Humanity test: special children of the stars. The Vodianova family is not alone: ​​Konstantin Meladze, Lolita and other famous parents of special children Sergei Belolovtsev and his children


The youngest children of Sergei and Natalya Belogolovtsev - twins Sasha and Zhenya - were born at seven months old, but only little Zhenya was diagnosed with serious health problems - four heart defects at once. When the baby was just under a year old, he underwent his first operation, after which complications began and cerebral palsy developed.

In Yulia Menshova’s program “Alone with Everyone,” the 52-year-old artist admitted that at first he did not want to tell anyone about his son’s illness.

“To be honest, we hid it at first and for quite a long time. And Natasha didn’t take him to the shoot. Now I understand that there was such a sin that we were also embarrassed, and we also thought that we were somehow inferior, and that we were somehow wrong, that we had such a child,” admitted Sergei.


The couple soon realized that they were doing the wrong thing. Sergey and Natalya not only talked about their problem, but also began to help other parents who found themselves in a similar situation.

Belogolovtsev could not understand why God sent him and his son such a test: “For what? Why is this for me, why is this for him, after all, he didn’t have time to sin, he just appeared, why is this punishment?” Sergei admitted to Yulia that he had only recently stopped tormenting himself with these questions.

Now all the worst for the Belogolovtsev family is behind us. Sergei is proud of his son, who, despite his diagnosis, is building a successful career.

Evgeniy graduated from a school for gifted children and entered the Institute theatrical arts, advertising and show business, and last year Belogolovtsev’s son became the host of a column in the “DIFFERENT NEWS” program on the Raz T.V. TV channel.

Children of Sergei Belogolovtsev brought not only many happy moments to the artist and his wife, but also became a real test for both of them. When their eldest son Nikita was not yet a year old, Sergei Belogolovtsev’s wife Natalya Barannik became pregnant again. Then their family lived “from paycheck to paycheck,” there was always not enough money, but they still decided that Natalya should give birth. Sergei's wife had a very difficult time with her second pregnancy, and her birth occurred prematurely - Sergei Belogolovtsev's two youngest children were born at seven months old.

In the photo - the family of Sergei Belogolovtsev

But the problem was not only this, the fact is that one of the children was born very weak - doctors diagnosed him with four heart defects at once. The boys were named Sasha and Evgeny. When little Zhenya was nine months old and could be operated on, the parents hoped until the very end for a good outcome from the operation, which was successful, but difficulties began later.

The child’s heart was working very weakly, and Zhenya went into a coma, where he spent two whole months in intensive care. During this period he experienced clinical death, due to which the baby developed cerebral palsy. The eldest of the twins, Sasha, developed normally, and junior Zhenya he was far behind - he learned to talk only at the age of six. The child was on the verge of death until he was eight years old, and all this time his parents did not leave him around the clock, replacing each other.

At this time, Sergei Belogolovtsev worked as an engineer with a small salary, and Natalya looked after the children. The family could barely make ends meet, and then the head of the family decided to radically change his life, deciding to become an artist. This decision completely turned their lives upside down and gave them hope for the best. True, at some point Natalya, tired of constant loneliness and caring for a sick child, almost filed for divorce, but the family overcame this crisis.

In the photo - Sergei with his son Evgeniy

After several years of terrible torment, they began to have hope and joy - the treatment of their sick son began to bring results. Today, the children of Sergei Belogolovtsev, and especially Evgeniy, are a great pride for their parents. He successfully graduated from a school for gifted children and entered the Institute of Theater Arts, Advertising and Show Business. The eldest son Nikita graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO, works as a presenter on the Rossiya-2 and TVC TV channels, and is a sports producer and political commentator on the Dozhd TV channel. Alexander Belogolovtsev is a MGIMO student, presenter of the Karusel TV channel, executive producer of the MB-Group television company.

Belogolovtsev Nikita Sergeevich, the son of a famous father, did not shy away from star name parent, and he himself has achieved that today he is known and invited to the most interesting projects. Who is this? Let's get to know the son of a famous personality better.

