My stall was cleaning the premises administrative building Sberbank, where I previously worked as head of the administrative sector. And in the corridors of this building there were a lot of employees, including female ex the manager, she greeted me dryly and angrily. I had a dream in the morning

    Dream - I sweep out the trash (fine, such as sand and dust) very carefully with a broom in the hallway-entrance from the apartment of my man, with whom I am meeting and going to live. The door is open to the apartment and from the apartment along the corridor (hotel-type entrance) I see how the floor is getting cleaner.

    I was walking with my sister along the road. We approached a large table; there was garbage in bags on it and next to it. I knew that this was my garbage and began to put it in a large bag. The garbage was not dirty or smelly. There were just clean bags like paper or boxes. One bag of trash contained packaged cookies, fresh and clean. I collected it in bags for my sister and, it seems, a little for myself (I can’t say for sure, I know that I definitely collected it for my sister, but only wanted it for myself). I put the garbage in a bag but didn’t throw it away, but left it lying in place, and I wouldn’t tell that I left it clean, just removed the trash. Then I ended up in the store, picking up hair dye, but didn’t buy it, but watched how others dyed their hair.

    Hello! My name is Olga. I had never seen dreams like this before.
    My husband and I are on vacation on the shore of a large body of water (maybe a lake). Sunny, warm. There are other vacationers nearby. Beach with golden sand. I look at the pond and see so clear water, that you can see a very deep bottom. The bottom of the lake is not flat, but steep. I'm afraid, but I'm going to swim. Then I see that I am washing in the lake and then I want to go out, but it’s difficult for me (because the shore is steep). My husband reaches out to me and pulls me out of the water. When I look at the shore, I see a lot of paper trash all around. Precisely paper sheets from glossy magazines. They are crumpled and scattered all over the shore. Then we go to the hotel. There are a lot of people in the bar and I vaguely remember the rest. I can’t accurately describe the events. Thank you.

    I dreamed that I was lying in bed at home, my eyes were closed. I hear my ex calling from the corridor, “Is there any more garbage somewhere?” I answer “no” very quietly, as if I don’t have the strength to answer louder and with some kind of apathy or something, but he says “I don’t understand.” I already answer “no” louder. A strange dream, but I remember it.

    with my beloved dad, who died 12 years ago, we carry 2 buckets of garbage from the house to throw away, in which there is mostly light gray ash, there is no trash can, but there are two small rectangular depressions into which we poured a bucket each, afraid that someone would see that we leveled the holes, left the buckets and went home, having reached the house, dad went to get these buckets, and I stayed at home, then woke up.

    I dreamed of an ordinary pile of household garbage, from which for some reason I took out my bag and I don’t remember anything else, but I know for sure that what belongs to me. I took this something, the rest was left lying on the ground. Then I clearly saw how my mother seemed to be collecting this garbage in a bag

    I would be in the room and suddenly appear large dog and the girl who came to clean this room, I was scared of her dog and decided to help the girl clean up the trash. I collected everything with my hands and the garbage consisted almost entirely of apple cores. I began to find gold and silver jewelry among the garbage. I picked up trash with my right hand and collected jewelry with my left. Gold rings and chains, when suddenly in the room there were people I knew with whom I was talking (they were already deceased), except for one, these were my brother’s girls. I gave all the jewelry to my mother so that she would fairly divide everything among us all except wedding ring which I kept for myself as a sign that I had found it all and put it on the thumb of my left hand since it was very large and even on thumb dangled. And before this dream, I saw how my brother’s girlfriend got ready somewhere in the middle of the night and began to leave while everyone was sleeping, but I didn’t let her go and took one shoe so that she wouldn’t leave, but she killed. My brother woke up and ran after her, and I stayed at home with my mother (who is no longer alive). The dream was so vivid that I immediately went to look for the meaning of my dream. Tell me what does this mean? Should I expect trouble?

