Where to hit a person's weak points. What pain points are there on the hand?


First of all, understand that six months of visiting the sambo or martial arts section does not guarantee you victory in a fight when attacked by a night robber. It is unlikely that a criminal who decides to go out into an unsafe fishery has less experience in fights than you.

Feeling like Bruce Lee, you only harm yourself by dulling your vigilance, even healthy fear for such situations, and as a result, you do not use the only opportunity that allows you to “make your feet.” In order to confidently confront a criminal, six months of martial arts training is not enough. Yes, perhaps even a year is not enough.

If you have already decided to master the secrets of the arts of hand-to-hand combat for the purpose of self-defense, do not strive to practice all the known techniques, for which, naturally, you will not have enough time or strength. As a result, you will know a lot and at the same time nothing. For a night fight, five or six blows, but brought to automaticity, are quite enough. Any person can do this. Preference should be given to the simplest and at the same time the most traumatic techniques. You can read about them in specialized literature, which is in abundance on every book counter today.

True, I must note that the theoretical study of self-defense techniques during an attack has never saved anyone. When attacked, during a real fight, a person who has no combat experience almost always gets lost and completely forgets where and how to hit. Hand-to-hand combat techniques only justify themselves when they have been repeated a thousand times during training. Then the fighter, when attacking and during the fight, acts in accordance not with reason, but with a developed conditioned reflex.

So, if you want to be able to defend yourself not imaginarily, but for real, build a dummy pear of your alleged enemy stuffed with rags out of old clothes, or, as a last resort, draw his figure on the wall, mark three or four of the most vulnerable points and hit them with your hands and feet every day. Only in this case, in the event of an unexpected attack, will you be able to resist. Most of all, training on dummies is necessary to develop the habit of beating a living person. Where we don’t know how to hit hard, because we know how painful it is. Well, we are not capable of cutting through the throat with the edge of the palm, driving the cartilage of the nose into the brain and gouging out the eyes with our fingers.

Our entire being resists such blows, and therefore at the very last moment our hand weakens and our outstretched fingers freeze before the open eyes of the enemy. It is possible to overcome this psychological barrier only by adopting methods of training in hand-to-hand combat techniques of special forces, that is, day after day, beating dummies and poking your fingers into the eyes drawn on paper tilted towards a pear. It is advisable to draw them very realistically, so that you gradually get used to not softening the force of the blow. Then, even if you are afraid of hurting a person, you will still hit with full force, the way your hand is used to.

Available pain points on the human body.

I will indicate the pain points that are most accessible to a non-specialist, which, if successfully reached, can cool the ardor of the attacking enemy for some time. Phalanges of toes, on which, during an attack, it is very convenient to hit from above with the heel of a shoe, and even more painfully - with the stiletto heel of a woman’s shoe. Shin, a sharp blow on which with the toe or heel of a hard boot is extremely sensitive. Groin. Such a blow can neutralize the man who attacked you for more than a minute. The pain from such a blow can incapacitate even the most experienced fighter. It’s only in the movies that after the enemy’s leg hits a given area, the hero, smiling charmingly, continues the fight.

A normal man will sit quietly on the ground for at least five minutes. And, by the way, his hands will be busy supporting the injured organ. It would be a sin not to take advantage of the moment and not “finish off” the villain with a blow to the open face. What, cruel? Then expose your organs and your face. But only then do not complain that the enemy, not appreciating your nobility, did not restrain his blows during the attack. In war it’s like in war. And attacking an initially weaker passerby at night is even worse than war. At least it is conducted according to certain rules.

Solar plexus. This blow is good, but it requires certain boxing skills, which theoretically, after reading this advice a hundred times, are not developed. Throat- the most unprotected part of the human body. But in order to hit it, it is advisable to force the enemy to raise his head. Look at the roof of the nearest building, widen your eyes, let out a cry of surprise, maybe your opponent will succumb to the trick and look up, for which he will raise his chin. Hit the open Adam's apple with your fist or the edge of your palm. A strong blow to the throat can be fatal.

A blow with a tightly clenched fist in the base of the nose or on the bridge of the nose. But such blows must be well placed. Punch in temple capable of instantly incapacitating an enemy. A strong blow can kill. Back of the head, or rather, the upper part of the neck. A hard blow with a fist or the edge of your palm to the base of the skull can not only immobilize, but kill your opponent. Eyes- the most vulnerable place. They are not protected by either muscles or skin. They are open to traumatic impact. An accurate attack can blind an opponent for hours, while a strong one can blind an opponent for life. You should hit with your middle and index fingers apart, your thumb, or your middle knuckles.

A sharp blow with the edge of the palm from bottom to top in upper lip causes severe pain and loss of consciousness, since at the base of the nasal cartilage there is a dense network of nerve endings. A strong blow from both sides with cupped hands ears causes the attacker to lose consciousness. It must be said that eyes, lips and ears are very sensitive to force during an attack. Something to remember during close combat, when it is impossible to strike from afar. For example, during attempts or strangulation, when the opponent came close or grabbed his victim with his arms.

In this case, only the eyes, lips and ears are potentially reachable. They should be hit. In the eyes - with your fingers. On the lips - with a fist or grab them with your fingers and pull down with all your strength. The same can be done with the ears. But it’s even better to push some sharp object into your ear - a hairpin pulled out of your hair, a pen, a key, etc. A damaged eardrum will cool the ardor of the most ferocious bandit. But the easiest and most effective way is to use your teeth rather than your fingers, especially since they, unlike your hands, will most likely be free. So you should grab them into the same lips, ears and nose. And grab it so tightly that you can even bite it off. You can use the back of your head as a powerful striking weapon.

For example, if the enemy grabbed you from behind during an attack. Hitting the bridge of someone else's nose with the back of your head is a very serious blow. Of course, if you have the courage to hit with all your might. In the same way, you can hit an opponent standing in front with your head. In the criminal environment, they are very fond of such surreptitious blows. And that means they will suit you. Feel free to use available tools. Pull out your pocket knife. Hit your face with sharp keys. The point of an umbrella. The cutting edges of a bottle broken on the asphalt, which you hold by the neck. Burn your enemy's skin with a burning cigarette. Or poke someone in the eye with the tip of a pen. Women can successfully use a hairpin as a weapon. Do you feel what the name is? Barrette. Well, use it for its intended purpose!

