We write fairy tales. Tales about school supplies. Musical fairy tales. Magic guitar Make up a fairy tale about musical instruments


Alshina Yulia, Zubakin Alexey, Kudryavtseva Vera, Ivanovskaya Lilia and other 2nd grade students

The presentation is made up of fairy tales about school supplies, invented by 2nd grade students of GOU Secondary School No. 425 in Moscow



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We compose fairy tales We compose fairy tales about school supplies and other items (2nd grade)

School supplies We compose fairy tales about...

The Tale of a Pencil and a Pen (composed by Vera Kudryavtseva) Once upon a time there were a Pencil and a Pen. They lived in a pencil case. Every day they went out to work on school notebooks. The pen will come out and write. Then the Pencil will jump out: it will emphasize what needs to be emphasized, highlight something somewhere (an ending or a root, for example). Where the Pen fails, the Pencil comes to the rescue. Where it’s difficult for a Pencil, the Pen is right there. That’s how they lived – they were friends. Once upon a time, something bad happened to the Pencil: the lead broke. It’s bad for one hand! She ran to the Sharpener. “Please help, Pencil’s lead is broken!” - asks the Handle. The sharpener helped, sharpening the Pencil. The lead shone, the Pencil rejoiced. And Pen and Pencil began to work even better in notebooks. Thanks Sharpener!

Who is more important? (composed by Ilya Melekhov) Once upon a time they were in Sasha’s pencil case: Ruler and Compass. One day they quarreled. Which one is more important? The compass says: “You can’t draw a circle without me!” “And without me you can’t draw a straight line!” - Line shouts. They make noise and argue. At this time Sasha came and took a compass. The compass was delighted: “You see, Ruler, the boy chose me!” I am more important! Sasha drew a circle with a compass and took a ruler. He drew segments to the circle and appeared on a piece of paper... the sun! Then both the Compass and the Ruler realized that they were equally important for the boy Sasha. Since then they have not quarreled anymore.

About school subjects (composed by Yulia Alshina) Once upon a time there were an Eraser, Paper and two Pencils. One pencil was Red and the other was Green. One day Red Pencil said to Paper: “Paper, can I draw on you?” The Green Pencil heard this conversation and also decided to ask the Paper to draw on it. The paper was kind and allowed Pencils to draw on it. And they began to draw with pencils. But the Green Pencil did not do well. The pencils began to swear. Their quarrel was stopped by Eraser. The eraser said: “No need to swear. I’ll erase your bad drawings without any problems.” And the Pencils stopped quarreling, because if something didn’t work out for them, the Eraser came to their rescue.

Dispute. (composed by Ivan Ponomarev) In the pencil case lived a Pen, a Pencil, an Eraser and a Sharpener. One day the Pen said: “I am the most important, because people always write with me.” “No, I,” said Pencil, “I am the most important, because they emphasize everything with me.” “And I can wash everything,” said Eraser. And the Sharpener said: “I’m also in charge, because I sharpen pencils.” “Don’t quarrel,” said Penal, “you are all needed for your studies!”

About the girl Dasha and... (composed by Ivanovskaya Lilia) A girl Dasha lived in the same house. Dasha had a briefcase (she was already in 1st grade). One day Dasha came home from school, did her homework, played and went to bed. And a thin voice was heard from the briefcase. It was Eraser. He did not sleep: he was tormented by insomnia. He squealed to the whole room: “I’m in charge. Listen to me everyone! Then Pencil woke up and said: “Sleep. You're not in charge here. You erase everything and ruin everything.” Other residents of the briefcase also woke up from the screaming. They also all intervened in the dispute. This went on for several days. And then on one of these nights Dasha woke up. She opened her briefcase and... “Oh! - Dasha said in surprise - all objects talk.” Dasha listened to their argument and said: “Don’t argue. I need you all! It will be difficult for me to get along without each of you.”

The Magic Pen (composed by Alexey Zubakin) A boy, Sasha, studied in a Moscow school. He loved to play, walk, watch TV, but did not like to do homework. One day, on the way to school, Sasha found a strange Hand, which suddenly spoke: “Let’s be friends with you. I’ll do your homework for you with straight A’s, but you shouldn’t have any friends except me.” Sasha agreed. All day long his friends called him and invited him to the slide, to the skating rink, to play chess. And the Handle hissed: “You forgot our agreement, don’t go!” She did all Sasha’s homework beautifully and without mistakes, but for some reason Sasha was not having fun. The next day he put the Pen in the place where he found it. “I’ll study on my own, without you,” the boy decided.

A fairy tale about school supplies (composed by Polina Lebedeva) Once upon a time there were school supplies. One day, getting ready for school, they began to check: were they all there? Pens and pencils are in place, notebooks and textbooks are in place, rulers and pencil cases are in place. And suddenly it turned out that there was no eraser. They began to look for his accessories in his briefcase. Not in this corner, not in this one either. And then the ruler suggested that he could remain on the desk. Yesterday the girl studied homework and took it. The briefcase stood on a chair near the table. The ruler lay between the briefcase and the table, like a bridge. She said: “Pen, walk over me to the table and look, maybe there’s an eraser there?” The pen moved along it to the table and began to look for the eraser. She saw an eraser at the other end of the table. He lay crushed under a computer disk. The pen ran up and tried to lift the disk. But it was heavy. Then she called the others for help. The school supplies ran up and together they easily released the eraser. The entire satisfied company returned to the portfolio.

