Rules for receiving a referral for a free MRI under the compulsory medical insurance policy. Free MRI under compulsory medical insurance policy.


MRI ( magnetic resonance tomography)- a modern, high-tech method of examining and identifying pathologies even at the earliest stages. Today MRI is included in the basic list of medical services provided under the compulsory health insurance policy. And such a study can be done in more than 60 clinics throughout Russia.

What is an MRI study?

Modern science and high computer technologies have made it possible to create relatively new way diagnostics - magnetic resonance tomography The method is based on analyzing the behavior of hydrogen atoms in human tissues under the influence of the strongest magnetic field. Such an examination is carried out using a tomograph apparatus that is unique in its functionality.

It records, reads and analyzes the vibrations produced by atomic nuclei, and allows you to accurately recreate what is happening in the human body in several planes.

This diagnostic method is used on a par with x-rays and ultrasound (ultrasound), but is several times more accurate. With the help magnetic resonance tomography, the diagnostician can examine each individual organ of the patient in a three-dimensional image and in the highest quality.

Due to its high accuracy, examinations using magnetic resonance imaging are widely used to detect tumors and identify diseases. nervous system, bones and joints, pathologies of large vessels. In addition, MRI does not expose humans to radiation like X-rays or ultrasound and is considered a safe test. Proof of this is the appointment of this procedure to women carrying a child. And the patient himself does not need special preparation before conducting such an examination.

How to get an MRI according to the policy

U magnetic resonance Tomography has, perhaps, only one, but very significant, disadvantage. Along with the high accuracy of the data obtained, MRI also has a significant cost. The price of the procedure is determined by two factors:

But you can get an MRI under your policy, since this type of diagnosis is included in the list of free services under the compulsory health insurance program. True, only those citizens who have received a referral from the attending physician confirming that the patient really has indications for the examination will be able to undergo an MRI free of charge.

Without payment, you can only get an MRI at a government hospital. Commercial clinics do not provide this opportunity, but specialists from private diagnostic centers They often provide free consultation services and make conclusions based on already conducted MRI examinations.

What is needed for this?

Despite the fact that MRI is included in the basic list of compulsory health insurance services, not all companies include this examination in the list of their services and pay for it. Also, even if your insurance covers an MRI, don't expect to be able to quickly get a quote by going to your primary care physician and getting a referral.

The high-tech and high cost of the examination does not allow everyone to do MRI for free. As a rule, budget clinics allocate only a few free quotas per month, and they, in turn, are given to those patients for whom a long wait for an examination can result in serious complications or death. All questions regarding the appointment or transfer of a quota to another time are resolved chief physician institution or his deputy.

So, what do you need to get an MRI for free?

  1. Contact the health insurance company with which you are insured to find out if it includes services covered by it. magnetic resonance tomography. This can be done by calling the hotline, visiting the office in person, or on the official website of your insurance company.
  2. Receive a referral and quota from your local doctor or chief physician of the clinic.
  3. Have documents with you:
    • doctor's report;
    • passport;
    • (original);

Today, other examinations are still successfully carried out to diagnose many diseases. Perhaps you can do qualitative analyzes using methods such as ultrasound or computed tomography. These procedures are available in all budgetary medical institutions free of charge and their completion does not require long waiting times in line.

How to get a referral for the procedure?

Even with a compulsory health insurance policy, not a single person can independently, based on personal conclusions about their well-being, prescribe and undergo magnetic resonance tomography

To do this, there must be a referral from a specialist:

  • Contact the clinic and get an opinion on the need for an MRI from a local or specialized doctor (for example, a neurologist or surgeon);
  • In case of refusal, contact the head doctor of the institution where you are being observed;
  • If the direction is received not possible, call your insurance company's hotline, specialists are obliged to help you.

If there really are indications for undergoing an MRI, the doctor will write a corresponding report, and after about two weeks you will be able to receive a referral. This document must contain two seals:

  • stamp of a medical institution;
  • personal seal of the doctor who made the conclusion;

A referral for an MRI is accompanied by a quota (coupon) with or without indicating the date of the procedure. Usually, when prescribing an MRI diagnosis, the attending physician invites the patient to undergo a paid examination and points to clinics where this can be done.

There is no need to panic, this situation arises due to the fact that medical workers they know about the huge queues for free MRI and if the patient has the opportunity to undergo it for money, then it is better if this is done as quickly as possible. If not, just explain to your doctor that this is not possible for you.

