Irada Zeynalova's son said he was thinking about his mother's wedding - photo. Biography of Irada Zeinalova Where is Irada Zeinalova why did she leave time


Participant's name: Svetlana Avtandilovna Zeynalova

Age (birthday): 7.05.1977

Moscow city

Education: Moscow State Pedagogical University named after. Lenin, school named after. Shchepkina

Family: single, has a daughter

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Svetlana is a journalist and TV presenter, younger sister Irada Zeynalova. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of getting “on TV” and talking about various incidents in the country and the world. She had a calm, reasonable character. She was never scolded at school, and her parents never had to blush for her.

Having received a matriculation certificate, Zeynalova decided to enter the capital’s theater university. Having passed the exams on the first try, she became a student at Sliver.

Svetlana liked training acting, since the girl learned to liberate herself, she stopped being shy about speaking in front of a large audience.

The certified actress received a referral for employment at the theater “At the Nikitsky Gate”. There she first appeared on the big stage, where she played in a small episode.

The quiet and calm girl did not aspire to big roles; she was happy with everything except a small one. wages, which was not enough even for the most necessary things.

In order to somehow survive, Svetlana got a few more jobs, namely: host of special events in daytime, and at night - as a waitress in a club. When a young girl’s body was completely exhausted due to constant lack of sleep, she decided that it was time to radically change her life.

A new stage in the life of Zeynalova Jr.

In 2004, Svetlana got a job at Radio Maximum as a co-host of morning broadcasts. Real success Zeynalova was expected after the release of the program “The Bachinsky and Stillavin Show”. Her voice began to be recognized by real fans and devoted radio listeners, and her rating morning broadcast soared to the skies.

A few months later, Svetlana changed the radio station to the “Business FM” wave, where she hosted a column dedicated to famous media personalities. In the fall of 2010, Zeynalova received tempting offer from the management of Our Radio. She was offered to become a director and host of an original program, on which she is still successfully working. The only thing that bothered Svetlana was getting up early.

Zeynalova’s childhood dream of becoming a television presenter never left her, so she became the face of the “Mood” program on the TVC channel. A talented girl manages to harmoniously combine both jobs, without compromising the quality of each of them. A year and a half later, Svetlana received a profitable an offer from Channel One to become the host of the Good Morning program. Thus, Svetlana Zeynalova appeared on one of the highest-rated channels in Russia.

Now Svetlana still broadcasts on the radio and does not leave the craft of hosting special holidays. She often collaborates with residents, especially with. From time to time, Zeynalova plays small roles in domestic films: “Moscow Saga”, “Heavy Sand”, “Love and Other Nonsense”, “Boatswain Seagull”.

Personal dramas

In 2000, Svetlana began dating the director of the Maximum radio station, Alexei Glazatov. He contributed in every possible way to the development of the career of his beloved girl. The lovers lived in a civil marriage for three years. During a trip to Barcelona, ​​Alexey made an offer to Zeynalova, which she could not refuse.

So in 2008, Glazatov and Zeynalova officially legalized their marriage in one of the capital’s registry offices. A year later their daughter Alexandra was born.

When Svetlana Zeynalova’s daughter was one and a half years old, she was diagnosed with autism. Numerous courses of treatment failed positive result, on this basis, quarrels and scandals arose in the family.

In 2012, Alexey and Svetlana ended their relationship.

Now Zeynalova is working hard to provide her daughter with the necessary treatment. For some time she was embarrassed to admit to her colleagues and acquaintances about Alexandra’s illness, but she soon realized that her child was the most precious thing she had in her life.

Svetlana Zeynalova has common law husband Dmitry, who helps her raise her daughter.

Photo by Svetlana

Zeynalova often posts new photos on Instagram: from her personal life with her daughter, from filming and with friends.

Famous TV presenter Federal Channel Irada Avtandilovna Zeynalova is a professional in her field and an example for many Russian journalists. She succeeded in a very a short time achieve high results in television journalism and become a popular personality.

