Scots pine pencil drawing. How to draw a pine tree trunk with a pencil step by step. Drawing a pine tree in the forest


    Initially, we draw the trunk of a pine tree. Please note that they are wider at the bottom, and narrower towards the top, after which they completely disappear. Circles indicate the locations of future leaves.

    We are depicting the tree from a distance, so we won’t be able to see the needles and leaves. In coniferous trees, the vegetation resembles green clouds, which is why we draw them.

    Now you need to draw thin tree branches and make the pine clouds fluffier.

    All that remains is to add shadows and our pencil drawing of a pine tree is ready.

    I propose to depict a pine tree this way:

    Drawing steps:

    1) Let's start drawing with a large triangle, which is isosceles and divided in the center by a line (tree trunk):

    2) We begin to draw the contours on the left side:

    3) Now let's draw right side and pine trunk:

    4) After this you need to erase the extra construction lines:

    5) everything is ready, all that remains is to paint.

    The video I provided below shows how to quickly and easily draw a pine tree.

    To draw you only need blank slate and a pencil. So let's get started.

    Naturally, to make the pine tree look more natural, it is better to first draw background, then start directly drawing. So, after the background is drawn, let's start sketching the pine tree:

    From the very bottom (ground) we draw a tree trunk, tapering upward. At the very top you need to draw gnarly branches; you can also draw broken branches to make the pine seem more natural.

    We mark the root part of the tree, draw in the knots and begin sketching the crown.

    The crown is drawn like this: we draw caps using a curved line on all the branches that are at the very top. Here is a pine tree drawn.

    And here is the video lesson itself. Enjoy watching.

    The most simple circuit drawing, perhaps, which is difficult to divide into stages.

    The bottom line is that we start drawing from the trunk of the tree, then roughly indicate the location of the branches. The peculiarity of our pine will be that schematic drawing You can leave the greenery in the clouds, and only erase all that is unnecessary.

    Let's draw the branches - the connection of the clouds with the trunk.

    It will look a little cartoonish, but similar to a real tree.

    We paint in the desired shades of green and brown.

    It is worth noting that cedar pine looks a little different. It has a lot of needles, which are evenly distributed, without bare sections of branches.

    Therefore, a different scheme is suitable here.

    Let's make a drawing of a pine tree. To do this we need a blank piece of paper, a pencil and a proofreader. I will highlight several stages, here they are:

    First stage. Let's draw an image of a pine tree. The image will consist of a trunk, as well as the outline of the branches. We get this picture:

    Second stage. Since it is not possible to see the needles on the branches from afar, we draw the pine vegetation very similar to clouds, we get:

    Third stage. We begin to draw thin branches of the tree, and also draw in detail the vegetation of the pine tree.

    Fourth stage. It is final; our task is to add shadows to the drawing to make it even more beautiful.

    To draw a pine tree correctly, you still need to have a good idea of ​​this tree. I saw a lot of pine trees, both big and small. But, believe me, I have never met a pine tree that is absolutely symmetrical in the arrangement of its branches. Why? Because the branches that are on the sunny side of the tree are always more powerful, strong and spreading.

    Therefore, I would suggest starting drawing with auxiliary lines.

    First, draw a straight line, maybe slightly inclined; and add a triangle to it. He will eventually help us draw the crown of the pine tree, and this way we will mark the sunny side of our tree.

    Next, use a pencil to make additional lines next to the first line - this is how we sketch the pine trunk. And then we outline several large branches in this triangle that extend from the trunk and bend.

    Now we finish drawing the branches. They will fill our triangle - this is where the main part of the crown will be. On the other hand, you can draw smaller and thinner branches. It will be more natural if on the non-sunny side we draw one or two knots without any needles at all.

    It is not at all necessary to draw each needle separately - we just make a few strokes with a pencil in different directions as shown in the picture.

    That's it. Now you can paint the pine tree with paints, or you can leave it in a pencil.

You need to draw trees correctly. It may seem that this simple task, but many beginners depict instead of foliage balloon or the outline of a cloud, while others draw each leaf without respecting the scale and features of the type of tree. Both methods depict the tree differently from how we see it in reality. The artist's task is to draw the tree realistically, and not to represent it symbolically. Drawing trees will help a novice artist learn to depict what he sees.

