The tumor doesn't hurt. Cancer was “treated” with earthworm broth. What are the pains of cancer?


В - 2008

What pain is associated with breast cancer?

Understanding the cause of pain helps you better understand and manage it. When you have just started treatment, it can be difficult to understand whether the pain is caused by the tumor itself or something else. Pain is always a warning. It can indicate what is happening in the body and how a particular treatment affects it. New pain may indicate the appearance of a new tumor or metastasis. An increase in pain intensity also indicates corresponding changes. So, what is characteristic of cancer pain, and what is characteristic of pain of other origins?

This also applies to cancer patients who have had surgery and whose tumors have been partially or completely removed; and they may not have enough protein. In advanced stage cancers, the tumor feeds on protein. The body cannot live without proteins, so the blood, starved of protein, devours all unnecessary flashes, wastes and swelling of matter. This way the blood heals. “Ways to treat cancer, leukemia and other incurable diseases”, Rudolf Brace.

We will not treat cancer any other way, perhaps only if the pharmaceutical industry invents powerful drugs that, like the treatment for tuberculosis, can overcome anything. But as a result of using chemicals, our bodies will be more sensitive than they currently are. The chemo-pharmaceutical method may solve the current stage of the disease by treating the symptoms, but will have serious consequences in the future. Therefore we will not be healthier; on the contrary, humanity will be increasingly susceptible to disease.

The cause of pain in breast cancer can be:

  • The breast tumor itself. Sometimes pain may be noted in the tumor. In inflammatory breast cancer, it is mild to moderate in severity, as it is associated with skin lesions. This is even accompanied by the formation of ulcers on the skin.
  • Metastases. You already know that metastases are the spread of cancer to other areas of the body. Metastases can spread through the lymphatic or circulatory routes. They can affect various organs: liver, lungs, brain, and bone tissue. One of the main signs of metastasis is pain. When the spine is affected by metastasis, pain appears in the back, and when the liver is affected, pain appears in the right half of the abdomen.
  • Pain associated with treatment. Sometimes certain treatments can increase the intensity of pain. For example, hormonal treatment or radiation exposure to bone metastases can cause burning pain. The reason for this is usually that in response to treatment, swelling of the tumor occurs, which is associated with pain.
  • Chest pain. Although breast pain is not cancerous, pain in only one breast is alarming to patients. This is especially true when pain occurs for an unknown reason. In this case, your doctor may recommend a biopsy of the area of ​​interest.

Pain not associated with a breast tumor

The cause of pain may not only be a tumor:

This is why cancer treatment should be carefully studied. He also rightly states that this treatment may fail if other conventional treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy are used. Rudolf Breuss, an Austrian from Bludenz and a natural therapist, developed such a treatment. Brace, like me, is 87 years old and has great experience in the field of traditional medicine. This allowed him to develop his new method treatment by mail. In my opinion, fasting is and always will be the best way overcome the disease.

Hundreds of fasting treatments have demonstrated time and time again that nothing is more effective than deliberate abstinence from food, which gives value to the body's own healing powers. Too often this vital force is underestimated, especially by sick people. They neglect it, although it is the most valuable thing that has been given to them. Some bright people have recognized this vitality and tried to tell others about it. Breus is one of the few people who trust this vital force, with extensive experience in natural healing.

  • Surgical intervention.
  • Radiation therapy.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Recovery period.
  • Changes in the mammary gland of non-cancerous origin.

Postoperative pain and pain after radiation

Pain after surgery is not that bad, but it can be tiring and worrying for the patient. This pain is usually associated with the fact that when making a soft tissue incision, small tissues are damaged. nerve fibers. This leads to increased sensitivity in this area. Tissue swelling after surgery is also one of the causes of this pain. In addition, during the operation, the surgeon performs various manipulations with tissues, which also causes additional trauma.

We made an error in coding Buschinger and Waerland's rules, which recommended using sap exclusively when they should have been used in combination with certain plants. We also use fasting to fight cancer in a much shorter time. Breus discovered a cure for cancer through fasting. Most hospitals that use natural treatments do not use the fasting method because Dr. Buchinger never recommended fasting for cancer. There is not enough praise for the courage to allow cancer patients to go beyond 42 days.

After a lumpectomy, pain is localized to the site of the removed tumor. The reasons for this are described above. Gradually, this pain goes away as the wound heals and the nerve fibers are restored.

After axillary lymphadenectomy, pain is also noted. It may get worse after exposure to radiation. When lymph nodes are removed, the outflow of lymph from the upper limb. This leads to a well-known condition called lymphedema. Lymphedema is lymphatic swelling of soft tissues. This creates pressure in the soft tissues, which also causes pain in this area. Lymphedema can be permanent, although there are special exercises that can help alleviate some of the severity.

Reporting is usually only recommended for 21 days. Roling Mittenwald was among the few doctors who dared to appoint a fast for up to 70 days. People tend to move quickly only for short periods of time due to lack of knowledge. To receive detailed information, please study the work of Dr. Reckweg, describing the categories of diseases and the periods of time necessary for their healing. Although some of the directions and recommendations in Mr. Brace's book seem super-optimistic, especially those related to the treatment of leukemia, I, as a medical doctor, prefer this method to that prescribed by decades of "Orthodox medicine."

Pain after lymphadenectomy has another source - the nerve plexus in the axillary region. During an operation to remove lymph nodes, these nerves have to be pushed back, which causes additional trauma to them. Therefore, in some cases, pain in the armpit can last from several weeks to several months or even years. Simple painkillers (analgin, ibuprofen, etc.) are ineffective in this case, and special drugs that affect nervous tissue are usually used - these are anticonvulsants and antidepressants.

A significant turning point in cancer treatment has now been achieved thanks to the work of Dr. Essel and Professor Zabel, who are often taught in the press. Breuss' methods are much more natural and intense. "The tumor must be weakened by starvation." Anyone familiar with the work understands this. The body will first reject what is less necessary. It discriminates between what is healthy and what is unhealthy if there is sufficient strength. This is helpful, of course, if the person involved understands the principle of life force or life force.

This is very important point- Without awareness of the life force principle it is difficult to understand how the healing proceeds and the patient will be deprived of the necessary confidence. Breus juice for the 42-day phase consists of red beets, carrots, celery, radishes and potatoes, especially potato juice, which is one of the best alkaline products and has a very good effect in severe cases of the disease. However, it is usually ignored in clinics that use natural treatments because it has an unpleasant taste.

Pain after a mastectomy—the removal of the entire breast—may be accompanied by numbness and weakness in the arm and shoulder. In most cases, these symptoms are associated with injury to soft tissues: their dissection and stretching.

Pain after radiation exposure

Radiation can cause pain of varying intensity. Sometimes it is paroxysmal, and in some cases it is significantly pronounced. In most cases, this pain is moderate and gradually goes away after a course of radiation therapy. Why does radiation cause pain?

He recommends 250 ml of this juice per day for the patient for a few days before starting the correct course so that the patients get used to it. Safflower and sage buds complement the treatment. Breus also recommends tea sleight of hand tea, known to cure cancer, and gives precise instructions on how to prepare the tea. This fact can be confirmed by my own experience. Natural treatment can only be successful if immune system the patient is not weakened by strong chemicals.

But even such critical cases have been improved. Brex always says: Cancerous tumors grow independently and their cells can only be removed by starvation through a juice diet. Indeed, experience with postures over the years shows that the body dissolves everything that is foreign to it. This was my opinion over the years of practice. If, in addition, the patient also has a strong conviction, then I can certainly foresee some miracles that could not happen in the past. He appears to have had the neck cancer removed and is fully back, as seen in his doctor's report, although he suffered severe weight loss at the time.

  • Nerve irritation
  • The occurrence of swelling around scar tissue and the irradiated area,
  • Skin lesions (like sunburn)
  • Rubbing irritated areas of skin against each other (for example, when irradiating the axillary area).
  • Sometimes an infection.
Pain from radiation therapy usually goes away gradually after the radiation ends. Most of the pain goes away in the first year after treatment.

Pain associated with chemotherapy

Chemotherapy has a negative effect not only on the tumor, but also on healthy cells in the body, especially those that multiply and divide quickly. These include epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity, nose, and hair follicles. One of the manifestations of this side effect of chemotherapy is changes in the oral mucosa: stomatitis with the formation of ulcers and erosions. These lesions are painful and responsive to food and liquid. When an infection attaches to them, inflammation occurs, which aggravates the pain. In this situation, your doctor may prescribe a medication that dentists commonly use to relieve oral pain. It is not recommended to use such drugs on your own.

What is a cancerous tumor? A cancerous tumor is a mass or independent growth that can sometimes be caused by pressure. If a person has stomach problems for several years and food remains in the stomach for several hours, it eventually causes such pressure in the stomach that it can lead to cancer. About 10 years later, this woman asked me to come see my husband. She immediately remembered our conversation. The lower lip looked like a beard shaped like a swarm of bees.

It's also worth mentioning that the swelling removes the fluid that has been leaking all day. The doctor arranged a rubber container attached to the lip to measure the amount of leakage - about 4 liters per day! Wherever there is high blood pressure, in any part of the body, the blood stops irritating that region, which will eventually die. In my opinion, this part wants to live, so it tries to make up for shortcomings in some areas and thereby lays the foundation for a new independent growth process. It develops very slowly at first and takes 10 years or more before it suddenly begins to grow, becoming a large tumor that we call cancer.

In addition, some chemotherapy drugs, such as Taxol and Taxotere, can cause muscle and joint pain. To others side effect These remedies are so-called polyneuropathy - painful sensations in the hands and feet, which is associated with damage to the peripheral nerves.

Pain during the recovery period

Some patients, once they learn of their diagnosis, remain inactive throughout the course of treatment. As a result, they gain weight and lose their previous physical condition, which results in pain. The way out of this situation is a gradual return to the previous level of physical activity - exercise, aerobics, etc.

Even when she reached this level, complete cancer treatment has proven to be effective. If you cut or put pressure on it first, such a harmless and small growth can become aggressive because the cancer enters the bloodstream and causes metastasis. This is why it is better not to damage the tumor or inlay. Those affected should begin full cancer treatment immediately. Sometimes surgery is not possible and radiation therapy can't help. In such cases, other treatment is required. Few people know that a simple blood test will accurately diagnose and locate a tumor anywhere in the body.


But the early stages of breast cancer should not be missed.

Breast cancer has become a real disaster for modern women. According to the American National Alliance of Disease Control Organizations (NABCO), in 1950 it was found in one in 18-19 patients, in 1960 in one in 14, today in one in 11 in the UK, in 9 in USA and Russia.

Researchers from the University of California, San Diego have discovered a new method for diagnosing cancerous tumors. This test can immediately show whether the patient has cancer, and in addition, it will also indicate the organ where the tumor is developing. Biomarkers are molecules that indicate the presence or absence of a tumor in the body. They are used to detect many diseases, even various forms of cancer. These molecules can detect abnormal signals transmitted to the body by various cancers.

In this way, genetic mutations, proteins released into the body, or missing genes can be identified. Currently, doctors recommend blood tests with biomarkers to patients or cancer patients. However, the tests specifically target a certain type of cancer: breast, colon, etc. to check the health of multiple organs, the patient must do more biomarker tests. This procedure is quite expensive and time-consuming. The problem can be solved if a universal blood test can be performed to detect and detect cancerous tumors.

TO Every 30-35 years, the number of women with a malignant tumor in the breast doubles. But this is the average on the planet, and in our country, for example, the number of such patients has more than doubled in just 15 years.

Prince Charles searches for the principle of cancer
The world's first universal screening program for breast cancer was introduced by the UK National Health Service in 1988. For 14 years now, Queen Elizabeth, like each of her subjects who have reached their fifties, receives an invitation to a mammogram every three years. Every year, English doctors examine 1,250,000 women.

How are cancerous tumors diagnosed in the body?

With the new study, researchers used a database of patterns that indicate the presence of healthy tissue in 10 areas of the body: liver, lungs, colon, intestines, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, stomach, blood. These data were then compared with blood samples from cancer patients. Thus, biomarkers have been obtained that can indicate which organ is affected by this disease.

Therefore, if this blood test can be used on a large scale, the patient will be able to find out where the cancerous tumor is located. Biomarkers can save patients' lives because they will detect disease at an early stage, even if symptoms have not yet been detected. This is especially useful for some cancers that are usually diagnosed too late, such as pancreatic cancer.

