The soloist of the group has a slot on the voice show. Daria Stavrovich. Solo career. Nookie


Caused a real sensation unexpected appearance Among the participants in the show “The Voice” is the vocalist of the group “SLOT” Daria Stavrovich

The girl, better known to fans of youth heavy music under the pseudonym Nuki, performed an energetic song at the blind auditions The Cranberries"Zombie" With her hurricane energy (without compromising the technicality of her vocals), she chilled the judges of “The Voice” to the bones, and as a result, everyone turned to her.

Despite this, the show's mentors were clearly unfamiliar with Nuka's work, feeling a little out of place. Dima Bilan was naturally slammed into a chair by the girl’s performance (where he climbed up with his legs, covering his face in panic). Amazement was written on Leonid Agutin’s face (they say, does this happen?). Polina Gagarina never tired of lavishing enthusiastic compliments. And only the imposing Grigory Leps said that an informally dressed girl could use a “ball gown.” In response, the singer asked not to disappoint her and went straight to his team.

Nuki is well known in the world of heavy music. Erudite Kirill Nemolyaev, who for many years collaborated with the SLOT group as music producer, the site responded to the correspondent about her this way: “The participants of “SLOT” are people with vast experience, but at the same time they are young in body and soul, plus. Plus this amazing person, like Daria Stavrovich, who is now an absolutely self-sufficient unit. God grant that it will be enough for both the “Slot” and solo album! Daria is such a versatile vocally and actingly purposeful person that you can mold her into anything.”

Nuki in “SLOT” website, Evgeniy Stukalin

Why did Nuka herself need “The Voice”? In response to this question, the singer told the KP correspondent the following: “So that a wide audience knows that there is a certain kind of musical culture, which cannot be seen on TV. This music deserves to be heard - it has its own philosophy, energy and charisma."

Nuki in “SLOT” website, Evgeniy Stukalin

The popularity of alternative music, in line with which Daria Stavrovich works, in Russia leaves much to be desired. “All over the world, alternative is part of show business and the mainstream. This is not the case in our country,” Nuki continues. - It's unfair. It just so happened. It's a matter of taste, I guess. Besides, I don’t bend to the format. And no one limits me. There is no pressure - complete freedom. I can choose the repertoire. Maybe I was lucky with my mentor: Grigory Leps is quite open-minded. He's probably an anarchist on "The Voice" (laughs). So I remain honest with myself and don’t feel any discomfort.”


Nuki in “SLOT” website, Evgeniy Stukalin

Speaking about the choice of Grigory Leps as a mentor, Stavrovich notes: “I think he feels me well and will not give me what I don’t like. my business card Grigory Viktorovich, I think, will not destroy (this refers to the special “screaming” timbre of the voice, which is achieved using the technique of splitting the ligaments; Leps himself often sings like this - Author). In addition, as they say, the organizers have relaxed their caution and are allowing artists to choose their repertoire. In general, I’m not in a bummer.”

Nuki in “SLOT” website, Evgeniy Stukalin

Daria Stavrovich is an accomplished singer, but it is not a fact that in “The Voice” she will be allowed to perform her own repertoire. “We’ll see,” she says cautiously about this. - The project has rules. One of the mentors definitely noticed that this was a karaoke show. There is a certain format. We’ll see, we’ll work to remain ourselves.”

Nuki in “SLOT” website, Evgeniy Stukalin

The fifth season of the show “The Voice” promises to be one of the most interesting and controversial, because many Russian stars have already “leaked” into it. One of them is Alexander Panayotov, who also joined Leps’ team. “I’m shocked by my action,” Panayotov commented on this event to KP. - I’ve been watching “The Voice” since the first season. And only the lazy did not come up to me with the question: “When are you going there?” Of course, I haven’t appeared on TV channels for a long time, but at the same time I am an active artist. Why should I take someone else's place? But the last straw came this year, when I was a member of the jury of the Igor Krutoy Academy competition in Sochi. There, my friends Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky convinced me to submit an application for “The Voice.”

Panayotov claims that he entered Golos on a general basis: “I took a number, stuck it on my chest and stood in general queue. This year I got into an accident - almost the second time I was born. After this, a serious reassessment of values ​​occurred. And I decided: if life is so short, you can’t waste time on pride, despondency about oblivion or complexes. This must be eradicated and at the first opportunity go on stage. I do not claim laurels or someone else's place in the sun, but I will work on equal terms with everyone. “The Voice included artists who were much more popular than me.”

The intrigue is obvious. We place your bets, gentlemen!

The appearance of Daria Stavrovich, who is known as a singer under the pseudonym “Nuki,” on the popular TV show “The Voice” caused a lot of discussion. The girl has been working in the alternative rock band “Slot” for nine years. Despite the fact that all members of the jury wanted to see the artist on their team, she gave preference to Grigory Leps. Stavrovich does not intend to change her performance style and appeal to the majority of TV viewers, as she believes that the “Voice” project should have a variety of musicians.

“It’s pop because people come there and sing pop! They really love it. In kind! Nobody is forcing anything on them. Television raised this gray mass of people who practically began to love all this themselves, because it was shown to them for a long, long time. And it seems to me that at some point Channel One itself, having heard the show “The Voice”, realized that everything was the same, gray. And I decided to give the go-ahead to a freak like me,” the TV show participant frankly stated.

The artist herself had never watched “The Voice” before, so her colleagues in the “Slot” group brought her to the audition. As a teenager, Daria realized that she dreamed of singing rock music. She believes that this was given to her by nature.

“My voice, timbre, way of speaking, how to sing - it’s something innate. A alternative rock– it just happened, it carried me away, it is possible that there could have been something else, but also from this direction. At the age of 15, I suspected that it was probably mine,” Stavrovich told StarHit.

Daria is glad that Grigory Leps became her mentor. Despite the fact that she respects each member of the jury, she does not imagine how she could work under them. Daria is glad that Leps is not trying to change her and is not dictating strict conditions. Stavrovich told StarHit that she does not intend to adapt to any framework, but wants to bring rock music to a wide audience. And I am sure that it is with Leps that she can achieve this.

“He’s not trying to pretend to be something. Leps is real, as it seemed to me, and still, by the way, it seems,” Stavrovich said in an interview with Life.

The Moscow alternative rock band SLOT presented their new, seventh album Septima in Voronezh on Sunday, October 16. Before the performance, the vocalists of the group Nuki (Daria Stavrovich) and Igor “Cash” Lobanov told what hopes they had for Nuki’s participation in the show “The Voice”, whose concerts they are ready to attend forever, does a rock musician need vocational education and what gift the group is preparing for fans for the New Year.

Nuka’s performance at the “blind auditions” in the show “The Voice” had the effect of a bomb exploding. Dima Bilan tried to hide from the powerful vocals of the singer by curling up on a chair. Polina Gagarina listened to the entire number from open mouth and later admitted that Dasha “sealed” all the judges. Leonid Agutin clapped Nuki while standing as a sign of respect. And only Grigory Leps refrained from assessing the singer’s voice, paying attention only to her extraordinary appearance and suggesting wearing a ball gown for the next number. On the advice of a friend, Dariya headed to Leps’ team.

Daria Stavrovich:– You saw what surprise and bewilderment my appearance on Channel One caused among mentors and viewers! I'm shocked myself. I didn't know that television still has such a powerful influence on our people.

Igor Lobanov:– This is not done so much for the “SLOT” group or solo project Well, how much for the development of alternative music in general. In our country there are no tools to promote this direction; heavy music is outside the show business system and is not supported in any way. This wall cannot be broken through. We hope to create a gap in it with the help of Nuka, so that similar groups can also show themselves. Maybe the system will understand that it is possible and necessary to work with such music. The SLOT group will be 15 years old in 2016. Not a penny has been invested in us, we are still not a format, we are not in rotation anywhere. And how to communicate with Eternity in this context? Therefore, Nuka’s visit to “The Voice” is, perhaps, just a conversation with Eternity from the back door.

I.L.:– I can’t sing like Nuki.

D.S.:– Cash and I agreed: if I go to “The Voice,” then it goes to Rap Battle TV (laughs). By the way, there are even more views there than “The Voice”.

Photo – Natalya Trubchaninova

– For the “blind auditions” competition, you chose a composition called Zombie, which is not quite typical for your genre. The group Cranberries. Is this such a clever move?

D.S.:– Actually, at the casting I performed KoRn. Admissions Committee said: “This is, of course, cool, but not a hit.” The intelligent environment won. I had to choose a song that people know well.

