Old Slavonic names in th. Male and female Old Russian names. But not everything is so clear


A name determines a person's destiny. This is the key to his inner self. After all, it is not without reason that in Rus' a person had two names, one - false, for everyone, and the other - secret, only for the person himself and his very close people. This tradition existed as protection from unkind spirits and unkind people.
Often the first Slavic name was deliberately unattractive (Kriv, Nekras, Zloba), for even greater protection from evil ones. After all, without the key to the essence of a person, it is much more difficult to cause evil. The rite of the second naming was performed in adolescence, when the main character traits were formed. The name was given based on these traits. Slavic names were replete with their diversity; there were groups of names:
1) Names from the animal and plant world (Pike, Ruff, Hare, Wolf, Eagle, Nut, Borscht)
2) Names by birth order (Pervusha, Vtorak, Tretyak)
3) Names of gods and goddesses (Lada, Yarilo)
4) Names based on human qualities (Brave, Stoyan)
5) And the main group of names is two-basic (Svyatoslav, Dobrozhir, Tihomir, Ratibor, Yaropolk, Gostomysl, Velimudr, Vsevolod, Bogdan, Dobrogneva, Lyubomila, Mirolyub, Svetozar) and their derivatives (Svyatosha, Dobrynya, Tishilo, Ratisha, Putyata, Yarilka , Miloneg).
From the listed names, it is easy to trace the process of creating a derivative name: the second part is cut off from the two-base one and a suffix or ending is added (-neg, -lo, -ta, -tka, -sha, -yata, -nya, -ka).
Example: Svyatoslav: Svyato + sha = Svyatosha.
Of course, the names of people carry a significant part of the culture and traditions of the entire people. In Russia, with the advent of Christianity, Slavic names almost completely fell into oblivion. There were lists of Slavic names prohibited by the church. Why this happened is not difficult to guess. One part of the names (Lada, Yarilo) were the names of Slavic gods, the owners of the second part were people who, even after the Christianization of Rus', tried to restore the cult and traditions (magi, heroes). Today in Russia only 5% of children are given Slavic names, which certainly impoverishes the already meager Slavic culture.


Bazhen is a desired child, desired. The names also have meaning: Bazhai, Bazhan. From these names arose the surnames: Bazhanov, Bazhenov, Bazhutin.
Bazhena is the female form of the name Bazhen.
Beloslav - From BEL - white, turn white and SLAV - to glorify. Abbreviated names: Belyay, Belyan. From these names arose the surnames: Belov, Belyshev, Belyaev.
Beloslava is a female form named after Beloslav. Short name: Beliana
Berimir - caring for the world.
Berislav - one who takes glory, who cares about glory.
Berislava is the female form of the name Berislav.
Blagoslav - glorifying kindness.
Blagoslava is the female form of the name Blagoslav. Abbreviated names: Blaga, Blagana, Blagina.
Fornication - dissolute, unlucky. One of the "negative" names. From this name arose the surname: Bludov. Historical figure: Blud - governor of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.
Bogdan is a child given by God. The name also has meaning: Bozhko. From these names arose the surnames: Bogdanin, Bogdanov, Bogdashkin, Bozhkov.
Bogdana is the feminine form of the name Bogdan. Short name: Bozena.
Bogolyub - one who loves God. From this name arose the surname: Bogolyubov.
Bogomil - dear to God. The name also has meaning: Bohumil.
Bozhidar - gifted by God.
Bozhidara is the female form of the name Bozhidar.
Boleslav - illustrious. Historical figure: Boleslaw I - Polish king.
Boleslava is the female form of the name Boleslav.
Borimir is a peace fighter, a peacemaker.
Borislav is a fighter for glory. Abbreviated names: Boris, Borya. From these names arose the surnames: Borin, Boriskin, Borisov, Borisikhin, Borichev, Borischev. Historical figure: Boris Vseslavich of Polotsk - Prince of Polotsk, ancestor of the Drutsk princes.
Borislava is the female form of the name Borislav.
Borsch is one of the personified names of the plant world. Literally translated: Borscht is plant tops. The surname Borshchev came from this name.
Boyan is a storyteller. The name was formed from the verb: bayat - to speak, tell, sing. The names also have meaning: Baian, Bayan. From these names came the surname: Bayanov. Legendary personality: songwriter - Boyan.
Boyana is the feminine form of the name Boyan.
Bratislav - From BROTHER - to fight and SLAV - to glorify.
Bratislava is the female form of the name Bratislava.
Bronislav is a defender of glory, protecting glory. The name also has meaning: Branislav. Short name: Armor.
Bronislava is the female form of the name Bronislav.
Bryachislav - from BRYACHI - to rattle and SLAV - to glorify Historical figure: Bryachislav Izyaslavich - Prince of Polotsk.
Budimir is a peacemaker. From this name came the surnames: Budilov, Budishchev.
Velimir is a big world.
Velimira is the female form of the name Velimir.
Velimudr - knowledgeable.
Velislav - great glory, most famous.
Velislava is the female form of the name Velislav. Abbreviated names: Vela, Velika, Wieliczka.
Wenceslaus - dedicator to glory, crowned with glory.
Wenceslaus is the female form of the name Wenceslaus.
Faith is faith, true.
Veselin - cheerful, cheerful.
Veselin is the female form of the name Veselin. The name also has a meaning: Vesela.
Vladimir is the ruler of the world. The name also has meaning: Volodymer. From this name came the surnames: Vladimirov, Vladimirsky, Volodimerov, Volodin, Volodichev. Historical figure: Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Red Sun - Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev.
Vladimir is the female form of the name Vladimir.
Vladislav is the owner of glory.
The name also has meaning: Volodislav. Short name: Vlad. Historical figure: Volodislav is the son of Igor Rurikovich.
Vladislava is the female form of the name Vladislav. Short name: Vlada.
Vojislav is a glorious warrior. Abbreviated names: Voilo, Warrior. From these names came the surnames: Voeikov, Voinikov, Voinov. Historical figure: Voin Vasilievich - from the family of Yaroslavl princes.
Voislava is the female form of the name Voislav.
Wolf is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surname: Volkov.
Raven is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surnames: Voronikhin, Voronov.
Vorotislav - returning glory.
Vsevolod is the ruler of the people, who owns everything. From this name came the surnames: Vsevolodov, Vsevolozhsky. Historical figure: Vsevolod I Yaroslavich - Prince of Pereyaslavl, Chernigov, Grand Duke of Kiev.
Vsemil - beloved by everyone.
Vsemil is the feminine form of the name Vsemil.
Vseslav - all-glorifying, famous. The name also has meaning: Seslav. From this name came the surname: Seslavin.
Historical figure: Vseslav Bryachislavich of Polotsk - Prince of Polotsk, Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Vseslav is the female form of the name Vseslav.
Vtorak is the second son in the family. The names also have meaning: Second, Second. From these names came the surnames: Vtorov, Vtorushin.
Vyacheslav is the most famous, the most glorious. The name also has meaning: Vatslav, Vysheslav. From these names came the surnames: Vysheslavtsev, Vyacheslavlev, Vyacheslavov. Historical figure: Vyacheslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Smolensk, Turov, Pereyaslav, Vyshgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev.
Vyachko is a legendary personality: Vyachko is the progenitor of the Vyatichi.
Godoslav - The name also has a meaning: Godlav. Historical figure: Godoslav is the prince of the Bodriči-Rarrogs.
Goluba is meek. From this name came the surnames: Golubin, Golubushkin
Gorazd - skillful, capable. The surname Gorazdov came from this name.
Gorislav is fiery, burning in glory.
Gorislava is the female form of the name Gorislav.
Gorynya - like a mountain, huge, indestructible. Legendary personality: hero - Gorynya.
Gostemil - dear to another (guest). From this name came the surname: Gostemilov.
Gostomysl - thinking about another (guest). Historical figure: Gostomysl - Prince of Novgorod.
Gradimir - guardian of peace.
Gradislav - guardian of glory.
Gradislava is the female form of the name Gradislav.
Granislav - improver of glory.
Granislava is the female form of the name Granislav.
Gremislav - famous.
Gudislav is a renowned musician, trumpeting glory. Short name: Gudim. From these names came the surname: Gudimov.

Daren - gifted.
Darena is the feminine form of the name Daren. The names also have meaning: Darina, Dara.
Nine is the ninth son in the family. From this name came the surnames: Devyatkin, Devyatkov, Devyatov. Dobrogneva
Dobrolyub - kind and loving. From this name came the surname: Dobrolyubov.
Dobromil is kind and sweet.
Dobromila is the feminine form of the name Dobromil.
Dobromir is kind and peaceful. Abbreviated names: Dobrynya, Dobrysha. From these names came the surnames: Dobrynin, Dobryshin. Legendary personality: hero - Dobrynya.
Dobromira is the female form of the name Dobromir. Dobromysl is kind and reasonable. From this name came the surname: Dobromyslov.
Dobroslav - glorifying kindness.
Dobroslava is the female form of the name Dobroslav.
Domaslav - glorifying relatives. Short name: Domash - our own, dear. From this name came the surname: Domashov.
Dragomir is more valuable than the world.
Dragomir is the female form of the name Dragomir.
Dubynya - like an oak, indestructible. Legendary personality: hero - Dubynya.
Druzhina is a comrade.
The common noun has the same meaning: Friend. From these names came the surnames: Druzhinin, Drugov, Drunin.
Ruff is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surname: Ershov.
Lark is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surname: Zhavoronkov.
Zhdan is a long-awaited child. From this name comes the surname: Zhdanov.
Zhdana is the female form of the name Zhdan.
Zhiznomir - living in the world.
Hare is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surname: Zaitsev.
Zvenislava - announcer of glory.
Winter is harsh, merciless. From this name came the surname: Zimin. Legendary personality: Ataman Winter from Razin’s army.
Zlatomir is a golden world.
Zlatotsveta - golden-flowered. Short name: Zlata.
Anger is one of the “negative” names. From this name came the surnames: Zlobin, Zlovidov, Zlydnev.
Izyaslav - the one who took glory. Historical figure: Izyaslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Polotsk, ancestor of the Polotsk princes.
Sincere - sincere. The name also has meaning: Iskra.
Iskra is the feminine form of the name Iskren.
Istislav - glorifying the truth.
Exhaustion - languid (possibly associated with difficult childbirth). From this name came the surnames: Istomin, Istomov.
Casimir - showing the world.
Kazimir - the female form of the name Kazimir.
Koschey is thin and bony. From this name came the surnames: Koshcheev, Kashchenko.
Krasimir - beautiful and peaceful
Krasimira is the female form of the name Krasimir. Short name: Krasa.
Kriv is one of the “negative” names. From this name came the surname: Krivov.
Lada - beloved, dear. The name of the Slavic Goddess of love, beauty and marriage.
Ladimir - one who gets along with the world.
Ladislav - praising Lada (love).
Swan is a personified name for the animal world. The name also has meaning: Lybid. From this name came the surname Lebedev. Legendary personality: Lybid is the sister of the founders of the city of Kyiv.
Luchezar - a ray of light.
We love - beloved. From this name came the surname: Lyubimov.
Love is beloved. The name also has meaning: Lyubava. From these names came the surnames: Lyubavin, Lyubimtsev, Lyubavin, Lyubin, Lyubushin, Lyubimin.
Lyubomila - beloved, dear.
Lubomir - loving world.
Lyubomir is the feminine form of the name Lyubomir.
Inquisitive - someone who loves to think.
Luboslav - lover of glory.
Lyudmil is nice to people.
Lyudmila is the female form of the name Lyudmil. Historical figure: Lyudmila - Czech princess.
Mal - small, junior. The name also has a meaning: Small, Mladen. From these names came the surnames: Maleev, Malenkov, Maltsov, Malyshev. Historical figure: Mal - the Drevlyan prince.
Malusha is the female form of the name Mal. The name also has meaning: Mlada. From these names came the surname: Malushin. Historical figure: Malusha is the wife of Syatoslav Igorevich, the mother of Vladimir Svyatoslavich.
Mieczysław - glorifying sword.
Milan is cute. The name also has meaning: Milen. From these names came the surnames: Milanov, Milenov.
Milana is the female form of the name Milan. The names also have meaning: Milava, Milada, Milena, Militsa, Umila. From these names came the surname: Milavin. Historical figure: Umila - daughter of Gostomysl.

Ancient Slavic names | The name is an expression of the purpose of the soul in reality | As the ancient Latins said - “nomen est omen”. A name is a sign. “Whatever you name the yacht, so it will float”... Unlike foreign names, our names carry a deep meaning that is understandable to every Slav. For example, who can say offhand what the name “Paul” means? And “Kreslav”? Immediately I remember “chair”, “kres” (fire); fire worshiper It is very simple to distinguish a Slavic name from a foreign one: you need to think about whether there are parts of this name in any native word?
The Slavs almost did not use the letter A at the beginning of a word, but tried to replace it with other letters I, O, I, and so on. Personal names starting with this letter are, for the most part, not of Slavic, but of foreign origin. As the ancient Latins said - “nomen est omen”. A name is a sign. “Whatever you name the yacht, so it will float”... Unlike foreign names, our names carry a deep meaning that is understandable to every Slav.

In Vedic culture, the naming of a name is directly related to the evolutionary level of human development. If
hvarna (varna, Zharye body) of the born child corresponds to the clergyman (magician, sorcerer, witch - knowledgeable mother; varna brahmana), then his name consists of two roots. And one of the roots is usually “slav” (i.e. glorifying) or “lyubo” (loving). For example, “Boguslav” - glorifying God, “Dobroslav” - glorifying goodness; “Lyubomir” – loving world, “Lyubomysl” – loving to think, etc.

The two-root name indicates that this person is twice-born - in body and in spirit (acquired a Zharier body). If Zharya’s body corresponds to a knight warrior (varna kshatriya), then the child is also given a two-root name, which usually has the roots “peace” and “vlad”. For example, “Branimir” – fighting for peace, “Tvorimir” – creating
peace-harmony; “Vladduh” is the owner of the spiritual body, “Vladimir” is the owner of the world. If the Zharye body corresponds to the Vesya (Orachi-peasants, Varna Vaishyas), then the name has only one root, and if Smerdu (Sudra), then a simple nickname is given. Names can be domestic, communal, spiritual, secret, deceptive. In the modern name book, out of 150 names, only 15 are actually Slavic, the rest are of a different origin (For example, Sergei is a Roman family name with the meaning “clear, highly revered”; Fedor is Greek: “gift of God”). - The Slavs also used nicknames that complemented the name. Here is one of them:
Mazai – the one who smears; or the anointed one himself. Pack. in 1236, Pole (hares remember him).
Zhuravushka is a faithful wife, homely, happiness in the house.

Fool, Durash, Durov, Fool - Skt. dur – “door”; dur-anta - “infinity”. This name and nickname are mysterious, they are rooted in the infinity and chaos of the primordial world (and the world of the most ancient ancestors), therefore they are characterized by both positive, negative, and deceptive meaning (unrecognized, for example, “to fool”). This is precisely the meaning in the names Fool, Ivan the Fool, Ivanushka the Fool in Russian folk tales. A fool who has a connection (a door) with the other world of ancestors and first ancestors (“grandchildren of Dazhbog”), with the Gods, with the infinity of space, who understands the language of animals, herbs, and elements, is not at all stupid. Pack. in 830 (Durnik) a pupil of the Luchansk prince Vladislav;..." LIST OF SLAVIC NAMES Bazhen - a desired child, desired.

The names also have meaning: Bazhai, Bazhan. From these names arose the surnames: Bazhanov, Bazhenov, Bazhutin.
Bazhena is the feminine form of the name Bazhen.
Beloslav - From BEL - white, turn white and SLAV - to glorify.
Abbreviated names: Belyay, Belyan. From these names arose the surnames: Belov, Belyshev, Belyaev.
Beloslava is the female form of the name Beloslav.
Short name: Beliana
Berimir - one who cares about the world.
Berislav - one who takes glory, who cares about glory.
Berislava is the female form of the name Berislav.
Blagoslav - glorifying kindness.
Blagoslava is the female form of the name Blagoslav.
Abbreviated names: Blaga, Blagana, Blagina.
Fornication - dissolute, unlucky.

One of the "negative" names. From this name arose the surname: Bludov.
Historical figure: Blud - governor of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.
Bogdan is a child given by God.
The name also has meaning: Bozhko. From these names arose the surnames: Bogdanin, Bogdanov, Bogdashkin, Bozhkov.
Bogdana is the feminine form of the name Bogdan.
Short name: Bozena.
Bogolyub - one who loves God.
From this name arose the surname: Bogolyubov.
Bogomil - dear to God.
The name also has meaning: Bohumil.
Bozhidar - given by God.
Bozhidara is the feminine form of the name Bozhidar.
Boleslav - famous.
Historical figure: Boleslaw I - Polish king.
Boleslava is the female form of the name Boleslav.
Borimir is a peace fighter, a peacemaker.
Borislav is a fighter for glory.

Abbreviated names: Boris, Borya. From these names arose the surnames: Borin,
Boriskin, Borisov, Borisikhin, Borichev, Borischev. Historical figure:
Boris Vseslavich of Polotsk - Prince of Polotsk, ancestor of the Drutsk princes.
Borislava is the female form of the name Borislav.
Borscht is one of the personified names of the plant world.
In literal translation: Borscht is the tops of plants. The surname Borshchev came from this name.
Boyan is a storyteller.

The name was formed from the verb: bayat - to speak, tell, sing.
The names also have meaning: Baian, Bayan. The surname came from these names:
Bayanov. Legendary personality: songwriter - Boyan.
Boyana is the feminine form of the name Boyan.
Bratislav - From BROTHER - to fight and SLAV - to glorify.
Bratislava is the female form of the name Bratislava.
Bronislav is a defender of glory, protecting glory.
The name also has meaning: Branislav. Short name: Armor.
Bronislava is the female form of the name Bronislav.
Bryachislav - from BRYACHA - to rattle and SLAV - to glorify
Historical figure: Bryachislav Izyaslavich - Prince of Polotsk.
Budimir is a peacemaker.
From this name came the surnames: Budilov, Budishchev.
Velimir is a big world.
Velimira is the feminine form of the name Velimir.
Velimudr - knowledgeable.
Velislav - great glory, most glorious.
Velislava is the female form of the name Velislav.
Abbreviated names: Vela, Velika, Wieliczka.
Wenceslaus - dedicator to glory, crowned with glory.
Wenceslaus is the female form of the name Wenceslaus.
Faith is faith, true.
Veselin - cheerful, cheerful.
Veselina is the female form of the name Veselin.
The name also has a meaning: Vesela.
Vladimir is the ruler of the world.

The name also has meaning: Volodymer. The surnames derived from this name are:
Vladimirov, Vladimirsky, Volodimerov, Volodin, Volodichev. Historical
personality: Vladimir I Svyatoslavich Red Sun - Prince of Novgorod,
Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Vladimir is the female form of the name Vladimir.
Vladislav - owner of glory.
The name also has meaning: Volodislav. Short name: Vlad. Historical figure: Volodislav is the son of Igor Rurikovich.
Vladislava is the female form of the name Vladislav.
Short name: Vlada.
Vojislav is a glorious warrior.

Abbreviated names: Voilo, Warrior. From these names came the surnames:
Voeikov, Voinikov, Voinov. Historical figure: Voin Vasilievich - from
family of Yaroslavl princes.
Voislava is the female form of the name Voislav.
Wolf is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surname: Volkov.
Raven is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surnames: Voronikhin, Voronov.
Vorotislav - returning glory.
Vsevolod is the ruler of the people, who owns everything.

From this name came the surnames: Vsevolodov, Vsevolozhsky.
Historical figure: Vsevolod I Yaroslavich - Prince of Pereyaslavsky,
Chernigov, Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Vsemil - beloved by everyone.
Vsemil is the feminine form of the name Vsemil.
Vseslav - all-glorifying, famous.
The name also has meaning: Seslav. From this name came the surname: Seslavin.
Historical figure: Vseslav Bryachislavich of Polotsk - Prince of Polotsk, Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Vseslav is the feminine form of the name Vseslav.
Vtorak is the second son in the family.
The names also have meaning: Second, Second. From these names came the surnames: Vtorov, Vtorushin.
Vyacheslav is the most famous, the most glorious.

The name also has meaning: Vatslav, Vysheslav. From these names came
surnames: Vysheslavtsev, Vyacheslavlev, Vyacheslavov. Historical figure:
Vyacheslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Smolensk, Turov, Pereyaslavl,
Vyshgorodsky, Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Vyachko is a legendary personality: Vyachko is the progenitor of the Vyatichi.
Godoslav - The name also has meaning: Godlav. Historical figure: Godoslav is the prince of the Bodrichi-Rarogs.
Goluba is meek.
From this name came the surnames: Golubin, Golubushkin
Gorazd - skillful, capable.
The surname Gorazdov came from this name.
Gorislav is fiery, burning in glory.
Gorislava is the female form of the name Gorislav.
Gorynya - mountain-like, huge, indestructible.
Legendary personality: hero - Gorynya.
Gostemil - dear to another (guest).
From this name came the surname: Gostemilov.
Gostomysl - thinking about another (guest).
Historical figure: Gostomysl - Prince of Novgorod.
Gradimir - guardian of peace.
Gradislav - protector of glory.
Gradislava is the female form of the name Gradislav.
Granislav - improver of glory.
Granislava is the female form of the name Granislav.
Gremislav - famous.
Gudislav is a renowned musician, trumpeting glory.
Short name: Gudim. From these names came the surname: Gudimov.
Daren - gifted.
Darena is the feminine form of the name Daren.
The names also have meaning: Darina, Dara.
Nine is the ninth son in the family.
From this name came the surnames: Devyatkin, Devyatkov.
Dobrolyub - kind and loving.
From this name came the surname: Dobrolyubov.
Dobromil is kind and sweet.
Dobromila is the feminine form of the name Dobromil.
Dobromir is kind and peaceful.

Abbreviated names: Dobrynya, Dobrysha. From these names came the surnames:
Dobrynin, Dobryshin. Legendary personality: hero - Dobrynya.
Dobromira is the feminine form of the name Dobromir.
Dobromysl is kind and reasonable.
From this name came the surname: Dobromyslov.
Dobroslav - glorifying kindness.
Dobroslava is the female form of the name Dobroslav.
Domaslav - glorifying relatives.
Short name: Domash - our own, dear. From this name came the surname: Domashov.
Dragomir is more valuable than the world.
Dragomir is the feminine form of the name Dragomir.
Dubynya - like an oak, indestructible.
Legendary personality: hero - Dubynya.
Druzhina is a comrade.
The common noun has the same meaning: Friend. From these names came the surnames: Druzhinin, Drugov, Drunin.
Ruff is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surname: Ershov.
Lark is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surname: Zhavoronkov.
Zhdan is a long-awaited child.
From this name came the surname: Zhdanov.
Zhdana is the female form of the name Zhdan.
Zhiznomir - living in the world.
Hare is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surname: Zaitsev.
Zvenislava - announcer of glory.
Winter is harsh and merciless.
From this name came the surname: Zimin. Legendary personality: Ataman Winter from Razin’s army.
Zlatomir is a golden world.
Zlatotsveta - golden-flowered.
Short name: Zlata.
Anger is one of the “negative” names.
From this name came the surnames: Zlobin, Zlovidov, Zlydnev.
Izyaslav - the one who took glory.
Historical figure: Izyaslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Polotsk, ancestor of the Polotsk princes.
Iskren - sincere.
The name also has meaning: Iskra.
Iskra is the feminine form of the name Iskren.
Istislav - glorifying the truth.
Exhaustion - languid (possibly associated with difficult childbirth).
From this name came the surnames: Istomin, Istomov.
Casimir - showing the world.
Kazimir is the female form of the name Kazimir.
Koschey is thin and bony.
From this name came the surnames: Koshcheev, Kashchenko.
Krasimir - beautiful and peaceful
Krasimira is the female form of the name Krasimir.
Short name: Krasa.
Kriv is one of the “negative” names.
From this name came the surname: Krivov.
Lada - beloved, dear.
The name of the Slavic Goddess of love, beauty and marriage.
Ladimir - one who gets along with the world.
Ladislav - glorifying Lada (love).
Swan is a personified name for the animal world.

The name also has meaning: Lybid. From this name came the surname -
Lebedev. Legendary personality: Lybid is the sister of the founders of the city of Kyiv.
Luchezar - a ray of light.
We love - beloved.
From this name came the surname: Lyubimov.
Love is beloved.
The name also has meaning: Lyubava. From these names came the surnames: Lyubavin, Lyubimtsev, Lyubavin, Lyubin, Lyubushin, Lyubimin.
Lyubomila - beloved, dear.
Lubomir - loving world.
Lyubomir is the feminine form of the name Lyubomir.
Inquisitive - someone who loves to think.
Luboslav - lover of glory.
Lyudmil is dear to people.
Lyudmila is the female form of the name Lyudmil.
Historical figure: Lyudmila - Czech princess.
Mal - small, junior.

The name also has a meaning: Small, Mladen. From these names came the surnames:
Maleev, Malenkov, Maltsov, Malyshev. Historical figure: Mal -
Drevlyan prince.
Malusha is the female form of the name Mal.
The name matters: Mlada. From these names came the surname: Malushin.
Historical figure: Malusha - wife of Syatoslav Igorevich, mother of Vladimir
Mieczyslaw is a glorifying sword.
Milan is cute.
The name also has meaning: Milen. From these names came the surnames: Milanov, Milenov.
Milana is the feminine form of the name Milan.

The names also have meaning: Milava, Milada, Milena, Militsa, Umila. From
From these names came the surname: Milavin. Historical figure: Umila -
daughter of Gostomysl.
Milovan - affectionate, caring.
Milorad is sweet and joyful.
From this name came the surname: Miloradovich.
Miloslav - sweetly glorifying.
Short name: Miloneg.
Miloslava is the female form of the name Miloslav.
Peaceful - peace-loving.
From this name came the surname: Mirolyubov.
Miroslav - glorifying the world.
Miroslava is the female form of the name Miroslav.
Molchan - taciturn, silent.
From this name came the surname: Molchanov.
Mstislav - glorifying revenge.
Historical figure: Mstislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Tmutorakan, Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Mstislava is the female form of the name Mstislav.
Hope is hope.
The name also has meaning: Nadezhda.
Nevzor is one of the “negative” names.
The surname Nevzorov comes from this name.
Nekras is one of the “negative” names.
From this name came the surname: Nekrasov.
Nekrasa is the female form of the name Nekras.
Eagle is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surname: Orlov.
Osmoy is the eighth child in the family.
The name also has meaning: Osmusha. From these names came the surnames: Osmanov, Osmerkin, Osmov.

Peredslava - The name Predslava also has meaning. Historical figure:
Predslava is the wife of Svyatoslav Igorevich, the mother of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.
Overexposure - very light.
Historical figure: Peresvet - warrior of the Battle of Kulikovo.
Putimir - reasonable and peaceful
Putislav - one who glorifies wisely.

The name also has meaning: Putyata. From these names came the surnames:
Putilov, Putilin, Putin, Putyatin. Historical figure: Putyata -
Kyiv voivode.
Radiogost - caring about another (guest).
Radimir is someone who cares about the world.

The name also has meaning: Radomir. Short name: Radim. From these names
the following surnames appeared: Radilov, Radimov, Radishchev. Legendary Personality:
Radim is the progenitor of the Radimichi.
Radimir is the female form of the name Radimir.
The name also has meaning: Radomira.
Radislav - one who cares about fame.
The name also has meaning: Radoslav.
Radislava is the female form of the name Radislav.
Radmila is caring and sweet.
Radosveta - sanctifying joy.
Joy - joy, happiness.
The name also has meaning: Rada.
Reasonable - reasonable, reasonable.
From this name came the surname: Razin. Historical figure: Razumnik - student of Cyril and Methodius.
Ratibor is a defender.
Ratmir is the defender of peace.
Rodislav - glorifying family.
Rostislav - growing glory
Historical figure: Rostislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Rostov, Vladimir-Volynsky; Tmutarakansky

In ancient times, when the parents of their daughter wanted to give her a name, they always looked first at the manifestations of her character traits, abilities, and craving for something specific. Slavic names for girls must necessarily reflect not only the purpose of the future mother and wife, but also some of their personal traits. If today more people choose names of foreign origin or from the Orthodox naming book, then earlier the Slavs relied on rituals and even religious traditions. Beautiful Slavic names for girls were given according to personality. In the naming ceremony, the key role was played by the sorcerer conducting the ceremony. Subsequently, traditions changed, Slavic Russian names for girls began to be assigned at birth. Perhaps now the time has come when we can use rare Slavic names for girls?

According to cultural experts, the Slavs had never previously given names to their children from infancy. In addition, it was their habit to always name children or an adult person by several names. Until now, we have a folk custom of giving nicknames to a person who already has a first name, patronymic and family surname.

Beautiful Slavic names for girls were assigned in adolescence. The purpose for each girl played a special role. It could be both personal and tribal, having family or community significance.

The first feature includes the child’s personal qualities that will remain with him for life. And to the second - the social role of the future mother, wife, continuer of the family. There is also a third meaning - this is the identification of the girl with one or another Goddess of the Slavic pantheon of gods. Then the girl could unwittingly attract divine power to herself by just her name.

Features of Slavic names for girls

A native Slavic name for a girl is considered a rare occurrence today. People are already accustomed to naming girls with names of Greek, German, Roman and even English origin. It is also popular today to name children from the church Orthodox naming book. But most of them include Jewish names, mixed with Greek variants.

Women's names among the Slavs could be complex or simple, depending on the family structure, traditions and personal characteristics, time of birth, and circumstances. In Russian fairy tales today you can find names consisting of an additional nickname: Elena the Wise, Marya the Artisan, Tiny Khavroshechka, Varvara Krasa - Long Braid, Ognevushka-Jumping and others. In addition to fairy tales, in the life of the Slavs there were names: Zarina Svetlaya, Dobronrava Solnechnaya, Yasun Krasa, Dobryan Marten, Vedana Groza and others.

In addition to double names, which spoke about the special qualities of the child, or the special time and hour when he was born, the children of the Slavs were also called secret names. Only the priest conducting the ceremony, the Native Gods who blessed the child, and the girl herself knew about this name. This name should not be told to anyone, because there is a belief that with its help evil forces can completely take possession of a person bearing a secret name. The function of such a name is to protect against various failures, attacks of evil spirits, the evil eye and other negativity.

If they wanted to mark a girl with the power of any Goddess, then she was given a name either with the root of the name of the Goddess, or by calling the child with the whole divine name. Such a relationship with the Native Gods allowed the future girl to get successfully married, the future mother to conceive, give birth and raise good children, the future wife to be a faithful friend, comrade-in-arms and caretaker of her husband.


What Slavic name could you have if you lived in those distant times?

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The following names are associated with the pantheon of Slavic goddesses: Lada, Zara (derived from Zarya Zaryanitsa), Maria (derived from Mary, Morena), Dana. Female names derived from the Gods: Yarila, Velesynya, Perunitsa.

How to choose Slavic names for girls

Rare Slavic names for girls (Vedagora, Gorislava and others) or common ones, such as Lada, for example, were chosen according to a special principle. It consisted of the following:

  1. A temporary name was given. From the moment of birth until a certain age, girls were not given any specific name, but were simply called “child”, “child”, “girl”, or even by a number - “second”, “third”.
  2. Naming. After observing what inclinations the girl showed and what she was striving for, the parents could help choose a name.
  3. Honor your ancestors. They could name the girl after some outstanding personality in the family. For example, great-grandmothers-handicraftsmen, grandmothers-witches, and so on.
  4. Honor the ancestral God. When a particular god or deities were worshiped in a Slavic family, their names could also be passed on to people at the request of parents or grown-up children.

Naming was carried out for a girl in such a way as to first “wash away” the temporary name in a lake where there is no flowing water (for boys - in a river with flowing water). Then they “attached” the new name through a special ritual. The sorcerer performed the ritual at the temple. This is all done when the girl reaches a certain age:

  • if the qualities of a future sorceress, priestess, or sorceress manifested themselves, then the girl was named at the age of 9;
  • when a child shows all the qualities of a warrior, or she was a princess - at 12 years old;
  • children showing qualities of other classes - at 16 years old.

Slavic mythology describes a number of conditions in the traditions of the ancient Slavs, when children or adults could be renamed. This usually happened if a new name “from the language of the people” was already fixed in a girl or woman, taking into account the passage of one or another stage of life, where she showed herself in a special way. They could carry out new naming rituals when, for some reason, the previously given name was not suitable. It rarely happens that a temporary name is assigned to a child for life.

The name of a girl, girl, woman must definitely sound! Our Slavic ancestors believed that spoken words had magical powers, including names that were repeated out loud more often than other words. The future mother and wife must receive strength from Nature, the elements, and the gods in order to successfully create virtuous offspring. The Slavic culture of the Russian North has in many ways now most fully preserved these traditions, especially in the villages.

Slavic female names

AGNIYA - fiery, enlightened
ALLA - highly spiritual
BAZHENA - desired
BELA - white, clean
BELOYARA - light-colored
BORISLAVA - fighting for glory
BOYANA - fighting, courageous
BRATISLAVA - taking glory
BELOSLAVA - glorifying purity
BELYANA - enlightened, spiritualized
BOGOLYUBA - loving her gods
VLASYA - long-haired
VELENA - commanding
VESNYANA - spring
VLADA - okay, slender
VELMIRA (Velemira) - ruler of the world (people)
VEDANA (Vedeneya, Vedenya) - in charge
VELIMIRA - very peaceful, balanced
FAITH - knowledgeable Ra (sun, primordial Light)
VSESLAV - glorifying everything
GALA - soulful
GALINA - feminine, earthy
DANA (Danuta) - given
DARYANA (Daria) - courageous
DRAGOMIRA (Darling) - dear, dear to the world (society)
ZLATA (Zlatana) - golden, golden-haired
ZVENISLAVA - calling on glory
ZLATOYARA - ardent, strong like the sun
INNA (Inga) - feminine
KARINA - brown-eyed, little race
LYUBAVA (Lyuba, Lyubima, Lyubusha) - beloved
LUDA - humane
LUCHESARA - radiant, illuminating with light
LYUBOYARA - loving Yarila
LYUDMILA - dear to people, humane
MILA (Mlava, Militsa) - sweetheart
MIRA (Mirava, Mirana, Mirona, Mireta) - peaceful, reconciling
OLESYA - forest
OLGA (Olyana) - playful
OGNESLAV - glorifying Fire
POLADA - flexible
PEREYASLAVA - which took over the glory of its ancestors
RUSSIA - fair-haired
RITA - born in accordance with the Law of the Family
SVETANA (Sveta, Svetla) - light
SNEZHANA (Snezhina) - snowy, white-faced
SVETLANA (Svetlena) - bright, pure soul
FLOWER - blooming, tender
YADVIGA - nurse
YANA - courageous
YAROSLAVA - glorifying Yarila the sun

A name determines a person's destiny. This is the key to his inner self. After all, it is not without reason that in Rus' a person had two names, one - false, for everyone, and the other - secret, only for the person himself and his very close people.

A name determines a person's destiny. This is the key to his inner self. After all, it is not without reason that in Rus' a person had two names, one - false, for everyone, and the other - secret, only for the person himself and his very close people. This tradition existed as protection from unkind spirits and unkind people. Often the first Slavic name was deliberately unattractive (Kriv, Nekras, Zloba), for even greater protection from evil ones. After all, without the key to the essence of a person, it is much more difficult to cause evil. The rite of the second naming was performed in adolescence, when the main character traits were formed. The name was given based on these traits. Slavic names were replete with their diversity; there were groups of names:
1) Names from the animal and plant world (Pike, Ruff, Hare, Wolf, Eagle, Nut, Borscht)
2) Names by birth order (Pervusha, Vtorak, Tretyak)
3) Names of gods and goddesses (Lada, Yarilo)
4) Names based on human qualities (Brave, Stoyan)
5) And the main group of names is two-basic (Svyatoslav, Dobrozhir, Tihomir, Ratibor, Yaropolk, Gostomysl, Velimudr, Vsevolod, Bogdan, Dobrogneva, Lyubomila, Mirolyub, Svetozar) and their derivatives (Svyatosha, Dobrynya, Tishilo, Ratisha, Putyata, Yarilka , Miloneg).
From the listed names, it is easy to trace the process of creating a derivative name: the second part is cut off from the two-base one and a suffix or ending is added (-neg, -lo, -ta, -tka, -sha, -yata, -nya, -ka).
Example: Svyatoslav: Svyato + sha = Svyatosha.
Of course, the names of people carry a significant part of the culture and traditions of the entire people. In Russia, with the advent of Christianity, Slavic names almost completely fell into oblivion. There were lists of Slavic names prohibited by the church. Why this happened is not difficult to guess. One part of the names (Lada, Yarilo) were the names of Slavic gods, the owners of the second part were people who, even after the Christianization of Rus', tried to restore the cult and traditions (magi, heroes). Today in Russia only 5% of children are given Slavic names, which certainly impoverishes the already meager Slavic culture.

My husband and I couldn’t decide what to name our child for a very long time; we finally chose the name only after the birth. But we were sure of one thing - the name would be two-part. After all, these are the names that are understandable to all Slavic peoples without translation; they are part of our history and our culture (and not Greek or Roman).
So we named our daughter Miloslava.

A name determines a person's destiny. This is the key to his inner self. After all, it is not without reason that in Rus' a person had two names, one - false, for everyone, and the other - secret, only for the person himself and his very close people. This tradition existed as protection from unkind spirits and unkind people. Often the first Slavic name was deliberately unattractive (Kriv, Nekras, Zloba), for even greater protection from evil ones. After all, without the key to the essence of a person, it is much more difficult to cause evil. The rite of the second naming was performed in adolescence, when the main character traits were formed. The name was given based on these traits.
Slavic names were replete with their diversity; there were groups of names:
1) Names from the animal and plant world (Pike, Ruff, Hare, Wolf, Eagle, Nut, Borscht)
2) Names by birth order (Pervusha, Vtorak, Tretyak)
3) Names of gods and goddesses (Lada, Yarilo)
4) Names based on human qualities (Brave, Stoyan)
5) And the main group of names is two-basic (Svyatoslav, Dobrozhir, Tihomir, Ratibor, Yaropolk, Gostomysl, Velimudr, Vsevolod, Bogdan, Dobrogneva, Lyubomila, Mirolyub, Svetozar) and their derivatives (Svyatosha, Dobrynya, Tishilo, Ratisha, Putyata, Yarilka , Miloneg).
From the listed names, it is easy to trace the process of creating a derivative name: the second part is cut off from the two-base one and a suffix or ending is added (-neg, -lo, -ta, -tka, -sha, -yata, -nya, -ka).
Example: Svyatoslav: Svyato + sha = Svyatosha.
Of course, the names of people carry a significant part of the culture and traditions of the entire people. In Russia, with the advent of Christianity, Slavic names almost completely fell into oblivion. There were lists of Slavic names prohibited by the church. Why this happened is not difficult to guess. One part of the names (Lada, Yarilo) were the names of Slavic gods, the owners of the second part were people who, even after the Christianization of Rus', tried to restore the cult and traditions (magi, heroes). Today in Russia only 5% of children are given Slavic names, which certainly impoverishes the already meager Slavic culture.
The purpose of this article is not only to introduce the concept of truly Russian names to the people. An example is the following not uncommon situation: The girl was named Gorislava. Neighbors, surprised by the unusual name, say: “They couldn’t call her Ira or Katya in Russian” - without comment. The main goal of Satya is to create a global list of Slavic names with an attempt to determine the meanings of the names and comparisons with historical and legendary figures.

Bazhen is a desired child, desired.
The names also have meaning: Bazhai, Bazhan. From these names arose the surnames: Bazhanov, Bazhenov, Bazhutin.
Bazhena is the female form of the name Bazhen.
Beloslav - From BEL - white, turn white and SLAV - to glorify.
Abbreviated names: Belyay, Belyan. From these names arose the surnames: Belov, Belyshev, Belyaev.
Beloslava is a female form named after Beloslav.
Short name: Beliana
Berimir - caring for the world.
Berislav - one who takes glory, who cares about glory.
Berislava is the female form of the name Berislav.
Blagoslav - glorifying kindness.
Blagoslava is the female form of the name Blagoslav.
Abbreviated names: Blaga, Blagana, Blagina.
Fornication - dissolute, unlucky.
One of the "negative" names. From this name arose the surname: Bludov. Historical figure: Blud - governor of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.
Bogdan is a child given by God.
The name also has meaning: Bozhko. From these names arose the surnames: Bogdanin, Bogdanov, Bogdashkin, Bozhkov.
Bogdana is the feminine form of the name Bogdan.
Short name: Bozena.
Bogolyub - one who loves God.
From this name arose the surname: Bogolyubov.
Bogomil - dear to God.
The name also has meaning: Bohumil.
Bozhidar - gifted by God.
Bozhidara is the female form of the name Bozhidar.
Boleslav - illustrious.
Historical figure: Boleslaw I - Polish king.
Boleslava is the female form of the name Boleslav.
Borimir is a peace fighter, a peacemaker.
Borislav is a fighter for glory.
Abbreviated names: Boris, Borya. From these names arose the surnames: Borin, Boriskin, Borisov, Borisikhin, Borichev, Borischev. Historical figure: Boris Vseslavich of Polotsk - Prince of Polotsk, ancestor of the Drutsk princes.
Borislava is the female form of the name Borislav.
Borsch is one of the personified names of the plant world.
Literally translated: Borscht is plant tops. The surname Borshchev came from this name.
Boyan is a storyteller.
The name was formed from the verb: bayat - to speak, tell, sing. The names also have meaning: Baian, Bayan. From these names came the surname: Bayanov. Legendary personality: songwriter - Boyan.
Boyana is the feminine form of the name Boyan.
Bratislav - From BROTHER - to fight and SLAV - to glorify.
Bratislava is the female form of the name Bratislava.
Bronislav is a defender of glory, protecting glory.
The name also has meaning: Branislav. Short name: Armor.
Bronislava is the female form of the name Bronislav.
Bryachislav - from BRYACHA - to rattle and SLAV - to glorify
Historical figure: Bryachislav Izyaslavich - Prince of Polotsk.
Budimir is a peacemaker.
From this name came the surnames: Budilov, Budishchev.
Velimir is a big world.
Velimira is the female form of the name Velimir.
Velimudr - knowledgeable.
Velislav - great glory, most famous.
Velislava is the female form of the name Velislav.
Abbreviated names: Vela, Velika, Wieliczka.
Wenceslaus - dedicator to glory, crowned with glory.
Wenceslaus is the female form of the name Wenceslaus.
Faith is faith, true.
Veselin - cheerful, cheerful.
Veselin is the female form of the name Veselin.
The name also has a meaning: Vesela.
Vladimir is the ruler of the world.
The name also has meaning: Volodymer. From this name came the surnames: Vladimirov, Vladimirsky, Volodimerov, Volodin, Volodichev. Historical figure: Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Red Sun - Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev.
Vladimir is the female form of the name Vladimir.
Vladislav is the owner of glory.
The name also has meaning: Volodislav. Short name: Vlad. Historical figure: Volodislav is the son of Igor Rurikovich.
Vladislava is the female form of the name Vladislav.
Short name: Vlada.
Vojislav is a glorious warrior.
Abbreviated names: Voilo, Warrior. From these names came the surnames: Voeikov, Voinikov, Voinov. Historical figure: Voin Vasilievich - from the family of Yaroslavl princes.
Voislava is the female form of the name Voislav.
Wolf is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surname: Volkov.
Raven is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surnames: Voronikhin, Voronov.
Vorotislav - returning glory.
Vsevolod is the ruler of the people, who owns everything.
From this name came the surnames: Vsevolodov, Vsevolozhsky. Historical figure: Vsevolod I Yaroslavich - Prince of Pereyaslavl, Chernigov, Grand Duke of Kiev.
Vsemil - beloved by everyone.
Vsemil is the feminine form of the name Vsemil.
Vseslav - all-glorifying, famous.
The name also has meaning: Seslav. From this name came the surname: Seslavin.
Historical figure: Vseslav Bryachislavich of Polotsk - Prince of Polotsk, Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Vseslav is the female form of the name Vseslav.
Vtorak is the second son in the family.
The names also have meaning: Second, Second. From these names came the surnames: Vtorov, Vtorushin.
Vyacheslav is the most famous, the most glorious.
The name also has meaning: Vatslav, Vysheslav. From these names came the surnames: Vysheslavtsev, Vyacheslavlev, Vyacheslavov. Historical figure: Vyacheslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Smolensk, Turov, Pereyaslav, Vyshgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev.
Vyachko is a legendary personality: Vyachko is the progenitor of the Vyatichi.
Godoslav - The name also has a meaning: Godlav. Historical figure: Godoslav is the prince of the Bodriči-Rarrogs.
Goluba is meek.
From this name came the surnames: Golubin, Golubushkin
Gorazd - skillful, capable.
The surname Gorazdov came from this name.
Gorislav is fiery, burning in glory.
Gorislava is the female form of the name Gorislav.
Gorynya - like a mountain, huge, indestructible.
Legendary personality: hero - Gorynya.
Gostemil - dear to another (guest).
From this name came the surname: Gostemilov.
Gostomysl - thinking about another (guest).
Historical figure: Gostomysl - Prince of Novgorod.
Gradimir - guardian of peace.
Gradislav - guardian of glory.
Gradislava is the female form of the name Gradislav.
Granislav - improver of glory.
Granislava is the female form of the name Granislav.
Gremislav - famous.
Gudislav is a renowned musician, trumpeting glory.
Short name: Gudim. From these names came the surname: Gudimov.
Daren - gifted.
Darena is the feminine form of the name Daren.
The names also have meaning: Darina, Dara.
Nine is the ninth son in the family.
From this name came the surnames: Devyatkin, Devyatkov, Devyatov.
Dobrolyub - kind and loving.
From this name came the surname: Dobrolyubov.
Dobromil is kind and sweet.
Dobromila is the feminine form of the name Dobromil.
Dobromir is kind and peaceful.
Abbreviated names: Dobrynya, Dobrysha. From these names came the surnames: Dobrynin, Dobryshin. Legendary personality: hero - Dobrynya.
Dobromira is the female form of the name Dobromir.
Dobromysl is kind and reasonable.
From this name came the surname: Dobromyslov.
Dobroslav - glorifying kindness.
Dobroslava is the female form of the name Dobroslav.
Domazhir -
Domaslav - glorifying relatives.
Short name: Domash - our own, dear. From this name came the surname: Domashov.
Dragomir is more valuable than the world.
Dragomir is the female form of the name Dragomir.
Dubynya - like an oak, indestructible.
Legendary personality: hero - Dubynya.
Druzhina is a comrade.
The common noun has the same meaning: Friend. From these names came the surnames: Druzhinin, Drugov, Drunin.
Ruff -
one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surname: Ershov.
Lark is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surname: Zhavoronkov.
Zhdan is a long-awaited child.
From this name came the surname: Zhdanov.
Zhdana is the female form of the name Zhdan.
Zhiznomir - living in the world.
Hare is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surname: Zaitsev.
Zvenislava - announcer of glory.
Winter is harsh, merciless.
From this name came the surname: Zimin. Legendary personality: Ataman Winter from Razin’s army.
Zlatomir is a golden world.
Zlatotsveta - golden-flowered.
Short name: Zlata.
Anger is one of the "negative" names.
From this name came the surnames: Zlobin, Zlovidov, Zlydnev.
Izyaslav - the one who took glory.
Historical figure: Izyaslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Polotsk, ancestor of the Polotsk princes.
Sincere - sincere.
The name also has meaning: Iskra.
Iskra is the feminine form of the name Iskren.
Istislav - glorifying the truth.
Exhaustion - languid (possibly associated with difficult childbirth).
From this name came the surnames: Istomin, Istomov.
Casimir - showing the world.
Kazimir - the female form of the name Kazimir.
Koschey is thin and bony.
From this name came the surnames: Koshcheev, Kashchenko.
Krasimir - beautiful and peaceful
Krasimira is the female form of the name Krasimir.
Short name: Krasa.
Kriv is one of the "negative" names.
From this name came the surname: Krivov.
Lada - beloved, dear.
The name of the Slavic Goddess of love, beauty and marriage.
Ladimir - one who gets along with the world.
Ladislav - praising Lada (love).
Swan is a personified name for the animal world.
The name also has meaning: Lybid. From this name came the surname Lebedev. Legendary personality: Lybid is the sister of the founders of the city of Kyiv.
Luchezar - a ray of light.
We love - beloved.
From this name came the surname: Lyubimov.
Love is beloved.
The name also has meaning: Lyubava. From these names came the surnames: Lyubavin, Lyubimtsev, Lyubavin, Lyubin, Lyubushin, Lyubimin.
Lyubomila - beloved, dear.
Lubomir - loving world.
Lyubomir is the feminine form of the name Lyubomir.
Inquisitive - someone who loves to think.
Luboslav - lover of glory.
Lyudmil is nice to people.
Lyudmila is the female form of the name Lyudmil.
Historical figure: Lyudmila - Czech princess.
Mal - small, junior.
The name also has a meaning: Small, Mladen. From these names came the surnames: Maleev, Malenkov, Maltsov, Malyshev. Historical figure: Mal - the Drevlyan prince.
Malusha is the female form of the name Mal.
The name also has meaning: Mlada. From these names came the surname: Malushin. Historical figure: Malusha is the wife of Syatoslav Igorevich, the mother of Vladimir Svyatoslavich.
Mieczysław - glorifying sword.
Milan is cute.
The name also has meaning: Milen. From these names came the surnames: Milanov, Milenov.
Milana is the female form of the name Milan.
The names also have meaning: Milava, Milada, Milena, Militsa, Umila. From these names came the surname: Milavin. Historical figure: Umila - daughter of Gostomysl.
Milovan - affectionate, caring.
Milorad is sweet and joyful.
From this name came the surname: Miloradovich.
Miloslav - glorifying mercy.
Short name: Miloneg.
Miloslava is the female form of the name Miloslav.
Peaceful - peace-loving.
From this name came the surname: Mirolyubov.
Miroslav - glorifying the world.
Miroslava is the female form of the name Miroslav.
Molchan - taciturn, silent.
From this name came the surname: Molchanov.
Mstislav - glorifying revenge.
Historical figure: Mstislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Tmutorakan, Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Mstislava is the female form of the name Mstislav.
Hope is hope.
The name also has meaning: Nadezhda.
Nevzor is one of the “negative” names.
The surname Nevzorov comes from this name.
Nekras is one of the “negative” names.
From this name came the surname: Nekrasov.
Nekrasa is the female form of the name Nekras.
Eagle is one of the personified names of the animal world.
From this name came the surname: Orlov.
Osmoy is the eighth child in the family.
The name also has meaning: Osmusha. From these names came the surnames: Osmanov, Osmerkin, Osmov.
Peredslava - The name Predslava also has meaning. Historical figure: Predslava - wife of Svyatoslav Igorevich, mother of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.
Overexposure - very light.
Historical figure: Peresvet - warrior of the Battle of Kulikovo.
Putimir - reasonable and peaceful
Putislav - glorifying intelligently.
The name also has meaning: Putyata. From these names came the surnames: Putilov, Putilin, Putin, Putyatin. Historical figure: Putyata - Kyiv governor.
Radiohost - caring about another (guest).
Radimir is someone who cares about the world.
The name also has meaning: Radomir. Short name: Radim. From these names came the surnames: Radilov, Radimov, Radishchev. Legendary personality: Radim - the progenitor of the Radimichi.
Radimir is the female form of the name Radimir.
The name also has meaning: Radomira.
Radislav - one who cares about fame.
The name also has meaning: Radoslav.
Radislava is the female form of the name Radislav.
Radmila is caring and sweet.
Radosveta - sanctifying joy.
Joy - joy, happiness.
The name also has meaning: Rada.
Reasonable - reasonable, reasonable.
From this name came the surname: Razin. Historical figure: Razumnik - student of Cyril and Methodius.
Ratibor is a defender.
Ratmir is the defender of peace.
Rodislav - glorifying family.
Rostislav - growing fame
Historical figure: Rostislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Rostov, Vladimir-Volynsky; Tmutarakansky; The ancestor of the princes of Galicia and Volyn.
Rostislava is the female form of the name Rostislav.
Svetislav - glorifying light.
The name also has meaning: Svetoslav.
Svetislava is the female form of the name Svetislav.
Svetlana is bright, pure in soul.
Svetlana is the female form of the name Svetlana.
Svetovid - seeing the light, perspicacious.
The name also has meaning: Sventovid. The name of the Western Slavic God.
Svetozar - illuminating with light.
Svetozar is the female form of the name Svetozar.
The name also has meaning: Svetlozara.
Svyatogor - indestructible holiness.
Legendary personality: Svyatogor is an epic hero.
Svyatopolk is the leader of the sacred army.
Historical figure: Svyatopolk I Yaropolkovich - Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Svyatoslav - sacred glory.
Short name: Saint. Historical figure: Svyatoslav I Igorevich - Prince of Novgorod and Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Svyatoslav is the female form of the name Svyatoslav.
Slavomir is a peace-glorifying person.
Nightingale is a personified name for the animal world.
From this name came the surnames: Solovey, Soloviev. Legendary personality: Nightingale Budimirovich - a hero from epics.
Catfish is the personified name of the animal world.
Snezhana is white-haired and cold.
Stanimir - establisher of peace.
Stanimira is the female form of the name Stanimir.
Stanislav - establisher of glory.
From this name came the surname: Stanishchev. Historical figure: Stanislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Smolensk.
Stanislava is the female form of the name Stanislav.
Stoyan - strong, unbending.
Tverdimir - from TVERD - solid and MIR - peaceful, peace.
Tverdislav - from TVERD - solid and SLAV - to glorify.
From this name came the surnames: Tverdilov, Tverdislavov, Tverdislavlev.
Tvorimir - the creator of the world.
Tihomir is quiet and peaceful.
From this name came the surname: Tikhomirov.
Tikhomira is the female form of the name Tihomir.
Tur is the personified name of the animal world.
Legendary personality: Tur - founder of the city of Turov.
Brave - brave.
Caslav - aspiring to glory.
Chaslava is the female form of the name Chaslav.
The name also has meaning: Cheslava.
Chernava - dark-haired, dark-skinned
The name also has meaning: Chernavka. From these names came the surnames: Chernavin, Chernavkin.
Pike is the personified name of the animal world.
Yarilo is the sun.
Yarilo - God of fruits in the form of the sun. From this name came the surname: Yarilin.
Jaromir is a sunny world.
Yaropolk - leader of the solar army.
Historical figure: Yaropolk I Svyatoslavich - Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Yaroslav - glorifying Yarila.
From this name came the surname: Yaroslavov. Historical figure: Yaroslav I Vladimirovich - Prince of Rostov, Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev.
Yaroslava is the female form of the name Yaroslav.