A concise summary of Orpheus and Eurydice. Presentations. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary


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Presentation No. 34. Lesson progress: introduction to the text. conversation over text. drawing up a plan. linguistic text analysis. retelling of the text of the presentation. analysis of text stylistics. creating your own text. performing a creative task (answering a question). lesson summary

Orpheus loved young Eurydice, and the power of this love had no equal.

One day, while walking through a meadow, Eurydice accidentally stepped on the ground... Orpheus came running to the cry and saw his bride. The singer struck the strings of the cithara, but Eurydice did not open her eyes as before...

Orpheus descended into the kingdom of the dead. Here comes Charon.

Orpheus plucked the strings of the cithara, and a beautiful song sounded over the kingdom of the dead...

Orpheus sang a love song in front of the rulers of the underworld: Hades and Persephone.

Hades said: - Lead Eurydice to the upper world. She will follow you, and you will follow Hermes. Just remember: if you look back, the gift will be taken away!

And they set off...

Orpheus looked around... but saw nothing. Hades took away his gift.

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Orpheus loved young Eurydice, and the power of this love had no equal. One day, while walking through a meadow, Eurydice accidentally stepped on a snake. Eurydice screamed and fell. The girl's face turned pale. The clear forehead was covered with sweat, the bright eyes rolled back.
Orpheus came running to the cry and saw his bride. The singer struck the strings of the cithara, but Eurydice did not open her eyes or reach out to him as before. Orpheus mourned his beloved for a long time. And he decided to go down to the underworld to return Aurydice and unite with her. Orpheus took nothing with him except the cithara and an unblown willow branch.
He descended to the shores of the sacred Styx, beyond which lay the world of the dead. Here comes Charon. But when Orpheus took a step towards the boat, he came across an oar placed across it. The old boatman knew his business: “The kingdom of the dead is not for the living. You will appear when your time comes!”
The singer plucked the strings of the cithara, and the song of the beautiful upper world began to sound over the kingdom of eternal silence. Charon lowered his oar and, leaning on it, listened to unknown sounds. Without stopping singing, Orpheus entered the boat, and now he was already on the other side. Crowds of shadows ran towards the song, and the terrible underground dog Kerber was chasing after them. Hearing the singing, Kerber slowed down his run and froze, like an earthly dog ​​at the sign of a hunter.
Here is the throne of the great rulers of the underworld, Hades and Persephone. Stopping in front of them, Orpheus sang the best of his songs - a song about love. And while he sang, the willow branch he brought blossomed. Green leaves appeared from the bursting buds. How delightful is the smell of fresh greenery, ignorant of death and decay! Tears welled up in Persephone's eyes.
The song died down and there was deep silence. And the voice of Hades sounded in it:
- What are you asking, alien?
- I came for the sake of my beloved Eurydice, who resides in the world of shadows. Thanat [Death] stole her from me at the dawn of love. Don't you know that we will all come here? She will return under your power, and I will appear with her. I'm asking you for it for a while. Let Eurydice experience the joy of life.
“Let it be your way,” said Hades. - Take Eurydice to the upper world. She will follow you, and you will follow Hermes. Just remember: if you look back, the gift will be taken away.
- Have patience!
And they set off. We passed the kingdom of Hades. Charon took them to the rook, and now Styx was behind. There was a steep path going up. Hermes walked ahead. Orpheus is behind him. The light has already dawned. Orpheus was overcome with excitement. Has Eurydice fallen behind? Didn't she remain in the kingdom of the dead? The hero slowed down. I listened. But the shadows walk silently. There were a few steps left to the upper world, but Orpheus could not stand it and looked back. He didn't see anything, but he caught a slight whiff. Hades took away his gift. And Orpheus himself was to blame.
Orpheus descended again to Styx, hoping to again plead with the underground gods. But mercy is given only once...
(453 words) (According to A.I. Nemirovsky. Myths of Ancient Hellas)

Title the text and retell it in detail. Answer the question: “What thoughts and feelings does the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice evoke in you?”
Title the text and retell it concisely. Answer the question: “Do you agree with A. Nemirovsky’s statement that the power of love of Orpheus and Eurydice had no equal?”