    I wanted to go to the Magnit store on the second floor, but there was garbage on the stairs... there were two stairs... one of them was filled with slop. I thought I could go there and fall back... and I didn’t go... I turned around and left

    I’m standing by a trash can in a yard I’m not familiar with and waiting for the trash can to be “emptied,” so to speak, as three men, dressed respectably, take something out of it. when they finished, I throw out some gratings and ladders. And then it transports me, please note it transports me, to hospital bed and some girl I don’t know simply has her right foot amputated under local anesthesia, it’s terrible, and then I bandage it. I didn't see any blood. the bandages are snow-white and clean.

    I was at a wedding whose - I don’t remember, but I dreamed of my brother’s family, there was litter on the floor, I took a dustpan and a brush and began to collect all the rubbish in a dustpan, I didn’t throw it away, then I almost dreamed of my flirting with the groom

    Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed that I went to some two women I knew and chatted with them. And she hurriedly went to the meeting. I walk through a trash can (in a yard that is unfamiliar to me), after passing it I realize that I am going in the wrong place. In the courtyard where I went out, I pick up commemorative, old coins, but I gave them to the girl, who angrily said that they were hers, although the old man told me to take them, but I don’t do this and give them away without conflict.) I’m going back through the same trash can. I understand that I am very late for the meeting and am looking for my way. Having arrived 30-40 minutes late, the person who was supposed to provide me with a service refuses and I cry, although the people around him admire me and are happy for me. It seems that's it. Thank you.

    Hello! I dreamed about wasting food and my relatives couldn’t calm me down, and I was arguing with my mother) what could this mean? So I woke up with some kind of anxiety in my soul because the dream was very realistic

    I dreamed that I was digging in a trash can. I take two hats from there because I collect badges, and they contain badges. For some reason I'm packing my things in a black bag. There were also two books in the tank. One was wrapped - black and I understood that it was a bad book, but I just leafed through it and left it in the tank, next to it was good book, but for some reason I didn’t take it. When I left, dead people I knew were standing nearby and talking about something, it felt like they were talking about me. I had a dream in the morning and haven’t gotten it out of my head all day...

    I had a dream as if I was standing on the road and I was pinched by two big cars on one of which there were mountains of garbage, I tried to climb onto this car with garbage and at the same time threw off bags of garbage so that I could at least somehow climb onto it, and at the same time I was very scared that I wouldn’t succeed and these two cars would simply squeeze me

    I dreamed that I pulled out a full garbage bag from a bucket and the bag was torn and I tried to hold it so that it wouldn’t burst and garbage wouldn’t fall out of it!!! there was a garbage bag blue color!!

    Hello, I had a dream in which they tell me that my little brother has died, I’m crying, trying to do something, there are people around, well, I see them vaguely, I’m fussing around but to no avail. Then I see how I’m seeing my husband off and giving him a big bag of garbage

    I dreamed that my father-in-law and mother-in-law were scaring me for the trash on the floor. They said that I was a bad housewife. I began to be indignant, in fact I only vacuumed, but looking at the floor I saw a bunch of small crumbs, and grumbling, I began to collect them.

    Good evening, Tatyana. I saw a room with a red carpet on the floor, the floor was very dirty, there was a lot of rubbish. I was very unpleasant and ashamed of the dirt. I dried up the broom and started sweeping up the trash. And one more strange dream. Saw white swan, I tied him to some piece of iron and left, and when I returned he was dead, his neck was separated from his body (3 parts), I took them in my hands and cried, blamed myself for the fact that I tied him and that’s why he died .

    Hello! I dream twice with garbage. The first time, my ill-wisher in my house swept the garbage into a pile, and I woke up. In the second dream, my late father took a trash can out into the street to throw away.

    everything is confusing, I just remember that I gave bags of garbage to the men and took it out myself and saw the car from which I somehow awkwardly fell to my knees, they were a little dirty and the seals from the wheels were unscrewed from the car

    I saw in a dream a street toilet in which there were banknotes, I reached for them, the money fell to the very bottom, I wanted to take the stairs, it turned out to be rotten, then the toilet almost fell apart

    I dreamed of a grandmother who died a long time ago and with whom I had not communicated for a very long time and the relationship was not very good. She asked why I was digging and not following. She herself went somewhere. At that time I was about to take the garbage out of the house in a garbage bag, but it fell and I had to collect the garbage with my hands back into the bag. The garbage didn't look very nice.

