Bunin literature test. Test: Clean Monday. How does Nikolai Alekseevich introduce Nadezhda when leaving the inn?


Creativity of I.A.Bunin

1. Years of Bunin’s life

A) 1860 -1904 b) 1870 -1953 c) 1899-1960

2. Social status Bunina:

A) merchant b) commoner c) nobleman

3. Which theme is not found in Bunin’s works?

A) the theme of life and death b) the theme of love c) the theme of freedom

4. What direction does Bunin’s work belong to?

A) symbolism b) romanticism c) realism

5. How did Bunin feel about the revolution?

A) was indifferent b) rejected and indignant c) with delight

6. In 1920, Bunin emigrated

A) to France b) to Germany c) to America

7. Which literary genre dominated in the work of I. Bunin?

a) story; b) novel; c) essay; d) novella.

8. What is the name of Bunin’s autobiographical novel?

A) “In Paris” b) “The Life of Arsenyev” c) “Mitya’s Love”

9. What is the main theme of the series of stories “Dark Alleys”?

A) the meaning of life b) freedom c) love

10. The Nobel Prize was received by Bunin:

A) in 1925 for the story “Sunstroke”

b) in 1933 for the novel “The Life of Arsenyev”

B) in 1938 for the cycle of stories “Dark Alleys”

11. How does Bunin feel about love?

A) love is a mystery that cannot be comprehended

B) love is a tragedy that destroys personality

C) love is a test that makes a person stronger

12. Which of the heroes of I. A. Bunin“I went to the old world for two whole years with my wife and daughter, solely for the sake of entertainment”?

a) Arseny Semenych; b) gentleman from San Francisco; c) Malyutin; d) cornet Elagin.

13. What is the main idea of ​​I. Bunin’s story “The Gentleman from San Francisco”?

a) a description of the journey of a wealthy American tourist across the Atlantic to Europe;

b) exposing the revolution in Russia;

c) philosophical understanding human existence generally;

d) Americans' perception of Soviet Russia.

14.Indicate the name of the ship on which most of the action in the story “The Mister from San Francisco” takes place.

A) “Titanic” b) “Britain” c) “Atlantis” d) “Pallas”

15.Indicate the country in which the story “The Mister from San Francisco” takes place

A) Italy b) France c) Spain d) England

Written response

How is the theme of love revealed in the works of I. Bunin?


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Test. I.A.Bunin

Option 1

1. Years of life of I.A. Bunin

  1. 1860 – 1904
  2. 1865 – 1921
  3. 1870 – 1953
  4. 1899 – 1960

2. Bunin’s parents owned an estate in:

  1. Tula province
  2. Oryol province
  3. Smolensk province
  4. Yaroslavl province

3. What was the name of the collection of poems by I.A. Bunin, for which he received the Pushkin Prize?

  1. "Starfall"
  2. "Waterfall"
  3. "Leaf Fall"
  4. "Snowfall"

4. Which one famous poet XIX century was he related to Bunin?

5. What problem is not posed by Bunin in the story “The Gentleman from San Francisco”?

  1. The problem of life and death
  2. Man and civilization
  3. The problem of the meaning of life
  4. The problem of fathers and sons

6. How did I.A. Bunin react to October Revolution 1917?

  1. Accepted
  2. Remained indifferent
  3. He rejected it and considered it the end of Russia
  4. Was at a loss

7. The Nobel Prize in literature was received by I.A. Bunin

  1. for the story "Sunstroke"
  2. for the story "Mr. from San Francisco"
  3. for the novel “The Life of Arsenyev”
  4. for the cycle of stories “Dark Alleys”
  1. A. Fet
  2. F. Tyutchev
  3. K. Tolstoy
  4. N. Ogarev

9. Find out I. Bunin’s story from the portrait of the hero.

1. “There was something Mongolian in his yellowish face with a trimmed silver mustache, his large teeth glittered with gold fillings, and his strong bald head was old ivory.” _______________________________________________________________

2. “...she was not afraid of anything - neither ink stains on her fingers, nor a flushed face, nor disheveled hair, nor a knee that became bare when it fell. Without any of her worries or efforts, and somehow imperceptibly, everything that distinguished her so much came to her... - grace, elegance, dexterity, the clear sparkle of her eyes.” __________________________________________

3. “The dress she’s wearing is cotton and speckled, her shoes are cheap; The calves and knees are full, girlish, the round head with a small braid around it is thrown back so sweetly..."


