Dancing on Ice. A new project of the RTR channel “Ice Dancing” has started. detailed information about the ice dancing program. The first project “Dancing on Ice” Four couples reached the semi-finals


On Sunday, the “Dancing on Ice” project with the participation of Russian stars of figure skating, sports, television and show business ended on the Rossiya TV channel. A project that, according to statistical data, attracted about 75% of the viewing audience from the adult population of Russia. The project that “made” its competitors in popularity is Channel One with its “Stars on Ice”. Not a sport, but... Naturally, “Dancing on Ice” (as well as “Stars on Ice”) is not at all a discovery of domestic television people. As in the vast majority of cases, the license to stage the show was purchased by our TV personalities from their foreign colleagues. At the same time, the two leading channels disagreed on issues of directing the show. “Russia” launched its project first, making it more popular, closer to the original idea - to show viewers in real time how people who have never practiced figure skating before (only a crazy person would believe this, but still) by the end of the project They become almost professionals. It also played a role that “Russia” did not turn the show into a sport and outright pathos; the presenters did not perform fourth-level lifts and unique spins in front of the cameras, but simply stood without skates and were real presenters, and not reading text from a piece of paper (or on the video board) as sports cyborgs. In general, of course, “First” surpassed its competitors in “stardom,” but the ratings stubbornly showed that people liked the show on “Russia” more. The omnipresent Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, details of whose personal life can be found out daily from newspapers, and the experienced Yuri Nikolaev were chosen as presenters. The details of the lives of twenty project participants were studied by the entire country once a week for almost two months. I watched the falls, quarrels, tears, swearing, and painstaking work on the set. This was enough time to form an opinion on how the places would be distributed for the final round. Butyrskaya and Galanin immediately looked like outsiders - it was obvious that the partners had no desire to skate together. The musician didn’t really want to learn to skate, and the figure skater was clearly offended by the organizers because they gave her Galanin, and not Krasilov or Lazarev. However, it was not Butyrskaya and Galanin who were eliminated first. After the first round, Usova and Kalnins left the project. It was difficult for the older actor to become an ice pro, and as a result, he injured his knee during one of the training sessions. In the first round, Kalnins found the strength to skate, but refused further participation in the project. In the second round, Lada Dance and Vazgen Azroyan left Dancing on Ice. It was difficult for the partner with his oversized partner, who was never able to really learn to skate, although at the gala concert she did everything possible and sang while skating. Finally, in the third round, the judges and spectators got rid of Butyrskaya and Galanin. At the gala concert, the figure skater said that she considered her main merit to be the fact that she taught the musician to skate without outside help. “He became a good singles player, but as a couple we didn’t succeed,” Maria emphasized. Then Dogileva and Urmanov left. But they left not because they weren’t skating well (although they weren’t skating like crazy), but because their partner didn’t have enough health and time. Spectators and judges, with some kind of masochism, regularly gave the couple high marks. Apparently, they liked the way Urmanov twisted Dogileva. At the same time, we should not forget that Alexey is still an Olympic champion in single skating, and not in pairs or ice dancing. In general, the actress asked to be spared from participating in the project, and her request was granted. Azarova and Platov were the next to leave the show. The most spectacular couple of the project was initially an irritant for the judges, although the audience supported them with all their might. Nikolai Tsiskaridze and Elena Tchaikovskaya, who sat on the jury, regularly accused Anna of not showing any desire to learn something, although it was clear that Azarova was trying very hard. Perhaps the impartial jury had certain instructions that were clearly and steadily followed. Then the noticeably depressed Arthur Dmitriev and Lika Kremer, who was in excellent shape, left the project. We left in a rather disappointing manner, because we were skating great. The fact is that after the next round of the project they were nominated for elimination along with the Lazarev-Grebenkina couple, and the judges did not dare to give preference to someone, giving this right to the audience in the hall. They were not at all embarrassed by the mistakes that Sergei and Anastasia made, as a result of which Arthur and Lika turned from participants into spectators. Of the remaining four couples, Selina and Kazakova had the least chances. The partner and partner had a quarrel during filming and were not too eager to continue participating. It also had an effect that Celine fell ill at the most crucial moment. In general, it all ended with Dukalis not taking the ice, and Kazakova saying goodbye to the audience with a single dance. There were three finalists left, whose fate was decided by fans and judges. The audience learned the choice of the judges, who put Lazarev and Grebenkina in first place, Krasilov and Grischuk in second place, and Chashchina and Goncharov in third place. Chronicle of "departures" However, this choice was very conditional, since by the end of the project the judges in the persons of Elena Chaikovskaya, Irina Moiseeva, Andrei Minenkov, Igor Bobrin and Nikolai Tsiskaridze lost their voting rights. Everything had to be decided by voting in the form of SMS and phone calls from viewers. No one found out the details of this vote - Zavorotnyuk and Nikolaev simply announced the results as a given, and that’s all. In general, Chashchina and Goncharov remained third, and Krasilov and Grischuk were ahead of Lazarev and Grebenkina. After the end of the show, its participants began to sort things out. It’s as if the winner was known from the first days of the project, since Grischuk allegedly signed a contract to participate only on the condition that she would become the winner. It turned out that Pyotr Krasilov was seriously involved in figure skating at one time and was not an amateur, unlike Galanin and Selin. However, God bless them with scandals. It seems to me that the main result of Dancing on Ice was that the popularity of figure skating in the country has grown. And if Kostya Tszyu had also been invited to filming, the rating would have been simply prohibitive! (Kostya, we recall, was a finalist in the show “Dancing with the Star” in Australia.)

