Compatibility between snake man and snake woman. Compatibility of snake woman with other signs


Wise, taciturn people who can be selfish, vain and stingy. However, they can selflessly help their less fortunate brothers. They are arrogant and often go too far. Decisive, purposeful and ambitious. They experience failures acutely, while outwardly remaining calm. They are attractive both externally and internally, but are somewhat frivolous.

The best pair for a Snake man

The Snake man is a great connoisseur, lover and connoisseur of female beauty. Moreover, attractiveness for him is not only external. He wants his girlfriend to be smart and have good taste. He himself has excellent manners and knows how to care for a lady like no one else. Exquisite compliments and pleasant little things can melt any girl’s heart.

The serpent is a skilled master of such things. In romantic relationships, he will be inventive, resourceful and original. Prefers to “gently” dominate in a couple. In moments of passion, he will “recoup” his hours of restraint during the day. His irrepressible eroticism will greatly surprise his partner. He is attracted to various little things. For a Snake man there is nothing “indecent” or “shameful”. He is liberated in a good way.

The best pair for a Snake woman

The Snake woman is calculating and unusually smart. Her intellect is excellently developed. She is graceful and attractive. Such a lady can only be attracted by a handsome man with aesthetic taste and aristocratic manners. It is especially good if the boyfriend has creative abilities. Speech, manners, knowledge of etiquette - everything is important for a Snake woman. In relationships with the opposite sex, she is reserved and even cold.

She generally has a tendency towards loneliness - left alone with her thoughts, she relaxes and does not feel abandoned or needed by anyone at all. In relationships, she prefers to lead a man, but not directly, but more subtly. In the bedroom, she is ready to show all her considerable passion and erotic temperament. Beneath the seemingly calm behavior lies a wild imagination. Like a snake at the decisive moment of the hunt, it shows strong arousal at the moment of intimacy.

Compatibility Horoscope for Snakes

The ideal pair for those born in the year of the Snake are the Buffalo and the Rooster. Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse and Sheep are good choices. Tiger and Pig are absolutely not suitable.

Snake - Rat- The rat is always on the go. In fact, none of the signs of the Chinese horoscope are more inclined to endless wanderings through the labyrinth of life. The snake simply refuses to rush. If there are difficulties in this combination, they will be associated with a different attitude towards life. The sensuality of a snake can fascinate a rat, although not for long, and if someone in this couple begins to get bored, it will most likely be the rat. The chances of success are not that great, but it is an interesting combination. A rat and a snake will probably not like each other from the first minutes of their acquaintance.

Snake - Bull- Their relationship can be called stable, although not the most impressive. The union must suit both parties; this is the basis for calm happiness, which some combinations will never achieve. They are likely to have a clean home, a happy family and a very stable lifestyle. If you come to visit them in winter, they will warm themselves by the fireplace. If you visit them in the summer, you will find them in a hammock near the house. Rare quarrels are possible, which will only strengthen the balance in this hardworking family. A good option for achieving material success.

Snake - Tiger- Although they are fundamentally very different, they have one thing in common - the ability to be happy if everything goes the way they want. If they want the same thing, they will get along well with each other. The Snake, in truth, is lazier by nature than the Tiger, but the Tiger lacks the Snake's ability to achieve success. But these differences work well together with mutual respect, creating strong relationships. This is a common combination, and usually a pretty good one.

Snake - Rabbit- Some relationships can be both difficult and very successful at the same time. This combination is definitely not one of them, but it should not be discounted for completely different reasons. Neither the Snake nor the Rabbit demands much from life; all they need is a little happiness and something to eat from time to time. It may seem that they demand so little from each other that it is very easy for them to break up, but there is still enough evidence that this relationship is extremely strong. However, the possibility of one of the partners leaving cannot be ruled out, so both of them need to make some effort to maintain stability.

