Will the Tiger and the Snake be able to live together? Compatibility of Snake and Tiger - excellent chances


People born in these years have completely different goals in life and different temperaments. Love between them is possible, but it carries with it a whole bunch of problems for both partners. If your couple combines these signs, then you should know what to expect from the union of the Snake and the Tiger. The love compatibility of these signs is determined primarily by their characters.

Tiger character

This person has an active lifestyle. He strives to be a leader in everything, has excellent organizational skills and is able to infect others with his unconventional ideas. He is ready to overcome any obstacles, and takes risks without fear. If an adventure is planned somewhere, he will never miss it.

The tiger perceives the world with its heart. He is used to trusting people and at the same time he himself is not capable of lying and being a hypocrite. He always says what he thinks, and his straightforwardness and impulsiveness sometimes scares people away. Although he loves to be the center of attention, he accepts loneliness nobly and steadfastly. He is not used to complaining about life, and is able to cope with all difficult situations alone thanks to his strong character and endurance. These same qualities help him achieve success in his career and personal growth.

Snake Character

A person born this year is a born philosopher. He analyzes the surrounding reality, often reflects on his life path and the meaning of existence. He has patience and well-developed intuition, guesses the desires and thoughts of others, and therefore can resolve any conflicts. Unlike the straightforward Tiger, The Snake knows how to hide its true feelings, hide them under secular gloss and external calm.

The Snake is a contemplative, but at the same time a very purposeful person. Only he does not go to his goal directly, but in roundabout, winding ways. He will never initiate strangers into his plans, much less involve them in his actions. The snake is accustomed to acting secretly and alone.

General compatibility of Tiger and Snake

As is clear from the above, these signs are opposite and do not seem to coincide in anything. However, it is no secret that opposites attract, and this union may turn out to be one of the most successful. Of course, problems in relationships are inevitable, but if you know about them in advance, you can solve them in the bud.

Possible problems

A complex union is represented by the Tiger and the Snake. The marriage compatibility of this couple is ambiguous. The Snake is used to subjugating people, and the Tiger is not one of those who is easy to lead. If you completely break his will and make him human "on the run", he will not be happy, and this union will soon fall apart.

Options for developing relationships

Most often, the Snake initiates relationships. She is looking for a partner, and having found it, conquers it. Her success is always obvious, but sometimes the straightforward and slightly naive Tiger thinks that he himself has achieved this love.

When the relationship has already begun, four development options await them:

Tiger Man and Snake Woman

Such a woman has a hypnotic charm. Attractive in appearance and charismatic, she can turn anyone's head. Using numerous feminine tricks, she can easily entangle the Tiger with her charms. But when the relationship passes the “candy-bouquet period” and the couple faces everyday problems, the woman will begin to show other qualities that the man will not like. The power of her nature, the desire to take control of everything will offend the Tiger’s love of freedom.

The Tiger man - a born leader and the soul of the party - will not be able to deprive himself of the joy of constantly being in the center of attention. A woman will not like this. Her jealousy and constant attempts to chain her partner to the house will cause quarrels and misunderstandings. However, if she trusts a man and gives him complete freedom, then he will certainly appreciate this sacrifice and will never go “to the left.” While the Tiger is "on a short leash"- unreliable spouse. His rebellious nature will take over and the marriage will fall apart.

The wise Snake can become a reliable assistant to her husband if she gives him the opportunity to self-realize. A successful and talented spouse is not able to succeed in the profession without the home support, which a business woman can provide if desired.

Compatibility of Tiger men and depends on their ability to make compromises. With the right approach, a woman can protect her husband from dangerous adventures and unjustified risks, without limiting his freedom of action, but by helping with wise advice.

Snake Man and Tiger Woman

It is very difficult for such a couple to start a relationship. A man is cautious and secretive; he will look closely at a woman for a long time before showing sympathy. The Tiger woman is open, sociable and too emotional for a dry, silent man. Her impulsiveness, if it does not scare away the Snake, will certainly alert her and make her think again about whether it is worth entering into a relationship with such a woman.

If a man nevertheless decides to have a relationship, to his surprise, he will find constancy and fidelity in Tigress . She will turn out to be a born keeper of the hearth, a wonderful wife and mother. The snake will return to a cozy home where there is the smell of fragrant baked goods and a neat wife greets you with a warm smile.

