Create an Isometric Effect in Adobe Photoshop


In this Short Tutorial, we'll show you how you can create an easy-to-use isometric grid in just a few minutes. simple steps. You'll learn how to use the Rectangular Grid Tool with the SSR technique, and in less than two minutes, you'll be ready to create your isometric work.

Step 1

Open a new document. The dimensions depend on what you are going to draw using our grid, and also with the color model. Now we'll get started and select the Rectangular Grid Tool.

Step 2

Set the options for the Rectangular Grid. Press Enter and set the Number of Horizontal and Vertical Separators to 30. This amount will depend on the proportions of your work, so choose the values ​​you like.

Step 3

Now you have two options. You can specify the values ​​for Width and Height in the previous step (which I don't recommend doing). In this case you should set equal values ​​for Width and Height to get a square grid. Or you can ignore these values, and draw with your mouse, while holding down Shift, one large square, much larger than yours work area(you'll see why later).

What we are going to do next is called the SSR method (Scale-Shift-Rotate - Scale-Shift-Rotate). This is a method that allows you to create 3D isometric graphics from 2D. For our mesh we will use the top plane case from this technique.

Step 4 - Scale

Select the mesh and go to Object > Transform > Scale, select the Disproportional option and set it to Vertical - 88.602%.

Correction: The figure shows the number 86,062, but correct value 86.602

Step 5 - Move

The mesh should still be selected. Go to Object > Transform > Shear (Object > Transform > Shear) and set the value to 30 degrees.

Step 6 - Rotate

Finally we need to rotate our mesh. Object > Transform > Rotate (Object > Transform > Rotate) and set the Angle to 30 degrees.

Step 7

Now we have made the necessary lines, and now all we need to do is make Guides from them. Make sure the mesh is selected and go to View > Guides > Make Guides (Control + 5).

Let's sum it up

Now you have a platform to generate ideas, and it only took two or three minutes. With a little time using this technique you can create great isometric illustrations and you know you're using the right perspective. Have fun!

What You'll Be Creating

In this tutorial in our series on special effects in music videos, we will try to recreate the enchanting and beautiful kaleidoscopic 3D effect that can be seen in Stromae's video for the song “Tous Les Memes” at 3:22 minutes.

Source materials

To create background from street scene in the form of cubes, it is necessary to select appropriate images with the same angle perspective as the cubes. It's almost impossible to find source images that have the correct location, however, these images come pretty close.

1. Prepare a Working Document

Because of the geometric shapes, document dimensions are very important as we will be using a grid and guide lines.

Step 1

Open the program Photoshop and then we go File - New(File > New). Set the following working document sizes: Width(Width) 1232px And Height(Height) 540px.

Step 2

Next, let's go View - New Guide Layout(View > New Guide Layout). Check the box Columns(Columns), please specify Quantity(Number) 16 , and also Width(Width) 77px. Check the box Strings(Rows), please specify Quantity(Number) 12 , and also Height(Height) 45px. Thus, we have created a grid of guide lines along which we will align the elements of the composition.

2. Create a pattern from a 3D cube

An integral part of this work is the 3D effect. The entire image will consist of three-dimensional blocks. To create an image like this, we'll create and then use a pattern to fill the canvas.

Step 1

Make sure the menu View(View) option was active Binding(Snap), because this will make it easier to work with the guide lines. Next, select a tool Feather(Pen Tool(P), in the control panel of this instrument, select the mode Figure(Shape), turn off the mode Stroke(Stroke) and also set the color Fills(Fill) the shapes with a dark green tint (#1f2c21). Now draw a diamond shape using the guide lines as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 2

Using a tool Feather(Pen Tool (P), draw a parallelogram that will fit against the bottom right edge of the diamond. Using guide lines will ensure that all points are accurately aligned. Set the color Fills(Fill) for this figure on green midtones (#3f6054).

Step 3

Using a tool Feather(Pen Tool (P), draw another similar shape, but only on the left side of the cube. Set the color Fills(Fill) for this figure to a green-blue tint (#1e605e).

Step 4

Select all three layers with the drawn shapes by holding down the key ( Shift), click on each layer in the Layers palette in turn. Next, let's go Layer - Smart Objects - Convert to Smart Object(Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object). This will merge all three colored shapes into one layer without merging them into one shape. Name the smart object layer Cube(Cube).

Step 5

Select a tool Moving Alt), click/drag the cube to duplicate the layer. Create three duplicates by arranging all the shapes as shown in the screenshot below. Make sure that the shapes snap to the guide lines so that all the shapes are aligned as desired.