What you will need

Take thick paper, a sharpener and several simple pencils of varying hardness.

Soft pencils will allow you to highlight dark areas, i.e. shadow. Hard pencils will not allow you to achieve the same tone, even if you press hard on them. Different designs and tasks may require different combinations of pencils. You can buy a cheap set. It is not much worse than the expensive one and will allow you to save money, and having a choice of pencils of different hardness will make drawing easier and more enjoyable. Make sure that the ends of your pencils are always sharp. Please note that soft simple pencils they get dull faster. Blunt pencils do not draw as required. good result. Use a sharpener.

As a last resort, you can use printer paper for drawing. But it is not dense enough and can tear when using an eraser. Artists tend to avoid this tool, but a beginner will likely have a lot of marks.

Do not try to immediately depict a tree on a whole sheet. This will make the task more difficult because there will be more space to fill and more details to work out. Limit yourself to ten centimeters.

How to draw trees correctly

Let's break the process into several stages.

1. If you like to immediately work out the drawing in detail, then you should give it up. It is more correct to designate general shape and only then move on to the details. Hard pencil outline a generalized picture with weak strokes and dots. This stage will not remain on the finished drawing. He is needed as an auxiliary.

2. Now you need to work on the barrel. Notice how it widens at the bottom. Typically, large trees have a short and wide trunk. At the top, the trunk is divided into branches. Label it.

4. The shape of the crown is never ideal or correct. Indicate its shape with short strokes. Also, inside the crown, mark where there are clusters of leaves, and where they are absent and branches are visible. These branches need to be given some thickness and highlight.

5. Using strokes, outline where the shadow will lie on the trunk, and where the light areas will remain.

6. Change the pencil to a soft one and draw the texture with strokes. Leave small gaps for better texture.

7. Darken the areas where you planned to depict a shadow. A very soft pencil is suitable for this. Don't be afraid to push it, but remember that the fewer dark areas in the drawing, the more effective it is.

8. Use a hard pencil to mark the leaves. This can be done with sloppy, round movements.

9. Now it's time to darken the foliage. Each branch seems to have its own small crown. Work on each one separately. Soft pencil On the sides covered with shadow, draw circles. Don't push too hard - you may need to correct mistakes. When you think you've done it right, deepen the shadows and work on the transition from light to dark.

10. Using a soft pencil, add some leaves that are coming out of the crown.

11. It remains to mark the accents on the darkest areas with the softest pencil. This will make the drawing more contrast. Also make sure that you don’t have any transparent, unpainted leaves anywhere. Finish them with a hard pencil.

This method is suitable for deciduous trees. If you want to draw, for example, a pine tree, then after you have outlined the branches with light strokes, mark the cluster of needles with more uneven “clouds” and leave more space between them. Do not fill the crown with circles, but draw with sharp, chaotic strokes. Using a soft pencil, draw the outline using thin and sharp lines.

  • See also -

The trunk of such trees is usually long and narrow. As you can see, drawing trees is not that difficult. But there is still a lot of practice ahead. It’s useful to take a walk with a notepad and draw trees quick sketches. This way you will develop intuitive drawing. Homebodies can study photos of trees on the Internet.

How to draw an oak tree - video

Now we will look at how to draw pine trees using a pencil. It's about about a coniferous plant. However, if you try to draw every needle with a pencil, you can waste a week. In this way, you can depict only a pine branch covered with cones. The whole tree will definitely not fit on paper with this approach.


So, let's begin a step-by-step examination of the question of how to draw pine trees with a pencil. Let's start with the fact that needles are not visible from afar. The human eye in this case distinguishes only contours. However, pine is different from deciduous trees. Next you will find out what exactly. At the first stage, to draw a pine tree with a pencil, we draw a tree trunk. Below, closer to the root, it becomes wider. In the upper part the trunk narrows, and then completely disappears. Using circles we show the places where the leaves will subsequently be placed.


Let's move on to the next stage. From a distance neither leaves nor needles are visible. However, in the case of coniferous trees, the vegetation resembles green clouds. We draw them. Let's move on to the next stage. We draw thin branches of our pine trees. At the same time, we make the “clouds” more fluffy. The next stage in creating the painting is next. Add some shadows to make the image more natural.