However, Tigress is a freedom-loving woman, and a man’s attempts to tie her to himself will not lead to anything good. The Snake's suspicion and jealousy will only irritate the Tigress and constantly provoke conflicts. If he turns out to be wiser and more patient, then she will happily give the reins of power into the hands of a man and will enjoy family life as the most incredible adventure.

Since Tigress perceives the surrounding reality exclusively through emotions, only a strong feeling can force her to get married, so it is foolish for her husband to doubt her love. The Snake man attracts the Tigress with her inner core, as well as success in society, career growth and financial situation.

Connection with the Western Horoscope

The compatibility of Tiger and Snake also depends on the zodiac signs of the Western horoscope. If they belong to the same element, their love prognosis is more favorable. Which pairs of Snake and Tiger have the most successful combination:

When characterizing a pair of these contradictory signs, we must remember that any, even the most unfavorable forecast, can be deceived by the ability of lovers to make compromises and solve problems not with scandals, but with frank conversations.

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The compatibility of the Snake and the Tiger is regarded as quite low. Partners do not understand each other. There are many difficulties in store for them on their life path. To maintain the union, the spouses will have to try. It will be more difficult for a man born in the year of the Snake, because he is too jealous. He does not trust his chosen one and seeks to limit the freedom of the independent Tiger woman. She cannot imagine her life without society and needs universal adoration and glory. Her companion, on the contrary, prefers peace and quiet.

A woman highly values ​​her freedom, but her husband is not ready to provide it. He tries with all his might to tie his partner to himself as tightly as possible. He hopes for a measured and stable life together. The Snake man loves when there is a certain routine. He likes a comfortable home and peace. No matter how much he wants, he will never be able to understand his beloved, but the desire to control her will always be in him. His companion will take such restrictions with hostility, because she does not accept disrespect for her personal space. She will regard such behavior as the destruction of her creative inclinations. And he will certainly try to end such a difficult relationship.

Snake man and Tiger woman: general compatibility

The Snake man has enviable patience and self-control

Calmness, moderation, and self-control characterize a man born in the year of the Snake. He is self-confident and able to control himself in the most critical situations. He has a mysterious aura that others like. And the Tiger woman is not able to resist his charms. He never wants to attract everyone's attention to himself, but those who are nearby will certainly notice him and become interested in him. It tastes great. The clothes correspond to the latest fashion trends. He's intelligent. He behaves confidently in society.

A man appreciates the intelligence and beauty of a Tiger woman. She is his opposite. She is in an endless search for adventure and new experiences. He follows her everywhere. A woman necessarily takes part in all events that occur, often associated with conflicts and clarification of relationships. If her life becomes measured and calm, she will certainly initiate quarrels, achieving a dramatic effect. Her energy is in full swing. She's definitely a person of extremes.

The soul of a woman born in the year of the Tiger is filled with passions. She rarely shows humanity. The Tiger woman is charged with energy from the attention of those around her. She does not lack it. A woman is always popular. People admire her and praise her talents. She doesn't think about her actions.

Partners begin to experience tender feelings towards each other immediately after meeting. However, as they get to know their companion better, disputes and misunderstandings make themselves felt more and more often. Their life is characterized by instability. It has many sharp and unexpected turns. They are sometimes wonderful together, sometimes disgusting. Mutual understanding can instantly give way to complete rejection. It is safe to say that lovers will not get bored in this relationship. Since the compatibility of the Snake man and the Tiger woman tends to zero, they rarely marry. However, there is still a chance for a successful union if partners learn to respect and appreciate their other half.

There is practically nothing that unites a man and a woman in this pair. They are absolutely not alike. The Snake man is distinguished by balance, tranquility and slowness. And his chosen one needs a strong partner who can suppress her difficult character and become a leader in the union.

The Tiger woman is characterized by impetuosity, increased emotionality, instability and variability. She is capable of changing her decisions countless times. Her chosen one, on the contrary, under any circumstances, weighs his actions for a long time. The pair has very few points of intersection.

The Snake man is critical of any major changes in his life

A man values ​​stability in every area of ​​life. If he makes a decision, he follows it to the end. He is rational and objectively assesses what is happening. Often makes critical remarks towards his beloved.

