An essay on the topic “Reason and feelings are two forces. “Reason and feelings are two forces that equally need each other” (V.G. Belinsky) - Essays, Abstracts, Reports Moral conflict of the individual as a result of the disunity of reason and feelings. Essay on the Unified State Examination


It’s good that modern schoolchildren still write essays, although I see from their young relatives that this is not so easy for them. I studied at a rural school, but I remember that we wrote essays quite often. I have a feeling that almost every week we wrote something either based on the works we had studied, or on a free topic based on works recommended (or chosen to our taste) for independent reading.

Topics "Reason and Sensibility", we also touched upon it, and not even once, since there are plenty of examples in the literature, by looking at which you can try to understand which of them is more important. Reason or feelings? Naturally, it has been proven through many examples that only harmony of the heart and head gives a person both a feeling of inner freedom and a feeling of happiness. Passions can be blind, reason can be too cold.

But just as theory without practice, reason without feelings cannot exist. After all, it often happens that feelings push to actions, from actions (whatever they may be), “experience is the son of difficult mistakes” is born, experience, in turn, again comes to the aid of the mind in difficult situation. It turns out to be some kind of vicious circle. Although some, especially intelligent individuals are even capable of taking on the experience of others. But there are not many unique people like this, and even if we are ready to rely on the experience of others, this does not apply to all issues and problems in a row.

I remember that one of the discussions in our class (and this was many people’s favorite subject) was just developed on interesting topic. Usually, it is believed that intelligence and intelligence, a certain practicality, pragmatism - this is more characteristic of men. Women, on the contrary, are more emotional, more susceptible to feelings. But is this really so? We were asked to find an example in literature where a man was completely immersed in feelings. And in principle, this was done quite easily - Yolks from a Garnet bracelet He just turned out to be the person for whom feelings (love for Vera Nikolaevna) turned out to be much more important than rumors and ridicule. He perfectly understood his social inequality, and realized that “you can’t be nice by force,” but at the same time he could not do anything with his feelings. Therefore final in " Garnet bracelet"so sad.

Now I don’t remember exactly what the topic of my essay sounded like, especially since it was so many years ago, but at one time I chose to consider this topic what interested me most. It’s not that the other works were rated in some way wrong, it’s just that sometimes something is very strong emotions causes. That's why I wrote to this topic using the example of a work N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa" . After all, if we consider the behavior of the heroes, it turns out that each of them acted in accordance with what had great power over him.

Erast turned out to be more susceptible to reason, although base passions (to lose his property at cards - such a person cannot be called reasonable) also got the better of him at some point. But he tried to correct the situation by pure calculation - he married a rich widow. The action is not plausible, but very progmatic and logical in such a situation. Of course, he did not love the widow, but for the sake of money and position in society he could endure it.

Lisa, in turn, was so immersed in feelings that her mind, under their pressure, simply did not dare to “say” a word. Lisa rejected a profitable match for herself, Lisa completely forgot that due to her social status she could not be with this person - she didn’t care. And finally, in her despair, Lisa committed suicide, while also not thinking about anyone. Especially about the old mother, who, as it seems throughout this short work, Lisa loves with all her heart. What happened in the end? Did any of the heroes become happy? Everything is clear with Lisa, but Erast, having chosen reason and a profitable marriage, also turned out to be deeply unhappy, since he “considered himself a murderer” when he learned about Lisa’s death.

That is, Erast still had a conscience, and conscience is also a feeling. So it turns out that only harmony between feelings and reason can help a person in difficult situations, and when he tries to choose just one thing, he has a high chance of making a fatal mistake.

Comedy hero A.S. Griboyedov Alexander Andreevich Chatsky at some point exclaims: “The mind is not in harmony with the heart.” This results in misunderstanding of the obvious, disappointment, and mental trauma. How to ensure that the mind and heart are in harmony, because, according to Belinsky, they equally need each other? How to learn to live so that the mind does not deprive a person of feelings and emotions? At the same time, feelings should not subjugate the mind, they should not deprive people of the ability to think, reason, and analyze. Of course, not everyone manages to be in harmony with their mind and feelings.

Most often we see that feelings overwhelm a person, which often leads to tragedy.

For example, the hero of the novel I.S. Turgenev Evgeny Bazarov, a nihilist who denies everything in the world, strong personality, capable of leading others, cannot cope with her feelings when he fell in love unrequitedly. He denied romanticism, poetry, and suddenly, having fallen in love, he felt the romance in himself. An attempt to get rid of the feeling that prevents him from living and working leads to his untimely death.

Without a doubt, the reasons for Bazarov's tragedy are not only in unrequited love, the novel is deeper and more philosophical, it can be reduced solely to love story it is forbidden. But it was precisely at that moment when the hero was captured by the feeling that he lost faith in his ideas, because before his death he says: “Russia needs me. No, apparently it’s not needed.”

