The capital's museums can be visited free of charge every third Sunday of the month. Once a month, many Moscow museums can be visited for free. How museums work on museum day


Today in Moscow the doors of several hundred different museums are hospitably open, in each of which you can not only admire stunning exhibitions, but also learn a lot of new things for yourself interesting information. Sometimes you can get there for free, and sometimes you can spend a wonderful birthday there. What promotions do the capital’s museums offer Muscovites and guests?

For schoolchildren

In 2017, the Museums of Moscow will carry out new project“Museums for children.” Throughout the year, 90 museums in the city will be available to schoolchildren. Teachers will be able to conduct on-site thematic lessons here, and schoolchildren from 6 to 17 years old will be able to visit interesting exhibitions at a convenient time.

Together with a group of children, an accompanying adult also passes free of charge. The visit is carried out using a Muscovite social card or “Moskvyonok” card. You don’t need to buy a ticket to enter; just tap your card on a special reader. A visit to the museum is recorded at electronic diary schoolboy.

On your birthday

There are not many museums that offer discounts for birthdays. Discounts are available at the Moscow Planetarium, as well as at the Children's Museum-Theater, which is located on Pionerskaya.

But there is a practice of holding organized holidays in museums. Several interesting holiday programs for birthday people and their guests is provided by the Museum of Cosmonautics.

Accompanied by an experienced animator, a detachment of young researchers, led by the detachment commander - the birthday boy - goes on an exciting adventure. space trip around the museum.

“Happy birthday, young cosmonaut!” (from 7 to 12 years).
The program includes photography in the astronaut's spacesuit.
Program duration: 2 hours 45 minutes.

“Meet Planet Earth!” (from 7 to 12 years)
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes.

"Mission: Flight to the Moon!" (from 4 to 8 years)
Duration of the program: 2 hours.

The Animation Museum also invites birthday people and their guests to celebrate the birthday of your baby and his friends
Recommended age: 5-14 years.
Duration: 2.5 hours.

At the Lights of Moscow Museum, little guests will be given an entertaining historical excursion, and then seated delicious table and arrange funny Games with kids.

Calm and quiet family celebration They will help you organize it in the “Doll House”.
Recommended age: 5-6 years.
Duration: 1.5-2.5 hours.

Living History Museum in entertainment program offers game travel in different eras, for example, in ancient Japan or Ancient Egypt. After the fun adventures, the children will have a tea party.
Recommended age: 8-14 years.
Duration: 2.5 hours.

Museum of Cognitive Sciences "Experimentarium" offers 8 rubles entertainment programs to choose from. Children will be able to get into a real Academy of Magic, go to Wonderland, explore the planets solar system or physical laws and much more.
Recommended age: above 4 years.
Duration: 1 hour.

Free visits on holidays

Most museums and architectural monuments can be visited absolutely free of charge in next days public holidays:

During the New Year holidays from January 2 to 8
April 18 ---— Days of Historical and Cultural Heritage
May 18 - Night of Museums (date changes every year, but usually in May)
May 9 - Victory Day
June 1 - Children's Day
June 12 is Russia Day.

For large families

Address: Khamovnichesky Val, building 36.
Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday - from 9:00 to 16:30; Saturday - from 10:00 to 16:30.
Days off: Sunday, Monday.
The last Tuesday of every month is sanitary day.

Museum Theatre "Bulgakov House"

Address: st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10.
Opening hours: daily from 13:00 to 23:00, on Friday and Saturday until 01:00 am.

Water Museum
Address: Sarinsky pr., 13.
Opening hours: Mon-Thu 10:00-17:00, Fri 10:00-16:00.
Visits to the museum are by appointment only.

Museum of Industrial Culture
Address: st. Zarechye, 3A.
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 11:00-19:00.

Museum of Local Lore"House on the Embankment"
Address: st. Serafimovicha, 2.
Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 14:00-20:00; Thu 14:00-21:00.

“To the museums of Moscow - free of charge”

Every third Sunday of the month you can visit Moscow museums included in this program for free.

  • Historical-architectural, artistic and landscape museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno"
  • Museum Association "Museum of Moscow"
  • Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics
  • Museum complex "History of the T-34 tank"
  • School of watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka
  • Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino"
  • Zelenograd Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Museum and Exhibition Center "Fashion Museum"
  • Gallery "Belyaevo"
  • Gallery "Izmailovo"
  • Gallery "Zagorie"
  • Gallery "Peresvetov Lane"
  • Art center "Solntsevo"
  • Gallery "Nagornaya"
  • Gallery "On Kashirka"
  • Gallery “Place on Timiryazevskaya”
  • Gallery-workshop “Varshavka”
  • Gallery-workshop “Ground Sandy”
  • Gallery "Art Hall Printers"
  • Museum M.A. Bulgakov - “Bad Apartment”
  • House of Russian Abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn
  • State Darwin Museum
  • State Biological Museum named after. K.A. Timiryazev
  • Electromuseum in Rostokino
  • Museum-Humanitarian Center "Overcoming" named after. N. A. Ostrovsky
  • House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva
  • Literary Museum-Center K.G. Paustovsky
  • Memorial Museum of A. N. Scriabin
  • Museum "House of Burganov"
  • Exhibition Hall "Tushino"
  • Museum of V. A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time
  • Cultural

All you need to do to visit the city's 80 museums and galleries on September 8 and 9 is get a free ticket at the box office. Some cultural venues, for example the Museum of Moscow and the Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky, prepared special exhibitions and excursions dedicated to the capital for the holiday.

