Pork broth. Chicken broth Calorie content of pork broth


For those who want to lose weight, good news: the calorie content of chicken broth allows you to include it in your daily menu. However, not everything is so simple. The calorie content in chicken broth is 20-220 kcal and depends on which part of the carcass it was cooked from. Its concentration, that is, the proportion of meat and water, is no less important. Other factors also influence the calorie content: whether the lid was closed or open during cooking, whether the first water was drained, etc.

Note! Fillet and skinless chicken breast are the most nutritious parts of the carcass. The skin contains maximum fat. The more it is, the more caloric the product is. Thus, the calorie content of skinless chicken breast broth will be the lowest.

Chicken broth calories

To determine how many calories are in chicken broth, you need to add up the calorie content of all components (thighs, breasts and other parts of the carcass) and their weight along with the volume of water. The resulting value must be divided by the total mass.

If you need to find out the calorie content of chicken broth without meat, you need to calculate the difference between the calorie content of fresh and boiled meat, and then multiply the resulting value by its weight and divide by the volume of water.

Calorie table for chicken broth cooked from different parts of a chicken carcass in the proportion of 1 kg of meat per 1 liter of water.

Name Calorie content of raw meat, kcal Calorie content of boiled meat, kcal Calorie content of broth, kcal
Chicken breast without skin 113 95 18
Chicken thigh 185 165 20
Chicken necks 297 175 122
Chicken wings 222 166 56
Chicken backs 319 160 159

Thus, the highest calorie content (per 100 grams) is for broth cooked from necks and backs, and the lowest is for broth from skinless breasts.

Note! As a rule, the calorie content of chicken broth with 1 chicken does not exceed 40 kcal.

Ways to reduce calories

To make the broth low-fat and less high in calories, it is recommended to cook it from the sirloin of a carcass without skin. However, in this case it will turn out not only dietary, but also not very tasty, bland. To keep the calorie content within the normal range and still get a good rich taste, it is best to cook the broth from the thigh with the skin and the breast without the skin (fillet) at the same time.

You can also follow these rules to reduce calories:

  • when the broth first boils, you should drain the first water, rinse the meat and refill with water, put on fire;
  • after the next boil, the foam must be removed from the surface of the broth;
  • to obtain a less fatty broth, you need to use twice as much water as meat;
  • Before cooking, it is better to trim off excess fat;
  • When using meat on the bone, there is no need to cook it for a long time, since in this case gelatin will begin to release, which negatively affects the dietary qualities of chicken broth.

Note! The saturation and transparency of the broth is directly related to the cooking method, the parts of the carcass used, and the cooking time. For example, the calorie content of broth made from skinless breast will be the lowest. At the same time, the yushka will turn out more transparent and pale. And, conversely, the calorie content and density of chicken broth from thighs with skin or backs will be higher.

Regardless of the calorie content and the choice of parts of the carcass, the highest quality and tasty chicken broth is obtained from poultry raised on natural feed, without the addition of chemicals.

There are different opinions about pork broth: some consider it tasty and healthy, while others claim that it is harmful. As always, both sides are partially right.

Pork broth calories

Pork broth is the highest in calories. Just 100 g of product contains an average of 40 kcal.

Beneficial properties of pork broth

Although nutritionists are ardent opponents of consuming rich pork broth, it is still beneficial for some people. First of all, people who spend a lot of energy on physical work. They just need nourishing food.

Pork broth has a rich chemical composition, especially there are a lot of B vitamins - riboflavin with folic acid, as well as vitamin C and E.

A number of microelements pass into the broth from meat: iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and most of all potassium.

If the animal was fed food containing hormones and vitamins in large doses, treated with antibiotics, and the meat was enriched with preservatives for better preservation, then this entire bouquet will go into the broth. This makes it very difficult for the gastrointestinal tract and liver to function. The higher the concentration, the greater the harm the broth is to the body.

How to choose meat for pork broth

To make a tasty broth, you need to choose a high-quality starting product for it. It is better to choose lean meat on the bone - ribs, shoulder blade. If there is still fat, it is cut off. Excessively fatty broth has an unpleasant odor.

