Regina Todorenko's tattoo on her arm meaning. What does a left hand tattoo mean? Nevertheless, passionate, judging by the “women of the night”

October 23, 2015

The vocalist and TV presenter from Odessa remembered how she broke into the project two years ago, and counted how many hours a week she manages to sleep

The vocalist and TV presenter from Odessa remembered how she broke into the project two years ago and counted how many hours a week she manages to sleep.

Text: Egor AREFIEV

Few people expected to see it on Channel One. However, Regina was not afraid, and most importantly, she found the opportunity to come to “The Voice,” because filming a travel show takes up almost all of her time. TV Program magazine contacted Regina by phone and found out who came up with the idea of ​​giving the mentors of the vocal project a ram and what her tattoos mean.

Regina Todorenko. Photo: Ruslan Roshchupkin

— Two years ago you already tried to break into “The Voice”...

— At that time I was performing as part of the group Real O, but I wanted a new experience. I tried to act in TV series and hosted a program on Ukrainian MTV. As statistics show, every person once every three years changes their status in one way or another - either gets a promotion, or changes jobs. This is what happened to me too. I wanted to show my individuality and personalize my talent. I started going to different castings, including coming to “The Voice”. True, it remained in stock.

— They didn’t manage to select you for the team?

- Yes, I went through all the circles of hell! (Laughs.) Several castings, choosing songs with editors, group and individual meetings, dress rehearsal for blind auditions. And so the shooting began, I was assigned to perform on the first day, then moved to the second, and then to the third. And just before my exit, while I was standing at the stage with shaking knees, the set ended and the last participant was chosen.

— Are you upset?

“I didn’t walk around like myself.” But then I realized that it was all for the better. Because, firstly, I was not quite ready, and secondly, I went to the casting of the show “Heads and Tails,” which I eventually became the host of. Now I'm back on The Voice. It’s always like this in my life: everything works out the second time.

— How did you spend two years of downtime?

— I started to practice vocals more actively, because I have no musical education: I graduated from the master’s program in the directing department. I work very hard on emotions on stage. I find it difficult to control them. And this begins to negatively affect the vocals. At some point I become too much, I start to worry and make mistakes.

- At the same time, you are lucky. You came to the casting of “Heads and Tails” with a package from “Auchan”...

- No! It was an ordinary package from some other store. Definitely not Ashana. I was just very funny - I came in a hat and a long “bum-style” coat, with painted lips. I passed the casting and was approved.

Regina cannot imagine her life without extreme sports. Photo: personal archive

— The suit was different. It seemed to me that everything should go much calmer. Familiar faces, atmosphere... “Go, Regina, free and confident!” - I thought. But everything turned out to be even more difficult. I didn't want to lose face. Still, over these two years I have become a well-known host of the program “Heads and Tails” (“Friday!”), the audience is looking at me - you can’t go wrong.

— Did you see your performance at the blind auditions later?

— I felt very sorry for myself on the screen. It was obvious how nervous I was. I looked and was even more worried: “Regina! Why are you twitching like that? Calm down". I even lost three kilograms during the preparation. In addition to “The Voice,” I also have constant filming with flights for “Heads and Tails,” and advertising. So the mode is extreme. But when, if not at 25, can one live like this? It's time to go forward, tear and throw.

— At the moment when we are talking, you are in Canada, where you are filming a program, and then fly to the USA. How do you plan to make it to Moscow for filming?

— For now, we are keeping in touch with Polina (Gagarina, the mentor of the vocalist on “The Voice.” — Author) via the Internet: we are discussing which song to choose for the battles, how to sing it. When I fly in, I’ll go straight to rehearsals. I would like to sing a Tina Turner or Miley Cyrus song, Sia would also be quite suitable. Loud, flashy, cheerful compositions. Of ours, it would be interesting and unusual to perform “Wet Girl” by Quest Pistols or “The Very Best” by Yegor Creed.

— At the blind auditions, you were accompanied by a support group wearing T-shirts with your photos. Spontaneous flash mob?