The famous German composer Christoph Gluck is the author of one of the most famous operas, Orpheus and Eurydice. Here the author talks about sublime, earthly feelings, about the purest and most transmitted love. The heroes of this work are characters from Greek mythology.

The plot dates back to antiquity, there are many dramatic elements and techniques that make the work rich.


Orpheus is a musician.

Eurydice is the wife of a musician.

Cupid is the god of love, he unites loving hearts.

Blessed Shadow - lives in the kingdom of the dead.

Furies, shepherd, shadows of the dead, spirits.

Summary of the Myth and Legend of Orpheus and Eurydice (opera)

Orpheus is a wonderful musician, but he cannot be calm because his beloved Eurydice has died. He spends all his time near her tomb. He feels so bad without her that he asks heaven to return her or make him smaller. The gods heard his unusually velvety voice. Then Zeus tells Cupid to come down and voice the decision of the gods. He tells Orpheus that he has been allowed to descend into the dark world and bring back his wife. But he can do this only if his music moves the spirits. But there are also conditions that he must comply with. He is forbidden to look back and look his wife in the eyes. But he loves her so much that he agrees to any conditions.

And so he finds himself in a dark area, where mystical creatures block his path, try to scare him, but the power of music and art works wonders. The spirits make concessions to him, and he enters the underworld. Having passed all the obstacles, he finds himself in the world of blissful shadows. This place is called Elysium. Eurydice is here. He feels calm and peaceful here, but is not happy without his beloved. The beautiful landscape and birdsong bring him inspiration. He sings about the beauty of this nature. His songs attract the shadows that bring his beloved. Shadow removes her veil and joins their hands, but reminds him of the mandatory condition. Orpheus is in a hurry to leave the afterlife and goes without looking back. The closer they get to the exit, the more Eurydice turns into a real woman.

They again find themselves in a terrible gorge, Orpheus tries to pass it faster, but his wife asks him to look at her. But Orpheus is not inclined, she becomes disillusioned with his love and refuses to leave the kingdom of the dead. Then he breaks the condition and hugs his wife. But a terrible prophecy comes true, Eurydice is dead forever.

Orpheus despaired just a little more, and they would have been happy, but now he simply has no reason to live. He wants to commit suicide. The gods were struck by such strong feelings, and they resurrect his wife.

They are greeted by a choir of shepherdesses and shepherds who sing and dance, praising the wisdom of the gods and the power of love, which can even conquer death. Love and art cannot be destroyed even by death, but there is a line between the world of the dead and the world of the living that cannot be crossed. Perhaps that’s why we feel guilty before the dead, because we didn’t add something or didn’t love something.

Picture or drawing Christoph Gluck - Orpheus and Eurydice

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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Orpheus loved young Eurydice, and the power of this love had no equal. One day, while walking through a meadow, Eurydice accidentally stepped on a snake. Eurydice screamed and fell. The girl's face turned pale. The clear forehead was covered with sweat, the bright eyes rolled back.
Orpheus came running to the cry and saw his bride. The singer struck the strings of the cithara, but Eurydice did not open her eyes or reach out to him as before. Orpheus mourned his beloved for a long time. And he decided to go down to the underworld to return Aurydice and unite with her. Orpheus took nothing with him except the cithara and an unblown willow branch.
He descended to the shores of the sacred Styx, beyond which lay the world of the dead. Here comes Charon. But when Orpheus took a step towards the boat, he came across an oar placed across it. The old boatman knew his business: “The kingdom of the dead is not for the living. You will appear when your time comes!”
The singer plucked the strings of the cithara, and the song of the beautiful upper world began to sound over the kingdom of eternal silence. Charon lowered his oar and, leaning on it, listened to unknown sounds. Without stopping singing, Orpheus entered the boat, and now he was already on the other side. Crowds of shadows ran towards the song, and the terrible underground dog Kerber was chasing after them. Hearing the singing, Kerber slowed down his run and froze, like an earthly dog ​​at the sign of a hunter.
Here is the throne of the great rulers of the underworld, Hades and Persephone. Stopping in front of them, Orpheus sang the best of his songs - a song about love. And while he sang, the willow branch he brought blossomed. Green leaves appeared from the bursting buds. How delightful is the smell of fresh greenery, ignorant of death and decay! Tears welled up in Persephone's eyes.
The song died down and there was deep silence. And the voice of Hades sounded in it:
- What are you asking, alien?
- I came for the sake of my beloved Eurydice, who resides in the world of shadows. Thanat [Death] stole her from me at the dawn of love. Don't you know that we will all come here? She will return under your power, and I will appear with her. I'm asking you for it for a while. Let Eurydice experience the joy of life.
“Let it be your way,” said Hades. - Take Eurydice to the upper world. She will follow you, and you will follow Hermes. Just remember: if you look back, the gift will be taken away.
- Have patience!
And they set off. We passed the kingdom of Hades. Charon took them to the rook, and now Styx was behind. There was a steep path going up. Hermes walked ahead. Orpheus is behind him. The light has already dawned. Orpheus was overcome with excitement. Has Eurydice fallen behind? Didn't she remain in the kingdom of the dead? The hero slowed down. I listened. But the shadows walk silently. There were a few steps left to the upper world, but Orpheus could not stand it and looked back. He didn't see anything, but he caught a slight whiff. Hades took away his gift. And Orpheus himself was to blame.
Orpheus descended again to Styx, hoping to again plead with the underground gods. But mercy is given only once...
(453 words) (According to A.I. Nemirovsky. Myths of Ancient Hellas)

