Theatrical activities in kindergarten. Presentation "organization of theatrical activities in the dow" Finger theater - promotes better control of the movements of your own fingers


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A variety of theaters in kindergarten and at home
Theater is a magical land in which a child rejoices while playing, and in play he learns about the world.

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Theater on flannelgraph.
Small children can be shown fairy tales on flannelgraph. A flannelgraph is a board covered with flannel. If you attach a piece of velvet paper to such a board, it will stick well to the board. All this happens due to the fleecy of the fabric and velvet paper. We select a fairy tale that we will show on the flannelgraph. For example, “Turnip”, “Masha and the Three Bears”, “Kolobok”, ... We draw characters, cut them out, and paste velvet paper on the back side. Now you can show, move characters and tell:

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Shadow theater
Shadow theater is an amazing and spectacular form of theatrical art that originated in Asia over 1500 years ago. China is considered the birthplace of shadow theater. It is based on the use of flat puppets that are placed between the light source and the screen or superimposed on it. Shadow theater actors can be anything. Between the light source and the screen, dolls cut out of paper, hands, finger theater figures, and human actors themselves can be placed and play.

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Cone Theater
There are many techniques for making such toys; they can be sewn, knitted, or made from various materials. But paper and cardboard were and remain the most accessible. If you use paper of different colors, you can make a whole puppet theater. The basis for many paper crafts can be a cone.

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Origami Theater
If you and your friend suddenly decide to visit a puppet theater, And your parent, as usual, Says: “Don’t pester!” Then quickly take the paper And according to the origami pattern, Without wasting a minute, start making dolls.

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Tabletop theater
The history of the development of tabletop theater is no less rich than any other theater, but in the specialized literature about theaters we are unlikely to be able to get acquainted with it, as, for example, with the history of the theater of shadows, puppets, and Parsley. We will not know the exact time of the emergence of the table theater, but we will not be mistaken if we say that it is very ancient and arose even before the table itself appeared in its modern form. It arose and lived in every family, every nation, in every country.

Tatiana Chernyakova
Presentation “Theater activities in preschool educational institutions”

The most popular and exciting area in preschool education is theatrical activity. This is a good opportunity to reveal a child’s creative potential and nurture a creative personality. Children learn to notice interesting ideas in the world around them, embody them, create their own artistic image of a character, they develop creative imagination, thinking, speech, and the ability to see unusual moments in the ordinary. Theatrical activities helps the child overcome timidity, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, theater Helps the child develop comprehensively.

The problem of education and upbringing of preschool children by means theatrical art is relevant not only as an independent section of the artistic and aesthetic education of children, but also as a powerful means of socialization of children. Nowadays - a time of stress - everything is surrounded by a lot of problems. That is why it is necessary through theater help the child to more easily perceive the world around him and reality and, of course, instill a love for theater, to the Russian word... It is important to constantly encourage the child to show empathy for the people around him, to be patient even with strange ideas that are unusual in real life. The main goal is the formation of a thinking, feeling, loving and active person, ready for creativity in any field activities.

Publications on the topic:

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In pedagogy and psychology, the problem of the relationship between personality and creativity is actively discussed. Preschool pedagogy is looking for ways to develop today.

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Presentation “Theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions” The leading activity of children in preschool age is play. Theatrical games with the participation of children are a good opportunity to unleash creativity.

Project "Theatrical Activities" MUNICIPAL PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION of a combined type No. 12 660001, Krasnoyarsk, st. Menzhinsky 10 "b" PROJECT "Teatralnaya.

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Theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions. Presentation "Staging the fairy tale "Turnip"“The theater is a magical world. He gives lessons in beauty, morality and ethics. And the richer they are, the more successful the development of the spiritual world is.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Perhaps the most exciting area in preschool education is theatrical activities...



Pedagogical Council No. 2

Message from senior teacher Orekhova A.E.

