Creating a school museum where to start. Yu.b.yakhno school museum as a component of an open educational space. Museum of Military Glory


No one knows exactly when exactly the school appeared in the village of Charyshskoye. There is only information from letters that in 1887 she moved to a new building. After that, she moved two more times - in 1952 and 1978. Therefore, in the office where the school museum is located, there are three models that meticulously reproduce the details of the three buildings. After all, every graduate who comes to the museum wants to see their school.

The models were made by Lyudmila Anatolyevna Bushueva, the director and founder of the museum, with her own hands. “You know, I cultivate such patriotism here,” says Lyudmila Anatolyevna. “Which one is this?” - I ask. “This is a very rich, deep feeling,” answers Lyudmila Anatolyevna and gives an informal tour of the museum.

Lyudmila Anatolyevna Bushueva

Mathematics teacher, founder and director of the School History museum. The village of Charyshskoye, Altai Territory.

I worked as a mathematics teacher, taught class management, and was the head teacher of educational work for many years. In 1988, we began to prepare for the 50th anniversary of the secondary school (our school became a secondary school only in 1939, the first tenth graders graduated in 1941). We began to collect materials on its history, about graduates and teachers, and we now have a museum room. I had the task of preparing material about retired teachers. I started visiting their families, collecting photographs, writing down biographies and designing albums. Others started correspondence with graduates of different years, after all, everyone was traveling around the Soviet Union. A lot of material was collected, contacts were made, but in the 1990s everything came to naught.

The village of Charyshskoye is located 310 kilometers from Barnaul, among mountain ranges, and is considered difficult to access. Population 3000 people. (Photo by A.M. Bushuev)

In 2007, after retiring, I realized my dream - I created the “History of the School” museum. I made an agreement with the director and they gave me a separate office. I fulfilled my desire, knowing about the lack of money, realizing that I had few associates. But my condition was this: I don’t turn to anyone for help, and let no one get into my soul. Walking around with an outstretched hand, waiting for someone to help you with something - I can’t do that.

I take money for the development of the museum exclusively from the Bushuev Family Fund - that is, what my husband and I earn ourselves. Although I am a pensioner, I continue to work - I teach mathematics in the 10th grade. Twice we received awards at the level of the Altai Territory - that’s our entire fund.

My husband, Aleksey Mikhailovich Bushuev, himself a graduate of this school in 1968, taught mathematics here. Now it contains all the technical parts of the museum - website, digitization of archives, printouts.

But you know what’s good: we don’t ask anyone, we don’t have to report to anyone. And that’s why I do everything for the soul. Of course, I attract students, graduates, parents, and village residents - otherwise, where would I get the material?

Left: Models of school buildings on museum tables.

Top right: Lyudmila Anatolyevna demonstrates a pioneer bugle.

Bottom right: the most popular stand among graduates is dedicated to the directors and head teachers of the school.

How do I collect information? I go to families, ask for old photographs, write down memories - about teachers, about graduates. You come to one family - all the photographs are laid out in albums, signed, documents are collected in separate folders. When you come to another one, the photos are haphazard, with torn corners, no one remembers anything. But I'm looking for an approach. There is a granddaughter of an old teacher, he died a long time ago - she keeps saying “thank you” to me that I’m exhibiting his photographs somewhere, but she herself can’t tell anything about him.

They write me memories, give me photographs - my task is to systematize and formalize all this. We have everything here in folders, presentations on the computer, stands for each section.

This is the stand that all graduates approach first - these are our directors and head teachers. Everyone is looking for “their own”.

The other section is our pride, our medalists. Even in elite schools, sometimes only last names are written on such stands. I don't like it. I need a face. How can you talk about a person without a face? This is how I collect everything - so that there is a photograph and an annotation for it. The first medal was in 1965. Before that, I studied from magazines, they also graduated from school with straight A’s, but for some reason they weren’t given out medals.

I’m trying to find out which of these medalists went where and what they did next. Did they justify the medal or not? How have you settled in life? And mostly they are doing well.

They all have kind, open faces - they are really good. Almost everyone then enters universities and finds work in the city in their specialty. There are not many boys among medal winners now, but, as I always tell them, they don’t want to study at school, and then they sit in the Duma.

We also have a “Book of Honor” - it includes graduates who did not qualify for a gold medal, but had only 2-3 “B” grades, for example, and actively showed themselves. We started this “Book” in honor of one of our students, a great guy - he was a good student and an athlete, but he tragically died in a car accident six months before graduation.