But! No matter what techniques of defense and attack you possess, no matter what weapon you prepare for battle, you should not show your skill ahead of time. If the enemy knows what to expect from you, combat skills lose their importance. No threats (I have four dans in my asset and a grenade in my pocket!), no warning attacks and defensive combat poses. On the contrary, pretend to be incompetent, relax the enemy with demonstratively stupid actions, convince him of your incapacity, let him open up and quickly, without preliminary preparation, that is, without swings, combat stances, deliver a “deadly” blow.

Just don't look where you are going to strike. Do not warn him of your intentions if you do not want to run into a counterattack. Look somewhere to the side. And don't be silent! Shout “Hurray!”, “I’ll kill!”, “Police!” or something more articulate, but no less menacing! First, someone might hear you and call the police. Secondly, screaming is a means of psychological attack. If, of course, it has the tone of a threat, and not a request for mercy. Thirdly, your scream “turns you on”, sets you up for battle and victory. Convinces him of his own strength.

It’s not for nothing that most street fights begin with insults and screams that warm up the fighters. And it’s not without reason that in hand-to-hand martial arts the technique is accompanied by screams. Well, you scream too. It’s even easier to die that way. Than in deathly silence for you. If you manage to “drop” your opponent to the ground, do not wait for him to get up - go for the finish. I understand that such advice has little correlation with the officer’s code of honor and the unwritten rules of children’s yard fights, where they don’t beat someone who is down. And you will have to. And precisely the recumbent one. Until he stood up and laid you down on the vacant spot on the asphalt.

Finishing off a defeated enemy during an attack is one of the first rules of street fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Don't let the bandit who attacked you get up. Kick him at the most vulnerable points - in the face, stomach, groin. Hit him until he stops trying to get up. Strike, even if you have never laid a finger on a single person in your entire life. Then hit all the more. In such a situation, as in a battle, it’s either you or you. I just implore you - hit with full force, because if he gets up, you won’t be able to count on pity. They will already kill you. Bandits do not like to be hurt.

One or two with the maximum application of impact forces - and a quick retreat or finishing off an enemy who has not come to his senses. The middle, that is, waiting for him to come to his senses, is equal to defeat. Hit. Without fear of hurting your opponent. Remember that the Criminal Code gives you the right to self-defense. Up to killing the attacking party when attacking you. There is a known case when a farmer killed three racketeers who had come to receive “tribute” from him with a double-barreled shotgun and was released in peace. Remember that from the point of view of the law, the attacking party will be found guilty, even if the victim suffers more. Even if she is crippled.

Necessary self-defense when you are attacked.

But only when it attacks. And if he only threatens, and you respond to abuse and demonstration of fists with a crippling blow, then the Criminal Code no longer protects you, but your victim. And you turn from a victim into a criminal. This is a facet of the law that you need to know about so as not to suddenly end up on prison bunks. A citizen has the right to self-defense during an attack only in situations that clearly threaten his life and the lives of his loved ones. In all other cases, he cannot count on the leniency of the law.

The same is true in cases where not random bricks, stakes, penknives and kitchen knives were used as weapons of retaliation, but firearms and bladed weapons prohibited by law, as well as grenades, grenade launchers, toxic substances, tanks and large-caliber artillery. What I must warn the reader about. However, when meeting a group of bandits in a dark alley, I recommend that you better not remember this law. So as not to weaken the force of the blow. Because the law, even in the worst case scenario, can send an unwitting killer to places not so distant for only a decade and a half. And the bandits are destined for the rest of their lives.

And now, I’ll tell you about one more, but this time a tragic incident. The French karate champion, winner of many belts, medals, etc., sports and combat honors, was killed by a young teenage hooligan with a blow to the back. What I mean is that you cannot consider your skill a panacea for all possible ills. You can lose.

In conclusion, I will cite a truly wise rule of the ancient eastern fighters: the battle won is the one that did not take place! And in addition, let me remind you of our domestic, perhaps not so sophisticated, but essentially accurate sentence: there is no trick against scrap! So try to win the fight without starting it. By following them, you will be more protected from surprises than even having a black belt in karate.

Based on materials from the book “School of Survival in an Economic Crisis.”
Andrey Ilyichev.

All hand-to-hand fighters and fans of martial arts are familiar with the concept of a nerve center or vulnerable point. In addition to the well-known points such as eyes-throat-groin, there are several hundred others located both on the torso and on the limbs. Having looked at the map diagram of the abundant location of vulnerable centers on the body, it is very easy to decide that everything is simple - no matter where you knock, you will end up at some point. But this, fortunately, is absolutely not the case - otherwise, in an ordinary drunken fight, people would be killed by an accidental splash in the nose or chest. In fact, you need to know at what depth, at what angle, and what form of impact you should use in order to achieve this or that effect. Very many points are most sensitive to damage by small forms, and only a few know how to work with them. In addition, you need to very accurately know the anatomical location of the point and be able to work with a reflexology atlas.

Mystified eastern teachings, the kind that guarantee, if not access to outer space without a spacesuit, then at least physical immortality through mastery of the mythical energy “Chi” or “Ki,” are very fond of loading their followers with tales on the popular topic about the art of the poisonous hand. Their essence is that if you know the time when a particular point has a maximum or, conversely, a minimum of energy, having mastered its control, you can, with a simple touch of your finger, send a person to the next world, and also after a given time period (day, month , year). So the unlucky followers of all kinds of sensei and gurus learn by heart thick Talmuds on acupuncture, memorizing the time of the “ebb and flow of energy” on the “meridians”, difficult to pronounce Chinese names of points and other nonsense. They do push-ups on their fingers or poke them into sand, beans and walls, earning arthritis from a young age. They spend precious hours of their free time on all sorts of meditations on mastering the “current of energy”, “opening the chakras, tan-tens and clearing the channels” in the style of qigong, tai chi and other heresies, and, shamefully, getting hit in the head by the guys from the boxing or kickboxing section , they explain to themselves that their art does not need to be mastered for a year or even a dozen years, unlike rough fights. But when they master it, they will show it to everyone, wow! After all, they have such a cool teacher! (Who is so cool because he doesn't spar with anyone).