How long to wait for an MRI under compulsory medical insurance policy?

The wait in line for MRI diagnostics is long. Often it can last several months. Of course, according to the Health Care Law, patients must receive medical diagnostic services no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the referral, but, in fact, with magnetic resonance You will have to wait a long time for a tomography.

It’s another matter if you belong to the “urgent queue”. The wait in this case can range from several days to 1-2 weeks, but the indications for an MRI must be very serious. Among them are:

  • suspicions of the occurrence of malignant tumors and the development of metastases;
  • pathologies of organs (liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, gall bladder);
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • tissue ligament ruptures;
  • stroke and heart attack;
  • disruption of brain activity;
  • for prescribing treatment after surgery;

All other patients are admitted to general queue, which stretches over several months. It must be said that in paid clinics the whole procedure from asking for help in carrying out magnetic resonance Tomography before the actual diagnosis takes 3-4 days, but the cost can range from 3,500 rubles. up to 12,000 rub.

Where can I get an MRI for free?

Not every public clinic or hospital has the luxury of a tomograph and can perform MRI. As a rule, clinics that offer this type of examination are located in major cities or regional centers. You can get a free MRI only at a public medical institution.

Private clinics and commercial diagnostic offices carry out this expensive diagnostics only on a paid basis. However, every citizen has the right to receive free services in our country, so if you need MRI diagnostics, please be patient. According to statistics, on average the queue arrives in 1.5-2 months.

Today, you can get an MRI under the compulsory medical insurance policy, based on the decision of the doctor at the district clinic to which you are assigned. Maximum time the wait for the provision of services under the Program of State Guarantees for the provision of free medical care has been reduced to 30 working days since 2014. Previously it was 4 months. If cancer is suspected, the waiting time should not exceed two weeks.

The basis for issuing a referral for magnetic resonance imaging under the compulsory medical insurance policy is the recommendation of a specialist doctor, if available clinical indications. This should be directly your attending physician from the district (non-commercial) clinic to which you are assigned. If he believes that an MRI examination is required to diagnose the disease, you can get a referral from him and get an MRI done for free. If for some reason the doctor does not give such a recommendation, unfortunately, you will have to pay for the MRI either yourself or as part of an additional health insurance contract. In the case of voluntary health insurance, it is important that magnetic resonance imaging is included in the list of services provided under the contract.

How to get an MRI under compulsory medical insurance policy

  1. You receive a referral from your attending physician. The doctor can only issue it strictly according to indications, taking into account the urgency of your case. If you think that refusal to be placed on a free MRI queue is not justified, you can try to resolve the issue through the head of the clinic’s medical department, or your insurance company. Each area being diagnosed requires a separate referral.
  2. A referral is issued for an MRI to a specific clinic with which your local clinic has an agreement to provide such services. Only there you can get an MRI.
  3. After this, you are placed on a waiting list and wait for your turn to conduct the study. If the service was not provided within the regulated time frame - 30 working days (two weeks for oncology), you can file a complaint with the local office of the Ministry of Health.

What documents do you need to present to get an MRI done under the compulsory medical insurance policy for free?

  1. Referral with the stamp of the medical institution and the personal seal of the doctor.
  2. Passport of the patient who will undergo MRI.
  3. Compulsory health insurance policy or pension insurance policy.

MRI in Moscow and the region for non-residents

Carrying out an MRI under the compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow for nonresident citizens has its own nuances.

  1. You must have a compulsory medical insurance policy issued at your location in Moscow or the Moscow region.
  2. Be attached to one of the Moscow or regional state clinics.
  3. You need to undergo an examination by the doctors of this clinic and receive a referral from them for an MRI under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Free services under a medical policy (list)

for free! 17.09.2014

Compulsory health insurance provides the population with guaranteed free assistance in case of any injuries or illnesses. Thus, on the basis of a resolution of the Russian Federation, in order to ensure the constitutional rights of Russians, it was approved Program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens. According to this document, regions develop their own programs annually. They contain mandatory list free services.

