Wedding of Soso Pavliashvili and Irina. Who did Soso Pavliashvili propose to? Personal life of Soso Pavliashvili


Now popular singer Soso Pavliashvili, a graduate of the Tbilisi Conservatory in violin, became interested in the light genre when he served in the military air force Soviet army. Then he became a member of the VIA Iveria, famous throughout the union, and then went free to swim on the waves of pop music to start writing his own songs.

Pavliashvili is 53 years old and a father of many children. The singer's eldest child was born in his first marriage. Levan is already thirty, and now his famous dad calls the guy more often a friend than a son.

The artist Irina Patlakh gave him two daughters, with whom Soso still lives. When they met, she was only 16, and he was already 32. Now both say that at first they were strong friends, and joke that until she, Irina, came of age. They have been happy for many years; two daughters are growing up in the family. Lisa is 13, and Sandra will soon turn ten. The singer introduced the viewers of the program “When Everyone is Home” to his loved ones. Pavliashvili dotes on his girls. They are, of course, smart and beautiful, but Soso appreciates his wife not only for this. According to the singer, he owes his life to Irina.

In 1996, Pavliashvili was in a car accident, after which he began to have severe epileptic attacks that lasted for several years. It was then that Soso realized that Irina was “his wolf.”

“There comes a moment when you understand - this woman is your wolf... I had a serious accident in 96, and in 97 I began to have epilepsy, and it lasted 7 years. And Irochka was with me. Although if she had left, I would have said it and done the right thing. I myself said: “go away, why do you need me like that,” said Soso Pavliashvili.

Irina remembers those years without hiding, although she admits that it was not easy. The attacks, as Pavliashvili’s wife said, happened only at night and when he woke up he did not understand what had happened to him. And about ten minutes before the next attack, Soso began to talk like a man possessed with someone - “like in horror films,” adds Irina. But the woman did not have a moment of doubt; she says that she never thought about leaving her beloved.

“Then he didn’t care about anything - neither about family, nor about love, nor about me. But I knew that my love would be enough for both of us,” said Irina.

// Photo: frame from the program “When everyone is at home”

Despite the illness, the couple decided to have a child. Now the singer calls the eldest of his daughters, Lisa, nothing more than a guardian angel. Pavliashvili associates his healing with her birth. “The most important thing is that after her birth, I was cured. And completely without the intervention of doctors. But they even wanted to do a craniotomy on me. But then Lisa was born and everything passed as if nothing had happened,” said Soso Pavliashvili.

The singer says that he was a womanizer on an all-Union scale, but his love for Irina turned the Don Juan into an exemplary family man. But the couple did not immediately realize their feelings.

Soso Pavliashvili with his wife and children.

Vladimir Chistyakov

The singer was never deprived of ladies' attention. And not a single representative of the fair sex was offended or angry after breaking up with him. Irina Ponarovskaya, with whom the artist lived in a civil marriage, speaks about him with warmth in her interviews, admitting that thanks to him she learned a lot in life. After divorcing his first official wife, Nino Uchaneishvili, Soso remained on friendly terms with her. Probably the secret is that he respects women and is ready to carry them in his arms. But he first had to track down the love of his life, Irina, sitting in ambush. True, it’s better for him to tell about it himself.

How did you two meet?
Irina Patlakh:
“I was sixteen years old then, I was studying at theater studio The Palace of Pioneers, in the building of which Soso’s studio was located.”
Soso Pavliashvili:“Once a sound engineer told me that she came in very beautiful girl, who asked me to rewrite my song “I’m with you” on a disc for her. This message intrigued me, because at that time young girls mostly listened to other music, such as the group “Hands Up!” And the fact that the stranger was also beautiful interested me doubly, since at that time I was a womanizer on an all-Union scale. And I decided to watch for her. You could say he was lying in wait. Finally she appeared, but, as time showed, I became the victim. Because I fell in love with her."

What do you remember about your first meeting?
“He looked at me like a boa constrictor at a small bird. He has such amazing energy that he cannot leave anyone, not a single person indifferent. I stood there, looking at him as if spellbound, not realizing much. This was the first impression. Soso turned out to be a very kind, hospitable, personable person, and most importantly, very professional. We immediately formed friendly relations. There was no talk of any romantic feelings at that time.”
Soso:“We were united by our love of music. And our communication was built on this.”
Irina:“Then Soso met my parents. At first they were wary of him. After all, we have a sixteen-year age difference. But they too quickly fell under his stunning charm.”

