“A TV show is big school.” How did the fates of the participants of “The Voice” turn out? The fate of the most successful participants in domestic reality shows (25 photos) Why does the star live in a cell?


Composer Konstantin Meladze in a conversation with AiF, he admitted that a TV show today is almost the only door to show business. You can be very talented person, for years to make its way to a large audience, but still disappear into obscurity. Participation in a TV show not only brings fame, but also gives a powerful boost to one’s career.

Who did it all start with?

In the beginning there was not “The Voice”, but Idol (“Idol”) and X-factor (“X-factor”). Both shows were created in Britain - in 2001 and 2004. respectively. “The Voice” is a copy of these projects. It arose much later in Holland - in 2010, and has been going on in Russia since 2012. The essence of all these Western TV shows, similar to each other, like twin brothers, is search musical talents. “The Voice” has its own difference - blind auditions, which add entertainment.

The first channel broadcasting the show does not work after it ends future fate artists whom he “tamed.” The winners enter into a contract with the recording company Universal Music, which helps artists select repertoire, releases their albums, organizes tours and promotes them in the media. After the show, the winners and some finalists go on a tour around the country (from 30 to 50 cities) and get paid for it. The fees, of course, are not stellar at all. But for a beginning artist they are significant. After all, before participating in the project, its winners were participants in amateur art competitions, which were attended by friends and family.

The winner of the first season was the luckiest Dina Garipova, who received everything at once. The title of Honored Artist of Tatarstan (at the age of 21!), keys to the apartment. The icing on the cake was a ticket to Eurovision 2013, where the singer took fifth place. After such PR, Garipova toured constantly for 2 years, giving more than 100 concerts throughout the country, including the capital’s Crocus Hall.

Who writes songs for them?

Dina herself admitted to AiF that she, a modest Tatar girl, was greatly frightened by the blessings that had fallen. Today the hype around her name has noticeably subsided. She performs infrequently, she has no new bright songs. But sometimes she suits creative evenings, where he not only sings, but also answers questions.

The second season became a fateful project for Sergei Volchkov from Belarus. “Before the show, a narrow circle of people knew me,” he admitted to AiF. “After winning the project, I had the opportunity to perform on big stages.”

Sergei has already assembled a full Kremlin. “Many artists joked that even at 50 years old there is no guarantee that you will gather such a hall,” he says. “And I did it at the age of 29.” Today masters write for him - Alexandra Pakhmutova And Evgeniy Doga. Next year the artist is planning a tour of 70 cities across the country.

Alexandra Vorobyova also admits: participation in the show became a turning point in her life. “I graduated from the Academy. Gnesins, already worked in her profession. But, of course, participation in this project changed my life. I had the opportunity to show myself as a multi-genre performer, for which I thank my “creative father” Alexandra Gradsky. At the end of the project, he invited me to work in his theater. A TV show is a big school, after which we find ourselves in the world of real artists! I'm currently recording my album. I collected a lot cool musicians. We rehearse a lot, looking for a new sound. We have been working towards this for a long time, so we don’t want to release just anything and be like most performers who, unfortunately, chase trends, but in the end they all look alike. In general, the album will be “bomb”!”

Hieromonk Photius(winner of the fourth season) claims that his tour schedule scheduled until the end of the year. He even started traveling abroad. And before “The Voice” Photius sang in church choir. No concert activities he didn't have it. Record company helped the monk of St. Pafnutev Borovsky Monastery prepare a program of concert versions opera arias and classical romances. Moreover, all songs were agreed upon with the diocese. It was important to find golden mean, because it is not appropriate for a monk to perform songs with sensual lyrics.

Why does the star live in a cell?

Today Father Photius gives concerts with a “small lineup” - he and the accompanist with a piano. But at the concert at Crocus he will be accompanied by a large orchestra. At the same time, the monk continues to lead a monastic lifestyle: he participates in church services and still lives in the monastic cell. Photius donates a significant part of his fees to church needs.