During the celebration of the 871st anniversary of Moscow on September 8 and 9, residents and guests of the capital will be able to free to visit 80 museums and exhibition halls. These are the Museum of Moscow, the Darwin Museum, the Museum of Cosmonautics, the House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva, the Kolomenskoye estate and many others. Cultural venues will operate as usual.

“Muscovites will be able not only to celebrate City Day at festive venues, but also to visit educational displays and exhibitions. On the day of the 871st anniversary of Moscow, the Department of Culture opens its doors to visitors - museums will operate free of charge. Some of them will host exhibitions dedicated to Moscow. To visit any of the city's museums, you must first obtain a free ticket at the box office. No documents are required for this. Pre-registration is also not necessary, but for some exhibitions you need to sign up in advance,” said CEO Mosgortur agency Vasily Ovchinnikov.

Moscow City Museum will present the street exhibition “Moscow Patrons and Philanthropists”. In the courtyard of the museum on Zubovsky Boulevard you will be able to find out the names of the largest philanthropists late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. Visitors will be told about what famous galleries, theaters, institutes and hospitals were built at the expense of patrons.

On Palace Square Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno" waiting for Muscovites music program. For two days it will sound here classical music Russian and Soviet composers: Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninov, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Alexander Borodin, Mikhail Glinka, Modest Mussorgsky, Dmitry Shostakovich, Georgy Sviridov and others. The concerts will take place on September 8 from 12:00 to 20:00 and on September 9 from 14:00 to 20:00.

Museum V.V. Mayakovsky will arrange on City Day virtual tour in the city center: guests will “walk” through the memorable places of the Soviet poet, learn Interesting Facts about his life, they will see archival photographs and documents from the museum’s collections and listen to audio recordings of Mayakovsky’s contemporaries. The tour will take place on September 8 from 15:00 to 16:30. A Museum-center K.G. Paustovsky organizes on September 8 an excursion “Moskvich by birth”, dedicated to those years in the life of the writer that he spent in the capital. The tour will start at 12:00.

Museums that will be open for free on City Day:

— architectural complex “Provision Stores” (Zubovsky Boulevard, building 2);

— Museum of Archeology (Manezhnaya Square, building 1a);

— Old English Court (4a Varvarka Street);

— Lefortovo History Museum (23 Kryukovskaya Street);

— Museum of Russian Harmonica Alfred Mirek (2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, building 18);

— local history museum “House on the Embankment” (Serafimovicha Street, building 2, entrance 1);

— Garden Ring Museum (Mira Avenue, 14);

— Museum of Heroes Soviet Union and Russia (Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya street, building 24, building 3);

— State Museum of Defense of Moscow (Michurinsky Prospekt, building 3);

— Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics (Prospekt Mira, building 111);

— Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Koroleva (1st Ostankinskaya street, building 28);

— State Darwin Museum (Vavilov Street, building 57);

— State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva (Malaya Gruzinskaya street, building 15);

— State Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno” (Dolskaya street, building 1);

— museum-estate “Kolomenskoye” (Andropov Avenue, building 39);

— museum-estate “Lublino” (Letnyaya street, building 1, building 1);

— museum-estate “Izmailovo” (town named after Bauman, house 1, building 4);

— State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century (Yunosti Street, building 2);

— Museum of Russian estate culture “Estate of the Princes Golitsyn Vlakhernskoye-Kuzminki” (Topolevaya Alley, building 6);

— Memorial Museum of A.N. Scriabin (Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Lane, building 11);

— State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (Prechistenka street, building 12/2);

— Memorial apartment of A.S. Pushkin (Arbat street, building 53);

— House-Museum of V.L. Pushkin (Staraya Basmannaya street, building 36);

— Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely (Arbat street, building 55);

— exhibition halls of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (Arbat street, building 55);

— House N.V. Gogol - memorial museum and scientific library (Nikitsky Boulevard, 7a);

— House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva (Borisoglebsky Lane, building 6);

— Moscow literary museum-center K.G. Paustovsky (Old Kuzminki street, building 17);

— Moscow state museum S.A. Yesenina (Bolshoi Strochenovsky Lane, building 24);

— Moscow State Museum of S.A. Yesenina (Klyazminskaya street, building 21, building 2);

— Yesenin Center (Chernyshevsky lane, building 4, building 2);

— Museum of M.A. Bulgakova (Bolshaya Sadovaya street, building 10, apartment 50);

— House of Russian Abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Nizhnyaya Radishchevskaya street, building 2);

— State Museum — Cultural Center"Integration" named after N.A. Ostrovsky (Tverskaya street, building 14);

— Multimedia complex of contemporary arts (Ostozhenka street, building 16);

— Moscow estate of Father Frost (Volgogradsky Prospekt, building 168d);