Another section of the museum is “Famous School Alumni.” There are graduates from different years here, we look for them and communicate. Here is Stanislav Nikolaevich Khabarov, a famous academician and gardener. This is his book - “Soil Conservation Works” - and another book is about him. We had one film artist, a graduate of 1948, Lemar Burykin, he starred in “Pedagogical Poem”. Nina Ivanovna is an associate professor in Cherepovets. She died a month ago. Nikolai Alekseevich Epanchintsev - civil aviation pilot. Honored Builder of the Russian Federation - Evgeny Moskvin, he designed and built the cinema building in Charysh. Yes, we had a cinema, the building still stands.

Here are books by Timur Nazimkov. It's a sad story. He's the son of our alumna, she's number four in the "Famous Alumni" list. He lived a short life, only 23 years old. He was a creative person, wrote poetry and prose. He had a complex character and such a perception of the world, you know... He saw everything in a black light. And in the end he committed suicide. And his mother collected all his works and published several books. This was in the 80s, exactly the period when all this politics began, when everything was heading towards collapse.

And these are the memories of a 1943 graduate, an excellent student, Klara Iosifovna Shutto. They were later published as a separate book for the 75th anniversary of the region. In 1988, Klara Iosifovna gave us many exhibits - letters from classmates, for example, which she kept.

Lyudmila Anatolyevna Bushueva

Here, love. People laugh at me, but it’s interesting to me - that people were friends at school and are still together. I find these married couples, how their lives turned out.

And it happens that children who are now studying at school discover something about their family in the museum. After all, in many families they don’t always talk, there’s never time. And here there is an opportunity to talk slowly.

I myself am from the village of Srostki, this is the birthplace of Vasily Shukshin. My teacher was his second cousin, Nadezhda Alekseevna Yadykina, who, after the writer’s death, organized the first museum in his honor at a rural school. And then one day I arrived at my native school and was puzzled: why is there only information about Vasily Makarovich and not a word about us, other graduates? And I thought that the Charysh school should have at least something about everyone.

I decided that I needed to hang photographs of all our school’s graduations in the hallway so that everyone would be here. At first I was afraid - what if the kids started drawing on them and ruining them? But everything turned out to be fine.

With the opening of the museum, I began to notice pride in the children for their school, for their family. You know, they are so proud that their parents studied here. When we hung the photos in the hallway, they were looking for: where is mom, where is dad. Here is everything from 1941 to the present day. This year the children will graduate and will also be in our chronicle.

When we started decorating the museum, people came to us and said: “Wow! I never thought that we have such a good school, such are our teachers!”

When everything is ordinary, we get used to it and don’t notice anything. And here, at least in a few, I bring out that other portrait, they honor it - and they already form an image. And this pride in the school - they are now developing it very well. There is no need for any extra words.

I then conduct various conversations and class hours based on local material. I don't need to go online. In 2013, we initiated the “Immortal Regiment” campaign in Charyshsky. In the city, every family prints portraits of their grandfathers themselves, but here, I understood that I needed to organize everything. We have collected a wealth of material on all participants in the war from the village - this is a separate part of the exhibition. And so Alexei Mikhailovich and I printed out the photographs ourselves, laminated them ourselves (we had to buy a laminator, this is how we gradually acquire equipment), and distributed them to our descendant students. And this is the fourth year that the “Immortal Regiment” has been held - the next day in the assembly hall we gather the children and show photographs from this procession. And they look at themselves in all this action, at their family, and are proud.

It seems to me that it is useless to talk about the greatness of the Motherland by listing historical milestones. You need to attach your own: how did your family get through this? What was happening in your village at that time?

No words needed. Without words, children see all these photographs in the corridor, they will come here - they understand that this should be appreciated and that they need to replenish it and contribute to it themselves.

And they bring it in. Participation in various competitions, sports life, good studies. They also want to go to the museum.

Here is an interesting exhibit: these are the things of a 1956 graduate, Sergei Vasilyevich Malakhov. Lives in Kursk. Master of Sports - athletics and skiing. A very cheerful person. He is approaching eighty, and he has only been out of physical education classes for a year - before that he worked in a boarding school for “difficult teenagers.” But with each pension he saves little by little to come here in the summer. His wealthier friends will go to Italy, to Venice - and he comes here.

In 2012, he brought material about himself - all the awards, certificates. "For what?" - I ask. He says: “As long as I live, at least someone in Kursk knows me a little. And if I die, no one will care anymore. And here you constantly conduct excursions, even if you look here for a minute, you’ll remember about me.” Indeed, this is how it turns out.

Photos: Ekaterina Tolkacheva, Charyshskoye village, March 2017

Municipal budgetary educational institution of Astrakhan

"Secondary school No. 61"

Social project

"Creation of a school museum."