Husband of Irada Zeynalova

Due to the fact that Irada carried out a large number of time at work, she was unable to build normal relationships. However, she met her first love on her channel, we're talking about about special correspondent Alexei Samoletov.

Zeynalova lived with Samoletov for ten whole years and gave him a son, Timur. However, several years ago the couple divorced without telling the press the reason for the separation. However, it later became known that Irada was going to get married for the second time. Channel One correspondent Alexander Evsigneev was able to find an approach to the TV presenter and offered her his hand and heart. At the end of 2016 they got married.

Children of Irada Zeynalova

Irada has a child Timur from her first marriage. Despite the fact that the presenter no longer lives with Alexei Samoletov, she supports him friendly relations. In turn, the war correspondent regularly visits his son and takes care of Irada.

On this moment Zeynalova is married to Alexander Evsigneev. They are not planning to have a child yet.

Biography, nationality of Irada Zeynalova

The creative personality Irada Avtandilovna Zeynalova swarmed in the capital of the Russian Federation on February 20, 1972. As a child, Irada took part in social movements and was a “Komsomol member”. As an adult, she became interested in larger issues in the world: the disadvantaged children of Chile, Indian rights and unfair treatment of women. To rectify the situation, the activist collected signatures for a petition.

By nationality she is Azerbaijani.

In the early 1990s, Zeynalova graduated high school and went to study at the Tsiolkovsky Moscow Aviation Technical Institute. In this educational institution the girl received the specialty “Powder Materials Technologist”. As a nanotechnology specialist, Irada left for the USA. But she stayed there for only a short time, returning to her homeland.

In the late 1990s, the young girl managed to break into television, although there were many concerns about future problems with journalism. But this worry was in vain, since she easily mastered this profession. The first place of work was the RTR channel, then Zeynalova got a job as editor of a news program. In 2000, Russians were able to see her on their TV screens as the host of the Vesti program.

Lack of education did not prevent Irada from becoming a leading specialist on television. Every day she covered topics such as world disasters, sporting events, terrorism and much more.

Zeynalova also had to work as a correspondent in very difficult conditions: terrorist attacks in the metro, a terrorist attack in Beslan, the World Cup in Germany, the Olympic Games in Italy and London.

In addition to “hot spots,” Irada informed channel viewers about political and sporting events. For high-quality work and professionalism, the presenter was awarded the honorary “TEFI” award. After that, she climbed the career ladder, and since 2007 began collaborating with Channel One. In 2012, she was entrusted with conducting news and analytical programs. Several years ago, the journalist was awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, first degree, which is an indicator of a successful career.

Personal life of Irada Zeynalova

Irada devotes herself completely to her work, but this means that she has no hobbies in life. IN free time The TV presenter loves to read and collect unique clown figurines. In this matter, she is helped by friends and relatives who bring them from different countries.

The TV presenter is almost 40 years old, however, she remains grateful to her family for their support and understanding. To this day, Irada asks her father for advice when she decides to do something. Only with the approval of her relatives is she ready to commit an act.

Family of Irada Zeynalova

Irada's father is a native Azerbaijani, so she received a strict but fair upbringing. It is worth noting that Avtandil Isabalievich worked in the ministry and held a high position, in connection with this, the family was provided with everything.

In addition to Irada, the family also has a sister, Svetlana, who also devoted herself to television. She hosts several programs on Channel One and is actively involved in media issues.

Irada Avtandilovna Zeynalova(born February 20, 1972, Moscow) - Russian journalist, correspondent, TV presenter. Previously, she hosted the Sunday edition of the Vremya program on Channel One (2012-2016), and was also the head of the correspondent bureaus of Channel One in the UK (London) and Israel (Tel Aviv). Academy Member Russian television, the older sister of journalist Svetlana Zeynalova.


Irada Zeynalova was born on February 20, 1972 in Moscow into a mixed Zeynalov family: father Avtandil Isabalievich is Azerbaijani, mother Galina Alekseevna is Russian. She is the older sister of Svetlana Zeynalova. It is noted that in terms of perception and upbringing, Irada is more Azerbaijani, Svetlana is Russian.

She studied at Moscow school No. 61.

In 1995 she graduated from MATI named after. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Specialty - process engineer for powder materials and protective coatings obtained by high-speed solidification of melts. After graduating from university, she completed an internship in America.

On television since 1997. Initially she worked as an editor in the Vesti program (RTR), as well as a translator with in English, periodically appeared on the screen herself. So, while still a little-known television journalist, on November 20, 1998, on the night air of Vesti, it was Irada Zeynalova who was the first to inform the country about the murder of G.V. Starovoitova.

She took part in the construction of the newsroom for Vesti as a translator for the Dutch team.

From 2000 to 2003 - correspondent for the Vesti and Vesti Nedeli programs. Worked on days terrorist attack on Dubrovka in October 2002.

From 2003 to 2016 - on Channel One. Initially, from 2003 to 2007 - correspondent in the information programs “News”, “Time” and “Other News”. She reported on the day of the explosions in the Moscow metro in February 2004 and March 2010, on the days of the terrorist attack in Beslan in September 2004, on the days of the accident in Moscow power grids on May 25, 2005, as well as from the final match of the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany.

Worked on winter Olympic Games ah 2006 in Italian Turin, the 2012 Summer Olympics in London and the Games in Sochi in 2014 as part of the Channel One crews.

Laureate television award“TEFI-2006” in the category “Faces” in the nomination “Best Reporter” (for the series of programs “Golden Moments of the Olympics”); awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2006).

From 2007 to 2010 - head of the bureau of Channel One OJSC in the UK, London. In 2010-2011 she again worked in Moscow.

Since December 7, 2012, he has taken part in the annual “Conversations with Dmitry Medvedev” (in 2012-2015 - as a journalist for Channel One, since 2016 - as an employee of NTV).

In August 2014, Ukraine included it in the sanctions list for its position on the war in eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

In November 2016, it became known that the TV presenter was moving from Channel One to the NTV channel. On December 4, 2016, she began hosting the Sunday information and analytical program “Results of the Week with Irada Zeynalova” on this channel. In addition to hosting the program in the studio, Irada Zeynalova also prepares reports for this program and interviews people related to the main events of the week.

Personal life

The first husband is journalist Alexey Samoletov, son Timur. The couple divorced in October 2015, their marriage lasted 20 years. The second husband is the military correspondent of Channel One Alexander Evstigneev, the wedding took place on December 16, 2016.


  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree (April 22, 2014) - “for objectivity in covering events in Crimea” (the award decree was not made publicly available).
  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2006)

Zeynalova Irada Avtandilovna - incredibly active, bright and creative person, which is designed to set goals and achieve their implementation. Irada has been working as a TV presenter for a long time, it is with her that the entire vast Russian Federation wakes up and falls asleep.

She constantly gives advice to her novice colleagues, explaining exactly how she managed to achieve the incredible career growth V as soon as possible. At the same time, Zeynalova does not hide her love of risk and constantly goes on business trips to hot spots.

Irada is not only a TV presenter, but also happy wife, mother, daughter and sister, and also smart and beautiful.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irada Zeynalova

Numerous fans of the television presenter’s talent consider her incredibly popular, so they are trying to clarify the woman’s physical characteristics, such as her height, weight, and age. How old is Ekaterina Vilkova Irada Zeynalova is not at all difficult to find out, knowing the year of her birth.

Irada was born in 1972, so she was already forty-five years old, and at this time, as you know, the woman is a berry again. It is worth noting that this is why Irada Zeynalova: the photos in her youth and now look the same, while the TV presenter clarified that sports and proper nutrition do a lot.

According to the Zodiac, it is worth noting that Irada received the sign of the dreamy, inspiring, lucky, smiling and thoughtful Pisces.