— Vadim Sidur Museum (Novogireevskaya street, building 37, building 2);

— Moscow Museum contemporary art(Petrovka street, building 25, building 1);

— Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Tverskoy Boulevard, building 9);

— Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Gogolevsky Boulevard, building 10);

— Museum-workshop Z.K. Tsereteli (Bolshaya Gruzinskaya street, building 15);

— Museum of V.A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time (Shchetininsky lane, building 10, building 1);

— Fashion Museum (Ilyinka Street, building 4);

— Moscow State Art Gallery folk artist USSR Ilya Glazunov (Volkhonka street, building 13);

— Moscow State Art Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR A.M. Shilova (Znamenka street, building 5);

— State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky (Krasnaya Presnya street, building 36, building 1);

— Burganov House (Bolshoy Afanasyevsky Lane, building 15, building 9);

- Museum naive art(Soyuzny Avenue, building 15a);

— Museum of Folk Graphics (Maly Golovin Lane, building 10);

showroom « Folk paintings» (Izmailovsky Boulevard, building 30);

— Moscow State Specialized School of Watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka with a museum and exhibition complex (Gorokhovsky Lane, building 17, building 1;

— Zelenograd Museum (Zelenograd, Gogol Street, building 11c);

— Museum and Memorial Complex of History Navy(Svobody Street, property 44-48);

— museum and memorial complex “History of the T-34 tank” (Mytishchi district, Sholokhovo village, house 89a);

— exhibition hall “Solntsevo” (Bogdanova Street, building 44);

— exhibition hall “Peresvetov Lane” (Peresvetov Lane, building 4, building 1);

— exhibition hall “Gallery “Zagorie”” (Lebedyanskaya street, building 24, building 2);

— exhibition hall “Gallery “Izmailovo”” (Izmailovsky proezd, building 4);

— exhibition hall “Gallery “Belyaevo”” (Profsoyuznaya street, building 100);

— exhibition hall “Gallery “Nagornaya”” (Remizova Street, building 10);

— exhibition hall “On Kashirka” (Akademika Millionshchikova Street, building 35, building 5);

— exhibition hall “Varshavka” (Varshavskoe highway, houses 68/1, 72/2, 75/1);

— exhibition hall “On Peschanaya” (Novopeschanaya Street, building 23, building 7);

— exhibition hall “Bogorodskoye” (Otkrytoe shosse, building 5, building 6);

— exhibition hall “Khodynka” (Irina Levchenko Street, building 2);

— children's art Gallery“Izopark” (Ostrovityanova Street, building 19/22);

— exhibition hall “Gallery “On Shabolovka”” (Serpukhovsky Val street, building 24, building 2);

— exhibition hall “Here on Taganka” (Taganskaya street, building 31/22);

— exhibition hall “Vykhino” (Tashkentskaya street, building 9);

— exhibition hall “Pechatniki” (Batiuninskaya street, building 14);

— exhibition hall “Gallery XXI Century” (Kremenchugskaya street, building 22);

— State Exhibition Hall of the History of the War in Afghanistan (1st Vladimirskaya Street, building 12, building 1);

— exhibition hall “Solyanka VPA” (Solyanka Street, building ½, building 2);

— exhibition hall “Gallery “A3”” (Starokonyushenny Lane, building 39);

— exhibition hall “Electromuseum in Rostokino” (Rostokinskaya street, building 1);

— exhibition hall “Tushino” (Jana Rainis Boulevard, building 19, building 1);

— State Exhibition Hall “Ark” (Nemchinov Street, building 12);

— exhibition hall “Zelenograd” (Zelenograd, 14th microdistrict, building 1410);

— Moscow State Art Gallery of Vasily Nesterenko (Malaya Dmitrovka Street, building 29, building 4);

— Gilyarovsky Center (Stoleshnikov Lane, building 9, building 5).

In honor of the 871st anniversary of the capital, they will organize free excursions, some of them specially for City Day. 150 educational walks will be held on September 8 and 9 as part of the Moscow Excursion project. Participants will be told about the history of Moscow and its most interesting places in the city - for example, they will conduct Bulgakov's places and Bolshoi Karetny Lane, where the poet Vladimir Vysotsky spent his youth.

Holiday fireworks in honor of City Day they will launch from 30 city sites. The performance will begin on Saturday, September 8, at 21:00 and will last five minutes. IN total launchers will fire several tens of thousands of salvos.

In addition, the main events of the traditional Moscow festival await citizens on September 8 and 9. The capital's birthday will be celebrated in every district: in total, more than two thousand venues will operate. In a programme 1150 free master classes in floristry, botany, design and cooking, 280 concerts and performances by artists, 50 excursions in parks and green areas of Moscow, skateboarding lessons and a DJ school. For lovers active rest will establish three thousand gaming and sports attractions.

In the chalet " Flower jam» will offer sweets and desserts, berries and fruits, hundreds of types of jam and varieties of honey, 160 types of ice cream. Treats for Muscovites were brought from 40 regions Russia. Summer residents, flower growers and those who value comfort will find seeds and seedlings, herbariums and flowers in pots, home decorations and souvenirs at the fairs. And on September 9 there will be a competition for amateur flower gardens. This is an opportunity for city residents to create a unique landscape project independently or in a team under the guidance of professional gardeners.