    I dream once a month of a house, mostly private, less often an apartment in which we lived before, all the trash on the floor, a lot of boxes, pieces of paper, rags, something broken, so I’m cleaning and still can’t finish cleaning the house, I’m not alone, there are people who often don’t help much and it seems There's supposed to be some kind of event going on and I don't have time

    I dreamed that I had sexual intercourse with by a stranger. Then I don’t get to the containers with the bags of garbage and ask my nephew to throw it away and put the garbage in his trunk and pour it into the trunk as if I needed the bags

    For some reason I ended up in Sochi, in a large private house, standing in the yard with a large bag of garbage. I wanted to put the garbage next to another house, I thought the garbage truck would be taken away, but the owners looked out and I took the bag, got into the boat and there was water clean, clean transparent, and I threw the garbage somewhere far away on the shore, there was also garbage there. And I returned home.

    I'm walking across a huge field. There is a football ground on it. Mine is playing ex-husband with your friends. One of them, seeing me, asked my husband about some girl. My husband saw what I heard, got upset and began to reprimand his friend. I went to a high-rise building. There, on the site, the woman and I began to take out huge closed bags of garbage from the garbage chute and put them into another garbage chute to throw them away. I remember being very concerned about getting the trash out of the room. Then I went to large room, where there was a huge table and many chairs. Familiar people came close friend. My husband came with his friends, sat in front of me with his back and put his head on my lap. I was confused, but my friend smiled and nodded at me, as if she was happy for me. We moved, but my husband again leaned his back on me and put his head on my chest. I was surprised and began to stroke his hair. In the dream he was very handsome, his hair was thick. There was a feeling of calm. Then he got up, got dressed and went. I asked: Are you leaving? He: Yes, I’m on the floor below, at such and such a company. I went into the room, and there seemed to be a meeting there and everyone was waiting for him when he returned. His friends, my friends, a lot of people. And one of his friends says: He contracted cancer in Egypt. And I woke up.

    Hello! I dreamed that I found it in the trash wrist watch, with a high-quality leather strap, but not suitable, I kept it for myself. I returned to the pile several more times in search of something valuable)

    We are sitting in a huge hall, the concert is about to start... then a man I like comes and sits nearby... I go up to him and hug him from the back, I look at his head and there is garbage in it, a lot of garbage: seeds, cleaning, cigarette butts, I start to clean it all, at first he resists, but then he himself says to clean everything

    I saw myself running behind the door, closing it with shaking hands, then looking through the peephole. There was a girl there, she was sweeping the stairs and looked at me angrily, as if she saw me through the door. And in the end, she threw all the collected garbage under my door.

    hello, today I had a dream we were renting an apartment from our landlady, so she dreamed that she left a bucket of trash on my site, we went up together and she took the bucket of trash, it was full

    Today I dreamed the following. In my apartment, which I recently purchased, I collect large blue bags of garbage in one place so that I can take everything out later. At the same time, I felt good, I was happy and positive.

    I saw the dream clearly. In the morning I came to work in my office, opened the door and saw bags of garbage under and around my desk (some small boxes of paper, crumpled wrappers, all of this in black garbage bags with straps tied, and garbage sticking out around them)
    My reaction was fear, I was afraid that the special authorities had slipped something there, I didn’t touch them myself, I started calling other workers, telling them that I wouldn’t touch it; suddenly there was something there

    V at the moment I'm married. I dreamed of a man, I know him, but we don’t communicate with him closely and don’t even see each other. He’s divorced and is raising three children himself, but I know his parents well. the dream was like this, the whole family he had his parents children as if he was proposing to me knowing that he was married and putting a ring on me left hand ring finger and we all arrive together in a beautiful and new jeep to my parents in the village and we can’t go into the yard because there is all kinds of rubbish and garbage in the yard, we tried to get through but came back then one of the children, a boy, wanted to go to the toilet, I took him and this man became sleepy then we all stood together and my parents were very aggressive; they didn’t like it; his parents concluded that my parents were careless and we left and they already tried to dissuade our son from marrying us, but he defended me in front of them and I said, well, why do that right away? get married, let's live in a civil marriage, then I woke up, but the dream lasted a long time, I even woke up, got out of bed, went to bed again and it continued. Tell me what this is all about

    I dreamed of huge black bags with all sorts of garbage on a garbage bin. I asked two young women to help me remove this garbage. I gave them the keys to the apartment, where there is still garbage. They returned, gave me the keys and brought me my klach.