“I now have enormous opportunities for creative realization,” says the penultimate year student at the Moscow Art Theater School Daria Antonyuk. — Now I have three songs in work, which I will release in the near future. But you know a big problem with the authors. I haven't found mine yet. I don’t like much of what they offer: mostly something weak in voice or weak in meaning.”

About the fact that young talented performers have nothing to sing from modern repertoire, everyone says. That’s why they travel with old Soviet luggage, classics and world hits. So, maybe there will be a show on our television that will search for interesting authors?

Six seasons of the program have passed, the essence of which is the search for a bride by the main character. And of course, after each finale, viewers are interested in questions: did at least one bachelor marry the chosen girl after the show, and how did their life and fate turn out outside the project? Let's look at each groom's story after filming.

Evgeniy Levchenko - personal life after the show “Bachelor”

Evgeniy Levchenko, a participant in the first season, in the final chose between the serious Olesya Ermakova and the lovely Irina Volodchenko. Mine final choice he did in favor of the first. The young people were even planning to get married, but the wedding did not come to fruition and they separated. In 2015, Zhenya decided to return to ex-girlfriend Victoria Koblenko and recently their son Kiy was born. Although the couple is not officially registered, it is now difficult to call Evgeniy a bachelor.

The fate of Maxim Chernyavsky after the show “The Bachelor”

Maxim Chernyavsky, the groom of the second season, chose Maria Drigola in the final. The couple had very romantic relationship, but they didn’t last long after the project either. Now Maxim devotes all his time to his daughter from his first marriage, Monica.

Did Timur Batrutdinov get married after the show “The Bachelor”

Fans of the program could see whether Timur Batrutdinov could arrange his personal life in the third season, where main character chose between Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Daria Kananukha. An adult man could not resist the still very young beauty Daria. The couple's relationship also could not pass all the tests and ended very quickly. The Comedy Club resident is still looking for love and is in no hurry to go to the registry office.

Did Alexey Vorobyov get married after the show “The Bachelor”

Alexey Vorobiev participant fourth season, perhaps the most memorable groom, since in the final he did not choose a single girl and did not propose, and remained a bachelor. Alexey did not go to the TV show to play, but wanted to meet his love, he believed that he would succeed. But when, at the end of the project, he realized that not a single young lady treated him sincerely, he decided to remain alone. The man is still searching for his other half.

Once Alexey and Timur were at the same event and took a photo as a souvenir. In the photo they show ring fingers on the right hands. Thus showing that neither of them has married yet. The men came to the conclusion that the project should be renamed, since its name was somehow fateful. Maybe the organizer should think about this?

Did Ilya Glinnikov get married after the show “The Bachelor”

In the fifth season, viewers watched the young actor Ilya Glinnikov and his relationships with the participants famous program. The man even had to be persuaded to take part in the project.

The artist managed to choose only one from all the contenders and his feelings were mutual. they lived together for some time and planned a modest painting and wedding in the man’s homeland - in Georgia. The Interns star even proposed to his beloved outside the cameras. But unfortunately, the couple’s fans did not wait for the promised wedding, after a year of relationship. Currently ex-fiance season five, single.

Did Yegor Creed marry Daria Klyukina after the project?

The youngest hero in the entire history of the Russian version of the program took part in the sixth season. It is known that Yegor has been called to this program more than once and, finally, he found free time in his schedule and took part in 2018.

Before finals two models arrived - Victoria Korotkova from Kaliningrad and Daria Klyukina from the Urals. The singer chose to give the ring to Dasha, although he very much doubted her throughout the entire show. After all, everyone knows who watched the fifth season with Ilya Glinnikov, that this made the new hero not trust her. Apparently, after filming, the artist could not fully believe in the sincerity of his chosen one, or maybe there is another reason, but the fact is that. Now the ex-participant of the popular television project is not married.

In the early 2000s, the country was gripped by a reality TV epidemic. With bated breath, TV viewers watched how their compatriots survived on desert island, in a space without food and money, or in a house where you need to find love. Many participants in the show ended up forgotten, but some were lucky - by hook or by crook, she got her place in the sun among celebrities. Let's remember the most successful heroes of the once popular reality shows and compare their pictures - then and now.