Snake - Dragon- For those born in the year of the dragon, compatibility with the snake is promising. The dragon and the snake will likely be able to build a fairly happy life together, and it is likely that the snake will want to take second place in the decision-making process from the very beginning. Of course, this doesn't really mean anything, since the snake has its own ways of controlling its partner, and a less intelligent dragon may eventually find itself fulfilling someone else's wishes. While the dragon rushes through the area, breathing fire in all directions, the snake watches him from a distance and waits until he runs out of fuel.

Snake - Snake- If you lived next to such a couple, you would probably never have guessed that you had neighbors - the snake-snake combination seems so quiet and harmless from the outside. Of course, sometimes things are not as they seem, the outside world does not even suspect that the degree of understanding between two snakes is established slowly and gradually. If you are a snake, compatibility with a snake will bring you material success, although, like everything else, it will come gradually. There may be a hissing sound coming from each side at times. After several years of living together, partners will begin to resemble each other even in appearance, and, of course, think alike.

Snake - Horse- The relationship between a snake and a horse will not be easy, so it must be said that this is probably not the best combination for a successful marriage. The snake requires a certain degree of stability that the horse has difficulty achieving. At the same time, the horse strives to receive new, vivid impressions from life, and it will be difficult for the poor snake to agree with this tendency. However, there are moments in which these two signs will be equally happy, for example, when living separately together. This situation is not suitable for marriage, but there are examples when everything turns out exactly like this, and this case may be one of them. Horse - snake compatibility is not easy, at least both are kind and can be good friends.

Snake - Goat- Although this option is not ideal, there are many snakes and goats that live happily and harmoniously together. Perhaps dissonance will be introduced into the relationship by the fact that both the snake and the goat are signs that need an external source of inspiration, so without proper effort on both sides, the relationship can become boring. External stimulation is vital for them, so there will be little benefit in locking themselves in their castle in the event of a conflict. Both of them are capable of deep and lasting love and will be able to create a happy home.

Snake - Monkey- An unusual combination, but this union can be successful on many levels. It is true that the monkey likes to do things his own way, and it is also fair to say that the snake can sometimes be very stubborn if the situation develops against common sense. However, the monkey is not aggressive, and its natural kindness will help cool the snake’s stubbornness. The snake usually tries to create a cozy home, making it as comfortable as possible, while the monkey is not very interested in household chores. A good intellectual match and likely a deep and lasting friendship.

Snake - Rooster- Both of these signs understand what is necessary for a comfortable life, and handle different situations in almost the same way. For this reason, even if there are no others, the union must be successful. Their home will be cozy, perhaps even too cozy from the point of view of some other signs. The probability of material success is also high, since both the snake and the rooster can work without rest and earn a lot. Beneath the external calm of both signs, deeply sensitive natures are hidden, thanks to which they are overcome by passion when alone with each other. But hardly anyone around him realizes this.

Snake - Dog“It’s hard to even imagine how a snake and a dog would quarrel with each other.” A dog, as we have seen, very easily adapts to those around it, but even it will not have to change anything in order to get along in the same house with a fairly docile snake. They will quickly achieve harmony, come to an agreement on the basic principles of life, and this will become the key to happiness, which some combinations of signs will never achieve. However, there is something to be warned about. A relationship also requires variety and excitement, especially for a dog, and this combination can easily set in for boredom.

Snake - Pig- Pig - Snake compatibility is quite neutral. If this couple has troubles, then their source definitely lies not in differences, but in insufficiently active communication. Although both of these signs are quite friendly, neither of them tends to be active in relationships, so they may lack intensity. Perhaps the pig and the snake will be able to make their lives more varied, but to do this they will need to show a genuine interest in the world around them and issues beyond their personal relationships. In order for contact to be established between them, one of these signs will still have to take the initiative. Of course, this is not a union that will force them to endure many trials.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Snake is very successful, not only because they are representatives of the same sign, but also because these people have common goals in life and the same dreams. It is very rare when a couple has people of the same Chinese horoscope sign and everything is fine with them. Snakes need to appreciate their unusual compatibility. Next, we will look at the characteristics of a man born in the year of the Snake, as well as the character of a woman of the same year. We will also take a detailed look at the compatibility of two representatives of this creeping sign of the eastern horoscope in marriage and love, as well as in friendship and in professional activities.

