Dream Interpretation - Small house or house where the individual was born


Dream Interpretation Baby Elephant

The babies of any animal seem cute and attractive. If they visit you in your night dreams, then any popular dream book will advise you to pay attention to the children in the family, and for those who do not have them, promise a quick addition to the family. However, when explaining why a baby elephant is dreaming, it is important to pay attention not only to the family, but also to other areas of the dreamer’s life.

If a woman dreams of a little elephant, then very soon she will receive a very lucrative offer. Whether it will concern the personal sphere or material wealth is unknown. The baby elephant figurine symbolizes the news. If the baby has his trunk up, the news will be good, but if his trunk is down, it will be bad.

A large elephant usually signifies high office and power. But the little one is the beginning career path, a job that will bring both income and moral satisfaction.

In order to interpret this dream more fully, you should remember:

  • whether the dream was simply contemplative (you watched a baby elephant, or noticed that you or someone else had a figurine in the form of an elephant);
  • whether there was any communication with the animal (did you have to feed it, stroke it, or even clean the cages);
  • where the encounter with the animal took place (in the natural environment, forest, zoo or home)
  • it is very important to analyze the memories of the dream (they make you feel tender or, on the contrary, disgust)

What does the dream mean?

If you saw a baby elephant in a dream

Interpret this night dream much more difficult than it seems at first glance. A little elephant can symbolize both real children and their possible appearance in the future. The other side of dreams is financial success. The white baby from the dream is the beginning of the journey along career ladder, but it will be possible solely thanks to hard work.

A figurine of a mother and baby symbolizes the birth of something new. Perhaps you are currently at a crossroads and are not confident in your abilities, starting new project. You should not give up on it, fate favors you - any endeavors will be successful.

How exactly did you dream about the animal?

For the interpretation to be deep and detailed, you should remember exactly how and where you dreamed about this animal. A baby in a zoo can mean a fun time, but in natural conditions it means that your children need to pay more attention - after all, they will have to go through an age crisis.

Contemplative dream

If you dream of little elephants that you simply watch, it means that you will be guaranteed success in any endeavor. Dreams in which a mother is caring for a baby are especially favorable - they are news of a happy family life.

  • Watching a baby perform in the circus is a good time, walks on fresh air with old friends, says Miller’s dream book.
  • I dream of baby elephants walking around their mother, frolicking, playing with each other - a very good dream. It means that there are kind and loving people around you, ready to help at any moment.
  • The baby is sucking its mother - you will be presented with a choice that will affect your entire fate, according to the esoteric dream book.
  • Caring for a baby elephant, large individuals washing it from their trunks - wealth and prosperity.
  • White, among gray brothers - you will find yourself in unusual circumstances, however, thanks to your intelligence, you will be able to benefit from them.

Communication with a baby elephant

Interacting with an animal in any dream means being ready to work on your own shortcomings or help other people in difficult situations. If you are very worried about the animal, worried about its comfort, be prepared to receive guests, but they will bring a lot of trouble, says the family dream book.

Where did the meeting take place?

It is very important to remember exactly where in your night dreams you met the baby elephant. Seeing it in its natural habitat is a good sign. The dream says that peace of mind and balance will accompany you and your entire family. But an animal lost among the city streets warns of the instability of your situation today.

  • Met a white elephant calf clean river- profit. If he himself watered himself with crystal clear or blue water - an unexpected inheritance.
  • In a zoo, in a cage - you should understand yourself, he believes psychological dream book. You have it in you hidden forces and unexplored reserves, but you restrain them through willpower.
  • Wandering through the desert, separated from his parents - difficulties that he will have to overcome exclusively on his own.
  • IN own homelong period small troubles that will take away all your time and energy, according to the 21st century dream book.

Dream memories

In order for the interpretation not to be generalized, you should emotionally evaluate your own memories of what you saw at night. If they were mostly positive, then the dream can be considered favorable, even if the main interpretation is not very good.