The relevance of theatrical activities

for the development of preschoolers

Slide 2 Statements

“Theatrical activity is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of a child, introducing him to spiritual wealth. Staging a fairy tale makes you worry, empathize with the character and events, and in the process of this empathy, certain relationships and moral assessments are created, simply communicated and assimilated.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

“Have you ever thought how good it would be to start creating a children's theater from childhood? After all, every child has the instinct to play with transformation. This passion for reincarnation sounds bright and talented in many children, and sometimes causes bewilderment among us, professional artists.”


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Each of us as a teacher asks questions...

How to make every activity with a child interesting and exciting, to simply and unobtrusively tell him about the most important thing - about the beauty and diversity of this world, how interesting it is to live in it?

How to teach a child everything that is useful to him in this complex modern life? How to educate and develop his basic abilities: to hear, see, feel, understand, fantasize and invent?

Perhaps the most exciting area in preschool education is theatrical activities. From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about the versatility, playful nature and social orientation, as well as the correctional capabilities of the theater.

In accordance withtargets, which are indicated in GEF DO , a child at the stage of completing preschool education musthave a developed imagination, show initiative and independence in various activities, actively interact with adults and peers.All these personal characteristics develop especially clearly in theatrical activities.

Theatrical activities in kindergarten are an excellent opportunity to reveal the creative potential of a child and foster the creative orientation of the individual.

Using theatrical activities in the system of educating children in preschool educational institutions, we solve a set of interrelated problems in all educational areas according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

Slide 4 TFR

Let's try to formulatesocial and communicative development preschoolers?

  • the formation of positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities;
  • nurturing a culture of knowledge in adults and children (emotional states, personal qualities, assessment of actions, etc.);
  • instilling in a child self-respect and a conscious attitude towards his activities;
  • development of emotions;
  • education of ethically valuable ways of communication in accordance with the norms and rules of life in society.

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How does theatrical and gaming activity affectcognitive development preschoolers?

Theatrical and gaming activities help:

  • the development of diverse ideas about reality (different types of theater, professions of people creating the performance);
  • observation of natural phenomena, animal behavior (for transmission by symbolic means in play-dramatization);
  • provides a relationship between construction and theatrical play for the development of dynamic spatial concepts;
  • memory development, learning the ability to plan your actions to achieve results.

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How does theatrical and gaming activity affectspeech development preschoolers?

Theatrical and gaming activities contribute to:

  • development of monologue and dialogic speech;
  • enriching the vocabulary: figurative expressions, comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms, etc.;
  • mastering expressive means of communication: verbal (regulation of tempo, volume, pronunciation, intonation, etc.) and non-verbal (facial expressions, pantomime, postures, gestures);

Slide 7 HER

How does theatrical and gaming activity affectartistic and aesthetic development preschoolers? (making posters, costumes and decorations, drawing invitation cards, making theaters (pictures on the hand, on a flannelgraph, drawing after watching performances, using handicraft toys in the performance)

Theatrical and gaming activities contribute to:

  • familiarization with highly artistic literature, music, folklore;
  • development of imagination;
  • involvement in joint design activities on modeling costume elements, scenery, attributes;
  • creating an expressive artistic image;
  • formation of elementary ideas about types of art;
  • implementation of independent creative activities of children.

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How does theatrical and gaming activity affectphysical development preschoolers?

Theatrical and gaming activities contribute to:

  • coordination of actions and accompanying speech;
  • the ability to embody the mood, character and process of image development in a creative movement;
  • expressiveness of the execution of basic types of movements;
  • development of general and fine motor skills: coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hand, relief of muscle tension, formation of correct posture.

Slide 9 The influence of theater activities on the development of preschoolers (background)

Indeed, it is theatrical activities that make it possible to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of a child’s speech, intellectual and artistic-aesthetic education. By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the lives of people, animals, and plants, which gives them the opportunity to better understand the world around them. At the same time, theatrical play instills in the child a sustainable interest in his native culture, literature, and theater.