Step 6

Using a tool Rectangular area(Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), select the area where the four cubes intersect. Make sure that the selection consists of 2 grid cells in width and 6 grid cells in height, the location must be exactly as in the screenshot below, otherwise you will not succeed exact repetition of the pattern. Next, let's go. Editing - Define Pattern(Edit > Define Pattern). Name the new pattern 3D Cubic Pattern(3D Cube Pattern).

Step 7

Deselect the selection, for this we go to Selection - Deselect(Select > Deselect (Ctrl+D). Next, create a new layer on top of the cube layers, name this layer Cubic pattern(Cube Pattern). Now let's go Editing - Fill(Edit > Fill) and in the window that appears, set Content(Contents) on Pattern(Pattern). As Custom pattern(Custom Pattern), install 3D Cubic Pattern(3D Cube Pattern) which we created in the last step.

Step 8

Turn off the visibility of the cube layers we used to create the pattern. Next, change the layer's blending mode Cubic pattern(Cube Pattern) on Multiplication(Multiply), and also reduce Opacity(Opacity) layer up 89% .

3. Create a Background Scene

In the video, the camera pulls back to reveal an intertwining cityscape set within a 3D grid of cubes, which inspired the effect. This high effect is visually disconcerting and delightful at the same time.

Step 1

Open one of the original images of a residential apartment design. Using a tool Straight-line lasso(Polygonal Lasso Tool (L), create a selection around the room on foreground. Next, let's go Layer - New - Copy to new layer(Layer > New > Layer Via Copy) (Ctrl+J) to copy the selected area to a new layer.

Step 2

We return to our main document, find a smart object with a cube and drag it onto the document with the apartment design. Next, let's go Editing - Transformation - Scaling(Edit > Transform > Scale) to scale the cube to approximately the size of the room. Then reduce Opacity(Opacity) layer up 75% . Note that the perspective of the room does not match the perspective of the cube.

Step 3

Turn off the visibility of the Background layer, and also make sure that the layer with the selected room image is active. Now let's go Editing - Perspective Warp(Edit > Perspective Warp). Click on the canvas to create an adjustment grid. Move the corner anchor points to align them with the corners of the wall in the room. Translator's note: the Perspective Warp tool is a new tool that appeared in the version Photoshop programs CC.

Step 4

Create a second mesh shape by connecting it to the first mesh in the corner of the room. Move the anchor points on this grid to align with the second wall.

Step 5

Once two walls are defined, press the ( Enter) to switch to Deformations(Warp). Using tool anchor points Perspective Warp(Perspective Warp), adjust the perspective of the room. Our goal is to match the perspective of the room when overlaying the cube, while preserving any elements of the image that are warped or heavily distorted outside the boundaries of the cube.

Step 6

After use Perspective warps(Perspective Warp) by holding down ( Ctrl), click on the cube layer thumbnail to load a selection around the cube shape. Make sure the warped room layer is active and then go Editing - Copy(Edit > Copy) (Ctrl+C). Let's switch to our working document, and then go Editing - Paste(Edit > Paste). Name the pasted layer Room 1(Apartment 1). Place this layer below the layer Cubic pattern(Cube Pattern).

Step 7

Apply scaling to the image of room 1, for this we go Editing - Free Transformation(Edit > Free Transform (Ctrl+T) to make the room image fit the dimensions of one of the cubes. Note that the floor of the room should align with the top dark wall of the cube. Use guide lines to ensure perfect placement.

Step 8

Create several duplicate layers with the room, distribute them randomly throughout the texture. Make sure that all duplicate layers adhere clearly to the guide lines, so there is no overlap of pixels between adjacent images.

Step 9

Select the room layers in the layers palette to group them into one group, let's go Layer - Group Layers(Layer > Group Layers ( Ctrl+G).

Step 10

Using the same technique, create additional rooms using other reference images until you have completely filled the background texture. In this example, I created four different rooms with which I filled the final design.

4. Add a Heart Effect

The main pattern is completed. It's time to turn our attention to the second effect, which recreates the geometric shape of a heart from a cubic pattern.

Step 1

Make sure the layer Cubic pattern(Cube Pattern) was active and then we go Layer - Layer Style - Blending Options(Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options). At the bottom of the Blending Options window there is a scale that says Substrate(Underlying Layer). While holding down ( Alt), pull the white slider to separate it, and then set the first part to 198 , and leave the second one on 255 . This will allow you to see the bright areas of the rooms through the cubic texture.

Step 2

Add a new adjustment layer Hue/Saturation(Hue/Saturation). Install Color tone(Hue) on -10 , Saturation(Saturation) on +65 , and the value Brightness(Lightness) on -3 . This way we will enhance the greenish tones of the design.