The eastern horoscope gave Zeynalova the sign of the Rat, endowing her with character traits characteristic of him, namely, activity, a penchant for coziness, comfort and gossip, openness, and honesty.

The TV presenter's height is one meter and seventy-five centimeters, and her weight is frozen at around fifty-five kilograms.

Biography of Irada Zeynalova

The biography of Irada Zeynalova is an example of how efficiency helps to achieve everything at once in the shortest possible time. Little Irada was born in the capital of our Motherland, into a very authoritarian and wealthy Azerbaijani family.

Her father, Avtandil Zeynalov, is a famous official who worked for the benefit of the Motherland in one of the ministries, and also wrote talented articles.

Mother - Galina Zeynalova - was Russian by nationality, she raised her daughters in strictness and ran a household.

Sister - Svetlana Zeynalova - was born in 1977, the girl tried herself in many fields, she received psychological and theater education, and eventually came to journalism. As children, the girls constantly quarreled and fought, and now they cannot imagine life without each other. Svetlana is a radio and television journalist, she is divorced from Alexei Glazatov and is raising her daughter Sashenka.

Irada was an excellent student, an activist and simply wonderful girl. She managed to enter MATI and received a specialty as a powder materials technologist. Zeynalova worked for Samsung Aerospace, and since 1997 she became the host of the news block on RTR.

Later she began to work as a military and international correspondent, who was constantly thrown where it was most difficult, and repeatedly won awards in the “Best Reporter” category.

Since 2007, he has been in charge of the news bureau for Great Britain, Israel, and the Middle East from Channel One. Until recently, she was the author of many stories and the permanent presenter of the “Sunday Time” program.

Recently there was news that Irada Zeynalova left Channel One; the reasons for this action, according to the presenter herself, were purely personal and not related to politics.

Personal life of Irada Zeynalova

The personal life of Irada Zeynalova shows that even after an unsuccessful marriage, it is possible to become happy, even if you are already forty-five, and your chosen one is ten years younger.

It is worth noting that the TV presenter believes that her first man and first marriage were able to teach her a lot and gave her an impetus for self-development.

Irada Zeynalova “Boy, go to hell..” video, which many of her fans took as a joke, while others criticized the presenter’s swagger. Funny incident occurred during a report at the residence of the last Russian tsars, when a ten-year-old boy constantly tried to get into the frame, despite the requests of the operator.

The phrase “Boy, go to hell...”, uttered automatically by Zeynalova, had a magical effect on the boy, who instantly disappeared. The video exploded on social networks and was included in the collection of global journalistic blunders, which viewers are ready to watch and re-watch constantly. The presenter herself clarified that this incident taught her to be more restrained, and she never aspired to be popular, even in the virtual space.

Family of Irada Zeynalova

Irada Zeynalova’s family occupies the main place in her life, since she eastern peoples It is customary to honor parents and treat them with respect. The woman says that she cannot communicate with her family members as often as she would like due to her constant employment.

Irada says that it was in her family that she and her sister were instilled with many useful skills and habits, including a love of reading. The woman constantly reads classical and modern literature, there is barely a free minute between broadcasts.

A common family hobby is collecting clown figurines from all over the world; by the way, the collection includes expensive and rare specimens. Mom, sister and other female relatives wear Irada’s clothes and shoes with pleasure, considering it quite acceptable.

In the Zeynalova family, the authority of her beloved daddy is very great, so Irada constantly consults with him before making an important decision for her. The woman strictly follows his advice, even if it goes against her beliefs. The most interesting thing is that Irada does not have tattoos, only because her father did not approve of them.

Children of Irada Zeynalova

The children of Irada Zeynalova are still very, very few in number; she has so far only given birth to one heir. It is worth noting that Irada never talked about how many children she wants to have and whether she is going to give birth to them to her new chosen one.

Zeynalova often says that, despite the dissolution of her first marriage, she never forbade her son to communicate with his father. Among other things, Irada constantly put the brave and professional father as an example for my son.

The guy has been living independently for a long time, so the mother points out that for wonderful relationship You should not communicate too often and interfere in the personal lives of your own children.

It is worth clarifying that Zeynalova is now increasingly devoting her time to to my own son, she helps Timur with his studies and discusses all pressing problems, trying to get his advice.

Son of Irada Zeynalova - Timur Samoletov

Irada Zeynalova’s son, Timur Samoletov, was born to the talented presenter in 1997, after two years of cancer with international journalist and news block host Alexei Samoletov.

An active and very smart boy, he did great at school, he is fluent in English and German languages. His parents predicted that he would enter the prestigious MGIMO and become an international journalist, but the guy flatly refused.

The reasons for this were the fact that Timur knew the journalistic kitchen from the inside and did not want to risk his life, constantly being away from his family.

The guy served in Russian army, he considered this the act of every real man. Now Timur lives separately from his parents and claims that he loves his parents and does not condemn them for their actions.

At the same time, the young man still managed to enter the Faculty of International Relations of MGIMO; he is best able to study Arabic languages. The guy does not want to depend on his parents’ funding, so he is constantly looking for temporary part-time work, including distributing flyers and selling tickets at the theater box office.

Irada Zeynalova's ex-husband - Alexey Samoletov

Irada Zeynalova’s ex-husband, Alexey Samoletov, is a colleague of the presenter; he worked for many years as a special correspondent for the Vesti program and capital news. Currently he hosts the television program “World on the Edge,” which he created literally from scratch.

The young people met and began to live together as soon as the girl turned twenty-one, so they had little understanding of what they would have to face in the future. The girl was very soft, so her husband literally pulled out of her rope, however, he constantly said that in everyday life Zeynalov was a useless person, since she did not know how to cook and was constantly late at work.

Because of this, constant disputes and quarrels arose, although Irada considered her husband a real hero, due to the fact that he exchanged himself for hostages in Beslan. After this incident in 1995, the young people, by the way, entered into a legal marriage.
The marriage lasted exactly twenty years and unexpectedly broke up for everyone, although Irada and Alexei have to work together and be friends for the sake of their son.

Irada Zeynalova’s husband – Alexander Evstigneev

Irada Zeynalova’s husband, Alexander Evstigneev, appeared in the TV presenter’s life quite unexpectedly; he is much younger than his chosen one. Sasha was already married to Natalya Ustyugova, who works as a correspondent and gave birth to a child for the man; by the way, Sasha Jr. is now eight years old.

Evstigneev is a talented war correspondent who has visited the hottest spots in the world in order to truthfully and timely tell Russians about the events there from their television screens. At the same time, Alexander claims that he is not afraid of dying, and risk has long become a constant part of his life.

The young people met in 2014 while filming one of the stories, when film crew fired at in Slavyansk. They dated for two years, but decided to take a decisive step only in 2016. The guy, who appeared in the capital from a Siberian town, managed to melt the ice in the girl’s heart, which was formed after the first divorce, inviting her to a cafe on the Patriarch’s Ponds and showering her with gifts.

The guy is fond of mountaineering, and Irada, with equal devotion, waited for him at the foot of the mountain and brought sandwiches when he stayed overnight at the Ostankino television center, and also prepared fluffy cheesecakes. Currently, Zeynalova has clarified that she is leaving “Sunday Time” for the sake of her wedding with her chosen one, which, by the way, took place in early 2016.

Photo by Irada Zeynalova in Maxim magazine

A photo of Irada Zeynalova has never appeared in Maxim magazine, the fact is that she is, after all, an oriental woman and therefore lives under a number of restrictions. Irada claims that candid photos completely naked will not be put on public display, much less in men's magazines.

At the same time, photos of Irada Zeynalova in a swimsuit can always be seen on the Internet. As a rule, in them the TV presenter appears before her loyal fans in a closed swimsuit, although many consider it unnecessary to cover up her luxurious curves.

