Dried figs - how are they good for women? Beneficial properties and contraindications of figs: fruits for female beauty, male strength and good health of the whole family



Figs are the fruit of the fig tree, which belongs to the genus Ficus. It is considered the oldest cultivated plant cultivated by humans.

It first began to be grown in Arabia, and then spread to Egypt and Syria, from where it came to Europe and America. Today it can be found along the entire coast of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as well as in the Caucasus.

The fruits of the plant are mentioned many times in the Bible, and its leaves covered the nakedness of the first people, Adam and Eve.

Let's take a closer look at what the benefits and harms of figs are for the body, what are the main beneficial properties and contraindications of this fruit.

Useful properties of fresh and dried

The chemical composition of figs is rich and saturated, which determines a number of beneficial properties for the human body. It contains many vitamins, minerals and organic acids.

This applies primarily to dried figs, since it is almost impossible to find fresh - it quickly deteriorates, which makes transportation difficult.

What are the benefits of dried and fresh figs for men and women? General beneficial properties are:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves digestion;
  • helps with constipation;
  • cleanses the body of toxic substances;
  • strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens bones;
  • helps fight flu, cough and cold;
  • strengthens hair and skin;
  • increases blood hemoglobin levels.

Figs are high in calories and nutrition. It perfectly interrupts the feeling of hunger and at the same time provides a whole range of substances necessary for the human body.

If you are interested in detailed information, read our publication.

This article is about the beneficial properties of green onions for the human body.

And in this article about the benefits and harm fresh tomatoes can bring to human health.

For men's health

The benefits for men are in special active substances that enhance male performance and fight impotence.

In the East, this dried fruit was a natural aphrodisiac and was actively used in dried and fresh form by men.

In addition, regular consumption of fig tree fruits helps in the fight against prostate adenoma.

For women

The benefits for women lie high calorie content of dried fruits.

The beneficial properties of figs for weight loss lie in the fact that it is used during a diet, since even a small amount nourishes the body and replenishes the deficiency of important substances, which is especially important during hunger strikes.

In addition, this product fights varicose veins, to which lovers of high heels are susceptible. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them strong and elastic.

Beneficial for female genital organs, providing an antiseptic effect and helping to eliminate fungal and bacterial infections.

For children

Benefits for children include a large amount of vitamins. This allows the child’s body to fully develop, promoting healthy growth.

This dried fruit serves as a useful substitute for sweets., it improves digestion and increases resistance to disease, and porridges made from fresh fruits are suitable even for infants.

For pregnant and lactating women

The benefits for pregnant women deserve special attention. The fruit helps the normal development of the fetus by ensuring the supply of necessary substances.

Pregnant women often suffer from constipation, and this dried fruit is a natural laxative, making the stool easier.

woman you need a high amount of , which is found in high concentrations in figs, replacing dairy products for lactose intolerance.

It enhances the synthesis of breast milk and improves its quality and nutritional properties.

The program “Live Healthy!” tells about the healing properties of figs, how to select, store and prepare them:

How to use

Fresh figs are very difficult to obtain., so only dried fruits should be considered. They are eaten like regular fruits, however, it is better to pour boiling water over them or steam them in hot water to soften them.

Figs are added to various dishes. It goes well with pork, poultry, champagne and white wine.

Jams and compotes are prepared from fresh or dried fruits, jam and wine. At the same time, the medicinal properties of figs are practically not lost.

Danger and contraindications

Before use, please read the contraindications. Figs are not recommended in the following cases:

In addition, in some cases, individual intolerance to the components in this product is possible.

Long-term use in large quantities may cause stomach upset, as the product is a natural laxative.


So now we know if figs are healthy. But it is not only a useful food product, but also a medicine that has found use in folk medicine:

  • for impotence. At night, put 2 dried fruits in a glass of hot milk. In the morning, the fruits are eaten and the milk is drunk. The product helps to increase male strength and get rid of impotence;
  • cold remedy. For 1 glass of milk, take a tablespoon of honey, butter and mashed figs. Mix all ingredients and take half a glass each time before meals. The product helps in the fight against colds, removes harmful substances from the body and improves appetite during illness;
  • against abscesses. Dried fruit steamed in milk is applied to the site of the abscess. Figs have antiseptic properties, so they effectively fight infections when applied topically;
  • during a diet. When losing weight, figs are used to satisfy hunger and replenish nutritional deficiencies. If you feel very hungry, it is enough to eat 1 dried fruit. This will satisfy your hunger for a while. When losing weight, you should not eat more than 3 pieces per day.

How to choose

Fresh fruit is not available for sale here., since its shelf life is only a few hours after collection.

If it is on sale, it is most likely processed with preservatives that can be harmful to the body, so it is better to avoid such a purchase.

It can be bought at resorts in Turkey and the Caucasus. There the fig tree is grown and its fruits are immediately supplied fresh to the markets.

Dried dried fruit should have a beige or light brown uniform shade. A white coating is allowed, which is glucose. The fruits should be soft to the touch and look flattened.

Hard or sour dried fruits indicate that they have exceeded their shelf life and should not be consumed.

Home Recipes

Figs can be used to prepare sweet and delicious homemade dishes.

Mentioned in the Bible. The first people, Adam and Eve, covered themselves with fig tree leaves. Fig fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The rich chemical composition of wine berries, as dried figs are called, has a positive effect on many processes occurring in the human body. The berry is especially useful for women.

Very often, when dried, many fruits lose their beneficial properties. But this does not apply to figs. The nutritional value of the berry increases after it is dried; it is not for nothing that soldiers ate it during the campaigns of Alexander the Great. Yes, and fresh figs are difficult to preserve, so it is better to dry them. You can enjoy dried fruits for a whole year until the new harvest.

Composition and benefits for women

The dried fruits of the fig tree, or fig, retain many vitamins. The fruits are especially rich in vitamin A and folic acid; they contain slightly less vitamin E. Among the minerals, figs contain enough magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and almost as much potassium as in nuts. Wine berries are valued for their high content - about 70 percent - of glucose and sucrose. Pectin in figs increases the nutritional value of fruits and can normalize metabolism.

Dried berries are especially beneficial for the female body:

  1. Eating a few figs helps maintain the balance of chemical elements during critical days. Since they contain coumarin, the blood thins, easing the woman’s condition.
  2. Anemia is one of the common diseases of women during pregnancy. It is the consumption of dried figs that will improve blood composition.
  3. The properties of wine berries include stimulation of the lactation process, so during the feeding period they eat two or three pieces a day. Excessive indulgence can negatively affect the child’s digestive system.
  4. For those who suffer from increased body weight, wine berry will be the best assistant in losing weight. Including figs in your diet will quickly fill you up and will help you eliminate candy and sweets from the menu. Fig berries can easily be replaced during a snack.
  5. To cleanse the body of waste and toxins, women use dried fig tree fruits. They contain so much fiber that after eating even two berries a day, the need for it will disappear. And the dietary fiber of the berries will relieve constipation and improve metabolism.
  6. Symptoms of varicose veins are especially severe in women. Dried figs replenish potassium deficiency in the body, relieve swelling and cramps in the calf muscles.
  7. Figs are useful for colds and sore throats. Dried figs infused with milk are used to gargle.
  8. The pulp of dried figs contains many seeds. In crushed form, it is used as a scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells and rejuvenate the face.

The positive effect of fig tree fruits on the female body was described by Avicenna.

But some women will have to give up fig delicacies if they suffer from an acute form of gastric or duodenal ulcer. Oxalic acid in the fruit will irritate the walls of the digestive tract, increasing pain.

It is forbidden to eat dried figs if you have pancreatitis.

A large amount of glucose will not allow people with diabetes to enjoy figs. Although fig fruits do not contain essential oils, allergy sufferers should include fig berries in their diet with caution.

No matter what benefits the fig tree berry brings to a woman’s body, it is necessary to observe moderation in its consumption.

Since figs grow only in warm countries, the fruits reach the retail chain fresh within a short period of time: either in July or September. The ripeness of the berry is determined by the opening of the fruit from below into four parts. Drying of fruits is carried out under a canopy, where they are well ventilated. It is not recommended to wash figs before drying them.

The very name of the berry suggests that it can ferment like new wine. You can avoid this by dipping the fruits into boiling syrup for a second or two. Now all that remains is to lay them out on racks and place them in a well-ventilated area. After drying for a week, the berries are flattened, strung on a thread and hung in the sun. Some people place the berry bunch over the gas turned on or put it in the oven. After drying, the fruits are placed in a paper bag and stored in a closet.