Turgenev’s idea that he should not suppress his emotions, feelings, that he cannot live only by ideas and complete indifference to the world of human experiences, is consonant with the thoughts of another great writer, namely L.N. Tolstoy.

In the novel "War and" Andrei Bolkonsky, an almost ideal hero, lives more by his mind than by his feelings. What he has in common with Bazarov is strength of character, will, deep intelligence, and the ability to suppress emotions. One can only admire his fearlessness on the battlefields. When, during the Battle of Shengraben, he arrives at Captain Tushin’s battery to give him the order to retreat, he experiences a feeling of fear, because enemy shells are exploding all around. But Bolkonsky says to himself: “I cannot be afraid,” he remains on the battery, helps remove the guns, which earns the respect of all the soldiers. But Prince Andrei has his own shortcomings, he is overwhelmed by pride, he does not know how to forgive, he is not able to understand the feelings of another person. His mind prevails over his feelings, and for this he is punished. Having fallen in love with Natasha Rostova, Prince Andrei, at the request of his father, postpones the wedding for a year, not understanding what this means for Natasha. She cannot stop living, she is too cheerful, full of emotions, experiences, and this is where her passion for the scoundrel Anatoly Kuragin comes from. Prince Andrei cannot forgive her, cannot understand that this event happened through his fault too. Does he understand what a tragedy this is for Natasha, because she almost died? The ability to understand and forgive comes to Prince Andrey only after being wounded, as a result of which he dies.

Thus, Russian writers, like Belinsky, believe that reason and feelings are not opposed to each other, but should be in balance, harmony, because they form the basis of a single whole - human personality.

“Reason and feelings are two forces that equally need each other” (V.G. Belinsky)

Man is a rational being. This is an axiom, an immutable truth. Even in explanatory dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozhegov says that reason is “the highest level cognitive activity“specifically humans, although animals can also be intelligent. In the same dictionary, reason as “the ability to think logically and creatively” is contrasted with feeling, interpreted as “a state in which a person is able to realize, experience, understand something based on sensations and impressions.” And although these concepts are antipodes, a person will never be complete if he attaches special importance to one thing to the detriment of the other. This was understood, for example, by our great poet A.S. Pushkin. In his Elegy he says:

But I don’t want, O friends, to die;

I want to live so that I can think and suffer...

As we see, “to think and to suffer” are two forces that “need each other equally,” which form the basis of the life of a harmonious personality.

In the novel by I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons” we can find confirmation of the thoughts of the Russian critic V.G. Belinsky. The most striking and memorable image of the novel, Evgeny Bazarov, due to his convictions, puts reason at the forefront rather than feelings, since nihilism was based on skepticism - a complete denial of everything that had to do with bourgeois-noble traditions and customs, as well as to the world of sensuality. That is why Bazarov believes that “love is nonsense, unforgivable nonsense,” and between young people there is nothing more than a physiological attraction. He denies music, poetry, and the beauty of nature, because he considers non-science activities to be a useless pastime. In his opinion, “Raphael is not worth a penny, and Russian artists are even less.” Bazarov speaks contemptuously of Pavel Petrovich, who threw his life at the feet of the woman he loved. His brother, Arkady's father, who read Pushkin and played the cello, also received ridicule. “A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a great poet,” says Bazarov, who firmly believed that “nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.” However, a person cannot live only by reason; his feelings will still overtake him sooner or later, which is what happened to Bazarov.

Having met Anna Sergeevna Odintsova at a ball, Bazarov found her not only smart, but also attractive. As usual, he talked a lot about science, talked about medicine, botany, and Odintsova kept up the conversation, since she understood the sciences. And Bazarov began to change: he fell in love, despite the fact that he considered this feeling to be romantic nonsense. In the scene of the explanation with Odintsova, we see a completely different Bazarov, not the one who argued with Kirsanov, but a suffering man who loved, but could not open his feelings. And this kind of Bazarov is more sympathetic to us than the nihilist Bazarov. Therefore, Evgeny’s break with Odintsova evokes in us feelings of empathy and pity, and the scene at the bedside of the dying Bazarov, when Odintsova visits him, brings tears to our eyes.

It is probably natural that Bazarov’s death is a blow, first of all, to his nihilistic conviction. Everything can be denied, but before death everyone is equal. And this must be understood rationally. It's in the scene last meeting with Odintsova, Bazarov talks about his mind (“Russia needs me, no, apparently I don’t”), and even more about his feelings for her. In the face of death, in the worldview of this hero, reason and feelings become a force that does not oppose, but complements each other.