His chosen one is a real hurricane of feelings and mood changes. She loves to command, give orders and is not going to listen to criticism. She doesn't quite understand what family is. Her independence is important to her. She looks after her own interests exclusively. A man, on the contrary, strives for a quiet family life. Of course, he will devote some time to having fun and traveling in the company of his companion, but this will quickly end. He needs a family in the classical sense of the word. If a woman needs her partner, then she needs to come to terms with the need to work on herself. She will have to adapt to the interests of her lover and learn to be a good housewife.

A refined, sophisticated, moderately conservative Snake man will certainly be shocked by his active and idealistic attitude towards his companion’s life. He regards her endless desire to be in time everywhere and take part as a meaningless, illogical and unnecessary waste of time. The Tiger woman does not understand the lack of initiative, indifference, composure, calmness and closedness of her partner. She doesn’t understand why her chosen one surrounds himself with such boring and uninteresting people, albeit useful ones. In other words, the spouses, in principle, do not understand each other and think in different categories. They cannot turn a blind eye to their partner’s shortcomings.

Snake man and Tiger woman: compatibility in marriage

The Snake man will support his partner in everything

However, it should be noted that the possibilities of real feelings are limitless. Since the lovers met each other, it means there is some meaning in this. Of course, the Tiger woman will have to be patient. She needs to work on herself to strengthen her relationship with her partner. The compatibility of Snake and Tiger in marriage and love will increase somewhat if everyone in this couple treats their partner with respect and stops trying to change him.

The Tiger woman has a good understanding of people. When she decides to marry a man born in the year of the Snake, she understands perfectly well that she will find support in him. Her husband solves everyday issues without difficulty. He will easily discover a way to force his chosen one to be softer and more balanced. She will appreciate his efforts and fill their life together with bright emotions and unforgettable impressions. For this reason, a woman should not make rash decisions quickly. It is worth acting more often, relying on your intuition, which never fails.

Snake man and Tiger woman: compatibility in love

Sex often becomes an excellent option for reconciling spouses. Partners feel good around each other. A woman is characterized by playfulness. Her lover is passionate and enthusiastic about his companion’s ideas. Each of them loves sex and wants to please their other half. The more complex the relationship in this couple develops, the more time they devote to intimate life.

They must be honest with each other, since insincerity and the desire to hush up problems will negatively affect their relationship. If they understand themselves, then they will achieve complete physical and emotional intimacy.

By accepting each other's individuality, the Snake and Tiger will be able to build a happy marriage

Regardless of the compatibility of the Snake man and the Tiger woman, the relationship in their couple can develop according to two scenarios: the first is a wonderful marriage, the second is complete discord. The partners have different characters and have little in common. Moreover, each of them is wise and able to come to a compromise. There are many problems and difficulties in this tandem, however, with strong love, the spouses will be able to overcome all obstacles.

For a Snake man and a woman born in the year of the Tiger, a lot will become clearer when they understand and can come to terms with the fact that each person is individual. Everyone has their pros and cons. Family well-being can be achieved only when lovers do not seek to change each other, respect the opinion of their partner and value him.

It is difficult for the woman in this couple to realize that the leader in the family is a man. She should learn to perceive his dominant position and accept his point of view. Over time, she will be able to limit her excessive activity. The Snake man is a strong and resilient man. He provides financial support for his family. In addition, he acts as a worthy defender of his beloved. As soon as a woman shows tenderness, affection, complaisance and humility, she realizes how right a choice she has made. After all, next to such a man nothing is scary. When the spouse understands that he is the leader in the family, he will be able to use all his extraordinary abilities.

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The relationship between these two signs is often not strong. The Tiger itself is a very active sign, and the Snake, in contrast to it, is inclined to leisurely and observation. Therefore, in her eyes, the Tiger will be too fussy and the Snake will have neither the desire nor the opportunity to keep up with his pace.

The Snake is always independent and has its own opinion; it does not like it when someone else is involved in solving its problems. In addition, Snakes act in a rather stereotyped manner, which is simply unacceptable for the Tiger. Achieving goals for these signs is also built
according to different principles. The Tiger usually resolves all issues head-on, moving directly towards its goal; the Snake is more reasonable and looks for workarounds.

The compatibility horoscope speaks of a lack of mutual understanding between these signs; the Snake puts the result of each action at the forefront, while for the Tiger the main thing is the methods of achieving the goals. He will not follow the intricate paths that the Snake lays out that are incomprehensible to him, and she, in turn, will not be able to cope with the savagery of the tiger’s character. The combination of these signs is good for business when one complements the other, the first sets tasks and thinks about them, the second looks for the optimal means to achieve them.
execution. But the romantic relationship between these two signs is quite complex.