About the boy Kostya and... (composed by Liza Sudakova) Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Kostya. Kostya was a bad boy. he broke everything: he broke pens, pencils, and simply broke erasers into several pieces. He did as he wanted. He didn’t listen to anyone and didn’t love anything. And then one night an unusual rain began to fall - starry, magical. We all know that when stars fall, you have to make a wish. And Kostya made a wish: “I want to be small!” In the morning he woke up, and it turned out that his wish had come true. He became small: as tall as a finger. Kostya decided to see what was happening in his pencil case. He opened it and saw: A pen whose arm was broken; Pencil with a broken leg; Eraser with a broken back. They all cried bitterly. They saw Kostya and shouted: “Go away, you evil, worthless boy. Don’t come near us, otherwise we will beat you.” Kostya was scared for the first time in his life and cried bitterly. He began to cry and... a miracle happened: he became big again, like all the other boys. But since then he no longer breaks pencils, pens, or any other objects.

Magic Pencil Case (composed by Ali Chergesbiev) They bought a beautiful pencil case for a boy for school. It contained everything a schoolchild needed: blue and colored pens, a simple pencil, an eraser, a ruler, a square, scissors and glue. But this pencil case turned out to be magical. You will ask why? Yes, because as soon as the boy received an “A”, the inhabitants of the Pencil began to argue. The Blue Pen tells everyone that it writes beautifully, which means it is the most important. And the Green Hand answered her: “No, I, because I highlight all the dangerous places - spelling patterns.” The eraser argues with everyone: “And I can erase any mistake!” And the Square and Ruler say that without them the boy would not have received an excellent grade in mathematics. Scissors and Glue are also not far behind: “Without us, you can’t glue or cut anything in labor lessons.” What do you think: which of them is most needed?

Katya pencil case (composed by Maryam Ismailova) Once upon a time there lived a girl Katya. She was an excellent student. Katya did everything on time: she walked, played, studied homework, packed her briefcase and went to bed. One day she had a dream: all the inhabitants of the briefcase came to life and began to argue. Who is the most important among them? Pencils, Pens, Eraser, Sharpener, Compass and Ruler were arguing. Everyone argued that Katya was studying “excellently” only because of him. The girl came to school and it turned out that in her pencil case there was no pencil, no pen, no ruler... Katya began to get bad grades. She cried every day and did not understand why this was happening. And all the inhabitants of the pencil case finally realized that Katya needed them all. They no longer began to run away from the pencil case. It's good that it was a dream. Katya woke up and ran to see if everything in her pencil case was in place? All accessories were in place. The satisfied girl ran to school.

About the girl Galya and... (composed by Vika Mazikina) Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Galya. She already went to school and got straight A's. Everyone praised her. And then one day, when Galya went for a walk, the following happened... The briefcase suddenly opened and first a Pen came out of it, then a Pencil, followed by an Eraser and a Marker. "Let's go traveling!" - they decided. But the old Briefcase tells them: “Don’t, it’s very dangerous!” But the friends did not listen and went under the bed. Galya came from a walk, undressed and... suddenly she climbed onto the bed and began jumping on it. And Pen, Pencil, Eraser and Felt-Tiper were sitting under the bed and didn’t know what to do. They were very scared. The pen said: “Why didn’t we listen to the Briefcase?” They really wanted to go back. Galya jumped a little (she only did this when no one was home) and went to the kitchen. And the school supplies returned to their home (in their briefcase). Since then they always listen to adults.

Night dispute. (composed by Nikita Blinov) One night we were sitting at the table and drinking tea, school supplies. They were arguing. Which of them is more necessary for a schoolchild? The pen was the first to enter into an argument. “I am more needed than anyone else,” she said confidently. “Without me, schoolchildren would not be able to write a dictation, a text...” “And I do a special job...” said Pencil. “But if, using you, the children make a mistake, then it will be difficult to correct it without me,” said Eraser. This is where the textbooks came into the debate. The argument continued for an hour. The pencil case couldn’t stand it and said: “Don’t argue, you can argue all your life, and it won’t do any good. Neither of you can be better than the other. Each of us is needed in our own way.”

Dishes, toys and other items We compose fairy tales about...

A fairy tale about a Teapot and a Cup (composed by Diana Dzyubenko) Once upon a time there was a Teapot. It was old porcelain. Scale was firmly ingrained into its walls, and the blue flowers on the sides had faded with time and were charred by the fire. When tea was brewed in it, it grumbled and spat boiling water. He always didn't like something. And Cup lived nearby. Plain, with a gold rim and flowers on the sides. The cup was the teapot's favorite student. In the evenings the Lady appeared to them. She sat down and the three of them drank freshly brewed tea. Every now and then, the teapot, dripping onto the tablecloth, told the Cup something about old times or just about life. The Cup loved the old, ugly Teapot and listened to his stories with fascination. But then one day, when the Cup was standing on the windowsill, a gust of wind opened the window... The Cup, crying out pitifully, fell down and broke. That same evening, while grieving for the Cup, the teapot on the stove cracked. He had to be thrown away, just like the Cup. The lady cried bitterly. It turns out that dishes can make friends too.