A new project has started on the RTR channel " Dancing on Ice ".

On the first day of the competition, 10 couples performed.

#1Sergei Selin (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, familiar to us from our favorite TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”) and Olympic champion in pair skating (paired with Artur Dmitriev) Oksana Kazakova,

#2 Lada Dance (a wonderful singer with a very strong, beautiful voice and outstanding appearance, actress) and winner of the Grand Prix stage Vazgen Azroyan (ice dancing, paired with Anastasia Grebenkina, performing in this project with Sergei Lazarev),

#3 Lika Kremer (host of the popular RTR channel program “Private Life”) and two-time Olympic champion Arthur Dmitriev (pair skating, paired with Oksana Kazakova and Natalya Mishkutenok, were one of the first to hold an ice show in Russia. His show, which attracted the attention of a large circle of spectators, was called "Ice Olympus"),

#4 Ivars Kalnins (a super popular film actor, for 3 decades he has been considered the most beautiful and elegant actor, and nowadays he is just as popular, especially among the female half, and all young people now drink Grand coffee, thanks to Ivars Kalnins) and vice - Olympic champion Maya Usova (ice dancing, paired with Alexander Zhulin, who is the coach of Olympic champions, two-time world champions Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov),

#5 Irina Chashchina (silver medalist of the Olympic Games in rhythmic gymnastics) and bronze medalist of the Olympic Games Ruslan Goncharov (ice dancing, paired with Elena Grushina),

#6 Sergey Galanin (singer, leader of the group "SerGa", singing in the style of Rock) and Maria Butyrskaya, who was the first of the Soviet and Russian figure skaters to win the title of world champion in women's single skating, in 1999 at the World Championships in Helsinki, then Russian The team set an absolute record, winning in all four types of figure skating).

#7 Tatyana Dogileva (actress who has played in more than 50 films, including “The Blonde Around the Corner” and “Forgotten Melody for Flute”) and Olympic champion Alexey Urmanov (men's single skating),

#8 Sergey Lazarev (singer. As a child, Sergey sang in the ensemble "Fidgets". In 2000, Sergey Lazarev and Vladislav Topalov created the duet "Smash!!". After the breakup of the duo, Sergey began a solo career) and winner of the "Grand Prix" stage Anastasia Grebenkina (ice dancing, paired with Vazgen Azroyan),

#9 Anna Azarova (actress who played in the films “Personal Number 40-021”, “Poor Nastya”, “Dear Masha Berezina”, “Don’t Even Think 2. Shadow of Independence”) and two-time Olympic champion Evgeny Platov (ice dancing, paired with Oksana Grischuk),

#10 Pyotr Krasilov (actor, hero of the most popular television series on the STS channel “Poor Nastya” and “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”) and two-time Olympic champion Oksana Grischuk (ice dancing, paired with Evgeny Platov).

I looked at the performance of the first couple Oksana Kazakova and Sergey Selin and couldn’t believe my eyes - is it really possible to learn to skate like that in just a few training sessions?! Sergei had never skated before, plus he was a little “excess” in weight, but this did not prevent him from performing quite firmly and with dignity with the “Kings Can Do Anything” program. The wonderful support that is captured in the photograph presented to your attention simply amazed me. Also noteworthy is the ejection at the end of the program. Such complex elements, for an athlete not prepared for pair skating, can only be accomplished by a focused, courageous person.

The interesting production of the program “Kings Can Do Anything,” the artistry of the duet, the complex elements performed by the couple made us immediately begin to empathize with these athletes and wonder, along with the presenter Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, why the judges gave such low marks.