The main condition when choosing meat is its 100% freshness, determined by color and smell. Fresh pork is usually pale pink and soft. When you press on the pulp, there is no sticky feeling, it springs well and the fingerprint quickly disappears.

You can also use frozen meat, but first you should defrost it, not in the microwave or hot water, but by placing it on the table or on the refrigerator shelf. Next, wash the meat in lukewarm water.

If in some places the surface of the pieces of meat has dried out and acquired a grayish-brownish tint, the product is not suitable not only for broth, but also for preparing any other dish. By pressing on such meat with your finger, you can observe that the dent remains for a long time. Typically, such meat has a sour, musty smell.

Even broth cooked from properly selected meat can deteriorate during storage. When fresh, it smells pleasant and has an appetizing aroma and taste. A thin film of yellowish fat forms on the surface and hardens in the refrigerator.

If there are bubbles on the surface of the broth and it tastes sour, then this is a sign that it has begun to deteriorate. Without consequences, only the stomachs of yard dogs can be treated with such a product. So, when you don't plan to use the broth anytime soon, it's best to put it in the freezer.

What to cook with pork broth

This product is a good base for first courses. It is prepared from:

  • solyanka, on which pickles are stewed for this dish;
  • buckwheat or wheat porridge;
  • pickle;
  • borsch.
They are used to pour potatoes for stewing and cabbage rolls.

You should not consume pork broth often, nor should you give it up completely. The main thing to remember is: “Everything is good in moderation.”

Chicken broth is a dietary dish. Its consumption has a beneficial effect on health - it normalizes digestion, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of heart disease. Despite its low calorie content, the broth satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time and saturates the body with energy.

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The ingredients in the soup based on it can be combined, depending on gastronomic preferences. If a person wants to lose weight, nutritionists recommend preparing a dietary dish with the addition of vegetables rich in fiber, such as carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

Composition and KBJU of broth

Chicken broth is obtained by boiling poultry meat with spices. Rice, potatoes, noodles, etc. are also added to the dish as additional ingredients. The broth contains a rich complex of vitamins and minerals: B vitamins (B2, B4, B6, B12), vitamin A, E, H, PP; minerals - iron, sulfur, chromium, phosphorus, zinc, cobalt, etc. It also contains mono- and polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids.

The energy value of a dish depends on the products added during its preparation. The least amount of kilocalories is contained in the classic recipe for broth made from a whole chicken carcass or its individual parts (breast, thigh, leg, drumstick). Homemade vermicelli, rice or potatoes are added to a more satisfying and, therefore, high-calorie broth.

The table shows the number of calories and nutritional value (BJU) of chicken broth per 100 grams.

Chicken soup - calories, nutritional supplements, recipes

Beneficial properties for the body

Chicken broth gives a person energy and saturates his body with nutrients. The dish exhibits the following nbeneficial properties:

  1. 1. Accelerates the patient’s recovery after surgery; it is indicated for colds, flu and other infectious diseases. Its regular use strengthens the human immune system. To enhance the properties of the broth, doctors recommend eating it with green onions or garlic.
  2. 2. Easily absorbed by the body and provides a feeling of fullness for a long time. Due to its low calorie content, it can be included in the diet menu.
  3. 3. Strengthens bone tissue and improves the structure of muscle fibers, so it is recommended to add it to your diet for athletes and people diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteochondrosis.
  4. 4. Thins the blood, reducing the risk of blood clots in the vessels.
  5. 5. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - fights fatigue and irritability, strengthens memory and improves sleep.
  6. 6. Promotes tissue regeneration, accelerating the healing of wounds and cuts on the skin.

Cooking recipes

To preserve the beneficial properties of the broth, it must be prepared correctly. When choosing meat, preference should be given to homemade chicken, since store-bought chicken contains harmful additives. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, before cooking, you need to remove the skin and remove fat from the chicken carcass.

In order for the broth to turn out transparent, during the cooking process it is necessary to remove the foam and fat from its surface.

Below are recipes for delicious and satisfying first courses.

Chicken broth with egg

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken meat - 400 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1-1.5 l;
  • black pepper (peas) - 4 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. 1. Cut the meat, peel and rinse. Chicken legs and thighs are best for making a rich broth.
  2. 2. Peel the carrots and onions. Cut the carrots into large pieces, and make two shallow intersecting cuts at the top of the bulb.
  3. 3. Pour cold water into the pan, add meat, carrots and onions. When the broth boils, salt it and add black pepper and bay leaf. Reduce heat and cook the dish until done. On average, its preparation takes 40–60 minutes.
  4. 4. Remove meat, carrots and onions from the finished broth. Strain it.
  5. 5. Boil the eggs and cut them in half. Before serving the dish, add one or two slices of egg and garnish with fresh herbs.

Noodle and potato soup

You can cook a hearty soup with vegetables using chicken broth. It will warm you up in cold weather and satisfy your hunger for a long time.


  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vermicelli or homemade egg noodles - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 2 l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Cut the meat into large pieces, cover with cold water and add bay leaves. When the water boils, remove the foam from its surface and reduce the heat on the stove. Cook the fillet until tender for 15–20 minutes, then place it on a plate.
  2. 2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion.
  3. 3. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until softened, add the carrots and cook for another 2 minutes.
  4. 4. Cut the potatoes into cubes or slices and cook in a saucepan with chicken broth for 10–12 minutes. Add roast, boiled chicken and vermicelli. Salt and pepper the soup. Cook for 5–7 minutes until done.

You can serve the soup with sour cream and homemade croutons. Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill or parsley.

If we begin to count calories, then we count them in everything - for weight loss or weight control, the calorie content of each piece eaten is important. When preparing soups, we know exactly how many calories are in carrots and onions, and how many are in cabbage. How many calories are in the broth in which we cook the soup?

To calculate how many calories are in the broth, you need to first find out what kind of meat was used to prepare the broth. If you are on a diet, then, of course, you know that you should not eat fatty meat - it is too high in calories. Like fatty broths, for the same reason. When cooking meat, to reduce the calorie content of the broth, it is recommended to remove the fat that floats to the top with a spoon. Also, to reduce the calorie content of the broth, another cunning method is used - they cook it in “second” water, that is, when the water boils and the meat cooks in it for about 5 minutes, the water is drained, new water is poured in, and the meat is cooked in it until tender.

The calorie content in the broth depends, as we have already said, on the meat from which the broth is cooked. The lower the calorie content of the meat, the lower the calorie content of the broth from it. The less fat there is in the meat, the less calorie-rich its broth will be. We offer you a table of calorie content of broths so that you can accurately calculate the calorie content of your soups (calorie content of broths is given per 100 g).

  • calorie content of mushroom broth – 4.3 kcal;
  • calorie content of vegetable broth – 12.85 kcal;
  • calorie content of hake fish broth – 26.15 kcal;
  • calorie content of meat broth (pork) – 40 kcal;
  • calorie content of meat broth (beef) – 29 kcal;
  • calorie content of beef bone broth – 28.6 kcal;
  • calorie content of meat broth (lamb) – 18.4 kcal.

You can easily see that the lowest calorie content is in chicken and lamb broth (except for vegetable and mushroom broth). Those who are on a diet should use them to prepare soups.

What are the benefits of broth?

The calorie content of broths is quite low, but their satiety is quite high - after all, the main source of calories in broth is fats, and they are the most calorie-dense of nutrients. At the same time, broths are useful for digestion, since a hot liquid dish helps digest food and improves intestinal function; broths are rich in B vitamins, which, firstly, strengthen our nervous system, improve brain activity and memory, relieve stress and improve sleep; secondly, they prevent the aging of the body, fight free radicals and improve the condition of hair, nails and skin; and thirdly, they normalize metabolism, participate in the synthesis of enzymes and hormones in the body, the production of new cells and contribute to the normal functioning of all body systems. Broths contain magnesium and zinc, which are necessary for metabolism, cell and tissue regeneration, good immunity, strong memory, good hair and skin condition, as well as the breakdown of fats in the body. They also contain a lot of phosphorus, which is an essential building material for bones and nerve tissue, and other elements necessary and important for the body.