I.L.:- In any case, everyone went nuts! Not only because Nuki, a representative of the informal scene, ended up on this show, but more because of how she did it! Physiologically phenomenal performance. Even Gagarina grabbed her throat because she is a professional and understands how extreme the singing was. We still need to look for people like Nuki. There are only a few of them. Nuki has already made everyone on this project, including Panayotov. The video of her performance on YouTube collected 1.5 million views in a few days!

– Is winning in this project important to you?

D.S.:- Don't even know. I read the contract and realized: it’s better not to win. Otherwise you will end up in some kind of slavery. But I don’t want to go into slavery. I don’t want to participate in a race around the country, especially with cover songs. I'm not going to turn into a corporate cover artist.

I.L.:– Ideally, if Nuki won, and she would be banned from touring, like Hieromonk Photius (laughs).

– If Grigory Leps had not turned to you, which mentor would you have chosen?

D.S.:- Don't know. Leps gives freedom. His entire team is left to their own devices. This is important to me. I know that Agutin really works with his team. As a musician, I respect him very much, but he doesn’t have the same emotional palette that I have. I think he would not have understood a lot of things and, perhaps, would not have allowed me in terms of creativity. And Leps, figuratively speaking, doesn’t care. I choose the songs myself. But besides Leps, they must also be approved by Yuri Aksyuta. So far they are happy with my choice.

– Are you familiar with the work of Dima Bilan? Can you sing at least one of his songs?

D.S.:- Oh, unexpected question! (Laughs). I know his probably most shameful song from early creativity about "Mulatto Chocolate". As an artist, he does a good job, I saw a couple of performances. Sings live - well done!

I.L.:“And I know two of Bilan’s songs: “Night Hooligan” and “The Impossible is Possible.”

Photo – Natalya Trubchaninova

- Let's go back to your mentor. What is Grigory Leps like in character?

D.S.:– I don’t know whether Leps is good or evil. He's an anarchist. A man without banknotes. He has his own natural drive. I think he is attracted to my style of singing. Once he dropped the phrase: “I don’t understand why I haven’t heard you before.” Many people believe that mentors at “blind” auditions are playing to the public: they say they don’t know some of the artists by sight - in particular, me. This is not a setup. They really didn’t know the group “SLOT”! It seems that we live in the same country, but it turns out that we are absolutely in parallel Universes.

– Which member of Leps’ team do you most like?

D.S.:– What attracts me is that he has completely different characters in his team. Cool dude Kirill Babiev, who sang on Linkin Park’s “blind” – he went to Leps, and I understand why. Who else?

– Who from your team would you not like to participate in “duels” with?

D.S.:– There are some young ladies who completely fall out of my understanding of music and life in general. I wouldn't sing with them. Fortunately, Leps understands this too.

– Are you ready to wear the ballgown that Leps wanted to see you in?

D.S.:- Of course not! And Leps immediately changed his mind.

– Give advice to aspiring singers who, like you, want to master screaming (a vocal technique based on the splitting technique). How to learn without harming your voice?

D.S.:– Voice training should only be done with a professional teacher; this is done in opera schools. This is important, otherwise you won’t sing for a long time. And then everyone starts their own schools. I learned screaming myself: at first I listened, took off the equipment, groaned, spat. Then I found my style and took several lessons from specialists.

Photo – Natalya Trubchaninova

D.S.:– You need to get enough sleep, and it is advisable not to put stress on your voice when you are sick. Which, alas, is almost impossible at our pace of life. I’ll be honest: yes, sometimes I had to go on stage sick. And during the entire practice there was only one concert, which I did not cancel and I still regret it. Nothing good came of it: the concert was unsuccessful, and I felt very bad afterwards. You don't always have to climb into the embrasure.

– Does a rock musician need professional vocal education?

D.S.:– Vocal education is the elimination of musical illiteracy, nothing more. I have an education because my mother needed a crust.

I.L:– I also graduated from a university, although it was a sports university, exclusively for my dad. It was good for him that I had a crust. If I suddenly have children, I'm definitely on the receiving end. higher education I won't insist. I consider this a waste of time.

– Dasha, you have been in the SLOT group for ten years. At what period did you realize that you were not just a vocalist, but a real frontwoman? How quickly did the guys accept you into the team and give you freedom of action?

