Dream interpretation lily. Why do you dream of a lily? Bouquet of lilies. Interpretation of dreams Why do you dream of flowers, blooming lilies?


It seems that the appearance of this beautiful flower in a dream can only promise joy and happiness, but this is not always the case. Dream books warn that one should not be deceived by the innocence and purity of lilies, since sometimes they promise the dreamer troubles and problems. The details of the dream will help you understand the prediction.

Lilies in a dream: Freud's dream book

So, what does the famous psychologist say about this symbol? A lush bouquet of lilies, based on Freud’s opinion, predicts early marriage for both sexes. However, family life is unlikely to be happy: long separations and even divorce are likely. What do lilies warn about if small children play next to them? Such a dream is seen by people who pay insufficient attention to their own heirs. The mistake must be corrected, otherwise it will be too late.

Why does a woman dream of a lily? If a lady admires the beauty of flowers in a dream or collects them, in reality she will experience suffering and joy at the same time. It is possible that trouble will affect a loved one who will be seriously injured or fall ill. Withered lilies also promise the fair sex the onset of a dark streak. If she enjoys the smell of flowers, suffering will strengthen her and teach her to fight for her place in the sun.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

Why do you dream of a lily? This dream guide associates these flowers with the hope that is so necessary for the dreamer. Seeing only the stem means making the wrong decision, suffering from the lies of someone whom the owner of the dream is accustomed to trust.

What do dreams warn about in which someone gives lilies to the dreamer? In reality, through his own fault, he will find himself in a difficult situation, but the support of other people will help him get out. Seeing flowers in someone’s hands can be seen by someone who is tired of living under someone else’s control. It is possible that it is the person who appears in a dream with lilies in his hands who poisons life.

Why do you dream about flowers? The dreamer will not be able to conquer the object of his passion, but will retain pleasant memories of these times. The dream in which they appear is bad because it promises a negative event. A person can become a victim of someone’s deceit, and it is impossible to prevent this.

Universal dream book

Why do you dream about a lily if it is blooming? One of the close relatives will listen to the dreamer’s wise advice, which will entail changes for the better. Broken flowers predict troubles that will befall someone dear to you, for example, the children of the owner of the dream. It is possible that he himself will be to blame for what happened.

Withered lilies also signal a difficult period that has come in relationships with children. There is a high probability that the heirs are tired of the sleeper’s advice and his constant interference in their lives. If the person who has such a dream does not yet have a child, we may be talking about younger brothers or sisters.

Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

Empty chores are foreshadowed by a dream in which the sleeper picks green lilies. In the coming days, a boring case may be assigned to him, which he will not be able to refuse. The bouquet of lilies that his other half collects for the dreamer testifies to the authenticity of feelings. If a girl dreams that she asks her chosen one to pick flowers for her, but he refuses, in reality she should prepare for a break in the relationship.

What do flowers growing in water symbolize? The dreamer is torn between the desire to improve himself and the desire to earn money. It is possible that his current work does not bring moral satisfaction, but suits him from a financial point of view. An outing into nature is predicted by dreams in which a person collects blooming flowers by sailing towards them in a boat. The dream may also indicate dreams of relaxation, which the sleeper secretly indulges in.

French dream book

What does the French dream book say about these beautiful flowers? Lilies, if you rely on the interpretation of this dream guide, symbolize chastity and purity of thoughts. The dream indicates that its owner is in vain not to trust someone from his inner circle. This person's intentions are honest, he wishes only the best for him and sincerely wants to help.

Anyone who dreams of wilted flowers should prepare for the worst. Most likely, this symbol warns of the collapse of hopes. You shouldn’t start things now, the outcome of which largely depends on luck.

Jewish dream book

What does it mean to see lilies in a dream? The Jewish dream book claims that such night visions are good for sick people, especially when it comes to heart-related diseases. Soon the person suffering from the disease will recover, and a complete recovery cannot be ruled out, which will happen in the shortest possible time.

Obviously, these can also appear in the dreams of healthy people. In this case, the Jewish dream book associates lilies with romantic relationships. There is a high probability that the dreamer will experience love, but the clouds will gradually clear.

Various interpretations

Why do you dream of a lily in the form of a tattoo on the body? The esoteric dream book assures that such a symbol promises profit, and money can come from the most incredible sources. What does the drawing of a lily on fabric mean, if we rely on the interpretation of the same dream guide? In this case, the dreamer will experience success in business and victory over competitors. A growing flower predicts a pleasant pastime, so do not refuse an invitation to attend a party or visit.

Hasse's dream book claims that they symbolize fidelity in love and say that you should not doubt your partner’s fidelity. If they are of a different color, this is a warning that you should not blindly trust your surroundings. A person picking flowers may enter into an arranged marriage in the near future or is already thinking about it.