In this novel, not only Bazarov gave preference to one side human nature. For example, Nikolai Petrovich, on the contrary, lived more feelings than with the mind. That’s why the village fell into desolation, and that’s why he hid Fenichka from Arkady. But it seemed that it was time to accept her not only with the heart, but also with the mind, because the illegitimate son was growing up. It seems to me that only thanks to Bazarov, Nikolai Petrovich finally forgot about noble prejudices and married a poor woman. Two forces - reason and feelings - made this hero in the eyes of the reader a more sympathetic character than he was at the beginning of the novel.

Of course, there are many examples in our literature of how reason and feelings complement each other. I remember Chatsky with his “mind and heart are not in harmony,” Pechorin, who only once gave vent to his feelings when he pursued Vera, and others. But no matter what hero we take, we can see that everything that matters for a person’s life (labor, material goods, world, nature, family), in a special value projection is reflected equally on both his consciousness and his feelings. Therefore, reason and feelings are not opposing sides of the human personality, but those supports on which man must stand - the crown of the creation of the universe. (688 words)

Reason and feelings are two huge forces that influence a person and make decisions. For a calm state of mind, for inner harmony and peace, any person needs peace between these two serious levers.

There are many situations in life when the mind dictates to make one decision, which is more logical and will bring more benefit to a person, and feelings demand to make the opposite decision, since it is more humane and connected with the subtle strings of the soul. Anyone has to face this problem. For one, this conflict is associated with an insignificant life situation, and the lives of innocent people depend on the decision and conflict of the mind and feelings of the other.

In any situation, in order to accept right decision and then don’t regret it and don’t blame yourself for a terrible decision; you need to weigh all the pros and cons, all the positive and negative sides of a serious choice. Sometimes it’s so important to look at a particular issue and task from the outside. This helps you avoid making mistakes and understand more clearly where the true truthful choice is. It is important to be able to turn to a loved one for help, to whom you are ready to entrust all your secrets and innermost thoughts.

Every strong person in life faces a problem that is beyond his strength. In such a situation, anyone can get confused and take a step that after a while will lead to undesirable consequences. For many, inflated pride or selfishness prevents them from asking for help, and the person suffers from this, unable to cope with the situation. It must always be remembered that if not close person, then a specialist in this field can always help. Seeing a psychologist is not scary or embarrassing, as many people perceive this step to be. It is a psychologist who can help you understand yourself, your feelings and the contradictions between feelings and reason.

Essay 11th grade.

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An example of a final essay in the direction of “Mind and Feelings”.

What is more important to listen to in any life situation: to the voice of reason or advice of the heart? It is probably impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Francois de La Rochefoucauld, French writer XVII century, believed that “the mind is always a fool of the heart.” To this, a Russian proverb could object to him: “And strength yields to the mind.”

Let us imagine a person whose behavior is governed solely by the laws of reason. He is always able to soberly assess the situation, pondering what needs to be done so as not to be in danger. But life, subject only to the dictates of reason, can often become joyless and even meaningless.

To confirm this, we can recall Pechorin from. On the one hand, knowing no fear, he commits acts that are desperate to the point of recklessness. But under the guidance of his “cold” mind, he turns into an egoist, incapable of truly loving, making friends and sympathizing. Pechorin becomes the culprit of Bela's death, deceives the sincere feelings of the young Princess Mary, and responds to Maxim Maksimych's friendly affection with indifference. “Rational” egoism deprives Lermontov’s hero of the right to be happy. He feels unnecessary and sees no meaning in life.

Pechorin’s “contemporary” is Evgeny Onegin, the hero of the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin, also prefers to act on the advice of the mind rather than the heart. Not wanting to burden himself with marriage, he does not reciprocate the love of a beautiful girl, Tatyana Larina. Fearing gossip, he sets off for a meaningless duel with the young romantic Vladimir Lensky. “How wrong I was! How punished! - Onegin exclaims with remorse, when it is no longer possible to return the once rejected love, to become happy.

Carefully weighing all the pros and cons, being in constant subordination to “should” and “correctly”, a person deprives himself of the opportunity to fully enjoy life, and becomes unable to feel with his heart the pain and suffering of others. The famous Persian poet and philosopher Omar Khayyam stated:

He who from youth believes in his own mind,

In pursuit of the truth, he became dry and gloomy.

I think that in human behavior, rational considerations should not take precedence over feelings. It is important to listen equally to the call of the soul and the instructions of the mind. This, of course, is not easy: reason often contradicts feelings and, conversely, a person overwhelmed by his own passions is capable of acting rashly.

In a fit of emotion, people can act nobly and selflessly, dishonestly and basely. We admire heroes who, without hesitation, risk their lives to help others. We do not respect the faint-hearted, who are capable of betraying friendship and the Motherland at a difficult moment.

Not everyone is destined to be wise men, but learn to do right choice between “should” and “want” everyone can.

Examples of final essays - 2017: