Sagittarius and Capricorn love compatibility. Compatibility: Capricorn woman and Sagittarius man


Stars often tell people ways out of difficult situations, promise good luck or warn them in various endeavors. The area of ​​personal relationships, love and partnership is no exception, and sometimes the zodiac sign can tell a lot about your beloved and tell you whether you are destined to be together, and how to find the treasured key to your loved one’s heart.

The Sagittarius-Capricorn pair is a very rare combination of signs of the zodiac circle, but not at all inappropriate. These two zodiac signs are full of energy; they belong to the elements of expressive Fire and reliable and solid Earth. Among other zodiac signs, Sagittarius and Capricorn are very close (ninth and tenth signs), which makes them similar in many aspects. But is it really good for people of the opposite sex, for whom different social roles are prepared, to be similar in personal relationships? Each person answers this question himself. One thing is clear: if you and your significant other belong to this bright and energetic group of signs, this combination may very well suit you best. Among other things, we should not forget that compatibility also depends on the position of the Sun at the time of a person’s birth, which predetermines the zodiac sign, and on the position of other planets in relation to the Zodiac circle. This horoscope of the zodiac couple contains general features of the relationship between the union of the couple Capricorn and Sagittarius, without relying on a more detailed natal chart.

Can Capricorn Sagittarius be compatible in a love relationship? The answer is positive: both for a couple where the girl is Sagittarius and the guy is Capricorn, and for such unions where the roles are distributed the other way around.

Fiery Sagittarius, imbued with the charms of the mysterious and hiding emotions of Capricorn, will not retreat from the secularism of this sign and the causticity of his comments, thereby seeking the attention of the person he likes with the same persistence with which he is accustomed to accepting any challenge of fate.

For Capricorn, it is also impossible not to notice the active and sociable Sagittarius, with whom there is always something to talk about - and this sign is also not used to retreating from difficulties. He will call on all his charm to help impress his partner.

So why don’t you see such unions so often in life? First of all, the main reason for this is leadership qualities, which are especially strong in both Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Having met in a work environment, these zodiac signs may feel competition from each other, which is not conducive to a romantic atmosphere in general, and a sense of self-confidence for each of the signs in particular. Sagittarius and Capricorn most often see each other as rivals, and this in no way depends on gender.

However, if the acquaintance takes place in an informal setting, and Capricorn does not behave too arrogantly towards the lively and everyday Sagittarius, such a union may well have a good future. Only for this, astrologers advise such couples to take a closer look at each other, since both Sagittarius and Capricorn may try to make an impression on their partner that is different from who these two representatives of the signs really are.

A couple where Sagittarius is the guy and Capricorn is the girl, if successful, will be very strong, since both of these zodiac signs are not distinguished by frivolity, and besides, with a Capricorn woman, any man will feel protected and confident. At the same time, the high ambitions of the Sagittarius man are sincerely welcomed by the Capricorn woman and find all kinds of support.

However, it is unlikely that Capricorn will agree to sit at home and do housework - in this couple, both partners are careerists, and with the birth of a child, it is likely that a nanny will be involved in his upbringing while both parents will be given work and a difficult path up the career ladder . What’s good is that such couples never run out of topics to talk about, because the passionate and frank Sagittarius and Capricorn, proud of their business victories, will tell each other about their new achievements and feel joy for each other.

It should be noted that such couples more often than others feel love for each other, because nothing else could simply keep them together. Benefits, physical attractiveness - all this is typical for other unions.

What else is surprising about this couple is that the partners live according to completely different rhythms, they may rarely see each other, even though they are married, and at the same time their relationship will be surprisingly warm and friendly. In order for this zodiac union to work, the Sagittarius man needs to understand that his chosen one, just like him, loves freedom, wants to realize herself not only in household chores, but also in society and in her career. She may want to go into business - and will probably reach the top.

A couple where Capricorn is a man and Sagittarius is a woman is considered a little more successful, from the point of view of astrologers, because rivalry gives way to mutual support and admiration for the successes of the partner. The Sagittarius woman is softer than her partner, and therefore she will give up her place as a leader - a gentleman, allowing him to build a career and work for the well-being of their common family nest. She is also not a homebody, and will find something to keep herself busy while her Capricorn is storming the heights of business: creative professions are open to her, which may not bring much profit, but will help the Sagittarius woman realize herself.

Meanwhile, the Capricorn man is calm: his partner is faithful to him, despite the fact that she has a very active character and bright appearance. Sagittarius women are distinguished by their honesty, and betrayal and frivolity as such are unusual for them.

In order for a Sagittarius girl to be happy, you need to understand that she is oppressed by any restrictions, she is a freedom-loving and creative person, and she vitally needs new experiences. If a Capricorn man can attract her, then she will share a bright perception of life with him, making his days more colorful and unusual.

Sexual relationships of those born under these zodiac signs are also successful. The most important thing is that both partners in a couple feel relaxed. If Capricorns, both men and women, are traditionally considered reserved, then this trait quickly recedes into the background when Sagittarius, with his immense imagination and pronounced fiery sexuality, becomes their couple. Also, in intimate relationships, the trust factor is very important, because at first it can be difficult for the reserved Capricorn to open up completely. Trust comes only with time - and therefore such relationships only grow stronger over the years, becoming more durable.

For the union to be ideal, Sagittarius and Capricorn girls and boys need to remember some details about each other. Yes, these two different signs seem very similar, including to each other - but something important distinguishes them. Capricorn is an economical type, he does not like to spend money, so Sagittarius should come to terms with the fact that not all the purchases he has in mind will be made. At the same time, Capricorns need to know that Sagittarius, due to the element of the sign, sometimes tend to spend large sums of money without thinking it through. Financial expenses should not become a significant reason for conflicts and family squabbles - then the couple will be happy.

One more nuance: each of this couple desires relative independence, and only by gaining it can they feel themselves living fully. If you love your soulmate, let her do what she likes and suits, don't try to keep her with home routine. This statement is especially true for Capricorn men, who value housework and imagine that their woman is obliged to devote all her time to the hustle and bustle of the home. This is wrong. Sagittarius and Capricorn women love work and are unlikely to give up self-realization in favor of home comfort.

And yet, in conclusion, it should be noted that a Sagittarius-Capricorn couple can be very successful if they do not build relationships blindly and understand the needs and value perceptions and priorities of their lover. If these signs are connected with each other by sincere and true love, such a union will be long-lasting and filled with moments of happiness.

Many astrologers question the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman. This is because these two have very different interests, views on life and values. This is true - they are radically different. But it's actually not all that bad. If you take into account a few recommendations, you will not only be able to maintain your relationship, but also make it better and stronger.

About the character of Capricorn

First of all, I would like to say a few words about what kind of temperament a guy born under this zodiac sign has. This is a calm, calm and practical personality, which at certain moments may even seem too strict or even harsh. This is all due to the fact that Capricorn is obsessed with his career and achieving success. This is what is most important to him in life. But this does not mean that Capricorn men are single all their lives and think only about work. They are also concerned about family issues and approach the choice of a wife very carefully. The girl that such a man chooses will have refined manners, erudition, and attractive appearance. Capricorn is concerned about not undermining his authority and status. That’s why he chooses a wife who could show him as a successful person not only in work, but also in his personal life.

About Sagittarius girls

Representatives of the fair half of humanity born under this zodiac sign are independent, cheerful and kind-hearted. They are honest, sincere and straightforward. In addition, these girls are very hardworking - they solve all their problems quickly and easily. They approach life easily and are almost always in high spirits. By the way, their character distinguishes them from many other women. There is no tenderness, sensitivity and softness in him. These qualities undoubtedly manifest themselves, but rarely and only in relation to a person who truly deserves it.

Girls of this zodiac sign love freedom more than anything else. They like to feel independent. And if a man wants to get such a person as his wife, he will have to come to terms with this. It cannot be changed - that's a fact. Moreover, it is very difficult to lure a Sagittarius woman to the registry office - to do this, you will have to make every effort, and first prove that the role of mother and wife is very exciting and interesting.

The foundation of the future is strong love

As was said earlier, the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman cannot be called successful. But there is something that can keep them close to each other. And this is sincere mutual love. Only she will help them go through many difficulties in relationships, come to terms with some shortcomings and accept the characteristics of their partner. These two can stay together even if life itself tries to separate them. Everything will work out, but only if they love each other. When at least one does not have strong feelings towards their partner, there is no point in continuing the relationship further. They have no future.