There are also the following ways to store figs:

  • The dark variety of figs is dried and placed in sealed bags and placed in the freezer.
  • The jam is prepared by passing the berries through a meat grinder along with lemon. After adding sugar to the prepared mass, cook over low heat for twenty to forty minutes. The jam is stored in jars. Per kilogram of berries take 700 grams of sugar.
  • Wine is prepared from dried figs with the addition of several blueberries. A kilogram of figs is poured with ten liters of warm water and placed in a dark place for ten days.

All types of storage of wine berries will allow you to enjoy its beneficial properties for a long time.

More information can be found in the video:

This tree is mentioned in the Bible: Adam and Eve, expelled from paradise, covered it with its leaves; Christ cursed it, not finding fruit on it. But now we all enjoy finding these juicy, sweetish fruits on store shelves. Figs are the same Fig tree from the Garden of Eden, the same Fig tree from the biblical parable. When eating fresh or dried fruits of this extraordinary tree, few people think about how important figs are for our health: everyone, and especially women, should know the beneficial properties and contraindications of this fruit.

Useful properties of figs

All the benefits of figs lie in their amazing chemical composition. Each of the substances contained in it, entering the human body, does an enormous, exorbitant job there, debugging the vital functions of many systems and organs. Since the fruit comes to our table in different forms, it is quite natural to ask why fresh figs are useful and whether they lose their properties when dried. Indeed, there is a difference.

1. Chemical composition and beneficial properties of fresh figs:

  • Glucose makes figs an excellent antitoxic agent;
  • fructose enhances the breakdown of alcohol in the blood, prevents the formation of plaque on teeth, controls blood sugar levels;
  • organic acids promote the regeneration of cells and tissues, so the benefits of figs for women are obvious: they have excellent rejuvenating properties;
  • tannins are known for their anti-inflammatory and soothing effects;
  • proteins activate all metabolic processes in the body and are building materials for cells;
  • fats are the main source of energy for humans;
  • vitamins: carotene, B1, B3, PP, C - nourish cells, strengthen the immune system;
  • minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus - active participants in metabolic processes;
  • The calorie content of fresh figs is only 49 kcal, so the product is used in various weight loss programs.

2. Chemical composition and beneficial properties of dried figs:

  • the content of glucose and fructose in dried fruits increases 1.5 times, so they remove toxins from the body several times faster than fresh ones;
  • the protein increases almost 5 times, so the benefit of dried figs is that a person receives much more energy;
  • the calorie content of dried figs increases to 214 kcal;
  • all other useful substances remain intact even in dried fruits.

All these beneficial properties of figs make this fruit simply irreplaceable in some cases. Knowing its unique composition, doctors and nutritionists have long recommended using it for certain diseases and cosmetic problems. Therefore, every woman who strives to preserve her youth and beauty should know the benefits of figs.

The use of figs in medicine and cosmetology

The unique medicinal properties of figs make it possible to use fresh fruits as an adjuvant for the treatment and prevention of many quite serious diseases. Moreover, they are used not only as part of traditional medicine: doctors very often prescribe figs to their patients in the following cases:

  • for food poisoning and intoxication of the body, for diarrhea and dysentery;
  • as a prophylactic agent in the fight against diabetes and caries;
  • against fatigue, as a natural energy drink;
  • for stress, nervousness, depression;
  • to strengthen the immune system and against vitamin deficiency;
  • as a diaphoretic and antipyretic;
  • for anemia, since figs promote hematopoiesis;
  • in the treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and various cardiovascular diseases;
  • for chest pain;
  • for coughs, colds and bronchial asthma, rinsing with infusion of fig fruits is recommended;
  • the same infusion can be used for compresses in the treatment of abscesses of various origins, calluses, open wounds and tumors that do not heal for a long time (the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of tannins in the fruit are triggered);
  • doctors prescribe it as a diuretic for nephritis;
  • It also helps with whooping cough.

Dry fruits also have all of the above properties, and are also used as an effective means for losing weight, as they have a laxative effect. Fig leaves are used as a raw material for medicines, which is the basis of the drug “Psoberan”, used to treat baldness and vitiligo. Fig fruits can be found in the laxative "Kafiol". The fruits, brewed in milk or boiling water, are used as a remedy for coughs and sore throats. In pharmacies you can buy fig syrup - it tastes good and has very useful properties:

  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • relieves spasms of muscle rheumatism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps with colds of the female genital organs.