TV presenter career

Nikita Belogolovtsev is an experienced presenter, despite his young age. He began his television career at the age of 20. Then Nikita broadcast the program “Conversation without Rules” on the O2TV channel.

Just a year later, a new television project “Only at Night” was released with the participation of a rising broadcast star.

Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev always called sports topics his favorite area of ​​journalism. At the beginning of his creative path he treated it exclusively as a hobby and sincerely tried not to mix it with work. However, fate does not always follow our plans and Nikita Belogolovtsev, whose biography was previously associated only with various talk shows, was graced by participation in the “Headbutt” program aired on the Rossiya-2 channel.

And a year after leaving the program, together with his star father, Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev went on the air of the “White vs. Bely” program, which was also of a sports nature. In the same year, the young man became co-host of the “Sports” section on the Dozhd channel. Optimistic Channel".

Of course, it was not without criticism. Where would we be without this in the media business? Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev was accused of preparing custom programs and conducting them with obvious distortion of facts. The greatest storm of negativity hit the program dedicated to the assassination of the President of the United States of America Kennedy, aired on the Dozhd TV channel. Surprisingly, criticism fell specifically on the presenter, despite the fact that the main emphasis in the program was on official version crime and further investigation.

What happened before?

Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev was born into a family famous artist and TV presenter After graduating from school, he entered MGIMO. After graduating from the Faculty of International Journalism, he followed in his father’s footsteps.

In addition to Nikita, the family raised two more sons. As in the fairy tale about three brothers, the children were raised to be very friendly.

Family Challenge

The Belogolovtsev family is truly amazing. It’s not just acting talent and parents’ connections that lead to success. Unity, mutual support, raising children in a spirit of respect. All this created a reliable springboard for achieving our goals.

The twin brothers were born at seven months old. Long months of rehabilitation helped the children to emerge, but Nikita’s younger brother, Evgeniy, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Who knows, maybe it was this test that brought the family together. There is no doubt that it was her support that helped Evgeniy also conquer the television studio. The RazTV channel invited him to host one of the columns in the “DIFFERENT NEWS” program.

The entire Belogolovtsev family actively promotes healthy image life and instills a love for sports. They actively promote the “Dream Skis” rehabilitation program for children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism. Parents believe that through ski lessons with competent coaches and specialized equipment, children make significant improvements.

Personal life of Nikita Belogolovtsev

Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev married his classmate. Even during their student years, young people spent a lot of time together, especially in the institute team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club (KVN).

Lyudmila Ivanova and Nikita Belogolovtsev, whose family began its history immediately after graduating from MGIMO in 2010, are already experienced parents today. A year later living together, the young people had a daughter, who received the name Eva.

Four more years later, in 2015, Lyudmila gave her husband another 3890 grams of happiness. This time a son, an heir, named Timothy by the couple.

Daughter Eva is now engaged in choreography and attends various master classes. In all her endeavors she feels the presence and support of her parents.


TV presenter Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev became a nominee for the All-Russian National television award TEFI in the category "Best Sports Journalist" in 2012.

On social networks

What celebrity doesn't have a page today? social networks? Belogolovtsev Nikita Sergeevich is no exception. It is quite widely represented on the Internet, its official pages There are VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram. Information about the TV presenter can be found in all kinds of ratings.

Not just television

TV presenter Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev is not fixated on only one area of ​​self-realization.

In addition to his media career, he also realizes himself as a sports producer.

Also at one time, Nikita Belogolovtsev headed the editorial board of the educational resource “Mel”. According to the management, their main target audience is the parents of students, and not the students themselves and future students.

At the beginning of the journey, there were only six employees on the editorial board of the resource. The main investor and financial partner of Mel is the head of Nova Capital, one of the directors of Delovaya Rossiya, Alexander Rudik. Nikita Sergeevich believes that the main profit of the team will be realized not so much from the sale of the publication itself, but from the related services that they will offer.

