Teremok is a fairy tale. Speech development. Reading fiction. Topic: Telling children the Russian folk tale “Teremok. The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats - Russian folk tale


There was a tower in the field. A fly fly has arrived and knocks:

Nobody responds. A fly fly flew in and began to live in it.

A squeaking mosquito has arrived:

- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a bitter fly, and who are you?

- And I am a squeaking mosquito.

- Come live with me. They began to live together. The little mouse came running:

- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a burning fly, and a squeaking mosquito, and who are you?

- And I’m a little mouse.

- Come live with us. The three of them began to live together. The frog-frog jumped up:

- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a burning fly, a squeaking mosquito and a little mouse. And who are you?

- And I'm a frog.

- Come live with us.

There were four of them.

The jumping bunny galloped up:

- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a bitter fly, a squeaking mosquito, a little mouse, a frog, and who are you?

- And I’m a jumping bunny.

- Come live with us.

There were five of them.

The little fox-sister came running:

- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a bitter fly, a squeaking mosquito, a little mouse, a croaking frog and a jumping bunny, and who are you?

- And I am a fox-sister.

- Come live with us.

There were six of them living.

- I, a bitter fly, a squeaking mosquito, a little mouse, a frog, a jumping bunny and a little fox-sister, and who are you?

- And I’m a gray wolf - teeth click.

- Come live with us.

And all seven began to live and get along.

A bear came to the tower and knocked: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a bitter fly, a squeaking mosquito, a little mouse, a croaking frog, a jumping bunny, a little sister fox and a wolf - click my teeth, and who are you?

- And I’m a bear - you crush everyone. I’ll lie down on the tower and crush everyone!

The animals got scared and everyone left the tower!

And the bear hit the tower with its paw and broke it.


There was a small house in the forest. A fly flew to him and knocked on the shutter:

Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
And no one responds from there. Then a fly flew into the window and began to live in it.

A flea galloped up to the mansion and knocked on the shutter.

- I am a fly, and who are you?
- And I'm a flea.
- Come live with me.
A flea jumped into the little mansion and they began to live together.

A mosquito flew to the tower and knocked on the shutter:
- Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, and who are you?
- And I am a mosquito.
- Come live with us.
A mosquito flew into the mansion, and the three of them began to live together.

A mouse ran to the mansion and knocked on the door:
- Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, and who are you?
- And I am a mouse.
- Come live with us.
A mouse ran into the little mansion, and the four of them began to live together.

A frog galloped up to the mansion and knocked on the door:
- Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, I am a mouse, and who are you?
- And I am a frog.
- Come live with us.
The frog jumped over the threshold into the little mansion, and the five of them began to live.

The bunny galloped up to the tower and knocked on the door:
- Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, I am a mouse, I am a frog, and who are you?
- And I’m a bunny.
- Come live with us.
The bunny jumped over the threshold into the little house, and the six of them began to live.

A fox came running to the mansion and knocked on the door:
- Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, I am a mouse, I am a frog, I am a bunny, and who are you?
- And I am a fox.
- Come live with us.
A little fox ran into the little mansion and they began to live together.

A wolf came to the mansion and knocked on the door:
- Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, I am a mouse, I am a frog, I am a bunny, I am a fox, and who are you?
- And I am a wolf.
- Come live with us.
A wolf entered the mansion and the eight of them began to live.

A bear came to the mansion and knocked on the door:
- Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, I am a mouse, I am a frog, I am a bunny, I am a fox, I am a wolf, and who are you?
- And I am a bear, I want to live with you.
The bear wanted to come through the door, but it didn’t fit through. Then the clubfoot climbed onto the roof. The mansion crackled from the weight, its inhabitants fled from the windows and doors in different directions. Only the bear settled on the roof, and the tower - bam! - and fell apart.

The child did not fall asleep?

The Russian folk tale “Teremok” has ended; if the child does not fall asleep, we recommend reading a few more fairy tales.

  • #1

    you know I love watching the tower

  • #2

    very good story)!

  • #3

    very good tales

  • #4

    Bravo! What a godsend, you have it every evening!))

  • #5

    Atlistic tales

  • #6

    The hare hops into the tower. The two of them began to live together. (Error, correct for three.)

  • #7

    Vanya, thank you, the error has been fixed)

  • #8

    Thank you very much! Hooray! I found exactly what I needed for my Russian-Finnish students.

  • #9

    The tale is small, but very exciting

  • #10

    The little fox-sister is coming. She knocked on the window and asked:
    - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
    - I, little mouse.
    - I, frog-frog. And who are you?

    Forgot about the runaway bunny))))

  • #11

    Thank you all very much for your notes and supportive comments. Check out the "Bee" website for new fairy tales and creative ideas, games and cartoons. Goodness and peace to your homes!

  • #12

    Thank you very much! I found what the kids needed.

  • #13

    very good story

  • #14

    I have complaints. Why is it when the fox asks, who are you? They forgot to include the phrase: I am a running bunny! Second claim. What kind of word is this Fuck!!! Could be replaced with the word Bach.

  • #15

    Hello, Dilya! It’s nice when you read it carefully, thank you, I corrected everything. As for the word, I think it was used in this Russian folk tale because a tree cracks when it breaks, but at your request I added more noise))) All the best to everyone! Health, happiness, PEACE!!!

  • #16


  • #17

    I liked it all very much!!!

  • #18

    Dilya, why is the word bang better than the word fuck for a child!? This is some kind of association you have)

  • #19

    I really like these fairy tales I love these fairy tales

  • #20
  • #21

    Is it possible for every fairy tale to have the author's last name?

  • #22

    Hello Lisa! This is a Russian folk tale)

  • #23
  • #24

    Thank you very much for the illustrations!

  • #25

    It feels like some only learned about this fairy tale in 2015. This is judging by the comments. Thank you for the fairy tale, I read it and remembered my childhood.))

  • #26

    Hello. Why is the word fuck in a children's fairy tale?

  • #27
  • #28

    and in what year was this fairy tale written?

  • #29

    Hello, can I ask who imino wrote this fairy tale?

  • #30

    very good story

  • #31

    A very interesting tale.

  • #32

    I liked the story.

  • #33

    the word fuck is a designation for an action or sound. Synonyms for this word: hit, knock, crack, bang, slam... and so on, you yourself add all other meanings to this word out of ignorance.

  • #34

    Keep up the good work!!!))) awesome!

  • #35

    Thank you! Very wonderful site.

  • #36

    My daughter loves these fairy tales, well done!!

  • #37

    Thank you for helping with the literature!

  • #38

    Thanks for the site, I read it to my son every night before bed.

Anyone who has not known the folk tale “Teremok” since childhood is familiar with this fairy-tale house and its characters. But, wait a minute. In what version have you ever heard this tale? In the retelling of M. Bulatov? Or maybe Alexei Tolstoy? Nevertheless, this is a Russian folk tale, and has been passed on from mouth to ear since ancient times. So my grandmother told me this fairy tale in exactly the same interpretation as her grandmother told her, and I am passing it on to you in the same way, without changes. Otherwise, what kind of folk tale is it if it has an author?


Russian folktale

There was a tower in the field.

A mouse ran past, saw a little house, stopped and knocked on the door:

Nobody responds. The mouse entered the little house and began to live and live there.

A frog jumped past, saw a little house and asked:

I, Little Mouse! And who are you?

And I'm the frog frog.

Come live with me!

They began to live together.

A bunny ran past. He stopped and knocked on the door:

Knock Knock! Who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?

I, Little Mouse!

I, the Frog-wah!

And who are you?

And I'm the Runner Bunny.

Come live with us! More fun together!

The hare hops and hops into the tower. The three of them began to live together.

A fox sneaked past. Knock-knock on the window and ask:

Who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?

I, Little Mouse.

I, the frog-croak.

I, Runner Bunny.

And who are you?

And I'm little fox-sister.

Come live with us!

The four of them began to live together.

A wolf ran past, took a fancy to the little mansion, and he knocked on the door:

Knock Knock! Who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?

I, Little Mouse.

I, the frog-croak.

I, Runner Bunny.

I, little fox-sister.

And who are you?

And I'm the top-gray barrel.

Come live with us!

The five of them began to live. They live in the little house and sing songs.

Suddenly a clubfoot bear approaches the tower. The bear saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped and roared:

Who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?

I, Little Mouse.

I, the frog-croak.

I, Runner Bunny.

I, little fox-sister.

I, Top-gray barrel.

And who are you?

And I'm the Toady Bear.

Come live with us!

The bear climbed into the tower. He couldn’t fit through the doors and began to climb onto the roof. The tower crackled, fell on its side and fell apart. We barely had time to jump out of it: the Little Mouse, the Frog, the Runaway Bunny, the Little Fox, and the Gray Barrel Top - all safe and sound.

What to do, they began to carry logs, cut boards, and build a new mansion. They built a little mansion better than before, and six of them began to live in it. Patience and a little effort!

The interesting thing is that there are many versions of this tale, and they end differently. Either the bear is just a clumsy clubfoot and breaks the tower, and all the animals run away, or even purposefully destroys it, like the Bear - you crush everyone. And since it’s a folk tale, it’s up to you to decide which ending you prefer.

Chupina V.N.

Speech development. Reading fiction.

Subject: Telling children a Russian folk tale "Teremok»

Target: introduce the content of Russian folk tales; to teach to see the relationship between the content of a literary text and its drawings, to evoke a desire to reproduce dialogues between fairy-tale characters; perform simple dance movements.

Equipment: illustrations for the fairy tale, toys - mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, bear; flannelgraph (magnetic board), figures for the flannelgraph.

Dictionary activation : mansion, fairy tale characters, found, build.

Methods and techniques : visual, verbal, practical, game.

Source: compiled by teacher Chupina V.N.

Progress of continuous educational activities.

Organizing time.

Introductory part:

So the sun has risen, with itled to a fairy tale. What the such a fairy tale, try it, guess.

Standing in a field...

He is neither short nor tall.

Children's answers, if difficulties arise, we help them with answer: This fairy tale « Teremok» .

Children sit down to listen to a fairy tale.

Main part. Reading a fairy tale .

The teacher reads a fairy tale and shows the characters to the children.

(asstorytelling, onthe table is set outmansion and fairy tale heroes)

After reading, the teacher shows the children illustrations of the fairy tale and asks them to name the characters.

Educator: Let's remember who was the first to find the tower?

Children: Mouse. - norushka.

Educator: What mouse?

Children: She is small and grey.

Educator: Let's remember how a mouse walks and squeaks?

Children: imitate mouse movements and squeak.

Educator: Who else lives in the little house?

Children: Frog-wah.

Children: Green.

Educator: Let's jump and croak like frogs.

Children: imitate the movements of a frog and croak Kwa - kwa - kwa.

Educator: Who came after the frog?

Children: The bunny is a little jumper.

Educator: Let's play the game "Grey Bunny."

The teacher plays the game “Grey Bunny” with the children.

A game.

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears

It's cold for the bunny to sit

I need to warm my little paws

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Educator: Well done guys. Who came after the bunny?

Children: Wolf.

Educator: What kind of wolf?

Children: Gray

Educator: Who came after the wolf?

Children: Foxy sister.

Educator: What color is it?

Children: Red.

Educator: Guys, how does the fox walk?

Children: imitate the movements of a fox.

Educator: The animals lived together, sang, danced, and let us dance.

Sounds“Dance with handkerchiefs, (leaves)” (music by E. Tilicheeva,sl. and Trantovskaya).

The teacher hands out handkerchiefs (leaves: red and yellow, maple and oak) and invites them to dance together.

Educator: That's how fun the animals lived. Who heard the songs and came to Teremok? Who came after the fox?

Children: The bear is clubfooted.

Educator: How does a big clubfoot bear walk?

Children: imitate the movements of a bear.

Fizminutka"Teddy Bear"

Teddy Bear

Walking through the forest

Collects cones

And he puts it in his pocket.

Suddenly, a cone fell.

Right in the bear's forehead.

Mishka got angry

And with your foot - stomp!

I won't do it anymore

Collect cones

I'll take the car

And I'll go to bed!

Educator: That's right, well done! Everyone was named, no one was forgotten, but what did the bear do?

Children: Teremok broke.

Educator: now we need to build a new Teremok. Let's help the animals build?

Children: yes.

Finger gymnastics “Building a house.”

All day - here and there,

A loud knock is heard. (Knock fist on fist.)

The hammers are knocking

They are building a house for the animals. (Knock fist on fist.)

Even if my house is braided and crooked,

Look how handsome he is!

You see from the window

The cat came out! (hands to chin and shake head)

The wind howls: “Uh-oh!

I'll tear the house to pieces! (Blow hard on the house.)

But he is my strong house,

Let the wind howl for a week -

My house will shelter me! (Raise the “roof” over your head.)

Didactic game "Shadows"

Educator: “Find your own animal for each shadow” (we put animal shadows on the easel, challenge the children to complete the task, provide assistance in completing it in cases of difficulty)

Didactic game “Who from the beginning, who later”

Educator: “Guys who lived inmansion? mouse-norushka, frog-frog, bunny-hopper, little fox-sister, spinning top-gray barrel, clumsy bear (we help children remember and name all the charactersfairy tales, naming them, we put them on the easel)

- “Arrange the heroes yourselffairy talesin the correct sequence" (we invite the children to complete the task, we help with questions: "Who wentfirst to live in the tower? And who then? etc."). Construction of the Teremok pyramid

Educator: Guys, let's hide the bunnies from the fox. Each house has its own door. The door should match the color of the house.

Didactic game "Hide the Bunny".

The teacher gives each child one house. After which the children take turns approaching the teacher and choosing a door for themselves and naming the color of the house. Helped the bunnies hide from the fox. Well done!

Educator: Well done guys, played well

Remember all the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok", tell me who was the biggest in the fairy tale.

Children: bear.

Educator: who is the smallest?

Children: mouse.

Result: Final part:

Educator: Well done!“So the sun sets, and takes a fairy tale with it. We did well today, we tried our best. They told a fairy tale and played games.