Margo Semenyakina

"Behind the glass"

The first reality show in Russia, “Behind the Glass,” had crazy ratings. His characters lived in a “glass house”, fought, made up and even had sex in front of the camera - an unprecedented phenomenon for television of those times (remember, “House-2” did not exist yet).
People not only watched the show on TV, but also came in droves to the filming location to try to catch a glimpse of their idols live.
One of the most memorable participants in the show was Margarita Semenyakina, aka Margot.

During her participation in the show, Margarita managed to build a serious relationship and married another inhabitant of the transparent house - Maxim Kasymov. The couple even had a child.

However, the marriage of the “glass” couple turned out to be fragile: Maxim and Margot broke up. After filming was completed, Margarita decided to start her life anew: she began acting for magazines, but later she almost stopped reporting. public life and acquired her own folklore studio.
In one of his latest interviews the first reality star admitted that she thinks big mistake her participation in the show, since now this point from her biography greatly harms her reputation.

Inna Gomez

« Last Hero»
In the first season of the television project “The Last Hero”, the participants of which had to survive on a desert island, the audience most liked the aspiring model from the Ryazan region, Inna Gomez.

Inna Gomez at the project “The Last Hero” (left)

At the end of the project, Inna began to build an acting career. By the way, the girl first appeared in films back in 1983 in the film “Dangerous Trifles”, and in 1984 she appeared in the film “Guest from the Future”.

Inna Gomez, "Dangerous trifles" (1983)

Today, Inna continues to act, and is also involved in charity work and raising her daughter Masha.

Marina Alexandrova

"Last Hero"
One of the most bright participants The third season of the reality show “The Last Hero” featured the then-beginning and little-known actress Marina Alexandrova.

As the tabloids noted, it was after the adventures on the desert island that Marina’s film career took off. Returning to " mainland"fit and tanned, the actress began to receive great amount filming proposals.
Today Marina has several dozen roles in films and TV series. The actress also has two children.

Alexander Konstantinov

In the fall of 2003, the TNT channel launched a “survival” show called “Hunger.” Its participants were taken out of the country and placed in a house without food or money. We had to earn a piece of bread ourselves. The winner was promised a prize of $1,000 monthly payments for life.
The winner of the prize was a guy from Korolev, Moscow region, Alexander Konstantinov.

Winning the project brought the guy not only fame, but also gave him the opportunity to fulfill his dream - to enter the theater (the famous “Pike”) and subsequently become a professional actor. At the end educational institution the winner of “Hunger” began to play in theater and TV series. Today, the portfolio of reality TV stars includes “ father's daughters", "Law and Order: Criminal Intent", "Euphrosyne" and many other films.

Victoria Bonya

"House 2"
An equally interesting transformation took place on the show “Dom-2”. Participation in the project helped Victoria Bonya, a simpleton from the Chita region, turn into socialite and subsequently the wife of a billionaire from Ireland. Bonya began changing her life on the country's main television set in 2006.

The blonde stayed on the show for almost a year.

Victoria Bonya with ex-participant of “House-2” Alexander Potapovich

After leaving the project, the blonde appeared on TV as a presenter. And later she began to try herself in the acting and modeling fields. The efforts were not in vain: in a few years Victoria managed to build brilliant career. Today former member reality show lives in Monaco with her billionaire husband, visiting Russia only on business.

Alena Vodonaeva

"House 2"
With the help of the same “House-2”, journalist from Tyumen Alena Vodonaeva radically changed her life.

Before joining the project, Alena lived in Tyumen and worked as a reporter on local television

The girl came to the project at the very beginning (in July 2004) and remained under camera surveillance for almost three years.

During her participation in the TV show, Alena established herself as one of the most scandalous girls With difficult character and tried to build relationships with several men, but not a single romance was successful.

Alena Vodonaeva with her “lover” Stepan Menshchikov on the project “Dom-2”

In 2007, the girl left the project, after which she tried to try herself as a singer, however, without much success. At the same time, the star of “House-2” built a career as a TV presenter, participated in the projects “Vacations in Mexico”, “The Naked Ten” and “ Good night", guys."
However greatest success Alena has achieved success in the modeling business - since 2012 she has been collaborating with glossy magazines and organizers of fashion shows.