Numerous photographs in a closed-type swimsuit could be seen from the show " Big races"in France, as well as from the Olympic Games, where Irada appeared before the audience in a luxurious red and shiny swimsuit.

Let us again clarify that naked Zeynalova, as well as her in a two-piece swimsuit, is a fake photo, by searching for which you can actually get a ransomware virus on your gadget.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irada Zeynalova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Irada Zeynalova only half exist, the fact is that she has pages in many in social networks, except Instagram. By the way, most of the photos and videos that relate to personal family life and Irada’s career growth can be found on her sister Svetlana’s Instagram page.

By the way, under posts of this kind you can read requests on how to become loved, self-sufficient and get out of any stalemate with dignity. It is worth noting that from time to time Irada tries to respond to some posts, giving professional advice and inviting heroines for news segments.

In an article on Wikipedia it is possible to clarify reliable information concerning parents, childhood, youth, career and scandals, personal life and awards. The article was found on

TV presenter Irada Zeynalova, who hosts author's program“Results of the Week” on the NTV channel spoke about leaving Channel One, personal life and friends, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.

“It’s like in a family: all relationships end. So we ended with Channel One - we exhausted each other. I wanted something new, and so did they. And we gave each other the right to make a decision. I was the first to inform about my decision family and Konstantin Lvovich Ernst. And I had long conversations both in the family and with the leadership. This was very valuable to me, because I consider myself. an honest man. I never play games or intrigue. She came and honestly said: “Sorry, I’m leaving. If you want, support me.” I'm not one of those reporters who comes in and signs off and hopes they'll keep them. Konstantin Lvovich, he knows me well and understands people very well. I would say that he has a completely bestial instinct for people. It was a long and difficult conversation. And he supported me,” Zeynalova said.

Speaking about offensive comments on the Internet, the TV presenter said that she does not like injustice: “When people write that they are not satisfied with my appearance, the timbre of my voice, this is already a matter of taste. Guys, the good thing about television is that you can turn it off.”

“It’s unpleasant for me when, for example, a complete stranger to me writes: “I met Irada Zeynalova at the airport, she, as always, flew first class. Arrogant and disgusting, she didn’t recognize me, didn’t even say hello.” And I understand that I didn’t fly anywhere that day. I never fly first class, because I, like all my TV viewers, fly with transfers in economy and I don’t see anything wrong with this. And I open a photo of this woman - I’ve never seen her at all. And she develops a huge discussion about the fact that we grew up together. And nothing bothers me if their day turns out. before they write about me, God bless them,” she said.

Zeynalova also remembered “wildly funny situation", which happened to her on Irina Khakamada's anniversary. "The birthday was on the fifth or fourth floor. There is only one elevator, small. I'm running in, I should have left earlier. And there stands some scary, as it seems to him, liberal-minded man with his wife. In such a strong loser. She looks at me and says: “Irada Zeynalova.” I say yes". And I’ve only just started broadcasting since the Arab Springs. He looks like this: “I want to strangle you. I will pull out your Adam’s apple with my fingers.” His equally tipsy wife says: “Vasya, well, okay.” I say: “Strangle yourself, don’t deny yourself anything. Take it and strangle it.” He replies: “I changed my mind.” I say: “This is how you screwed up your life and your country. You’re just talking. Then don’t open your mouth if you don’t want to do anything.” He said to his wife: “Am I brave?” And she: “I’m proud of you,” the TV presenter said.

And here is what Irada Zeynalova said about her marriage: “I hope that I am not the first person in Russia to get married. I am surprised by such attention from the media. I am an adult. My future spouse adult (military correspondent of Channel One Alexander Evstigneev). I hope that no one will know anything about the development of events, because we are very tired of this. I am very afraid of the evil eye. Very. Pah-pah-pah, everything is fine with us. And I hope that everything is fine and will be. And most importantly, if there is no such intense media attention, it will be even better."