Soso, and then, when you began to live with Irina, the attitude of her father and mother towards you did not change?
"No. They realized that I love her endlessly. And such an age difference is exactly what is needed.”
Irina:“I have wonderful and wise parents. They saw that I was happy with Soso. This was the main thing for them. And what’s important: knowing Soso quite well, they respect and trust him. We are one big family."
Soso:“We even have apartments in the same building and on the same floor. Closer to each other."

Is it true that Irina worked in your musical group?
“Irochka sang and danced superbly, and I invited her to work in my team. And it’s amazing how easily she joined him and quickly became her own. We had to tour a lot, and for some period we practically never separated.”

Was it then that love replaced friendship?
“It’s difficult to say when this happened. There was no turning point; unbeknownst to us, the relationship moved into another stage.”
Soso:“And when we were confirmed in our feelings, I said to Ira: “You have to give birth to me.” I saw that she was ready for this step. And a year later Lisa was born.”

Soso, weren't you disappointed that it was a girl and not a boy? After all, most men dream of a son.
"Vice versa. I have a son from my first marriage, I know what it’s like to be the father of a boy. This is great joy. Now Levan is an adult, and we have a relationship like friends. But when a girl is born, it is completely different. Maybe at twenty-five or thirty years old a man still does not fully realize what an unspeakable happiness it is to be the father of a daughter. They are so affectionate, defenseless and with youth caring. When I talk to Lisa on the phone and she asks: “Daddy, how are you feeling?” Are you okay?’ - you can’t imagine what tenderness fills your heart at this moment.”

Soso, since this is not your first child, you probably expected Lisa’s appearance calmly, as befits an experienced father?
“What are you talking about! He was very worried, he was eager to give birth with me. The doctors forcibly removed him from the room. I still remember how he looked at me then and repeated: “How will you be here without me?!” Will I be there without you?!” It was very touching, but funny at the same time. That day Soso had a concert, the doctors assured him that I would give birth no earlier than in five hours, and he went to the performance. But I “shot back” much faster and called my husband to tell him that our child had already been born. And going on stage, he said, addressing the audience: “Five minutes ago my daughter was born!”
Soso:“These are unforgettable moments, and what was going on in my soul cannot be expressed in words.”

Traditionally, was the birth of your second daughter also celebrated on stage?
"No. I was in St. Petersburg at that moment. And when Irochka called me, I was boarding the plane, getting ready to fly to Moscow. The first reaction is surprise. We just talked in the morning, she was going somewhere - either shopping, or on some business... But there was not even a conversation about the fact that she was about to give birth.”
Irina:“Just remembering what a commotion the first birth caused, I decided not to worry anyone. And without saying a word to anyone, she got ready and went to the maternity hospital. And I felt calm, because my loved ones weren’t nervous, and the surprise turned out wonderful.”

Who came up with names for the children?
“We named our eldest daughter Elizaveta, because I always liked the name Lisa. But with the younger one it turned out more interesting. We assumed that we would have a boy. And they were going to call him Sandro. Then Irochka, returning from the ultrasound, said that we would have another girl. It is worth noting that this news made me very happy. Another daughter, you can only dream about it! True, we decided not to change the name that we wanted to give the baby, but to take its female version - Sandra.”
Irina:“It is noteworthy that Lisa had a favorite doll, with which she played more often than with other toys. And she called her Sandra - long before we knew she was going to have a sister.”