4. “...dark-haired...black-browed and...still beautiful beyond her age, a woman who looks like an elderly gypsy...” __________________________________________________________

10.Which literary direction does the work of I. Bunin relate to?

  1. Romanticism
  2. Symbolism
  3. Sentimentalism
  4. realism

11. I.A. Bunin is buried

  1. In the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
  2. At the Novodevichy cemetery
  3. At the cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois
  4. At the Smolensk cemetery

12. What means of expression are used in the passage?

“The night blue blackness of the sky in quietly floating clouds, white everywhere, and blue near the high moon. If you look closely, it’s not the clouds that are floating - the moon is floating, and near it, along with it, the golden tear of the star is pouring: the moon smoothly goes to a height that has no bottom, and carries with it higher and higher the star.”

1) Personification 2) Metaphor 3) Hyperbole 4) Epithet 5) Rows of homogeneous members

6) Comparison

Test. I.A.Bunin

Option 2

1. By social background I.A.Bunin was

  1. Raznochinets
  2. Nobleman
  3. Merchant
  4. Philistine

2. Which writer was not a contemporary of I.A. Bunin?

  1. L.N. Tolstoy
  2. A.I.Kuprin
  3. N.V.Gogol
  4. A.P.Chekhov

3. For which work, translated by I.A. Bunin into Russian, did the writer receive the Pushkin Prize?

  1. "Odyssey"
  2. "Iliad"
  3. "Song of Hiawatha"
  4. "Decameron"

4. Autobiographical novel I.A.Bunin is called

  1. "Mitya's Love"
  2. "The Life of Arsenyev"
  3. "In Paris"
  4. "Village"

5. What type of composition does I.A. Bunin use in the story “The Gentleman from San Francisco”?

  1. Mirror
  2. Framing
  3. Ring
  4. Sequential

6. What was the name of the ship on which the gentleman from San Francisco traveled?


7. Nobel Prize I.A.Bunin received

  1. 1925
  2. 1930
  3. 1933
  4. 1935

8. Which poet’s poems are mentioned in the story “Cold Autumn”: “What cold autumn! Put on your shawl and hood..."?

  1. F. Tyutchev
  2. A. Tolstoy
  3. A. Fet
  4. N. Ogarev

9. Find out the story of I.A. Bunin from the quote.

“The low sun shone yellow on the empty fields, the horses splashed smoothly through the puddles. He looked at the flashing horseshoes, knitting his black eyebrows, and thought: “Yes, blame yourself. Yes, of course the best moments.” ___________________________________________________________________________

“...and here, in the bar, they carelessly threw their feet on the arms of the chairs, sipped cognac and liqueurs, swam in waves of spicy smoke, in the dance hall everything shone and shed light, warmth and joy, couples either twirled in waltzes or twisted in tango... »


“At first, her brother, a poor and unremarkable ensign, was such an invention - she united her whole soul with him, with his future, which for some reason seemed brilliant to her. When he was killed near Mukden, she convinced herself that she was an ideological worker.” ____________________________________________________________________________________

“From such a bashing, the garden emerged almost completely naked, covered with wet leaves and somehow quiet, resigned. But how beautiful it was when clear weather came again, the clear and cold days of early October, the farewell holiday of autumn!” _____________________________________________________________________________________

10. In 1920, I.A. Bunin emigrated to:

  1. England
  2. Germany
  3. France
  4. America

11. Which story does not belong to I.A. Bunin?

  1. "Caucasus"
  2. "Mitya's Love"
  3. "Emerald"
  4. "Lady with a Dog"

12. What means of expression are used in the passage?

“I remember an early, fresh, quiet morning... I remember a large, all golden, dried up and thinning garden, I remember maple alleys, the subtle aroma of fallen leaves and - the smell Antonov apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness. The air is so pure, it’s as if there is no air at all; voices and the creaking of carts can be heard throughout the garden.” 1) Syntactic parallelism 2) Simile 3) Metaphor 4) Epithet 5) Lexical repetition 6) Series of homogeneous members

Literature tests

Option 1

    I.A.Bunin was born:

    1. in Nizhny Novgorod

    2. in Voronezh

      in Taganrog

    I.A.Bunin finished:

    1. Kazan University

      Kyiv University

      Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

      Received home education

    Bunin met the October Revolution with open hostility and left the country. The work is dedicated to revolutionary events:

    1. "To the ends of the world"

      "Cursed Days"

      “I’m still silent”