  • To be touched by the beauty of a small animal is to receive praise for a job well done.
  • Worrying too much, worrying about the comfort of the baby elephant - routine worries about children or elderly parents.
  • To be frightened by a massive animal in your own home means you will have to completely rearrange your schedule, but this will not help you get more work done.
  • Riding a horse and getting sincere pleasure from it means you will get a leadership position.

Seeing an elephant in a dream means that you think too much of yourself, having heard a lot of standard compliments and taken them seriously and to heart. Riding an elephant - such a dream foretells that you will be embarrassed by blurting out nonsense in the wrong place, at the wrong time and in the wrong society where they would not pay attention to it.

A limping elephant portends deterioration of affairs, a loud trumpet - to long journey, dirty and tattered - hard work with a meager salary, a sitting elephant - to be received profitable place standing on your hind legs - you will get into debt.

Seeing an elephant eating in a zoo means that with your success you will cause envy and gossip around your name.

Seeing an elephant pouring water on itself means you will receive a letter not addressed to you. If you see elephants performing in a circus, this is a sign of a pleasant pastime.

An elephant with its tusks cut off is a sign of the loss of a valuable item. Elegant ivory crafts mean favorable changes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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There are only two main types of elephants, these include African and Asian elephants. Just like people, elephants can undergo changes when various factors influence them. Most major representative The proboscis order is the savannah African elephant.

Well, the smallest elephant in the world is considered to be the elephant of Borneo. This subspecies was discovered at the very beginning of the twenty-first century, on the island of Borneo, which is part of the Indonesian Islands. The smallest elephant in the world was considered the African Forest Elephant.

The length of the carcass of such an elephant is on average two meters, extremely rarely reaching three meters. The height of the animal is also not distinguished by brilliant parameters - only one and a half meters. The weight of the animal can be quite varied, and ranges from three to five tons, depending on the build of the animal itself.

The small elephant is equipped with long and thin tusks, which greatly facilitate its movement through thickets of bamboo and other vegetation in the area. These elephants sweat little, so they primarily use their ears to normalize their body temperature. Their size is quite enough not to overheat.

The small elephant has rather wrinkled skin, which provides a seventy percent loss of body temperature. In addition, small representatives of elephants sunbathe well at a young age. They prefer to live in completely different places, which change depending on the type of weather and time of year.

During the rainy season, miniature elephants prefer forest areas. With the advent of drought, they move closer to swampy areas. They prefer tropical fruits for food, but they also do not disdain leaves, bark and branches from local trees.

They prefer to live in herds, in groups of up to eight elephants. There can be from one to five females in such groups. The leader of the group is often the largest male. Elephants use low-frequency sounds to communicate, which allows them to recognize voices at a distance of up to three kilometers. This helps to warn your herd in time about the presence of nearby predators or drinking water springs.

Having large limbs with special pads, the smallest elephant is able to sense the most minimal vibrations of the earth, even at a distance of several kilometers. The forest elephant differs from its savannah brothers not only in size, but also in its attachment to females. He can constantly change his partner without becoming at all attached to any of them.

But, like savannah elephants, forest elephants behave very aggressively during the mating season. Males fight for the female, who lures them with a specific smell. Males make low-frequency sounds and spray urine onto their hind legs. Oddly enough, this type of behavior in this breed of elephant attracts females and scares away representatives of the male species.

The average lifespan of these animals is quite long and averages 65 years. The Little Elephant population is being reduced by poachers and farmers. The former hunt animals for the purpose of obtaining tusks. The second - when protecting their crops and farms from the attacks of these elephants.

But even despite this, the animal’s population is not at a critical point, since the reproductive capacity of this species is quite high. In addition, poachers are hesitant to attack large groups of Forest Elephants, and individuals of this species are rare. These are most often either sick or old individuals.

Did you know that the pygmy elephant exists? Photos of pygmy elephants simply flooded the Internet. Fans of these are already fantasizing that such a baby can definitely be kept as a pet in an apartment. Let's figure out whether a dwarf elephant can live at home, what it eats, and how it behaves in the wild.