Irina, men often talk about their fatherly feelings, but rarely actually take care of children...
“This is not about Soso. He's a crazy father. I am ready to protect children even from me if I am too strict. And I have to be like that when it comes to serious parenting issues, like school homework. Lisa is very stubborn. And in order to force her to do her homework, you have to be harsh. This responsibility falls on me, because Soso does not want to spoil the relationship with the children. Honestly, I understand him and am already thinking about hiring a professional teacher to teach my daughter. I want to be a mother, not a teacher. Moreover, the current school curriculum very confusing and less systematized than the one we studied. It's much more difficult for the kids now. In addition, Soso knows how to create an amazing atmosphere around children; they feel that they are growing up in love and care. It’s one thing to say “I have a dad,” but another thing to feel it, even when your father is away. They always feel his attention and warmth.”
Soso:“Just the other day I returned from a tour and called home from the airport. Lisa is sick. The voice is sad. I tell her: “My girl, what should I bring you?” Do you want flowers?” She: “Yes, I do.” Me: “What flowers do you want?” She: “Red roses.” And I brought a huge bouquet. By the way, Lisa accepts gifts very nicely. In general, the girls are used to me giving them and their mother flowers.”
Irina:"Yes. With us, you don’t have to wait for holidays for gifts and bouquets. I have always sympathized with those women whose men pay attention to them only on March 8th. In our family this holiday lasts all year round. Moreover, Soso doesn’t look for any reason to prepare a surprise for us, he just makes us happy.”
Soso:“In fact, it gives me pleasure to do something nice for Ira and my daughters. The main thing for me is to see their smiles, their eyes when they receive a gift or flowers.”

So you spoil girls?
“No, we just love them. And this does not harm them. When they see such an attitude towards themselves, their own concern for loved ones becomes natural for them. For example, I really don’t like getting up early in the morning; getting up early in the morning to get Lisa ready for school was very difficult. And suddenly my daughter began to set her own alarm clock, wakes up, gets ready for school, and I just prepare her breakfast. The baby wants to give me the opportunity to sleep longer. And besides, he shows independence. She is eight years old, and she is already trying to be caring towards her parents.”

Irina, you are a psychologist by training, but you do not work in your specialty. Is it related to family life?
"No. I chose my profession consciously, it is very interesting, psychologists really provide significant assistance to those who need it. But, alas, as practice shows, in our country people prefer to cry into their pillows or talk about their problems to friends and girlfriends, instead of turning to a psychologist who will help resolve this or that situation. This specialty is not as in demand here as I imagined.”

And I thought it was your husband who decided to tie you to the house...
"No. And if she herself wanted to stay at home, I would kick her out so that she could take care of herself and what interests her. She is young, beautiful, full of ideas and creative plans, she needs to realize her plans. For example, now she is interested in design.”

Design is a very unusual activity for a psychologist...
“Since childhood, I have loved to draw and make some kind of jewelry. I remember weaving baubles that were fashionable at that time for myself and my friends. But I couldn’t implement this hobby before, and I didn’t even think about it. But when Soso and I bought an apartment and began to think about what our home would look like, I was inspired. Of course, I couldn’t do it without the participation of professional designers, from whom I learned a lot, but I thought through some elements myself.”
Soso:“In addition, we ordered most of the finishing materials abroad - thanks to the fact that Irochka speaks English fluently. As a result, it cost us several times cheaper than if we bought everything in Russia.”

Soso probably also took part in choosing the interiors for the new house?
"On initial stage- yes. We knew in principle what we wanted. But when they tried to explain to each other in detail, they could not find understanding. For example, Soso said: “I want a burgundy bedroom.” Just figure out what this means: a burgundy ceiling or burgundy walls... I thought: my God, if you make the whole room in this color, it will look kind of terrible! She began to create in her own way, which caused us to argue a lot. The result was a bedroom in grayish-beige tones, and burgundy was added through pillows and bedspreads. When Soso saw the result, he said: “This is exactly what I wanted.” And since during the renovation it turned out that I was pregnant with my second child, he generally stated that he would no longer argue with me, the main thing was my peace of mind.”

But you have already celebrated your housewarming a long time ago. What about design skills now?
“My husband is a very attentive and sensitive person. Soso noticed how interested I was in this activity. Therefore, when he and his partners began to engage in the restaurant business, they entrusted me with the design of this establishment. You can't even imagine how happy I was. It was so interesting! Fortunately, the restaurant is located not far from our house, so I had time to take care of my family, home, and my project. They say it turned out well."
Soso:“It turned out great! True, I never doubted for a moment that you would do a great job. Our restaurant has good cuisine, but when people come to such a place, it is very important what the surroundings are, it creates the atmosphere of the establishment. I'm proud to say that my wife came up with this idea and created it. Believe me, Irochka’s success is no less significant to me than my own, and sometimes even more valuable.”
Irina: “Now this is our favorite place. This is where we spend everything family holidays. One might say, a branch of our house for business meetings and gala dinners."

By the way, when the conversation turned to cuisine, Soso grew up in Tbilisi, and Georgia is famous for its traditional dishes. Irina, weren’t you forced to comprehend the wisdom of national cuisine?
"No. When my husband’s mother comes to us (by the way, she is visiting us right now), she pampers us with Georgian dishes. And so... In our family there is no cult of food. We are simply happy when we all gather together at one table, regardless of what dishes we have for lunch or dinner. However, I’ll tell you a secret: we have a special menu for the time that Soso is on tour. The fact is that after being fed fish oil as a child, he cannot stand fish. In the literal sense of the word, he can’t stand it; the smell of cooking fish makes him feel sick. So we came up with a good compromise. We introduce fish days while our head of the family is on tour.”

Soso, you yourself admitted that you were a womanizer. How did you part with this “life credo”?
“It’s just that everything I need is in my wife. Why do I need someone else? I have already found the woman I was looking for, with whom I want to live my life. And my main concern is that she feels good. I won't do anything to hurt her. Therefore, the fascination with women is a thing of the distant past.”

They say it’s very difficult to be an artist’s wife...
“It seems to me that we don’t have such a problem, because I’m an artist on stage, and after finishing the concert, I leave the microphone behind the scenes and return home just as a man, a husband and a father. Yes, there are such persons who, having entered into an image, get stuck in it and never part with it. Therefore, they have problems both in their personal lives and in everyday communication with people. I have a clear line: here is work, there is life. That's why I'm happy."

It is believed that creative people extremely impulsive...
“For example, I am also emotional and impulsive. It happens that I get caught up in some little thing, make a problem out of my mind and get ready to tell my husband everything that I’ve twisted in my head. And Soso is so sensitive that he easily senses this state of mine. He comes up at such a moment with the right words, and it immediately disarms. And it already seems stupid and funny to me that just five minutes ago it seemed like a reason for conflict. By the way, he inherited such strong intuition from his mother.”

So you don't quarrel at all?
“Why does it happen... Does it really happen? family life without disagreement, especially if people really love each other and, therefore, react sharply to some events, words, feelings of their half?! And plus mutual trust, which allows you to spill out what has accumulated when communicating with the outside world. Someone offended or was rude, there were some difficulties in business... To whom should one reveal a sore point, if not to a loved one?”
Soso:“Yes, in our family there is all-round defense. I try to protect my girls - Ira, Lisa and Sandra - with outside, and Ira - from the inside.”
Irina:“But even when we fight, which is rare, everything goes smoothly. The maximum that can happen is that we break some plate on the floor. So this is good luck! But we have a sacred rule: we never conflict in front of our daughters, we don’t even raise our voices in their presence.”

Irina, don’t you feel jealous of your husband?
“I’m only jealous of him for football. He loves him too much."
Soso:“And Irochka doesn’t delight him... But she tolerates this hobby of mine. True, I don’t have any fanatical predilections for this or that club. I just love a beautiful and exciting game. I like it when there are talented players on the field. By the way, my daughters watch matches with me, but they don’t sit through the entire ninety minutes. Although when they were very little, I took them in my arms and watched the championships with them.”

You have a civil marriage. Aren’t you going to formalize the relationship?
“We haven’t needed this stamp in our passport yet. We are already a family, without any official papers. But it is quite possible that we will sign... I want you to understand that the main thing is that certain relationships arise between people. We are connected by something that many who have a marriage certificate do not have. We have love, respect, family. And all this actually exists, although without “documentary” confirmation.”

In this article we will talk about who Soso Pavliashvili is. “Without You” is one of the artist’s most famous compositions. Full name our hero - Joseph Pavliashvili. It's about about Russian and Georgian singer and actor. In addition to the already mentioned composition, his most famous creations include the following: “Let's pray for our parents”, “Me and you”, “To please”. Fans call our hero the tuning fork of Georgia, a guardian angel, a knight of the mountains, a king oriental music. We will provide details about this person below.


Soso Pavliashvili was born in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital. His father, Ramin Iosifovich, is an architect. Aza's mother is a housewife. While still a preschooler, our hero began attending a musical educational institution and started learning to play the violin. Hours of practice and hard work brought quick results. Very soon young musician began to take part in republican and regional festivals and competitions. The violin captivated our hero. After graduating from general education and music schools Soso Pavliashvili became a student at the Tbilisi Conservatory. He chose the direction of violin playing. During his military service, our hero retired from classical music. He joined the pop movement. After receiving his diploma, he became a member of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Iveria”.

So it began creative path Soso Pavliashvili. He started singing songs a little later. His talent as a singer was discovered by chance. The young man was a member of the above-mentioned group for a year. Then he left him, because he realized that there was something more important than musical instrument. One day he walked up to the microphone. This happened in Canada. There was a concert dedicated to the Winter Olympic Games, held in Calgary. The performer presented his performance Georgian song called "Suliko". This performance shocked those present. Soon our hero received the Grand Prix as part of the vocal festival in Jurmala as solo artist. He gained fame. A special feature of our hero’s repertoire is that he is the author of the music for most of his hits. Only occasionally does he resort to the services of famous Georgian and Russian composers.


Almost any concert by Soso Pavliashvili is a success. The reason can be called the uniqueness of such events. Our hero is able to express love, tenderness, and passion from a masculine perspective through singing. Debut studio album performer “Music for Friends” was released in 1993. This record attracted mainly the attention of women. The following albums “Me and You” and “Sing with Me” strengthened the artist’s popularity. To date, our hero has an impressive number of works, and each composition is filled with love lyrics, soulful lyrics and gentle romantic melodies. The big hits were the songs “I won’t call you by name”, “Let’s pray for our parents”, “The sky in the palm of your hand”, “Me and you”, “To please”. In addition, our hero often performs in duets with other stars. With Lyubov Uspenskaya he performed the composition “Stronger than before.” With Leonid Agutin he recorded the song “Some Thousand Years.” With Larisa Dolina he performed a soulful composition called “I Love You.”


Soso Pavliashvili also tried his hand at cinema. Moreover, he did not limit himself to the cameo format familiar to many musicians. He embodied real film images in the following films: “ Ice age", "Matchmakers", " Daddy's girls" However, most of all the singer has musical holiday tales. Among them: “The New Adventures of Aladdin”, “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “Pinocchio”.

Personal life

The yellow press writes about our hero without much enthusiasm. On the contrary, if information about this person appears in the media, then most often it concerns creativity. He is mentioned as an actor, composer and singer. There were no outside romances in our hero's life. And he loved few. Soso Pavliashvili's first wife is Nino Uchaneishvili. Former spouses maintain friendly relations. In addition, these people are brought together common child- a boy named Levan. Our hero's first-born did not follow in his father's footsteps. He was educated at Suvorov School. Then I studied at the university. As a result, he chose the path of a military man.

The second love of our hero was the pop singer Irina Ponarovskaya. They did not officially marry, but lived for several years as real family. Since 1997, our hero has been in a relationship with Irina Patlakh, a singer. From his chosen one he has two daughters - Sandra and Elizabeth. The civil union of these people lasted 17 years. In 2014, our hero proposed to his beloved from the stage.


The performer recorded the album “Music for Friends” in 1993. In 1996, his album “Sing with Me” was released. In 1998, the work “Me and You” appeared. In 2001, the album “About My Love” was recorded. 2003 brought connoisseurs of our hero’s work the album “A Georgian is Waiting for You!” In 2005 the disc “ Best songs for you". In 2007, the album “Remember the Georgian” was published. In 2010, the work “Oriental Songs” appeared.


In 1997, Soso Pavliashvili took part in the work on the film “ Newest Adventures Pinocchio." In 2002, our hero worked on the film “Ice Age”. In 2003, he received a role in the film “On the Corner of the Patriarchs - 3.” In 2004, the film “Lost the Sun” appeared with the participation of our hero. In 2007, our hero played in the films “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” and “Daddy’s Daughters.” In 2009 he received a role in the film “The Golden Key”. In 2010, the film “New Year's Matchmakers” with his participation was released. In 2011, the performer starred in the film “Kiss Through the Wall.” Soon another film featuring our hero, “The New Adventures of Aladdin,” was released.

Popular Georgian and Russian singer.

Soso Pavliashvili released the albums " A Georgian is waiting for you!», « About my love», « The best songs for you"and others. He starred in episodes of several Russian TV series, took part in the programs “ Two stars», « You are superstar"and others.