The work was completed:

8th grade students Isaev Rinat, Sedova Kristina, Toksanbaeva Saida

Scientific supervisor:

teacher of history and social studies of the highest qualification category,

Honorary teacher of Russia - Kibkalo N.G.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 61", Astrakhan



page 3

Chapter I. What is the School Museum? …………………………………………..

page 5

Chapter II. Description of the project……………………………………………………………………

page 8

Chapter III. Implementation of the project “Creation of a school museum”…………….

page 12

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………..

page 14


page 16

Application ………………………………………………………………….

page 18


I look at the museum stands...
How time plays with memory!
Only legends live forever
But truths all die.

Akaki Schweik
Each person is a kind of discoverer; he goes to truths as old as the world in his own way. But at the source of the long road of life, each of us has our own small Motherland, with its own appearance, with its own beauty. It appears to a person in childhood and remains with him for life. Therefore, it is very important to know the history of your city, school, family, and roots. Everyone who loves their Motherland should know not only its present, but also its past. How our ancestors lived, how they worked.

The history of the past is the memory of peoples. In it are our roots, the roots of today's phenomena. History contains the experience of generations, great names, exploits of people and much more. This is the story of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. If a person does not know the history of his people, does not love and respect its cultural traditions, then he can hardly be called a worthy citizen of his fatherland. The main tool for preserving the historical past is the museum. It is this that allows us to collect, systematize and preserve grains and traces of past eras. The word “museum” comes from the Greek “museion” and the Latin “museum” - “temple”.

A museum is a place dedicated to the sciences and arts. Once upon a time there was a museum in our school No. 61, but then the need for it disappeared, the exhibits went to the basement, and they forgot about it.

In 2010, when addressing the Federal Assembly, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that the state places emphasis on educating a citizen of the Russian Federation, a patriot - a bearer of the values ​​of civil society, aware of his involvement in the destinies of the Motherland. To accomplish this task, many schools again began to create and revive their museums. The idea of ​​reviving the museum in our school has been around for a long time. The need for such a “temple” was expressed by the school administration, parents and residents of the village in which our school is the main cultural site, and the students themselves. To implement this idea, we developed a project to revive the museum of our school. A museum that will be addressed to schoolchildren and interesting for them, in the creation of which they will take a direct part, and subsequently will be its main visitors and participants in all types of activities.

Project goal:

  1. Revival, creation of a museum at school No. 61;

  2. Revival and preservation of the history and spiritual values ​​of the village of Svobodny and school No. 61;

  3. Development of communication competencies, research and search work skills.
Project objectives:

  1. Develop a program and plan for the revival of the school museum;

  2. Determine the stages and timing of the museum’s revival;

  3. Collect, study and systematize existing exhibits;

  4. Determine the areas of work and exhibition of the museum;

  5. Determine the sources and cost estimates for the revival of the museum;

  6. Open a museum at school No. 61;

  7. Continue work to replenish the museum's collections and expositions.
Expected result:

Creation of a school museum, integration of museum and educational activities with the aim of nurturing the civic and patriotic qualities of students. Aesthetic design of the school.

Inspired by the common idea of ​​exploring our native land, a children's team is created and united on the basis of the development of student self-government (search group, Museum Council, Museum Active). The museum creates conditions for the creative self-realization of each student. Active, interesting search work serves as an obstacle to students' involvement in street gangs. Along with search work, research, excursion, and propaganda work are organized. Students are active participants in all these processes. They become spiritually enriched, develop creatively – they go through the stage of personality formation. Scientific coordinators (the head of the museum and a scientific consultant), together with teachers and class teachers, monitor the work of students, help with advice, and guide them in the right direction.

The feeling of present time does not come from the outside, it arises inside a person when what is happening around him is important to him and when he himself is important and significant for the world around him.” In this sense, the museum becomes very significant, because meeting with the past opens up the student’s present. Today it is clearer than ever that without instilling patriotism in the younger generation, neither in the economy, nor in culture, nor in education, we will not be able to confidently move forward. From an early age, a person begins to realize that he is a part of his family, his nation, his homeland. A child or teenager who knows the history of his village, city, the life of his ancestors, architectural monuments, will never commit an act of vandalism either in relation to this object or in relation to others. He will simply know their value. Knowledge of history, the past of the people, the native land will increase the vitality and competitiveness of the individual. The project will serve to unite and unite people around a high noble goal - to preserve the past and present for future descendants, plays a huge role in the formation of peace and harmony among people of different nationalities, and strengthens friendship between peoples.

Museums are conglomerates of memory.