Broths strengthen the immune system and help fight colds and viral diseases, they speed up a person’s recovery and rehabilitation after illnesses, have a beneficial effect on blood pressure and heart function, are good for the stomach and are an excellent means of preventing thrombosis.

The healthiest broth: calorie content of chicken broth

Yes, the healthiest and most dietary broth is chicken broth, and not from the thighs, where there is a lot of fat and cholesterol, but from the breast, which contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals, especially phosphorus. Chicken broth improves digestion, promotes tissue regeneration and wound healing, it strengthens teeth and bones, accelerates the healing of broken bones, calms, relieves stress and improves memory. For colds, chicken broth not only helps to cope with the disease, relieves fever, improves sleep and relieves inflammation, but also speeds up the body's recovery after it.

Chicken broth is indicated for patients with diabetes, as it normalizes blood sugar. Rich in protein, chicken broth is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Chicken broth helps not only with a cold, but also in another case when a person’s health is quite bad - we are talking about a hangover. A glass or two of warm chicken broth in the morning after heavy libations will help kickstart the body’s metabolism, begin to remove toxins from the body, help the digestive system come to its senses, stimulate the intestines to remove residual alcohol from the digestive system, relieve headaches and restore clarity of thought. And hot green tea with lemon will break down the remaining toxins and finally return you to working condition.

However, if you are allergic, then excessive consumption of chicken broth may cause allergic reactions, so be careful.

Diet soups based on chicken broth

Chicken broth is simmered over low heat for about 50 minutes. To enrich it with vitamins and make it even tastier, add onions, carrots and parsley or celery root in the middle of the cooking process. You can add a boiled chicken egg, fresh herbs and rye crackers to the cooked broth. The calorie content of a serving of such dietary soup is easy to calculate:

  • chicken and vegetable broth – 200 g (50 kcal);
  • rye crackers – 10 g (40 kcal);
  • parsley – a bunch (3 kcal);
  • boiled egg – 55 g (87 kcal).

Total: a serving of broth with rye crackers, herbs and a chicken egg – 265 g (180 kcal). You can easily fill up with this soup, and if you add a cup of fresh tomato and cucumber salad with olive oil and lemon juice (another 100 kcal) for the second course, you will get a complete low-calorie lunch (only 280 kcal).

Another recipe for a low-calorie vitamin soup based on chicken breast broth - to the finished strained broth (600 g), add two handfuls of chopped broccoli (about 200 g), 1 carrot cut into slices (70 g), a bunch of parsley, basil and spinach (total 100 g) and cook for about 15 minutes. The calorie content of a serving of this soup will be:

  • chicken broth – 200 g (35 kcal);
  • broccoli – 30 g (11 kcal);
  • carrots – 25 g (9 kcal);
  • greens – 30 g (5 kcal).

Total: a serving of chicken broth with vegetables and herbs – 285 g (60 kcal). You can add other vegetables to this soup - chopped tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, white cabbage and others. This will not increase its calorie content too much - a maximum of 20-25 kcal per serving. If you add a piece of black (rye bread), the calorie content of lunch will increase by only 70-80 kcal and will be a maximum of 160 kcal, but you will consume even more very useful substances - which means you will be even healthier, more active, younger and more beautiful.

Therefore, if you are on a diet, replace regular soups with these light soup broths. They are very healthy, contain a lot of vitamins and very few calories, although they are quite filling. They contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, amino acids, minerals and vitamins - everything the body needs for normal functioning.

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Chicken broth is a dish familiar to everyone since childhood. Most soups are cooked on it, and main courses are also seasoned with it. Doctors advise patients to drink this golden brew.


It’s impossible to count how much the first chicken dish contains useful substances that have passed into solution:

  • B vitamins;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • selenium.