May Abrikosov

"House 2"
Roman Tertishny, better known as May Abrikosov, also lived for about three years under the roof of “House-2”.

After leaving the project, May began to build television career and for some time, as many remember, he hosted the “Secrets” program on the TV-3 channel. Having not achieved much success on television, the guy began to conquer the world of cinema and even managed to appear in the series “Victory Wind, Clear Day.” Alas, the native of “House-2” has not yet succeeded in becoming a big movie star. Some time ago, May decided to take a break from his career and retired to his native village in the Voronezh region.

Fans have repeatedly asked him to return to reality, but he continues to stand his ground, claiming that he will never do this, since now “Dom-2” is an immoral show, and its participants are fools, whereas before it was really possible on the project find your love.
However, Mai recently said that his current reclusive lifestyle may end, as he still has not given up hope of becoming a great actor.

The new season of the popular reality show “The Bachelor” started on the STB channel. Every Friday, millions of Ukrainians are glued to their TV screens. They watch the unfolding events with excitement, worry about their favorite characters and believe in fairy tales. But is everything really as magical as we are shown on TV? Glavnaya Gazeta conducted its own investigation and found out what happened to the Melitopol residents who took part in popular TV shows.

TV shows have become incredibly popular. On TV they raise chefs, dancers and musicians, help them find love, resolve family troubles and unravel terrible crimes. As a rule, the organizers have no problems finding heroes. Millions of people line up themselves, wanting to become famous. And the easiest way to become famous is, perhaps, to become a participant in a reality show. True, it is difficult to judge how long the effect of such fame lasts. With enviable regularity, only a select few flash on the blue screens, while the rest remain behind the scenes.

Melitopol residents also decided to try their luck on central TV. Some took part in the show at will, others became involuntary heroes of the programs. How did participation in the television shows and whether the game was worth the candle, Glavnaya journalists tried to find out. But only a few agreed to speak openly about their “stellar” past. The majority chose to hide behind the screen of the contract, obviously forgetting that Melitopol is a small city and it is almost impossible to hide the truth here.

Found love

In August 2016, another Melitopol resident became a participant in the reality show. A student from Moscow State Pedagogical University tried to find his love on TV. B. Khmelnitsky Stanislav Skochko. He became famous throughout the country by participating in the show “Halves,” broadcast on the New Channel. Stas admits that he did not want to get on TV. The organizers of “Halves” suggested that he try himself as a character in a reality show. The guy did not miss his chance and agreed to the experiment, which he does not regret. After all, the show really helped him find long-awaited love, however, not at all the way he imagined it.

The organizers of the show themselves contacted me. The point is that they are interested in having heroes interesting people. Then the program will be dynamic and will not make viewers bored. I'm a blogger. They saw my videos on YouTube and offered to take part in the show. I was lonely back then and really wanted to find love. My soul mate on the show was a girl with special needs. Despite her physical disabilities, she achieved a lot and became a swimming champion. I don't know if I could really love her. I am an active person and I would like the same girl,” said Stanislav Skochko.

And although Stas failed to fall in love with his colleague on the show, he managed to maintain a warm relationship with her. After the project, the guys talked, walked around the capital, corresponded for some time in social networks. Communication stopped quite recently. The girl got married, and the messages from her stopped coming. Stas says that he does not regret participating in “Halves”. The program taught him a lot and helped him find love.

I did the show for several reasons. I wanted to see how professionals work. I believe that this experience had a positive impact on me. I learned a lot. The psychologists and project managers gave me confidence and gave me several very useful life lessons. After participating in “Halves” I met my love. My girlfriend saw me on TV. She became interested in me and found a profile on VKontakte. We started corresponding and fell in love. True, she is from another city, but I don’t think that this is an obstacle,” Stas shared.