List of free medical insurance services

These include:

  • emergency (ambulance) assistance from health workers;
  • assistance to the patient in clinics, outpatient clinics, including a number of diagnostic procedures followed by home or inpatient treatment, regardless of weekends or holidays. Providing for the patient medicines for outpatient treatment is not included in the basic insurance program;
  • hospitalization in cases of exacerbations of chronic or acute diseases, poisoning, injuries, which must be carried out under constant medical supervision. This also includes referral for inpatient treatment of women with difficult pregnancies, as well as for abortions and childbirth. In addition, for preventive and rehabilitation purposes, planned hospitalization of patients in day-care units is carried out;
  • the list of services under the medical policy includes assistance for complex treatment procedures, disease research using modern and high-tech equipment; lectures, conversations with the population for the purpose of education, medical examination, prevention, rehabilitation measures;
  • Routine vaccination of citizens is also included in free services under the medical policy.

Medical services that are not free

Thanks to the presence of such a document as citizens medical insurance, the services provided for in this document will be free for them. But there are also exceptions that involve outside help for patients. qualified specialists on a paid basis:

  1. Diagnosis of the patient’s health status, as well as preventive examinations, consultations and other procedures that are carried out at home (except for persons with serious illness or unable to visit a doctor due to unsatisfactory condition).
  2. Medical examination or other examinations carried out at the personal request of the applying citizen.
  3. Inpatient treatment of the patient in comfortable conditions - a separate room, means of communication (TV, telephone, etc.).
  4. Health improvement in sanatoriums and resorts. The exception is children sent to special medical institutions.
  5. Providing services for anonymous appeals from persons not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  6. Cosmetological and homeopathic treatment.
  7. Dental prosthetics, except for citizens entitled to receive free services provided for by Russian legislation.
  8. Carrying out preventive procedures in the absence of acute symptoms that do not have a significant impact on the condition of the underlying disease.
  9. Additional vaccination of persons own initiative, except for the prescribed scheduled vaccinations.
  10. Therapeutic measures related to sexological pathologies.

Receiving free medical services

For help, citizens should contact an institution that is included in the compulsory medical insurance(it also informs about basic free services).

During the examination, the doctor gives referral for free research and analysis, as well as in regional clinic etc.

Thus, the medical policy excludes services on a paid basis, except in cases that imply the patient’s personal desire to additionally pay for any medical procedures, including research, diagnostics, etc.

How can I get a FREE MRI?

Hope and support

get a referral to your attending physician and... get in line. in some places they wait 2-3 months...

Marina Edemskaya

Call your insurance company (the telephone number is indicated on your compulsory medical insurance policy) and find out if it is possible to get a free MRI in your region. They will also explain what needs to be done for this. be prepared to stand in line for months

There are free coupons for high-tech research methods issued to every hospital in the mountains. health department for our hospital 1000 beds 5 coupons per month. But these coupons are used more often for urgent (emergency) patients who need surgery. Or on very thieves. But even if you take one ticket, they will only look at one part of the spine.

Contact the chief physician of your clinic or the deputy chief. medical doctor. They have a waiting list for free MRI (if indicated only). If there is evidence of the need for this examination, then in your case the surgeon must first give an extract and indicate the need for an MRI, then go to the main doctor... You often have to “beat the threshold”, but under the compulsory medical insurance program you have the right to a free MRI if necessary !
You may just have to wait in line... for a free procedure... 2-3 months

San Antonio

With a doctor's referral - free of charge. only the direction must be justified

in Moscow there are no special problems, the doctor gives a ticket for a free examination. and you don’t have to wait 2-3 months, we waited a week. but you have to pay for the contrast (2 tons) we bought it ourselves, but I’m speaking in Moscow, this is no longer available in the Moscow region!
For examination there must be a doctor's testimony

Is sanatorium-resort treatment entitled to free treatment after spinal hernia surgery if there is no disability?

Maxim Isaev

The only thing free is cheese in a mousetrap.

Konstantin Kostetsky

The state has no money

Professional massage in Moscow

If there is a group of incapacity for work, only in this case, once a year they give a free voucher, a certain number of procedures are included there. You pay for your travel yourself. For compulsory medical insurance, you can apply to any government agency. rehabilitation center. If desired, we can recommend one of them in Moscow

Thanks to technological development, medicine has modern methods research that is highly accurate and efficient. One of them is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In a doctor’s practice, there are increasingly cases where it is almost impossible to do without this study. Therefore, tomography has become so widespread in the diagnosis of various diseases. And in order to cover as much as possible larger number patients, it is included in the list of compulsory health insurance (CHI) services.