- No, of course, this is a crowd scene. People hired for 100 rubles, for whom I sewed T-shirts at night, that’s why I didn’t get enough sleep. Kidding. These were my parents, brother, sister, friends and PR director. People who sincerely support and love me. They always go with me to all the concerts. If someone cannot come, they will always replace him.

— Is taking and giving fish to mentors also your creativity?

- Ours with mom. (Laughs.) We decided this: television is oversaturated with shocking events, there is nothing to surprise, so we need to please and appease the jury. They, poor people, sit there in the pavilion for three days, hungry. So my mother brought a ram from Odessa - a real one, bought at the import!

Thanks to her participation in the show “Heads and Tails,” Todorenko has already traveled throughout most of our planet. Photo: personal archive

“I managed to sleep 10 hours in a week”

— What is the most grueling journey you have had to overcome recently?

- Just filming Canada - USA. Before I went there, I managed to sleep 4 hours in three days. Over the next three days I slept another 6 hours. Despite the fact that I had a 30-hour flight with transfers and adventures: there was a strike in Munich, there were no flights, then they lost my luggage - everything was as it should be. (Laughs.) Finally, I landed, walked out of the airport doors and immediately started filming. She worked two shifts in a row - 24 hours.

— What about speech gymnastics and yoga, with which you start every day?

- Not always. If I don't have the opportunity, I rehearse on the road. So what to do? I always have a portable keyboard with me, a 2.5-octave mini-synthesizer, and a program for writing music in my laptop. One day it was not possible to sing for about 10 o’clock, just during a long flight, and I had to go to the airplane toilet and sing there. Fortunately, nothing was heard and no one was scared.

— You call every summer a time of crazy behavior. What have you accomplished this year?

— Climb the glacier of Mount Rainier (4392 meters above sea level), which is 90 kilometers from Seattle in the USA, and spend the night there. The director, cameraman and guide and I pitched tents.

By appearing in videos and participating in travel programs, the girl tries to experience everything, even the most extreme ones. Photo: personal archive

— You also have tattoos. What are they about?

— I started making them at the age of 19. The first was stamped on the shoulder blade - a Chinese character meaning the word "to win". And then I decided to get a tattoo for every birthday. This was a sign, a kind of summing up. But she soon realized that this did not have a very good effect on her career - she constantly had to cover up or retouch her tattoo during filming. This way I make things harder for myself and others. So I decided to take a break for now. In addition, children look at me and then write on social networks: “Oh, I want one like that!” I don't think this is right.

— They say that for the sake of filming you had to undergo another heroic deprivation: say goodbye to the dog?

- (Almost crying.) Don't talk about it! I had no choice... I miss him very much. Mozart is already five years old, he is a York Terrier and has been living with my parents for the last year and a half. Sent, so to speak, on a long vacation. Here you don’t always have time to take care of yourself, and what can we say about your pet? But I miss him terribly and, when I get home, I record a video with him, and then watch it on the road.

— Do you get around the city on foot, by car or by bicycle?

— On a longboard. It's similar to a skateboard, but you can't maneuver it. This is a stable board for long distance riding. I have to move around Moscow quickly, and to avoid traffic jams, I use it.

Cold, heat, wind, blizzard...Work is work. Regina has to work in a variety of conditions. Photo: personal archive

— Is the young man with you? Or are you taking a break from it?

- He is always with me. And mom too.

- Only if as a member of the jury. (Laughs.) I want more, no matter how loud it may sound. Maybe I’ll launch my own project. I'll make a movie about love. An art-house film that could be sent to the Cannes Film Festival.

Regina Todorenko shared a story related to her tattoos. It turned out that the tattoo once deprived her of the opportunity to play in a movie, even though Regina successfully passed the casting. This story prompted the TV star to reflect on this matter.

TV presenter Regina Todorenko touched on the topic of tattoos. The star herself is the owner of several designs on her body, and in open areas. Regina remembered one interesting story when her body drawings almost ruined her future career.