Tiger Man, Snake Woman

In this combination, you can find incredibly useful traits for both signs. The Tiger may be interested in the stability and wisdom of the Snake, which will become a very strong rear for a man, will protect the hearth and provide escape routes for the Tiger, who is in constant activity and search.

The Snake, if it can determine for itself why it needs the Tiger Man, will become a reliable keeper of the house, a skillful and reliable housewife. But at the same time, she will demand from her man. She will not associate herself with someone who, in her opinion, cannot lead her forward and make her dreams come true. But in any case, Snake Women will pay attention to Tigers, since they are interested in such active signs that will balance their calmness and regularity.

The intimate relationships between these two signs are developing quite well. Snake women are playful and cheerful in bed, while Tiger women are inventive and perky. Therefore, they can bring pleasure to each other.

Tiger Woman and Snake Man

The relationship between this couple is much more complicated. The Tiger man will come up with some kind of framework for his half, within which he will try to keep the unbridled energy of the Tiger Woman. Therefore, she will have to spend a lot of effort to find a compromise and create a strong relationship that will develop into marriage. But if they can understand each other and begin to balance, then creating an ideal relationship no longer seems such an impossible task.

The Tiger woman should not refuse the possibility of an alliance with such a strong and wise sign as the Snake. It's not every day that you come across such a strong combination of will, drive and prudence. The Snake man, who will be guided not by emotions, but by reason, will definitely be able to find opportunities to curb the Tiger’s temper and turn him in the right direction. In this pair, the woman should try to become a follower and listen to her intuition.

According to the compatibility horoscope of a Tiger man and a Snake woman, a family union is quite problematic and rarely lasts if the spouses do not work on changing the qualities of their character. This is a critical alliance that is often doomed to failure due to mutual claims between partners.

In this couple, everyone constantly doubts the noble motives of their partner and sees only negative traits. They have different temperaments, life positions, ways of achieving goals, and they want different things. , with her sober mind and amazing intuition, cannot understand the motives of the Tiger man. She doesn’t know why he likes to create unnecessary problems and conflict situations out of nowhere. The whole reason lies in the difference in temperaments. The Tiger man is a freedom-loving rebel who is not used to obeying the will of others. And the Snake woman, on the contrary, tries to subordinate the Tiger to her will and limit his freedom.

Both behave unpredictably, but, in any case, the Tiger man always tries to escape from the suffocating embrace of his wife. From the first days of acquaintance, the Snake woman begins to put pressure on her lover, and this quality manifests itself even in small things. However, both of these signs are wise and through mutual concessions can still come to a common denominator.

Tiger man and Snake woman - compatibility

In the life together of a Tiger man and a Snake woman, not everything will be smooth and calm. And in order for the union to be strong, both will need to work on their character traits. The Snake woman is very jealous, and in a marriage with a Tiger man who is prominent and attracts the attention of all women, she will have to learn to trust him and restrain her jealousy. And the Tiger man, in turn, needs to constantly prove to his wife that she is loved and desired.

A man born and unwilling to obey others. He is a true leader with leadership talent. He easily manages to manage, since everyone obeys him and does not go against him. He always puts his goals in the forefront, achieving them. This is a free-spirited man, in whose soul nobility is combined with temper and aggressiveness. The Tiger man has a huge number of hobbies. He constantly learns something, learns new things, but many of his projects remain unrealized due to the fact that he does not know how to complete the things he has begun.

A woman born in and a connoisseur of beauty. Loves galleries, exhibitions, theaters. She is always surrounded by many interesting people and beautiful things. She appreciates the beauty of her body and knows how to keep it in impeccable shape until old age. She is smooth, graceful, slow and meditative, but, when necessary, has amazing reflexes and a tenacious grip. The Snake Woman is a wonderful housewife, wife and mother. She has a rich inner world into which she does not let anyone in. She is very jealous in love, and often with her care literally strangles her partner, limiting his freedom.

Tiger and Snake are a combination of very strong personalities, in which each is aimed at realizing their own ideas. They will be able to find something in common and collaborate together if the idea is interesting to both. However, it will take a lot of effort for them to work together. Everyone must understand that leading and suppressing the other will not be the best solution.