Biography of Soso Pavliashlivi

Soso Pavliashvili born June 29, 1964 in Tbilisi, Georgian SSR. The singer's father is Ramin Iosifovich Pavliashvili, an architect by profession, and his mother is Aza Aleksandrovna Pavliashvili. At the age of six, the future musician began learning to play the violin, and after graduating from school he entered the conservatory to study violin.

TO pop music Soso Pavliashvili joined the army and after two years of service, at the age of 24, began to study vocals seriously. Soon he joined the ensemble " Iveria", a famous vocal and instrumental group in Tbilisi, which had wide popularity in the USSR in the mid-1970s. Soso Pavliashvili worked at Iveria for a year. Already in 1989 he took part in a performing competition in Jurmala and received the Grand Prix.

The full name of the musician is Joseph Raminovich Pavliashvili.

Soso Pavliashvili about his victory at the competition in Jurmala: “Then I finally believed in own strength, because I placed a very serious bet on this competition. I told myself that if I don’t win, I won’t sing anymore. In fact, I was terribly worried before this competition. I don’t like all kinds of competitions because I’m too proud. And, thank God, it so happened that I immediately managed to take the first prize. This main award throughout my life, I think so.”

The creative path of Soso Pavliashvili

The singer's first album entitled " Music for friends"was released in 1993. A year earlier, Soso Pavliashvili took the Grand Prix of the festival “ Step to Parnassus" Next disc, " Sing with me", was released in 1996, and a video clip was shot for the title song of this album.

Soso Pavliashvili is the author of most of the compositions he performs, but sometimes he involves other composers in his work. The singer collaborated with Ilya Reznik, Simon Osiashvili, Mikhail Tanich and others.

Soso Pavliashvili about his songs: “Basically it comes on its own, and neither the moment of life, nor the mood, nor the state of well-being matters. For example, I wrote a lot of songs in the shower. Or, let’s say, I woke up at night because I was dreaming about some melody, and in a half-asleep state I recorded it on a voice recorder, which I always have next to my bed for this case. In the morning I didn’t remember anything, but it remained on the tape. That’s how most of my songs were born.”

In 1997, Soso Pavliashvili starred in musical film « The newest adventures of Pinocchio", in which many Russians were employed pop singers. So, the role of Pinocchio was played by Kristina Orbakaite, became Malvina Natasha Koroleva, and played other heroes Larisa Dolina, Bogdan Titomir, Arkady Ukupnik and others.

Soso Pavliashvili’s filmography also includes such television projects and films as the popular sitcoms “33 Square Meters”, “Daddy’s Daughters” and “My Favorite Witch”, “New Year’s Matchmakers”, “ Aladdin's New Adventures", "Kiss through the wall", "8 first dates", "Swing".

Soso Pavliashvili releases on average one album every two to three years. To date, he has eight discs and about two dozen video clips.

Soso Pavliashvili about music: “Now men who are able to truly express have completely disappeared from the stage. strong feelings love, passion, tenderness. They sing about feelings frivolously and often this love is without gender or with signs of perversion. I am sure that real men can suffer because of love, and should express this in songs, as from time immemorial they expressed it with serenades under the window of their beloved. I am close to the musical lyrics of Vysotsky, Rosenbaum, romances performed by Kobzon, Kikabidze.”

Personal life of Soso Pavliashvili

From 1985 to 2003, Soso Pavliashvili was officially married to Nino Uchaneishkhvili. On August 21, 1987, the couple had a son. Levan. Soso decided that his son needed a strict upbringing, so he sent the boy to the Suvorov School, after which the young man entered and successfully studied at the Military Technical University at Federal agency special construction.

Soso Pavliashvili had an affair with the famous Soviet singer Irina Ponarovskaya, which ended in separation in 2002.

Even before his divorce from his official wife Nino, in 1997, Soso Pavliashvili began to live in a civil marriage with the backing vocalist of the group “ Mironi» Irina Patlakh. Soso and Irina had two daughters - Lisa(December 4, 2004) and Sandra(June 2, 2008). The singer never tires of confessing his love to Irina even after 20 years of living together. He constantly publishes tender posts with heartfelt confessions on social networks. lived in a civil marriage with the singer.