    Hello, I had a dream that I was putting garbage into bags from some room, not only garbage but also food waste for animals, I sorted through the garbage with their hands, separately, food waste separately and separately took it out onto the street and folded it separately. My dogs were nearby and they were playing. I noticed that there were fleas on them. There were people nearby, I don’t remember who but they were acquaintances

    I dreamed that I was at work, on my knees, collecting garbage on the floor with a rag, or rather wiping it from the corner with a rag, and what came out was this rather large pile. And at that moment, the deputy chief stood behind me and was talking to one of her colleagues, discussing the fact that I would not clean up this garbage, although I had already removed it. Then she left. I muttered something, and I heard her walking, entering the office and giving me some nonsense in a bag and saying: “You’ll give this to your mom.” I put it in my bag and woke up

    Our son is standing at the bottom of the trash can with dirty hands, there is a lot of garbage around. Some women brought an empty bucket and a glass jar with broken edges. He had to put garbage in these containers, I came and said, “be careful not to cut yourself on the jar.”


    a former loved one on the street sweeps a very dirty staircase that goes up from an underground passage, and other people, women and men, strangers, also sweep up the garbage, and I walk up these stairs

    We went with ex-girlfriend, it seemed like I was in a car and ended up in a pile of garbage (bags, rags, waste), I was lying in it and all these bags were flying all over me, all this was in a neighboring village, opposite her house, we haven’t communicated for more than a year. Very unpleasant feeling

    I’m actually pregnant. And I had a dream that I was in my grandmother’s house and there were men there arguing while sitting at the table. And in the dream I was cleaning the house, washing the floor, throwing out heaps of unnecessary old trash from the house of my grandmother, whose at that moment was not in the house. I washed very dirty, dusty lamps and shelves where my late grandfather’s old things stood, and then they found the corpse of my grandmother under the bed in a hole, like a dry grave, as if she had died. Nonsense. but I remember everything and I want to know what this dream is about and what it means ?

    I dreamed that I was walking alone, I saw the silhouette of my ex in the distance and I wanted to see him so much that I started to catch up with him... but before I had time, he went into the front door of the house... I got upset and moved on, but suddenly he comes out, only he looks a little different , as if it were a different person with his appearance. we go with this guy, meet a former classmate, go to a construction site... there are a lot of cats there, I tell him how I wanted a kitten, fluffy and white, and ask him to find it in the trash. he begins to search, tearing the package. suddenly a cat pounces on him and scratches his neck, he gets angry and swears at me and leaves... I get upset but I move on with my friend... it gets dark, we go for a walk, she says not to be upset... let's go to the park to meet someone... and asks to give it to her my jacket or go to her place to change clothes

    I don’t give phone numbers, just email - I threw out the trash - as usual, in the container - there were two of them and I woke up, I was in my coat, I didn’t see it, I just adjusted it so it wouldn’t fly apart - the containers were full

    I dreamed as if I was in the house where my ex lives young man and I'm trying to get up to him the stairs, and the stairs this is not an ordinary driveway, but with iron mesh steps, I go up and am afraid, and I meet him as if he were his girlfriend and I find out that this is his girlfriend, and she is pregnant, then his sisters appear... although why two, he only has one... then as if I find myself at the entrance. And there is a meeting of residents in the entrance, and then my colleague says that I am the head of the site, and I need to restore order there. I start cleaning the entrance, collecting garbage, putting it in a bag. and giving it to someone, then The meeting of residents begins, opposite me the guy’s girlfriend is standing again, who is pregnant, and in my heart I want to go up to his apartment while everyone is here, but I can’t leave the meeting, because I have to be present (in fact, he doesn’t have a girlfriend)

    I became very scared for my life and in general.

    I live in a private house. I dreamed that the gate and the gate were open and some person was sweeping garbage towards my house. two piles of garbage. I saw and told my husband that someone was sweeping up heaps of garbage there. The husband takes no action. I'm running around, I don't know what to do.