It was at a movie casting when Regina was trying to find herself as an actress. The girl came to the casting, which she was very nervous about, but she passed it successfully and managed to find a common language with the producers. But when they found out about Regina’s tattoos, they were forced to refuse her, since they needed a girl with “clean” skin.

This story gave Todorenko the idea that you should never rush into getting tattoos or decisions like this.

“My film career could have ended before it began... Maybe someday the cinema will need a Girl with a tattoo who looks like me. In general, remember that it is easier to draw a tattoo on a clean body than to try to fix it and waste time on it. Always think ahead,” says the star.

A post shared by (@reginatodorenko) on Mar 19, 2018 at 5:24am PDT

But the opinions of Regina’s subscribers are divided: some agree that you shouldn’t rush to get a tattoo, but others are sure that body designs cannot become a hindrance in life.

Regina's eyes sparkle with pleasant fatigue, a restrained smile on her face, and in her hands is a plastic lunch. At 16:40, Regina humbly explains that she has not yet managed to have privacy with him. And our interview was no exception. “Plastic” is decisively pushed aside - work comes first. And it’s immediately clear - here it is, the core that helped me go through thousands of kilometers and hundreds of tests with that charming smile on my face.

We sit down at a table on which “overseas” postcards are fanned out.

Oh, we’re not all there yet. There are only 20 postcards from the first 20 countries on the table, I'm waiting for the rest! The fact is that from the very beginning of the project I sent postcards. Not only to friends and relatives, but also to myself.

I chose the postcards so that they were places I had visited. Let's say this gate is located near Hiroshima. This is a sacred gate through which you must swim, then you will be lucky and all your wishes will come true.

When I arrived here, there was bad weather and a storm warning - the boats were not running. Of course, I decided to swim. As soon as I undressed, the police ran up and said “No!” No!No!, sacred river, sacred gate, where you have entered.”

And I’m like: “I want... for me to literally be successful, I need to go back and forth a little bit” (laughs). The water was very cold, my legs immediately cramped and I stayed on the shore. The Japanese police escorted me out with both hands.

These beaches...

This is Moreo - the island where I got this tattoo. This tattoo was made using an old ancient method using such a special peg.

Oh, is this like Rihanna's?

Yes, it's all a Polynesian tattoo. Like Dwayne The Rock Jones. It is stuffed with a wooden stick, the tip of which is either a pork bone or a sharpened shell, and the mascara is driven under the skin. But they did it terribly. This is the final piece, which was completed for me by a normal master in Tahiti. And before that it looked bad, although it was made by a master who is advertised throughout the island as the best and everyone advises to go to him. If suddenly someone decides to get a Polynesian tattoo on Moreo - under no circumstances! This master does it for sure. This is jewelry work. Previously, they printed beautifully, filigree, and honed every line. And now… (shows photo on mobile).

What does it mean?

Shhh...(laughs). It means….POWER! Usually tattoos are given as a story of you and your family, goals and situations that are memorable and you want to carry them throughout your life. Thus, earlier, when warriors met, they read each other’s history from their hands, from their bodies, from the symbols that were stamped on them. It is very interesting. And I often get tattoos in order to attract certain things, because it seems to me that this is how they materialize much faster!

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Kvi 25, 2016 about 11:37 PDT

Here's the African Five: rhinoceros, buffalo, elephant, lion and leopard.I saw this not in Zimbabwe, but in Uganda, but unfortunately, only in Zimbabwe did I find such a postcard.

(Is reading)
Hello, Regina!
You visited a wonderful place, Victoria Falls, flew on a hang glider, jumped from a height of 111 meters, swam on the Zambezi River with hippos, caught fish, saw rhinoceroses and was on the first safari in your life.

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Sich 12, 2016 about 5:13 PST

This is my top! This is the mountain I really want to conquer - Everest. After I UNCONQUERED the Thorung La pass in Nepal in the Himalayas...