About relationship problems

Why is the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman questioned? Because these two have too many differences. Resentments, misunderstandings - all this is present in the pair of Sagittarius and Capricorn. How do they manifest themselves? The Sagittarius girl too often, in the opinion of the Capricorn man, has her head in the clouds and dreams. He considers this unacceptable, since he himself is used to standing firmly on his feet and following a clearly established plan. At first, such dissimilarity seems normal to the partners, it interests and even intrigues - nevertheless, unusual sensations and novelty appear. However, then, after some time has passed, conflicts begin to arise on the basis of what previously seemed normal.

The Sagittarius girl refuses to run a household because what she is used to is parties and travel. Her boyfriend doesn't like it. In general, in order for the “Sagittarius woman – Capricorn man” union not to fall apart, they will both need to work on themselves. For a girl to become more responsible, for a guy to become less strict. Otherwise you will have to separate.

About a potential union

Despite the fact that the compatibility horoscope “Capricorn woman and Sagittarius man” does not predict long-term and strong relationships for such couples, the union can turn out to be happy. If they love each other, then they will be happy together. By working on themselves, they will both become better people. They will learn to understand each other and, most importantly, to trust. The most interesting thing is that they will still rarely be seen together. They are too different, no matter how you look at it. We are used to living in different rhythms and being interested in different things. In this couple, most likely, things will be like this: the Capricorn man has a career, earns money, and the Sagittarius girl is interested in self-development, communicates with friends and travels.

But there is something that unites them. The compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman is determined by psychological maturity. It is she who helps each of them understand the specific character of their partner, learn to trust him and give him the right to freedom. And, by the way, in their youth, a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman understand less in a relationship than in a more mature age. Over the years, they become smarter and more rational, and their values ​​cease to be so different.

Household issues

One more important point should be discussed regarding such a couple as Sagittarius-woman and Capricorn-man. Marriage compatibility is what we are talking about. If these two decide to get married, then the feelings are really strong. However, this does not negate the disagreements that will definitely exist in a couple. Most often they relate to issues of rest. Sagittarius rests in its own way, Capricorn - in a completely different way. Because of this, they often argue. The Sagittarius girl loves active, fun, interesting recreation. She needs communication with people, travel, adventures. But the Capricorn man doesn’t like all this. For him, the ideal vacation is calm, quiet, secluded. Just be alone with yourself. As a matter of fact, this is why it is rare to see spouses together. While the girl goes shopping, cafes and parties with her friends, her boyfriend thoughtfully flips through a magazine and thinks about his career.

Another horoscope

Well, now it’s worth talking about whether a Sagittarius man is suitable for a Capricorn woman. In principle, the relationship in this couple develops almost the same as in the previous case. If partners achieve harmony, they become truly happy, rich and successful. There are contradictions, but there are also many similarities. When they find a compromise, harmony reigns in the couple. It is important for these people to make concessions to each other. And then contradictions can turn into very beneficial advantages.

Both the Capricorn girl and the Sagittarius guy have a tendency to control people. And circumstances, by the way, too. This will turn into a huge plus if they want to go into business together. Thanks to the hard work and prudence of the Capricorn girl and the ingenuity and energy of the Sagittarius guy, it will be possible to achieve great success. By the way, this will have a positive impact on their personal relationships. The Capricorn girl will not dare to reproach Sagittarius for wastefulness and frivolity, and he, in turn, will understand why his chosen one is so tired and constantly wants peace and quiet.

Family and marriage

The compatibility of the signs Sagittarius (man) and Capricorn (woman) in marriage is determined by how long the spouses have known each other. Although these people rarely go to the registry office after two months of dating. This is a balanced and well thought out decision. Moreover, the Sagittarius guy will never rush to formalize the relationship. Despite the fact that the compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn is initially questioned, such couples rarely fall apart. Over the course of a relationship, spouses learn to understand each other and make compromises, and disadvantages turn into advantages. In addition, they constantly learn something new from each other, becoming better. The Sagittarius guy will teach his beloved to relax and go out into society, and she, in turn, will explain to him how to conduct business and solve important problems.