The educational value of theatrical games is also enormous. Children develop a respectful attitude towards each other. They learn the joy associated with overcoming communication difficulties and self-doubt. Children’s enthusiasm for theatrical play, their inner comfort, relaxedness, easy, non-authoritarian communication between an adult and a child, the “I can’t do it” complex disappears almost immediately - all this surprises and attracts.

It is obvious that theatrical activities teach children to be creative individuals, capable of perceiving novelty and the ability to improvise. Our society needs a person of such quality who could boldly enter into a modern situation, be able to handle a problem creatively, without prior preparation, and have the courage to try and make mistakes until the right solution is found.

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Unfortunately, recently teachers and psychologists have noted a decrease in the level of games (we have already touched on this topic), including theatrical ones. Theatrical activities, as an analysis of plans for educational work shows, are present in the lives of our students unsystematically and fragmentarily. And this, in my opinion, is our serious omission...

Theatrical activities are not included in the system of organized education for children in kindergarten. Unfortunately, teachers use it in their work mainly to develop the creative potential of children and more often as a performance for a holiday, and in everyday life - occasionally, at their own discretion, often in order to make the life of children in the group more exciting and varied. Preparing for a performance most often involves learning roles with children repeating the text multiple times. And some teachers even leave the dramatization game to the children.

To understand and successfully solve any problem, you need to look at it from all sides and know well what will be discussed. Therefore, today we will turn to many aspects of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions.

Theatrical activity, being a type of game, is initially synthetic in nature: it is a literary text and the sounding word, the plasticity and actions of the actor, his costume and the visual space of the stage (light, color, music, etc.). Children's theater allows the teacher to solve problems not only of an executive nature, but also cognitive, social, aesthetic, and speech.

Slide 11 Areas

Thus, one of the main conditions of educational activities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard is observed - the integration of all areas of child development. This should be taken into account when organizing theatrical activities for children in a preschool institution.

I propose to address the issue of organization. Let us dwell on the conditions necessary for the full implementation of work on theatrical activities. The following conditions are distinguished:

Slide 12 Conditions

  • clear planning and implementation of theatrical activities throughout the entire educational process;
  • the presence and development of children’s ideas and interest in various types of theater;
  • the presence of a variety of costumes and the availability of artistic design for performances and dramatizations based on works of art (developing subject-spatial environment);
  • children mastering the rules and techniques of one or another type of theatrical activity;
  • interaction between teachers and preschool educational institutions specialists (music director, senior education teacher), parents, and society;
  • a serious, emotionally positive attitude of the teacher towards children's theater games.

Slide 13 Requirements

The main requirements for organizing theatrical games are:

  • Content and variety of topics.
  • Constant, daily inclusion of theatrical games in all forms of the pedagogical process.
  • Maximum activity of children at the stages of both preparation and play.
  • Cooperation of children with each other and with adults at all stages of organizing a theatrical game.
  • The sequence and complexity of the content of the themes and plots chosen for the games correspond to the age and skills of the children.

Thus, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, theatrical activities in kindergarten can be included in educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities, educational activities carried out during regular moments; independent activities of children.

Slide 14 Organization in various types of activities.

Please answer, how can theatrical activities be organized in kindergarten?

A) during classes?

  • During classthe teacher includes TI as a game technique and a form of teaching children. (Petrushka, Carlson, Dunno, etc.)

B) in the joint activities of children and the teacher outside of class?

  • Reading literature followed by acting out throughout the day, builds games with dramatization.

C) in the independent activities of children?

  • It should be noted that not everything heard and seen within the walls of the kindergarten and beyond has a great influence on children. Children carry into independent play only what excites their imagination with bright, exciting images, makes them experience strong feelings, awakens interest, and gives food for thought.

The above allows us to conclude thatindependent creative play can develop if:

  • Adults realize the important role of independent play in a child’s life,
  • In the educational process of preschool educational institutions, play occupies a leading position among other types of activities,
  • Children are given space and time for independent play,
  • An environment is created that feeds children’s games with bright artistic images and plots,

It should be noted that educators are models of creative behavior, and it is teachers who are capable of creatively developed people.

Slide 15 Pictures

"Creative workshop"

And now the “Bank of Ideas” - presentations by teachers on theatrical and gaming activities in preschool educational institutions.


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Slide captions:

senior teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 183" Orekhova A.E. 2015 The relevance of theatrical activities for the development of preschoolers municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 183" of the city of Ivanovo

“Theatrical activity is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of a child, introducing him to spiritual wealth. Staging a fairy tale makes you worry, empathize with the character and events, and in the process of this empathy, certain relationships and moral assessments are created, simply communicated and assimilated." V. A. Sukhomlinsky "Have you ever thought how good it would be to start creating a children's theater from childhood? After all, every child has the instinct to play with transformation. This passion for reincarnation sounds bright and talented in many children, and sometimes causes bewilderment among us, professional artists.” K.S. Stanislavsky

How do theatrical and play activities influence the social and communicative development of preschool children? Theatrical and play activities contribute to: the formation of positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities; nurturing a culture of knowledge in adults and children (emotional states, personal qualities, assessment of actions, etc.); instilling in a child self-respect and a conscious attitude towards his activities; development of emotions; education of ethically valuable ways of communication in accordance with the norms and rules of life in society.

Theatrical and gaming activities help: the development of diverse ideas about reality (different types of theater, professions of people creating the performance); observation of natural phenomena, animal behavior (for transmission by symbolic means in play-dramatization); provides a relationship between construction and theatrical play for the development of dynamic spatial concepts; memory development, learning the ability to plan your actions to achieve results. How does theatrical and play activity affect the cognitive development of preschool children?

Theatrical and gaming activities contribute to: the development of monologue and dialogic speech; enriching the vocabulary: figurative expressions, comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms, etc.; mastering expressive means of communication: verbal (regulation of tempo, volume, pronunciation, intonation, etc.) and non-verbal (facial expressions, pantomime, postures, gestures); How do theatrical and play activities affect the speech development of preschool children?

Theatrical and gaming activities contribute to: familiarization with highly artistic literature, music, folklore; development of imagination; involvement in joint design activities on modeling costume elements, scenery, attributes; creating an expressive artistic image; formation of elementary ideas about types of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children. How do theatrical and play activities influence the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children?

Theatrical and gaming activities contribute to: coordination of actions and accompanying speech; the ability to embody the mood, character and process of image development in a creative movement; expressiveness of the execution of basic types of movements; development of general and fine motor skills: coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hand, relief of muscle tension, formation of correct posture. How do theatrical and play activities affect the physical development of preschool children?

The influence of theatrical activities on the development of preschool children. Theatrical activities form the experience of social behavior skills. A work of art for children always has a moral orientation. Thanks to a fairy tale, the world is known not only with the mind, but also with the heart. Theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problematic situations indirectly on behalf of a character, which helps to overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness, i.e., develops the child’s communication abilities. Theatrical activities develop the child's imagination. To play any role, a child needs to become this character: turn on his imagination, imagine himself as this hero. Theatrical activities develop the child's memory and thinking. The role must be remembered, and it can be in poetry or prose. How to pronounce this or that phrase, where to make a gesture? This is already thinking. Theatrical activity forms the aesthetic taste of children and educates them morally on fiction, which is the basis for theatrical activity, and reveals the creative potential of the child.

Artistic and aesthetic development Social and communicative development Physical development Speech development Educational areas - areas of child development (according to the Federal State Educational Standard): Cognitive development

Theatrical games occupy a certain place in the system of work of preschool educational institutions, subject to the following conditions: clear planning and implementation of theatrical activities throughout the entire continuation of the educational process; the presence and development of children’s ideas and interest in various types of theater; the presence of a variety of costumes and the availability of artistic design for performances and dramatizations based on works of art (developing subject-spatial environment); children mastering the rules and techniques of one or another type of theatrical activity; interaction between teachers and preschool educational institutions specialists (music director, senior education teacher), parents, and society; a serious, emotionally positive attitude of the teacher towards children's theater games.