Let's consider blows to the above-mentioned places that “stop” the enemy. For example, a blow to the throat is dangerous even from a small child. But any adult can, with his action aimed at the throat, transfer his opponent to “another world”; it doesn’t require much force, just a vector poke in a certain direction. But this is science for special forces, who have to engage in mortal combat. But it is enough for a “mere mortal” to know that, for example, a gentle tap on the Adam’s apple with your fingers will stop any attacker, because in this place there are no muscles that cover the cartilage. In army manuals you can see a blow to the throat with the barrel of a machine gun, which is very effective.

Going lower, let's take the solar plexus. All the combatants received blows to this point, and everyone probably remembered the unforgettable sensations. Needless to say, such a blow requires little effort to knock the opponent into the fetal position! But at the same time, we must take into account that a strong blow delivered with a certain vector will kill the enemy, as those who are supposed to know know this. So you should be careful with blows to the solar plexus.

The groin is a place of “conviction” for many, especially in the city at night. It’s not for nothing that they say: you can’t pump up your eyes, throat, groin! But the danger is not that they will hit you in the groin, but in the place just above the “male” pride. For an internal hematoma and irreparable consequences, a kick in the “Grindars” is enough - that’s it, the operation is guaranteed!

Although, we should note that the following often happens “on adrenaline” - after a blow to the groin, the enemy jumps up after 2-4 seconds, and then you really need to try to emerge victorious from this fight! This happens due to the inaccuracy of the blow and the concentration of the aiming point on the genitals. In fact, you need to hit inward, with maximum effort from the bottom up!


Shocking, paralyzing and disabling points are found along the lateral lines of the skull, face, throat and torso. A sharp and penetrating blow with a small form to these points causes the enemy to recoil or pull back a limb. Several repeated blows to these points cause a cumulative pain effect and, as a result, temporary paralysis of the limb.

These are points located in the center and on the sides of the articular folds of absolutely all joints of the arms and legs; located one third (of the length of the limb segment) above and below the joint; on the inside of the forearm, along the midline between the radius and ulna bones; on the arms and legs, where you can feel the bone through the muscles (on the hip and shoulder they are located along the inner and outer lines).

It is not located to the left of the sternum, as we commonly believe, but mainly along the midline and has the shape of a drop, inclined from the sternum with its sharp part towards the left nipple. The left ventricle is closest to the surface of the body. Just under the left nipple, where the pectoralis major muscle ends, you can see or feel its pulsation. In athletes, it is shifted to the outer part of the body. As a result of the knuckle of the middle or index finger piercing this point, the heart rhythm is disrupted. A simple fist blow introduces arrhythmia into the work of the heart, adding stress during the contraction and breathing phase. Possible valve closure and death. In a bad way (for the enemy, with your good blow), a rib breaks and the heart breaks.


Figuratively speaking, it is a ball-skull on a spring-spine. Impacts from the side of the “spring” (in the horizontal plane) can destroy the bones of the facial skeleton (nose, jaw), but are partially absorbed. The impacts of tearing the “ball” from the “spring”, that is, from the bottom up towards the top of the head, are practically not absorbed.

It’s not for nothing that the chin is the point of turning off consciousness! But this is not easy to achieve, because... accuracy of the blow is required, at the same time, a side blow with an open palm or even a forearm to the jaw or extended arms (self-strike with one’s own limbs) very often “knocks out” consciousness. This is achieved by the total area of ​​the lesion and the combination of the blow with the movement of the head upon impact, which is fraught with a concussion, and with the addition of a painful effect - knockout.

Reverse blows - in a horizontal plane to the back of the head - are also very dangerous. A sharp, non-piercing blow, the so-called “rabbit”, knocks out and can render you unconscious. A slightly stronger blow to this area, without touching on the details of its application, was prohibited from using “maroon berets” during the exam after the death of the officer.

Any blow with the forearm or elbow to the left or right side of the back of the head leads to loss of consciousness, and it does not matter whether it was a clean blow or not. To understand the effect of such work, ask a friend to lightly slap you on the back of the head with his palm, but from your position face to face. So how is it? Did you feel it!?

An ordinary “splash” directly to the back of the head or at a slightly angle breaks cartilage and thin bones. Result: “blood” (it is not necessarily visible from the outside, it can flow down the back wall of the throat). Someone is shocked, someone continues the massacre, not noticing the injury in the heat of the moment, and someone additionally goes berserk from the taste and sight of their own blood, and this happens. And as a result of a “catching” blow with the knuckles on the protruding part of the nose from the side, a painful shock occurs, although there may not be “blood”.

"Strawberry" This is everyone's favorite spot under the nose. Read about its use in combat survival in the “extremed” section (“SU” No. 2, 2004, article “If you are caught with a knife”). In a fight, a blow delivered to this point with the edge of the palm tangentially forces the enemy to turn his head in the direction of the blow, lose sight of you and open the side surface of the jaw and head. By pressing on this point with the base of the index finger, we force the enemy to throw his head up, open his Adam's apple to hit, hyperextend his back and lose stability... By the way, pressing on the tip of the nose causes the same effect. Option: hook any two fingers of the enemy behind the nostrils from behind (you can do it with one, but the degree of reliability of the combat element decreases.

Many have experienced a blow to the nose. But, as a rule, these are blows according to the pattern directly to this area of ​​the face, but one of the Airborne Forces officers admitted that somehow in a fight he missed the “penny”, the blow slipped to the left, and what was his surprise when the attacker’s nose curled up to the side, and the enemy, squealing in pain, fell to the ground. He did not expect such efficiency.


A very delicate place in the fragile male body, almost the same as the testicles, only 2/3 hidden inside the body. Accordingly, there are just as many worries when squeezing, but tearing it off, unscrewing it, squeezing it (continue to the extent of personal sadism) is much more problematic. Especially if the “body” is stuffed, even if not with drugs, but with adrenaline, it actively puffs, spins and, well, doesn’t want to freeze, so that it would be more convenient for us to pick out those same eyes.

In a word, it is problematic to deprive a body of its eyes, since while this very body is not in a deep coma, it will reflexively withdraw its head, leaving the line of attack. This, by the way, is one of the simplest tests in the practice of resuscitation doctors for the “load” of the cortex.

Well, now you are armed with the terrible knowledge that although it is painful, it is not fatal, but your enemy does not know this, which is what we will use. Effects on the eyes go well immediately after a “relaxing” blow with the palm of the hand to the chin, nose, “from the wing” at the “rabbit” point behind the ear.

There is a so-called "officer's technique": a whip with a cap, a cap, a beret in the eyes! A very painful and shocking blow!

Grandfather, a Kuban Cossack, showed one of the authors a poke in the eye with his little finger, but not just like that, but in the process of chopping with sabers, i.e. fighting closely using edged weapons. The shock was intense when, having parried the blow with a saber, the grandfather took a step forward, pressing the attacking limb with the blade and changing the angle of the saber, allowing it to slip, performed this technique! This is what our grandfathers knew!


According to legend, Adam, when he ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, choked on it, a piece got stuck in his throat - hence its second, ancient name “Adam's apple”. One of those interesting protrusions on an uncle's body that distinguishes him from an aunt. Accordingly, a reverent attitude towards him, the only one. To the point that some men, when simply touching this area, experience a spasm of the respiratory tract and suffocation (this is without compression!). By the way, the terrible truth: a person does not die from a blow to the Adam’s apple! A person can die from subsequent suffocation or from reflex cardiac arrest with a deep penetrating blow with the edge of the palm across the midline, but not due to injury to the Adam's apple, but due to the impact on both vagus nerves. And an injection into the throat with a knife, if it was performed without subsequent ripping and exactly along the midline, that is, in the Adam's apple, does not carry with it any “lethal” consequences, except for a facilitated influx of a wave of fresh air to the lungs. There is such an operation, the simplest one, called conicotomy. The link for Stakhanovites and pioneers about the lack of responsibility of the authors for the consequences of performing exercises for techniques is VALID in this place, as in all others, even where they did not write, too.

Be that as it may, the effects on the Adam's apple have firmly migrated from street fighting and the teachings of gray-haired eastern elders to manuals on hand-to-hand combat for special forces around the world. For first aid for yourself or a friend when receiving this blow, read our development on extreme medical (the above number is “SU”). In the meantime, try to touch your Adam’s apple, move it to the right and left, be bolder, pull it away from you and, conversely, press it to your neck. Well, it's not that scary. And now we will reveal the real secret technique! Above the Adam's apple there is another bone, the hyoid bone, for some reason everyone forgets about it, but in vain! By this bone, grabbing it with the fingers of your palm turned to the sky, it is very convenient to control the enemy. It is important to squeeze it to the point of breaking and push it upward at 45 degrees. Shockers on the Adam's apple: a casual strike with the knuckles of the phalanges of the “leopard's paw”; poke with the tips of bent fingers from the side (NOT IN THE Adam's apple) - from the Adam's apple towards the midline. In addition to a blow with the edge of the palm, there is also an interesting variant of a combined traumatic blow to the Adam’s apple. First, a poke is made with the tips of the bent fingers into the jugular fossa, then the fingers are bent into the leopard's paw and the knuckles of the phalanges are pressed, and finally the knuckles of the fist are applied. In general, the entire movement is similar to the movement of a tank caterpillar.

Ripping the Adam's apple and windpipe are simple and reliable (compared to punching). They are divided into two groups: creasing (performed with one hand, the movement is similar to showing a sacred pagan gesture called fig and fig, less often with two hands) and tearing (performed with two hands).

The cruel truth: finishing off in any conflict was often carried out with the butt of a rifle or machine gun to the throat, namely the Adam's apple!


One of the most complex and most vulnerable joints in our body. It is typical that injury or simply very severe pain can be caused from almost any direction. A blow from the side, from the inside or outside, tears the ligaments and breaks the joint. A blow from behind, in the popliteal fossa, tears the ligaments and knocks the leg forward.

A front impact also breaks the knee joint unless it is bent 90 degrees. Representatives of hard styles are very fond of this position - they say, try to break a joint blocked in this position (deep lunge forward, archer stance). That’s how it is, a blow to the knee can withstand proper preparation, but there is one very interesting and fragile detail here. In Latin it is called “patella”, that is, the patella, or kneecap, as we are increasingly accustomed to. This same patella breaks, like a nut shell, with a good sharp blow with a “reset”.

Without the ability to stop an attacker and keep him at a distance, there is no combat system. Therefore, almost all martial arts target blows to the legs, namely the knee! The effectiveness is very high: if you carry out a “brush” (football kick on the ball) to the knees, multiplied by shoes and strength, we get an injury or at least a hundred percent stop of any attack! An example from life: a bunch of 10 young idiots were having fun as best they could, but they could only drink vodka and beer. They saw a man in uniform from afar and rushed to ask him what rank he was and what type of troops he was from! The clarification did not take place, because the man turned out to be an officer at the headquarters of the Airborne Forces, he had two campaigns in Chechnya behind him, and he did not want to get injured and expose himself to being “recognized” by the guys! But, being an old man and having seen a lot, he did not want to end young lives. Within 30 seconds, the acquaintance ended with blows to the legs, and more specifically to the ankles and knees. The officer scattered this group of accelerators, saving their lives and giving them another chance!


The pain is triggered and carried from one point to another with sharp, strong, concentrated blows, which are applied sequentially to several points. They can be connected by pain into a single “meridian” and, for example, “dry”, that is, disconnect the limb - the so-called “fettered stream”. You can “drive a nail” deep by delivering high-speed blows of varying strength and amplitude at one point - it is loaded with pain.