The Museum Day holiday was established in 1977 on the initiative of the Russian delegation at the next meeting of the International Council of Museums. Since 1978, it has been celebrated in more than 150 countries, including ours.

Museum Day is especially popular in Moscow, where there are several hundred private and state museums and their branches. Among them are historical, natural science, literary, musical, art museums, museums-reserves and estates, exhibition halls, etc.

These institutions are preparing a large cultural program for the holiday: lectures, master classes, historical reconstructions, theatrical shows, etc.

When and how will Moscow celebrate Museum Day 2019?

This international holiday Celebrated annually on May 18th. Those who wish can also spend the Night of Museums in Moscow, which in 2019 falls on May 18-19.

Many interesting cultural events will be timed to coincide with this event in the capital. Thus, the Hockey Cinema will operate at the Hockey Museum, the Soyuzmultfilm Film Studio will show the original dolls of Soviet and Russian cartoon characters, and the State Museum will fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin, employees will talk about unique items not presented in the exhibition.

Many museums, art galleries, and cultural institutions will hold creative meetings with artists, master classes, lectures, exhibitions, quests and others interesting programs for every taste. Please note that some events require registration.

Night of Museums at the Fashion Museum
Museum and Exhibition Center "Museum of Fashion", Moscow, Ilyinka str., 4
May 18 at 12:00
Night of Museums at the Mars Center for Contemporary Art
May 18 at 12:00
Battle in virtual reality
Center for Contemporary Art “Mars”, Moscow, Pushkarev Lane, 5
May 18 at 14:00
Night of museums at the museum entertaining sciences"Experimentanium"
Museum of Entertaining Sciences "Experimentanium", Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 80
May 18 at 17:00
Night of Museums at the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art
Moscow, Syromyatnichesky lane 4th, 1/8, building 6
May 18 at 19:00
Night of Museums “Around Gogol”
House of N.V. Gogol - memorial museum and scientific library (branch No. 1), Moscow, Nikitsky Blvd., d 7A
May 18 at 17:00
Exhibition “Wonderful city, ancient city... The art of the Russian builder of the 14th–19th centuries.”
Exhibition hall in the Atrium, Moscow, Andropova Ave., 39
May 18 at 18:00
Night at the Museum at the Museum military uniform clothes
Museum of Military Uniforms, Moscow, Petroverigsky Lane, 4
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums “Travel to Magic world cats"
Kuklachev Cat Theater, Moscow, Kutuzovsky pr-kt, 25
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the A. Shilov Gallery
Moscow State Art Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR A. Shilov, Moscow, Znamenka St., 3
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Darwin Museum
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Moscow Estate of Father Frost
Moscow estate of Father Frost, Moscow, Volgogradsky pr-kt, vld 168D
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Bulgakov House Museum-Theater
Museum-Theater “Bulgakov House”, Moscow, Sadovaya St. B., 10
May 18 at 18:00
Program “Book Insomnia”
Bookstore “Moscow”, Moscow, Tverskaya st., 8
May 18 at 19:00
Night of Museums at the Moscow Puppet Theater
Moscow Puppet Theater, Moscow, Spartakovskaya str., 26/30
May 18 at 19:15
Night of Museums “Choice” royal bride»
Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Moscow, Andropov Ave., 39
May 18 at 21:00
Night of Museums at Luzhniki Stadium
Moscow, Luzhnetskaya embankment, 24
May 18 at 22:30
Night of Museums at the Tushino Exhibition Hall
Exhibition hall "Tushino", Moscow, blvd Yana Rainisa, 19
May 18 at 11:00
Night of Museums at the Institute of Russian Realistic Art
Institute of Russian Realistic Art, Moscow, Derbenevskaya embankment, 7
May 18 at 11:00
Night of Museums in the exhibition hall "Gallery Nagornaya"
Exhibition hall “Gallery Nagornaya”, Moscow, Remizova str., 10
May 18 at 11:00
Night of Museums at the AZ Museum
Museum AZ, Moscow, Tverskaya-Yamskaya str. 2-Ya, no. 20-22
May 18 at 12:00
Night of Museums at the Soil and Agronomic Museum
Soil and Agronomic Museum named after. V.R. Williams, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya st., 55
May 18 at 12:00
Night of Museums at the Cultural Center "Inspiration"
Cultural center "Inspiration", Moscow, Lithuanian Blvd., D 7
May 18 at 13:00
Night of Museums in International Center Slavic culture
Public International Fund Slavic writing and culture, Moscow, Chernigovsky lane, 9/13 building 2
May 18 at 14:00
Night of Museums in the gallery “On Kashirka”
Moscow, Academician Millionshchikova str., 35 k. 5
May 18 at 15:00
Night of Museums at the Alpert Gallery
Alpert Gallery, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya str., 3
May 18 at 16:00
Night of museums in the porcelain workshop of Igor Klimenkov
Moscow, Talalikhina st., 2/1 k8
May 18 at 16:00
Mythological diving “Dive into the world of myths and symbols”
Cultural center "New Acropolis" on Sretenka, Moscow, Sukharevsky lane B., 16
May 18 at 17:00
Night of Museums “Serge Golovach. End of the journey. Subtitles from the author"