The smallest elephants on our planet live in Borneo. It is the third largest island in the world and the largest in Asia. On its territory the borders of three countries meet - Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Almost the entire territory of Borneo is covered with dense equatorial forests; there are areas where no human has set foot. It is possible that there are still species of animals and plants on the island that modern biologists know nothing about.

Borneo's pygmy elephants live only on a small part of the island belonging to Malaysia, in the state of Sabah. Sometimes you can meet these amazing animals in Indonesia. The habitat of pygmy elephants is associated with their eating habits.

Borneo pygmy elephants feed on various greens: herbs, succulent palm leaves, wild bananas, bark, nuts, various fruits, seeds. Also, these animals need minerals that provide them harmonious development. Elephants get essential minerals from salt licks and other limestone deposits found on river banks.

What size are they

The smallest elephants in the world are a subspecies of Asian elephants. The dwarf elephant, a photo of which you can see in this article, lives in the northeastern part of the island. What are the features of the appearance of these animals?

Many people are interested in how tall a dwarf elephant is. Its dimensions are not as miniature as the name of the subspecies suggests. The height of an adult pygmy elephant is 2-2.5 meters. Weight can reach 2-3 tons.

For comparison, here are the sizes of the closest relatives, which reach 3.5 meters in height and can weigh up to 4.5 tons.

The largest African elephant in history weighed more than 12 tons, and its height reached almost four meters. As can be seen from the comparison, the Borneo elephant is indeed considered dwarf compared to its counterparts, but is still a large animal.

Appearance Features

In addition to their modest size, pygmy elephants are distinguished by some characteristic features appearance. Their ears are larger than those of Asian elephants and their spines are more curved. The tusks are short and straight. But the tails are long, almost touching the ground. There is one more difference that makes the dwarf elephant so popular. The photos perfectly demonstrate the cute cartoon expression on the face. Thanks to this feature, it is simply impossible to confuse the dwarf elephant with an animal of another subspecies.

However, even despite the cute appearance, Borneo's elephants are large wild animals. There are known cases of their attacks on people, including fatal ones.

Genetic theory of origin

How this rare elephant appeared and how it got there Scientists cannot give an exact answer to this question. There are two theories to explain where the Borneo pygmy elephant came from.

The first hypothesis is based on laboratory studies of the DNA of these animals. Genome analysis tells us that elephants live in isolation and have not met their relatives for more than 300 thousand years, which means they are an independent subspecies.

The distant ancestors of dwarf elephants came to Borneo during the period of global cooling, approximately 18 thousand years ago. Presumably, they passed along a land isthmus, which was later destroyed. Thus, all elephants descended from one group, and changes in appearance and slight differences from other Asian relatives are a consequence of long-term isolation.

This hypothesis is very plausible, but it cannot explain one interesting fact: There is no archaeological evidence of elephant habitation for such a long period in Borneo. The oldest remains date back to the 18th century.

Historical theory of origin

Where, and most importantly, when the dwarf appeared on Borneo explains the second hypothesis, according to which the ancestors of the island elephants were presented to the local Sultan of Sulu by the ruler of Java. Thus, the inhabitants of Borneo are descendants of Javan elephants, which are considered extinct. It remains a mystery how a few animals were able to give rise to a vast population over three hundred years.

Existential threat

Today, the dwarf elephant is under threat of extinction. A lot of effort is being put into saving these rare animals. For a long time, small groups of elephants hid in dense forests, having virtually no contact with humans.

However, as a result of constant deforestation and agricultural expansion, wild elephants are increasingly encountering people, resulting in casualties on both sides. Poachers who hunted for tusks also played a role in the disappearance of the rare species. Also, young animals are constantly exposed to attacks from predators. Today the population numbers about 1,500 individuals, which means that the life of each animal is of great importance.


Borneo's pygmy elephants are social animals. They live in groups with complex intra-family ties. The family herd consists of the oldest and most experienced female, her sisters, daughters, that is, relatives of the head of the herd. In rare cases, they may be joined by other females who are not blood relatives. Such a group can number from 3 to 25 individuals.