One of the secrets of our ancestors was the ability to influence internal organs without using pressure points. Wave shock-impacts with a vector of force directed towards the liver, heart, kidneys, spleen, etc. up to the cerebellum, leading to death or loss of consciousness. They enhanced the effect of application by mentally placing a hard object - a stone, the tip of a sword - inside the attacked organ of the body part: “And the enemy appeared mentally before him, and he brought the stone to the adversary in his hand, with the full weight of his thoughts, at his head...”

As you can see, the system of initial acquaintance with pain points is simple, easy to remember and immediately.

Painful (vulnerable) points of a person

I first became acquainted with the pain points when my father brought me a printed karate tutorial in the year 1978. I had just started going to school, and the interesting pictures made an indelible impression on me then, awakening an interest in martial arts for the rest of my life. Still not really understanding the meaning and effectiveness of influencing vulnerable areas, I nevertheless memorized them like ABC. And when I started training a few years later, I practiced striking directly at these vulnerable points, which later came in handy more than once in fights, both street and sports.

The table shows information from the manual on hand-to-hand combat of the USSR Ministry of Defense and verified empirically. Added something, removed something. For professionals, this information is not very interesting due to the skills they have developed, but for a beginner, especially women and teenagers, it can be useful in a critical situation, and possibly even save a life.

For convenience, pain points are highlighted in color.

In red The most vulnerable points of a person are highlighted; a weak blow to them is equivalent to a strong blow to the blackheads. And a strong blow to them can kill a person or permanently or permanently injure him (leave him disabled).

No. and name of the point

What's the best way to attack?

1. Temple

Side blow with hand or foot.



A direct or side punch is very effective against a taller and more physically strong opponent. A teenager or a small woman without special training can “take down” a hefty attacker. If the enemy is on the side, then it is better to strike with the edge of the palm (can be clenched into a fist) or with the forearm. In my opinion, the most vulnerable point.



A direct or side blow with the toe or knee from below, or with the hand from below. Even if the attacker’s abdominal muscles are well developed, they will offer little protection from a blow to this point. The big disadvantage is that it is difficult for an unprepared person to hit this point and, as a result, the strike may be ineffective.



Strike with a foot (toe, knee) or hand (fist or palm) from below, grab. Very painful, very effective, but you may not hit if the blow is not executed well (not accurate), the opponent is in an inappropriate position, the opponent’s clothes are loose, etc. In my opinion, punching is more effective.


Base of skull


Seventh vertebra

A downward strike with a fist, elbow or forearm when the opponent's neck is in a position convenient for striking. Plus: the neck is the most vulnerable place, a blow to it is always effective, even if the hit is not exactly where you wanted.



Side punch. Minus: without a clear knowledge of anatomy you can’t always get in, but once you try, you won’t miss.

Green with red. Hitting these points is no less effective than hitting the red ones, but requires certain skills and a good knowledge of anatomy. It is difficult to achieve a lethal outcome, but it can cause serious injury.

No. and name of the point

What's the best way to attack?



Poking with your fingers, you can even clap with relaxed phalanges of your fingers (which is sometimes more certain and, as a result, more effective). At close range, when grappling or on the ground (lying down), press with your thumb between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow (under the forehead).


Solar plexus

Direct, from below or side blow with hand, foot. It is very effective, but an unprepared person may definitely miss it. If the opponent is wearing a shirt, then the gap between the fourth and fifth button from the top is just the right place.



Strike with a fist or foot (knee) from below. It hurts terribly, it neutralizes the attacker for a long time, but the downside: without a clear knowledge of the anatomy and a correctly delivered blow, it is not always possible to hit properly, but once you try, you will not miss (you will love the liver, as I love it;).


Middle neck

A downward strike with a fist, elbow or forearm when the opponent's neck is in a position convenient for striking. Plus: the neck is the most vulnerable place, a blow to it is always effective, even if the hit is not exactly where you wanted.

Green with yellow color. A strong blow to these points, as a rule, causes the enemy to lose consciousness. But it requires certain skills and a good knowledge of anatomy.

No. and name of the point

What's the best way to attack?



A direct blow with a fist or from below with the heel of the palm, or with the head. Stops an attack on you due to profuse lacrimation or the sight of blood by the enemy (but it also happens the other way around, the sight of blood excites someone even more). Less often leads to loss of consciousness.

13. Chin

In boxing, the chin is called a “crystal chin.” Which is 100% true! Punch directly, from below, from the side. The difficulty lies in the accuracy of the hit. You need to hit a point with a diameter of approximately 3 cm and located in the lower part of the face (lower part of the chin). A little to the side or higher, and the desired effect (loss of consciousness) only results in broken lips and teeth. Enraged enemy and escape;) Excellent combination of liver + chin!


Side of the neck

Strike from the side with a fist, elbow or forearm. Plus: the neck is the most vulnerable place, a blow to it is always effective, even if the hit is not exactly where you wanted.


Center between shoulder blades

Hit with a fist or elbow.

Green Points are highlighted that need to be hit hard and accurately in order to incapacitate the enemy. They require certain skills and good knowledge of anatomy. Weak and inaccurate strikes are ineffective.

No. and name of the point

What's the best way to attack?

16. Jaw

Side blow with fist, elbow, foot.

17. Heart area

Direct punch.


Upper thigh


Lower thigh

Side kick, knee, fist.



Side kick (shin or ankle). But an accurate strike with the toe of the foot from the bottom up at an angle of 45 * on the supporting leg (on which the main weight is transferred) of the opponent is more effective, although it requires increased accuracy.



A blow with a folded boat or an open palm (slap in the face) can knock down even a physically strong person. At the same time, it is very demoralizing. Also with two hands. In close combat and on the ground - grab with a jerk.

The points that need to be hit accurately, hard and sharply, with some skills, are highlighted in black. But even this does not incapacitate the enemy, but only causes acute pain. Nevertheless, knowing them will not be superfluous and may come in handy someday. Pressing on some points with your fingers (pinching, etc.) is sometimes more effective than hitting.