Lada Dance and Vazgen Azroyan chose a classic style for their program. The partner rode in a tailcoat, the partner in a ballgown. Lada was the personification of tenderness, modesty, and grace. Maybe the dress should have been a little shorter. Unfortunately, the entire stately, slender figure of this beauty was hidden under a long and closed dress. Unfortunately, an unfortunate mistake in the middle of the program did not allow them to receive high marks. It was noticeable that Lada and Vazgen were very worried about their grades.

But there is no need to be upset because the competition is not over yet and you can still win back everything. Good luck guys!

Irina Chashchina and Ruslan Goncharov were very choreographic and looked very impressive on the ice. Irina Chashchina is the vice-champion of the Olympic Games in rhythmic gymnastics competitions. And in rhythmic gymnastics, choreography is one of the most important components. Among the elements performed was a complex rotational support in the ring. But if expressed in terms of synchronized swimming, “the land was performed better than the water.”

This refers to the almost complete absence of sliding on the ice, dashing, and also the partner’s ligaments, that is, exactly what is called skating.

Perhaps this decision was made to minimize the possibility of injury. Ruslan Goncharov was at his best as always. He took over the execution of the elements while sliding on the ice. And he did it brilliantly, so the program looked like a holistic action.

Sergei and Anastasia Grebenkina made an amazing duet. The program of this couple was thought out very competently and looked like a breeze. It was impossible to take my eyes off the TV screen. The hall, bursting with applause, did not fall silent. I would like to especially note Sergei’s high-quality gliding.

It seemed like he had spent his entire life skating. Sergei Lazarev’s excellent choreographic skills and stretching allowed him to easily master the most complex turns, ligaments and even spirals. I think that if this performance is shown on television along with the performances of professionals, it will be difficult to distinguish them from the pairs that have been skating together for many years. The mood of this couple gives us hope that we will see very bright and unforgettable performances in the future. Their rating is definitely 6.0!

A wonderful impression from the performance of Anna Azarova and Evgeny Platov. The dance to the music “Lady in red” turned out to be very graceful, aristocratic, and gentle. Anna Azarova coped well with the task assigned to her. I still can’t understand how Anna Azarova performed such complex lifts so easily and confidently and skated so confidently.

The couple who took to the ice number 10 - Oksana Grischuk and Pyotr Krasilov - prepared a catchy, cheerful number in the style of "Charlie Chaplin". Peter was very confident on his skates and skated at high speed. He also managed a complex rotational lift, which none of the non-professional partners dared to insert into their program. Based on the results of their assessments, they share first place with the Grebenkina-Lazarev pair.

After each round of competition, a vote of choice among viewers is held. Viewer votes are added to the judges' scores. Each week, the one couple who receive the fewest phone calls and text messages in support (combined with the judges' scores) is eliminated from Dancing on Ice.

We present to your attention the table of results of the first round of the competition.

Ice reality shows have been airing on two main channels for several months. Stars compete with professionals, RTR with the First, and fans with fans. Weekend ratings are off the charts, and Petrosyan nervously smokes on the sidelines.

The first one put Olympic champions in the role of presenters. RTR relied on the soulfulness and relatively real inability of the stars to skate. The first one made a tracing paper from professional competitions - double score, sofa with a coach. On RTR, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk joked with all her might, and the fall of the stars was not re-filmed. The “Stars on Ice” show for me personally ended with the commentator’s phrase: “Today we will find out who became the loser of our show.” Well, I don’t like rudeness, especially pretentious ones. That's why I only watched Dancing on Ice.

Ten Little Indians

Ten couples took to the ice in the first round. Ten multiple world, European and Olympic champions. Ten stars of Melpomene, stage, podium and television. The jury gave scores, the audience voted, and the results were mixed. The two couples with the lowest total score rolled through the program, and the jury decided who should leave the show.

The first couple to leave the ice was world champion Maya Usova and film star Ivar Kalnins. Ivar was injured during the preparatory training, but, having courageously skated the first round, he refused further participation. Who the judges would have removed will forever remain a mystery. But obviously not Kalnins.

The second couple is pop singer Lada Dance and European Championship participant Vazgen Azroyan. It was hard for Lada, she couldn’t tie her shoelaces or drive confidently. The judges took pity on her and released her. But for herself personally, she certainly accomplished a feat.

The third couple to leave the project was world champion Maria Butyrskaya and singer Sergei Galanin. Galanin was a gentleman, but Butyrskaya showed herself to be a very uncultured person. She scolded her partner, scolded the judges. Everyone felt sorry for Galanin, but no one wished the couple success. The judges voted unanimously against it.