Medea's dream book informs you that picking or throwing lilies means not following the rules of decency. Also, such a dream can be seen by a criminal who is afraid of responsibility for his crime.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Smelling a lily flower or holding it in your hands in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of desires, delight, bliss, and honors. White lilies foretell true love, while red ones warn you of destructive passion. Seeing a lily in a dream means that your hope may come true. However, smelling the scent of lilies and choking on it in a dream threatens ruin.

Picking a lily in a dream means that you have the intelligence to resist temptation. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your poor health needs strengthening and constant monitoring. If you dream of other people with lilies, then they are too weak to be your partners or enemies. Clothing embroidered with lilies predicts exaltation, royal honors, wealth and respect. See flowers.

Why do you dream of a lily according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

A lily in a dream symbolizes spiritual power. Carrying lilies in your hands means moral authority, platonic love. Throwing or tearing lilies means going against the law, breaking the rules of decency. Lilies growing in water - you strive for both material well-being and spiritual self-improvement. White lilies foretell true love. Yellow or red lilies - do not trust flattering people-pleasers and big talkers. Caring for lilies, growing a variety of varieties - an early and hasty marriage will lead to an equally quick divorce.

The dream "Lily" is an ambiguous dream that is interpreted differently based on what you did in the dream and what the lily was like in your dream. A lot depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw a lily in a dream: positive or negative, admiration or contempt. All this and much more will help you find the correct interpretation of your dream. All known dream books are collected here and answers are given to the most common questions that may arise after the dream “Lily”.

Ancient Russian dream book

  • Why do you dream about lilies? This dream speaks of innocence.
  • Dream Interpretation: a blooming lily and you feel it speaks of vain hope. If you had this dream in the summer, then it means happy innocence.

Children's dream book

If you dreamed about lilies, in real life you will have the opportunity to do a good deed.

Dream book for family

  • Lilies in a dream - usually such dreams are dreamed by women who feel guilty about something and at the same time deserve punishment for their action, or maybe they have caused harm to a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting a bouquet of white lilies (for a young woman) - this dream is a symbol of deep sadness. There is a possibility that the guy you love dearly will be in pain.
  • To see wilted lily flowers in a dream means that sadness will come to you faster.
  • lilies, and you inhale their aroma - the dream suggests that in the near future sadness will clear your conscience and soul and thereby the road to good deeds will open before you.

Miller's Dream Book

  • I dreamed of white lilies - this dream speaks of severe punishment.
  • Seeing lily flowers in the foliage in a dream is a symbol of early marriage, but at the same time you will quickly separate.
  • Dream Interpretation: lilies, and among them small children - this dream indicates your weakness.
  • The dream of “picking lilies (for a girl)” speaks of deep sadness that is combined with joy.
  • Why do you dream of a fading water lily - strong sadness will soon overtake you.
  • Seeing lilies in a dream and smelling them means sadness that will overcome you in reality and can cleanse your soul.

Ukrainian dream book

  • "Lily bouquet" dream means sincere love.
  • Why do you dream of white lilies and pick them - in real life you can sin.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • I dreamed of white lilies - this dream suggests that hope will not leave you.
  • They give you lilies in a dream, and you smell them - the dream is a harbinger of ruin.
  • Dream Interpretation Interpretation: picking lilies in a dream - the dream suggests that your soul’s strength is beginning to deplete.
  • I dreamed of a lily, but you are holding only a stem without a flower - this dream warns you against deception.
  • To see white lilies in a dream, but another person is holding them - this dream suggests that this person will have power over you.
  • Why do you dream of single or scarlet lilies? This dream is a symbol of platonic love or friendship.
  • Why do you dream of yellow lilies? The dream speaks of evil power.

French dream book

  • The meaning of the dream "lily" - this dream is a sign of chastity, and you will meet it in your life.
  • If you dreamed of withered lilies, this dream is a warning that all your hopes are in vain.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Dream interpretation: lily flowers in a dream - a dream is considered a symbol of spiritual power.
  • Seeing lilies in a dream or holding them in your hands - this dream speaks of platonic love.
  • Meaning of the dream: finding a white lily flower - in real life you will oppose or break the law.

Modern dream book

Interpretation of the dream: lily - the dream is a symbol of delight and bliss.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • The dream of “raising lilies” speaks of reasonable love.
  • I dreamed of white lilies - this dream is a symbol of true love.
  • Why do you dream of colored lilies - in real life you should not trust everything that you see.

Esoteric dream book

  • Lilies in a dream - this dream speaks of good luck. The dream also symbolizes a pleasant pastime.
  • If you dreamed of a lily in the form of a tattoo on your body, then the dream foretells money and profit.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • Why do you dream of white lilies - there will be true love in your life.
  • Picking lilies in a dream means reasonable love will happen in your life.