The Himalayas, of course, were completely merciless to me. This was my first such trip, which I thought would break me. But! It didn't break. It broke later, in San Pedro de Atacama. Here I was not as bad as in Latin America, because in the Himalayas the air is more humid, and therefore living in the mountains was much easier. Yes, there were migraines, mountain sickness appeared...

When we conquered the Thorung-La distance, the guys fell off every 500 meters. Cameraman, editor... the second cameraman collapsed due to weakness. He simply could not take pictures, his hands were shaking, he was holding the camera, and also a 15 kg backpack. But the director and I were screwing around. Yes, it was difficult for us. We stopped often, took long breaks, but we moved forward. We were sure that we would get there, but when we realized that it would soon get dark... And when it gets dark, there is a risk of staying in the mountains and not surviving.

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Tra 8, 2016 about 8:15 PDT

I cried... like in first grade. I haven’t remembered such bitter tears for a long time. It was so unfinished for me, I wanted it so much.

I shouted that this was my small victory, my feat. But director Zhenya Sinelnikov dissuaded me, hugged me and said: “I beg you, Regina, you will die. I am responsible for you. I'll go to jail if you die! You're stupid! There is no need to risk your life."

After that, I decided that I would conquer a lower altitude - Mont Blanc, in France. There are 4800 m, it seems that it’s not very far to go, only 1000 meters. Although we walked one and a half thousand meters in a day. This is the route that travelers in Nepal cover in a week or a week and a half, but we covered it in 9 hours.

How many people were on the team?

The director, the cameraman, the cameraman making off, our producer didn’t go right away, the editor and I = 5 people. It came to two and a half (smiles).

This is Guadalajara and murals. Rumor has it that this wall art was born in Mexico. Here is a mural of one of the founders of this style.

Graffiti is a derivative of mural. They are allowed to paint on walls all over the city. You just come and say: “I really like your house, can I paint it.” And there are even specially designated walls: this one is for art, this one is for art. This is so cool and so beautiful!

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Tra 20, 2016 about 2:43 PDT

And this is Greenwich!!

My first postcard.

(Is reading)

Mom, dad, my journey has begun! I miss you already. in the photo: Regina

stands on the prime meridian

I read on your Instagram that at first it was so scary, but in the end you got so involved that you didn’t want to end the journey.

Like anyone who gets used to something in 21 days, we got so used to each other that I don’t even remember: “What is life Before and After a trip around the world? It’s like I’ve always lived like this :).”

The only thing that brought discomfort was the absence of beauty fairies.

All my girls from the editorial office, accompanying me to you, first of all said: “find out how Regina survived without a manicure” (laugh)

I didn't survive, I existed. I looked for masters through Instagram and many helped.

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Cher 28, 2016 about 5:59 PDT

Our girl really helped me out in Panama. She came to me at night. I wrote that I literally have 15 hours, can you come to me? She: “I’m working, Panama is long, and it’s very difficult for me to travel to you, it takes a long time.” I was ready to meet at least at 2 am. And we sat with her and did our nails at night. It's really difficult.

I had such a turning point in San Pedro De Atacama. This is in Chile. The driest desert in the world, where we, of course, ended up :). There the temperature ranges from plus 30 to minus 30. At this temperature, your body reacts completely inadequately: the morning after a hellish night in the desert, at an altitude of 4800, by the way, I had a relapse of altitude sickness.

My nails were breaking off and my hair was falling out. It happens instantly. The nails just can’t stand it and break at the spine. When I combed my hair, it felt like I was wearing a wig and was removing my hair with a comb.

I immediately started thinking about some vitamins, but it didn’t work. Such conditions and the body tries to adapt. How to adapt if you change conditions every 5 days? (pause). Difficult, but interesting.

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Cher 18, 2016 about 1:42 PDT

To travel, you need to be prepared. Traveling is not easy. And it’s even more difficult when you’re working. I will never tell you what to do in my life, because it is all very individual. We were poisoned, we were covered in all sorts of bites, we were dying of fever... And I wonder: “Are we healthy now?” (laughs)

And one more urgent question from the “sympathetic” editors: what is the most terrible and most delicious thing you have eaten?

The most terrible thing is the monkey meat that we were served in Peru, the city of Iquitos. Oh, horror.

Just the day before we went to Monkey Island, where there really are a lot of them. They are so affectionate, loving and very social - they approach people, they can snatch a bag and eat everything that is there, and put on your lipstick.

And then, after all this, we went to a restaurant where I had to eat turtle. I take them calmly, because in Vietnam I ate turtle soup, but our directors did not stop at the turtle and also offered “Reginchik” a monkey. I felt so sorry for her, I said that I wouldn’t eat her, I couldn’t, I remembered how little she was just jumping on me... But they believe that this is a very tasty meat delicacy, not everyone can afford it.

How does it taste?

Like chicken, like veal. Something in between. Not tough. I think it was stewed and stewed, which is why it was so loosely boiled.

I didn't expect it to be so delicious in San Pedro De Atacama. This is a small village and we didn’t think it would be so cool. It's so civilized. There are no roads, but there are a lot of restaurants for every taste with cuisines from all over the world. True, except Ukrainian! Delicious.

I also really liked it in Peru because I love ceviche - fish marinated in lime. It is kept for a couple of hours, and then mixed with various seafood, for example, shrimp. This is soooo delicious! In general, it seems to me that during the entire trip around the world I will miss food most of all..! How I remember now this Florentine steak - huge, so juicy, so fatty..... It was the most delicious meat I have ever eaten. It is prepared using a special “technology”. The cow is fed and must be at least 10 years old before it can be eaten.

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Gr 24, 2015 about 2:45 PST

I had delicious sashimi in Japan, in Osaka. I was rich then! I went and ordered some tuna for myself. By the way, they bring a lot of tuna there and an auction is held - restaurants take away the best for themselves. I arrived and bought myself the best thing too - and they prepared it for me in the restaurant.

And this squid for 700 bucks?

Oh, this was such a knacker’s food - when he’s still moving in front of you….ooooh (wrinkles). And the most unpleasant thing I saw was a turtle at a market in Peru. This is so disgusting. They cut it in half alive and put it on the counters. She still moves her paws in convulsions. The insides are completely torn out, but the upper part still functions for some time. Thus, they show that this is fresh meat - just like that. So much blood...

There's so much carrion there, so many birds that circle around and feed on this meat, it stinks terribly, but people like it - they're so used to it.

When we first arrived, we immediately went to the favelas - slums on the water. They are completely dependent on the water level during the rainy season. If the river rises and floods the first floor, they move to the second floor. They never know how much water there will be. Some people thought of building a raft house: the river rises, the house rises. And they have everything in their attics.

Isn't this the wonderful place where your jewelry was torn off?

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Tra 11, 2016 about 2:14 PDT

No, this is Bangladesh. The Buriganga River and the entire periodic table in it! We had a sort of boat ride... Usually we don’t like them, because they’re quite boring: well, you sail along and watch, but here it was a real safari, a wild adventure. You just set foot on this raft and immediately realize that “oh, you’re in trouble, now a bunch of nasty things are going to cling to you.” I have never seen such a black, pitch-black river in my life. It’s as if fuel oil and black paint were spilled there. It’s all so greasy, with streaks, brrrr. It’s better not to say what floats...

But they don’t drink water from it, do they?

How do they not drink? They drink, of course! On the pier there are ships, small cafes, sailors stand there to wash themselves and relieve themselves there. People don't even think about cleaning mechanisms. When we arrived at the hotel, which was, in principle, not bad, the black-brown water from the tap simply killed us. We were afraid to “touch” her. Rinse your mouth only with bottled water. It’s good that I had a shower filter with me, which instantly turned black. I don’t even understand what’s happening to the human body, to the face...

Why wash then?

Yes! Unclear! (we sit and are horrified for some time:)

Tell us about your tech gadgets that helped you out on your trip, such as a filter nozzle for your shower.

Oh, I bought myself a vibrating massager in Korea. Lesya and I were halfway there, already very tired, when we suddenly found this facial massager. Girls, this tones your face!! It looks like a pen with a metal attachment. Activates all the muscles of the face.