D.S.:– It was a smooth process associated with gaining experience, not just stage experience. It seems to me that from the album “Trinity” I began to feel at home.

I.L.:– The main thing is not even the decision or the right to vote in the team. Nuki not only sings, but also comes up with a lot of musical and textual material. From the album “Trinity” Nuki declared herself as a good musician, and with subsequent records – also as a lyricist.

– Do you continue to learn something from the guys?

D.S.:- Undoubtedly. It seems to me that we ourselves, each individually, continue to learn something. It's a never-ending process.

I.L.:– You can learn something from any person. And in general, you have to reach out for Nuki all the time in many respects. She is such a stimulating part of our group.

Photo – Natalya Trubchaninova

– Igor, besides creative moments, what did Dasha bring to the group? Maybe she taught you how to cook deliciously or how to keep clean?

I.L.:– I taught you how to eat deliciously! And don't clean up after yourself! (Laughs).

D.S.:– I am a completely anti-domestic person.

– In 2011, you recorded the song “Lanterns” with the Voronezh group “Obe-Rek”. Are you planning to collaborate with any of our fellow countrymen?

D.S.:– Now most bands are a little out of style for me. In general, I am very selective about joint creativity: if a song really blows my mind, then it’s okay.

– Yours new album Septima, like the previous “Sixth,” was recorded with the financial support of fans. Have you ever participated in crowdfunding yourself?

D.S.:- No. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to help financially.

I.L.:– I once helped musicians I knew. They suggested: “Now let’s throw some money at us, and then we’ll give it to you!” That's what we decided (laughs).

– One of the most expensive lots for your shareholders on the crowdfunding platform was an “eternal ticket” for two persons to the “SLOT” concerts. Whose concerts are you ready to go to forever?

I.L.:- Yes, this is boring! Then the group will need to change the program very often so that I don’t get bored. There is hardly an artist whose concert I would go to, say, three times in a row.

D.S.:- I would go. I would definitely go see Meshuggah, but they come to Russia so rarely. I would go to Björk, of course. Unfortunately, he is also a rare bird in our country.

– You have a cover of Björk. Do you pay her any royalties?

D.S.:- No. We did this cover only in concert form. Now, according to the law, you can’t even post it on YouTube, they’ll immediately ban you. Although the song is difficult to recognize.

– How do you feel about covers of yourself?

D.S.:- Great. We even specially post backing tracks on social networks so that everyone can sing along.

I.L.:– By the way, we have already missed two albums. We should collect backing tracks from them - it will be great gift New Year's fans!

– Dasha, you once said that happiness is when a person does not stand still, looks for new goals, and his motto becomes the phrase “I tried it for the first time.” What did you do for the first time in 2016?

D.S.:– I went to India, took part in “The Voice”, attended the Sziget festival in Budapest as a spectator, and several other small movements. Sziget probably made the coolest impression on me. This festival captivated me with everything, from its infrastructure (we still have a long way to go) to its multi-musical nature. There was such a “delicious” vinaigrette! During the day Sigur Ros performs, in the evening Sia, Rihanna - all on one stage. At the same time, there are seven more different sites. Simply amazing! Among their audience there is not such a strict division of genres as we have in Russia: when you go to a concert, it’s as if you are taking on some kind of confession. There they take it more simply: pop, rap and rock fans exist perfectly together. Because of this, it seemed to me that people there are happier. We have a very developed continuity of generations: the father listens to “Alice”, the eldest son, youngest son, grandchildren. And not a step left or right.

I.L.:– In Russia, if you listen to a certain genre of music, you must have some kind of position. “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen” - this is how it happens here.

– Do you often listen to “outside” music? How did you get involved in 2015 at the 30 Seconds To Mars concert?

D.S.:– I quite often get into strange concerts. And this was the most boring concert of my life! We slept there. I don't know what people in this group find. The most important thing I learned for myself: 30 Seconds To Mars on records and live are generally different things. In the studio they are very beautiful and well written. But live it’s some kind of terrible choral chants with an acoustic guitar.

I.L.:– At the same time, we really like their album A Beautiful Lie – it’s beautiful. After him, as I see it, the terrible producer of the group U2 took over 30 Seconds To Mars and produced it.

