Dream interpretation of walking along the railway. Why do you dream of a railroad: interpretation of images of rails and trains


Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Railway in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about the Railway in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Railway mean?

If you see a railroad, that is, railroad tracks, then this symbol may mean an upcoming, but not very desirable trip. If you are walking along the railroad tracks in a dream, then this dream portends great happiness thanks to your skillful management of affairs. If you see trains on the railway that are going somewhere, then this is a sign of sadness and the danger of missing something important, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to find out why you dream about the Railway.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about the Railway according to the dream book?

A sign that you should turn special attention to your own affairs, otherwise your enemies will try to seize the initiative. The girl dreamed railway- She has a pleasant journey ahead of her. Walking on rails in a dream means you will achieve great happiness. Saw railroad tracks flooded clean water, - your joy will be temporarily overshadowed by something.

Dreamed of a railway - If you dreamed that you were quickly racing on a train along a railway, this is the path to a fast career.

Spring Dream Interpreter

According to the dream book, what does Railway mean in a dream? If in a dream you are traveling by train, electric train or tram and suddenly the railway breaks off, this means that your life will soon end.

Railcar - riding a railcar on a railcar - to a slowly moving business.

Rails - to a change of plans.

Railway sleepers - to a distant road.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Railway - You are on the way to changes in your personal life.

A trolley on a railway - In a dream, a trolley is rapidly rolling along the rails - to a railway accident.

Railroad rails - Your paths may diverge, you urgently need to change tactics.

Railway sleepers - To leg disease.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Railcar - Seeing yourself on a railcar - the unknown awaits you.

Rails - The trip will take place not very far.

Railway sleeper - You will be late for a very important date for you.

Everyday dream book

Seeing the Railway in a dream:

Seeing a railroad in a dream means that rapid changes will soon occur in your life. If you had a dream in which you are traveling along a straight railway in a fast train, then you can say that great luck awaits you.

For example, rapid ascent up the career ladder, or meeting new and interesting people, who can become your patrons and help in any situations in which their help is needed.

If you dreamed of a railway that does not go straight, but meanders, then real life you have to overcome a large number of obstacles before you reach your goal.

If you dreamed that you small child and in a dream you play with the railroad, rolling a locomotive along it, then in reality you are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, but at the same time you cannot change anything.

All your efforts will soon be wasted, no matter how and how much time you spend on solving your problems - the result will be zero. Therefore, it is not recommended to take active actions in the near future - it is better to wait for a more favorable moment to resolve important issues.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream about the Railway, what is it for?

To see in a dream If you dream of a railway, this portends a profitable journey at someone else’s expense.

If in a dream you are traveling on a railway, then very soon you will find out for yourself what exactly is an obstacle in your affairs, and you will decisively begin to eliminate these obstacles.

Big dream book

Why does the dreamer dream about the Railway, interpretation:

If you dream of a railroad, then this is a sign that you should pay special attention to your affairs, otherwise your enemies will try to seize the initiative.

If a girl dreamed of a railway, then she would have a pleasant journey.

If you walked along a railway in a dream, then you will achieve great happiness.

If you dreamed of railroad tracks flooded with clear water, then your joy will be temporarily overshadowed by something.

Why do you dream of a railway and a train? The dream book often interprets them as a symbol of travel, long journey, the need to take decisive action. But such a vision in a dream can also portend difficulties with business, the machinations of enemies, and anxiety.

A journey ahead

Did you dream about a railway and a train? In reality to come long journey, which will bring a lot of positive emotions, as well as benefits.

Why dream of seeing a train station from the outside? There are pleasant adventures, joyful events, and travel ahead. Waiting for the composition there - you need to be patient, waiting for the desired result.

Business success depends on your actions

Did you dream that you were very bothered by waiting for a train at the station? The dream book tells you: stop waiting, it’s time to act.

Meeting someone at a train station in a dream means a new beginning is coming, you should think everything through carefully. Seeing off - you will receive a very interesting offer.

Have you crossed a wide river on a bridge on a train? The dream book reports: business will experience a temporary decline, but it will soon be replaced by a sharp, significant rise. Try to make the most of it.

Seeing a railroad switch in a dream means: the sleeper is faced with a difficult choice. To translate it is to make an important decision.

Miller's Dream Book: guests will arrive

A dream about a railway and a train can foretell the arrival of long-awaited guests from afar and pleasant communication with them.

