Son fresh whole cabbage. Hints from the subconscious: why do you dream of cabbage in heads of cabbage? The meaning of actions in a dream


strange and mysterious world night dreams - how easy it is to get lost in it!

How many symbols and secret meanings it conceals within itself, and unraveling them is sometimes an impossible task. There are symbols that are bright and literal, showing, like a metaphor, our real life in reality.

But what to do if you dream of cabbage, an ordinary head of cabbage that every person is used to seeing? How to figure out why cabbage is dreamed of, how to interpret this dream?

In fact, this vegetable, despite its prosaic nature, is a rather vivid symbol in a dream. Remember - a lot is connected with it, as a symbol. The comic myth that babies are found in cabbage connects it with offspring. And how often do we compare it with green bills, saying “cut the cabbage” and everything else!

So it’s worth paying more than close attention to this ambiguous sign. A “cabbage” dream can mean and portend a lot, but everything depends on its details and nuances that are worth remembering.

For example, such dreams might look something like this:

  • You saw an ordinary head of cabbage.
  • You dream of seaweed.
  • In your dream you saw any other type of cabbage.
  • did you see coleslaw.
  • I dreamed of green, unripe cabbage.
  • You see someone cutting it.
  • You cut it yourself.
  • Eat.
  • You dreamed of sauerkraut or salted cabbage.
  • You are growing vegetables in the garden.
  • Collecting heads of cabbage from the garden.
  • Salt the cabbage.
  • Boil cabbage leaves.
  • Prepare a dish from it.
  • Cut out the stalk.
  • Water it.
  • You are buying.

There are many options, and each of them means something special. Do you want to correctly interpret why you dream of cabbage, fresh or salted, in a salad or in the garden? Let's ask the interpreter.

Seeing a head of cabbage in a dream

As the dream book says, cabbage can promise wealth or offspring, a surprise or a find, and much more. Remember exactly what you saw in your dreams, where and under what circumstances. Maybe something significant is waiting for you?

1. According to Miller's interpreter, fresh cabbage, beautiful and large, seen simply from the outside - a good dream, promising well-being and prosperity. This dream hints that in the coming period, problems and difficulties will confidently bypass you.

2. Many interpreters say that seeing a nice tight head of cabbage for a young wife promises a quick offspring. Perhaps you will soon “find” a baby, boy or girl in the cabbage!

3. According to Miller's dream book, seaweed is a sign that your close person or a relative who is now ill will soon recover. Just be prepared to spend a lot of money on medications!

4. Seeing but not eating coleslaw in a dream symbolizes finding money, or any other monetary surprise. Perhaps not that big, but still very pleasant and unexpected!

5. The interpretation of dreams with a vision of green, unripe cabbage is disappointing. Alas, such a dream promises adultery, betrayal or deception from a spouse.

6. A dream in which you see someone cutting or shredding a head of cabbage suggests that someone from the outside is interfering or intends to interfere in your personal relationship with your partner and ruin it.

You will be forced to think badly about your loved one in order to destroy your union. Don’t believe the rumors, check, because the relationship will not be saved!

7. As the dream book interprets, you dream of cabbage of any other type, for example, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, as a hint to you - someone nearby loves you, suffers and is waiting for attention, but you don’t even notice. Look around, you will notice that there is a devoted heart nearby! Maybe this will change your life?

Actions with vegetables

In your dreams, you could not only see a head of cabbage from the outside, but also do something directly with it. What exactly? There are a lot of dream options, and everyone has their own interpretation. Remember what exactly you did in your dream?

1. If you happen to grow vegetables in your garden in your dream, this promises a pleasant and long-awaited meeting with a good and dear person. The meeting may be expected, or it may be a surprise - in any case, it is very good sign.

2. Chopping a head of cabbage finely and finely, according to Miller’s dream book, promises melancholy and tears. Moreover, you yourself will be to blame, and not circumstances or certain people. Don't drive yourself into a corner, don't stress yourself out!

3. According to the dream book, the cabbage that you buy in a dream at the market or supermarket foretells you a joyful event, a pleasant surprise or a very good news from afar. Something will make you very happy soon!