Jewish dream book

Seeing lilies in a dream - this dream suggests that experiences in love await you.

ABC of dream interpretation

  • Interpretation of the dream: lily - this flower is a symbol of spiritual power.
  • A bouquet of lilies in a dream and you are holding them in your hands - the dream foreshadows moral authority.
  • Dream Interpretation: they give you lilies or you tear them - in real life you will begin to oppose the law.

American dream book

Meaning of the dream: lily - the dream is a symbol of rebirth.

English dream book

  • Interpretation of the dream: lily - this dream is a sign of happiness and that you will be lucky in the future. But for this you need to work hard and show decent behavior.
  • I dreamed of a lily (for a lover) - your beloved is virtuous.
  • Why do you dream of a white lily (for family people) - this dream is a sign of happiness in marriage.
  • To see a lily in a dream that is fading - the dream suggests that your cherished desires will not be able to come true. This dream has the character of failure, and it can also foretell the death of a person close to you or a friend.

Family dream book

  • I dreamed of white lilies - this dream means that severe punishment awaits you.
  • Why do you dream of lilies in lush foliage - this dream foreshadows an early marriage, but a quick separation will occur.
  • Why do you dream of blooming lilies, and children among them - this dream indicates weakness and fragility.
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting lily flowers (for a girl) - the dream foreshadows sadness, but at the same time it will be united with joy.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • Seeing lily flowers in a dream - the dream speaks of power or authority.
  • To pick lilies in a dream - the dream is a symbol of the fact that you will have to deplete your soul strength.
  • “Bouquet of lilies” is a dream and you are carrying it in your hand - this dream suggests that you are ready for any events that happen around you.
  • Dream Interpretation: water lily and you throw it away - the dream is a warning that unbridled passions will appear that will destroy all the best in the soul.
  • Dream Interpretation: white lilies bouquet in the hands of another person - the dream suggests that this person will have power over you.
  • Dreaming of red lilies - a dream means platonic love.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation: lilies in a dream - these flowers are a symbol of death and rebirth. White lilies are usually seen at funerals, which are a symbol of life after a person's death. A dream with lilies suggests that if some part of your soul dies, then you do not need to lose faith. All people will be resurrected.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Why do you dream of a water lily - this dream is a symbol of tender love, which is hidden behind a mask of restraint.
  • Why dream of a bouquet of lilies - this dream can serve as a sign of passion and it will not be easy for you to cope with it.
  • I dreamed of dried lilies - the dream is a harbinger of tragic love.


To summarize all of the above, I would like to say once again that lilies in a dream usually mean bad things, but, like any rule, there is an exception here too. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

Most often, lilies in a dream are interpreted by dream books as a sign of spiritual strength. A plot like this means that you shouldn’t give up in real life, no matter what the circumstances. In addition, lilies are a very favorable sign that portend good luck to the dreamer in all endeavors. However, in order to more accurately answer the question of why white lilies dream, it is necessary to take into account all the details of the dream.

Harbingers of love

Are you thinking about why you dream about a bouquet of white lilies? Most often they are considered the messengers of true love, strong and pure relationships between a woman and a man. And if a similar picture appeared before you in a dream, then a person will probably appear in reality and occupy all your thoughts. A romantic relationship with him will bring both joy and experiences in the future.

Seeing lilies in a dream means true love, which will soon illuminate you. And no matter how many obstacles there are on your couple’s path, you can overcome everything. But if you dreamed of lilies of a different color, according to the interpreter, you should be careful in life. You may be surrounded by evil people whose speech is sweet and truthful at first glance.

Did you dream that you were given white lilies? Perhaps a new love or even a wedding awaits you in the future.

Business life

But why do you dream of putting a bouquet of lilies in a vase? According to the dream book, in the near future you will receive a small amount of money. True, not the one we expected.

Have you seen how flowers quickly wither in a dream? Put your plans aside for now. Most likely, the circumstances for their implementation will be unsuitable for you. But don’t be upset, it’s better to double-check everything again. A little later you will be able to finish what you started.

Have you ever seen white lilies growing in your garden in a dream? Such a dream actually portends well-being and prosperity. However, this will be achieved thanks to your diligence and work. Don't relax, only hard work will achieve the desired result.

According to Miller

Miller believes that picking white lilies in a dream promises joy and sadness in reality. Most likely, her lover will suffer from physical pain.

And if you saw in a dream a bouquet of white lilies that had already faded, then in reality only disappointment awaits you. And only by gathering all your will into a fist, you can overcome them.

Are you wondering why you dream of enjoying the scent of lilies? Miller's dream book believes that their aroma will help the sleeper and sharpen the mind.