A group of females sometimes unites with a group of males and lives as a single clan. All female elephants help each other in raising their young. More experienced mothers show young ones how to properly care for their offspring. The survival rate of baby elephants increases significantly when they are looked after by several females.

Relationships in the group

Elephants are known to form strong social and emotional bonds with members of their herd. Family values for them have very great value. They can carry friendship and good relationship Throughout their lives, they mourn the loss of loved ones and children. Elephants may return to the site of a herd member's death to mourn.

The herd going to water looks touching. Little elephant calves grab their mother's tail with their trunks to keep up, and other female elephants surround the babies to protect them from possible danger.

Despite the warm relationships and strong bonds between members, the group can become divided. The reason for this is usually a lack of food, water or conflict within the herd associated with the death of the leader. Herds living in the same territory do not conflict, greet each other and can interact. If conditions are favorable, there is plenty of water and food, then groups can unite.


Sexually mature males separate from the mother’s group and lead a solitary nomadic image life. As they grow older (puberty occurs at 12-15 years), males become more and more independent, begin to separate from the herd and wander alone. Over time, the male is completely separated from his herd. He can continue to live alone or join a group of other males.

The male clan also has a strict hierarchy. The group is led by the oldest and most experienced males. Members of the herd stick together, but as soon as one of them has a female who has accepted courtship, he leaves his men's group during the mating season.

In captivity

Owning your own pygmy pet elephant is the dream of many animal lovers. However, if you carefully read the article, you managed to understand that even the smallest elephants in the world are huge animals weighing several tons.

What conditions would you have to create if you had a pygmy elephant? The pet is massive, which is why it eats a lot. Every day, the happy owner of such a pet needs to get at least 150 kilograms of a variety of green food.

In their natural environment, elephants are in constant motion. Accordingly, they need a simply huge enclosure. The animal also needs somewhere to swim, take mud baths, rub against trees, lie on the sand, and walk on the grass. During the cold season it should be kept indoors.

Pygmy elephants are amazing and very rare animals that can only be found on a small area of ​​the island of Borneo. Their origin is not known for certain, but they are a separate subspecies and are carefully studied by scientists.

Dreams about animals are filled deep meaning. With their help you can learn a lot important information, which will allow you to avoid troubles and correct your actions. In the interpretation of dreams, it is important, in addition to the main object, in this case the baby elephant, to take into account other details, for example, what he did, what he looked like, etc.

Why do you dream about a baby elephant?

Seeing a little gray elephant calf in a dream is a harbinger of changes that will happen in the near future. In addition, important decisions will soon have to be made. A small animal with a trunk can mean the time has come when it will be possible to receive rewards and recognition for the work done. Such a dream predicts advancement up the career ladder. A wounded or dead baby elephant in a dream is a warning of significant losses. Existing hopes and plans may be destroyed, and you can also expect problems at work. Such a dream can be taken as advice that you should be more attentive to the health of loved ones.

If you dreamed of a little elephant that you managed to hold in your hands, this is a good sign indicating the emergence of self-confidence. Such a plot indicates the wisdom and experience of the dreamer. Another small elephant calf in your arms may be a harbinger good news. A night vision in which not only a baby elephant appeared, but also other people, means that you will soon be able to attend some large-scale celebration. If, in addition to the baby elephant, there were other animals in the dream, it means that a meeting with an old friend will soon occur. I dreamed of a baby elephant pouring water on itself trunk is a harbinger of news that will allow you to start all over again.

For men, a baby elephant in a dream means a meeting with a woman who will create comfortable living conditions. If an animal with a trunk was in the water, then it’s time to analyze your life and admit mistakes. A night vision that shows several elephants pouring water on each other is a good sign, promising happiness and success.

Why does a woman dream about a baby elephant?

For representatives of the fair sex, such a dream is good sign which portends changes in your personal life. A baby elephant in a dream indicates the appearance of a person in life with whom you can build strong family. One dream book interprets a baby elephant in a dream differently for women - such an animal will tell you that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention.