The heir to the British crown headed the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Charity, which funds the development of methods for early diagnosis of breast cancer and research into its causes. British scientists spent a million pounds sterling from the royal fund on a large-scale study that involved 37 thousand women with breast cancer. After removal of the tumor, all of them underwent a course of chemotherapy, and relapses of the disease in this group occurred 2 times less often compared to patients who limited themselves to surgery. The authors of the experiment claim that a combination of surgery and chemotherapy will save the lives of 20 thousand women around the world every year.

A universal blood test that can detect the presence of cancerous tumors will be extremely useful for oncologists. They immediately recognize what a diseased organ is. Doctors will be able to intervene very quickly without requiring further tests, which can take a long time, to properly position the tumor. Treatment can begin faster and the patient has a better chance of healing and living a normal life.

Earlier this year, when he was not even a year old, Costin Marian Ilie, a beautiful boy from the community of Brezoaele, Dambovita district, was diagnosed with cancer. Although the first signs could only be seen in the facial area where it had swelling, doctors soon discovered that both the spinal cord and the abdomen were affected.

One more thing important discovery, made with the financial support of the Prince of Wales Foundation, - computer-aided DNA diagnosis of breast cancer. More than 15,000 English women die from breast cancer every year. Even timely surgery does not always stop malignant degeneration - tissue malignancy.

With an active pathological process, it is not enough to remove the tumor - radiation or chemotherapy is required. A new diagnostic method will help specialists choose the right treatment tactics - computer DNA analysis for the presence of mutations in the so-called p53 gene, indicating a high cancer risk.

A hundred years ago, breast cancer was several times less common than it is now, but the diagnosis was tantamount to a death sentence. IN late XIX century, tumor removal was a risky undertaking, often complicated by suppuration and blood poisoning, because antibiotics did not yet exist. There was no plastic surgery either, which means there was no hope of restoring the mammary gland. Moreover, the diagnosis was made too late: after all, with your fingers you can only feel a tumor in the chest the size of a large pea, no less. This means that it appeared at least five years ago, or even earlier. And all these years no one treated the disease. And the only remedy for this disease in the past was a scalpel.

Today everything is different: diagnostic and treatment options have expanded, and the results inspire hope, leaving no room for fear and despair. If cancer is detected at an early stage, the likelihood that everything will end well is almost one hundred percent.


  • You feel a lump in the mammary gland (most often cancer affects its upper-outer part - closer to the arm). As a rule, small tumors do not hurt, but large ones cause discomfort.
  • The skin over the lump is reddened and hotter, looks like an orange peel, thickened or retracted, sores and scales have appeared around the nipple.
  • The nipple is retracted, there is an itching and burning sensation in it, and discharge from the breast has appeared.

    But those for whom the process has gone far should not despair. Modern doctors have many tools in their arsenal to combat breast cancer.

    Cryodestruction. If the tumor is very small, a special cryoprobe is applied to it, frozen five times and then removed. A barely noticeable scar remains as a memory of the operation.

    Removal of tumor only Through a small incision near the nipple, every fifth woman suffering from breast cancer is made, if it is detected on time (the tumor is small, with clear boundaries). Sometimes nearby lymph nodes are also removed. After surgery, radiation therapy is usually prescribed.

    Partial resection of the mammary gland. The tumor is removed along with the corresponding sector of the breast - surrounding tissues, skin, axillary lymph nodes. To destroy cancer cells that could remain in the chest, radiation or chemotherapy is prescribed.

    Radical mastectomy. If the tumor is large enough, but does not extend beyond the breast and the lymph nodes are not affected, the surgeon removes the entire mammary gland and refers the patient to radiation or chemotherapy. Are metastases found in the lymph nodes? A modified version of surgical intervention is performed - they are also removed. Today, this is the most common operation for breast cancer.

    Radiation therapy- effective in the early stages, when the tumor is small and has not had time to metastasize. The course usually lasts 6 weeks, 5 days a week. Try not to wash away the marks on the iron to which the radiation source is supplied, otherwise it will not reach the desired area. Do not wipe the skin in this area with alcohol, do not lubricate it with cream, and make sure that clothes do not rub.