Other interpretations of sleep

Did you see lilies in your dream at home? Such a dream is a sign that you should be more tolerant of people, not provoke quarrels, and provide help when it is needed. The Dream Interpretation believes that “exemplary” behavior will sooner or later bear fruit and help achieve success in the future.

If a young girl happened to see white lilies in a dream, then in the near future she will change for the better. The reason for the change could be a new love or full-fledged care for one’s appearance.

This dream advises a man: he should treat his beloved with reverence and sensitivity. He is too cold and the woman feels it acutely.

Did you know that absolutely everything that exists on our planet is subject to a complex system of symbols and signs?

Surely in reality you have noticed more than once that the Universe seems to be giving you some hints, you have seen signs and hints, you have felt how the line between our world and another, unknown one is thinning. All this is not mysticism, and you can especially clearly feel the presence of signs in dreams.

Even such a simple and uncomplicated sign as a lily has an important interpretation and can, through a dream, indicate many important events that await you in reality. Finding out why you dream about a lily is not at all difficult - you just have to remember all the details of what you saw, compare them and read what the dream book says.

He, in turn, offers a number of options:

  • Seeing lilies in a dream.
  • Dreaming alone.
  • Blooming, beautiful flowers.
  • Dried and withered.
  • I dream of white lilies.
  • I dream of red or scarlet lilies.
  • Flowers in lush foliage.
  • Yellow flower.
  • Dreaming of picking flowers.
  • Carry, hold them in your hands.
  • Toss or throw away.
  • To see in someone's hands.

So, choose the option that most suits your dream and find out why you dream of a lily and what awaits you in reality in the very near future!

Flower in a dream

Lilies are an ambiguous symbol, and in different cultures, at different times, they had different interpretations. Dream books have answers to the question of why a lily dreams in one form or another, and will help you find out the secrets of your dreams.

How many and what

1. As the dream book says, dreaming of lilies is a symbol of rebirth. This sign is not easy to understand because it is very broad, deep and complex. This plant has always symbolized death and new life, the dying of the old and the beginning of something completely new, renewal, reincarnation.

This may indicate that you have to experience the end of a large, important life period in order to begin a new era in your life.

  • You may end a relationship that was important to you, but this is necessary to begin the path to new happiness.
  • This could be the end of the job.
  • Changing of the living place.

Or many other large-scale events. It will not be easy for you, but do not resist, because fate will lead you where it should - to your happiness.

2. If you dreamed of only one big lily, this is a symbol of great power and your authority. You inspire confidence in people, you have real opportunities to achieve a lot if you believe in yourself and are not afraid. You have power over people in your hands! Know how to manage it correctly and wisely.

3. A dream in which you saw beautiful, blooming lilies indicates wealth and prosperity. Your life will soon become much sweeter! Your material well-being will improve significantly, but be sure to protect it and manage it correctly so as not to lose what you receive.

4. And the dream book considers dried, withered lilies as a symbol of loss and parting. But don't be sad! The time has come for separation and farewell to your old life; this is necessary for new doors to open before you. Do not be afraid of anything, do not resist fate - new happiness awaits you ahead.


1. White lilies dream of great happiness. You will be able to survive all difficulties and learn from them. Let go of the old, open to change, do not deny the new. You deserve happiness and will get everything you dreamed of, just don’t be afraid of anything.

2. Red, and especially scarlet lilies in a dream are a symbol of great and ardent love. She's already on the doorstep! Open your heart, don't close yourself off, don't be afraid. Let your past experience not interfere with your future, new happiness!

3. Lilies in lush foliage dream of a wedding and great family happiness. You will have harmony and order in your life!

4. Yellow lilies are a symbol of happiness and strong, true friendship. You are surrounded by loyal friends who you can trust.

Your actions

1. The dream in which you picked flowers tells you about the upcoming struggle, which for some reason you yourself are actively striving for. You exhaust your strength in conflicts and confrontation, you yourself provoke conflict situations, and this is unlikely to make your life fun and pleasant.

The dream book hints that this is not at all necessary, and you can change your militant position to a more positive and open one. Believe me, your life will become more colorful and enjoyable.

2. If you dream that you were carrying or holding lilies in your hands, this dream suggests that you are ready for anything. You have matured internally and gained a lot of experience. You should not be afraid of difficulties in life; you yourself will be able to cope with any challenges.

3. Throwing away lilies is a dangerous sign, a warning. Do not give in to harmful passions. Be careful, analyze your actions and behavior, do not be tempted.

4. If you saw flowers in someone’s hands, then in reality someone has great power over you. Does this suit you? Maybe you should think about how to free yourself from excessive pressure and become freer?

May your dream be beneficial, use the interpretation to draw the right conclusions and become happier. Don't be afraid of fate and take it into your own hands! Author: Vasilina Serova