A fairy tale about toys (composed by Lilia Ivanovskaya) One girl had: a soldier, a Marina doll and a rubber rabbit. One day the girl forgot to put away her toys. At night, when everyone was sleeping, the cat Vaska came running and wanted to grab the doll... But the rabbit grabbed Vaska by the tail with his strong teeth, and the soldier began to beat the cat on the paws with his wooden gun. Marina was able to escape and hide on the top shelf. Since then, Vaska the cat has not tried to “play” with the doll anymore, because she has such protectors.

Write a story about music and got the best answer

Answer from Irina Sorokina[guru]
1) One day a Little Girl heard Music.
The Little Girl really liked the music, but she could not understand where these beautiful melodic, enchanting and dance-inducing magical sounds were coming from... The Little Girl walked the streets all day, listening.
But the beautiful Music did not move away and did not come closer.
Then the Little Girl stopped,
She closed her eyes tightly and covered her ears with her palms with all her might.
But the Music did not disappear.
The magical melody continued to sound.
Well, how stupid I am! – the Little Girl thought then.
-So this Music is in me? !
And I learned to sing.
2) In a beautiful forest at the edge of the forest lived a family of rabbits: a mother, a father and three little bunny sons. Every evening before going to bed, Mother Hare sang a lullaby to her sons. One morning the little bunnies woke up and decided to find out how the song was born. They asked permission from Hare's mother and went traveling through the forest.
So they walk and hear: a brook is babbling. The elder bunny says:
- Here, brothers, the stream seems to be singing a song, like our mother lullabies to us.
They listened to the murmur of the stream and moved on. Suddenly a breeze blew. The leaves rustled and the grass rustled. the middle bunny says:
- Brothers, do you hear how the leaves and grass rustle beautifully? It’s like our mother Hare is singing songs.
They stood, listened to the music of the wind and decided to move on. They walked for a long time and suddenly heard birds singing. The bunnies hurried towards the beautiful sounds. We went out to the edge of the forest. The singing of the birds was very beautiful, melodious - a real song of the Hare's mother. The younger brother noticed that the edge of the forest was very familiar. And then they saw their house and mother Hare. The little bunnies ran to their mother and shouted in one voice:
- Mother! Now we know how your songs are born - our beloved forest helps you!
3) Musical instruments lived in one large and beautiful theater. Among them was the beautiful Violin - the most graceful of the String family. Curved curls adorned her chiseled head. Her waist was such that even a prima ballerina could not compete with her. She dressed with the most exquisite taste. Her clothes shone like well-polished expensive wood. No one could say that there is at least one extra feature in Violin’s appearance. Plus she sang very sweetly. Experts praised Violin's voice and singing technique. Only occasionally did someone dare to notice that she sang rather dryly, without soul. But Skrypka didn’t think about it. She had many fans. No one could resist her beauty, and no one could achieve an answer in the beauty's cold heart.
She was capricious and pampered. Her house was upholstered inside with silk, and there were velvet pillows in the bedroom. Every day the chambers were fumigated with fragrant rosin. When Violin went out for a walk, her fans bowed respectfully to her. In response, she would languidly say something like: “Oh, how damp the air is today. I’m afraid I’ll get a cold in my throat.” - and retreated into the house.
Here are 3 fairy tales. I think this will give you an idea.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

A fairy tale about a musical instrument for older children: Sweet-voiced Guitar.

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU secondary school No. 1499 SP No. 2 preschool department
Description: The author's fairy tale introduces children to a fantastic version of the invention of a musical instrument - the guitar.
Target: Arouse children's cognitive interest in the world of music and musical instruments.
1. develop aesthetic perception, imagination, interest, love of music
2. develop the ability to penetrate moods, thoughts, feelings
3. create the prerequisites for the formation of creative thinking
4. create the prerequisites for the development of musical and aesthetic consciousness

Listen, the whole world is singing - rustling, whistling and chirping.
Music lives in everything! Her world is magical!
Mikhail Plyatskovsky.

Whether it happened or not, no one will remember for sure. But people say that in ancient times, in a kingdom far away, there lived a very beautiful princess. The young girl's name was Guitarina. She was slender, well-mannered and had a gentle character. Her long, straight, light brown hair shone in the sun like golden threads. In addition, the young princess knew how to sing songs from early childhood, so touching, melodious, so divine. That the young men who heard her voice immediately fell in love with her. But the girl's heart was free. The king's father doted on his daughter.
One day an amazingly handsome young man came to the kingdom. It was a young prince from a neighboring kingdom. At this very time, Princess Guitarina asked the king to take a little walk along the streets of her beloved kingdom. The young people found themselves on one of the narrow streets of the ancient city. As soon as the young people’s eyes met, at that same moment lightning flashed in the clear sky. They stood and looked at each other in surprise.
- God, what a handsome young man? - thought Guitarina.
- Have I never seen such a beautiful girl in my life? - thought the prince.
They stood motionless for a long time, not daring to speak. And then Guitarina began to sing a song. Her voice amazed the young man, but the song seemed familiar to him. It was this song that his mother sang to the little prince. Without wasting a minute, the prince began to sing along with the young beauty. Their voices merged together and spread throughout the kingdom. The inhabitants of the kingdom were shocked by the beauty of the sound of the melody. People enjoyed their beautiful singing. The voice of the young people was so harmonious and pure that it seemed to the inhabitants of the kingdom that an orchestra of musical instruments was accompanying them somewhere nearby.