Belogolovtsev also tried himself in the journalistic field as the author of articles for the publications “Around the World” and “Geo”. He was a broadcast presenter at the Mayak radio station.

Hobbies in free time

Belogolovtsev's eldest son includes traveling among his hobbies. He considers Italy and all its provinces to be his favorite region. Loves traveling around Europe and around the world. Most often he relaxes with his family by the sea.

Values ​​time spent with children. Joint participation in " Happy starts", culinary master classes, DIY crafts. All this, undoubtedly, brings parents and children closer together, which is what Nikita Sergeevich does. Today you can find many photographs of Nikita posing with her daughter.

His undoubted advantage as a father is that he instills in his daughter his love of sports. Previously, he himself also actively played football, but after an injury he replaced his favorite form of leisure with basketball, which he had also valued since childhood.

Today Belogolovtsev Nikita is not only the bearer of a star name, but also a full member of the world of showbiz. Today his presence is in demand on many projects. Therefore, Belogolovtsev can justifiably be called a stellar personality.

// Photo: Frame from the program “Alone with Everyone”

The famous artist and showman Sergei Belogolovtsev and his wife Natalya have three children. Youngest child was born with a terrible diagnosis - cerebral palsy. In Yulia Menshova’s program “Alone with Everyone,” he said that for the first time after the birth of the boy Zhenya, he and his wife tried not to tell others about their son’s problem.

“To be honest, we also hid it at first and for quite a long time. And Natasha didn’t take him to the shoot. Now I understand that there was such a sin that we were also embarrassed, and we also thought that we were somehow inferior, and that we were somehow wrong, that we had such a child,” Belogolovtsev shared in a conversation with Menshova.

But Sergey and Natalya very quickly realized that they were doing the wrong thing towards their child. Belogolovtsev decided to reconsider his views on the boy’s illness. He realized that there was no need to hide the problem. Moreover, it is necessary to talk about this as often as possible.

“Then at some point we just said to ourselves: “This is disgusting, this is wrong, this is harmful for us, and for him, and for those other children who are the same, and for families. We need to talk about this, shout about it, and we need to help. No need to say: that’s it, life is over! Because you can’t imagine what an incredible mass of terrible scary questions arise in the heads of parents,” recalls the TV presenter and showman.

For a long time, Belogolovtsev could not understand why his family had to endure such a test.

"For what? Why is this for me, why is this for him, after all, he didn’t have time to sin, he just appeared, why is this punishment? The most important thing is to stop asking yourself this at some point, otherwise you can go crazy,” said the showman.

Sergei admitted to Yulia that he only recently stopped asking this question. Now the showman is proud of Evgeniy, because now his heir is hosting a program on television, despite his diagnosis.

“We dream that I would work in my specialty - after all, after graduation theater institute“I’m probably the first professional actor diagnosed with cerebral palsy,” Belogolovtsev’s son told StarHit about his work. - I want guys like me to believe in themselves! At first I was confused, before that I had only filmed with my dad in the O.S.P. studio, as a spectator. But when I arrived at the studio and talked with the channel’s management, I decided to take a risk and agreed. We rehearsed with my dad for three days, he helped me learn the text. Then my father went and bought me a suit for filming, I should look like Larry King: bow tie and pants with suspenders. Dad spent the whole day running around Moscow for these braces.”

— In the comedy “Corporate Party,” the employees of your hero, the director of a furniture store, are having a party at their workplace, and in the morning it turns out that all the furniture in the store has been chopped into pieces. This is a movie. But many people have had corporate events in their lives that we can talk about scary stories. What about you?

- It happened. One day, O.S.P.-studio was invited to host a big celebration. It was August 1998. And on the eve of the event for which we wrote the program, they declared a default! Tatiana Lazareva, Mikhail Shats, Andrey Bocharov,

Pavel Kabanov and I went on stage, started singing the intro song of “O.S.P. Studio” and suddenly saw that there were only two people sitting in the hall and discussing something very animatedly. Apparently there is a default. And we eat. One of them shouts: “Hey, assholes, can you be quiet?” And they had already paid us the money, so we, in confusion, began to sing in a whisper: “Every funny joke replaces a cup of tea, and a funny song replaces dinner...” They showed the entire program in a whisper, and one of our spectators left, and the second dozed off with his hands on the table. So we played for this sleeping beauty.