22. – collarbone (pressure)

23. – armpit (pressure)

24. – shin

25. – raising the foot

26. – hand between thumb and index finger (pressure)

27. – back of the elbow (pressure)

28. – coccyx

29. – back of the thigh

30. – popliteal fossa

31. – calf muscle

32. – Achilles tendon (pressure)

Eduard Bogolyubov

Technique of hitting painful points


All hand-to-hand fighters and fans of martial arts are familiar with the concept of a nerve center or vulnerable point. In addition to the well-known points such as eyes-throat-groin, there are several hundred others located both on the torso and on the limbs. Having looked at the map diagram of the abundant location of vulnerable centers on the body, it is very easy to decide that everything is simple - no matter where you knock, you will end up at some point. But this, fortunately, is absolutely not the case - otherwise, in an ordinary drunken fight, people would be killed by an accidental splash in the nose or chest. In fact, you need to know at what depth, at what angle, and what form of impact you should use in order to achieve this or that effect. Very many points are most sensitive to damage by small forms, and only a few know how to work with them. In addition, you need to very accurately know the anatomical location of the point and be able to work with a reflexology atlas.

Mystified eastern teachings, the kind that guarantee, if not going into outer space without a spacesuit, then at least physical immortality through mastering the mythical energy “Chi” or “Ki,” love to load their followers with tales on the popular topic about the art of the poisonous hand. Their essence is that if you know the time when a particular point has a maximum or, conversely, a minimum of energy, having mastered its control, you can, with a simple touch of your finger, send a person to the next world, and also after a given time period (day, month , year). So the unlucky followers of all kinds of sensei and gurus learn by heart thick Talmuds on acupuncture, memorizing the time of the “ebb and flow of energy” on the “meridians”, difficult to pronounce Chinese names of points and other nonsense. They do push-ups on their fingers or poke them into sand, beans and walls, earning arthritis from a young age. They spend precious hours of their free time on all sorts of meditations on mastering the “current of energy”, “opening the chakras, tan-tens and clearing the channels” in the style of qigong, tai chi and other heresies, and, shamefully, getting hit in the head by the guys from the boxing or kickboxing section , they explain to themselves that their art does not need to be mastered for a year or even a dozen years, unlike rough fights. But when they master it, they will show it to everyone, wow! After all, they have such a cool teacher! (Who is so cool because he doesn't spar with anyone).

But, as they say, there is no smoke without fire. Instructors of the Special Applied Army System (SPAS) analyzed Chinese and Korean treatises that talk about vulnerable points, as well as army instructions on damaging nerve centers and created certain recommendations for the rational development of truly useful knowledge - so that they begin to work immediately after training, and not after decades of thoughtless cramming of the “wisdom of the East”, unadapted to Europeans. Moreover, without hammering your fingers into the wall and “persecuting energy” (let’s reveal a terrible secret - 98.5% of people who use the term “internal energy management” are either mentally ill, or sincerely mistaken, or are engaged in quackery).


Let's consider “stopping” the enemy strikes in the above-mentioned places. For example, a blow to the throat is dangerous even from a small child. But any adult can, with his action aimed at the throat, transfer his opponent to “another world”; a lot of force is not required, just a vector poke in a certain direction. But this is science for special forces, who have to engage in mortal combat. But it is enough for a “mere mortal” to know that, for example, a gentle tap on the Adam’s apple with your fingers will stop any attacker, because in this place there are no muscles that cover the cartilage. In army manuals you can see a blow to the throat with the barrel of a machine gun, which is very effective.

Going lower, let's take the solar plexus. All the combatants received blows to this point, and everyone probably remembered the unforgettable sensations. Needless to say, such a blow requires little effort to knock the opponent into the fetal position! But at the same time, we must take into account that a strong blow delivered with a certain vector will kill the enemy, as those who are supposed to know know this. So you should be careful with blows to the solar plexus.

The groin is a place of “conviction” for many, especially in the city at night. It’s not for nothing that they say: you can’t pump up your eyes, throat, groin! But the danger is not that they will hit you in the groin, but in a place just above the “male” pride. For an internal hematoma and irreparable consequences, a kick in the “Grindars” is enough - that’s it, the operation is guaranteed!

Any blow with the forearm or elbow to the left or right side of the back of the head leads to loss of consciousness, and it does not matter whether it was a clean blow or not. To understand the effect of such work, ask a friend to lightly slap you on the back of the head with his palm, but from your position face to face. So how is it? Did you feel it!?

An ordinary “splash” directly to the back of the head or at a slightly angle breaks cartilage and thin bones. Result: “blood” (it is not necessarily visible from the outside, it can flow down the back wall of the throat). Someone is shocked, someone continues the massacre, not noticing the injury in the heat of the moment, and someone additionally goes berserk from the taste and sight of their own blood, and this happens. And as a result of a “catching” blow with the knuckles on the protruding part of the nose from the side, a painful shock occurs, although there may not be “blood”.

"Strawberry" This is everyone's favorite spot under the nose. Read about its use in combat survival in the “extremed” section. In a fight, a blow delivered to this point with the edge of the palm tangentially forces the enemy to turn his head in the direction of the blow, lose sight of you and open the side surface of the jaw and head. By pressing on this point with the base of the index finger, we force the enemy to throw his head up, open his Adam's apple to hit, hyperextend his back and lose stability... By the way, pressing on the tip of the nose causes the same effect. Option: hook any two fingers of the enemy behind the nostrils from behind (you can do it with one, but the degree of reliability of the combat element decreases.

Many have experienced a blow to the nose. But, as a rule, these are blows according to the pattern directly to this area of ​​the face, but one of the Airborne Forces officers admitted that somehow in a fight he missed the “penny”, the blow slipped to the left, and what was his surprise when the attacker’s nose curled up to the side, and the enemy, squealing in pain, fell to the ground. He did not expect such efficiency.

A very delicate place in the fragile male body, almost the same as the testicles, only 2/3 hidden inside the body. Accordingly, there are just as many worries when squeezing, but tearing it off, unscrewing it, squeezing it (continue to the extent of personal sadism) is much more problematic. Especially if the “body” is stuffed, even if not with drugs, but with adrenaline, it actively puffs, spins and, well, doesn’t want to freeze, so that it would be more convenient for us to pick out those same eyes.