The girl’s father, King Zlatoslav, also heard about this diva. He immediately ordered his court servants to bring these wonderful musicians to the palace. Imagine his surprise when his beloved daughter Guitarina and an unknown young man were brought to the palace. The young man introduced himself and said his name.
- I am the prince of the neighboring state of Vigoria. My name is Dian.
At that very moment the king's face fell in surprise. The fact is that for 15 years now the neighboring kingdoms have been at enmity with each other. And the king of Vigoria, Frederick, Diana's father, was Zlatoslav's sworn enemy.
“What do you need in our state?” the king asked in a stern tone.
- I came to see your state, but today I met my fate.
“It seems to me that I fell in love, fell in love selflessly and for the rest of my life,” said the young prince.
- So who is she your chosen one? – the king asked impatiently. - This is the girl who has settled in my heart forever! - and the prince pointed his hand at Guitarina, who also fell unconsciously in love with the overseas guest.
“This will never happen,” King Zlatoslav said sharply and stamped his foot. There is no way I will bless my daughter with the son of my blood enemy. And I ask you, young prince, to immediately leave the aisles of our state. The unfortunate lover had to leave for his castle without a sip.
Days passed, months passed, but the poor young man was bored and suffering, refusing to eat. He remembered his beloved’s eyes, her divine voice. He felt sad in his soul. The young man sought solace in the Garden of Eden, in which trees of extraordinary beauty grew. Dian walked along the alleys and looked at the tree trunks. And everything around him reminded him of her. About his beloved Guitarina. And now it suddenly seemed to him that the trunk of a young tree resembled the slender figure of a girl. And the golden foliage resembles her long light brown hair. And then Dian decided, so that this would not happen, to sculpt a statue of his beloved girl. He cut down the beautiful Alder tree with his own hands and carefully took it to the palace.
For three months the prince did not leave the workshop. He carefully polished and varnished the wooden pieces. And when the work was already coming to an end, Dian saw the graceful and fragile figure of his beloved. Instead of Guitarina's beautiful long hair, the prince took golden strings and stretched them across the entire length of the sculpture.
Dian tenderly took her in his arms and stroked her golden hair. And at that very moment, lovely music flowed through the castle, which was like two peas in a pod like the voice of his beloved Guitarina. The prince did not let go of the instrument from his hands. He enjoyed and was touched by the beauty of the sound of the melody. And when the subjects of the state came running to this magical music and asked the young man what was in his hands? He said tenderly and reverently: This is my Guitar! From that time on, beautiful and divine music flowed from the windows of the castle throughout the entire area, day and night.
This is how a real miracle happened: only in the hands of an experienced craftsman with a loving heart did the wooden blank take on the form of a musical instrument capable of becoming an extension of the body, soul and voice of the beloved young princess.
And although many centuries have passed since then, the melody of the guitar amazes people with the beauty of its sound. And thanks to this particular musical instrument, you and I can imagine how beautiful Princess Guitarina’s voice was.

A fairy tale is a storehouse of folk wisdom; it contains a huge resource for the upbringing and development of children. For as long as humanity has existed, children of all times, cultures and peoples have listened with absolutely equal delight to fairy tales that adults tell them. What if you try to write magical stories yourself, and write them together with your children? This contributes to the development of the child’s imagination and imagination and can become the basis of his creative abilities.

The main distinguishing feature of the fairy tale is its metaphorical , that is, a reflection of people’s life experiences using symbolic analogy techniques.

A distinctive feature of the fairy tale is a certain fantastic nature. These can be magical objects or heroes with unusual properties. The fairy tale “Somewhere in the thirtieth kingdom”, “To distant lands”, “In ancient times”, etc. begins unusually. The use of phrases (long - short, not far - not close) allows you to collapse time and distance.

In order for children to have the opportunity to compose a fairy tale on their own, they need to be taught how to write down invented text using diagrams (schematization). It is better to write down the text of familiar fairy tales on a strip of paper with a pencil or pen from left to right. Diagrams don't have to have a lot of detail; An action is added to an action via an arrow.

The next stage in working with a fairy tale is the use of games and creative tasks:

“Name the hero”

Goal: to teach children to unite heroes according to a given characteristic.

The teacher names an image, and the children must find specific characters from other fairy tales (girls are the heroes of fairy tales: Gerda, Little Red Riding Hood, Zhenya (from “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”), etc.