The mutual attraction between the Snake woman and the Tiger man is strong. The Snake woman will definitely pay attention to the Tiger man. She feels his steel core and inner strength with her whole being. And she will never tie the knot with a man whom she does not respect and will not waste herself on trifles. And the Tiger man is captivated by her smooth speech and attractiveness, at first not paying attention to the restrictions on his freedom. In her he sees a good housewife and a wonderful lover who is not averse to fulfilling these duties. He is also attracted to the Snake woman by the stability and wisdom with which she easily solves life’s problems. From their feelings, both become softer and stronger at the same time. Next to the Tiger man, the Snake woman receives some stability in life and security, and he receives a constant incentive to move forward, a flow of ideas from his chosen one. But for the relationship to be harmonious, both should learn calmness and balance, since both are temperamental and react too strongly to any manifestation of feelings.

One of the most striking common features of the Tiger man and the Snake woman is aristocracy, not only in the soul, but also in behavior, in the desire to live beautifully and in comfortable conditions. In this union, the spouses can be united by the fact that the Tiger man is constantly looking for something new, and the Snake woman can become a safe haven and reliable rear for him.

The contradictions that arise from time to time between the Snake woman and the Tiger man often lead to separation. And the most important disagreement in this couple lies in different temperaments. , and the Snake woman deftly “entangles” him hand and foot, wishing for herself a calm and stable life, which is why conflicts soon begin. The Tiger man simply needs external activity and achievements like air.

The Snake woman has a lot of energy and can perfectly cope with household responsibilities and achieve heights in work. But, in alliance with a Tiger man, in order to create a truly harmonious relationship, she needs to forget about external life and career growth and devote herself entirely to the household. Or, another option is a joint business. Working in tandem, the Tiger man and the Snake woman achieve great success, because she is lucky and a good organizer, and he is decisive and brave.

Tiger man and Snake woman - compatibility in love

In the intimate sphere, in a couple of a Tiger man and a Snake woman, everything is quite harmonious. Sexual relationships bring pleasure to everyone and are one of the few points of contact between partners. The subtle, even slightly sentimental Snake woman becomes a wonderful lover for the strong-willed and sharp Tiger man. The Snake woman is able to bring special delights to intimacy, and the Tiger man will always support them. Both are open to new things, so they can achieve satisfaction. However, this area is not without problems, especially at the very beginning of a relationship. The Tiger man is a leader in all respects, but the Snake woman does not intend to simply be a follower. Spouses will be able to solve this problem through an agreement and compromises.

Advice from “Moon Today” for a couple Tiger Man and Snake Woman

The union of a Tiger man and a Snake woman has only two possible outcomes - a happy, strong marriage or a complete collapse of the relationship. But, if partners are not in the mood to change anything about themselves, then it is better to break up immediately. In relation to this couple, the Eastern horoscope states that spouses need to adapt to each other, restrain their negative emotions, learn to accept their partner and rejoice in the fact that he exists.

The compatibility of a man and a woman in a love relationship depends on a huge number of factors - financial viability, outlook on life, differences in the upbringing of both partners, negative experiences of past relationships, etc. However, there is also such a factor as zodiac compatibility. The Tiger man and the Snake woman do not have too many points of contact; it is difficult for them to understand each other, but at the same time they have quite promising compatibility. Everyone can contribute to the overall relationship and to the personal affairs of the partner. If it is possible to avoid or overcome a clash of temperaments, a harmonious union will result. The Tiger man should be given complete freedom of action, and the Snake woman needs to do purely feminine things: take care of her husband and children, develop her hobbies. By the way, the Tiger man should prepare an office for himself in order to immediately designate his own space where he can calmly do business.

The compatibility of the Tiger and the Snake is ambiguous - due to the difference in temperament, the union between them can be either strong or short-lived. If partners are ready to curb their character for the sake of a future together, then they will have a chance for happiness together.


General compatibility of signs

The general compatibility of the Tiger and Snake signs is determined by the individual characteristics inherent in each of the representatives of the Chinese horoscope.

Tiger character

The tiger can be described as follows:

  1. He is an active and energetic leader in everything. He is rarely willing to go against established principles, he is stubborn and adamant, and strives to subordinate everything around him to his will.
  2. As a born leader, the Tiger is characterized by an active life position, independence and the ability to manage people. Therefore, he easily achieves success in building a career.
  3. Those born under this sign are often carried away by new ideas and trends, but rarely bring their intentions to life. They find it difficult to reach the “golden mean” due to impulsiveness and inconsistency. The implementation of planned plans is also sometimes hindered by excessive emotionality. For example, in conflict situations, such a person may react violently to the attacks of his interlocutor, showing aggression.
  4. In his relationship to the world and people, the Tiger expresses optimism, wit, and curiosity. This sign is characterized by an orientation towards achievements in the outside world - they often give preference to work and travel instead of organizing a home.

Main features:

  • sincerity and honesty:
  • charisma;
  • unpredictability;
  • independence;
  • carelessness;
  • generosity.

The characteristics of the Tiger sign are presented by the channel “1000 and 1 horoscope”.

Snake Character

The snake has the following character:

  1. Eastern astrologers consider the Snake sign to be the most mysterious. Indeed, these people, as a rule, have a special magnetism that is so attractive to the opposite sex. In life, they achieve career and personal heights thanks to their flexible mind, charm and dispassion. Able to effectively calculate and anticipate all risks on the way to the goal.
  2. The snake loves to be the center of attention. She does not strive for fame and recognition, as she is focused on communicating with people who are as erudite as she is. Snakes are uncompromising in matters of quality - it is important for them that the environment matches their status. That is why they are so careful in choosing friends and partners.
  3. The snake is a connoisseur of beauty. Those born under this sign are educated and pay a lot of attention to the aesthetic side. They are surrounded by interesting people and beautiful things, and their best leisure time is visiting exhibitions and museums.
  4. The Snake family is treated with reverence. Excellent intuition and wisdom in decision making allow you to anticipate and smooth out emerging conflicts. However, a sense of ownership, selfishness and jealousy often interfere with building harmonious relationships.

Snake Features:

  • prudence;
  • determination;
  • prudence;
  • practicality;
  • equilibrium.

You can learn more about the character of the Snake from the video. Filmed by the channel “1000 and 1 horoscope”.

Tiger Woman and Snake Man

The tandem of a Tiger woman and a Snake man cannot be called a model of complete agreement. They will rush from one emotional extreme to another, which will only increase the misunderstanding. The only way to improve a relationship is to begin to appreciate and respect your partner, despite all the shortcomings.

Are they suitable for each other in love?

In this combination, the chance of building a long-lasting relationship is quite high for a number of reasons:

  1. The Tiger woman is looking for a serious and responsible partner, and Snake men, as a rule, possess these qualities. They are attracted by the inexhaustible energy of Tigers and admire the versatility of their feminine nature.
  2. The excessive emotionality of the lady will be well balanced by the calmness of the Snake guy, who will be able to make important decisions, guided by reason and not by feelings.

A couple can avoid serious problems and conflicts of interest under certain conditions. So, if the Tiger woman learns to show flexibility and pliability, as opposed to the power qualities she has. In order to preserve the relationship, the Snake man will have to take the position of an active leader, and not a distant observer.


A marriage between a Tiger and a Snake will have a number of features:

  1. The Snake man in the status of a husband gets the opportunity to reveal his potential as a caring family man. He is naturally wise and calm, which is important when establishing communication and everyday life. However, his uncompromising nature and desire for control can suppress the will of his other half.
  2. The Tiger woman needs to recognize the leading role of her husband, otherwise marriage will become a burden for her and a restriction of freedom.
  3. Such a lady takes marriage seriously and ties the knot, harboring deep feelings for her partner. Becoming a wife, she shows her best qualities - sincerity, responsiveness, worldly wisdom.
  4. For this woman, financial stability and confidence in her husband are important. He will have to prove his reliability before they start a family. An understanding Tiger spouse will direct her energy to creating an atmosphere of home comfort, since comfort is of great importance to her chosen one.

Sexual compatibility of signs

The sexual compatibility of the signs will be as follows:

  1. Both attach great importance to physical intimacy, so in the intimate sphere they have complete agreement.
  2. The Tiger woman is energetic and passionate, ready to experiment. The Snake man appreciates such emancipation, being a sensual and passionate lover, he is focused not only on his own, but also on the pleasure of his partner.