If you dreamed of an elephant, you have a difficult, responsible job ahead or a meeting with a powerful, wealthy person. It is very important to analyze the details of what you saw.

If in a dream you can force a giant to go in the direction you want, that is, you control his speed and direction of movement, then in real life you will be able to cope with any, even the most difficult, task. Walking on an elephant is a sign of impending victory and inevitable good luck.

Who dreamed of an elephant? What color was the elephant in the dream? What did you do with the elephant in your dream? What kind of elephant did you dream about?

Who dreamed of an elephant?

A woman dreams of an elephant

The girl dreamed of an elephant

If a girl dreams of an elephant, it means happiness awaits her in her personal life. Perhaps she will soon meet a rich, status and profitable betrothed, the union with whom will be happy and long-lasting.

What color was the elephant in the dream?

Pink elephant

Seeing a white elephant in a dream

A white elephant in a dream foreshadows a quick promotion up the career ladder in real life. Also, such a plot often promises enrichment. This could be a material, financial benefit, or maybe intellectual development and gaining new experience.

What did you do with the elephant in your dream?

Ride an elephant

A dream in which you were running away from an elephant

Why do you dream of running away from an elephant? A dream symbolizes the state of affairs in real life. A large animal represents the pressure that managers or the mighty of the world this.

Such a plot predicts difficulties in life associated with the need to find a path to self-control and think through the course of action in tense, stressful conditions.

What kind of elephant did you dream about?

Big elephant Herd of elephants Baby elephant and elephant

If you dreamed of elephants in the water

Elephants in the water - such a dream has several meanings, in most cases talking about your well-being and the state of affairs in the professional sphere.

If the animals swam in a muddy, shallow body of water, then you should avoid excessive stress at work, as this can lead to health problems if you have not yet felt unwell.

If the giants of the savannah splash water, then everything you work on will yield no results. It would be a good idea to think about changing your type of activity.

Dream about a living elephant

If you dream of a living elephant, it means that your health will not be in danger - both today and in the following days. In any case, you should listen to your body’s signals so as not to miss an exacerbation of the disease.


Elephant according to the dream book

If you dreamed of an elephant, it means that in reality an important matter awaits you or a meeting with an influential and rich person. But the details of the dream also have a huge impact on the explanation of why this large animal is dreamed of. For example, if you direct his movement, then you can take control of the situation. The dream book explains riding on horseback as a harbinger of imminent success.

Universal dream book

An elephant seen in a dream is a sign that you will receive a generous reward from a rich person. If you dreamed of pompous decorations on an animal, this means that you will be given honor and recognition. For girls Universal dream book predicts receiving a proposal from an influential man.

Buying an elephant means in reality becoming the owner of a large property as a result good deal.

This interpreter also gives an explanation of why a dead elephant dreams. If you have a dream like this, be careful! You are in danger from a risky business.

Seeing a whole herd in a dream is a sign of a threat to life. You should beware of risky activities and situations in which you can let down influential people.

Seeing a mammal in the room means that you will experience negative experiences and discomfort.

Riding a horse is a sign of happiness in life and accompanying luck. If you dream that you are feeding or watering an elephant, it means that you will receive a profitable position.

The universal dream book is convinced that an elephant's trunk is a symbol of success and achievement. Ivory dreams of joy and success.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller also gives a description of why an elephant dreams. If you ride on an animal in a dream, it means that profits and honors await you that you truly deserve. Miller's Dream Book is confident that you will be able to keep all areas of your activity under control. You can rightfully gain authority in the house.

Seeing a herd in a dream is a sign of long-awaited and true prosperity. A lonely individual predicts elevation in the circle of familiar people thanks to your kindness and justice.

Opinion of Loff and Nostradamus

Loff's dream book reports that the elephant in Zulu culture symbolizes wisdom, patriarchy and holiness of relationships. Please note that in different cultures world, the dominant symbols have a local meaning, but at the same time truthfully reflect the representation and vision of all humanity, regardless of geographical location.