    In 1920, Bunin emigrated abroad and lived until his death in 1953:

    1. in Germany

      in Ceylon

      in France

    Bunin made his debut:

    1. like a poet

      as a critic

      like a prose writer

      as a playwright

    Bunin developed a style by translating foreign writers. In 1903, the Academy of Sciences awarded him the Pushkin Prize for the collection “Falling Leaves” and the translation of works:

    1. Longfellow



    Abroad, Bunin writes a book, unique in Russian literature, of 38 short stories about love:

    1. "Dark Alleys"

      "Grammar of Love"


      « Clean Monday»

    In 1933, Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work:

    1. "Antonov apples"

      "The Life of Arsenyev"

      "Good Life"

      "Holy Mountains"

    The original title of the story “Mr. from San Francisco” arose by analogy with the title of the work:

    1. T.Manna

      M. Maeterlinck

    2. J.P.-Sartre

    "The Mister from San Francisco" is a cautionary tale. Bunin uses mythologies of paganism and Christianity. Which of them is related to the text of the Apocalypse?

    1. “Woe to you, Babylon, strong city!”

      Devil in Gabraltar

      Steamship "Atlantis"

      “The ninth circle was like the underwater womb of a steamship”

    Throughout the entire journey, the Master is annoyed by bad weather, only after his death the weather changes. In which 19th century work is it hot throughout the entire work, it is impossible to breathe, and only at the decisive moment does it rain?

    1. "Dead Souls"

      "Hero of Our Time"

      "Crime and Punishment"

    Place of death of the gentleman from San Francisco:

    1. Capri

    Among the techniques used by Bunin, find an oxymoron:

    1. resigned waves

      heavy howls of sirens

      suffer your blissful torment

      sinfully modest girl

    How long did the gentleman from San Francisco go on his trip?

    1. three months

      two years

    Where was the gentleman from San Francisco at the time of death:

    1. in his cabin

      in the reading room

      on the deck of the ship

      at the gaming table

Test on the creativity of I.A. Bunin

Option 2

    I.A.Bunin was born:

    1. in 1870 2) in 1880

    in 1890 4) in 1900

    Bunin finished:

    1. Moscow University

      St. Petersburg University

      Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

      Received home education

    October Revolution Bunin:

    1. met with hostility

      met with delight

      was indifferent to the revolution

      with a feeling of confusion

    Bunin emigrates abroad:

    1. in 1917 . 3) in 1920

      in 1918 4) in 1933

    Bunin received the Nobel Prize in:

    1. in 1930 3) in 1953

      in 1933 4) in 1940

    Bunin emigrated:

    1. to America

      to France

    Bunin died:

    1. in Paris

      in St. Petersburg

      in Germany

    The story “Mr. from San Francisco” was published:

    1. in 1915

      in 1920 .

    Original title of the story "Mr. from San Francisco":

    1. "Death on a Steamboat"

      "Death on Atlantis"

      "Death on Capri"

      "Death of a San Francisco Mister"

    1. with wife and daughter

    A gentleman from San Francisco went on a trip:

    1. indefinitely

    2. for three years

      for two years

    At the end of the trip, a gentleman from San Francisco:

    1. dies suddenly

      becomes a beggar

      got carried away by a young lady

      drowned in a storm

    What brought a respectable audience on board the ship?

    1. having to leave one's country due to social unrest

      desire for entertainment and relaxation

      the need for communication between representatives of the same social class

      unity around one idea

    Behind the description of the life of the ship's passengers lies the author's

    1. respect for strong of the world this

      indifference to man and humanity

      rejection of the values ​​of the bourgeois world

      humorous mockery of the main characters

    The ship on which the gentleman from San Francisco was called:

    1. "Atlantis"


      New World"

      Option – 1

      1. Place and time of action

      a) Tver; autumn

      b) St. Petersburg; winter

      c) Moscow; winter

      d) Tver; winter

      2. She was

      a) beautiful, frivolous, mysterious, attached to him

      b) simple, talkative, attractive, loved him

      c) mysterious, incomprehensible to him, the relationship with him was strange

      a) was happy every hour spent near her, very handsome, with a lively, kind character, prone to talkativeness

      b) rich, cantankerous, smoked a lot, handsome; was happy that he was loved

      4. Description of her apartment

      a) two rooms on the 5th floor, spacious, well furnished; wide sofa, expensive piano