– Dash, in purely feminine terms, is Jared Leto handsome?

D.S.:– I don’t believe him. It's like he's playing a rock star. And visually he annoys me. At first he was quite natural, he had drive. And then he deflated and turned into some kind of doll that makes movements filmed from various rock musicians. For me, Jared Leto is faceless.

– Tell me, in what mood do you write better – sad or happy?

I.L.:– You can’t catch this state. Sometimes there is a feeling that you are not writing this yourself, but someone is controlling you. Like an obsession. At some point I realized that the Moscow metro works well for me.

– And can you often be seen there?

I.L.:- Constantly. I'm a pedestrian. I don't know how to drive a car. And I don't want to. I have several reasons not to do this.

D.S.:– I’m also a pedestrian and I don’t plan to get into a car yet. Cash generally says that I can’t drive. I'm a fan of scooters, a very positive form of transport.

Photo – Natalya Trubchaninova

– Do they recognize you on the street?

D.S.:– Quite often. And after the broadcast on “The Voice,” a kind of boom began. There was such a short period of time, literally a few hours, when I thought: “Oh, it seems I woke up famous!” People come up on the street and ask simple human questions out of curiosity - mainly about Leps, what he is like. Or they wish you good luck and tell you to kill everyone there! I appreciate this attention. It is positive and not annoying.

– What are you like off stage, when you don’t have to put on makeup or put on outrageous costumes?

D.S.:- Well, I’m not going anywhere with dreadlocks! (Laughs). I don't change that much in my life. If I suddenly get carried into a trolleybus, the grandmothers may cross themselves when they see me.

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This fall, Daria Stavrovich entered the second stage of the “Voice” show. Fans of heavy music know her as Nuki, or the frontwoman of the alternative rock band Slot. At the blind audition, she wowed the jury with her “disgusting” rendition of the 90s hit Zombie. But Nuki chose the most “driven” of them - Grigory Leps.

— Daria, why do you need to participate in such a pop project as “The Voice”?

— In short: education and just having fun. And those who are somehow familiar with our modern rock scene, let them look at everything that is happening with new eyes.

— Doesn’t it bother you that the show is mostly pop-oriented?

- They are different, completely different. The format of the show, in my opinion, is still created by the participants themselves. I choose what I sing, how I sing, how I look.

— Why did you choose Zombie for the blind audition?

— Because all the other compositions that suited me were too brutal and unknown. But this is still some kind of hit. The intelligent environment won and said: “Yes, Dash, we need to sing the song that people more or less know. By at least, on the blind.

— Would you have gone to another mentor if Leps hadn’t turned around?

- I think not. I don't know what I would do there. Firstly, I know that Leps gives a certain freedom. It seems to me that his entire team, give or take, is left to its own devices. This is good for me. Agutin, by the way, is actually doing something with his own people. As a musician, I respect him very much, but he, of course, does not have the same emotional palette that I have. It’s just that it seems to me that he wouldn’t understand a lot and wouldn’t allow it at some stages. But Leps doesn’t care! (hits the table with his hand and smiles).

— And before that, did you somehow have to communicate with Leps?

- Yes, he is an anarchist (laughs).

— Who do you like best from Grigory Leps’ team?

— What attracts me is that they are all different there. Kirill Babiev, who sang Linkin park, also went to Leps. I understand him. And who else? The man (Grigory Leps) clearly has natural drive.

“He once said: “I don’t understand why I haven’t heard this before.” I think he is attracted to this kind of driving style of singing. Someone says: “Yes, they know everything, it’s all (blind auditions) a setup.” No, they really don't know "Slot". It’s just that we seem to live in the same country, but in completely parallel universes.

— Fans on the street often recognize you, do they approach you?

- Well, yes, quite often. Especially after this broadcast on “The Voice”. I had such a period of time, several hours, when it seemed to me that I woke up famous. They just come up and ask like, “Is there life on Mars?” or they simply wish you good luck: “Break everyone.”

“As far as I read the contract, it’s better not to win, because you end up in “slavery.” But I don’t want to go into slavery. You turn into some kind of corporate cover artist, and they squeeze the juice out of you. Cash (the second lead singer of the “Slot” group) and I also agreed: if I go to “The Voice,” then he goes to a rap battle (laughs).

For more than a month, the Internet has been discussing the appearance of Daria Stavrovich, the lead singer of the rock group “Slot,” on the “Voice” show. Life met with the girl to find out why she came to the program and whether she would pursue her rock line there.

We met with Daria before the Slot concert at the Red club, when the group was checking the sound. While the sound engineer was eliminating interference from other musicians, an elegant girl in black impatiently called: “Let’s fry it already!” And a minute later she began to sing in a powerful voice. And five minutes later she was already sitting at ease in front of the Life operator and answering the correspondent’s questions.

- People continue to discuss your appearance on the show “The Voice”. How did you get there?

To some extent, the band members persuaded me. And in general, more and more opinions appeared around me that I should do this: “Come on, show it there!” I was skeptical about how this show was organized on Channel One. I thought that everything was probably tough there, they were imposing their repertoire. But, oddly enough, everything turned out to be quite light. And I thought: why not, I’ll show people what modern Russian rock music is like.

Why did you choose the song Zombie to perform on the show? It was written by the lead singer of The Cranberries in response to the terrorist attack in Great Britain in 1993, is the choice of this song some kind of response to world events?

This is an unconscious choice, rather a subconscious one. For some reason this song was in variations, and in the end it won.

- What other options were there?

Korn was there. (Smiles.) I’ve been wanting to play pranks for a very long time, even at the duel I tried to persuade the dude with whom I sang a duet to sing some of them, but I never persuaded him.

- Why did you choose Leps as the curator?

Because he is an anarchist! (Laughs.)

- And this is why he is close to you?

He doesn't try to pretend to be something. Leps is real, it seemed to me, and still seems to be, by the way.

- What are your expectations from the show? Do you want to bring something of your own to it? After all, it’s quite pop.

It's pop because people come there and sing pop! They really love it. In kind! Nobody is forcing anything on them. Television raised this gray mass of people who practically began to love all this themselves, because it was shown to them for a long, long time. And it seems to me that at some point Channel One itself, having heard the show “The Voice”, realized that everything was the same, gray. And I decided to give the go-ahead to a freak like me.

- At the show, are you trying your hand at pop or will you stick to your rock line?

No, why would I pretend to be someone else? I feel good as is.

On the first day after they showed blind audition, at some point I felt attention. I felt a little like Gagarin, who returned from space. People approached in their own way: “You’re great! So let’s go!” Moreover, people are not from the culture, just the working class. It was very nice. The saleswoman in the store said: “Cool! I never thought in my life that I would like this kind of music!”

-You have such emotional performances, where do you get the drive for them?

Oh, I don't know. (Laughs.) It’s hard for me to judge, I’ve always been like this - and still am.

- You are quite shocking appearance, V ordinary life do you maintain your stage image?

Yes, that's who I am.

- People don’t react strangely?

Where? On the subway? No, in Moscow no one pays attention to each other, fortunately.

In 2014, you arranged the music of Raymond Pauls for the musical "All About Cinderella", and also wrote the soundtrack for the series "Angel or Demon", would you still like to work in similar projects that bring you closer to a mass audience?

For the musical "All About Cinderella" we did the orchestrations, participated as co-composers and were the most powerful creative unit that participated in the creation of this production as a whole. The goal here was not to get closer to the mass audience, I just wanted to have an unusual new experience for self-development. As for the series, they suggested it to us and we wrote this song. There was no special purpose pursued there.

- Next year the group turns 15, have all your plans been implemented? What other tasks do you set for yourself?

One way or another, we are developing creatively, not betraying ourselves, traveling around Russia, playing concerts. In general, everything is good. There are no goals for the next five years. There are upcoming tasks: a new album, tour or anniversary concert. This is a lot of fun, I never thought in my life that I would live to see my anniversary.

- You travel all over the country, do people’s reactions at concerts differ in different regions?

Somehow in Siberia hotter people, in Central Russia it is cooler. On Far East They are also hot and sing along well. We attract the same people, somewhere they are hotter, somewhere cooler, somewhere more soulful, somewhere more driven. But still, these are the people of the Slot group.

- Is the audience changing? The group has been around for a long time after all. Who comes to concerts now?

The audience is more likely to change than not. These are people from 15 to 25 years old. And this age group always holds steady. And plus the old people who try not to forget us.