The beneficial properties of figs for women have also been used in cosmetology:

  • improves skin condition: smoothes wrinkles, makes it elastic and toned;
  • nails stop peeling and become strong and durable;
  • strengthens hair, prevents hair loss, fragility and split ends;
  • has cleansing properties, exfoliating dead cells and providing cells with full breathing;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • eliminates acne, pimples.

Therefore, in modern cosmetology, fig extract is so actively used to create a whole line of masks, creams, lotions, tonics, healing and very effective hair cosmetics and skin care products. The pulp of this fruit makes excellent homemade anti-aging masks.

So no matter how you turn this fruit, it’s pure pleasure. But this is only at first glance. Considering its powerful effect on the body, it is worth remembering that figs are beneficial and harmful in one shell. You need to know the contraindications for its use so as not to harm your health.

Contraindications and harm

There are not as many contraindications for eating figs as there are indications, but they still exist:

  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the stomach (gastritis, colitis, enteritis);
  • gout;
  • obesity.

With these diseases, figs can be eaten, but in very limited quantities.

Now you know whether figs are healthy and whether they are contraindicated for you. To make your skin glow with youth and beauty, your hair to fall in a thick cascade over your shoulders, and worries about health to leave you, do not neglect the fruits of the humble fig tree. It, like a life-giving source, will nourish your body with the necessary substances and will not allow it to get lost in its work.

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Figs - benefits and harms for the human body

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of figs

Figs growing on a fig tree ( Ficus carica), which is a subtropical deciduous plant of the genus Ficus of the Mulberry family. Originally native to Western Asia and the Middle East, they are now grown in temperate climates around the world.

Figs can be consumed either fresh or dried, which affects the nutritional value of the fruit. Thus, 100 grams of fresh (raw) figs contain (% of the recommended daily intake) ():

  • Calorie content: 74 kcal (4%).
  • Carbohydrates: 19.2 g (6%).
  • Fiber: 2.9 g (12%).
  • Fat: 0.3 g (0%).
  • Protein: 0.7 g (1%).
  • : 142 IU (3%).
  • : 2 mg (3%).
  • Vitamin K: 4.7 mcg (6%).
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1 mg (6%).
  • Thiamine: 0.1 mg (4%).
  • Riboflavin: 0.1 mg (3%).
  • Pantothenic acid: 0.3 mg (3%).
  • Calcium: 35 mg (4%).
  • Magnesium: 17 mg (4%).
  • Potassium: 232 mg (7%).
  • Copper: 0.1 mg (4%).
  • Manganese: 0.1 mg (6%).
  • : 144 mg.

When dried, the beneficial properties of figs are enhanced. 100 grams of dried figs contain (% of the recommended daily intake) ():

  • Calorie content: 249 kcal (12%).
  • Carbohydrates: 63.9 g (21%).
  • Fiber: 9.8 g (39%).
  • Fat: 0.9 g (1%).
  • Protein: 3.3 g (7%).
  • Vitamin K: 15.6 mcg (19%).
  • Thiamine: 0.1 mg (6%).
  • Riboflavin: 0.1 mg (5%).
  • Niacin: 0.6 mg (3%).
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1 mg (5%).
  • Pantothenic acid: 0.4 mg (4%).
  • Calcium: 162 mg (16%).
  • Iron: 2 mg (11%).
  • Magnesium: 68 mg (17%).
  • Phosphorus: 67 mg (7%).
  • Potassium: 680 mg (19%).
  • Zinc: 0.5 mg (4%).
  • Copper: 0.3 mg (14%).
  • Manganese: 0.5 mg (26%).
  • Omega-6 fatty acids: 345 mg.

The benefits of figs for the human body

Figs contain many vitamins and minerals that are extremely important for the health of various body systems. This fruit is an easy, healthy snack and can be added to many dishes to boost its nutritional content.

So, what are the benefits of figs for the human body? Here are some of the most significant health benefits of figs:

1. Powerful antioxidant

Figs provide the body with a large amount of antioxidants. Because oxidation affects almost every system in the body, the damage it causes is linked to many major diseases, aging and cancer. Since figs are a highly antioxidant food, consuming them helps prevent these conditions and diseases ().

Some types of figs contain more nutrients than others, but most are rich in polyphenols, which help fight oxidative stress (,). These natural beneficial substances are present in the fruit pulp, peel and leaves ().

Research also shows that properly dried figs may be an even better source of phenolic compounds and have increased levels of antioxidant activity compared to fresh fruits or improperly dried counterparts ().