Step 3

Create a new layer, name this layer Heart Figure(Heart Shape). Next, using the tool Straight-line lasso(Polygonal Lasso Tool (L), create a selection using guide lines to make the selection precise. Start from the far right edge and then move clockwise, clicking on the following points:

  1. Move to the far right point and move down
  2. Move down four cells from the first point
  3. Move down four cells (to the very end of the working canvas), and then four cells to the left and place the third point
  4. Up four cells and left four cells
  5. Straight up four cells
  6. Two cells down and two cells to the right
  7. Two cells up and two cells to the right
  8. Two cells down, and then two cells to the right and connect to the first point

Step 4

Deselect active selection, let's go Selection - Deselect(Select > Deselect). Next, create a duplicate of the layer with the heart shape, for this select the tool Moving(Move Tool (V) and then holding down the ( Alt), click/drag the original heart shape. Position the duplicate heart shape layer so that the bottom end is exactly four cells away from the top left corner of the original shape.

Step 5

Duplicate the duplicate layer, and then move the new duplicate down until the "valley" point of the heart sits on the bottom edge of the canvas.

Step 6

Turn off the visibility of the heart layers and then hold down the " Ctrl", click on each heart layer thumbnail to load a selection of all three shapes. Next, add an adjustment layer Hue/Saturation(Hue/Saturation). Check the box Toning(Colorize). Install Color tone(Hue) on 327, Saturation(Saturation) to +68, and the value Brightness(Lightness) to 17. Thus, we gave the heart a pink tone!

And we completed the lesson!

Enjoy a beautiful cubic kaleidoscope inspired by the effect of the Tous Les Memes music video.

Even though the perspectives of the source images were different, and dozens of cube shapes were required to design the isometric effect, Photoshop's diverse set of tools makes it easy to create even the most unique effects. How did you get the effect? Share your work in the comments to the lesson.

In this tutorial we will try to repeat the bright isometric effect that can be seen in Stromae's video for the song “Tous Les Memes” at 3:22 minutes.

For pictures to look like part of cubes, they must have the same perspective distortion. It is quite difficult to find suitable ones this request images. However, I recommend trying to create this effect.

1. Document preparation

Since our work will be based on geometric shapes,The size of the document is very important to build the correct mesh.

Step 1

Open Photoshop and go File- New(File - New). Install Width(Width) by 1232 pixels, and Height(Height) - by 540 pixels.

Step 2

Let's move on View- NewGuideLayout(View - New Guide Layout). Activate Columns(Columns) and set Number(Quantity) by 16, and Width(Width) - by 77 pixels. Then we activate Rows(Strings) and set Number(Quantity) by 12, and Width(Width) - by 45 pixels. This will create a grid of guide lines along which we will align the elements of the composition.

2. Create a blank from 3D cubes

An integral part of this work is the 3D effect. The entire picture will be filled with three-dimensional blocks. But for this we must prepare a special texture.

Step 1

Make sure the menu View(View) activated Snap(Binding), this option will make it easier for us to work. Then we activate PenTool(P) (Pen) mode Shape(Shape), turn off the stroke and select the color #1f2c21. Then draw a rhombus as shown below.

Step 2

Using a pen, draw a parallelogram that is attached to the bottom edge of the rhombus. To ensure that the shapes are perfectly even, we focus on the guides. Install Fill(Fill) this shape to green (#3f6054).

Step 3

On the opposite side of the rhombus we draw another parallelogram. Set the fill color to turquoise (#1e605e).

Step 4

In the Layers panel, holding down the Shift key, select all three layers with shapes. Then we move on Layer- SmartObjects- ConverttoSmartObject(Layer - Smart Objects - Convert to Smart Object). This will merge the shapes into one layer, with each quad being a separate object within that Smart Object. Let's call the smart object Cube.

Step 5

Let's take it MoveTool(V) (Move), hold down the Alt key and drag the cube to duplicate it. Create three copies and place them in a cross shape as shown below. Make sure the shapes are aligned exactly to the grid.

Step 6

We use RectangularMarqueeTool(M) (Rectangular Selection) to create a selection of the central part of the cross-shaped cube shape. The selection should be 2 grid cells wide and 6 grid cells high. We place it in the same way as shown below, otherwise the finished texture will not be displayed correctly. Then we move on Edit- DefinePattern(Edit - Define Pattern) and name the new texture Cubic 3D Texture.

Step 7

Deselecting Select-Deselect(Selection - Deselect) (Ctrl+D). Then create a new layer above the cube layers and call it Cube Texture. Next we move on Edit- Fill(Editing - Fill) and install Contents(Content) on Pattern(Pattern). Select our cubic texture created in the last step.

Step 8

Hide the cube layers that we used to create the texture. Then set the layer blending mode to Cube Texture to Multiply(Multiply) and reduce the opacity to 89%.