Snake Man: What is he really like?

Men born in the year of the Snake have enormous charm. They are always courteous and sweet. Such a man can easily attract the attention of a woman and knows how to impress the opposite sex. He always has a lot of fans. By nature, he is not a predator, but he knows how to attract the attention of women. It's always interesting to talk to him and there's something to talk about.

The Snake man, deep down in his soul, dreams of pure and eternal love and is constantly looking for the one and only in the crowd. It is rare that this man can be ideally compatible with any sign of the eastern horoscope in love and marriage. But with a representative of his own sign, that is, with a Snake woman, this man can find a common language and build a strong marriage.

Men of the following zodiac signs can give special tenderness and fidelity in relationships:

  1. Calf;
  2. Virgo;
  3. Aquarius;
  4. Fish;
  5. Scales.

Snake Woman: Her Characteristics

There are always many gentlemen around a woman born in the year of the Snake, but she is looking for her only man, with whom she dreams of linking her destiny forever. She is rarely compatible with anyone and is in no hurry to get married. A man of the same Chinese horoscope sign as her would be ideal for her. In marriage, such a woman is very patient and is accustomed to the fact that she will give herself entirely to the family, and will not think about taking anything for herself from household members. She does not tolerate betrayal and betrayal, so we do not advise you to offend a representative of this sign, otherwise she will sting you painfully or even grind you into powder, figuratively speaking.

Women of the following zodiac signs are especially passionate and jealous:

  1. Scorpion;
  2. Sagittarius;
  3. Aries;
  4. Twins.

Snake Man and Snake Woman: Compatibility in Love

The union of two Snakes is very successful and their family can turn out to be strong. Both partners know what they want from life and understand each other perfectly. The Snake man has finally met his one and only woman in the person of the Snake girl, and his partner sees in this man her prince on a white horse. They care deeply about each other and try to have fun. The woman in this couple always tries to look great and she does this only for her partner, to please him.

The problem can only arise due to excessive depression of both partners. If they both fall into depression, then there will be no difficulties. They will be able to be sad together, watching another sad movie about love and eating popcorn or cakes. But if one of the partners falls into depression, then the second one will have a hard time, because a sad Snake can ruin everyone’s mood and it is better not to approach it, so as not to provoke a scandal.

A family where a husband and wife were born in the year of the Snake do not listen to other people’s advice, because they themselves know perfectly well how to live in marriage. They can give practical and valuable advice to others. The compatibility of the Snake and the Snake is so good that representatives of this sign can live a long and happy family life with each other without betrayal and lies.

Both partners know how to make money and are not afraid of hard work. They manage to save up the required amount for a major purchase and set aside some savings for their old age. These two will never need anything and their children will be provided with everything they need. They will travel a lot because they can afford it financially. Their marriage will be built solely on love, and not on selfishness and profit. Love makes this union strong and happy.

Snake woman and Snake man: Horoscope of compatibility in friendship and work

Friendship between representatives of this sign, as well as compatibility in marriage, is very good. They understand each other and know each other's pain points. These friends will never betray or set each other up. They are capable of mutual assistance and tremendous support. They will always defend the opinion of their friend in everything.

But such friendship has one peculiarity. And it lies in the fact that this couple can turn from friends into a family. The fact is that a spark of love can flare up between two Snakes of the opposite sex almost immediately after meeting, and they will not be able to be friends for a long time. Over time, their friendship will still develop into true love.

But a woman and a man born in the year of the fiery Snake can work together, and they do it well. Here, the matter does not always end in a love relationship, but sympathy can still arise if both partners have not yet managed to start a family. If they are married, they are unlikely to cheat.

This is the compatibility of a woman and a man born in the year of the Snake. We hope that this article was useful to you and you will definitely use the information received from it in your life.

Wise, insightful, born leaders in life - this is a brief description of people born in the year of Aspid. Who is the Snake compatible with, what to expect from an alliance with other zodiac signs, how to understand that the person you have chosen is the one? The compatibility of the Snake and other signs of the eastern horoscope must be considered more carefully in order to find a good match for this individual.