You already know how to draw pine trees with a pencil, however, there are several more general advice based on the image of trees on paper, which we will now consider in detail.

The main thing is to make our plant as realistic as possible. Trees should not have clear outlines. If you try to draw too many leaves and branches, the work can become difficult and take too long. The drawing becomes more alive when using the possibilities of light and shadow.

When depicting a tree, do not forget about the ground line. If the composition of the drawing allows it, then we carry it out first. It is better to depict tree branches of varying thicknesses. When creating “clouds” with needles, it is important to achieve maximum pomp, volume, lightness and liveliness.

The lower part of the base of the tree can be made darker, and the upper part lightened, since it is exposed to the sun's rays. It should also be taken into account that pine needles grow with different densities; this must be shown when depicting a “cloud”. The creation of deciduous trees has its own characteristics. So we figured out how to draw pine trees with a pencil.

Before you draw a tree for your child step by step, you need to carefully study these natural objects and find similarities between them.

What does any, well, almost any tree have? The answer suggests itself - a straight and powerful trunk. As a rule, from below it is quite thick and voluminous, but the closer to the top of the tree, the thinner it becomes. It is from the trunk that branches go in all directions, while the main ones rush upward.

Closer to the base, the branches are long, and towards the top, on the contrary, they are short. From large skeletal branches smaller branches grow in different directions, from them even smaller ones, etc. The crown of almost all trees directly depends and is formed from such branches. Considering all these facts, you can easily draw the “skeleton” of a tree.

Important: you can depict trees in winter in a similar way - just branches, without foliage.

Interested? Then let's look in more detail at how to draw a tree with a pencil step by step for children. Believe me, it will be very educational and also interesting.

How to draw a tree: general diagram

First of all, let’s decorate the “skeleton” of the tree with leaves. You can create them with simple dots, making a leafy crown from individual dots (Figure A). As for coloring, for a summer tree it is better to use several shades of yellow or green; the autumn version can be done using red, yellow, orange or green paints.

In addition, most children can easily depict a certain plane with an irregular, oval-like shape (Figure B). This method is ideal for teaching drawing to kids. Drawing trees in a landscape will also be useful in this case. First draw one trunk and skeletal thick branches. Now paint over the green part of the tree and add small branches.

Foliage image options

As mentioned above, we draw a tree “in principle,” that is, an image familiar to most of us. Naturally, in nature various types trees differ significantly from each other. In our drawing there will also be a difference in the trunks: a powerful and thick giant oak, pine or rowan, a weeping slender birch with drooping branches. What exactly to depict is up to you.

Simple tree: drawing lesson for children from 4 years old

This is actually a very easy but fun way to draw a tree. Of course, it is impossible to determine its type. Yes, this is not required here. The main thing is that we know for sure that the tree is deciduous.

1. Together with your child, draw a trunk and several voluminous, large branches. The foliage must be made in the shape of an oval.

2. Color your drawing with colored pencils, markers or paints. Everything depends only on your imagination.

At first glance, it seems that such a drawing is very simple and ordinary, however, it provides rich soil for creativity and allows you to embody the most original ideas. Take a close look at the picture below and see for yourself what variety of trees you can draw using this technique.

Oak - step-by-step execution with children from 6 years old

This oak is somewhat reminiscent of an ordinary tree, which we have already considered. However, there is much more to the individual details: branches complex shape, bark texture and hollow. Don't worry if your child makes the lesson easier or misses something. The main goal is for the tree to be powerful and stocky.

We draw a birch tree with children from 8 years old step by step

For many children, drawing a tree like this is difficult task. Why? Here everything is as close as possible to a realistic image, there are complex lines and details. Therefore, you should not draw a birch for preschoolers, as well as for those who study in primary school. Most likely they will try to simplify the drawing.

Draw your child's attention to the birch branches - they are leaning down!