In a word, it is problematic to deprive a body of its eyes, since while this very body is not in a deep coma, it will reflexively withdraw its head, leaving the line of attack. This, by the way, is one of the simplest tests in the practice of resuscitation doctors for the “load” of the cortex.

Well, now you are armed with the terrible knowledge that although it is painful, it is not fatal, but your enemy does not know this, which is what we will use. Effects on the eyes go well immediately after a “relaxing” blow with the palm of the hand to the chin, nose, “from the wing” at the “rabbit” point behind the ear.

There is a so-called “officer's technique”: a whip with a cap, a cap, a beret in the eyes! A very painful and shocking blow!

According to legend, Adam, when eating an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, choked on it, a piece got stuck in his throat - hence its second, ancient name “Adam's apple”. One of those interesting protrusions on an uncle's body that distinguishes him from an aunt. Accordingly, a reverent attitude towards him, the only one. To the point that some men, when simply touching this area, experience a spasm of the respiratory tract and suffocation (this is without compression!). By the way, the terrible truth: a person does not die from a blow to the Adam’s apple! A person can die from subsequent suffocation or from reflex cardiac arrest with a deep penetrating blow with the edge of the palm across the midline, but not due to injury to the Adam's apple, but due to the impact on both vagus nerves. And an injection into the throat with a knife, if it was performed without subsequent ripping and exactly along the midline, that is, in the Adam's apple, does not carry with it any “lethal” consequences, except for a facilitated influx of a wave of fresh air to the lungs. There is such an operation, the simplest one, called conicotomy. The link for Stakhanovites and pioneers about the lack of responsibility of the authors for the consequences of performing exercises for techniques is VALID in this place, as in all others, even where they did not write, too.

Be that as it may, the effects on the Adam's apple have firmly migrated from street fighting and the teachings of gray-haired eastern elders to manuals on hand-to-hand combat for special forces around the world. For first aid for yourself or a friend when receiving this blow, read our development on extreme medical (the above number “SU”). In the meantime, try to touch your Adam’s apple, move it to the right and left, be bolder, pull it away from you and, conversely, press it to your neck. Well, it's not that scary. And now we will reveal the real secret technique! Above the Adam's apple there is another bone, the hyoid bone, for some reason everyone forgets about it, but in vain! By this bone, grabbing it with the fingers of your palm turned to the sky, it is very convenient to control the enemy. It is important to squeeze it to the point of breaking and push it upward at 45 degrees. Shockers on the Adam's apple: a casual strike with the knuckles of the phalanges of the “leopard's paw”; poke with the tips of bent fingers from the side (NOT IN THE Adam's apple) - from the Adam's apple towards the midline. In addition to a blow with the edge of the palm, there is also an interesting variant of a combined traumatic blow to the Adam’s apple. First, a poke is made with the tips of the bent fingers into the jugular fossa, then the fingers are bent into the leopard's paw and the knuckles of the phalanges are pressed, and finally the knuckles of the fist are applied. In general, the entire movement is similar to the movement of a tank caterpillar.

Ripping the Adam's apple and windpipe are simple and reliable (compared to punching). They are divided into two groups: creasing (performed with one hand, the movement is similar to showing a sacred pagan gesture called fig and fig, less often with two hands) and tearing (performed with two hands).

The cruel truth: finishing off in any conflict was often carried out with the butt of a rifle or machine gun to the throat, namely the Adam's apple!

One of the most complex and most vulnerable joints in our body. It is typical that injury or simply very severe pain can be caused from almost any direction. A blow from the side, from the inside or outside, tears the ligaments and breaks the joint. A blow from behind, in the popliteal fossa, tears the ligaments and knocks the leg forward.

A front impact also breaks the knee joint unless it is bent 90 degrees. Representatives of hard styles are very fond of this position - they say, try to break a joint blocked in this position (deep lunge forward, archer stance). That’s how it is, a blow to the knee can withstand proper preparation, but there is one very interesting and fragile detail here. In Latin it is called “patella”, that is, the patella, or kneecap, as we are increasingly accustomed to. This very patella breaks, like a nut shell, with a good sharp blow with a “reset”.

Without the ability to stop an attacker and keep him at a distance, there is no combat system. Therefore, almost all martial arts target blows to the legs, namely the knee! The effectiveness is very high: if you carry out a “brush” (football kick on the ball) to the knees, multiplied by shoes and strength, we get an injury or at least a hundred percent stop of any attack! An example from life: a bunch of 10 young idiots were having fun as best they could, but they could only drink vodka and beer. They saw a man in uniform from afar and rushed to ask him what rank he was and what type of troops he was from! The clarification did not take place, because the man turned out to be an officer at the headquarters of the Airborne Forces, he had two campaigns in Chechnya behind him, and he did not want to get injured and expose himself to being “recognized” by the guys! But, being an old man and having seen a lot, he did not want to end young lives. Within 30 seconds, the acquaintance ended with blows to the legs, and more specifically to the ankles and knees. The officer scattered this group of accelerators, saving their lives and giving them another chance!


The pain is triggered and carried from one point to another with sharp, strong, concentrated blows, which are applied sequentially to several points. They can be connected by pain into a single “meridian” and, for example, “dryed out”, that is, the limb can be turned off - the so-called “fettered stream”. You can “drive a nail” deep by delivering high-speed blows of varying strength and amplitude at one point - it is painfully loaded.

One of the secrets of our ancestors was the ability to influence internal organs without using pressure points. Wave shock-impacts with a vector of force directed towards the liver, heart, kidneys, spleen, etc. up to the cerebellum, leading to death or loss of consciousness. They enhanced the effect of application by mentally placing a hard object - a stone, the tip of a sword - inside the attacked organ of the body part: “And the enemy appeared mentally before him, and he brought the stone to the adversary in his hand, with the full weight of his thoughts, at his head...”