— Did you remember such incidents on the set of “Corporate Party”?

— It had a different working title, maybe that’s why there wasn’t such a topic for conversation. We talked with Andryusha Fedortsov about old rock, beloved by both of us. With Maxim Vitorgan - about the theater. Although Maxim is younger than me, I consider him one of my teachers. He rehearsed with me my first serious performance, which is called “WHO” and is staged at the “Other Theater”. In a short time, Vitorgan taught me the entire Stanislavsky system and sorted into shelves the huge baggage that I had accumulated by that time. And with Kolya Naumov we recalled the military past of Kaveen - each to his own. Kolya told how he was kicked out of the institute, despite the fact that he was a famous Kaveen player, I told how our team “Magma” tried with all its might to lose so as not to get to the finals.

Sergey: Natasha has always been strong-willed, but after the birth of her sons she gained some kind of abyss of strength. Although over the years this power has decreased, since part of it has flowed into Zhenya and drags him through life. A man who didn't walk until he was six years old now works as a TV presenter. With his wife Natalya, son Evgeniy, daughter-in-law Lyudmila and granddaughter Eva. Photo: Yulia Khanina

- For what?! Were you bribed by your opponents?

— Opponents — Kharkovsky’s team aviation institute— didn’t know about our plan. We had a strong team, but we never even reached the quarterfinals. No luck. And then in 1994 we got into the season - and suddenly we unexpectedly reached the semi-finals and realized that now we would win it and would have to participate in the finals. And the finale will be on the ship,

who goes on a cruise for a month! One half of our team already works on television, the other is seriously involved in business - and no one is categorically allowed to leave for so long! It was necessary to lose at any cost. During rehearsals we were hanging around, lethargic, relaxed. Meanwhile, the KhAI team was scared half to death. The Kharkovites saw that we did everything with our left foot, and considered us arrogant, wildly self-confident monsters. They expected to be torn to shreds. The more relaxed we were, the more they were twisted in horror. As a result, KhAI beat us with a wild advantage of five points. Lenya Parfenov, who was sitting on the jury, began to criticize us, saying that the Moscow team is not friendly with Russians at all, but the team from Kharkov showed how to joke in the great mighty Russian language! Four years ago I starred in the TV series "Taxi", the script for which I wrote former member KhAI team Andrey Zabiyaka. And on the set I told him about the reason for our calm. Even 16 years later, the bully was so offended that he almost punched me in the face! And he is young and healthy - I could have been seriously injured. He me and next days reproached: “Because of you, we lived in hellish stress, and you were silent!” I recently rewatched the recording and laughed like crazy. Our " Homework" consisted half of surreal jokes inspired by Monty Python, and the people in the audience were left hanging, not knowing how to react. For example, Pavel Kabanov appeared, and he had a hemp rope lying on his hand. Pasha slowly walked to the center of the hall, stood up and recited in a chant, imitating Vertinsky’s romances: “Here lies on your hand... a short, short snake...” Then he looked at the rope and said sharply: “I’m not afraid of you!” And he left.

“But when he played grandmother Klara Zakharovna in the series “33 Square Meters,” all the viewers knew how to react - with homeric laughter and sliding off the sofa onto the floor.

“He’s irresistible in many roles, but this one just fits him like a glove.” Wake up Pasha at night, he will play Klara Zakharovna perfectly! And we had the opportunity to verify this. We made a performance based on “33 Square Meters” and with it we traveled all over our country and many not ours. One day we flew back from America from a tour, and the next day there was a performance at the Variety Theater. Everyone was tired and, due to the time difference, were half asleep. And there is a moment where the grandmother drinks cognac, falls on the sofa and falls asleep. Pasha drank tea, which pretended to be cognac, lay down on the sofa and fell asleep for real. There's a performance going on, the hall is full of spectators, and Pasha is sleeping peacefully. And he breathes very quietly. During Tanya’s monologue, I whisper in Shats’ ear: “Listen, maybe he lost consciousness? Or did you have a heart attack? Schatz went up to Kaban, looked at him, and reassured me: “It looks like he’s breathing.” And then Tanya utters a line to which Pasha, according to the script, must react, but he does not react - he sleeps in the most arrogant way. Tanya goes for a second round, spends aviation kerosene and says the key words again, but this brute doesn’t even listen! Then Lazareva, having uttered the line for the third time, grabs the potato she was peeling and throws it at Kabanov with the words: “Now, these pensioners will get drunk, and you won’t wake them up.” And the potato hits Pavlik straight in the forehead! And Pasha, as if nothing had happened, jumps up and says in the usual voice of Klara Zakharovna: “Why don’t you wake me up, since things are like this here?” That is, he pronounces exactly the line he should. I was delighted! I realized that Boar is a real robot. The robot ran out of charge, then it recharged and began to function further.

With Andrey Fedortsov and Marina Fedunkiv. (still from the film “Corporate Party”) Photo: Enjoy Movies

— You met Kabanov earlier than the rest of the future security forces, didn’t you?

- Yes. We have a crazy dating story. I helped Kaban enter the Moscow Mining Institute. I’m sitting at the entrance exam in mathematics, I solved everything in 10 minutes and I’m looking out the window. And they knock on my back and ask in a whisper: “Boy, help me solve this problem.” There are only two formulas to solve it. He: “Thank you, thank you.” And after that we met and became friends. Naturally, Pasha was very grateful to me then, but soon I completely became an idol for him. Before the start of our studies, we, future first-year students, were sent to work on construction sites by order of the rector: all the years,

While we were studying, the institute was being built. And I played basketball, and I had a lot of different sneakers. When the left green sneaker and the right red sneaker tore, I threw them out and began to walk in their surviving brothers: green on one foot, red on the other. Kabanov, although he came from provincial town Dzerzhinsk, Donetsk region, was very fashion-conscious. He later said: “You became for me Karl Lagerfeld and Alexander McQueen rolled into one! I thought: God, what a fashionable, brave dude!” It's really fashionable to wear boots now different colors, but in 1981, I was probably the only one walking around like that... And when Pasha and I got into the institute’s military-patriotic club, we met Vasya Antonov, who was a year older than us. He later became the main author of the O.S.P. Studio; I call him “Zhvanetsky of our days.”

With the propaganda team we traveled to places where during the Great Patriotic War a militia division formed at the Mining Institute fought. The girls went to military registration and enlistment offices, looked for the militias who died in those places, and we gave concerts. They had a serious part, with poems and songs about the war, and a humorous one - over time, I became the main author, main actor and director there. And mine future wife, Natasha, was a strict commissar of the military-patriotic club. At the same time, in the humorous part of the concert, she perfectly played the islander Bo-Bo, a half-woman, half-monkey, in a parody of “Pirates of the 20th Century”. It was even funnier for us to watch the serious Komsomol leader in this role than for the audience. In our last year we got married and our son Nikita was born. Madonna and Child remained in Moscow, and I went on assignment to work as a foreman in a mine. It was a very prestigious assignment. My uncle Valentin Alekseevich Nechaev, my mother’s brother, was at that time an incredibly tough boss - the chief power engineer of the Khabarovsk Territory - and was able to achieve such a distribution through great connections. Without him, I would have been sent somewhere to Tula to dig sand with an excavator, and my Moscow residence permit would have burned up. And if you were traveling to the Far North and similar areas, then your reservation remained and you received an awesome salary.