Cultural Foundation "Ekaterina", Moscow, Kuznetsky Most str., 21/5
May 18 at 17:00
Immersive tour “Living Shadows” past centuries»
House of Culture "Gaidarovets", Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val str., 27
May 18 at 18:00
Lecture “Russia and Germany. Military costume: mutual influence through centuries"
Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia, Moscow, Cheryomushkinskaya st. B., 24
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums “Forward to the Past!”
Apartment of the Mayakovsky family on Bolshaya Presnya, Moscow, Krasnaya Presnya str., 36
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums “Cultural Quiz”
Moscow, Svobodny pr-kt, 19
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums “National Memory of the Gulag”
State Museum of the History of the Gulag, Moscow, 1st Samotechny Lane, 9
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums “Sokolniki Troubles”
Museum of Sokolniki Park, Moscow, Sokolnichesky Val str., 1
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Yesenin Center
Museum of S. A. Yesenin on Chernyshevsky, Moscow, Chernyshevsky Lane, 4
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Zelenograd Museum
Museum of Zelenograd, Moscow, Zelenograd, Gogol str., 11B
May 18 at 18:00
Museum Night at the Hockey Museum
Hockey Museum Moscow, Moscow, Avtozavodskaya str., 23
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya
Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Moscow, Bronnaya str. M., 4
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Moscow Transport Museum
Moscow, Rogozhsky Val st., 9/2
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Streltsy Chambers Museum
Museum military history“Streltsy Chambers”, Moscow, Lavrushinsky lane, 17
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Scriabin Museum
Memorial Museum of A. N. Scriabin, Moscow, Nikolopeskovsky Lane B., 11
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums in the creative workshop of artist Viktor Pashchenko
Moscow, Olkhovskaya st., 15
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Kuskovo Estate
State Museum of Ceramics “Kuskovo Estate” of the 18th century”, Moscow, Yunosti str., 2
May 18 at 18:00
Opening of the exhibition of art glass "ProSvet"
Moscow, Volokolamskoye sh., 9
May 18 at 18:00
Opening of the season on the roof of the Darwin Museum
State Darwin Museum, Moscow, Vavilova str., 57
May 18 at 18:00
Tour of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord
Church of the Ascension, Moscow, Andropova Ave., 39
May 18 at 18:00
Exhibition “There are many wonderful places, wonderfully decorated”
Palace of N. A. Durasov in the Lyublino estate museum, Moscow, Letnyaya str., 1
May 18 at 18:00
Night of Museums at the Art Deco Museum
Art Deco Museum, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya embankment, 2/4
May 18 at 18:30
Night of Museums White Night in Kolomenskoye"
Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye", Moscow, Andropov Ave., 39
May 18 at 19:00
Night of Museums in Krylatskoye
Club-gallery “Krylatsky Ornament”, Moscow, Krylatskie Hills st., 26/2
May 18 at 19:00
Night of Museums at Niko Gallery
Niko Gallery - Nikoghosyan Museum, Moscow, Tishinsky lane B., 19
May 18 at 19:00
Night of Museums in the workshop of Elena Kovylina
Moscow, Selskokhozyaystvenny 1st proezd, 3
May 18 at 19:00
Concert “Thaw. Yesenin. Return"
Moscow State Museum of S. A. Yesenin, Moscow, Strochenovsky lane B., 24
May 18 at 20:00
Excursion “Welcome to Eldar!”
Cinema club-museum "Eldar", Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 105
May 18 at 20:00
Exhibition by Vasily Vdovin “Element”
Moscow, Gagarinsky lane, 4/2
May 18 at 21:00
Visit to the Museum of the History of the Russian Plant “Sickle and Hammer”
central Library No. 15 named after V.O. Klyuchevskogo, Moscow, Fakelny lane B., 3
May 18 at 12:00

When can you go to a museum for free in Moscow?

In addition to Museum Day in Moscow, the capital's museums can be visited for free at other times. According to a resolution adopted in 2012 by the Moscow Department of Culture, such events are held every third Sunday of the month.

You can visit the city's museums for free on days New Year's holidays, on City Day (September 7-8), Russia Day (June 12), Day national unity(November 4), and also spend the Night at the Museum in Moscow.

According to statistics, the number of visitors during these periods is three times higher than usual. About 40 thousand people visit the capital’s museums every day during the campaign. Therefore, when planning a cultural program, be prepared for the fact that you will have to wait in queues, and quite a lot.

Only museums subordinate to the Moscow Department of Culture take part in the action, and it is not held in museums of federal significance (for example, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Moscow Kremlin Museums, etc.).

However, on Museum Day in Moscow, many of these cultural institutions also open their doors to all visitors.

List of museums for free admission on May 18, 2019

Visiting hours: 11:00-18:00. And those who decide to spend a Night at the Museum in Moscow can visit here from 18.00 on Saturday (May 18, 2019) until midnight. Some establishments will be open until 2 am and even until 6 am.

Historical museums:

  • Museum of Archeology of Moscow;
  • Museum of Russian estate culture “Estate of the Princes Golitsyn Vlakhernskoye - Kuzminki”;
  • Lefortovo Museum;
  • Museum of Russian harmonic A.Mireka;
  • Architectural complex “Provision shops”;
  • Chambers of the old English court;
  • Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino" and its branch "Kutuzovskaya Izba";
  • Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union (branch of the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum);
  • State Museum of Defense of Moscow; State Zelenograd Museum of History and Local Lore;
  • Museum of the History of the Gulag;
  • Space Museum;
  • Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Korolev - a branch of the Museum of Cosmonautics;
  • Museum and Memorial Complex of the History of the Russian Navy;
  • Museum complex “History of the T-34 tank”;
  • Local history museum “House on the Embankment”, etc.

Art museums:

  • MGVZ "New Manege" (Moscow Museum and Exhibition Association "Manege");
  • Moscow association "Museon" Museum of V. A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time;
  • Museum and exhibition complex; Russian Academy arts;
  • Museum of Folk Graphics;
  • Moscow State Museum of Vadim Sidur (Moscow Museum and Exhibition Association
  • Moscow State Specialized School of Watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka with museum-
    exhibition complex;
  • Museum and Exhibition Center "Worker and Collective Farm Woman" (Moscow Museum and Exhibition
    association "Manezh");
  • Museum-workshop D.A. Nalbandyan (Moscow Museum and Exhibition Association "Manege");
  • Exhibition hall "Chekhov's House";
  • Museum of Naive Art;
  • Moscow House of Photography (Multimedia Art Museum);
  • Moscow State Art Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Glazunov;
  • Moscow State Art Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR A.M. Shilova;
  • Moscow State Museum "House of Burganov".

Literary and music museums:

  • Memorial apartment A.S. Pushkin;
  • Exhibition halls of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin;
  • Museum of I. S. Turgenev;
  • N.V. Gogol's House - memorial museum and scientific library;
  • Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely;
  • State cultural center-museum V.S. Vysotsky.

Museum-reserves and estates:

Every third Sunday of the month, residents and guests of the capital will be able to visit 40 city museums for free. These days, everyone can view the exhibitions of museums controlled by the Moscow Department of Cultural Affairs completely free of charge. Can choose unusual museum and discover something new, get inside the museum crowd, spend your leisure time smartly, creatively, for free. The next day of free admission is October 21, 2018.

The Museum Day campaign in Moscow will allow many people to get free access to museums for everyone

The Moscow Government and the capital's Department of Culture have already approved an exact list of cultural and educational sites open free to citizens on the third Sunday of the month. As noted in the press service of the Department, free days represent an excellent opportunity to get to the permanent and temporary exhibitions of leading cultural institutions Moscow.

This year, Muscovites and city guests are welcome at 40 museum sites. In addition to large exhibition complexes, you can also visit small museum exhibitions. In some museums you can find thematic exhibitions. Having planned a cultural trip at this time, you need to be prepared for the fact that the box office will popular museums, you may have to wait in line, and quite a long one.

Employees of the Department of Culture believe that such an action will allow many people who are unable to pay for visiting such establishments to learn more about the culture and history of their country. In addition, everyone can go on such days to exhibitions of creators who are working today, and thus get acquainted with modern culture.

On the day of the “Free to Moscow Museums” campaign, museum workers note a surge in the activity of visitors who line up at the ticket counters in those museums that are especially loved by Muscovites and guests of the capital.

This resolution does not apply to museums of federal significance, therefore entrance to such museums remains paid ( Tretyakov Gallery, Kremlin Museums, etc.).

Full list of institutions participating in the Museum Day event in Moscow, which will work for free on October 21, 2018

List of museums participating in the "To Moscow Museums - Free" campaign

  1. Moscow Museum of Modern Art.
  2. Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino".
  3. Museum of Zelenograd.
  4. Museum of Vadim Sidur.
  5. Nalbandian Museum.
  6. State Museum of Defense of Moscow.
  7. State Darwin Museum.
  8. Museum and exhibition center "Museum of Fashion".
  9. Museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye".
  10. Museum-reserve "Izmailovo".
  11. Lefortovo Museum-Reserve.
  12. Museum-reserve "Lublino".
  13. Museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno".
  14. Moscow Literary Museum-Center of K. G. Paustovsky.
  15. Museum of Naive Art.
  16. State Museum of Ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th Century”.
  17. Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.
  18. Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Queen.
  19. Moscow Ostankino Estate Museum.
  20. Local history museum "House on the Embankment".
  21. Moscow Museum of Folk Graphics.
  22. Museum and memorial complex "History of the T-34 tank".
  23. Moscow State Art Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Glazunov.
  24. State Cultural Center-Museum of V.S. Vysotsky “Vysotsky’s House on Taganka”.
  25. Memorial Museum of A.N. Scriabin.
  26. State Museum - Humanitarian Center "Overcoming" named after. N.A. Ostrovsky.
  27. State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazev.
  28. State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky.
  29. Museum M.A. Bulgakov.
  30. Moscow City Museum.
  31. Museum of Archeology of Moscow.
  32. Museum of History "Lefortovo".
  33. Museum English Compound.
  34. Museum of Russian estate culture “Estate of the Princes Golitsyn “Vlahernskoe - Kuzminki”.
  35. Moscow State Art Gallery of the People's Artist of the USSR A. Shilov.
  36. Museum V.A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time.
  37. State Museum of the History of the Gulag.
  38. State Museum of A.S. Pushkin.
  39. Memorial apartment A.S. Pushkin on Arbat.
  40. Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely.
  41. House-Museum of V.L. Pushkin.
  42. Exhibition halls of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin on Arbat.
  43. Cultural center "House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva".
  44. Moscow State Museum "House of Burganov".
  45. Moscow State Museum S.A. Yesenina.
  46. Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia Museum-memorial complex of the history of the Russian Navy.
  47. School of watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka.

List of museums in Moscow with permanent free entry in 2018

List of museums with permanent free admission

1. Folk Museum history of the Moscow metro. Address: Khamovnichesky Val, building 36.

Working hours:

Tuesday - Friday - from 9:00 to 16:30;

Saturday - from 10:00 to 16:30.

Days off: Sunday, Monday.

The last Tuesday of every month is sanitary day.

2. Water Museum. Address: Sarinsky pr., 13.

Opening hours: Mon–Thu 10:00–17:00, Fri 10:00–16:00.

Visits to the museum are by appointment only.

3. Museum of Industrial Culture. Address: st. Zarechye, 3 A.

Opening hours: Mon–Sun 11:00–19:00.

4. Local history museum “House on the Embankment”. Address: st. Serafimovicha, 2.

Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 14:00–20:00; Thu 14:00–21:00.

5. Museum of the History of the City Psychiatric Hospital named after. Alekseeva (Kashchenko). Address: Zagorodnoe highway, 2.

Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fri 9.00:15.00.

In days winter holidays, from January 2 to 8, city museums, exhibition halls and estates will open their doors to everyone.

Free entry will be valid for all categories of visitors. Pre-registration is not required. However, the museums have prepared and New Year's program for your guests.

Thus, visitors to the Museum of Moscow will be able to take part in the interactive quest “How Muscovites New Year met." They have to find ancient Christmas decorations, answer the quiz questions and decorate the Christmas tree with the “treasures” found. Quests will take place throughout the day, the main thing is that several people come together at the same time.

Throughout the New Year holidays, festive festivities will be held at the Moscow estate of Father Frost. Guests are welcome exciting games on fresh air in the company of Santa Claus's assistants, favorite cartoons on the big screen and a disco. Guests will be able to watch with Santa Claus neon show. can be seen from January 1 to January 7 at 18:00.

Historical reconstruction dedicated to the end Patriotic War 1812, will take place at the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum on January 7 at 12:00. The museum will host solemn ceremony, as well as laying flowers at the monument to Mikhail Kutuzov with the participation of military-historical reconstruction clubs.

The main exhibitions of city museums in New Year holidays will be free, but some events may still require a fee. Details need to be clarified in the museums themselves.

The schedule and operating hours of all sites can be found on their official websites, and you can also view the website.

List of museums that will be open for free during the winter holidays


Architectural complex “Provision shops”

Zubovsky Boulevard, building 2

Museum of Archeology of Moscow

Manezhnaya Square, building 1a

Old English Court

Varvarka street, building 4a

Museum of Russian Estate Culture "Estate of the Princes Golitsyn Vlakhernskoe-Kuzminki"

Poplar Alley, building 6,

Old Kuzminki street, building 13

Museum of History "Lefortovo"

Kryukovskaya street, house 23

Museum of Russian harmonic A.Mireka

2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya street, building 18

Local Lore Museum "House on the Embankment"

Serafimovicha street, building 2, entrance 1

Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino"

Kutuzovsky prospect, house 38

Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia

Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya street, building 24, building 3

Moscow State Specialized School of Watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka with a museum and exhibition complex

Gorokhovsky lane, house 17

State Museum of Defense of Moscow

Michurinsky prospect, building 3

Museum of Zelenograd

Zelenograd, Gogol street, building 11v

Exhibition hall "Zelenograd"

Zelenograd, Mikhailovka street, building 1410

State Museum of Gulag History

1st Samotyochny Lane, building 9, building 1

Space Museum

Prospekt Mira, house 111

Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Koroleeva

1st Ostankinskaya street, building 28

Museum-memorial complex “History of the T-34 tank”

Moscow region, Sholokhovo village, house 88a

Garden Ring Museum

Prospekt Mira, house 14

State Cultural Center - Museum of V.S. Vysotsky

Vysotskogo street, building 3

State Museum - Humanitarian Center "Overcoming" named after N.A. Ostrovsky

Tverskaya street, building 14

Memorial apartment A.S. Pushkin

Arbat street, building 53

Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely

Arbat street, building 55

Exhibition halls of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin

Arbat street, building 55

House-Museum of V.L. Pushkin

Staraya Basmannaya street, building 36

Moscow estate of Father Frost

Volgogradsky prospect, house 168d

Moscow Literary Museum - Center of K.G. Paustovsky

Old Kuzminki street, building 17

Museum S.A. Yesenina

Bolshoi Strochenovsky Lane, 24, building 2

Exhibition hall of the museum S.A. Yesenina

Klyazminskaya street, building 21, building 2

Memorial Museum of A.N. Scriabin

Bolshoi Nikolopeskovsky Lane, 11

Mikhail Bulgakov Museum

Bolshaya Sadovaya street, building 10, apartment 50

House of Russian Abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Nizhnyaya Radishchevskaya street, building 2

Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"

Manezhnaya Square, building 1

Moscow State Exhibition Hall "New Manege"

Georgievsky lane, building 3/3

Moscow State Museum of Vadim Sidur

Novogireevskaya street, house 37, building 2

IEC "Worker and Collective Farm Woman"

Prospekt Mira, house 123b

Museum-workshop D.A. Nalbandian

Tverskaya street, building 8, building 2

Exhibition hall "Chekhov's House"

Malaya Dmitrovka street, house 29, building 4

on Petrovka

Petrovka street, house 25, building 1

Moscow Museum of Modern Art in Ermolaevsky

Ermolaevsky lane, building 17

Moscow Museum of Modern Art on Gogolevsky

Gogolevsky Boulevard, 10

Moscow Museum of Modern Art on Tverskoy

Tverskoy Boulevard, 9

Museum-workshop Z.K. Tsereteli

Bolshaya Gruzinskaya street, building 15

Museum of Naive Art

Soyuzny Avenue, 15a

Moscow Museum of Folk Graphics

Maly Golovin lane, building 10

Exhibition hall "Art-Izmailovo"

Izmailovsky Boulevard, 30

Multimedia complex of contemporary arts

Ostozhenka street, building 16

Moscow state gallery People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Glazunov

Volkhonka street, building 13

Moscow State Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR A.M. Shilova

Znamenka street, building 5

Moscow State Museum "House of Burganov"

Bolshoi Afanasyevsky Lane, 15, building 9

Museum V.A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time

Shchetininsky lane, house 10, building 1

State Darwin Museum

Vavilova street, building 57

State Biological Museum named after. K.A. Timiryazev

Malaya Gruzinskaya street, building 15

House N.V. Gogol - memorial museum and scientific library

Nikitsky Boulevard, 7a

House N.V. Gogol - memorial museum and scientific library (new wing)

Nikitsky Boulevard, 7

State Historical-Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

Dolskaya street, building 1

Kolomenskoye Estate

Andropov Avenue, 39

Lefortovo Estate

Krasnokazarmennaya street, possession 1

Manor Lyublino

Letnyaya street, building 1, building 1

Izmailovo Estate

Town named after Bauman, house 1, building 4

State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century

Yunosti Street, building 2

Museum and Exhibition Center "Museum of Fashion"

Ilyinka street, building 4, entrance 1

Museum and park complex "Northern Tushino"

Svobody Street, building 56

Cinema club-museum "Eldar"

Leninsky Prospekt, building 105

Exhibition halls

Name of the museum and its separate structural divisions


State Exhibition Hall of the History of the War in Afghanistan

1st Vladimirskaya Street, building 12, building 1

Exhibition Hall "Tushino"

Jan Rainis Boulevard, 19, building 1

Exhibition hall "Solyanka VPA"

Solyanka street, building 1/2, building 2

Exhibition hall "Gallery A3"

Starokonyushenny Lane, 39

Exhibition hall “Gallery “Izmailovo””

Izmailovsky proezd, building 4

Exhibition hall "Peresvetov Lane"

Peresvetov lane, building 4, building 1

Exhibition Hall "Varshavka"

Varshavskoe highway, house 75, building 1

Exhibition Hall "Khodynka"

Irina Levchenko Street, building 2

Gallery "XXI Century"

Kremenchugskaya street, building 22

Exhibition Hall "Heritage" (Gallery "Zagorie")

Lebedyanskaya street, building 24, building 2

Exhibition hall "Rostokino"

Rostokinskaya street, building 1

Exhibition hall “On Kashirka”

Academician Millionshchikova Street, building 35, building 5

Exhibition Hall "Bogorodskoye"

Otkrytoe shosse, building 5, building 5

Gallery "On Peschanaya"

Novopeschanaya street, building 23, building 7

Exhibition hall “Gallery “Nagornaya””

Remizova street, building 10

Exhibition hall “Gallery “Phoenix”” (gallery-workshop “Skolkovo”)

Skolkovskoe highway, house 32, building 2

Exhibition Hall "Solntsevo"

Bogdanova street, building 44

Exhibition hall “Gallery “Belyaevo””

Profsoyuznaya street, building 100

Exhibition hall "Zamoskvorechye" (on Shabolovka)

Serpukhovsky Val street, building 24, building 2

Exhibition Hall "Creativity"

Taganskaya street, building 31/22

Exhibition hall “Art Hall “South-East”” (Vykhino)

Tashkentskaya street, building 9

Exhibition hall “Art Hall “South-East”” (Pechatniki)

Batyuninskaya street, building 14