    Chemotherapy- cytostatic drugs kill cancer cells, and their breakdown products cause intoxication - poisoning of the body. Its signs are weakness, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite. To improve your well-being, you will be given a drip and recommended medications to alleviate the condition.

    Hormone therapy- Suppresses the production of estrogens by the ovaries, which contribute to breast cancer.


  • If you have had underarm lymph nodes removed, exercise your arm and hand to help prevent swelling.
  • You may experience phantom breast syndrome, a tingling sensation in the removed gland. Do not be alarmed - it is the nervous system that retains the memory of the lost organ. After plastic surgery to reconstruct the breast, everything will go away.
  • Since one of the risk factors is an increased level of estrogen, their activity is suppressed for five years after tumor removal with a special drug - tamoxifen. However, in the next year after stopping the medication, more than a third of women turn to oncologists again. The tragedy can be prevented by taking letrozole, says an international group of scientists from Canada and the USA. It reduces the risk of disease recurrence by 42 percent, distant metastases by 40 percent, and reduces the mortality rate of postmenopausal patients in the early stages of breast cancer by 39 percent. These data come from a four-year study involving 5,200 women. Now their unfortunate sisters will be able to overcome the fear of the disease returning and live a full life.

    According to oncologists at Columbia University, taking aspirin once a week for six months reduces the likelihood of developing estrogen-dependent breast cancer (it occurs in 60-70 out of 100 patients) by 20 percent, and with daily use - by 28. However, scientists are far from the idea recommend this drug for cancer prevention: aspirin can provoke asthma, stomach bleeding and other complications. But women who take it as prescribed by a doctor, for example for heart problems, can count on additional protection against cancer.

    In 10-15 percent of cases, breast cancer is hereditary. The tendency to the disease is transmitted along the maternal line along with specific oncogenes. From 50 to 95 out of a hundred patients in whom they are detected during genetic testing are at risk of developing cancer during their lifetime. If you don't have killer genes, your chance of developing cancer is only 2 percent.

    What should those whose breasts are “programmed” for cancer do? There are 5 percent of us like that. Foreign doctors are radical: out of harm's way, they remove healthy mammary glands from women at risk. Imagine, seven out of ten American women who are found to have dangerous genes agree to have a preventive mastectomy. By the way, in some distant organs that appear healthy, cancer cells are found when examined under a microscope. But still, isolated histological findings do not justify the massive separation of frightened patients from their mammary glands.

    Opinion of the Honored Doctor of Russia, Head of the Oncology Department of the Russian clinical hospital, candidate medical sciences Vladimir Ivanovich KOVALEV:

    Preventive operations are the specialty of American surgeons. In the middle of the last century, almost the entire US population had their appendixes removed. The result is sad - an increase in infectious and oncological diseases intestines. After all, the vermiform appendix is ​​responsible for the immune and anticancer protection of the digestive system, but this was only discovered relatively recently.

    In the 80s, another fad arose in the States - women had their healthy ovaries and uterus removed en masse so that they would not develop cancer in the future. It was believed that after the birth of the planned offspring, these organs had served their purpose and were no longer needed. But there is nothing superfluous in the body! Today, every third American woman has undergone this operation, and the incidence of cancer has not decreased at all.

    The same applies to the removal of healthy mammary glands. After all, this is a very traumatic surgical intervention, after which you will essentially become disabled - you will be out of commission for a long time (taking into account the upcoming plastic surgery), you will not be able to breastfeed your baby. If there is at least one chance in a hundred that cancer will bypass you, you should not remove the mammary glands. But the probability that the disease will not overtake you is much higher - from 5 to 50 percent! This scatter suggests that scientists are not yet able to give an accurate prognosis when detecting malignant genes. So is it worth taking drastic measures based on insufficiently verified data?

    Don't rush to go under the scalpel - just do breast cancer prevention. Regularly be examined by a mammologist and undergo mammography. Try to give birth at a young age, breastfeed your children. Avoid abortions, do not take hormonal contraceptives with estrogens. And the chances that the disease will not affect you will increase significantly.

    Irina BEREZINA, doctor