But despite the prestige of the placement, it was wildly difficult for me there. I even began to write poetry, which I had never done before or since - serious, lyrical, describing loneliness and the hell that surrounds a person. Two or three poems were published in the local newspaper. I signed my name under the pseudonym Sergei Nechaev, because if my workers found out that the new engineer was doing such a sneaky thing as writing poems for the newspaper, their contempt would know no bounds. It seems to me that I survived there and they didn’t break anything for me simply because for them I was some kind of unknown animal. 80 percent of the workers had prison experience behind them, almost none of them traveled outside the Far East. A man lived in Chita, committed a crime there, he was imprisoned in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and then he remained to live there. At first it was impossible to leave, and then he no longer thought about moving somewhere. And then I, a young master, entered the cramped closet where such workers were resting after lunch. The huge foreman Shadrin sat like Leonov in the film "". He asked: “Mastyrka? Where did you come from so ridiculous?” Since the foreman had knocked out two front teeth the day before when an electric locomotive derailed, he spoke with a slight lisp. I answer: “From Moscow.” There was silence for a minute, and then everyone said in unison: “From Moscow?!” None of them had ever been to the capital, and I began to gain cheap authority by telling tales about Moscow, about Lyubertsy, where they live scary people named Lubera, about the subway, where mutant rats the size of dogs run around. And everyone rolled their eyes: “Oooh!” Damn, no way!” I composed entire series for them on the fly, which I now regret not recording. By the way, the electric locomotive that was transporting ore from the mine and derailed for the foreman, later derailed for me as well. Winter, wind, frost, and I’m wearing rubber boots and trying to put it back with a jack... The next day, the skin came off from the frostbitten feet like socks. Another time, my electric locomotive caught fire, and I had to jump out of it while it was moving. Living conditions were also poor. This became especially noticeable when Natasha arrived with six-month-old Nikita.

Sergey: Eva is the mistress of my life. I play with her in a way that I never even played with my sons. But at one time the whole yard gathered to watch our “circus” on the street. Photo by Yulia Khanina

- Why didn’t she stay in Moscow?

“Our love is still strong, but then sparks flew from us, we couldn’t get enough of each other!” I was terribly homesick, walked around those workings, muttered my poems, and tears boiled in my eyes... Besides, my uncle got us a room in a communal apartment, and it had just been renovated. So Natasha and I lived like kings! True, at night it was black with cockroaches. We have a photo where Nikita crawls along the floor with incredible enthusiasm - chasing a cockroach that was not included in the frame. I even composed him a lullaby on this topic:

Cockroaches running,

Square bugs,

My neighbor Turenko Kolya

When my son goes to bed.

Sleep, son, Moscow will dream...

Our neighbors really were dashing. Life is harsh Far East, and people become harsh. They are, of course, kind inside, but very deep. We left the stroller in the entrance, some scoundrels peed in it all the time, and we scrubbed it with bleach. Soon it was stolen, and after a while I saw how children were riding each other in it for pampering. The top of the blue stroller remained, and Natasha sewed a jacket for Nikitos from it. We never lost such goodness. During the first years of their marriage, my wife altered everything for herself from the old. When we were first able to buy her a new thing - black leggings - she jumped up to the ceiling in these leggings. What can you do? Perestroika, three children - what new things could there be?

— Did you and Natasha dream from the very beginning that there would be many children?

- No, we were supposed to have two - a boy and a girl. But we couldn't come up with a name for the girl. When we were expecting our first child, we immediately decided that it would be Nikita. And when we were pregnant for the second time and were expecting a girl, we still couldn’t come up with a name. I must say that we did not plan to give Nikitos company so quickly. They realized that Natasha was pregnant only when something moved in her stomach. She went to Moscow to give birth. There was no ultrasound, and the wife found out that she had not a daughter inside, but two sons, already during the birth process. Sashka appeared, Natasha sighed with relief, and then the midwife shouted to her: “You fool, give birth to a second one.” But she can’t understand what’s happening, what else?