      b) three rooms, richly furnished, a piano, a sofa, an expensive dressing table

      c) three rooms, a luxurious bed, armchairs upholstered in expensive fabric

      5. Her weaknesses

      b) bright clothes, high heels, hats, expensive fur

      c) good clothes, velvet, silk, expensive fur

      b) were rich, healthy, young, good-looking

      c) led a wild life, were always together, understood each other well

      7. Met

      a) the hero’s friend introduced him to him at the theater

      b) at a lecture by Andrei Bely in December

      a) to the Novodevichy Convent

      b) to the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent

      c) to the Tverskoy Monastery

      9. The heroine decided

      a) don’t return to Moscow, go to a monastery

      b) part with your loved one for a year

      c) marry him

      a) an unexpected meeting of heroes at the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent in 14 on New Year’s Eve

      b) meeting at the Novodevichy Convent in 17 on New Year’s Eve

      c) death of the heroine

      Test for knowledge of the content of the story by I.A. Bunin. “Clean Monday”

      Option – 2

      1. Place and time of action

      a) Moscow; winter

      b) Tver; autumn

      c) Tver; winter

      d) St. Petersburg; winter

      a) rich, cantankerous, smoked a lot, handsome; was happy that he was loved

      b) was happy every hour spent near her, very handsome, with a lively, kind character, prone to talkativeness

      c) with complex character, but cheerful, kind; loved her, modest

      3. She was

      a) simple, talkative, attractive, loved him

      b) mysterious, incomprehensible to him, the relationship with him was strange

      c) beautiful, frivolous, mysterious, attached to him

      4. Her weaknesses

      a) candies, books, figurines, expensive clothes

      b) good clothes, velvet, silk, expensive fur

      c) bright clothes, high heels, hats, expensive fur

      5. Description of her apartment

      a) three rooms, richly furnished, a piano, a sofa, an expensive dressing table

      b) three rooms, a luxurious bed, armchairs upholstered in expensive fabric

      c) two rooms on the 5th floor, spacious, well furnished; wide sofa, expensive piano

      6. Met

      a) at a lecture by Andrei Bely in December

      b) the hero’s friend introduced him to the theater in January

      c) with friends at a reception in honor of actor Kachalov

      a) rich, healthy, young, beautiful, loved each other

      b) led a wild life, were always together, understood each other well

      c) were rich, healthy, young, good-looking

      8. The heroes went on the eve of Clean Monday

      a) to the Tverskoy Monastery

      b) to the Novodevichy Convent

      c) to the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent

      9. The heroine decided

      a) part with your loved one for a year

      b) don’t return to Moscow, go to a monastery

      c) marry him

      10. The work ends

      a) the death of the heroine

      b) an unexpected meeting of heroes at the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent in 14 on New Year’s Eve

      c) meeting at the Novodevichy Convent in 17 on New Year’s Eve

      Option - 2

      a) for three years with his wife in Chicago on business

      b) for 2 years with my wife and daughter to Europe for fun at the end of November

      c) with my wife and daughter in Capri on vacation for summer fun

      2. Mister from San Francisco

      3. The steamship was called

      a) “Titanic”

      b) “America”

      c) “Atlantis”

      4. Portrait features of the gentleman

      a) pale old man; short in stature; with belly; bald; glittered with gold fillings

      b) a tall, stately man; with dyed hair; with a silver mustache; healthy teeth; with his head held high

      c) dry; low; yellowish face; with a silver mustache; with gold fillings; strong bald head

      a) among this brilliant crowd there was a rich man, long-haired, of average height; there was a famous French composer; there was an elegant newlywed couple who turned out to be lovers, even a Negro with bulging eyes

      b) among this brilliant crowd there was a rich man, shaven, tall; was famous spanish writer; there was an elegant couple in love, hired to play at love for good money; crown prince of an asian state

      a) they assigned the most beautiful and skillful maid; the head waiter agreed with the gentleman from San Francisco, as if saying that there was and could not be any doubt about the correctness of the desires of the gentleman from San Francisco and that everything would be fulfilled exactly

      b) allocated the best apartments; they tried to please every whim, and the gentleman from San Francisco was very pleased and gave generous tips

      c) showed every possible respect, but at the same time they curled their lips in a grin, as if saying: “We know you, rich people!”

      a) lay in his room under a lush canopy; hotel employees fussed around him; wife and daughter furtively wiped away tears; b) lay alone in the room; a bright crystal chandelier shone from the ceiling; his face was covered with deathly pallor, his lips were twitching; the servant was waiting at the door

      c) lay on a cheap iron bed; under rough blankets; one horn shone from the ceiling; respect for him was completely lost