4. But in dreams, salting cabbage, sealing it in jars, storing it for the winter, and so on - the interpretation of such dreams is very promising and promises a long, profitable life.

According to the dream book, sauerkraut is clear sign: thanks to your practicality and economy, you will be able to plan the next period correctly and live in abundance. Poverty, rest assured, is not in danger of you, but don’t be too tight-fisted - greed will ruin everything.

5. Eating cabbage in a dream is not very good, and may, according to Miller’s dream book, promise illness. Take care of your health like never before so that you don’t have to undergo treatment later.

6. If you dreamed that you were watering a cabbage patch, this is a hint that you are overly pampering your children and indulging them. Be stricter and fairer, otherwise your children will be your misfortune.

7. Cooking cabbage leaves in dreams is a sign of gossip. Avoid empty chatter and lies, they will harm you and your reputation. Gossip and rumors are a serious poison that can poison your life.

8. But a dream in which you not only dreamed of cabbage, but you cut the stalk out of it, is a warning. You may soon have to deal with the bad behavior of your husband or children, with their disrespect.

But you yourself brought up this way - and now you have to correct everything. Think about it, it’s not too late to put family relationships in order!

9. Preparing some cabbage treats - cabbage rolls, pie, and so on - in reality you will be hampered by debts that will be difficult to deal with.

To prevent this from happening, you can make every effort now, try not to get into debt and cope with financial difficulties on your own as much as possible. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to get out of debt later.

10. Cutting cabbage in your dreams is a sign that in your near future you will begin to burn with jealousy. Jealousy is a destructive, bad and often unfounded feeling.

Try to be objective and not to overthink things, but to see reality adequately so as not to become a hostage to fantasies. This will hurt both you and your partner, so make an effort not to give in to jealousy.

11. If in your dreams you collect, cut heads of cabbage from the beds, this warns you of wastefulness. It will drive you into a dead corner if you do not learn to live frugally, spend your money wisely and save.

The interpretation of “cabbage” dreams is sometimes unpredictable and can surprise, but perceive the information that dream books give objectively. You can take the advice into account and avoid difficulties - or confidently expect pleasant surprises from fate. After all, she is generous with joyful events! Author: Vasilina Serova


Cabbage - common in everyday life vegetable from which experienced housewife can cook a lot delicious dishes. Some people associate her appearance in a dream with the financial sector, others believe that this image symbolizes relationships with children. What does cabbage really mean in dreams? Famous world dream books will tell you about this.

The meaning of cabbage in a dream according to various interpreters:

  • culinary - if a man sees the image, he will soon meet an old acquaintance whom he has not seen for many years; for a woman, this symbol portends pregnancy;
  • modern - to failure, betrayal of a loved one;
  • Longo - for a pleasant meeting;
  • esoteric - to unsuccessful purchases;
  • according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, cooking a vegetable means unpleasant conversations; eating means a valuable gift;
  • Ukrainian - to troubles because of a female person;
  • Miller - expect trouble;
  • Aesop - to pregnancy or worry about children;
  • combined - to minor quarrels, changes in personal life;
  • Grishina - to a prosperous life and financial success;
  • gypsy - good luck will come soon, you just have to wait a little;
  • eastern - frequent quarrels and scandals will begin in the family;
  • English - to unmotivated jealousy;
  • health - the dreamer’s well-being will improve;
  • Ivanova - a complicated case that has been around for many years will “resurface”;
  • Samokhvalova - to communicate with a stupid woman;
  • Slavic - to money;
  • Medea is an empty pastime;
  • Tarot - you will have to sacrifice yourself for someone;
  • According to Vanga’s dream book, planting or seeing cabbage means prosperity, eating it means difficulties.

A whole field of cabbage dreams of a series of troubles

Who dreamed about cabbage: a woman or a man

Interpretation of the image in women's dreams depends on the age and status of the dreamer:

  • a girl’s night dreams foreshadow changes in her personal life, unfortunately, not always pleasant;
  • for a pregnant woman - rapid labor, which may begin prematurely, you should not be afraid of this, the baby will be born strong and healthy;
  • for a married lady, a dreamed sack of cabbage means trouble in the family;
  • If a young woman eats this vegetable in a dream, she will soon become pregnant.

Cabbage has long been associated with the birth of a child. The children were told that they were found in a cabbage patch, and sometimes they added that a bunny had planted them there. A baby who was born out of wedlock was called a “cabbage boy.”

For a man, a head of cabbage portends quick profit or a new addition to the family. If a young man opens the leaves of a vegetable and sees a child in them, this indicates that his wife is pregnant.

Young, unformed heads of cabbage dream of problems in business. Currently, it is better not to start new projects, they will be unprofitable. It is also advisable to postpone the signing of important documents to a later date. late date.

A head of cabbage portends profit for a man, and pregnancy for a young woman.

Description of cabbage

The interpretation of the vision also depends on the type of vegetable, its condition and taste.

Fresh or salted

Fresh vegetables in a dream have several interpretations:

  • betrayal in love;
  • the dreamer should be more attentive to the clues of fate, so as not to miss something important;
  • young - reconsider your attitude towards others, perhaps you have unfairly offended someone.

Salted cabbage is a positive sign that predicts good luck in the financial sphere. Currently, fate is favoring you, so success will accompany you in any business. Also, this image may indicate that the dreamer will soon conclude good deal, and his superiors will reward him for this.

Pickled or stewed

Stewed cabbage is a negative symbol that means a lot of trouble in family life. Spouses will often quarrel, and even divorce is possible.

Sauerkraut foretells receiving an invitation to a wedding. If the dreamer prepared a dish, everything will work out well in family life. Eating sauerkraut means a relative’s recovery. If you ate it with lemon, one of his loved ones will soon get sick.

Sauerkraut portends a wedding invitation

Look, taste and quality

It is necessary to interpret the vision taking into account the type of cabbage you dreamed about:

  • white cabbage - unexpected receipt of a large sum of money;
  • sea ​​- a sick person will soon recover, but his treatment will cost a tidy sum;
  • colored - receive honor and respect;
  • Beijing - you will hear good news about your loved one;
  • broccoli - you shouldn’t throw in your lot with a person you’re not completely sure of.

Chinese cabbage - to be received good news about a loved one

The quality of the vegetable, size and taste also matter:

  • rotten - to a series of failures;
  • frozen - to the coldness of the partner;
  • boiled - for boring, monotonous days;
  • sour - quarrels and scandals between spouses are inevitable;
  • unripe - your loved one is cheating on you;
  • tasteless - to chagrin;
  • spoiled, peroxided - you should expect troubles at work;
  • one big head of cabbage - difficulties, obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • a small fork means minor troubles.

Did you dream about a lot of cabbage? The past will remind itself again.

Vegetable location

Remember where exactly you saw cabbage in your dream:

  • in the garden - it will begin " black stripe", troubles will fall on the dreamer, and you need to prepare for this in advance;
  • in the bag - problems will appear in family matters;
  • in the refrigerator - you are thoughtlessly spending a large amount of money, although now you have the opportunity to save.

Vegetable in heads of cabbage - for a meeting with evil people or committing unseemly acts, for which we will have to answer in the future. Sauerkraut in a jar promises a bargain, for which you will pay a little, but will get great benefits.

Dream about sauerkraut in a jar bargain purchase

The meaning of actions in a dream

Watching from the side how a vegetable grows means that the dreamer will be able to overcome life difficulties only if he decides to get busy and not lead an idle lifestyle.

In a dream, did you yourself make an effort to grow cabbage or collect it? The interpretation depends on what exactly you did:

  • planted - to receive news;
  • watered the garden - you are not coping well with your responsibilities, you may be fired;
  • picking from the garden - for the arrival of long-awaited guests who will bring a lot of positive emotions.

In ancient times, there were many rituals associated with planting cabbage. For example, in order for the vegetable heads to grow tight and large, when planting seedlings, they tightly tied the head with a scarf or towel.

If you missed a head of cabbage in a dream, the child moves away from you. Perhaps you are not paying enough attention to him.

Brussels sprouts - to minor troubles, gossip

Buying cabbage means witnessing an amazing event; selling cabbage means financial difficulties. If you stole heads of cabbage in your night dreams, then in reality you will take on other people’s problems.

In a dream, did you cook a dish from this vegetable? Remember your specific actions:

  • cut a head of cabbage - your children will cause you trouble; this same image may indicate that the dreamer will have to do everything himself, no one will give him any concessions;
  • chopped - to discord in the family;
  • fried - events that will happen soon will greatly upset you;
  • engaged in salting - someone close to you will decide to cheat, which will lead to a series of troubles;
  • cut out the stalk - to the appearance of a dreamer in the child addiction, which the whole family will fight with.

Eating raw cabbage - to serious illness.

Other interpretations

The meaning of dishes with cabbage:

  • pies portend stability in the financial sector;
  • dumplings - soon you will be offered a profitable business, thanks to which you will be able to solve most of your problems;
  • tasty, rich borscht - you are getting closer to your intended goal;
  • a big pie - for a good rest, meeting with old friends.

Cabbage leaves are considered a harbinger of the disease. If the dreamer was sorting out a head of cabbage, he needs to take better care of his health. A fork of cabbage cut from the garden indicates your extravagance.

In most cases, cabbage in a dream promises unpleasant events, but do not despair, because a person builds his own destiny, and how prosperous it will be depends only on him. If a bad vision scares you so that it does not come true, after waking up, open the window and say: “Where the night goes, there goes the dream. All the bad things go away, all the good things stay.”

Since the world of human dreams is fraught with many mysteries and secrets, it is easy to get lost in it. Fortunately, there is a dream book that will always give the correct interpretation of a particular image. Today I would like to talk about why cabbage is dreamed of, since it is a very vivid and memorable image in dreams.

A dream in which a person sees beautiful fresh cabbage growing portends him wealth and prosperity.

A dream in which a person sees beautiful fresh cabbage growing portends him wealth and prosperity.

  1. If a person dreamed of green cabbage, which he wanted to eat, then in the near future he will increase his material condition several times.
  2. Seeing how this vegetable grows in the garden is a sign of illness. The larger he became, the more difficult it will be for the dreamer to recover from the illness.
  3. Heads of cabbage often dream of losses, quarrels and betrayal. Especially bad interpretation has a dream in which heads of cabbage were thrown into the trash. One head of cabbage in a dream means swearing or trouble.
  4. Cauliflower, which the dreamer eats with pleasure in his dreams, foreshadows problems at work. The person will probably receive a reprimand from his superiors for lack of initiative or shortcomings.
  5. Salted cabbage in night visions symbolizes deception. But if a person had to salt this vegetable in his visions, in reality he will take care of his family members. In the coming days, the dreamer will look at one of his friends with different eyes, because some of them will commit betrayal.
  6. Cutting or shredding a vegetable in a dream means unexpected news or events. Sliced ​​cabbage symbolizes a series of important life events.
  7. Dreams about cabbage often indicate gossip and bad rumors. However, this only applies if it was rotten, damaged or ugly. In other cases, “cabbage” dreams do not promise a person any disasters, but just the opposite.
  8. Breaking off cabbage leaves in a dream and making a salad out of them means a desire to change the situation.
  9. Crushing it means melancholy and sadness. Most likely, the dreamer recently experienced a breakup with someone he loves very much, and therefore he cannot return to normal life.
  10. Boiled cabbage in night visions symbolizes boredom.
  11. Collecting this vegetable in the garden or seeing someone doing it means welcome guests. Soon the person whom all members of his family love will appear in the dreamer’s house.

Cooking any dishes from cabbage, for example, cabbage rolls, means debt. The dreamer will borrow a large sum of money from someone.