You will achieve your goal

Why dream of crossing the rails in front of a rapidly approaching train? An anxious period is approaching, full of labor-intensive work that will turn out to be of little profit.

Walking on rails in a dream - the dreamer will achieve happiness thanks to the masterly management of his affairs, although he may have to work for a long time.

In general, the rails, regardless of whether they run straight or bend, indicate: in reality you have chosen the right path.

Difficulties in business

The dream book, explaining why you dream of a railway and a train, warns of problems in the business field. Enemies, influencing the business that the sleeper is engaged in, try to move the person from a leading position. Now we need to prevent the initiative from passing to them, and concentrate on solving work issues.

Seeing a railway depot in a dream means receiving help from people you did not count on. Being inside it means trouble and anxiety.

The dream book calls a railway crossing a symbol of the desire to new goal, however, it will be overshadowed by obstacles and difficulties.

Other meanings

Various nuances are important for the correct interpretation of a dream:

  • to see winding, tortuous paths - to experience a very difficult time;
  • I dreamed of traces of the paths, but they themselves are not there - there are changes ahead on the personal front;
  • snowy railway track - the sleeper will repent of his actions and will get a chance to change himself, his life, taking into account past mistakes;
  • if it's flooded muddy water- an unpleasant event will happen that can cause depression, but if the water is clean, failures will follow for some time, but the person will overcome them;
  • paths leading to the sky, as the dream book indicates, portend profit, as well as moral satisfaction;
  • rushing to heaven on a train in a dream is a serious boost in business, which will require painstaking work, a lot of effort, and the ability to take risks, but all this will pay off handsomely and bring the dreamer an increase in his status.

At all times, people paid close attention to dreams: they were given great value, they were seen deep meaning and omen, they were perceived as games of the subconscious. But there were no people who were indifferent or indifferent to their dreams.

Especially if the dream is quite mysterious and, one might say, metaphorical. For example, it is very interesting to find out what trains and railroads mean in dreams. After all, if you succumb to logical thinking, then you can interpret a dream about a railroad and trains rushing along it as a harbinger of future changes in life. Is this really so?

If a person dreams of trains moving along the railway, this may mean that:

  1. changes in life are coming soon;
  2. you have to go on an unplanned (and sometimes, on the contrary, very long-awaited!) trip;
  3. waiting for changes in career growth;
  4. you need to change something in your life;
  5. Difficult choices have to be made.

If a person dreams that he is walking along railroad tracks, this may indicate the dependence of his success on the ability to correctly and skillfully manage affairs.

Any obstacles on the railway track, which the sleeping person dreamed of, will indicate possible life's difficulties. If, despite the size or shape of obstacles (these could be rocks, cliffs, water, sticks, broken sleepers, faulty rails, etc.), a person clearly sees the railway tracks - this is good sign that he will be able to cope with all the difficulties and return everything to its true direction.

If a person stands at a railway crossing in a dream waiting for the tracks to open and sees trains rushing quickly past in front of him - such a dream tells that a person will have to be patient and wait to make up his mind important question, disturbing him.

Interpretation of dreams in different dream books

It would seem that such a prosaic dream as a railway and trains can be interpreted without any dream books. Each person can intuitively understand why and why he had a particular dream. But, nevertheless, various dream books They offer their own interpretations of dreams, sometimes quite different from each other. Let's see what popular dream books interpret about trains and railways.

Miller's Dream Book

Referring to this dream book, we can confidently say that the railway represents a symbol of long life, great trip. In this case, it is advisable to pay attention to the important details of such a dream:

  • if you dreamed that you were traveling in a train carriage, - in fact, you also have to go on a big or small trip;
  • motion sickness on the train, unpleasant sensations - difficulties will be encountered along the way;
  • the train is moving too slowly– excessive excitement about an important, promising matter, a desire to speed up the resolution of any situation;
  • freight train with many cars– to favorable changes, to profit;
  • train standing long time at the station, - stagnation in life, a stop in business or career growth.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud interpreted almost all dreams based on the two main human drives - libido and martido. These drives can also be recognized in dreams about railroads and trains:

  • see a train passing by, following him with your gaze, seeing someone off on the platform - to a quick change of sexual partner, to separation;
  • travel on a train for a long time– family life has become boring, boring, the former interest in the partner has been lost;
  • see yourself happy on the train, look out the window beautiful scenery– family life will be happy, interesting, full of bright emotions and events;
  • move from carriage to carriage in a dream in search of your place - to fleeting hobbies, to a long choice of a partner.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, dreaming of trains and railway tracks speaks of the situation in business sphere human life. It is important to correctly interpret some details:

  • dream about a locomotive rushing confidently forward- quick success career growth, things will go uphill;
  • slow moving, frequently stopping train– things are going hard, there are a lot of work problems that need to be solved;
  • meet the arriving train– to business cooperation, a profitable offer;
  • travel by train- there is an important matter ahead;
  • see a freight train– accumulated fatigue, need for rest.