      Test for knowledge of the content of Bunin’s story “Mr. from San Francisco”

      Option - 1

      1. A gentleman from San Francisco was traveling

      a) with my wife and daughter in Capri on vacation for summer fun

      b) for three years with his wife in Chicago on business

      c) for 2 years with my wife and daughter to Europe for fun at the end of November

      2. Mister from San Francisco

      a) was rich; he is 58 years old, but he was just starting to live

      b) 40 years; rich; constantly traveling

      c) 45-50 years; not very rich; before the trip I lived without denying myself anything

      3. The steamship was called

      a) “Titanic”

      b) “Atlantis”

      c) “America”

      4. Portrait features of the gentleman

      a) a tall, stately man; with dyed hair; with a silver mustache; healthy teeth; with his head held high

      b) dry; low; yellowish face; with a silver mustache; with gold fillings; strong bald head

      c) pale old man; short; with belly; bald; glittered with gold fillings

      5. Description of the audience on the ship

      a) among this brilliant crowd there was a rich man, shaven, tall; there was a famous Spanish writer; there was an elegant couple in love, hired to play at love for good money; crown prince of an asian state

      b) among this brilliant crowd there was a rich man, long-haired, of average height; there was a famous French composer; there was an elegant newlywed couple who turned out to be lovers, even a Negro with bulging eyes

      c) among this brilliant crowd there was a billionaire who looked down on everyone, there was a famous Spanish prince; there was an elegant couple in love who turned out to be husband and wife, but were hired for good money to play the role of lovers

      6. Relationship with a gentleman from San Francisco in a hotel on the island of Capri

      a) allocated the best apartments; they tried to please every whim, and the gentleman from San Francisco was very pleased and gave generous tips

      b) showed every possible respect, but at the same time they curled their lips in a grin, as if saying: “We know you, rich people!”

      c) they assigned the most beautiful and skillful maid; the head waiter agreed with the gentleman from San Francisco, as if saying that there was and could not be any doubt about the correctness of the desires of the gentleman from San Francisco and that everything would be fulfilled exactly

      7. Near death gentleman from San Francisco

      a) lay on a cheap iron bed; under rough blankets; one horn shone from the ceiling; respect for him was completely lost

      b) lay in his room under a lush canopy; hotel employees fussed around him; his wife and daughter were furtively wiping away their tears; c) he was lying alone in the room; a bright crystal chandelier shone from the ceiling; his face was covered with deathly pallor, his lips were twitching; The servants were waiting outside the door.

      Option – 1

      1. The piece begins

      a) from a description of the gymnasium where Olya Meshcherskaya studied

      b) from a portrait of the heroine

      c) with a description of the cemetery and grave

      d) with reasoning about easy breathing

      d) from a diary entry

      b) rich, pretty, playful, flighty, the younger classes loved her

      c) playful, an excellent student, the senior classes loved her

      a) hated, found fault with her

      b) loved the student very much

      c) made comments on behavior

      4. Olya died

      a) she was shot by a Cossack officer

      b) she was poisoned

      c) by chance

      5. M. goes to Olya’s grave

      a) Alexey Mikhailovich Malyutin

      b) cool lady Olya

      c) Cossack officer

      d) no one comes

      Additional task

      How do you understand the title of the story?

      Test for knowledge of the content of the story by I.A. Bunin. “Easy breathing”

      Option – 2

      1. The work ends

      a) a description of the gymnasium where Olya Meshcherskaya studied

      b) a portrait of the heroine

      c) description of the cemetery and grave

      d) reasoning about easy breathing

      d) diary entry

      2. Characteristics of Olya Meshcherskaya:

      a) rich, pretty, modest, diligent

      b) playful, an excellent student, the senior classes loved her

      c) rich, pretty, playful, flighty, the younger classes loved her

      d) pretty, twenty years old, modest, rich

      3. The boss’s attitude towards Ole M.

      a) made comments on behavior

      b) hated, found fault with her

      c) loved the student very much

      4. Olya died

      a) she was poisoned

      b) she was shot by a Cossack officer

      c) by chance

      5. M. goes to Olya’s grave

      a) Alexey Mikhailovich Malyutin

      b) Cossack officer

      c) no one comes

      d) cool lady Olya

      Additional task

      Which compositional device uses Bunin?