"A Hero's Action"

Goal: To teach children to list all the possible actions of a fairy-tale character. Teach children to draw analogies in the actions of heroes of different fairy tales.

The teacher offers a hero from a fairy tale: a goat from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Condition: speak only in verbs. (Once upon a time, she walked, punished, sang, etc.) Next, the teacher suggests remembering the heroes who would perform the same actions in other fairy tales.

“Fairytale words” Purpose: to teach children to list different variants of words and phrases based on a given characteristic. The teacher invites the children to remember and say all the spells that they know in fairy tales (Sim-sim, open the door, Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka... etc.) then list all the words with which the fairy tale begins (Once upon a time in a certain kingdom , in ancient times...etc.)

Work with children on composing fairy tales should first be of a collective nature, then in a subgroup, then the children compose the text together or in threes. Next, the child himself composes a fairy tale according to a certain model. Let's look at some of them.

Compiling fairy tales using the “Catalog” method Goal: to teach the child to connect randomly selected objects into a single storyline, to develop the ability to compose a fairy-tale text according to a model in which there are two heroes (positive and negative) who have their own goals; their friends who help them achieve these goals; a certain place. This method can already be used with three-year-old children. Objects can be hidden in the “Wonderful Bag” (toys or pictures). From the age of five, objects can be selected from books. Books should be unfamiliar to children. An approximate chain of questions for 3-year-old children:

Once upon a time... Who? Who was he friends with? The evil one came... Who? Who helped the friends escape? Gradually, the chain of questions increases, and six-year-old children are asked approximately the following questions: - Once upon a time... Who? What was he like? (What kind of good could he do?)
- Went for a walk (travel, watch...)... Where?
- Did you meet anyone evil? What evil did this negative hero cause to everyone?
- Our hero had a friend. Who? What was he like? How could he help the main character? What happened to the evil hero?
-Where did our friends live? What did you start doing? A small group of children is asked to compose a fairy tale (story). A question is asked to the children. For example: “Once upon a time there was someone?” An adult opens a book to any page and invites the child to point his finger at the word: “Once upon a time... a pencil!” So the story will be about a pencil that gets into trouble. The next "answer" to the question is searched for on any other page. If according to the plot there should be a noun or verb, and the child pointed to another part of speech, the teacher needs to change the word into the desired part of speech, or find another one on the same line. The answers “found” in the book are gradually gathered into a single storyline. When the fairy tale is compiled, the children come up with a name for it and retell it. The teacher asks the children to remember what questions they answered using the book (deriving an algorithm of questions). Productive activities of children based on an invented plot: drawing, modeling, appliqué, construction or schematization (recording the actions of a fairy tale using diagrams). Ask the children to tell an invented fairy tale at home in the evening. Compilation fairy tales of dynamic type. Target: create pedagogical conditions for mastering the model of a fairy tale of a dynamic type. In such a fairy tale, one or more objects perform actions with a specific purpose, while interacting with different environments, which react differently to the actions of the heroes. The hero must draw conclusions, adjust his behavior, gain experience, as a result of which the goal is achieved and the attitude of others changes. A hero(s) is selected. Their properties, motives and goals are described. Heroes take actions to achieve a goal and encounter other objects in the process. Sequentially, for each interaction, changes in the main character are recorded, and the reactions of other objects when interacting with the hero are described. The result is a change in the hero (heroes) and the conclusion of a life rule. The name of the resulting fairy tale is invented and the rules for composing it are drawn up. On the board, the teacher draws a fairy-tale path and marks 3-4 cells on its horizontal line.

For example:

If a hero with negative qualities travels, then as a result of interaction with other heroes he can be re-educated and become good. The use of creative methods in working with a fairy tale allows the child to not only perceive the content of the fairy tale in an unconventional, original, unusual, new way, but also creatively transform the course of its narrative, come up with different endings, introduce unforeseen situations, mix several plots into one, etc. These methods are described in detail in the book by L.B. Fesyukova “Education with a fairy tale”:

Children draw, glue, and sculpt based on the fairy tales they have written. Non-traditional drawing methods are used (finger painting, drawing on wet paper, using a wax candle, 3D appliqué, etc.) They show sketches of the text using facial expressions and gestures, and theatrical performances.

The result of the work was the following fairy tales: “The Tale of the Fish,” “The Tale of the Little Mouse,” “The Tale of the Lost Carrot,” “The Hare’s Birthday,” “The New Teremok,” “The Story of the Brave Hedgehog and His Friends,” etc. We offer some of them:

A story about a brave hedgehog and his friends.

A fairy tale for a nursery rhyme.

Why are you, Hedgehog, so prickly?

This is me just in case: do you know who my neighbors are? Foxes, wolves and bears!

A long time ago, in a dense forest there lived a small and very kind hedgehog. But he was very, very prickly and no one wanted to play with him. And that made him sad. Alone, he walked through the forest alone, and quietly sighed: “Ah!” yes “Oh!” After all, more than anything in the world, he wanted to have many friends.

One day in the forest he met a magic crow and told her about his grief. The crow was truly magical, she took pity on the hedgehog and decided to help him.