In Japan, in a sex shop, we picked up various gadgets - there they simply have an abundance of it. I also bought a cool file - it’s like a portable nail salon. This is a small felt-tip pen that has several attachments. You can file your own cuticles and trim your nails. It's so small, it's just a travel format. I'm so happy with this purchase. I shouted that this was the best purchase on this trip around the world.

Well, let's talk about cosmetics right away.

Nakhodka hydrogel masks. We just had a ton. This is the best a girl can discover for herself. I have Tony Moly masks. Their patches are just like “Our Father” at night :). Koreans, in general, are such good guys.

For hair, I discovered amazing Ayurvedic cosmetics in India, in Bangalore. She's something like MoroccanOil . I'm so sorry I didn't buy enough. Your hair becomes so silky that you don’t even need to comb it for three days. They have no chemistry at all. Everything is organic.

I bought myself Ayurvedic warming oils - very cool after flights, when my legs hurt and my legs hurt.

I bought Tiger balm in Thailand. This is an ointment like an “star”. It removes all spasms and warms up. He treated us throughout our trip around the world. We purchased everything we have. And there is pepper, which is very strong for treating diseases such as bronchitis. Eating for your muscles is simple - you recover instantly. Better than any pepper patch and tablets.

Tell us about your most luxurious apartments.

The coolest thing is a yacht for 32 million dollars on the island of Saipan. This is the largest yacht in the entire history of Orel and Tails. They have very few 5* hotels, and even those that exist look like 4* hotels, so they sometimes invite guests onto the yacht. It is very cool: for every meter - a million dollars. 32 meters - 32 million dollars. Jacuzzi, 4 floors, huge hall, everything eco-friendly, super expensive wood. In general, the smell of wealth exists!

One of the best hotels was in Florence, where the walls and ceiling were decorated in frescoes. Beautiful! You are like the hero of this fresco.

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Gr 24, 2015 about 5:18 PST

The worst thing is Bangladesh. No matter how many hostels we went to, we were always disappointed. It’s creepy to remember: there are newspapers on the windows, the sheets look like they’ve never been washed, they have stains, under the mattress it’s better not to say that, the smell of a rat. Everything from previous guests is stored in the toilet, and, apparently, for years. I have never seen so much dirt and used napkins. And this is the capital. And people live like this. They come here to this hostel in the city center all the time.

You wrote on Instagram that you were very impressed by Porto. What other cities impressed you so much and you really think it wouldn’t hurt to revisit them?))

Svetlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Lip 13, 2016 about 10:05 PDT

I really want to go back to Boro Boro because I haven't been there. I was in Tahiti, and, of course, to be so close and not visit Boro-Boro... I'm a sinner! (laughs).

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Kvi 26, 2016 about 10:14 PDT

And the Himalayas, to conquer the mountains unconquered by me! And, of course, Mexico, Guadalajara- everything is so old-fashioned and beautiful. They worship death, they even have a church of Santa Muerte. And they are all such open, warm and temperamental people.

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Tra 21, 2016 about 6:29 PDT

The food is very tasty - I really love guacamole, I adore avocado (this is actually my favorite product, I can replace everything with it! Well, except for crayfish and ram - what I really missed). I spoke Spanish there for the first time - I overcame the language barrier.

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Tra 22, 2016 about 6:27 PDT

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Ser 1, 2016 about 10:34 PDT

A hot air balloon flight, a jump from a height of 111 meters, boa constrictors... Were there any challenges before you (well, except for Nepal) that you did not dare to accept and these worries remained behind the scenes?

No! I would never forgive myself for this.

It's better to regret what you did than to regret what you didn't try. We must take everything from life, take advantage of the moment. If you don't try now, you'll never try.

I love to risk my life. I'm so used to it. I even think that I will be bored living here. I can’t spend more than two days in Odessa. Mom: “Daughter, wait, we’ve fried cutlets for a whole week in advance.” “Mom, we need to fly urgently, elephants are waiting, monkeys, gorillas...”