The fourth couple left amid tears from the jury and spectators. Actress Tatyana Dogileva twice asked the jury to let her go. My health did not allow me to maintain the rhythm of the competition. Her partner, Olympic champion Alexey Urmanov, asked permission to skate alone. Dogileva stood, looked and cried: “He put his talent under my belt.”

The fifth couple, on the contrary, left with a scandal. Fashion model Anna Azarova quarreled with the judges in front of the cameras, accusing them of hating her personally. And as a result, she and two-time Olympic champion Evgeniy Platov left the ice.

The sixth couple evoked strong reactions from both the jury and the audience throughout the competition. The presenter of the RTR TV channel Lika Kremer and two-time Olympic champion (as well as Olympic silver), two-time world champion and three-time European champion Artur Dmitriev were “nominated” four times for the program roll. For the fourth time, having been paired with the teenagers' favorite Sergei Lazarev, they lost. It should be noted that Lazarev fell while rolling, but Kremer and Dmitriev had the best dance. This time the judges were afraid of themselves and gave the right to decide to the audience. And at the daytime recording of the show, teenagers who were exempt from school especially for filming sat in the hall.

Four couples reached the semi-finals:

Olympic champion Oksana Kazakova and actor Sergei Selin;
Olympic champion, world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Chashchina and Olympic bronze medalist Ruslan Goncharov;
master of sports in figure skating Anastasia Grebenkina and singer Sergei Lazarev;
two-time Olympic champion Oksana Grischuk and actor Pyotr Krasilov.

This weekend on Saturday's broadcast we learned that Sergei Selin gave up wrestling due to illness. Oksana Kazakova danced alone. And everyone thanked Selin for the fact that everyone who remained entered the finals without rolling over.

On Sunday we will watch the remaining three couples dance two dances each. The famous “Gypsy Girl” by Natalia Bestemyanova and Andrei Bukin and her best dance in the project. We learn that the jury will put Lazarev in first place, Krasilov in second, and Chashchina in third.

Fans of Lazarev will rejoice, and fans of Krasilov will scold the jury for not “noticing” Lazarev’s mistake, but noticing Chashchina’s mistakes. But everyone will rush to their phones to call and write SMS messages in support of their favorite stars.

The winner is still unknown, and the finish is not the finale.

Who are the judges?

The jury of the TV show chose a stellar one. Famous figure skating champions and coaches Igor Bobrin, Irina Moiseeva, Andrei Minenkov, Elena Tchaikovskaya and ballet star Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

In the beginning, when weak or undesirable couples were clear even to the audience, the judges harmoniously pressed the buttons, pardoning them with one hand and kicking them out of the show with the other. But closer to the end we became more and more lost. Either the viewer will be given the right to decide, or they will hold an action called “6.0 to all couples.”

And the assessments were sometimes timid, sometimes too generous. Some were rewarded for their personal merits and progress, while others were persistently compared with others. Although it was clear to the naked eye that Sergei Selin, having stepped over himself, did the almost impossible. But he cannot be compared with the previously eliminated Lika Kremer, who skated several orders of magnitude better.

Unfortunately, the jury turned out to be nominal and closer to the final they tried to judge not according to sports rules. Rather, these were the rules of the show - maintaining balance between couples, regardless of skating.

What is the power, viewer?

The viewer voted with rubles and insults on the RTR website. No one will ever know exactly how the audience's votes were distributed. According to the agreement with the company that sold the license, only summary results were announced. But in vain, a Russian person cannot be fooled by such chaff; he will always be sure that the results are rigged. Although even if they showed it, I still wouldn’t believe it.

Therefore, the RTR forum is replete with terrible insults against those who, in the opinion of certain viewers, could not get votes. Sergei Selin suffered the most, as he almost had a heart attack when he entered the forum. It is quite possible that his refusal to show was dictated not only by sick leave.

Lika Kremer was also discussed tirelessly. At first she was accused of RTR promoting its “face of the channel”, and they called on her to get out herself. But after departure, on the contrary, they wrote letters of consolation and demanded to return us back.

Fans of Sergei Lazarev did nothing but throw mud at Pyotr Krasilov. Krasilov also went to the forum to read, which he later said on air, thanking the spiteful critics for their sporting anger.

However, I won’t retell all the nonsense of online communication. But the RTR website has never attracted so much attention from viewers. Maybe on the topic of TV series, but then in two years, not two months.

I really want to tell the presenters: you need to be more subtle, more subtle. To the judges: you need to be more honest, at least to yourself. To the audience: you need to be kinder, kinder. And to all the stars - silently erect a monument for heroism on ice. This is probably why I wanted to watch the show on RTR. Why aren't we people?