Dream book of symbols

IN this dream book great attention pays attention to details:

  • many trailer cars– to a long and happy life;
  • a large number of trains at the station– many events await;
  • smoothly moving train– having a clear goal, the desire to improve, to move forward;
  • railway with sharp turns – difficult time in life, changes.

The world of dreams is amazing and multifaceted; often at night, while in the kingdom of Morpheus, a person is transported to an amazing place inhabited mythical creatures, where even plants can talk. Some remain completely real world. If such a boring, at first glance, dream is deposited in memory, it means that it represents a hint of fate. You should look into dream books and find out what the railroad is about in dreams.

Dream interpreters are unanimous - if you happen to see a railway, then you should prepare for changes in life. This could be taking a new job, where there will be more chances to prove yourself, traveling in good company, new round in a relationship with a loved one. But a negative meaning is also possible: separation, financial difficulties, even problems with the law. More exact value will help determine the subtleties and details of sleep.

However, the dream books explain: even if a black streak is coming now, you should not despair; sooner or later it will give way to a white one, it will help the sleeper become stronger, learn to make decisions, determine who is a friend and who is just pretending to be one.

Miller's Dream Book

This interpreter is considered one of the most reliable for dream interpretation, since it was compiled based on careful analysis large quantity dreams different people. According to Miller, seeing a train or railway tracks is a symbol of change. At the same time, a trip in one of the carriages is most often interpreted in the literal sense - you have to go on a journey. If the dreamer enjoyed relaxing on the top bunk in a compartment, he should be especially careful - there is a very high risk that the most important business will turn out to be a failure.

Being inside a stationary train that is not going to go anywhere means that in the near future the life of the sleeper will peacefully follow the beaten path, no changes are expected now.

This news will reassure some, while others will think that a boring time is coming. In any case, it's time to take a little break and relax.

Freight train is a good sign, in reality good luck and success are expected, communication with loved ones will bring only pleasant moments, and new acquaintances will help you make excellent friends and reliable business partners. For employees in the service sector, after such a dream, one should expect the appearance of a profitable client who will ensure the fulfillment of the sales plan and a good bonus.

An injury received in a carriage indicates that the sleeper is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his loved one or family. Seeing railway tracks blocked by some obstacle means in reality experiencing the bitterness of betrayal of loved ones or friends.

Vanga's Dream Book

To find out what railroads and rails mean in dreams, you need to turn to authoritative sources. For example, the dream book of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga explains this image as follows:

  • To see the road going into the distance, just to watch it - longing, sadness, and loneliness await the dreamer ahead.
  • If the train is still moving, then you should prepare for the bitterness of disappointment. The longer the composition, the more pain and resentment a person will have to endure in the near future.
  • Get on the locomotive - get good news, perhaps - really go on a trip.

There is another option for interpreting the dream - if the sleeper sees a road that goes far beyond the limits of his vision, then such a dream suggests that a long life awaits him.

But this image does not negate all previous meanings: life may be long, but not easy.

Interpretation from various dream books

To figure out what you should prepare for after such a dream, you need to look at the dream book. Railroad, rails, train are most often seen as a sign of changes in life, but authoritative sources note their subtleties and nuances of interpretation:

Most interpreters agree on one thing - if the railway turns out to be a toy, then all the obstacles that stand in the way of the dreamer will be easily overcome for him, he will boldly and decisively move towards his goal, so victory is guaranteed.

Attention to detail

To understand in more detail what you should prepare for after seeing a railway in a dream, you should analyze the plot outline, remember what exactly happened, who else was present besides the dreamer. At the same time there are many options possible, which are explained differently by dream books:

Analysis of these details will help you understand what you should prepare for, so you need to approach it with all responsibility.