The intimate side of the issue

And finally, a little attention should be paid to such an interesting topic as the sexual compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman. This question is quite interesting. As in the pair of a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man, in this union the guy and girl experience a strong physical attraction to each other. This, by the way, is a plus for their relationship. Capricorns are quite active sexually, although they demonstrate this exclusively in front of their partner. They are not inclined to advertise their sexuality. Sagittarius is very impulsive, sometimes even too impulsive, and at first this worries Capricorn. But gradually the partners get used to each other and then begin to experience real pleasure from intimacy. Here they will have everything: passion, romance, and new sensations.

People born under the signs of Sagittarius and Sagittarius are rarely combined. The only thing that can unite them is great love, and it rarely obeys any laws. But in a relationship they will have to go through many difficult moments. Only a series of compromises can maintain their relationship. It will be a great shame if, because of your own ambitions, love suffers and there are fewer happy people.

Characteristics of signs


People born under the sign of Capricorn have a strong character and strive to be the first in everything. They sometimes have difficult relationships with others because of their character. They generally find it difficult to get along with people, but if they manage to gain their favor, then there will be no truer and better friend than Capricorn. All Capricorns have one weak trait: they really like it when people agree with them. They can take advantage of this and easily gain trust.

Capricorn man

Capricorns combine timidity and strength of character in the most amazing way. All their lives they suffer from the fact that they feel that they are underestimated by others. And they literally demand praise. At a young age, men willingly get along with older people and are very serious beyond their years. But in adulthood he can show himself as a real rebel, as if compensating for his youth.

Capricorn woman

Even if a Capricorn woman has achieved significant success, her main value will be her family. They are rarely rude or vulgar. For them, there are such concepts as “should”, “as it should be”, especially if it concerns family issues, this is for women born under the sign of Capricorn above all else.


This is a sign of the fire element. Combines internal and external energies. Representatives of this sign are open people and often become the life of the party. Sagittarians are very jealous of their freedom and do not allow anyone to limit them.

Sagittarius man

It is difficult to lose their temper; even in the most difficult situations they do not lose optimism. By nature they are flighty and fickle. Many may mistakenly consider Sagittarius to be an angry and rude person, but this is not so, his frankness is amazing and can create such an impression. In reality they are kind and patient people.

Sagittarius woman

The very embodiment of friendliness and optimism, which can create a false impression. They keep men at a distance and often limit themselves exclusively to friendly relations. They value independence and personal freedom very much, so in order to maintain good relationships they should not limit it in any way. If they feel that they are crossing a certain line, they will limit themselves.

Compatibility in love

With matching interests and tastes, friendly relations between Sagittarius and Capricorn will be very strong, full of mutual respect. But if interests do not coincide, then convincing each other of something will be completely pointless. The greatest likelihood of friendly relations arising is joint activity in the political or artistic sphere, when they are doing the same thing. Sometimes it happens that such friendly relationships develop into romantic ones.

Love relationships often arise between two representatives of these signs. Most often, this is the result of long-term friendships, which in turn arose on the basis of common interests. Capricorns, as a rule, have intellectual needs and on this they very quickly converge. Harmony and passion reign in love relationships.

But unfortunately, such relationships do not last long. Since the desire for independence of Sagittarius and the severity of Capricorn may in the future stumble upon insurmountable contradictions. If you manage to overcome this crisis in the relationship and understand the main thing, then the love relationship can lead to marriage.

Capricorn and Sagittarius in marriage

Capricorn and Sagittarius rarely come to marriage; this is generally a rather rare union. Especially when the partners are still young. Much more often such a marriage is possible when both are slightly over thirty. The craving for freedom and independence passes, maturity sets in. Such a family will probably be very strong. Capricorn's desire to build a wall around his life and arrange everything down to the smallest detail goes well with the strictness of Sagittarius. This marriage will be more like a business partnership. Spouses can run a family business, but only on equal terms. They will not be able to work together, especially if one of the spouses is the boss, and the other is subordinate to him. If such a marriage has developed and lasted more than 5 years, then it will most likely never fall apart and will be very strong.

Capricorn and Sagittarius are caring parents. But here lies a well-known contradiction between representatives of these. They may have different views on raising children. And this period will be another test for both; compromise solutions must be sought here too.

Such a union can be destroyed by the desire of representatives of both signs to constantly teach how to live. And since both signs are famous for their independence, this can cause scandals. To avoid this, you just need to be a little more tolerant and more relaxed about other people’s habits and shortcomings. Most often, the initiator of a break in a relationship is the Sagittarius woman.