Georgy Alexandrov

The concept of “museum” was introduced into the cultural use of mankind by the ancient Greeks. Already at the dawn of its history, humanity collected and sought to preserve all kinds of objects: literary and scientific texts, zoological and botanical herbariums, artistic paintings, natural rarities, remains of ancient animals. In Russia, museums appeared in the era of Peter I. Opening the first Russian museum in 1917, he defined the goal: “I want people to look and learn.”

By the end of the 18th century, publicly accessible exhibitions were created in Russia with the aim of educating the bulk of visitors. At the end of the 19th century, about 150 museums were created in Russia with publicly accessible exhibitions for the purpose of education (museum of technology, crafts, instruments).

At the beginning of the 20th century, in connection with the rise of the local history movement in Russia, the opening of public museums, created on the initiative of the public and operating on a voluntary basis, gained great momentum. Public museums are created at cultural bodies, schools, and enterprises. These are museums of Military Glory, Labor Glory, museums dedicated to the leaders of the Communist Party, which are assigned the status of a political and educational institution.

The legal basis for the activities of school museums is Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 28-51-181/16 dated March 12, 2003. “On the activities of museums of educational institutions”, “Instructions for accounting and storage of museum funds in museums operating on a voluntary basis”, Order of the USSR Ministry of Culture dated March 12, 1988.

A museum is understood as an institution that collects, stores and displays objects of history and culture.

The third article of the charter of the International Council of Museums states: “A museum is a permanent non-profit institution, designed to serve society and contribute to its development, accessible to the general public, engaged in the acquisition, storage, use, popularization and exhibition of evidence about man and his environment for the purposes of study, education, as well as to satisfy spiritual needs."

The profile of the museum is the specialization of the museum collection and the activities of the museum. The profile of a school museum depends on the chosen direction of search research activity. Museum experts distinguish the following profiles:

  1. Historical;

  2. Natural science;

  3. Art gallery;

  4. Memorial Museum;

  5. Technological;

  6. Ecological.
A school museum can realize its originality, uniqueness, and express its ability to integrate into the educational process by defining a genre. The genres of museums, the main criterion for determining which was the method and level of integration into the educational process, include the following:

  1. Museum-exposition (exhibition). The museum's exposition represents a more or less established complex of objects, usually inaccessible for interactive use (closed display cases and cabinets, rigid hanging). The exhibition space is strictly localized and is used primarily for conducting excursions on a specific, rather limited topic. Museum material is used in the educational process mainly as an illustration. In a school setting, such a museum often becomes a fact of prestige; extracurricular, club, and leisure activities are minimally represented.

  2. Museum-workshop (studio). The exhibition space in this museum is built in such a way that it necessarily contains work areas for creative activities. Sometimes such a museum is located in classrooms where technology lessons are taught, or in art workshops. Exhibits can also be dispersed in separate rooms. All this contributes to the organic inclusion of the museum in the educational process.

  3. The museum is a laboratory. This genre is very close to the museum-workshop. The difference lies in the nature of the collection on the basis of which the museum operates. These are natural science and technical collections, usually very extensive. Some of them are located in subject rooms. The exhibition space includes research laboratories and equipment.


A museum in an educational institution is created “for the purpose of education, training and socialization of students.” The school museum is designed to create a sustainable interest in acquiring new knowledge on the history of their native land, to cultivate a desire and readiness for independent study of the history of their native land. Only a museum has an emotional, informational impact.

The objectives of the school museum are:

  1. To cultivate a sense of patriotism - such a “social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, the desire to protect the interests of the homeland”;

  2. Preserve for students and descendants originals, primary sources, museum objects of historical, artistic or other value;

  3. Promote the introduction of museum material into the educational process;

  4. Transform a museum object into a means of informational and emotional perception of past eras;

  5. To promote the inclusion of students in sociocultural creativity, search and research activities to study and restore the history of their small Motherland;

  6. Contribute to the formation of spiritual values.
To create a school museum, a number of conditions are required:

  1. Collected and registered museum objects;

  2. Museum asset;

  3. Premises and equipment for storing and exhibiting museum objects;

  4. Museum exhibition;

  5. Sources of financing activities;
The charter (regulations) of the museum, approved by the self-government body and the head of the educational institution.

The Regulations on the Museum of an educational institution define educational and documenting functions. The essence of the documenting function is the purposeful reflection in the museum collection, with the help of museum objects, of those historical, social or natural phenomena that the museum studies in accordance with its profile.

The documenting function is carried out in three forms:

  1. Collection of funds;

  2. Fund work;

  3. Creation of a museum exhibition;
A museum object is a historical and cultural monument that has been removed from its environment, gone through all stages of scientific processing and included in the museum collection. The main thing for a museum object is its semantic meaning, artistic value or information potential. All museum objects have a number of properties. These are informative, attractive, expressive.

All museum objects are divided into three groups:

  1. Material (clothing, household items, personal belongings);

  2. Fine (paintings, sculpture, graphics);

  3. Written (documents in all media).


Museums are cemeteries of art.

Alphonse Lamartine
When starting to implement the project, we first, together with the teachers, determined what our museum would be like, what areas we would like to cover, outlined strategies and deadlines.

Basic strategies for a school museum:

1. Creation of an initiative search group for the museum.

2. Development of the “School Museum” project.

3. Study of local history literature, materials on local history.

4. Think over the necessary equipment and draw up an estimate.

5. Collection of materials and restoration of exhibits.

6. Creation of exhibitions and sections of the museum.

7. Interior design of the museum.

8. Acquisition of museum collections, accounting and scientific description of museum objects.

9 . Creation of a council and museum assets.

10. Organization of search, research, excursion, propaganda work.

11. Organization of a group of guides.

12. Organization of the work of the “Istoki” club.

13. Introduction of Operation Search, Veteran, Best Find.

14. Conducting the competition “Inexhaustible Spring”

15. Preparation of documentation for certification and certification of the museum.

16. Conducting lessons, seminars, conferences, promotions, competitions.

Project deadlines and expected results.

We plan to implement this project within two years: 2013 – 2015. As a result, a museum should be opened consisting of three exhibitions: the Museum of Military Glory, the Museum of the History of the School, the Museum of the History of Culture and Life of the Village, stands on the history of the school and the village were made and decorated, the museum collections were completed, museum items were registered in the inventory book, and a charter was developed. , passport and all necessary museum documentation.

Logistics support.

We plan to organize a school team to carry out the planned work on repairing the premises and restoring exhibits.

Resource support

1. School budget;

2. Material and technical base of the school;

3. School charity events;

4. Sponsorship of parental assistance;

5. Help from social partners;

Management and control over the implementation of this project.

Control over the implementation of this project is exercised by:

  1. School administration;

  2. School Governing Council;

  3. Senior Council;

  4. Initiative group of the school museum.
The current work of the museum is carried out by the museum council, and the management of the practical activities of the museum is carried out by the head of the museum.

Expected difficulties.

  1. Low level of funding;

  2. Insufficient material and technical base, small premises area;

  3. Workload of teachers and students.
Expected results.

1. Operating school museum;

2. Formed student asset of the school museum with the skills of socially significant activities and the foundations of professional self-determination;

3. Created thematic exhibitions;

4.Organized educational process in close cooperation with the activities of the school museum;

5.Increasing the level of moral and military-patriotic education

Main stages of work:

First stage - Preparatory

January – March 2013.

A) Create a creative group - an asset of the museum;

B) Develop information leaflets about the revival of the school museum for students, teachers, parents, and the public;

C) Inform the teaching staff about the idea of ​​reviving the school museum in order to support the project;

D) Contact the student council and the parent committee in order to involve school students and their parents in the project;

G) Prepare questions for a sociological survey and conduct a sociological survey of students, teachers, parents, and the public in order to determine the profile and genre of the future museum;

H) Develop the concept of the museum, justify the idea of ​​the museum, determine the profile;

J) Determine a place in the school building to house the museum;

K) Carry out an audit of existing museum exhibits and archival documents;

M) Draw up an estimate of costs for the renovation of the premises, preparation, design and placement of exhibitions (see Appendix No. 1);

H) Find financial opportunities to renovate the premises and design museum exhibitions.

The second stage is the Main stage.

Activities to revive the museum.

May - September 2013

A) Attraction and distribution of financial resources according to the estimate and work plan;

B) Restoration of museum exhibits;

B) Collection of funds;

D) Distribution of archival materials and museum exhibits into selected sections;

D) Creation of a card index, available resources;

E) Description of material and documentary sources remaining from the former museum, execution of acts of acceptance of items and entering them into the inventory book,

G) Search work of the museum’s initiative group to collect exhibits, documents and appropriate registration of new materials upon admission to the museum;

H) Preparation of documents: museum passport, registration card, labels, cards for filing cabinets, compiling a filing cabinet;

I) Development and approval of several topics for excursions, indicating the purpose, category and age of the excursionists;

K) Development of a scenario for opening a museum;

M) Informing the school about the opening of the museum;

H) Opening of one museum exhibition.

Third stage – Operation of the museum and implementation of the “School Museum” project


A) Opening of other exhibitions;

B) Continue work to replenish and expand the museum’s fund;

C) Additional design of stands and museum expositions, equipping the school museum with the necessary equipment (display cases, racks, cabinets);

D) Development of museum work programs and popularization of the museum;

E) Involving the Museum and its exhibitions in school life and school events;

E) Conducting excursions for students, parents, and the public;

G) Project activities of students;

H) Documentation of the status of the museum. Project implementation.