“I’ll help you get rid of these needles,” she said.

The crow flew up to the highest tree and shouted to the whole forest: “Carrr!”

And the needles disappeared. The hedgehog was happy, thanked the crow, and quickly ran to the clearing where the little animals were playing happily. Now they took him into their games, because the hedgehog was not at all prickly.

The little animals were having fun in the forest, they were playing tag, blind man's buff, hide and seek, and did not notice how a hungry gray wolf appeared from the forest, teeth clicking and clicking.

“Ha ha ha! Yeah, gotcha!” – the wolf was happy – “Now I’ll eat you all!”

The squirrels and bunnies were frightened, their tails began to tremble with fear.

And then the hedgehog thought: “If I had my needles, I would show this wolf!”

And the crow sat on the tree and saw everything. She shouted her magic: “Karr!”, and the hedgehog’s needles appeared again. Our brave hedgehog curled up into a ball and rolled to the wolf's paws. Yes, he stabbed the gray robber so painfully that he howled in pain and ran back into the forest. And he never returned again.

The little animals began to thank the hedgehog - “Thank you hedgehog, you are a true friend. Your prickly needles saved us from trouble.” And from then on, to this day, all the animals in the forest value their friendship with the little prickly hedgehog. True friendship is learned in adversity.


Collage from fairy tales.

A mouse was running through the forest, got tired, sat down to rest and suddenly saw a sad frog sitting in the thick grass in the middle of the forest.

Why are you so sad? - asked the mouse.

“I’m sad because I don’t have a friend,” answered the frog.

Don't be sad, if you want, I will be your friend. Let's build a small house and live together. They built a house from twigs and dry leaves. And they began to live in it, sing songs and cook porridge. The little animals were so happy that the wolf heard them. He ran to the mansion, let's knock and ask for a visit.

That's how the tower is! And who lives in the mansion? - asked the wolf.

Animals looked out of the window.

I am Little Mouse.

A - Frog-Frog. And who are you?

And I am the Wolf! I want to live with you!” the wolf growled. - Unlock the door now!

The animals were not a little scared, and out of fear they could no longer answer.

Ah well! Well, wait a minute! Now there will be nothing left of your little mansion,” cried the Wolf.

The wolf began to blow: “F-f-f-f-u-u-u!”. And the tower scattered in all directions, as if a hurricane had hit it. There was a mansion, but no! A mouse and a frog are sitting in a forest clearing and crying bitterly.

The wolf felt ashamed that he was so big and offended the little animals. He felt sorry for them

I began to carry logs, cut boards and build a new mansion. Yes, it was built better than before, the windows were carved, the shutters were painted, there was enough space for everyone, and there was still room left for guests.

The mouse and the frog were delighted with the new little house. They began to thank the wolf, invite him to visit, and treat him to tea and pies. The wolf took a bite of the treat and ran into the forest to do his wolf business. And he promised not to forget his friends, to come visit and bring gifts.

Meanwhile, a hare was running through the forest and saw a mansion.

That's how the tower is! – the hare marveled. - And who lives there, in the little house?

And he started banging on the door with all his might.

This is where we live. I am Mouse-Norushka, and Frog-Frog. And who are you?

I am Bunny - Runner, I have a drum. Let me into the little house, I'll let you play the drum. The animals opened the door and let the bunny in.

“Where is your drum?” they asked.

He stayed there on the porch. Go and bring it - the hare answered them.

Only the animals are on the threshold, and the hare locks the door and won’t let the owners in.

What to do? What should I do? The Mouse and the Frog are sitting on a stump, crying, grieving, wiping away their tears with their paws.

Fox-Sister runs past.

What are you grieving about? - asks.

The friends told everything about their grief.

“Don’t cry,” says the fox, “I’ll drive him out.”

The fox ran to the tower, let's chase the hare. And he sits, the doors and windows are closed, he doesn’t come out, and doesn’t let anyone in. So the fox returned with nothing. The animals began to think together about how to drive the hare out of the hut. We thought and thought and came up with an idea. They decided to call Grandfather Bear for help, he is the strongest in the forest. The Bear came and roared through the whole forest.

Rrrrr...rrrr..., Get out, hare!

As soon as he hit the door, he tore it off its hinges.

“Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf,” the bear growled, “you want to build your own hut.” The hare got scared, jumped out of the house and ran. And Mouse-Norushka and Frog-Frog still live in the little house - they get along and greet guests. And the forest animals love to visit them, drink tea and pies, sing songs, and lead round dances.

Scenario of the fairy tale NEW TEREMOK.

Presenter: It was a long time ago, in an open field, in a wide expanse, in a dense forest, a mouse was running along high hummocks. I ran and was tired. I sat down to rest and saw a frog.

Mouse: What, little frog, are you sad, answer me, why are you silent?

Frog: I’m sad, because I’m alone, I don’t have a girlfriend.

Mouse: If you want, dear frog, I will be your friend.

I'm cunning, it's time to build housing for us,

So that the doors are strong, so that the animals do not touch us.

Frog: We will build a hut here, and the animals will come to visit us.

Presenter: So the two of us got down to business and the work began to boil...