Cabbage in the dream book (video)

Seeing cabbage in heads of cabbage in a dream: meaning

  • A dream in which someone is cutting or shredding a head of cabbage is bad sign. The dreamer clearly has an ill-wisher who wants to ruin his relationship with his loved one. The dream book recommends ignoring the opinions of other people that relate to relationships in his family.
  • Longing, sadness and tears - this is what awaits a person who sees cabbage in heads of cabbage in his dreams. However, blaming circumstances or other people for this is pointless, because the person himself will be the culprit of his own troubles.

Cutting heads of cabbage in the garden means wasting money in vain. The dream book warns of the need for a more responsible attitude towards material resources.

Why do you dream about white cabbage or cauliflower?

  1. Seeing white cabbage in a dream means welcoming pleasant people into your home. Perhaps the dreamer will be visited by distant relatives from afar. This image also promises fulfillment of desires.
  2. Cauliflower is not the most pleasant image in dreams. After its appearance in dreams, you should be wary of problems at work, deterioration of relationships with friends, relatives and acquaintances.

Cauliflower is not the most pleasant image in dreams

A dream in which some other type of cabbage was present, for example, Brussels sprouts or kohlrabi, suggests that the dreamer has a secret admirer. Perhaps now is the moment when he will reveal all his cards and confess his feelings.

Buying cabbage in a dream

Buying something in dreams is a very good sign. When a person buys food in his night visions, a lot of happiness awaits him in reality. Soon some joyful event will happen in his life, and perhaps more than one.

However, a dream in which a person bought dirty or spoiled cabbage portends anxiety and disappointment.

Psychologist Miller gives the following interpretation of the image of this vegetable in night dreams:

  • The dreamer will encounter unrest in life, and in its different manifestations.
  • Failures will accompany him everywhere, both at work and at home.
  • Family relationships will be bad. A person will constantly sort things out with his parents, children and his significant other.
  • Wastefulness, bankruptcy and lack of money await the person who saw in a dream how someone cut cabbage from the garden. Well, if it was then eaten, the situation would be very bad. Perhaps in order to earn a living, the dreamer will have to go into debt.

Also, such dreams can mean the infidelity of a spouse.

Why do you dream about cabbage (video)

To avoid possible difficulties in the future, the dreamer should listen to the advice that the dream book gives him. If he does everything right, then fate will certainly reward him and give him what he deserves!

Attention, TODAY only!

Dream about cabbage - always bad dream. Unrest can run rampant in a variety of forms. Seeing green cabbage in a dream means treachery in love and infidelity in marriage. Cutting and harvesting cabbage means that with wasteful spending you are preparing disaster for yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse Cabbage

Well-being: crumble - melancholy: plant - profitable life: eat - hard life

Modern dream book Cabbage

Seeing cabbage in a dream does not bode well. Failures and confusion await you in all areas of life. Seeing green cabbage in a dream means mistrust in love and infidelity in marriage. Cutting a head of cabbage is a sign that your generosity and extravagance will bring you a lot of trouble.

Culinary dream book Cabbage

If you dreamed of cabbage, it means that in the near future you will have to renew your acquaintance with a woman whom you knew as a girl as a child and have not met since then (if the dream is a man): if a woman sees a dream, then it foreshadows an imminent pregnancy.

Esoteric dream book Cabbage

Eating, planting means money. Seeing and chopping means unsuccessful purchases.

Dream Interpretation Longo Cabbage

In a dream, growing ordinary white cabbage or harvesting cabbage forks: you should wait for the visit of the person you would really like to see. Rejoice - the time has come for your hopes to come true, no matter how transparent they may have seemed before. If you dreamed of some other sprouts (Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower, etc.), this dream should be understood as follows: someone loving is waiting for you to pay attention to him. Take a closer look around, and you will probably understand who it is. Buying cabbage at the market in a dream, choosing better forks - in the near future something unusual, but, of course, joyful will happen in your life: you may have to congratulate a person dear to you. For women who have recently gotten married, this dream predicts an early pregnancy. If you dreamed that you were eating cabbage, it means that unexpected, but always welcome guests will soon arrive at you. Prepare a treat! If seaweed appeared in your dream, you need to wait for the recovery of one of your relatives who had been ill for a long time and seemed hopelessly ill. True, it may well be that this long-sick person will need very expensive medicine to get better - don’t skimp, don’t skimp on the money! Seeing cabbage salad in a dream means a quick find or accidental profit associated with a large sum money. Pickle cabbage in a dream - in real life you will be able to fulfill your long-standing and almost forgotten desire. Perhaps this will happen in the first week after sleep.