Knowledge makes it possible to avoid the most unpleasant situations , reduce the harm they cause, and mentally prepare for an unfavorable outcome. Even if the dream has a negative interpretation, you still need to be grateful for the hint that will allow you to survive the next blow of fate.

Attention, TODAY only!

A station, a trip, a railway track in a dream often indicate the approach of expected changes in personal life, predestination, and sometimes come true in the literal meaning: a long journey awaits, a business trip, a pleasant journey. Common interpretations - long haul life, moving along a well-trodden track. Intuitively, a person can most correctly interpret what a railroad and a train mean in a dream, despite the mystery or prosaic nature of the dream.

General meaning of a dream about a train and rails

It is as follows:

  • availability life goal, moving forward, improvement;
  • to quick changes in life;
  • to changes in career and workplace;
  • the situation requires decisiveness in reality;
  • there will be a difficult choice;
  • perhaps long-distance planned or unexpected travel.


The inevitability of events, stability, and sometimes predestination or unhurried movement towards change - this is what dreams of railroads, rails, trains mean.

Regardless of the shape of the dreamed paths, whether they were curved or looked straight, the dream can be a confirmation of the correctly chosen path.

Sometimes a railway track in a dream is a symbol of futility, the inability to change the situation, interference unwanted people into your affairs, as well as evidence that an important matter requires attention and adjustment.

The railroad can also mean the sequence and orderliness of events, depending on the nuances and details of the dream.

Sometimes seeing a railroad means interference of enemies in your affairs, interception of the initiative.

Walking on rails in a dream means you will have to solve current problems in an unconventional way, or you will be forced to take control of the situation. Considering the opinions of dream interpreters about what the railroad and train mean in dreams, we can assume that the plan will come true thanks to the talent and extraordinary abilities of the sleeper, and the dream also invites you to leave worries and trust in fate.

Rails covered with rust - poverty, sluggish development of events, predictability. Strongly winding rails can signify difficulties, as can paths covered with vegetation, or a dead end. A broken railway track can foretell death.

Walking along the railroad tracks means a restless time of problems, anxieties, and mental exhaustion is coming. Seeing intertwined rails is a sign of the unification of people or destinies. Walking along the rails towards a moving train is a risky undertaking, a danger. Walking along the sleepers means advancement in a new direction, success and big profits.

Crossing the railway in front of a fast-moving train means troubled times and unproductive work.


Let's look at what dreams of railroads and rails mean in various dream circumstances.

  • Seeing a train means worrying about loved ones.
  • Waiting out a rushing train is a forced pause; in reality, it will require a lot of patience; and sometimes the vision reflects missed chances.
  • Seeing many carriages is a sign of longevity.
  • Waiting for a train - in reality it corresponds to the application of effort.
  • The burdensome expectation symbolizes the need for decisiveness in reality.
  • Hurry to the train - get the news.
  • The train has started - progress in business.

Why do you dream of a railway and a train standing idle at a station?

  • A vivid plot of a dream about a parking lot may foreshadow a stop in a career, stagnation in life, the hopelessness of a project or a business that has no continuation.
  • Stopping the train is a delay, an annoying delay.
  • The slow movement of the train denotes the dreamer's anxiety regarding the solution of an important issue.
  • Fast train - receiving a message.

Travel by train:

  • Wait for a worthwhile offer in the business field.
  • Being inside a train compartment is a trip dedicated to solving personal issues.
  • Climbing onto the top shelf means unjustified expenses and unpleasant travel companions.
  • Motion sickness on a train means obstacles and unwanted incidents.

Seeing a destination in a dream is a favorable sign, meaning a successful outcome of events. Traveling by train across a wide river on a bridge means the end of difficulties; things will go uphill sharply. Being on a train passing through a dark tunnel means sad events, difficulties in business, and an unjustified adventure.

As the dream book says, a railway associated with a disaster in night vision calls for abandoning the plan, otherwise it could turn into a big disaster. Train derailment, sudden braking - a harbinger irreparable mistakes, incorrect decisions taken in reality. Being on a train castaway- in real life you will have to go against yourself and your principles.

Seeing an electric train means a new acquaintance and fateful changes. A freight train means fatigue, the need to retire, and sometimes a solid profit. The "freight train" is a symbol of physical labor, and the passenger train is a symbol of mental labor.

Many trains at the station - a series of important events.

Railway station

The station usually foreshadows new events that are coming or have already occurred, but the sleeper is not yet aware of them. Fateful meeting, desire for change, road, separation - these are the interpretations of a railway station, especially if there are no trains there.