In friendship

In friendship, these two will behave this way:

  1. Friendly relations between the Snake and the Tiger arise infrequently - this is explained by the difference in interests. Tigers are energetic and active, so their life, work, and hobbies are connected with movement. Snakes value home comfort; for them, comfort comes first, which is incompatible with the release of adrenaline.
  2. These signs maintain more neutral and friendly relationships, without delving into the details of each other's lives.

Relationships in business and work

It is quite difficult for the Tiger-Snake tandem to maintain a common business and come to an agreement in negotiations. Each other’s ideas seem devoid of meaning and logic to such people. The Tiger is a supporter of tactical decisions, while the Snake is a supporter of thoughtful strategy.

Such different approaches to work can both hinder fruitful cooperation and lead to progressive solutions. In the case when the Tiger and the Snake make joint efforts to compromise for the sake of the result, they will be able to bring any projects to life.

Snake Woman and Tiger Man

In any interaction between a Snake woman and a Tiger man, problems and contradictions cannot be avoided that will arise on every occasion. The lady will want to dominate her partner, he, in turn, will constantly be offended by her coldness and detachment. It will be possible to reach mutual understanding if both show patience and stop trying to make each other their own.

Love relationship

The compatibility of the Tiger and the Snake in love at the beginning of their dizzying romance is beyond doubt.

  1. At the stage of falling in love, they are absorbed in each other and dream of creating a happy family, but over time the relationship begins to cool. People realize that they have very little in common, and their views on life are fundamentally different.
  2. The Tiger man loves to be the life of the party, making new friends, including those of the opposite sex. The Snake woman is too jealous to share her man with someone else; rivals are unacceptable to her. The tiger will not be able to patiently endure a hail of reproaches. On this basis, many disagreements arise in the couple, often leading to a breakup.
  3. A man born in the year of the Tiger strives to realize himself in life and find his calling. The wise Snake woman will give him such an opportunity and create a reliable rear. She wants to see a purposeful and confident partner nearby - these are precisely the traits that the Tiger is endowed with. When this man understands that the chosen one is not trying to control every step, he will appreciate her care and attentiveness. Then the couple will have a chance to create a strong family.


The life together of these signs cannot be called cloudless, since both partners are prone to overly impulsive and unpredictable behavior.

The family relationship of this couple will include the following aspects:

  1. A snake in the status of a wife will try to manipulate her husband, using cunning tricks against him. A husband born in the year of the Tiger does not accept attacks on his independence and leadership in the family.
  2. If the couple cannot come to a compromise, then their union will not last long. Only a trusting attitude and mutual concessions will help save the situation.
  3. The Snake’s worldly ingenuity and thriftiness are also capable of strengthening a marriage. Her inconsistent husband sometimes lacks organizational skills in everyday matters. By building a cozy nest, such a woman will ensure the warm affection of the Tiger, who needs a break after exploits in his career.
  4. To avoid major scandals, the Snake will have to suppress attacks of jealousy, because her chosen one is popular with the female sex. The tiger, in turn, will need to move away from stubbornness and categoricalness and learn to listen to his wife’s feelings. Also, remind your beloved more often that she is the only and most desirable one for him.

If spouses learn to feel each other's emotional state, their union can become strong and lasting.

Sexual compatibility

Sexual compatibility in this couple is as follows:

  • physical intimacy will bring pleasure to both;
  • a sensitive Snake woman is able to predict her partner’s desires and give him all of herself without reserve;
  • a passionate Tiger man will not remain in debt and will make the nights together unforgettable for his beloved.


If friendships are struck in this couple, it is not on the basis of common interests, but based on random clashes of destinies. If friendship does arise between these people, it can last for many years. This becomes especially possible if both signs belong to the same element. Then they will quickly learn understanding and respect, especially since each of them is capable of showing sincere affection and mutual assistance in difficult times.

Are they compatible in work and business?

These signs are poorly compatible in work for a number of reasons:

  1. The tiger is categorical in making decisions and rarely considers other opinions. The flexible and insightful Snake will not openly contradict an authoritative colleague, trying to adjust the course of affairs to suit his interests in a roundabout way. Noticing such fraud, her impulsive business partner is able to unconditionally terminate the business relationship.
  2. A man will prefer the role of leader and will not want to delegate even part of his powers to the Snake. An underestimated lady will quickly lose motivation and such a business alliance will soon exhaust itself.


You can learn more about the compatibility of the Tiger and the Snake from the video of the “Conspiracy, rituals, customs” channel.