3. Working with the background

In the video, the camera pulls back to show the viewer a cityscape that is inserted into a 3D grid of cubes. This presentation of graphics is both confusing and delightful.

Step 1

Open one of the pictures with the apartment plan. Let's take it PolygonalLassoTool(L) (Rectangular Lasso) and create a selection of the room closest to the viewer. Then we move on Layer- New- LayerviaCopy(Layer - New - Copy to New Layer) (Ctrl+J) to copy the selected area to a new layer.

Step 2

We return to our working document, find a smart object with a cube and drag it onto the file with the apartment plan. Then we use Edit- Transform- Scale(Edit - Transform - Scale) to adjust the size of the cube to the size of the room. Then reduce its opacity to 75%. Note that the perspective distortion of a room is different from that of a cube.

Step 3

Hide the background layer and activate the layer with a copy of the room. Let's move on Edit-PerspectiveWarp(Editing - Perspective Warp). Click on the workspace to create a grid for editing. Move the corners of the grid so that they coincide with the corners of the wall in the room.

Step 4

Create a second mesh and connect it to the previous one. Move the anchor points so that they coincide with the second wall.

Step 5

Having finished with two walls, press the Enter key to switch to the mode Warp(Deformation). We use anchor points to change the perspective distortion of the room. Our task is to adjust it to the distortion of the cube so that the overly deformed and crooked elements of the room remain outside the cube.

Step 6

After use PerspectiveWarp(Perspective Warp), hold down the Ctrl key and click on the thumbnail of the layer with the cube to load its selection. After making sure that the layer with the room plan is active, go to Edit- Copy(Editing - Copy). Switch to the main working document and go Edit- Paste(Editing - Paste). Call the new layer Room 1 and place it under the cube texture.

Step 7

Adjust the size of the room using Edit- FreeTransform(Editing - Free Transform) (Ctrl+T) so that it fits neatly into the cube. Please note that the floor of the room must align with the top dark edge of the cube. We use guides to position the picture perfectly.

Step 8

We create several copies of the room and randomly distribute them across the texture. Make sure that all copies are placed neatly along the guides and that there are no overlapping pixels anywhere.

Step 9

In the layers panel, select all the layers with the room and group them Layer-GroupLayers(Layer - Group layers) (Ctrl+G).

Step 10

Using the technique described above, we create several additional rooms and fill the rest of the texture with them. In the example below, I prepared four different rooms, which I duplicated and distributed throughout the composition.

4. Add a heart effect

Having completed the main work with the texture, we can move on to creating an additional effect in the form of a geometric heart.

Step 1

Make sure the Cube Texture layer is active, then move on Layer- LayerStyle- BlendingOptions(Layer - Layer Style - Blending Options). At the bottom of the dialog box that opens there is a panel UnderlyingLayer(Underlying layer). Hold down the Alt key and drag the white slider to split it, then set the first part to 198, and leave the second at 255. Thanks to this, bright details in pictures with rooms they will be visible through the cubic texture.

Step 2

Add an adjustment layer Hue/Saturation(Hue/Saturation) and set Hue(Color tone) by -10, Saturation(Saturation) to +65 and Lightness(Brightness) to -3. This will add a green tint to the picture.

Step 3

Create a new layer and call it Heart. Then we use the tool PolygonalLassoTool(L) (Rectangular Lasso) to create a selection using the intersection points of the guides. We start from the right edge and move clockwise:

  1. We move to the far right point and start moving from here.
  2. We go down four grid cells and place a second point.
  3. We go down four cells (to the very end of the working canvas), then four cells to the left and put the third point.
  4. Up four cells and left four cells.
  5. Up four cells.
  6. Two cells down and two cells to the right.
  7. Two cells up and two cells to the right.
  8. Two cells down, then two cells to the right and connect to the first point.

Step 4

Deselecting Select-Deselect(Selection - Deselect). Then we take the tool MoveTool(V) (Move), hold down the Alt key and drag the heart to duplicate it. Place the copy so that the bottom end is exactly four cells away from the upper left corner of the original shape.

Step 5

Duplicate the copy of the heart and move it to the very bottom so that the vertices of the shape protrude into two cells.

Step 6

Hide all layers with the heart, hold down the Ctrl key and click on their thumbnails in the layers panel to load selections of all three shapes. Then apply an adjustment layer Hue/Saturation(Hue/Saturation). Activate the option Colorize(Tinting), install Hue(Color tone) at 327, Saturation(Saturation) to 68 and Lightness(Brightness) to 17. Thus, we tinted the hearts pink.

We're done!

Now you can admire the isometric effect work inspired by the video clip “Tous Les Memes”.

Despite the fact that the perspective of the sources is different and dozens of cubic figures are needed to create the effect, a wide range Photoshop tools will make it easy to create even the most unusual design.