    Three people under the window are throwing small bags of garbage at our window, but they don’t get in because there is a mosquito net, the bags reach the net and fly down, and the three people below are angry that they don’t get in and say something

    I dream of a mountain sprinkled with various garbage... It’s as if I’m standing at the top, looking down and afraid to go down, but still I take this step... then a moment and I’m already sliding down, grabbing all kinds of garbage along the way. In the middle of the mountain I am overcome by a wild passion, because I see bulls running towards me. And one of them started talking to me. He told me to be careful, because there was a river with pasture below and they might not feel sorry for me there. I'm trying to hide on this mountain of garbage... I don't remember the next steps

    Hello. I dreamed that I was in the trash. And it seems like at a funeral. Then I throw off this garbage and start trying on different shoes.
    It seems like some kind of brand, but the garbage and funerals are alarming. Thanks for your help.

    I dreamed that I was walking with a friend to a cemetery, he pulled me back at the fence and said, look who’s coming, I turn and out of the gate (just a fence entrance) with bags covering her face, my friend’s deceased mother walks. She walks as if she’s rushing for someone. She took her away. We hugged me a little to the side, nearby there were some stupid graves behind fences, but where we stood for some reason there were plastic empty bottles and cups scattered. She began to tell me about the staging and that she did not die./she died in October, under strange circumstances , the cops said that she fell and hit her head when she was struggling with her friend/
    Then she told me look who is with me and called some guy who looked about 45 years old, he looked like a singer from the 90s, with a beard, his hair was black and gray was showing through. He greeted me. And then I just woke up not at home where I live, seisas, but at my parents’ house. I opened my eyes and heard the sound of shoes as if someone was walking, and then I woke up at home./this woman and I are from the same city.
    I dreamed about it / everything that night, but I don’t remember the transition from one dream to another /
    This same friend and I are going down to the subway, there is a table there and while we are waiting for the train we are standing at the table chatting, and I am drinking tea from my mug and putting it down, while all this is happening I remember that we are chatting and I am constantly moving away from the edge of the platform .In the end, I forgot my cup there on the table and we went to the club. It was fun in the club, a lot of people were drinking, relaxing, dancing (everything in the club was colored, it was flashing, it was lit as expected, but I don’t remember there was music there) and I for some reason I started filming everything that was happening, walking around the club, filming how people were relaxing at tables, when they saw me, they waved their hands in greeting that I was filming them. Then my friend and I went back home and at that metro station there was the same table with my empty cup .I was very surprised that no one took it on the subway, my friend said that we were the last ones on the subway and that’s probably why the employees left it, saying we’ll pick it up tomorrow. I don’t remember whether I took my cup or not, then somehow everything happened what I wrote at the beginning.

    My brother and I and someone else (I don’t remember who) were driving my grandfather’s old Kamaz, we stopped in, and there was garbage (it looked like a landfill), then further on there was a river. Poachers owled the fish. At this point we continued driving. Along the way we came across large heads of catfish, and sometimes very, very large and long tiupes of catfish. Then we entered a tunnel, and when we left we found ourselves in the 80s and 90s, at a thrift store. Everything there was like in the 90s or 80s. There are a lot of clothes, people go and choose. I wanted to buy something for myself and also chose clothes. And so I didn’t find anything. But it was only there for 2 hours. We were about to leave and I saw a sign with food from those years. I ordered McDonald's which was in the 90-80 years, and more some kind of tasty treat. We are already leaving the tunnel in the Kamaz and again we are in our time, and next to me is the food that I ordered. And in the end we go home (by the way, this all happened in my village, and I live in the city)

Maly Velesov dream book

Garbage in a dream

Garbage - Money, profit; sweep - to death, separation.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Garbage?

Garbage - Garbage in a dream means that you are not yet able to control your affairs. Large piles of garbage foreshadow worries related to social life. Failures in business and humiliating situations in relationships with people are possible.