For ambitious and independent natures, family life is a difficult test of strength. Different views on financial issues, raising children, housekeeping and other vital matters - all this should be the subject of mutual concessions. Here, whoever gave in first won the argument. Capricorn should not prove that he is right; he will still not agree with Sagittarius and vice versa. Only compromises can maintain such relationships. It is better not to discuss preferences in the field of art at all, if tastes do not coincide, here everyone listens and watches, as they say, “their own movie,” and then everyone will be happy and there will be peace.

Capricorn is a purposeful nature; with enviable tenacity, using all his vital forces, he moves towards improving family relationships. But the main problem is that Capricorns often see only one goal, and miss various options along the way. Sagittarians, on the contrary, see many ways to solve a problem, have a number of goals at once, but they rarely manage to complete the task. The optimal family union of Capricorn and Sagittarius should look like this: Sagittarius sets goals and objectives, there may be several of them, and Capricorn chooses one, the most important one, and finds the optimal path to achieving it.

He and she in bed

Practical Capricorn, especially in adulthood, believes that everything in life should be planned, including intimate relationships. To Sagittarius, this approach to this matter seems wild and causes misunderstanding. In the understanding of Sagittarius, the more spontaneity in such a delicate matter, the better. Often, misunderstanding of such moments can cause a break in a relationship. But over time, both signs get used to each other and complete harmony appears in the relationship. After all, the most important thing is that for both Capricorn and Sagittarius, intimate relationships play a very important role in life together. If they manage to hit the right note in this matter, then a long and joyful life together is guaranteed.

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Capricorn and Sagittarius will always be able to come to an agreement, but no one wants to come to the negotiating table first. These are wise and strong zodiac signs that very often build successful couples. Their love is very peculiar, but no less strong for that. Astrologers advise such couples to control themselves, because each of them has a difficult character. A young girl and a guy, or an adult man and woman. Representatives of these signs face the same problems in relationships at any age. If you recognize yourself in one of these signs, and your partner in the second, then be sure to take the advice of the astrologer seriously. They will help preserve love for many years.

When do strong zodiac signs meet?

They are very different. Capricorn will always be one step back, because he is very conservative, wise beyond his years, and has his own opinion on any issue. Sagittarius also does not lag behind, only he is always one step ahead, because representatives of this sign love to be the first, innovators, inventors. This is a tough sign, just like Capricorn, however. It seems that he is very easy to curb, but this is only the first impression of a person. Capricorns have an unbending will and stubbornness that even Taurus would envy. Their compatibility horoscope is based on mutual respect, love and understanding.

If these three components exist, no one can break such a pair.

In ordinary life or marriage, in bed or at the negotiating table, they must recognize each other as strong individuals. Don't be afraid to show your flaws, don't hide your strengths. This is the only way to build a very successful union that will be blessed by the Stars. The compatibility of these zodiac signs is questioned, because there are very few cases when everything goes smoothly from beginning to end.

Sagittarius man, Capricorn woman

Capricorn will look in Sagittarius' direction with distrust. A man and a woman can pass by without looking back. And all because they belong to different worlds. But all this does not mean that the Stars are dissuading you from building an alliance. Completely mute. This difference produces very successful couples who achieve harmony in love and marriage. They are never bored, because everyone knows how to have fun in their own way. They don’t get tired of each other, because they spend a lot of time apart.

There are no taboo topics for these zodiac signs; if they manage to find harmony, they will talk about anything at home. They are comfortable with each other when each respects the other's privacy.

There will never be complete unity between them, unfortunately, but the relationship that is being built is ideal for both. When drawing up a relationship horoscope for such a bright couple, it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of each partner. It’s always worth a try, because the stars will never give up on anyone. Try it, your couple and her horoscope will be able to beat the sad statistics.

Love and marriage

In marriage, they must “get used to” each other. This process may take a long time. The Sagittarius man really wants activity and entertainment. He is trying to stir up the Capricorn woman, to get her out of the house, from her serious, wise thoughts. This is not easy to do, because she is already used to living like this. For her, all this is a novelty, which may, in the end, do its job. She will also want to go to a party sometimes. For a man, such experience is also useful. He was used to active entertainment, dating and frivolous novels. The Capricorn woman will show him how people can live together without infringing on each other's rights. The horoscope of such a couple always says the same thing: give each other space and time “for yourself.” It’s not tedious to “pull the cart sideways.” If your beloved man or woman does not want something, is strongly opposed, just leave him/her and go where you wanted. Your significant other will not be offended, but will only wish you good luck from the bottom of their hearts. If you want joint activity, it’s worth making a big plan - interests are very different, and it’s not always possible to combine them. Speaking about them:

“Sagittarius: fell in love - achieved it!

Capricorn: fell in love, and made you fall in love with yourself.”

And you can’t argue that this is their entire ability to love.

Sexual forecast for a couple

In bed and carnal love with a Sagittarius you always feel relaxed. This is a new thing for Capricorn, because she is not used to this. But the passion and love of her partner will help her open up. She also knows how to feel, loves sex, and is ready to experiment. Its flame needs to be kindled, and this is the task of Sagittarius. A woman will be grateful to you for your patience and understanding, especially if you respect her sexual temperament and preferences. The sexual horoscope of this pair of zodiac signs develops successfully some time after the start of the relationship. The first time can be disappointing for both. A man will be afraid of his partner’s coldness, and a woman, on the contrary, will be afraid of too strong a fire of passion. Over the years, the situation may change, because they will find how to like each other in bed. She will come out of her shell, and then surprise her partner with her hot temper. The horoscope of this couple’s family life is heavily tied to sex.

The horoscope of family happiness is simple. Respect each other. It's simple, just get started:

  • do not insist when your partner tells you “no”;
  • let him or her go free swimming for a while;
  • support and listen, even if it seems to you that this is complete nonsense.

So a couple of these zodiac signs can say with confidence that their marriage was very successful.

Capricorn man, Sagittarius woman

He can attract her at first sight. Literally bewitch him, because he is so special, a little dark, but very unusual. This type attracts the Sagittarius woman. She's been in the clouds all her life, and then He appears - the Capricorn man. He may become interested in her thirst for life, youth at any age. She is the flower that blooms in his hands. The Capricorn man is ready to come to terms with the fact that his partner has no ground under her feet, but it is rare to love her with true love. This couple has little chance in love, but if it does, then no one can hurt the couple. There will be a lot of mutual grievances, misunderstandings, and claims. A Sagittarius woman may become despondent around such a partner. She expected miracles from an unusual, wise man, but he invites her to watch an old historical film, drink tea and snack on the most ordinary sweets. And the worst thing is that by “watching a movie” or “drinking tea” this is exactly what he means. The relationship horoscope for this couple is always approximately the same: an interesting acquaintance, the development of events up to a certain point, the escape of one of the partners. Relationships can leave a bitter taste of disappointment. Nobody lived up to expectations.

Love and marriage

If it happens, marriage for these signs, then be prepared for the fact that Sagittarius and Capricorn will hide their compatibility from everyone. Something can only come from great love, in spite of everything. They can hide the relationship for a long time and not invite anyone to the wedding. Here the passionate Sagittarius woman is ready to follow her lover’s lead, if only he is happy. It’s not easy to make him happy; you’ll still have to suffer with this. In marriage there will be distance in any case. It is not easy for them to be in the same room together, because there is contradiction in the air. Renovating can be a serious challenge for a couple. Both in repairs and in life - Capricorn already has his own clear plan, and Sagittarius comes up with ideas on the fly, changes, re-paints wallpaper, and rehangs shelves. For Capricorn this is wildness, but for a woman under the zodiac sign Sagittarius it is the norm. This is how their strange love is built. Quarrels and reproaches are replaced by declarations of love and promises to improve. Both are ready to promise, but no one keeps their promises. Either put up with such relationships or don’t build them at all. There are few signs more different than Sagittarius and Capricorn. The horoscope of marriage is always not simple, but the appearance of children can smooth out rough edges and give the couple new horizons for development. Contrary to all opinions, good unions between these zodiac signs develop, but very rarely.

Sexual forecast for a couple

Sometimes friendship sex becomes the first step to a relationship. The Sagittarius woman is crazy about Capricorn and believes that he is unique in bed. He's really not bad, but he's very self-absorbed. For him, on the one hand, it is important how his partner feels there, and on the other hand, here he is the only one, unique. She, in turn, really wants to attract attention. The Capricorn man will be pleasantly surprised by such efforts and will appreciate your new underwear, intricate accessories and aromatic oils. He knows what nonsense all this is, but your attention is pleasant. There are two options - the end of friendship, the beginning of love, or the end of everything. For such less compatible zodiac signs, good sex can be an excellent cure for all problems in marriage. There will be unity and real enjoyment of each other. Over time, if the couple endures, the sex will be just great, sensual. This is something worth striving for.

The love horoscope for these dissimilar zodiac signs is very weak. They need other partners for real, complete happiness. If two people meet on the way, so different, then the future of the couple will depend only on the strength of their love. A man and a woman must understand that they cannot change each other. Just love him as he is, just accept her with all her flaws and virtues. That's it. There cannot be any special advice from the stars; only your personal feelings and desires will tell you whether the couple can exist or not. And also - a lot of patience, tenderness and forgiveness. It is important to forgive your partner’s mistakes, because he did not want to offend you at all. It’s just that you are different - this can become the advantage of your couple.

The two wise signs of the Zodiac, Sagittarius and Capricorn, do not advertise their compatibility and accept it calmly. The strong characters of these people help them control themselves in difficult situations, thereby building relationships at a high level, almost completely eliminating falsehood.

Sagittarius and Capricorn - love compatibility

Oddly enough, the compatibility of Capricorn with Sagittarius is not very realistic, because these signs do not intersect often. These two different types of people live in their own worlds and communicate with different people. They rarely pay attention to each other just on the street and rarely get to know each other in public, although their love relationships turn out to be harmonious. When getting closer, opposites can show real differences, because everyone learns something new from their partner, without losing their own skills.

People with the Sagittarius and Capricorn sign rarely get tired of each other because they spend little time with each other. This does not spoil their relationship, but brings them closer, because everyone has time for themselves and personal space, and such signs need these conditions. The only thing that will never happen between them is complete unification, but in most cases they simply do not need this.

Sagittarius and Capricorn - marriage compatibility

Due to the fact that meetings and rapprochement of these people are very rare, the union of Sagittarius and Capricorn in most cases will not be successful. Internal contradictions take over and conflict situations become more and more numerous. One of them will constantly go on adventures and hope for luck, and the second will calculate every step and follow with caution. These character traits, to some extent, help the partner gain invaluable experience that cannot be learned without getting close to the person.

Family compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn in a relationship is possible if no one tries to change their partner to suit themselves. Harmony is achieved to a greater extent when one of the couple begins to behave complaisantly and calmly. Often wives take the side of humility and calmly give the opportunity to rule everything to their spouse. This applies only to those moments that are interesting to him, because the men in such a couple are more preoccupied with themselves than with family problems.

Capricorn and Sagittarius - sexual compatibility

Many people do not know whether Sagittarius is suitable for Capricorn sexually. These people are active in the intimate sphere and sometimes this interferes with maintaining harmony. Such romances are fleeting, because Capricorn does not know how to advertise his passionate impulses and takes a long time to reveal himself, even if his partner has been in a close relationship with him for a long time. Sagittarians, on the contrary, are impulsive, open and love extravaganza even in sexual relationships. They get tired of expecting the same thing from their loved one and a problem is gradually brewing. Sagittarians often start conversations about separation.

Capricorn and Sagittarius - compatibility in friendship

A simple friendship between Sagittarius and Capricorn is quite possible, since friendship does not imply big obligations. These versatile personalities are attracted to each other, because they need emotions and experience, and in such a union there will be plenty of this. Sagittarius and Capricorn do not understand their compatibility; they think that this is just a successful acquaintance that brings positive aspects and certain benefits. Sagittarius can help a friend rise to a higher level in his favorite activity, and Capricorn will teach him to cope with his emotions and control many life situations.

Capricorn and Sagittarius - compatibility at work

These people begin to truly trust each other in the work process only after the test of time. Capricorn and Sagittarius are completely opposite in work, but in most cases they can benefit from each other. Common interests bring us closer together, but everyone has their own personal life and social circle. There will be friendly relations, but only for the period of doing business. The interesting thing is that over time, these people develop a certain dependence in the work process, and if one of the workers leaves, it will be difficult for the partner to get used to the other.