Brief characteristics of the Snake

People born this year are multifaceted; they can be different in character. But still, common features are visible among all people who were born under this sign. They always have a goal in life and go towards it, through all obstacles. Despite their versatility, such individuals can become fixated on one thing. For people of this sign, their entire existence is intended for one purpose. If it is love, then it is the only one; if it is faith, then all free time is devoted to it.

A girl who was born in the year of the reptile can boast of good intuition. Sometimes he will even be able to predict an event from the future. Such a person is able to interest any man, guessing his wishes in advance.

What is the character

Character qualities inherent in the sign:

  • neatness and punctuality, from childhood of such people, highlight their desire for cleanliness and love of doing everything exactly according to schedule;
  • Reptiles have a sequence of actions in everything, they conduct all their affairs quietly and calmly;
  • They are careful at work and conduct business easily and naturally;
  • deeply vulnerable, they experience all their falls in deep suffering;
  • intelligent, able to think deeply.

In childhood and adolescence, people born in the year of the amphibian are charming and attractive with their tenderness and meekness. At a more mature age, children's qualities are replaced by: composure, tempered like steel, character. People whose eastern horoscope is the sign in question are not trusting; their motto in life is: “If you want to do it well, do it yourself.” The foresight of philosophical views does not allow such individuals to be wasteful. They will save money for years to buy something they like and will do anything to achieve their goal.

They skillfully conserve their strength, without wasting it on trifles, they can easily avoid an argument, wisely resolving the conflict, and do not tell anyone anything. It is not worth making enemies among those born in the year of the reptile. Cunning and vindictive, they will carefully develop a plan for revenge, or even your elimination. If someone wipes their feet on them once, such a person will not miss his chance to sting at a moment when you least expect it.

Chinese horoscope sign in love

The Snake man is a terrible jealous person; if he falls in love, he will not let go of his chosen one. Until he wins the girl’s favor, he will interfere with her relationships with others, making it impossible to choose other life partners. Sooner or later, in any way, he will still poison his victim with love.

Women are more loyal in this regard; they will scrupulously choose their partner. It is very important to fit all the parameters of such a person. After careful selection, as soon as a person born this year according to the Eastern horoscope understands that he has achieved his goal, he will plunge into his chosen one with the grip of a cobra.

No matter how cold-blooded and calculating reptiles may seem, at heart they are vulnerable and touchy; many simply skillfully hide their feelings and do not show disappointment. Such people love unexpected gifts and surprises, they love courtship and a warm attitude from their partner. Suspicious, adventurous, they need support and a reliable rear, they must feel in demand. The Snake is compatible with many signs; you just need to approach this moment carefully.

Rabbit Compatibility

These two signs are perfect for each other, both in love and friendship. The gentle, caring Hare and the cold Reptile are the most common union.

Both signs love heart-to-heart conversations. Most often, their feelings flare up at one moment and, if the couple does not lie to each other and flatter each other excessively, then the marriage will be strong for many years.

Is it compatible with the Rooster?

The best area for these two is mutual understanding, friendship, good business partnership. There is almost one hundred percent marriage compatibility between these two.

They understand each other perfectly, always provide support and trust their partner.

Snake and Ox

Such compatibility is very likely; two people can be united by common interests or work. Those born according to the calendar in the year of the Ox are by their nature: calm, progressive, and follow fashion.

The union will bring peace and tranquility to the Ox. Among this pair, any tandem is possible: creative, friendly and loving.

Will he find a common language with the Goat?

Cold Snake and pliable Goat - is their compatibility possible? Their life together is conditional. Often the Goat wants to see in Gyurza a patron with a large fortune.

Friendship is also based on benefits. It is beneficial for the Goat to be friends with someone who is dutiful and does not know how to refuse.

Snake and Monkey

The horoscope of compatibility between the Snake and the Monkey is only 50% possible; if the couple has common goals in life, only children will be able to cement the union well.