General information

Tomography is one of the most precise methods research that allows you to see structural disorders in any part of the body: the spine, internal organs, brain and spinal cord, joints, etc. It is based on the phenomenon nuclear resonance when in a magnetic field energy is released by water molecules located in the human body. These signals are recorded by the computer system of the device, turning into a familiar image.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Due to its specificity, MRI has a number of advantages over other research methods. That is why it has become so widespread in medical practice. The following advantages of the procedure should be highlighted:

  1. Non-invasive and safe.
  2. Acquiring images high resolution, including volumetric ones.
  3. Layer-by-layer assessment of tissue condition.
  4. Natural contrast from blood passing through the vessels.
  5. Accurate differentiation of soft tissues.
  6. No radiation exposure.

All this makes tomography an indispensable procedure, which in some cases is the only diagnostic tool for identifying pathology. But along with this, magnetic resonance imaging also has some disadvantages. They mainly concern the low accuracy when studying dense structures, as well as the rather impressive cost of implementation. The latter is due to the high technology of the equipment and the need to attract qualified personnel. This is precisely the reason for the low accessibility of research for many patients. But you can get an MRI for free under your compulsory medical insurance policy.

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the leaders among diagnostic procedures. And the compulsory health insurance system makes research available to every patient who needs it.

Execution method

It doesn’t matter how the MRI is performed - under the compulsory medical insurance policy or privately - the procedure is the same. No preparation is required for the standard procedure. All you need to do is remove any metal objects from your body and follow the doctor’s recommendations. It is necessary to inform the specialist about the presence of a pacemaker, any prostheses, hemostatic clamps in the body, or claustrophobia. In such cases, the study is contraindicated.

The patient lies down on the machine table and must remain motionless throughout the entire procedure. This is important for getting clear pictures. The magnetic circuit is oriented over the area of ​​the body whose image needs to be obtained. The whole procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

MRI according to the policy

To undergo a free spinal tomography, you need to have a compulsory medical insurance policy, which can be obtained from the regional representative office of the insurance company. It covers the cost of medical services needed by the patient. This list also includes diagnostic activities carried out using technology. high level. Magnetic resonance imaging is one of such studies.

With insurance, you can receive expensive types of medical services completely free of charge, including spinal tomography.

How to go through the procedure?

MRI can be done free of charge only if indicated. As you know, this procedure is expensive, so only those patients who really need this kind of research can undergo it under the policy. Each medical institution has quotas, i.e. a limit on performing free tomography. To register for a study, you need to have the following documents with you:

  • Doctor's report.
  • Referral for MRI.
  • Passport.
  • Compulsory medical insurance policy.

Spinal tomography is prescribed to patients when other research methods do not provide an acceptable result. This applies to traumatic injuries, acute disorders of the spinal circulation, tumors, demyelinating diseases and other pathologies. The list of indications for the study is quite wide, and most of them are covered by health insurance.

The main thing you need to undergo a free MRI is a diagnosis that requires such a procedure. In addition, a justification is needed why cheaper and more accessible means, for example, radiography or ultrasound, cannot be used. This can only be done by a doctor after conducting a clinical examination and an objective examination.

  • Doctor's personal stamp.
  • Stamp of a medical institution.

If it is necessary to examine several parts of the body or parts of the spine at once, then each of them needs a separate direction. Thus, without medical documentation, only according to the policy and passport, the procedure cannot be completed.

To do a spinal tomography free of charge, you need to be insured and have documented indications for the study.

How long do you have to wait?

Previously, patients had to wait quite a long time for their turn, because only a few studies were carried out per month according to quotas. But changes were made to the country’s legislation, according to which, starting from 2014, tomography under compulsory medical insurance must be carried out within 30 days. Therefore, now you no longer need to wait several months to complete the necessary research.

Of course, if you do the procedure privately, then everything will be much faster - an MRI can be done on the same day of the medical examination. And when a patient is suspected of having a tumor of the spine, spinal cord or internal organs, even according to compulsory medical insurance, the time frame for completing the study should not exceed 2 weeks.

Where to get an MRI?

Free MRI can be done in clinics various shapes property, and not just state-owned. As a rule, they are concentrated in large regional and even regional centers. Patients from other cities must contact the representative office of the insurance company to renew the policy at their place of stay. After re-registration, you need to be assigned to a medical institution at the local level, and also confirm the indications for a free study by undergoing a medical examination and receiving the appropriate referral.

Magnetic resonance imaging is a modern and exact view diagnostics Despite all the advantages, it has a rather significant drawback - high cost. But if the patient is insured, then he has the right to use this service completely free of charge. To do this, it is enough to undergo a standard medical examination and receive an MRI quota.