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Ber 22, 2016 about 11:06 PDT

In addition to excitement and courage, it is impossible not to think about nervous breakdowns, moral exhaustion and basic fatigue. What kept you going?

I was very captivated by the fact that upon arrival I would become the first female television traveler with such a record. I knew what I was doing, what I wanted and why. I knew that this was exactly what I would consider my small victory! And what did you reward yourself with? (laughs) Two new pairs of sneakers to still cover 170 thousand km!

As you already understand, I studied your Instagram and couldn’t help but pay attention to the touching shots in Goa. Long distance relationships are a challenge. How did you get through it?

Many people don’t believe in long-distance relationships, and rightly so, because normal people should live together. But abnormal, creative people, who often need solitude, can live differently. Yes, we miss each other, but I’m so passionate about the process! When you are so interested in living this life now, trying everything and taking risks, you don’t want to go home, you want to meet where your work is. Although I can’t call it work - it’s a hobby for me.

Svitlina published by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Lyut 7, 2016 about 10:35 PST

Of course, these are constant calls and rare meetings. He came to see me not only in Goa, but also in Portugal, where we spent a whole week together. He also visited the filming, where he didn’t like everything - I tamed the bull there. He said that this is not at all an occupation for a fragile woman, and that I probably want to stay on my own in my old age and feed the cats (laughs).

It's a little difficult for him to accept my riskiness, because he constantly thinks about “what should I do to tame someone like you.” “Even if I offer you my hand and heart, you will still want to fly somewhere, you’re insane.” But he also, in fact, loves adventure and is ready for much. And I plan to share future trips with him.

Tell us about the most amazing women on your trip around the world. Where did you meet them?

Japan really surprised me. They are all the same: they all cut their hair the same, wear their makeup the same way, or rather, don’t wear their makeup. During the day they all have black shorts and light make-up - typical white-collar workers. Everything is in black - it is impossible to distinguish. But as soon as night comes... these women come out in red patent leather boots, in black patent leather skirts, with paint on their heads, with pink tails - they cling to their tresses... And you are simply shocked - where were you all during the day?

Until the 5th grade, girls are not allowed to wear tights - they believe that children should toughen up. Because of this, the fertility rate is greatly reduced. Teenagers deliberately club their feet. They have such a “cute” look, that is, it is considered a sign of beauty. The bones become deformed and they become disabled. This is so scary and ugly. Mothers do not prohibit it, and children are generally given to themselves. Nobody really looks after them. The most a mother does when her child cries is simply pat him on the back as if he was coughing. Oh, and a kiss on the forehead. They are not tactile, not loving. A very cold nation.

Nevertheless, passionate, judging by the “women of the night.”

Yes, they are very progressive in sexual technology. They release about 10 thousand erotic films a year. Women take their panties with a photo to a sex shop - it pays off big time.

They meet exclusively in certain clubs, where you come and understand that today you will leave here with your future husband. The husband may not return home. It was a culture shock for me.

Japanese women are very amazing. They seem to be patient, hardy, hardened, but at the same time so grumpy, angry and unpleasant.

I thought that Americans are masters of fake smiles, but no! The Japanese are cooler. They “susho-musho” will serve you, like geishas, ​​they will fulfill all your wishes, they will bring you everything you need, but most likely, someone has already pissed in your salad. They are very vindictive and do dirty tricks on the sly. Inexplicably. Either to attract attention, or because their parents did not like them as children. They want to get married, they get married, and their cold husbands hang out in clubs at night, because they were raised in the same families.

People who invented robots - how can they be “alive”? They are completely antisocial. Children do not communicate with each other - each child has his own gadget from the age of 3, with which he constantly catches Pokemon.

When I saw Pokemon on the cover of a glossy magazine, I also thought about it. Soon people will stop appearing in magazines - they will simply be replaced by anime heroes.

What interesting things did you bring?