Running a joint business is what will unite the couple. Gyurza is good as a generator of ideas, and Monkey is an excellent performer.

Relationship with the Horse

Compatibility of the Snake with other signs is an important point. For example, with the Horse things are very interesting. Marriage ties with the sign of the Horse will be strong until she gets bored.

Horses are freedom-loving and inventive, never sitting still for a minute. They can be best friends, a joint project is possible, but most likely, Aspid will have to lead it.

Snake and Rat

Rats are more suitable for short-term relationships. Instant passion flares up between the Rat and the reptile, but the relationship will not move beyond the candy-bouquet period. If marriage does take place, then sex is the main engine of such relationships.

Relationship with a Dog

Their connections are more friendly than love, but despite this, the marriages between them are quite strong. Dogs are responsible and caring, which is very attractive to reptiles.

  1. Tiger and Snake. Tigers are absolutely not suitable for a marriage; the Tiger cannot understand the aspirations of Asp, but for her, on the contrary, the Tiger is too careless.
  2. Snake and Snake. The combination of two identical signs is very ambiguous: sometimes they feel good together, sometimes they feel bad. Nothing binds them together except sex. The couple experiences endless conflicts and showdowns about everyday life, work, and life.
  3. Snake and Dragon. Those born in the year of the Dragon love care and attention, they need to be praised and adored. But the reptile, always busy with something or someone, is not capable of showing care. Dragons, having married a creeping one, quickly try to free themselves from the burdensome union.
  4. Snake and Pig. The Pig, in the opinion of the sign in question, is too careless and spends a lot, which irritates the order-loving representative. Who, if not her, knows the value of money: always working and adding penny to penny, for a long time they are not interested in spendthrifts and lazy people.

Compatibility of the Snake and other signs is a conditional point. Everything will depend on the person born in a particular year. There are situations when people who are seemingly completely opposite to each other find a common language and are ready to make compromises for the sake of their soulmate. The Snake is compatible with many, and with the rest, if desired, it can easily find a common language.

The eastern horoscope states that the year of birth determines the future character of a person. The snake, as a patron animal, endows its charges with extremely specific traits. They are so different from other people that only Snake and Snake compatibility can give a good result.

In other cases, people under the auspices of this year rarely find happiness - either they will sting their partner, or they will be strangled by misunderstanding. Despite this, such individuals can express themselves in family relationships if they are given the necessary freedom and support.

Snake as a patron animal

People born in the year of the Snake have good insight.

They prefer the role of observer and do not strive for publicity. Representatives of this year value knowledge and erudition more; they are attracted to the arts and sciences.

Under the auspices of this sign, people acquire abilities in occult sciences; they have a good sense of the movement of energy in the world. A woman with this sign is beautiful and cunning, and a man is calculating and far-sighted. Friendship of identical signs is a more likely union than love and family. The resourcefulness and cunning of the patron animal is also passed on to the wards - these individuals will easily find a way out of any difficult situation and can bewitch the person they like.

Influence of astrological signs

The formation of a person’s personality is influenced not only by the year of birth, but also by the zodiac sign. Depending on their birthday, people with this totem can acquire the following character traits:

  1. Aries is an extremely unpredictable person. Such people combine the practicality and determination of their zodiac sign with the ability of their patron animal to follow the path of least resistance.
  2. A Taurus born under such a totem sign cannot boast of an active life. These individuals prefer calmness, they are slow in their work, but at the same time they are able to ensure quality thanks to their pedantry.
  3. Geminis with such a patron animal acquire a slippery character, they easily attract attention and often have many fans.
  4. Cancer has a touchy character and overwhelming selfishness. However, well-developed intuition helps such people get settled in life.
  5. The strong-willed character of Leo, combined with the insight of the totem, gives birth to strong leaders who are able to lead people.
  6. Virgos, under the auspices of such an animal, become excellent organizers. This sign has incredible wisdom thanks to an analytical mind and well-developed intuition.
  7. Libra acquires an even more refined taste. These aesthetes will easily charm even the most inaccessible people.
  8. Scorpio and Snake give birth to people who see the catch in everything and are acutely aware of lies. It is difficult to communicate with such individuals - despite the sophistication of their thoughts, they easily cause pain to loved ones.
  9. Ophiuchus, in combination with such a patron animal, acquires internal harmony. These people tend to surrender to the power of fate; they do not worry about failures and do not rejoice in victories.
  10. Sagittarius, in combination with this sign of the eastern horoscope, gives their loved ones relative freedom. However, such people will not forgive betrayal and will be able to take graceful revenge.
  11. Capricorn owes his balance to this year; this type of people is famous for their external calm. They are purposeful and always achieve success thanks to their ability to adapt to the situation.
  12. Aquarians who were born this year tend to dream and engage in science. These people live for today and value their independence first of all.
  13. Pisces are not able to understand their own desires. These individuals are always in search of themselves, they do not demonstrate their experiences to the public and strive for loneliness.

People born in the year of the Snake can predict the outcome of many events, for which they are considered wise individuals. In fact, representatives of this year simply know how to analyze events and are well versed in cause-and-effect relationships.

The future partner of these mysterious signs should have patience - the wards of this patron animal cannot be rushed or set too strict limits for them. Such actions can lead to aggression and stress, since carriers of such a totem do not accept violence towards themselves.

Features of the Snake man

Guys under the auspices of the Snake acquire an unpredictable character. They have the following qualities:

  • frequent mood changes;
  • possessive attitude towards a partner;
  • ambition.

Men born in this year surround themselves with an aura of mystery. They have a hypnotizing charm, thanks to which they can easily conquer any girl.

Guys under the influence of their patron animal prefer a measured life; they do not like surprises and gifts. However, their mood can change several times a day - in the morning the spouse was cheerful and romantic, but in the evening he suddenly became cold and stingy with emotions.

As a husband, the Snake man will be able to provide for his family financially, but he needs support from his wife. Such individuals do not tolerate failures and losses well; they may be depressed due to problems with their superiors or colleagues.

Features of the Snake woman

Girls with such a patron animal are dangerous and beautiful predators. Their characteristics include:

  • dedication;
  • pickiness in partners;
  • tendency to manipulate.

First of all, it should be noted the sexuality of these representatives of the fair sex. Even without having outstanding external data, the Snake woman will always be surrounded by a large number of admirers. She accepts male attention favorably, but is in no hurry to start close relationships with the opposite sex.

The Snake woman prefers a career to family life, she is prudent and is always interested in the financial situation of a possible partner. Despite external patience, such girls know how to be categorical - they will not forgive betrayal or even a hint of it. If you marry a woman with such a totem, get ready for the fact that all the temptations of the world are prohibited for you.

The Snake Wife may be cold in emotions, but she will devote all her strength to maintaining the family hearth. In marriage, such a girl is a pronounced owner. Like the rings of a cobra, she wraps herself around her partner and any attempt to break free leads to aggression on her part.

Compatibility in love

Snake man and Snake woman have high compatibility in love relationships.

In sex, the union also has good compatibility. The sensuality and passion of both lovers, combined with excellent mutual understanding, will help both of them get the most out of intimacy in bed. The sexual energy that is inherent in this year will protect the union from betrayal, since the partner will not find the same pleasure on the side.

In marriage, partners understand each other perfectly. The Snake man will take very tender care of his chosen one, in turn, for a girl such a partner will become a real knight from a fairy tale. But, if the characteristics of the totem are joined by the traits of the Zodiacs, and if they do not coincide, this will become a difficult test for the partners.

Marriage between a man and a woman of the same year of birth has good prospects. Both spouses know how to work hard and save, their child will always be financially secure. Thanks to high spiritual compatibility, such a love tandem can last a lifetime. Partners will be happy to attend cultural events and travel together, as both value art and new experiences.

An important role in marriage is played by compatibility not only by year, but also by type of sign. The Fire Snake will be happy with the Metal Snake, and the Earth Snake will create a good alliance with the Wood Snake.