This is probably why figs have been revered throughout history. Easily stored, dried figs have long come in handy during long journeys and dry climates that prevent access to fresh fruit.

2. Anticancer agent

Figs have a reputation in traditional medicine for many health problems, including as a natural cure for cancer. For example, a study conducted Department of Natural Medicinal Chemistry at China Pharmaceutical University, shows that some compounds found in figs are toxic to various human cancer cell lines ().

Despite the already obtained data on the anti-cancer properties of figs, scientists need to collect more evidence and understand the mechanism of action of the biologically active compounds present in this fruit through larger studies ().

3. Treats common diseases

For many thousands of years, figs have been used to treat a wide range of common ailments. More than 40 diseases related to the digestive, endocrine, reproductive and respiratory systems were treated with fig fruits, extracts and some parts of the fig tree.

Research has shown that figs are a good remedy for the treatment of anemia, cancer, diabetes, leprosy, liver disease, paralysis, skin diseases, ulcers, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract infections, etc. ().

Figs and fig trees are considered promising candidates to help develop new drugs. Researchers continue to search for new ways to use figs for medicinal purposes.

4. Antibacterial and antifungal properties

Figs may act as a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent. In review Drug and Herbal Research Center At the University of Kebangsaan in Malaysia, two studies were presented that demonstrated the ability of a plant extract from figs to combat oral bacteria, as well as various fungi and microbes ().

There are also studies that show the pronounced ability of figs to stimulate the response of the immune system, due to which the body is much more effectively able to resist various infectious diseases ().

5. Good Source of Potassium, Fiber and Other Important Nutrients

Fig fruits have also been found to have powerful antidiabetic properties. Possessing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, figs are able to normalize many body functions that are sometimes damaged by diabetes, making them a potential natural remedy for diabetes ().

2. Help treat skin cancer

Fig leaves are an excellent source of bioactive compounds that are great for fighting free radical damage ().

As a result, some studies have used information about the composition of fig leaves to develop better forms of photodynamic therapy to treat certain types of skin cancer ().

3. Elimination and reduction of wrinkles on the skin

Several studies have been conducted using fig leaf extract (in combination with other fruits and alone) that have shown successful examples of anti-wrinkle benefits. The use of creams, including extracts from fig leaves and fruits, contributed to a significant reduction in the length and depth of facial wrinkles due to antioxidant and anti-collagenase activity ().

Another study published in the journal Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, has even shown that creams containing fig extract can also be used to treat skin hyperpigmentation, pimples and acne, and even freckles ().

Harm of figs to the human body

Why are figs harmful if they have so many beneficial properties? People with allergies to mulberry, natural rubber latex, or ficus may have a potential reaction to components of fig fruits and leaves. If you are picking fruit directly from a tree, it is best to wear long sleeves and gloves.

People with diabetes should be careful when eating figs and taking fig-based medications as they affect blood glucose levels. This also applies to those taking diabetes medications and insulin, as figs may alter their effectiveness. As always, talk to your doctor before using figs for medicinal purposes or as a supplement.

Fig fruits actually develop from a structure containing single-seeded fruits and flowers - this structure is called a syconium. The fig pulp is made from mature flowers that bloom under the skin of the fruit and are therefore never visible. Wild fig trees (fig trees) can live up to 100 years and can grow up to 30 meters in height.

Fig trees emit a pleasant, woody aroma. Some people dry the leaves and use them in perfumes or aromatic mixtures for their homes. Fig trees produce natural latex sap, which is also used for a number of practical and medicinal purposes.

Figs were so popular among the Greeks that laws were even created to prevent export. These fruits are an important element of the Mediterranean diet, which is one of the healthiest diets in the world. In addition to being an incredible source of dietary fiber, figs are delicious and rich in many important vitamins and minerals.

Figs have a rich history. Dating back to 5000 BC, figs are considered one of the first plants ever cultivated by humans. Archaeological excavations in Neolithic villages have revealed fossils of figs, which predate other known crops such as wheat and .

Figs are often mentioned in the Bible because they were cultivated in many areas of the world where biblical events took place. In fact, some believe that in the story of Adam and Eve, the forbidden fruit may actually be a fig instead of an apple. These fruits are sometimes presented as a sign of peace, abundance and prosperity.

Figs are known for their sweet and juicy flesh, tender skin and crunchy seeds. The fruits are very perishable and are usually dried for long-term storage. And, unlike many other fruits and vegetables, research has shown that the health benefits of figs actually increase once they are dried. The fruits can be prepared in several ways and are excellent combined with meat and cheese.

How to buy and cook figs

Figs can be found in most large grocery stores and markets. Harvesting occurs from mid-June to mid-October, and ripe figs must be sold within 7-10 days of harvest.

Choose figs that are rich in color and slightly soft, but not too much. After you bring the fruit home, it is recommended to store it in a small bowl in the refrigerator (

Some people are not even aware of the existence of some fruits that grow successfully in the Caucasus or Crimea. But today figs, the oldest fruit, can be found in any supermarket, albeit in dried form.

What are the beneficial properties and contraindications of figs? Why has its popularity not reached the peak heights that other famous fruits can boast of?

Since in most regions of Russia figs are presented only in dried form, this particular option for consuming the fruit should be considered. Although in Central Asia, the Caucasus or Crimea in the summer you can enjoy fresh fruit pulp.

But due to the nature of collection and transportation, it is almost impossible to deliver fresh fruits to the regions.

As a result, manufacturers solved the problem a little differently - they resorted to the process of drying the fruit ( similarities of dried apricots), especially since after processing the beneficial properties of figs do not decrease.

Dried figs: benefits and harm to the body

Before considering the issue, What are the benefits of dried figs?, you should list the beneficial properties of the fruit according to the “in general terms” principle. So, the beneficial properties of the presented fruit include:

Fig pulp contains a large amount of vitamins C, A and group B, as well as dietary fiber, sugar, organic acids and microelements ( potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and others). All of the above components have general strengthening effect on the human body.

  • Due to its composition, figs have a positive effect on mental activity and increases muscle strength.

    Figs can be used to treat colds, by preparing a special infusion for gargling from the pulp of the fruit.

  • If you prepare a decoction with the addition of the presented fruit, you can cope with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which is useful for bronchitis, as well as reduce elevated body temperature.

    Eating figs in any form helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, which means they can be used for the prevention of varicose veins, stroke and other serious diseases. With the help of fruit you can cope with periodic surges in blood pressure.

    The fruit should be consumed for certain kidney diseases, as it has a mild laxative effect.

    Thanks to a large number of microelements figs help remove waste and toxins from the body, therefore it should be consumed in the presence of liver and spleen diseases.

    The fiber contained in figs helps lower cholesterol levels in human blood.

    The B vitamins in figs help stabilize a person's nervous state.

    Special mention should be made features of dried figs. There are the following aspects that also need to be taken into account when consuming the fruit:

    • dried fruits are removed toxins from the body faster, because they contain 1.5 times more glucose and fructose;
    • from dried figs man gain more energy and strength, because they contain 5 times more protein than fresh pulp.

    For those who watch their figure, it will also be an important aspect calorie content of fresh and dried fruits.

    Thus, fresh pulp contains only 48 kcal, while in dried form this figure is at least 214 kcal.

    The benefits of figs for women, men and children

    Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in benefits of dried figs for women. As follows from the above beneficial properties, the benefits of the fruit for the female body are as follows:

    1. Women prefer to wear high heels than provoke education. varicose veins on the legs.

    To protect yourself from such unpleasant phenomena, it is enough to simply consume 2-3 dried fruits daily - it is both tasty and healthy, since with their help you can relieve swelling and significantly strengthen the walls of the venous system.

    2. The fair sex can cure or prevent infectious and fungal diseases in the intimate area. Here it is better to use a special syrup made from fresh figs. But dried fruit will also work.

    Women are always concerned about their excess weight. If you want to lose weight for any important event, you can choose diet containing figs. So, you can arrange a kind of fasting day.

    On the day of “unloading” you should consume only 100 g of dried fruit, but not less than 1 kg of any fresh fruit ( except for grapes and banana), as well as about 0.5 kg of vegetables ( except potatoes).

    Drink at least 2 liters of low-fat kefir throughout the day. In terms of its composition, a fasting day can be easily maintained, and its effect will please all girls without exception.

    As for the general maintenance of weight and the beauty of a slender body, here one should add 2-3 dried fruits per day to your diet every day.

    With the help of figs, the digestive tract will work smoothly, and this will lead to normalization of metabolism.