The meaning of the dream about Sora (Russian folk dream book)

Garbage - Disagreement, conflict, quarrel; if in a dream you see piles of garbage, then there are many complex unresolved problems in your life; picking up trash means trying to improve relationships with others; garbage with a bad smell means the situation has already worsened too much.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Landfill

Garbage - Probably, to see garbage - in reality to become the subject of gossip, gossip, general discussion, since this dream symbol is closely related to the saying: “washing dirty linen in public,” that is, to flaunt personal problems and family affairs. You see mountains of garbage, then this dream foreshadows you that in the near future you will be in a gloomy and depressed mood, so you should not start new things or plan family entertainment together. Picking up trash - in reality you will cause disagreements in your family or team at work, although you won’t even notice how you will involve everyone in the conflict. You carefully collect the garbage in a dustpan, and it wakes up again on the floor, then this means a major quarrel with your loved one or a reprimand from your superiors, in any case, try to control yourself and do not add fuel to the fire. If you dreamed about construction debris, it means that after a conflict or an unpleasant conversation you will be able to restore your previous relationship. Seeing in a dream how the wind lifts garbage into the air is an unpleasant dream that foreshadows discord with others, which will become known to everyone.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does Garbage mean in a dream?

Garbage - Big things; sweep the trash out of the house - you sweep yourself or someone else.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about garbage in a dream?

Garbage - If you dreamed of a pile of junk, old or unnecessary things, it means that deep down you condemn some of your hobbies or actions. Cleaning up trash in a dream actually means coping with difficulties. Garbage dreams of big things. You are sweeping trash out of the house - it means that you are sweeping yourself or someone else. Carrying heaps of all sorts of rubbish around the house means you will become a victim of strange and stupid gossip that will greatly annoy you. Dreaming of trash means in reality a lot of almost insoluble problems and meager rewards, a feeling of dissatisfaction. Garbage dreams of difficulties and failures in business.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Garbage in a dream?

Garbage - Seeing garbage in a dream means that you will do your business poorly. Large piles of garbage foreshadow worries related to social life. Failures in business and humiliating situations in relationships between people are also possible, this is how what you are dreaming about is deciphered.

The meaning of the dream about the Heap (Modern interpreter)

Garbage - Gossip and troubles.

Why did you dream about Garbage according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Garbage - Gossip, trouble, quarrel.

Esoteric dream book

Garbage in night dreams

Garbage - A pile of material well-being. Collecting in a heap is good luck, a safe way out of a difficult situation. Sweep away and part with unnecessary things and unnecessary acquaintances. Don't regret your losses. Throwing into the garbage chute and quarreling, blaming others for your troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about garbage in a dream?

Garbage - Gossip, troubles.

Garbage in a dream (symbolism according to the Wanderer’s dream book (T. Smirnova)

Garbage, litter - Unsatisfactory completion of activities; discomfort in the soul. Heaps of all sorts of rubbish and scattered garbage in general reflect our emotional state after any unsatisfactory events or incidents (for example, after holiday drinking, a scandal, the arrival of guests, a divorce from a spouse, etc.). Sometimes, according to the law of inversion, garbage means great things, accomplishments and making money.

Garbage chute - To confusion in life; to dissatisfaction with one's fate.

What does it mean when you dream of a Garbage Chute - Condition of the rectum; release of negative emotions.

Carry out dirty water from home - To loss of will. Taking out the trash from the house - To the deceased.

What does it mean to see garbage?

Burning garbage, garbage - Get rid of the burden of the past. Imagine that the garbage burns quickly, not even leaving ash.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Garbage

To dream that garbage is being taken out of your house is a sign of a deceased person. Taking out the trash in the trash - If you dream that you are taking out the trash in the trash, you will be acquitted at trial. Carrying a dead person out of the house - If you dream that a dead person is being taken out of your house, expect unexpected complications in relationships with people.

Garbage in a dream (interpretation of O. Smurova’s dream book)

Taking out the trash from the house - Towards reconciliation. To see taking out trash in the trash in a dream means you are trying to hide something, but, as they say, there is nothing secret that would not become obvious.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Garbage mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream about picking up trash - for peace of mind.

In the summer, why did you dream about heaps of garbage - money - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, why did you dream of taking garbage out of a bucket into a garbage chute? It means gossip.

In winter, why do you dream of a burning pile of garbage - a harbinger of income from an unexpected source.