— Zhenya was born sick. Cerebral palsy, four heart defects... 95 percent of men leave the family if a disabled child is born, and I asked one how he could do this. He replied: “This is impossible to bear.” Moms can somehow bear it, dads - alas. Now I have the opportunity to ask the one who did not leave. Sergey, how were you able to withstand this?

“I also had a kind of care. I threw myself into work, wrote, acted, acted, went on tour. And Natasha didn’t touch me. Now I myself cannot remember how I withstood it: I have a happy characteristic - I forget almost all difficult things, thank God. I remember that I practically did not sleep at night, all the time I helped Natasha fight with our guys - one and a half year old Nikitos and two babies, one of whom was terminally ill. The first one woke up, started yelling, woke up the second and third, and a chain reaction began - already three of them were yelling and breaking up. When Genet

At nine months he was operated on; he lay unconscious for two months under an artificial respiration apparatus. Natasha was with him in the hospital, and I was at home with Nikitos and Sashka. Of course, it was wildly difficult for me, I was not thinking well from lack of sleep, I had no strength. But this is such nonsense compared to what Natasha endured. She, like an antenna, broadcast to the world an incredible, bestial thirst to save Zhenya! She infected everyone with this - me, the doctors who treated him, and everyone else. Natasha has always been very strong-willed, but after the birth of her sons she gained some kind of abyss of strength. What amazes me is that she still has this strength. Although over the years it has diminished, as some of it has flowed into Zhenka and drags him through life. But he not only survived, but made incredible progress! A man who didn't walk until he was six years old now works as a TV presenter.

— You and your wife probably cried when you watched Zhenya host the program for the first time?

- No, they have already reacted calmly. Six years ago, we enrolled him in a small theater school, and when Zhenya first appeared on stage in a play, that’s when our tears flowed. And then we got used to these victories.

My good friend Sasha Goldburt runs the cable TV channel RazTV, I did my own program “Second Nature” with him. And Natasha came up with the idea to suggest to Sasha that Zhenya, who had graduated from his university by that time, try out for him to become a TV presenter. And Goldburt decided on a bold move - he hired a guy with cerebral palsy to host the program. Soon our friend Anatoly Bely called: “Guys, you know, if I don’t like something, I say so directly. So

Here. I saw Zhenya presenting “DIFFERENT NEWS”, and it was a fascinating sight. With his strange plasticity and voice, he looks like an alien. I couldn’t tear myself away - I watched all the news, and then went on the Internet and looked at it again.” And in the summer, Zhenya was invited to the UN. My son, the only TV presenter in Russia with cerebral palsy, talked there about “Dream Skis,” which we have been running with the whole family for the second year - about the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, autism and Down syndrome with the help of alpine skiing.

With sons - the eldest, Nikita, and the middle, Alexander (early 2000s). Photo: From personal archive Sergei Belogolovtsev

How long has he been skiing?

- Three years. Natasha’s brother, who lives in America and skied in Salt Lake City, told us: “I saw a rehabilitation center where, among others, children with cerebral palsy ski. Come and try it too." My Natasha, a great adventurer, immediately caught fire: “Let’s go.” I say: “It seems to me that we won’t even fit these crooked legs into ski boots.” - “Let’s go, don’t bother us - we’ll go for a ride ourselves.” They arrived, put him in boots, and a week later he went skiing himself! Naturally, there were different devices, of course, he was going down a very gentle slope, and five people were riding around him - an instructor, two volunteers and Natasha and me. They escorted us like fighter bombers. The next year we went again and began to observe incredible changes. The guy’s arms and legs began to straighten, he began to hold his head with dignity, and confidence appeared in his eyes. Leading neurologists in Moscow who work in Hospital No. 18 confirmed that we have not gone crazy - there are clear positive changes. And my crazy ascetic says: “I want to launch such a program in Russia.” I answer: “Natasha, we will die.” - "No. There were people who helped us at one time, let’s do it now.” That’s how the rehabilitation program “Dream Skis” was opened. It is now spreading across the country thanks to a perpetual motion machine,

which Natasha has hidden in some part of her body. My wife travels around the regions, she is helped by a group of comrades who work on a volunteer basis. In winter, the first group of 10 people gathered in Moscow, we made an incredible presentation, called all our actor friends. Basharov, Beroev, Kortnev, Andryukha Merzlikin, Mashka Golubkina, Chicherina, Oleska Sudzilovskaya came... The people did not understand what was happening, what kind of strange children were on the slope and why such a gang of stars was hanging out around them. The children's progress was no worse than Zhenkin's: the girl, who moved only with the help of her mother, after a week of classes walked her first three meters on her own. The boy said: “It feels like I’ve grown new legs.”