The mouse collects leaves, the frog carries twigs.

Crow: Here I fly through the forest, collecting gossip everywhere.

You couldn't find a more curious crow in the whole region,

I stick my beak everywhere and quickly fly home.

Magpie: Have you heard, godfather, the news about the frog?

Together with the mouse she built a hut.

And the hut is not bad, enough for two girlfriends,

So we fly, it’s time to tell the news to the animals.

Presenter: Tili-tili, tili-bom and the girlfriends’ house is ready.

And fun began in the forest, to the surprise of everyone around

The little animals dance the Polish dance and wave their handkerchiefs cheerfully.

(an animal dance is performed, then they run away)

Presenter: They made so much noise and joked that they even woke up the wolf.

Wolf: What's all the noise here in the clearing? Have any gypsies been here?

And the grass around is crushed, but what kind of hut is this?

This is how the tower is, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I'm a little mouse.

Frog: And I am a frog, and who are you?

Wolf: I am a poor, poor wolf, my teeth click and click.

I was lying in the shade when I suddenly heard a noise.

I walked around the whole forest and didn’t find anyone.

Yes, I’m a little tired on the road, I can barely drag my feet.

Let them live forever, or I’ll eat them both!

Leading: The mouse and the frog are silent and only tremble from fear.

The little wolf took a breath, blew, and destroyed the house!

All the little animals ran away, so they don’t have a hut!

Frog: We sit on a stump together with the mouse and feel sad.

Where will we live now and share a crust of bread?

Mouse: Eh, little wolf, how could you destroy our little house?

We would have let you in anyway, given you tea and honey.

Wolf: You friends, don’t be sad, and please forgive me!

I’ll fix everything - I’m a wolf, I’ll build a new little house.

Presenter: Our top got down to business, and the work began to boil

Planes boards, drives nails,

pricks and teases, cuts splinters.

Tili-tili tili-bom, the little wolf built a house.

The shutters are carved, the windows are painted.

There was room for everyone in the house, and there was still room for guests.

Mouse: We bow to you very much, the house is beautiful from all sides.

Frog: Stay with them and you will guard our house.

Wolf: No, thanks, I can’t, I’ll run errands.

Host: The little animals have said goodbye and are living in their hut.

A scythe suddenly appeared in a clearing in the forest.

Hare: That’s the little mansion, who lives in the little house?

(And he started banging on the door with all his might.)

Mouse: I am Mouse - Norushka.

Frog: And I am a frog. And who are you?

Hare: I am a Bunny - Runner, I have a drum.

Whoever unlocks the tower will take my drum!

(The animals opened the door and let the bunny in)

Frog: Where is your drum?

Hare: In a clearing, under a pine tree!

Presenter: The hare entered the mansion and locked it.

No matter how much the animals knocked, they didn’t get into the hut.

What to do, how to be? We need to open the mansion.

Mouse: The wolf built a strong, glorious house

Yes, the deceiving hare settled in him.

Frog: Whoever is not afraid to help the poor one will drive the bully hare away.

Presenter: Fox ran past and heard her friends.

Fox: The hare is clearly wrong here, I have a hot temper

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights, show me where your enemy is?

Presenter: Liska began to chase the hare, stomping and knocking loudly.

Fox: Hey, bunny, come out, let the mouse and frog go.

Otherwise, as soon as I attack you, I’ll teach you a lesson in no time.

Presenter: The hare doesn’t open the door and doesn’t let the fox into the house.

The animals kept wondering how they could drive away the hare?

Fox: We need to call grandfather bear here immediately.

Uncle Misha, the strongman, can handle all obstacles.

Bear: If anyone is in trouble, I will come to your aid instantly.

Well, tell me, frog, who got into your hut?

Frog: This is a bully hare, he promised us a drum.

Bear: As soon as I hit it with my fist, the whole house will fall apart.

I'll catch you by the ears and lightly beat you up.

Leading: Kosoy trembled with fear and ran away from the hut.

He ran without looking back, only his heels were visible between the trees.

Mouse: Well, thank you, Uncle Misha, for helping drive away the bunny.

Come into the house quickly, we’ll pour you some tea and honey.

Presenter: Then the animals rejoiced, danced and sang,

They began to live and live, waiting for friends to visit.


  1. 1. L.B. Fesyukova “Education with a fairy tale” Moscow 2000
  2. 2. Sidorchuk T. A., Khomenko N. N. “Technologies for the development of coherent speech in preschool children” 2004