I bought some magnets! I discovered chia seeds - I bought them in Latin America for a dollar, not our prices of 150 UAH per 100 g. I brought foie gras from France. I brought port wine from Porto. I brought Fijian rum. I bought everything home made. Oh, I brought teas from China. Insanely delicious! Tiguanyin is the best energy drink after lemon juice! Don't go on an empty stomach - you might go crazy. He's pinching like crazy - so much caffeine.

You've already visited so many countries - is there anything left on your must-see list? Or more simply put, where are you planning?)

Iran! Really want to! Masha from Shopping told me that it’s very cool there and the people are very kind. The food and shopping are amazing. And Masha says that this is the only Muslim country in which she would like to live. I want to travel to hot spots and I don’t even mind going to Iraq. I already miss extreme sports in my life. I don't know what I'll be doing in a couple of years. I'll probably go crazy or join the Israeli army. I really like guns and I'm a good shooter. Probably my dad's genes - he's a hunter for me.

Photo/interview: Elena Popova
Photos/travel: Regina's Instagram

Regina Todorenko has several tattoos on her body. Regina has three tattoos on her left arm, and one on her shoulder blade. She has a total of four designs on her body. Two tattoos are located on the inside of the left wrist and they are a treble clef and a note.

Obviously, the treble clef and note represent Regina's love of music. The third tattoo is on the outside of the hand - and it is a mantra in Hebrew. What this inscription means is unknown. According to Regina, she does not tell anyone the meaning of this mantra and keeps it secret, since it is only her mantra.
Regina's third tattoo is on her left shoulder blade - and these are hieroglyphs. The meaning of these hieroglyphs is also unknown, and Regina did not talk about what they mean. No other tattoos were noticed on Regina's body. And whether the girl will make new drawings is also unknown. From time to time, Regina's tattoos can be seen in photos that she publishes on her Instagram. A photo selection of Regina's tattoos on her arm and back can be seen on this page.

Host Regina Todorenko, known to viewers from the travel show “Heads and Tails,” thanks to the program, was able to visit more than 100 countries around the world and even get into the Guinness Book of Records. The 27-year-old from Odessa became the first female television traveler to travel continuously around the world.

From some cities, Regina brought not only souvenirs and memorabilia, but also tattoos. The viewer could observe the process of creating one of them in one of the episodes of the show. While in French Polynesia, the presenter decided to get a tattoo from the famous artist Purotu, who applied designs using an ancient method. True, the result did not live up to Regina’s expectations - the girl immediately ran to another master on the island to correct the ugly “prison blot”.

And the other day, Todorenko said on her microblog on Instagram that tattoos once prevented her from getting a coveted role in a movie.

Casting for a movie, we need an actress (sweet, funny, with a sense of humor, an excellent student, a kind of Cinderella). I come, I’m very worried, but I try to smile broadly, I don’t show that I’m scared, as if I’m hanging over an abyss. I read the text of my heroine, chat nicely with producers and casting directors. Everything is going well, I got them interested. YES! I am bombarded with compliments and are ready to discuss the upcoming filming dates. I happily nod my head like a toy dog ​​on a car dashboard. Leaving the office, they ask me: “Regin, do you have tattoos?” I proudly answer: “Yes, of course!” Producer: “Oh, what a pity... We need a girl with a clean body.”

With the last hope, the presenter noted that the tattoo could be tinted, but the producer explained that every minute of the shooting day was too expensive to paint over the actress’s tattoos.

On her Instagram, Regina also wrote that she loves her body art, although people have repeatedly told her that she shouldn’t “spoil her body.”

In general, remember that it is easier to draw a tattoo on a clean body than to try to fix it and waste time on it. Always think ahead)

The girl summed it up.

We can only hope that this was not the last offer to act in a movie, and another producer will not be embarrassed by such a minor nuance. Many Hollywood actors have tattoos - Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Tom Hardy, but directors do not see any problem in this. Perhaps Regina simply came across a producer who was too obstinate or mercantile?

How do you feel about tattoos? Do you think they could pose a threat to your career? Share your opinion in the comments!

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