In the majority Western cultures the elephant is endowed with strength and long-term memory. In this regard, a dream about a mammal may indicate the process of memorization and symbolize memories. In particular, it may be a reminder of something important, but unfairly forgotten by you.

The dream book of Nostradamus claims that the elephant represents wisdom, and in some cases, suspiciousness and cruelty. If you dreamed of a white elephant, then in reality you will acquire something completely unnecessary in everyday life.

Esoteric and Muslim interpreters

An explanation of why such a plot is dreamed of is also available in the Esoteric Interpreter. An attack by an elephant in a dream warns that some misfortune may await you in life. If you dreamed that you were sitting on his back, expect prosperity and promotion in the near future (promotion up the career ladder).

The Muslim dream book is convinced that if you are the victim of a mammal attack, you will suffer misfortune in reality. And if you ride on horseback in a dream, a high position awaits you.

Various predictions

Dreaming of an elephant indicates patience, good memory, wisdom and loyalty of the sleeper. It’s especially good to see yourself riding it. If you dreamed that other people were riding on the back of an elephant, then for you such a plot means receiving effective help from an influential person and good friends.

Feeding an elephant in a dream means meeting with influential person, on which a lot depends. If you see that you are running away from the herd, then you should be wary of enemies who are stronger than you and very dangerous. Sometimes such a dream may indicate that there is enormous potential hidden within you that you are unwilling or afraid to use.

The Wanderer's Dream Book reports that a scattering herd means that in real life you need to think about your instincts, which introduce elements of chaos into life and can completely destroy it if you do not learn to control yourself and do not cope with your instincts.

When you dream about elephants, the very first question you need to ask yourself is: is it possible to cope with the enormous power hidden inside, is it possible to learn to control this power for your own benefit?

Some interpreters consider the elephant's trunk to be a symbol of a man's sexual power. The longer it was, the greater the sexual temperament the dreamer has.


Elephant baby elephant little elephant

Dream Interpretation Elephant baby elephant little elephant dreamed of why you dream about an Elephant, a baby elephant, a small elephant? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a baby elephant in a dream, a small elephant, by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Elephant

Seeing an elephant in a dream means that you think too much of yourself, having heard a lot of standard compliments and taken them seriously and to heart. Riding an elephant - such a dream foretells that you will be embarrassed by blurting out nonsense in the wrong place, at the wrong time and in the wrong society where they would not pay attention to it.

A limping elephant portends a deterioration in business, a loud trumpet means a long journey, a dirty and tattered elephant means hard work with a meager salary, a sitting elephant means getting a profitable position, standing on its hind legs means you will get into debt.

Seeing an elephant eating in a zoo means that with your success you will cause envy and gossip around your name.

Seeing an elephant pouring water on itself means you will receive a letter not addressed to you. If you see elephants performing in a circus, this is a sign of a pleasant pastime.

An elephant with its tusks cut off is a sign of the loss of a valuable item. Elegant ivory crafts mean favorable changes.

Dream Interpretation - Elephant

If you rode an elephant in a dream, you will acquire a lasting fortune and earn honors. Your position will become authoritative both at home and at work.

A herd of elephants dreams of long-awaited, true prosperity. A single elephant foreshadows a small but very reliable business.

A dream about a grazing elephant foretells that you will rise in society due to your kindness and justice.

According to Nostradamus, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom, strength, and in some cases, vindictiveness and cruelty. An elephant with stars on its back is a symbol of the Republican Party coming to power in America.

If in a dream you saw a white elephant, then in reality you will make a useless acquisition.

A dream about an elephant is a reminder of something forgotten.

Dream Interpretation - Elephant

In reality, you have good prospects for the future, and there is no particular reason to worry.

Perhaps this is your direct merit, you did a good job.

Running away from the elephant: In real life, you are trying to cope with the pressure on you from the people around you.

They all consider it their direct duty to teach you about life, dictate what clothes you should wear and how you should look, who you should date and who you shouldn’t.