Dreams to make wishes come true Cabbage

to finds, winnings, return of old debts and other unplanned income. Imagine a vegetable garden or field where all the beds are planted with ripe heads of cabbage. You see workers cutting cabbages and putting them in large boxes or bags. You approach them and join in the harvesting - you also begin to cut the cabbage. If you dream of big income, imagine cabbage being loaded onto trucks. Then imagine taking the cabbage heads home, cutting one into a salad, and eating it alone or with your family. If you dream of expensive gifts, imagine preparing, boiling and eating cauliflower.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova Cabbage

Cooking is gossip; eating is a gift.

Ukrainian dream book Cabbage

Dreaming about cabbage means troubles from women. If you dream about cabbage, you will die.

Custom dream book Cabbage

Cabbage dreams of money - this is one of the most common interpretations of this dream. However, if you are cutting cabbage, the dream may mean your future wastefulness. Be careful with money: it can go away much faster than it came to you. Another meaning: picking cabbage in a dream - you will upset someone close to you.

It is believed that with the help of dreams, the subconscious sends certain clues that can help change the future, avoiding troubles and various problems. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the main object of the dream and other details of the plot. For example, when talking about cabbage, you should consider exactly what it looked like, what you did with it, etc. Remember that you should not take your dreams literally, as they should be analyzed in context.

Why do you dream about cabbage in heads?

For people in a relationship, a fresh vegetable is a warning that a loved one may betray. Young heads of cabbage in a dream can be taken as a recommendation that it is time to rethink your attitude towards people. If the heads of cabbage were unripe, then in real life you should learn to be sincere and tell the truth, since many people from close circle They haven't trusted you for a long time. A dream in which cabbage heads were rotten is not considered a bad sign. Such a plot, on the contrary, means that in the near future it will be possible to understand what exactly is the cause of existing failures and problems.

A night vision where you had to buy heads of fresh cabbage means that soon the dreamer will witness an unusual incident that will give you a lot of positive emotions. If you had to chop cabbage, then you should expect numerous quarrels in the family, the reason for which lies in misunderstanding. You need to take everything into your own hands to fix it. In one of the dream books, such a dream personifies the melancholy that one often experiences. If another person was chopping cabbage in a dream, it means that someone wants to interfere in the dreamer’s personal affairs. Let's figure out what dreams of heads of fresh cauliflower mean. Such a dream is a good symbol that represents the end of troubles and the onset of a favorable period in life. A large head of cabbage seen in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing an improvement in one’s financial situation.

The night vision where you had to steal cabbage has two interpretations, which depend on the outcome of the case. If the dreamer managed to steal a head of cabbage, this is a bad sign, indicating that seemingly minor problems will unsettle him for a long time. The dream book recommends not to hesitate and get to work. If you still don’t succeed in decorating the cabbage, then you should be patient, because participation in the adventure will ultimately bring stunning success. The most common interpretation that many people know about married women, then you dream about cabbage before pregnancy.

Why do you dream about a lot of cabbage in heads of cabbage?

Such a dream is considered neutral, but events that will happen literally in the near future will have negative character. Perhaps a person with whom negative memories of the past are associated will appear again in life.

Seeing heads of cabbage in a dream large quantities in the garden This means that health problems may soon arise. The dream book recommends taking preventive measures to avoid serious problems. There is another interpretation of the dream, where you could see a lot of cabbage heads in the garden - this is a harbinger of receiving news or the arrival of long-awaited guests. A cabbage field means that the time has come to act, otherwise you will not be able to achieve anything in life.

Why do you dream about picking cabbage in a dream?

Such a dream serves as a kind of warning that due to some traits of one’s own, the dreamer’s important affairs may suffer. The dream book recommends that you need to reconsider your attitude towards money and become a more thrifty person.