Pine: step-by-step implementation with children from 8 years old

Now let's leave deciduous trees and move on to conifers. Tell your children, if they don't already know, that the pine tree is an evergreen tree. Therefore, it makes no difference what time of year you paint it: summer or winter - the crown is always the same. To draw pine trees, the same principle is used as for deciduous trees. The only difference is that the green needle spots must be clearly connected to the branches. In addition, unlike deciduous trees, this tree has a more voluminous “bare” part of the trunk.

Christmas tree - a simple drawing diagram for children from 4 years old

You can draw another, no less popular and well-known coniferous tree, a Christmas tree, in several ways. But we will consider only one - coniferous and very realistic tree for older children. You can see the drawing in the picture below.

And now an unusual option - we draw a palm tree with children from 7 years old

So, earlier we learned how to draw trees that grow in our country. Now it's time for more exotic plants. For example, it is very interesting to draw a palm tree - a decorative, simple, but at the same time, original tree. Translated from Latin, palm means “palm” - “palma”. Apparently this is due to the palm leaves spread out like “fingers”.

We will present two main options for drawing this tree: the first is a more realistic image, the second is, one might say, “cartoonish.” The difficulty of completing both drawings is approximately the same. Children from 7 to 8 years old can easily cope with this task, of course, not without the help of their parents.

Option No. 1 - a diagram of drawing a palm tree with children from 7 years old in several steps.

Option No. 2

Well, that's all. Now you have personally seen that drawing a tree is easy. And it doesn’t matter what exactly you want to depict: oak, birch, palm tree, etc. The main thing is to believe in own strength and, of course, show a little imagination. Below we provide additional materials.

Master class for children 4-6 years old: “Drawing a pine tree using watercolor technique”

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach-on-Don.
Job description: I offer you a master class: “Drawing a pine tree using watercolor technique for preschoolers. The material may be useful for educators and teachers additional education, teachers, children and their parents.

Purpose: The drawing will serve a wonderful gift, can be used for interior decoration.
Target: Drawing a pine tree using watercolor technique.
Tasks: Develop creative thinking and imagination;
Teach children to depict a pine tree, accurately conveying the structure of the trunk and branches; Continue to strengthen children’s skills in drawing with a dry brush and poking;
Cultivate accuracy during work;
Improve skills and techniques for working with watercolors.

Pine is loved in Russia no less than birch. Stately, stern, she stands against all the winds. Pines are always not far from us. If there is no pine tree in the nearest forest park, then you just have to drive a little away from the city, and there it is, a stately beauty. It stands, stretches its branches and thin needles towards the sun, and gently sways in the wake of the wind.
Pine is considered a true “tree of life”, which always looks green and fresh even at a very advanced age. It is highly valued as a symbol of long life and lasting marital happiness. Special attention as a symbol of inviolability and perseverance, pine is given Chinese art, because even in cold winter she keeps her needles, and the fact that they always appear in pairs means life together, as is the case in marriage.
Pine is the oldest healer. Its healing needles were included in medicinal compounds five thousand years ago. Pine extract for baths is obtained from pine needles, essential oil, ointments for the treatment of burns.
Pine is a very valuable forest species. Produces industrial ornamental wood. Pine wood is permeated with resin passages, as if impregnated with resin, which protects the tree from rotting. It is used to obtain resin, from which turpentine and rosin are obtained. Cellulose is obtained from fresh ridges.
Pine forests are magnificent at any time of the year. Mighty trees with crowns rising high above the ground, with slender trunks covered with reddish bark, attract you under their canopy. The beauty of pine trees is a source of inspiration for many artists, poets and writers.
Materials and tools:
- watercolor paints;
- brushes No. 12, No. 2, squirrel;
- drawing paper A-4;
- a simple pencil, eraser;
- watercolor paints;
- palette, sippy cup.

Stages of work:
Using a simple pencil on a vertical sheet of paper, draw a pine trunk. The trunk of the pine tree is tall and straight.

Next, draw branches from the trunk up and slightly to the sides.

Around the branches we outline the silhouette of the tree crown, in the form of clouds. We will leave the lower branch without a crown - a dried twig.

Add a horizon line.

Using a wide brush, paint the sky with blue watercolors.

We paint the ground with light green watercolors, and the crown of the pine tree with emerald.

Paint the trunk with brown watercolor.

Use dark green watercolors to paint the grass on foreground and crown edges.