You are doing the right thing in fighting against external influence, because it is quite purposeful; they want to subordinate you to general canons and deprive you of your individuality and uniqueness.

Ride an elephant: in reality you, perhaps without even knowing it, have strong will, capable of suppressing the will of others and subordinating them to her desires.

If you ever discover abilities in yourself, resist the temptation to use them to harm people.

It is a great temptation to take revenge on your offenders and enemies, but remember that such evil will certainly return to you or those you truly love.

Hunt an elephant: in reality you are cruel, although you don’t know it.

It’s just that your cruelty is not expressed in physical actions, but has a moral orientation.

You, without even realizing it, are causing people suffering.

You don’t think at all about the fact that you can casually kill a person’s faith in himself and his strength.

Killing an elephant: in the recent past you committed an act for which you will very soon have to repent.

It is too late to receive forgiveness, but it will not be able to save you from torment.

If you dreamed of a herd of elephants, it means that in reality you are surrounded by devoted and faithful friends on whom you can undoubtedly rely in any situation.

Seeing an elephant in the zoo: in reality, you are tormented by complexes that constrain your behavior.

You feel squeezed, and this is where your insecurities stem, although deep down you know perfectly well what you could be like if you got rid of these complexes.

If you dreamed of an enraged wounded elephant: in reality, you are in danger, which you yourself caused by your behavior.

Dream Interpretation - Elephant

Elephant - happy wisdom / recognition and high appreciation of your mind / news.

The majestically protruding elephant is human wisdom / recognition and high appreciation of your mind / worldly experience and prudence.

The elephant in your room is inconvenience, interference, short-term troubles, worries.

Riding an elephant is a special happiness in life; to be under the star of luck.

A jumping, frolicking elephant or elephants is an effective game of the mind, secular science, sophistication, sophistry.

An enraged elephant is a mind that has deviated from the right path.

Fear of an elephant, flight from it and persecution by it is a situation in which returning to the path of truth requires great sacrifices and extreme effort from you.

Dream Interpretation - Elephant

The white or pink elephant symbolizes the spiritual teacher, the highest spirituality in general.

elephant's trunk women's dreams may be a phallic symbol.

Seeing an elephant means having your talents recognized.

Riding an elephant means achieving good luck in life.

Feeding an elephant means obeying a powerful, fair person.

Running away from an elephant means difficulties.

Usually a white or pink elephant in dreams reflects our associations with this animal: it is a big, strong, but gentle friend.

For women, he is often the personification of his beloved thanks to the phallic symbol - the trunk.

Dream Interpretation - Elephant

Seeing him in a dream means that you are about to have an important business or a meeting with a very rich or influential person. Driving it or riding it portends success in business and the implementation of your plans. Such a dream also predicts that you will soon receive a generous reward from a rich and powerful person. A richly decorated elephant in a dream that has been let down predicts honors and recognition. For girls, a dream about an elephant often indicates that soon some important person will make them a lucrative marriage proposal.

Buying or having an elephant in a dream is a sign of the imminent acquisition of large property as a result of a profitable transaction. A dead elephant in a dream means that you will be haunted by failure. Seeing a lot of elephants in a dream is a sign of the danger that awaits you if you take up a business that promises super-profits.

A herd of elephants rushing towards you is a sign of a threat to your life. After such a dream, beware of getting involved in adventures and avoid the wrath of influential people.

Dream Interpretation - Elephant

This is a ruler who is feared and respected, who is empty in his soul and knows how to fight and fight well. And whoever mounts an elephant or acquires it for himself will establish close relations with the ruler and achieve high position, and also, according to the words of the Almighty, it is possible that he will begin to plot against someone and act treacherously with him, and then all this will turn against him and he will remain in loss and loss: “Have you seen how the Lord dealt with people of the elephant...." (Sura-Fil, 1). And there is nothing good in seeing an elephant for God-fearing and pious people. Whoever sees an elephant hitting him with its trunk will get rich. Talking to an elephant in a dream means receiving a reward from the ruler, and running after an elephant in a dream means being greatly offended by the ruler.