    The benefits of figs during pregnancy and lactation

    • prevention of constipation;
    • supply of vitamins and microelements, which has a positive effect on the health of mother and baby;
    • increasing hemoglobin levels, which means preventing anemia;
    • prevention of excess weight gain.

    Figs are also beneficial while breastfeeding. At this time, the baby and young mother need a supply of vitamins and microelements, which can be obtained with pleasure by regularly consuming dried fruits.

    Surprisingly, this fruit has a positive effect on milk production and acts as a preventive measure for mastopathy.

    You just need to take into account the rules of use - figs should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother gradually, since they can provoke bloating or diarrhea in the baby.

    Benefits of figs for men

    The benefits of this fruit for men have been known since ancient times. Fig fruits have a positive effect on male potency, which seems to in the form of prostatitis prevention and improvement of sexual activity.

    Here you can simply consume dried figs with a certain regularity, according to your taste preferences, and also use the fruits to prepare various dishes.

    If the problem has already overtaken a man, you can use the old folk method to eliminate it. For treatment you should every day overnight, soak two dried figs in a glass of hot milk. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink milk and eat the fruits. Use the presented method of treating sexual impotence until complete healing.

    The benefits of figs for children's health

    Figs should be offered to children instead of the usual and rather harmful chocolates.

    Firstly, dried fruits will enrich the baby’s body with vitamins.

    Secondly, they stabilize the stool, which is why the baby will not suffer from constipation.

    Third, Figs help increase appetite, which is extremely important for some parents.

    During colds, you should not feed your child numerous medications. Just drink milk with figs, honey and butter.

    Figs with milk for cough Used by adults and children - it is an excellent expectorant, and such use is also useful for sore throat and other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract.

    Harm and contraindications of figs

    Despite its many beneficial properties, figs can be harmful to the body if consumed with contraindications. Among the aspects prohibiting the consumption of figs, experts include:

    Many experts prohibit consuming dried fruit in its pure form, citing the large amount of fat.

    Thus, the risk of unpleasant side effects almost completely disappears.

    Features of use, or how to eat dried figs?

    Many people who want to cure a specific disease make mistakes because they do not know exactly how to eat dried figs. After all, simply eating it in the form of dried fruit can soon become boring, so it’s important to diversify your menu somewhat.

    Options for using dried figs are presented in the form of a list:

    Surprisingly, many housewives are so enterprising that from dried figs making jam for the winter. Such actions are carried out only in the absence of fresh fruits.

    The recipe for this jam is simple, although it requires some time to prepare the fruit in advance.

    So, to make jam from dried figs, you should take the main product and soak it in boiling water. The container is filled with dried fruit, and water covers the top layer of the component.

    To “soak” the fruits are left until the morning. Then add 0.3-0.4 kg of granulated sugar to 1 kg of the resulting mixture ( As a rule, dried figs are always sold with a lot of sugar).

    Simmer over low heat until thickened. Leave the jam to cool, then put it into jars and store it in the cellar or refrigerator.

    Recipe for making pie with dried figs, video:

    Real fig jam

    The real thing, of course, should be cooked from fresh pulp. Here you will need:

    • 1 kg of washed fruits;
    • 1 kg granulated sugar;
    • 300 ml water.

    Preparing jam occurs in the following sequence:

    1. Only medium-sized fruits should be selected. Their tails are cut off and punctures are made with a toothpick or fork so that the fruit is well cooked from the inside.
    2. Now you should put water for cooking the fruits themselves. As soon as the water in the pan boils, add all the fruits and boil for 10 minutes. Then remove the figs and place them on a napkin until completely dry.
    3. While the fruits are drying, you need to prepare syrup for jam. Here we use 300 ml of water and sugar. Pour water into the pan, and after boiling, add sugar in small portions.
    4. Boil the syrup until the sugar dissolves and a slightly viscous liquid forms. After achieving the presented result, you can pour the figs back into the pan.
    5. Cook the jam for 40-45 minutes if you took unripe fruits. If the jam is fully ripe, the time for cooking the jam can be reduced to 35 minutes.

    After preparation, the mass is placed in pre-sterilized glass jars. Store natural fig jam in the cellar or refrigerator.

    The beneficial properties of figs presented above have probably awakened the desire of most people to grow the plant themselves. As you can see, there are no difficulties here - just follow the basic rules and be patient.

    If desired, and if the climate of the region allows, the bush from the pot can be transplanted into open ground on a summer cottage. Only caring for the plant should be thorough and careful.

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