For us now everything goes the further, the easier. And throughout the first years, Zhenya, and us too, had not a life, but a story about a real person. When Natasha gave birth to two more sons, I fought wildly, but was able to leave the mine, where I was obliged to work for three years, and returned to Moscow. And when the children grew up a little, we joined the MZHK: we really wanted to live with three children in our own apartment, and not with Natasha’s parents, ten of them. Before I found out that the rector of my native Mining Institute wanted to revive the KVN team, I worked for a year for 12 hours a day as a concrete worker’s apprentice, that is, I carried a stretcher with mortar. I asked my friends to tell the rector that no one could do a better job of creating a team than me. But that for this I need to be redeemed from the slavery of the MZhK. Then, at the dawn of perestroika, the institutions had money - they used it to create cooperatives and joint ventures. They paid a ransom for me, and my comrades in the MZHK said that they bought all the plumbing for our house with it. We became toilet monopolists, but, unfortunately, we did not become rich. When the guys

When I was six years old, I borrowed an impressive amount—as much as $400—for a vacation. And he went for a walk with the children. I very rarely walked with them, but every time the whole yard gathered to look at us. And that time there were great snowdrifts, so we played snow dolphins and dived into the snow with gusto. At home, all my excitement vanished: somewhere in a snowdrift I lost my military ID and those same $400. No matter how much we searched later, we didn’t find it... But this did not discourage us from organizing a circus, jumping like a monkey and crawling like a crocodile.

Sergey: Natasha and I still have a strong love, but before, sparks flew from us, we couldn’t breathe on each other... Photo: Yulia Khanina

— Your sons have grown up, Nikita already has her own daughter, Eva. Arrange similar shows for your granddaughter?

- Eva is the mistress of my life. I play with her in a way that I never even played with my sons. In the summer we vacationed in Italy and played Mrs. Schumacher on the beach. Three-year-old Eva was a racing driver, and I launched her down a hill in a plastic car, the car crashed into the sand and fell on its side. The first time she fell, Eva was scared. And I started shouting: “Horror, horror, disaster!”, pretending to be an ambulance, and the child liked the game. And then the Italian family came. The children watched carefully as I launched Eva and shouted: “Atancione, atancione! Mademoiselle Schumacher, uno, due, tre, quadre.” And in the end, one of the guys climbed up the slide, pushed Eva away, sat down in this car and began to look at me sideways: come on, they say, let me go too. I had to go for a ride. But Eva began to cry: “You have to play with me! Bad Seryozha!”

- Seryozha?

“My wife and I immediately introduced ourselves to Eva as Natasha and Seryozha. Well, do we look like grandparents?!

Family: wife - Natalya, journalist; children - Nikita, TV presenter, Alexander - producer, Evgeniy, TV presenter; granddaughter - Eva (3 years old)

Education: graduated from the Moscow Mining Institute

Career: played in KVN as part of the Magma team. He was one of the actors in the programs: “Once a week”, “In spite of the records!?”, “O.S.P.-studio”. Hosts the “Wedding General” program on the Russia channel. He has starred in films and television series: “33 Square Meters”, “Taxi”, “All So Sudden”, “Two Antons”, “The Color of the Sky”, “Duhless”, “Corporate Party”. Plays in the plays “Who”, “Recipe” family happiness", "On high heels", "Not like everyone else." Staged the play “Apocalypse for Flute”, where he plays the main role