Dream Interpretation - Elephant

A symbol of wisdom, recognition and appreciation of your intelligence and abilities.

You see your room and there is an elephant in it - inconvenience, interference, short-term negative experiences.

Riding an elephant means special happiness in life; you may find yourself under the star of luck.

Giving an elephant something to eat or drink means you will soon get a good job.

An elephant's trunk means anxiety due to the precariousness of the situation.

If an elephant picks you up with its trunk, you will achieve success.

White elephant - for appointment to a position.

Ivory in a dream is very favorable for your destiny, success and joy.

Dream Interpretation - Elephant

Riding an elephant means having a strong position in society, a good income, and respect in the family.

A herd of elephants dreams of lasting prosperity and honor.

A lonely elephant means a small profitable business.

Giving water to an elephant means earning the gratitude of an important person.

If an elephant attacks you, it is a sign of serious illness or death.

In the sexual sphere, a dream about an elephant for a woman means the weakness of her partner, and for a man it is a sign that his partner has more strong character and more brilliant talents than him.

Dream Interpretation - Elephant

To dream that you are riding an elephant means that you will gain highest degree strong condition and deserve honors; which you will accept with dignity.

All areas of activity of your enterprise will be subordinate to you, and your position in the house will become equally authoritative.

Seeing a herd of elephants means long-awaited, true prosperity. A single elephant portends you a small business, but very reliable.

Seeing an elephant grazing means that you will rise in your society due to your kindness and justice.


Why do you dream of a small live elephant, a long journey on a train and someone’s funeral?



Elephant To dream that you are riding an elephant means that you will acquire a highly secure fortune and deserve honors, which you will accept with dignity. All areas of activity of your enterprise will be subordinate to you, and your position in the house will become equally authoritative. Seeing a herd of elephants is a sign of long-awaited, true prosperity. A single elephant foretells you a small business, but very reliable. Seeing an elephant grazing means that you will rise in your society due to your kindness and justice.
Funeral Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of good health for your loved ones; possible and quick lucky fate. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. If you are present at the funeral of a person you don’t know, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.
Train: Passenger - big changes
commodity - profit from trade
fast - your aspirations will quickly come true
derailed - bad luck in life

p a

Very bad dream!! ! Take action urgently! Soon, your 20th great-great-great-grandfather will die in Africa. He will leave an inheritance of $5,000,000,000; he lives in a small village on the very edge of the country. You can only get there by train from St. Petersburg to Africa. In terms of time, it will take you 4 months to travel; in Eastern Siberia it will be re-attached and straight to Africa. And there the only transport is small elephants. They are very weak, cannot walk quickly, and often want to eat and sleep. So, be patient and get going. If you need help, please contact: Voronezh, village. Tenniy, first consultation is free. If the explanation matches, my 10% of the total amount.

why do you dream about a little elephant



To success in business

Valentina Shilova

Animals dream of making a new acquaintance and making a good friend - good luck!!!

I was carrying a little elephant

Dream Interpretation I was carrying a little elephant I had a dream, why did I dream in a dream that I was carrying a little elephant? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream I was carrying a little elephant by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small portends that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Become small size, growth in a dream (especially in comparison with someone) means fear, danger that you are afraid of, defenselessness, weakness of spirit. Such a dream also means that you have a strong enemy. If you dream that some objects have decreased in size, then see the interpretation: them by name. Such a dream foreshadows a weakening of the meaning of these objects. See interpretation: little things.

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it is time to take care of a dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation - Small house or house where the individual was born

Mother's body, womb: perhaps a regressive fantasy of avoiding problems.

Stable home life.

Dream Interpretation - Little boys

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Little guys

You have a lot of work and work ahead of you.

Dream Interpretation - Small nose

Damage awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Little boys

Dream Interpretation - Big, small

Literally reflects the significance, importance of the phenomenon, the significance of authority, the strength and depth of experience, the feelings of the sleeper himself and the corresponding external influences on him.