The main requirements for organizing theatrical games are: Content and variety of topics. Constant, daily inclusion of theatrical games in all forms of the pedagogical process. Maximum activity of children at the stages of both preparation and play. Cooperation of children with each other and with adults at all stages of organizing a theatrical game. The sequence and complexity of the content of the themes and plots chosen for the games correspond to the age and skills of the children.

How can theatrical activities be organized in kindergarten? Theatrical play in children's independent activities. Not everything they hear and see within the walls of the kindergarten and beyond has a great influence on children. Children carry into independent play only what excites their imagination with bright, exciting images, makes them experience strong feelings, awakens interest, and gives food for thought. During classes: the teacher includes TI as a game technique and a form of teaching children. (Petrushka, Carlson, Dunno, etc.) In joint activities: Joint activities of children and adults on a walk, outside of class (reading fiction followed by acting out during the day, building games with dramatization). In independent activity.

Olesya Zykova
Presentation “Organization of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions”

Organization of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions.

2slide. " Theater is a magical world, in which the child rejoices while playing, and while playing, he learns about his surroundings...” O. P. Radynova


The problem of education and upbringing of preschool children by means theatrical art is relevant not only as an independent section of the artistic and aesthetic education of children, but also as a powerful means of socialization of children.

Nowadays - a time of stress - everything is surrounded by a lot of problems. That is why it is necessary through theater help the child perceive the world around him and reality more easily, and, of course, instill a love for theater, to the Russian word... It is important to constantly encourage the child to show empathy for the people around him, to be patient even with strange ideas that are unusual in real life.

Comprehensive development of children through theatrical The game will be effective only if it represents a purposeful process, during which pedagogical tasks are aimed at achieving the final goal.

There is probably no such preschool organizations, wherever teachers use it in their work. Theatrical and creative activities of children, of course, will not appear by itself. The teacher plays a huge role in this, skillfully guiding this process.

4 slide. The purpose of the work of preschool teachers through theatrical activities:

Formation of experience of social skills of behavior of preschool children;

Raising a socially active preschooler;

Art education and raising children;

Formation of aesthetic taste;

Development of personal communicative qualities;

education of will, imagination, fantasy, speech development.

5 slide. Forms organizations

Educational activity carried out in the process organizations different types of children's activities(game communication, artistic and aesthetic, etc.). During classes, the teacher turns on theatrical game as a gaming technique and a form of teaching children. Characters are introduced into the lesson to help children acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The playful form of the lesson helps to emancipate the child and create an atmosphere of freedom in the game.

Educational activity during regime moments.

This is a joint children's activities on a walk, outside of class. This includes playful walking situations, organization games in playrooms, reading fiction followed by acting out plot episodes outside of class during the day, drawing games on a free theme, construction games with dramatization.

Independent children's activities.

Independent children's games reflect characters and plots that excite children. Vivid stories, games, round dances, learned in a joint free activities of children and adults, in games-activities, also contribute to the emergence of independent children's theatrical play

6 slide. Principles of constructing a subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institution:

Ensuring a balance between collaborative and individual children's activities;

Representation of law and freedom of choice;

Creating conditions for modeling, searching, experimenting;

Age and gender role targeting of equipment and material.

Slide 7 When designing a subject-spatial environment that provides children's theatrical activities, should consider:

Individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;

Features of emotional and personal development;

Interests, inclinations, preferences and needs;

Curiosity, research interest, creativity;

Age and gender role characteristics.

8 slide. Methodology organizing theatrical games for different age groups

At each age stage, approaches to working with children should be different:

Slide 9 In junior group:

– imitation of the characteristic movements of fairy-tale characters, where the leading roles are played by adults, and toys are played out.

10 slide. In average group:

– participation of children in performances of songs, games and fairy tales where they learn the elements of artistic and figurative means of expression (intonation, facial expressions and pantomime).

11 slide. In the senior and preparatory group

– dramatizations based on works of art in which children play roles;

Performances based on content invented by the children themselves;

Performances using dolls and flat figures.

12 slide. Organization of a corner for theatrical activities

Classes theatrical activities should provide children with the opportunity not only to study and understand the world around them through comprehension of fairy tales, but also to live in harmony with it, receive satisfaction from activities, and successfully complete tasks. Therefore, it is advisable to equip a corner in the group for theatrical activities, in which you can arrange:

Different kinds theaters;

Props for acting out scenes and performances: set of dolls, screens for dollhouse theater, costumes, masks;

Attributes for various games positions: theater props, makeup, scenery, scripts, books, mnemonic tables, tickets, cash register, paints, glue, various types of paper, natural materials, etc.

Slide 13 Theater activities presented at the preschool educational institution as a puppet theater and theatrical games.

Slide 14 Theatrical a game is a performance of literary works in person (fairy tales, short stories, specially written dramatizations). The heroes of literary works become characters, and their adventures, life events, changed by children's imagination, become the plot of the game.

Slide 15 All theatrical games are divided into 2 main ones groups:

Director's games

Games are dramatizations.

16, 17 slide. In director's play, “the actors are the toys or their substitutes, and the child, organizing activities as"screenwriter and director", controls "artists".

To director's games applies:

Desktop theater,

Shadow theater,

theater on flannelgraph.

In these games, a child or adult acts as all the characters. (as director).

18 slide. Dramatization games include games based on the actions of a role performer (an adult or a child, who can use bibabo dolls or finger puppets worn on his hand). theater, as well as costume elements.

In dramatization games, the child, playing a role as "artist", independently creates an image using a complex of means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness.

19, 20 slide. Types of dramatization are:

Games that imitate images of animals, people, literary characters;

Role-playing dialogues based on text;

Staging of works;

Staging performances based on one or more works;

Improvisation games with plot acting out (or several stories) without prior preparation.

21 slides. Kinds theaters for all age groups

Early age junior

group Average

senior group

group Preparatory group for school

Finger theater– promotes better control of the movements of your own fingers. Theater dolls on the table – promotes mastery of the technique of controlling tabletop dolls theater(dolls made of paper cones, cylinders, boxes, toys made of fabric, fur, foam rubber, etc. Spoon Theater, riding dolls (bibabo, dolls on gapite*)- introducing children to theater screen, the basics of puppeteering. Getting to know marionette dolls, dolls with "living hand", training in the technique of controlling these dolls. Meeting the dolls with "living hand", human dolls and cane dolls; training in techniques for working with these dolls.

22 slide. Basic requirements for organizing theatrical games:

Constant, daily activation theatrical games in all forms of the pedagogical process.

Maximum activity of children at the stages of both preparation and play.

Cooperation of children with each other and with adults at all stages organizing a theatrical game.

The sequence and complexity of the content of the themes and plots chosen for the games correspond to the age and skills of the children.


Classes on theatrical activities should not be limited to preparing speeches, but should ensure the simultaneous performance of cognitive, educational and developmental functions.

They may include acting out fairy tales, skits, theatrical games and dramatization games, dancing, role-playing dialogues based on illustrations, independent improvisations on topics taken from life (funny incident, interesting event, etc.), watching and acting out puppet shows, as well as exercises aimed at developing various qualities of preschoolers.

In modern conditions it depends only on teachers "be" theatrical and creative activities in a child's life or "not to be".

24 slide. Give children the joy of joining theater arts!


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Slide captions:

Theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions Prepared by: senior teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 27 “Charoit” Kiseleva M.I.

“Creative processes are better expressed in children’s games. Children playing represent examples of the most genuine, most genuine creativity” L.S. Vygotsky

“The game is a kind of center around which the main interests and experiences of children are concentrated” L.I. Bozovic

Dramatic play is creative play. It involves acting out literary works (fairy tales, short stories, specially written dramatizations) in person. The heroes of literary works become characters, and their adventures and life events, changed by children's imagination, become the plot of the game.

The whole life of children is filled with play. Every child wants to play their role. Teaching a child to play, take on a role and act, while at the same time helping him gain life experience - theater helps to achieve all this.

Theater is a means of emotional and aesthetic education of children in preschool educational institutions

Theatrical activities in kindergarten This is a good opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child and nurture the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice interesting ideas in the world around them, embody them, create their own artistic image of a character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, and the ability to see unusual moments in the ordinary. Theatrical activities help the child overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness. Thus, theater helps the child develop comprehensively.

Theatrical activities Bring variety to a child's life. It gives joy to the child and is one of the most effective ways of corrective influence on the child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: learn by playing.

In the process of theatrical games: Children’s knowledge about the world around them expands and deepens. Mental processes develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination. Various analyzers are developing: visual, auditory, speech, motor. Vocabulary, speech structure, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, tempo, expressiveness of speech, and the melodic and intonation side of speech are activated and improved. Motor skills, coordination, smoothness, switchability, and purposefulness of movements are improved. The emotional-volitional sphere develops, children become familiar with the feelings and mood of the characters, and master ways of expressing them externally. Behavior correction occurs. A sense of collectivism and responsibility for each other develops, and the experience of moral behavior is formed. The development of creative, search activity, and independence is stimulated.

Types of dramatization are: Games-imitation of images of animals, people, literary characters; Role-playing dialogues based on text; Staging of works; Staging performances based on one or more works; Improvisation games with the acting out of a plot (or several plots) without prior preparation.

Types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten: tabletop, flat, three-dimensional, puppet (bi-ba-bo, finger, etc.)

The main directions of work with children in preschool educational institutions Theatrical play is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity characteristic of humans. Rhythmoplasty includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of natural psychotropic abilities of preschool children, freedom and expressiveness of body movements, and the acquisition of a sense of harmony of one’s body with the outside world. Culture and speech technique combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus. Fundamentals of theatrical culture - this section of the work is designed to introduce children to elementary concepts and professional terminology of theatrical art. Work on the performance is based on the author's plays and includes familiarization with the play, fairy tale, as well as work on the performance - from sketches to the birth of the performance.

THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THEATERIZED PLAY CONSISTE IN THE CHILD'S GRADUAL TRANSITION: - from observing an adult's theatrical production to independent play activity; - from individual play and “side-by-side play” to play in a group of three to five peers playing roles; - from imitation of actions of folklore and literary characters to imitation of actions in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero and mastering the role as the creation of a simple “typical” image in a dramatization game.

Types of theater in the 2nd junior group - finger theater; - toy theater - puppet theater, screen (bi-ba-bo); - table theater; - picture theater; - nesting dolls-fairy tales; - theater of masks; - theater made of cardboard; - cone theater.

Theatrical activities teach children to be creative individuals, capable of perceiving novelty and the ability to improvise.

The role of the teacher in organizing and conducting theatrical games: - set fairly clear goals; - quietly transfer the initiative to children; - organize joint activities; - do not leave questions unattended; It is very important for the teacher to take an individual approach to each child.

Play should be a school of activity in which subordination to necessity appears not as imposed from the outside, but as responding to the child’s own initiative, as desired. Theatrical play, in its psychological structure, is a prototype of future serious activity - life.

Thank you for your attention

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Material to help preschool teachers monitor the theatrical activities of children in all age groups....

Project on theatrical activities with children 4-7 years old “Formation of creative abilities of preschool children through theatrical activities”

The purpose of this work is to help teachers of preschool educational institutions organize and carry out work with children from 4 to 7 years old on the formation of the creative abilities of preschool children...