Stage four – Development of the museum


A) Analysis of work for two years;

B) Identifying problems, determining ways to solve them;

C) Adjusting activities to change the museum’s operating system in accordance with identified problems;

D) Improving the activities of the museum;

D) Activation of research and project work of students, using the base and museum exposition.

Proposed search and research work:

  • Collection of information about the history of the school and its traditions, veteran teachers, school graduates, local history material about the history of the village of Rongi, the history of enterprises and institutions, outstanding people and events;

  • Study of local traditions, folk tales, holidays, rituals;

  • Active participation in collecting materials on those who died during the Great Patriotic War, the contribution of fellow countrymen to the victory over the enemy;

  • Collecting information about disappeared and disappearing villages.
Alleged museum exhibitions:

Museum of Military Glory

1. Stages of the Second World War;

2. Medals of WWII veterans;

3. Soldier's combat companions;

4. Military ammunition;

5. Scorched by war;

6. Astrakhan Heroes;

7. Children, pioneers, heroes.

Museum of History and Culture of Svobodny

1. The world of the past, the room of a Russian hut;

2. Household items;

3. Wicker beauty;

4. History of the village of Sbodny;

5. Fragment of a room from the early-mid 20th century.

Museum of History and Culture of School No. 61

1. Soviet past;

2. School chronicle, how it all began;

3. School today;

4. The past in an old photo...

And so, having determined for ourselves all the nuances of the upcoming work, stages, mechanisms, strategies, we began to implement the project.

Sooner or later, this question arises in every school, where the director and teaching staff strive to approach work not formally, but with love for their students. Of course, you can make a museum. .for show. in terms of activities for reporting, but you can put your soul into it and do it. one of the favorite places to visit for all students and parents.

So, don't rush to buy equipment for museums until you decide on the theme of the school museum. At first glance though. it's very simple, on the second one. There are so many options and possibilities that you can use that you will simply be at a loss with the choice.

Well, first of all, traditionally. You can make a museum of the history of the school. This option is suitable for a school that, of course, already has this very history. That is, the school is at least 20 years old. History teachers and the children themselves can be involved in collecting historical material. These are both assessments and interest. Moreover, now there is the Internet and finding former students is not so difficult. This is already a large separate direction. It can be supplemented or expanded by ethnicity. That is, the history of the region in which the school is located. In this case museum equipment may be needed for some unique products, for example, folk crafts, or for an exhibition of products made by students, say, in creativity lessons.

Another option. this is the allocation of premises for temporary thematic exhibitions with the subsequent selection of the best exhibits for a permanent future museum. This is generally a very interesting direction, since children themselves will create the history of their school. And topics for exhibitions. they are endless. You can simply take each item and go beyond it, adding a touch of creativity. For example, within a couple of months, collect materials for a history exhibition. These can be paintings, photographs, crafts. And everyone will talk about their exhibit themselves. for example, at the opening of the exhibition: this will already be a whole celebration of history. Gradually museum display cases will be filled with the most interesting specimens and preserve the history of school events for future generations.

Story. this is just one item. But there is biology, physics, chemistry, even physical education. For any of the subjects, you can come up with a topic and prepare a fascinating exhibition in which the work of all interested students will take part. Main. start and approach it with responsibility and love. And then your school museum can even become a center of children's creativity.

Museum is a word derived from Lat. museum, which can only be translated as “temple”. This is a unique institution that collects, studies, stores and displays samples that show how nature, the human mind and creativity develop. Children are the most welcome visitors to museums. After all, it is in childhood, when the mind of a little person longs to know the whole world around him at once, that it is worth introducing the child to culture. An unprecedented phenomenon in Russian culture is the creation of school museums aimed specifically at young visitors. We will talk about these organizations in the article.

School museum: definition of the concept

A school museum is a type of museum organization of educational institutions, represented by a wide variety of profiles. These institutions can be classified as departmental and public museums that also pursue educational purposes. They are managed by the assets of teachers and students and are fully included in the public education system. Often the curator is a specialized state museum.

School museums began with interdisciplinary classrooms, where a rich fund of educational and visual aids, herbariums and other items collected by students - biographies, stories, minerals, rare photographs and objects were kept. The phenomenon quickly spread in teaching activities, becoming effective for the younger generation.

The activity of school museums in Russia began in the 19th century - then they were created at noble gymnasiums. The next stage of their development was the twenties of the 20th century, when there was a boom in the creation of local history museums throughout the USSR - many of them took root in schools. Celebrations of anniversaries related to the history of the Soviet Union in the 50s and 70s also led to the proliferation of this kind of museums.

School museums are created on the initiative of teachers, school graduates, students and their parents, and bosses. Students here are busy searching, storing, studying and organizing the exhibition. The entire collection they collected becomes part of the museum fund of the Russian Federation.

Today there are about 4,800 school museums in our country, of which:

  • historical - about 2000;
  • military-historical - about 1400;
  • local history - 1000;
  • other profiles - 300-400.

Goals of the museum at the school

School-related museums pursue the following goals in their activities:

  • Promoting the development of research skills in schoolchildren.
  • Supporting children's creativity.
  • Formation of respect for local and world culture.
  • Cultivating respect for the past.
  • Forming a sense of responsibility for the preservation of historical values.
  • Cultivating a sense of pride in the history of our Fatherland.
  • Students will develop a sense of belonging to the past of their small Motherland and modern history.
  • Ensuring connections between the school and cultural institutions.

Objectives of the activity

School museums, photos of which you will see throughout the article, strive to solve the following tasks assigned to them:

  • Fostering proper patriotic sentiments in the younger generation.
  • Introducing the child to the history of the family, region, country, and the whole world.
  • Satisfying the needs of schoolchildren-researchers to independently write history.
  • Preservation and display of authentic historical documents and artifacts.
  • Filling children's leisure time with search and research work, studying the collected collection, preparing and caring for exhibits, participating in conferences and creative evenings.
  • Helping students understand the beginnings of research activities and forming an analytical approach.
  • Contributing to the concretization and expansion of the children’s knowledge, gleaned from school textbooks and teachers’ stories.

Operating principles

The work of the school museum is based on the following principles:

  • Systematic connection with school lessons.
  • Use of all types of extracurricular activities: seminars, patronage of veterans, conferences, etc.
  • Engagement in scientific and research activities.
  • Creative initiative of schoolchildren.
  • Public Relations.
  • Strict accounting of museum collection items and exhibitions.
  • Constant communication with state museums.

Social mission of museums at schools

Speaking about school museums and their role in carrying out historical and local history work, let’s touch on the social aspect of this activity - let’s see what this organization can teach a child as a citizen, a member of a family and society. So, what does participation in the activities of a school museum give a student:

  • Getting to know the problems and pride of your native land from the inside - through search and research activities.
  • Fostering respect for the past and cultural heritage - through familiarity with the affairs of ancestors.
  • Independent living skills - participation in hikes and expeditions.
  • Traits of a researcher - through search, analytical, restoration work.
  • Rehearsal of future social roles - in the Museum Council, a child can be both a leader and a subordinate.
  • The role of a direct chronicler, a document specialist - schoolchildren write the history of their region with their own hands, complete collections, and create exhibitions.
  • Professional certainty - having tried on a real profession, the student can already decide whether he wants to devote himself to this field in adulthood.

Distinctive features of the institution

The peculiarities of the activities of school museums arise from a certain kind of features characteristic only of this organization:

  • The work of such a museum is coordinated with the school.
  • Has a collection of authentic historical artifacts and documents.
  • Shows an exposition or several expositions, clearly divided by topic.
  • It has the necessary equipment and space to accommodate the exhibition.
  • The Museum Council is constantly functioning - active students who, under the guidance of teachers, conduct research activities, work with funds, take care of the safety and proper
  • In the activities of an organization one can always detect the features of social partnership.
  • The educational and educational mission is implemented through mass educational and

What types of school museums are there?

Each museum at the school has its own profile - a specialization of activity, filling the fund, which connects it with a certain science, discipline, sphere of culture, art, activity. The main groups are as follows:

  • historical;
  • natural sciences;
  • artistic;
  • theatrical;
  • musical;
  • technical;
  • literary;
  • agricultural, etc.

The museum can also carry out complex work. An ideal example is a local history focus. The children study both the nature and culture of their region, city, and area as a whole. It is important to note that museums of a specific profile can only focus on a specific phenomenon in their field. A historical museum can only study the history of a city or school, a literary museum can only study the work of unknown writers, a musical museum can only study ditties of a certain ethnic group, etc.

When talking about what kind of school museums there are, one cannot fail to mention monographic museums - dedicated to a specific object, person, or event. These include museums of the samovar, books, New Year, etc. School museums of military glory, photos of which you will also see in the article, are also monographic. They can be dedicated to home front workers, holders of the Order of Glory, etc. This also fully includes memorial and historical-biographical (dedicated to the life of a specific person) museums.

Museum funds at the school

As in museums of national importance, the funds of the school museum are divided into two components:

  • Main: museum objects corresponding to the profile of the institution.
  • Supporting material: reproductions of the original collection (copies, dummies, photographs, casts, etc.) and visual material (diagrams, posters, diagrams, tables, etc.)

The fund may include:

  • tools;
  • products, finished products;
  • numismatics;
  • weapons, signs of military glory;
  • household items;
  • visual sources - works of art and documentary materials;
  • written sources - memoirs, letters, books, periodicals;
  • media library - textbooks, films, music library in tune with the profile;
  • family rarities and heirlooms, etc.

About the exhibition of the museum at the school

The presence of an exhibition is a key feature of absolutely any museum. Exhibits that reveal a specific object or phenomenon are combined into a thematic and exhibition complex, the latter making up sections, which, in turn, represent the entire exhibition.

Basically, when compiling an exhibition, a historical-chronological principle is used - each part of it sequentially tells about an event, object and phenomenon. The most common methods of constructing an exhibition from foundation collections:

  • systematic;
  • thematic;
  • ensemble.

School museums are a special and unique component of the educational and educational process. She is able to achieve those goals, solve those problems that conventional schooling cannot cope with alone.

Project for schoolchildren for the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory

Along the paths of war" (work on creating a school military history museum)

Author of the project: Teacher of history and social studies, MBOU “Novoogarevskaya Secondary School No. 19” Kirakosyan Melanya Andreevna.
What to teach and how to educate, how to teach a child to love the Fatherland? This question has been facing the teaching staff for a long time. The task was to reveal the meaning of the words “Motherland”, “patriot”, “patriotism”, “citizenship”. Therefore, in our school, patriotic education of students is a systematic and purposeful activity to develop a high patriotic consciousness in children through various forms of work with the student. But for a child there is nothing more interesting than touching history himself and becoming a participant in it.
The modern social development of Russia has acutely posed the task of the spiritual revival of the nation. This issue has acquired particular relevance in the field of patriotic education of youth. The program of patriotic and civic education of youth is increasingly identified as one of the priorities in modern youth policy.
Project goals:
education of a patriot-citizen of Russia
increasing students' interest in studying the history of their small homeland
development of students' creative and research potential
Project objectives:
Introduce students to the work of the Heritage search team.
Involve students in collecting material about the Second World War.
Organize systematic work with veterans of the village.
The ideas of patriotism, especially in their highest manifestation - readiness to defend the Motherland, have always occupied one of the leading places in the formation of the younger generation. And now, more than ever, the history of the heroic past of the peoples of Russia is becoming a particularly important factor in patriotic education.
Cultivating patriotism is cultivating love for the Fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present. But this is impossible without creating a system for developing interest in the history of one’s country and not just interest, but cognitive activity. The school museum becomes the center for the implementation of such a system.
The school museum is traditionally one of the means of patriotic education, since it has enormous educational potential.
The school museum has specific, unique features of educational impact on students. Contacts with the museum enrich the educational process and expand the range of means used by the school. The museum is necessary for the full teaching of such subjects as the culture of the native land and history, which contribute to the education of patriotism. That is why we decided to open a military history museum at Novoogaryovskaya School No. 19.
The guys are quite actively collecting material for our future museum; they are interested in studying the military history of the village and the Shchekino region as a whole. The school has its own traditions. Every year, meetings are held with WWII veterans, classes, lessons of courage, conversations where children learn about facts, events, dates associated with the immense suffering and enormous courage of the people during the Great Patriotic War.
Also, together with our teacher, the head of the “Heritage” detachment, Andrei Petrovich Marandykin, students constantly participate in the opening of the Memory Watch. Thanks to this, we have a lot of information about the dead soldiers.
Search engines constantly organize exhibitions of their finds from the past season. Our guys took part in the burial of the remains of soldiers in the village of Zakharovka, the village of Krapivna and other places in the Shchekinsky district, as well as in the Belevsky district, Oryol and Kaluga regions.
The results of this work should become system-forming in educational work, and museum pedagogy should become a powerful educational tool. Our idea of ​​creating a museum was preceded by the painstaking work of the Heritage team.
For students of our school, the creation of a museum will be a new opportunity for their creativity, self-realization and socialization.
The creation of our museum is divided into several stages:
1. Collection of information about the work of the Heritage club, about the historical facts of the Second World War in the Shchekinsky district.
2. Organizing meetings with veterans - residents of the village.
3. Formation of the main fund of the museum from materials provided by the “Heritage” search team
4. Preparation of museum documentation.
5. Opening of the hall dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
To date, the first three points have already been successfully implemented. The work continues.