Relationship problems

Despite the harmony of the union, the Snake and Snake couple may also experience difficulties in their relationships. The reasons for the disagreement are:

  1. Aggressiveness. Both partners are quite patient, but in some cases, emotions take control of their minds, which is why a simple misunderstanding can develop into a huge scandal.
  2. Pessimism and melancholy. This year is characterized by depression, and if the moods of the partners coincide, then there will be no problems. But if only one spouse is sad, then the second will have a hard time, since people born this year easily spoil the mood of everyone around them.
  3. Inability to cope with external problems. People with such a totem are extremely sensitive to failures, which is why they can bring problems at work into the house and present them to their partner as a claim.

Despite possible difficulties in relationships, for a Snake, another Snake is considered the best partner. Individuals born this year have too specific a character; they can get along with many, but will only be truly happy with representatives of the same year.

The reason lies in the Snakes’ deep understanding of their partner’s problems. They clearly know when their spouse should be left alone and when they need to provide support. Thanks to their innate tactfulness, this sign will not demand that their partner be something that he is not.

Compatibility in friendship

As friends, such a couple has good horoscope compatibility.

Partners with the same totem sign know each other's weaknesses and tactfully turn a blind eye to them. These are very faithful people for whom the well-being of a friend or girlfriend is more important than their own.

Also, Snakes will always defend the point of view of their friends, even if they themselves do not agree with their position. People born this year are reluctant to part with money, but for the sake of their loved ones they will make any sacrifice. In turn, Snakes more often require moral support from friendship, and do not need material help.

Characteristics of the sign - Snake


The Chinese horoscope states that two Snakes are highly compatible with each other. In marriage, partners will be able to discover mutual understanding that they lack in everyday life.

Friendship and business relationships between the signs also have good prospects. Problems in relationships can only arise due to the general melancholy that is inherent in this year.

Representatives of the Snake sign are impressionable and passionate people. They need to feel like they are at the very center of the relationship with their loved one. Every Snake wants to think that she is loved more than she loves her partner. Very often this desire becomes the reason for the rupture of a love relationship. At the same time, having started a serious relationship, the Snake does not limit itself to the habit of flirting left and right: by the response it evaluates its attractiveness to the opposite sex. Before they finally settle down, Snakes, as a rule, are involved in numerous and short-lived love affairs, novels and affairs. Often, they continue to lead a similar lifestyle even when they are married, and Snakes expect devotion from their other half, although they themselves sometimes have a “stigma in the dust.” Let's reveal one secret: in order to win the respect of the Snake, her partner must be a little independent from her. Of course, the Snake will not like this, but she will adore him for this position and will try to remain faithful to him.

Compatibility of Snakes in love and relationships with other signs

Compatibility of Snake and Rat

These two can become great friends who will gossip and have fun together for hours. In this union, the Snake can change its views at least seven times a day, can be attractive at one moment, and at another - an extremely repulsive person. Both signs are practical and prone to intrigue. The tactical alliance of the Rat and the Snake is very dangerous for their opponents. In it, the Snake will prove to be a brilliant strategist and analyst, and the Rat will ensure the promotion of its ideas.

Compatibility of Snake and Ox

This couple is compatible in many ways. They have a similar nature; both are materialists, have good self-control and a calm, imperturbable character. The Ox and the Snake love to work on serious projects, and often not autonomously, but together. In general affairs, the Snake acts as the author of the project, and the Ox brings it to life. Having linked their fate with each other, they will be able to live a long life peacefully, although there will be little passion in it, since people representing these signs of the Chinese Zodiac are not prone to violent manifestations of feelings.

Compatibility of Snake and Tiger

The combination of Tiger and Snake is unfavorable. Their attitude to life and reaction to reality are fundamentally different. The wise and practical Snake relies on reason in everything, and its slowness is absolutely not perceived by the impulsive, decisive Tiger, who is accustomed to following the call of his heart. In addition, the latter, unlike his “cold-blooded” partner, loves drive, risk, when life is in full swing, while the Snake, on the contrary, prefers peace and quiet. Also, the despotic attempts of the Tiger to command the Snake, which it will resist in every possible way, can worsen the situation between them.