If you dream of an old man at a train station, the vision may foretell him serious illness or death. Meeting at the station may mean the appearance important person in reality.

As the dream book suggests, a railroad, rails, or train that does not come to the fore in a dream can signify false hopes, unfulfilled plans.

Waiting for a train can also symbolize a thirst for change in life, a desire to break off an unwanted relationship, hide from an obsessive admirer, or meet new friends. A long wait is a prototype of long loneliness in reality.

Hearing an announcement of arrival means changes will burst into life. If you happen to see a train approaching the station from afar, this is a good sign.

Unusual details

If the railway tracks were flooded, expect unwanted obstacles that will darken your life for some time. If the water looked clean, the tests will be successfully completed, and marriage with a loved one is possible. If it is cloudy, hopes will not come true.

Obstacles on the rails symbolize hypocrisy and unfair play towards the dreamer. Difficulties along the way can be interpreted as a difficult matter. If at the same time the dreamer clearly distinguishes the direction of the paths, it means that, despite any obstacles, everything will work out in the end.

Seeing a railway switch is a sign of an upcoming choice. Move the arrow with your own hand - to the final choice.

Rail marks, lack of rails - problems in your personal life.

Why do you dream of a railway and a train in the middle of winter or in unfavorable weather conditions? A snow-covered railway track, the progress of the train, held back by the raging elements, indicate impending repentance for wrong decisions and actions.

Paths ascending to the sky - to profit, to moral satisfaction. Ride high on the train high speed- unprecedented success and growth in business.

Moving sleepers, seeing how others do it - soon you will have to take on serious responsibilities that take a lot of physical and mental strength. If the sleepers were noticeably dilapidated, old problems will not fail to make themselves known, unfinished business from the past will require attention, perhaps familiar people will take you to places where you have not been for a long time.

Taking pictures on the rails is a sign of a new romance. Seeing the rails clearly in the photo is a sign of routine and long, calm family life.

Erotic meanings

A railway in a girl’s dream means that an exciting journey awaits her, perhaps a happy time with friends.

In an erotic interpretation, seeing a train or railroad in a dream can mean the dreamer has doubts about his sexual capabilities. But the dream has positive interpretation: soon any questions will dissolve into memories and everything will return to normal.

Seeing a person on the platform, following a moving train with your gaze - means a change of sexual partner. A train rushing past can also symbolize sadness or boredom.

Consider bright pictures nature outside the train window - to family life, full of emotions and fun.

Wandering around the carriages in search of a seat means inconstancy, frivolous meetings and a lengthy choice of a partner.

Indirect symbols

Walking through an underground passage means unsuccessful attempts to unravel someone’s plans. Getting lost in the transition means delaying the fulfillment of desire. Railway crossing - unexpected obstacles.

Being a railway worker means trouble in the workplace and dissatisfaction with your superiors. A railway worker with a crowbar - the ill will of competitors, the machinations of enemies.

Seeing a driver means unhurried and confident progress towards success. See the railway depot - to unexpected help. Being inside the depot means facing trouble.

Meeting someone at the station is a warning about the importance of upcoming events and the need for reflection. Accompanying a person to the station means an interesting offer awaits.

Unusual circumstances

The appearance of a train in a dream can be interpreted based on the current situation. Considering the state of affairs or health, it is not difficult to understand why the railroad is dreamed of: in a dream for a pregnant woman, the symbol can mean the imminent approach of childbirth, but in normal circumstances, what is there will not remain the same.

It is also worth remembering the symbols that were present in the dream and diluting its main meaning. Details can inform about the features of the journey, if this is a dream about a train, complement the picture of meanings.

Sleep time and interpretation

It is believed that night hours are not conducive to receiving information from the subconscious, and the most suitable time for this is the morning, when the mind is rested and freed from disturbing thoughts. There is also an opinion that an unmemorable dream will not come true.

Considering the day of the week, dreams that occur on Friday and Sunday nights are more likely to come true, sometimes on Tuesday. You can also take into account the most likely dates of the month, moon phases, church holidays and your own date of birth when interpreting dreams. Experts define the third day of any month as the date of dreams coming true, as well as most of the numbers of the first ten days of the month.

You can understand whether a dream marks the past or the future by looking at the accompanying symbols: if their meaning has not yet been manifested in the life of the sleeper, perhaps the vision refers to upcoming events.