“Rake with your hands, rake... Rake, rake. Rake, hand harrow; consists of a ridge, a bar the size of an arshin, with up to 12 holes through it, into which teeth are driven, pegs into a finger, and from a rake... a stick the size of a man, stuck in the middle of the ridge vertically to the teeth. They row with a rake, rake up hay, roll; on the ridges they beat clods and level them…” - so succinctly in a few words V. Dahl reveals the origin of the word “rake” and the essence of the subject. Previously, in Rus', a “rake” was called any object that allows you to catch or hold something. This word was used to describe both a human hand and a wooden spoon.
Modern rakes are most often made of steel. Sometimes plastic or bamboo is used, although historically they were made of wood or iron. The handle is made of wood, plastic or metal.
There are hand rakes, horse rakes and for agricultural machinery. Manual - remove fallen leaves and debris. One type of rake has long, flexible, blunt teeth set in a crescent shape. They are used to remove dry grass from lawns. They can be used to level the dug up ground, select large stones and break up clods.
In Japan, there is an art of creating “rock gardens”. This "Dry Landscape Garden" consists of only gravel and rocks. The lines drawn by a rake through the gravel convey the structure of water flows or ponds, as in ordinary gardens. There is also an interesting variety of this tool - a rake. It is used for collecting berries from low bushes, such as blueberries and lingonberries. It looks like a ladle with a handle with long teeth.
Horse rakes were previously used to rake hay, ears of grain, or prepare arable land for row sowing. Nowadays, tractor rakes, modern complex mechanisms with rotating elements, are used for these purposes.
A funny feature of rakes is that if you place them on the ground with their teeth up and step on the teeth, they will instantly rise up, hitting the person who stepped on them. Most often - on the forehead, but it can also be in another place. This is where the combination of words “rake running” comes from, meaning a meaningless activity that harms oneself. There is also an expression “...stepping on the same rake twice,” which means repeating your mistake.
They have teeth, but they don’t know toothache.
They have teeth, but don't bite.
Standing in one row
Sharp fingers -
Pick up armfuls.


The house is shaking, the walls are shaking.
They're doing renovations!
Workers with a drill in helmets
"They're turning up the front."
In the Neolithic era, i.e. about 6000 years BC. e., ancient man invented a tool that became the prototype of the modern drill. It was a device made of a bow and a drill (a strong stick), which rotated at the slightest turn of the first. It was necessary to use such a tool with two hands: one pressed the drill, the other swung the bow. With the help of this tool, people made fire and processed various materials.
A hand drill is a drilling tool that uses human power. Used for drilling holes in various materials. The simplest hand drill is a brace, a tool with a handle in the form of a bracket (knee) and a chuck for clamping drills.
The drill is an integral part of the drill. Conventional twist drills come in different sizes and thicknesses from 0.1 mm to 8 cm. When drilling rocks, metalworking, when high hardness or heat resistance is required, drills with a very strong insert at the end are used - made of an alloy called pobedit. It is an alloy of tungsten carbide and cobalt. In terms of hardness, it is close to diamond, the hardest material.
The principle of operation of a modern drill originated in the distant past. The creators of the modern drill and the electric drive are considered to be two people who came to the same results, developing the drill completely independently of each other. They were the Scottish electrical engineer and German inventor from Stuttgart, Wilhelm Emil Fein, who in 1895 introduced his version of the electric drill. The Scot, who came to Melbourne (Australia) to participate in the construction of a large power station, patented his electric drill six years earlier.
The instrument was improved every year. The first models with a universal motor appeared towards the end of the First World War. This was followed by improvements in power and reduction in tool size and weight. Impact drills have appeared, where the chuck also performs a translational movement.
The largest drills can be considered drilling rigs, which drill (drill) holes (wells) in the ground to a depth of several kilometers. Well diameters range from 25 mm to 3 m.
He sticks his twisted nose everywhere.
He will make a hole in the wall,
To find out what's on that one
The downside.


The mowers in the meadow waved their sharp scythes,
What do they need God's flower?
They should finish their work...
S. Matkovsky
The scythe is one of the oldest human tools and a symbol of agriculture. The ancient Greeks used this tool for work by the goddess of fertility Demeter. It was a crescent-shaped metal object with a sharpened edge (blade) and a wooden handle.
As soon as man learned to process metal, this tool appeared. It is necessary for agriculture. The grain crops were harvested using a sickle or scythe.
This is an individual tool and requires adjustment to the size of the mower. Those who like to use a sickle hold the plant they are cutting with one hand and cut it with the other. But for some it is more convenient to work with a large scythe with a long handle and a blade that is not as curved as a sickle. They work with such a scythe with two hands, holding it by the wooden handle (scythe) and a small handle in the middle of the shaft - the beam. They mow with such a scythe, making semicircular movements, leading the blade of the scythe parallel, close to the surface of the earth.
The movements are energetic and require the worker to be in good physical shape. The scythe blade is not sharpened; it is beaten with a hammer on a special stand (headstock). After beating and during work, the blade is periodically adjusted with a fine-grained abrasive whetstone. A good scythe, after beating, can withstand three or four hours of mowing.
In the mountainous regions of Ossetia there was a tradition: competitions were held during haymaking. Mowers usually climbed uphill and from there began to mow from top to bottom. Working in steep, dangerous places, the mowers tried to overtake each other. In the process of this work, strength and endurance were trained, courage was developed, and the shoulder girdle was especially developed. PUZZLES
Small, hunchbacked,
I searched the whole field,
I ran home -
I lay there all winter.
Sharpened the Sharp Nose,
They beat Sharp Nose.
Sharp Nose worked -
The green cart was taken away.
(Scythe) PROVERB Mow, scythe, while there is dew, away with the dew, and we are home.