Compatibility of Snake and Rabbit

Rabbit and Snake are an excellent pair for creating a family or friendship. Both representatives of these signs strive to achieve serene calm and security, and also gravitate toward beauty and have similar aesthetic tastes. Able to successfully engage in joint creativity. Together they get along well and organically complement each other. The Snake will help the Rabbit become more economical and enterprising, and he will teach his “flexible” partner to be more tolerant of other people.

Compatibility of Snake and Dragon

Gorgeous couple. The Snake is quite smart and is able to make the Dragon think that they have a lot of work to do together. The latter, in turn, will be flattered by the attention of the elegant Snake. Together these two can achieve a lot in life. Due to the significant dissimilarity in temperament of these representatives of the Chinese Zodiac, business relationships between them will be more constructive than intimate and romantic ones.

Compatibility of Snakes and Snakes

A good combination of characters for work or friendship, but in no case for a long-term love relationship. In business, representatives of these signs are ruthless and proud people; together they are capable of achieving a lot. If two Snakes come to live together, then ultimately, figuratively speaking, one Snake will be strangled by the other. In this union, none of them will tolerate being “under the heel” of the other. The inherent egocentricity, coldness and criticality of Snake people prevents the achievement of harmony in relations between Snakes.

Compatibility of Snake and Horse

The prospect of forming a reliable alliance between them is negligible. At first, in the relationship between the outgoing and incoming Horse and the restrained Snake, there will be a mutual attraction to each other. However, the Horse will soon get tired of the brooding Snake. The Smart Snake, in turn, sensing the mood of its partner, will try to extract some benefit for itself from the situation in their relationship, or will simply quietly leave the Horse, while minimizing its possible moral and material damage.

Compatibility of Snake and Goat

Positive union. Both Goat and Snake love art, harmony and beauty. The Snake will admire the Goat's rich imagination and creative nature. If serious difficulties do not arise in their life together, representatives of these signs may, living together, never even argue. In their opinion, the dispute causes many problems. In relationships, the right to leadership in the intellectual plane will belong to the Snake, and the Goat will be able to bring its “flexible” partner into the world, acting as the author and initiator of joint entertainment events.

Compatibility of Snake and Monkey

A problematic combination that reeks of the uncertainty of the future. On the one hand, the active and cheerful Monkey is smart, but the intelligence of the serious Snake is even more developed. This state of affairs can lead to an absurd rivalry between two minds. In business, with proper distribution of roles, such an alliance can be very effective. In intimate relationships, everything may be different - the extroverted, cheerful Monkey will become too bored in the company of the introverted, cold Snake.

Compatibility of Snake and Rooster

According to Eastern astrology, the Rooster and the Snake are a perfectly compatible pair. This is the very case when partners understand each other without words, since their thoughts are in tune, and any actions and deeds of one of them correspond to the ideology and views of the other. Some lack of tenderness in their relationship is more than compensated for by complete mutual understanding. Business cooperation between them is especially favorable, in which the Snake is the leading intellectual link, and the Rooster is the leader who brings its brilliant developments to life.

Compatibility of Snake and Dog

In principle, this union does not bode well. Representatives of these zodiac totems have too different views on the world and character. The moralist Dog is a revolutionary and a fighter in spirit, ready to fight without sparing himself for the benefit of others, while the selfish and proud Snake always pursues its own interests. In addition, the Dog’s restless disposition will interfere with the balanced Snake, who prefers to do everything calmly and thoughtfully. A strong sensual connection between them is unlikely.

Compatibility of Snake and Pig

People of these signs are two opposites. They simply cannot coexist peacefully, much less get along together. The Snake considers the Pig to be a naive and innocent person, the latter, in turn, will be able to recognize the real essence of the Snake. People of these signs are very sensitive people; this quality may well unite them, but still, things are unlikely to go beyond friendship. If, nevertheless, any long-term relationship develops between them, then this will be the merit of the Pig.