Chicken broth calories

It is impossible to answer unequivocally how many kcal are contained in chicken broth, because many factors influence the nutritional value:

  • what part of the bird is the soup made from?
  • how much water was used;
  • cooking took place when the lid was open or closed;
  • how many times the water was drained.

On average, the energy value of chicken broth is small and amounts to 15 kcal per 100 g. However, in some cases the value can reach 200,000 calories, so those who want to lose weight must take into account all the nuances.

The lowest calorie broth is obtained from fillet, since this meat contains only protein. Breast with bone or skin on gives more fat. The legs, wings and offal make a rich soup, but it is almost nutritionally useless due to the lack of protein.

Table of energy values ​​of various parts of chicken

How to correctly calculate the nutritional value of soup?

The general formula for calculation looks like this:

The energy value of the food = calorie content of all ingredients (meat + water + pasta, vegetables, if any) / mass of solution (meat and water).

Mathematicians simplified this formula and derived the following:

The energy value of the broth = the value of the meat that makes up the soup x 0.9.

We take the calorie content of water as 0. The density of water is 1 g/ml, which means, in a simplified way, its mass is equal to its volume.

The formula is valid for an equal ratio of water and meat in the pan.

For 1 kg of meat and 1 liter of water, the nutritional value of a ham first course, for example, is:

195 x 0.9 = 175.5 (kcal / 100 g).

This is how many calories you will get by eating this dish along with meat.

Calorie content of pure broth = (energy value of raw meat - value of meat after cooking) x (meat mass / water weight).

(195 – 184.6) x (1 kg / 1 l) = 10.4 kcal.

Simply put, it is enough to subtract the value of boiled meat from the calculated nutritional value of soup with meat.

As you can see, the numbers are insignificant: chicken broth is a low-calorie product.


The extractive substances of the meat, which pass into the water, envelop the gastric mucosa, making the dish easily digestible. Chicken broth made from fillet does not overload the liver with fat, and cooked on the bone strengthens the skeleton and joints.

This soup increases acidity, stimulating the production of gastric juice (stomach enzymes work only in an acidic environment), so the dish is useful for digestive disorders. Moreover, meat, on the contrary, absorbs acid.

Broth substances thin the blood, preventing stagnation and blood clots, normalize sugar concentration, and improve bronchial clearance during colds, especially if garlic is added.

The low energy value of chicken soup is used in many diets.


B vitamins are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and the supply of nutrients to the retina. These substances are important for the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In the formation of hemoglobin, it is not so much iron itself that is important, but the participation of these vitamins in the process.

Calcium is necessary for conducting excitation through the muscles, in particular for the heart muscle. It acts as an activator of certain enzymes, such as insulin. This is the main element of bone tissue and teeth. It is involved in blood clotting and prevents excessive acidification of the internal environment.

Magnesium is responsible for the normal condition of bones and teeth. Together with calcium, it monitors the work of muscles and the conduction of excitation along the nerve fiber. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens the immune system.

Copper promotes hematopoiesis and, together with iron, prevents anemia and benefits the digestive organs.

Selenium is an anti-cancer element, which means it strengthens the immune system and takes part in the synthesis of proteins (including antibodies) and red blood cells. The element has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system and is part of enzymatic systems and hormones.


In poultry farms, chicken is often raised using artificial growth promoters. The chickens are not allowed to walk and are kept in cramped conditions: narrow cages with a large number of relatives. This has a depressing effect on the bird. Of course, the meat of such animals contains harmful substances, and when cooked they pass into the water.

Chicken broth increases acidity, so patients with ulcers and high acidity should not eat it.

How to reduce energy value

For dietary nutrition, several conditions must be met:

  • Get rid of fat and skin on the carcass.
  • Do not pre-fry the meat.
  • Place the bird in cold water (heating the water draws out toxins from the meat).
  • After 20 minutes, drain the first water with foam. Toxins and cadaveric poisons with excess fat have passed into them.
  • Then rinse the carcass under cold water and cook until done.