Title the text and retell it in detail. Answer the question: “What thoughts and feelings does the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice evoke in you?”
Title the text and retell it concisely. Answer the question: “Do you agree with A. Nemirovsky’s statement that the power of love of Orpheus and Eurydice had no equal?”

Orpheus was a musician. He had a girlfriend, Eurydice.
One day Eurydice went into the forest and was bitten by a snake. Orpheus ran to save his beloved, but did not have time. The guy saw how insidious death takes the girl to the kingdom of the dead.
Orpheus went for his beloved. He went through a lot, but he managed to persuade Hades to take Eurydice home. But with a condition! The guy should not look back when he wants to look at Eurydice. Orpheus ran home, but wanted to look at the girl. Suddenly he was deceived! He turned around. And I saw the sweet face of my beloved for the last time.

At first, Charon refused Orpheus' request to transport him. But then Orpheus played his golden cithara and charmed the gloomy Charon with wonderful music. And he transported him to the throne of the god of death Hades. In the midst of the cold and silence of the underworld, Orpheus’ passionate song sounded about his grief, about the torment of his broken love for Eurydice. Everyone who was nearby was amazed by the beauty of the music and the strength of his feelings: Hades, and his wife Persephone, and Tantalus, who forgot about the hunger that tormented him, and Sisyphus, who stopped his hard and fruitless work. Then Orpheus stated his request to Hades to return his wife Eurydice to earth. Hades agreed to fulfill it, but at the same time stated his condition: Orpheus must follow the god Hermes, and Eurydice will follow him. During his journey through the underworld, Orpheus must not look back: otherwise Eurydice will leave him forever. When the shadow of Eurydice appeared, Orpheus wanted to hug her, but Hermes told him not to do this, since in front of him there was only a shadow, and there was a long and difficult path ahead.

The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.

The singer Orpheus lived in northern Greece. He had a gift because he sang very beautifully, and many were surprised at his talent. Eurydice fell in love with Orpheus and became his wife.
One day Orpheus and Eurydice were walking through the forest. Orpheus played the cithara and sang, and Eurydice went off to pick flowers. Suddenly Orpheus heard the cry of his beloved. She was bitten by a snake and died.
Orpheus was incredibly sad without his beloved and decided to go to the kingdom of the dead.
To get there, it was necessary to cross the River Styx by boat, but the carrier of the dead, Charon, refused, citing the fact that he transports only the dead. But then Orpheus began to sing and play the cithara, and so on. that Charon listened and took him to Hades. He sang again, and Hades took pity and asked what he wanted. Orpheus replied that he needed Eurydice. Hades nevertheless agreed and told Orpheus to go to the exit from the kingdom of the dead, and Eurydice would follow. But there is a condition: Orpheus must under no circumstances look back until he comes out into the world, otherwise he will lose his wife forever!
And Orpheus went. Approaching the exit, he doubted: was Eurydice coming? He decided to look back... But then her shadow eluded him. Orpheus screamed terribly, but nothing could be fixed. He had to return back to earth, but he never forgot his beloved and the memory of her lived in songs.