The guy says that he was recently offered to participate in the “Hearts of Three” program. But he refused, because he had already found his love. By the way, Stas notes that his emotions on the show were real. Events there happen unpredictably, and it was impossible to react to them in a feigned manner.

To be continued...

To participate in the show “Top Model in Ukrainian”, thirty of the best are selected from thousands of applicants, in next issue half is spent, and then the project leaves one model per release. For the first two seasons, only girls participated in the show, then boys began to compete with them on equal terms.

The best experts in their field work with young models: model hunter Sergei Nikityuk, fashion photographer Sonya Plakidyuk, artist Richard Gorn and musician Konstantin Borovsky, who replaced Richard.

The host of the show Top model in Ukrainian"- supermodel Alla Kostromichova, who personally teaches useful master classes to models and gives useful tips at every stage of learning.

In each season, tempting prizes awaited the winners: shooting on the cover of glossy magazines, contracts with foreign modeling agencies, professional shows.

Even a few weeks on the show" Top model in Ukrainian" it was enough to learn enough skills for the profession, let alone the winners! But what was their fate really like and did they become supermodels?

What happened to the most bright participants three seasons?

Alena Ruban

Season 1 winner Alena Ruban - bright girl with difficult fate. Since childhood, she was left in the care of her grandmother and had to grow up too early. Even before the show, Alena took up modeling career, and having acquired new skills in the show, she starred for the cover of a glossy magazine.

After the project, Alena took part in several famous shows, after which she received a contract in the UAE. There she also found love, however, the relationship was not successful. In his Instagram Alena said that she lost her loved one and her home and even found herself in a difficult financial situation.

But on this moment Alena's life is again full of bright colors. She continues to live and work in the UAE.

Alina Panyuta

The winner of season 2 of the show, young Alina, beat her competitors without squabbles or gossip. Only hard work and a childhood dream of becoming a supermodel did not allow Alina to give up in each of the difficult tests. She even left on the second day of the show, but returned in place of another participant. And she became the winner!

After winning the show, Alina posed for the cover of a glossy magazine and began to often appear on the catwalks of almost every Ukrainian fashion show.

Now the girl continues to build her career in modeling. Victory in the Ukrainian show is good for her: for example, in China they simply adore models who are known in their countries from TV shows.

Masha Grebenyuk

The winner of the 3rd season of the show, the bright Masha Grebenyuk, burst into the Ukrainian fashion industry rapidly. In addition to magazine covers, her face was seen from big boards, and at Ukrainian Fashion Week 2017 the model was involved in 12 shows.

However, six months later, her Instagram subscribers began to notice that Masha had lost too much weight. Theories have been put forward cancer or anorexia.

Masha herself commented on the situation much later. She was surprised by the aggressive attitude towards her figure, although she did not deny the painful origin of thinness. She assured readers that she was trying to return to her past forms and would no longer try to reach someone else's beauty standards.

Samvel Tumanyan

Samvel became a participant in the first show" Top model in Ukrainian", where men competed alongside girls. And he won! Beautiful body and the universal face of the model, as well as his hard work on himself, brought Samvel a well-deserved prize.

After the victory, Samvel visited New York, as the winner's prize suggested. But he didn’t like the bustle of the metropolis and returned to Kyiv, however, he constantly participates in international shows. He is not thinking about relationships yet; he wants to achieve something first in the modeling field.

In addition to the winners, over the 4 seasons of the show, many people have passed through it. interesting participants. And we will tell you about the fates of some of them.

Katya Svinarchuk, a short girl who reached the finals, starred in Dima Monatica’s video and works as a fashion model.

Victoria Maremukha became one of the most successful Instagram-bloggers of Ukraine.

Dasha Maistrenko built a career as a model. She participates in Ukrainian and international shows, and her face has graced many famous glossy magazines.

Sasha Litvin couldn't build successful career, but is filmed for small brands and showrooms.

Sasha Cugat often appears on Ukrainian catwalks.

Yulia Molchanova sometimes takes part in shows, but most castings turn her down because of her tattoos.

Sveta Kosovskaya took part in several shows and forever decided that her job was to be a fashion model.