As you can see, the system of initial acquaintance with pain points is simple, easy to remember and immediately. There is no need to spend years studying Talmuds on reflexology, no need to memorize wild Chinese names, fill your brain with calculations of the enemy’s horoscopes and his personal time of maximum or minimum in this or that “channel”. You just need to have the desire to watch and listen, feel it in your own skin, understand and practice.

That's all. The mysterious art of the “poisonous hand” is absorbed subcutaneously and established at the reflex, spinal level in just 2-3 workouts. For the rest of my life.

1.The crown is the most unprotected area at the top of the head. A strong and sharp blow can cause death.

2. Optic nerve - located at the top of the nose between the eyes. A hit with a finger or a pinch of fingers on this point can be fatal.

3. Eyes - when struck in the eyes, the enemy loses his vision forever or temporarily. Severe pain. The thumb is pressed in completely and can reach the brain.

4. The point behind the ear at the bottom - with sharp pressure or impact, death can occur.

5. Cerebellum - a blow to this point threatens death or loss of consciousness.

6. 7. Points above the upper and below the lower lip - blows here cause a state of shock. A blow from the tips of the fingers or the second knuckle of the middle finger to the soft part of the chin from bottom to top is also very sensitive.

8. Adam's apple (windpipe) - even a slight blow causes suffering, interrupts breathing (choking), and causes vomiting. Strong blows can cause you to lose consciousness or die.

9. Neck - a blow to the muscles on both sides of the cervical spine is painful and dangerous. A heavy blow to the seventh (protruding) vertebra compresses it and causes damage to the windpipe. The area of ​​the neck above the collarbone is where nerves and blood vessels pass. Strikes here take you out of combat readiness for a short time, but do not inflict defeat.

10. Collarbones - a blow delivered to the narrow hollow approach to the throat above the collarbones with the tips of the fingers is dangerous and even fatal.

11. The point between the shoulder blades - a blow from bottom to top causes a state of shock, a blow from top to bottom - rapid heartbeat, damage to internal organs and death. An upward blow under the shoulder blades causes severe pain.

12. Armpits - a kick causes severe pain, a finger strike paralyzes the arm.

13. The middle of the biceps is the nerve center of the shoulder. A blow to this point causes paralysis of the arm. The point above the biceps is fatal.

14. Solar plexus - the blow is very painful, especially when directed upward. In this case, the blow is transmitted to the internal organs - heart, liver, lungs. May have serious consequences.

15. Elbow joints - a slight blow leads to loss of sensitivity, severe dislocation. Even a light blow to the nerve center of the forearm (5 cm below the elbow) causes severe pain, and a strong blow leads to numbness of the arm. A blow to the elbow is very painful. It's better to counter strike here.

16. Heart area - a strong blow is life-threatening as it is transmitted to the heart. An effective kick is the second joint of the middle finger. Poking fingers between the ribs is very painful.

17. Kidneys - a directed blow is very dangerous.

18. Upper abdomen - deep penetrating blow “niki-te” is dangerous. The blow to the lower abdomen is staggering and the forceful blow causes serious damage.

19. Low back - injuries to the spine cause loss of motor functions.

20. Wrist - this is where the articular tendons pass, a very sensitive place. A light blow to the upper side is painful, a strong blow is an injury. The point over the inner side of the wrist between the flexor carpi radialis and abductor pollicis longus tendons is lethal.

21. Coccyx - impaired motor function of the legs.

22. Groin - a strong blow is fatal.

23. The inner thighs are a very sensitive area of ​​the leg. A light blow is painful, a strong blow paralyzes the leg for some time.

24. Knee - a kick at an angle of 45° is effective. The blow causes pain, impaired mobility of the knee joint, and if the leg is motionless, it is easy to dislocate.

25. Popliteal flexion - a kick forces the opponent to sit down, causing pain and cramps. A blow to the base of the tibia also causes severe pain and cramps.

26. Calf muscles - the consequences of a strong blow are the same. Even a light blow to the front, unprotected part of the shin is very painful, strong - it paralyzes the leg for a while.

27. Achilles tendon - a kick causes pain and paralyzes the leg.

28. Lifting the leg - the push causes acute pain, this is a very weak point. A strong blow disables the leg.

You were attacked, a fight broke out, there is a threat to your health and even life - you need to save yourself. First of all, aim for the most sensitive parts of the body: eyes, ears, nose, groin. There are other vulnerable places where nerve endings and internal organs are not protected by bones. But remember: these attacks can cause serious damage and even death to the enemy. Only use them if you are truly in serious danger.

1. Base of the skull

Such an impact may cause damage. Apply it only as a last resort.

2. Kidneys

After such a blow, the enemy will experience sharp pain in the back and abdomen. For maximum effect, aim at the points on the sides where the ribs end.

3. Coccyx

The last vertebra of the coccyx is small and fragile. If you hit it sharply with the toe of your boot at the right angle, it may break. In this case, the attacker will experience an attack of incredible pain, radiating to the lower back and legs.

4. Jaw joint

By hitting your opponent right under the ear, you can break his jaw. More often than not, this ends the fight instantly.

5. Side neck

This kick not only looks impressive on screen - it actually works. Strike sharply into the side of the opponent's neck: the carotid artery is located there. With such a blow, you will hit the vagus nerve, and this will lead to severe, and in some cases even loss of consciousness.

6. Base of throat

The trachea is located there - one of the most vulnerable places in the body. Even a slight blow to the trachea can damage the larynx and lead to suffocation. Hit this place only as a last resort and do not forget about the consequences.

7. Armpits

A sharp blow to the armpit will weaken the attacker's arm, making him more vulnerable.

8. Solar plexus

This is where the sternum ends and the abdomen begins. A good punch or kick to the solar plexus will make the opponent double over.

9. Bladder

The pain from such a blow does not go away for a very long time. And if the bladder is full, then it will also be emptied.

10. Knees

The ligaments and tendons that hold the knee joint in place will not be able to withstand sudden displacement to the side. Aim your foot so as to displace the knee and tear the ligaments. This will immobilize the attacker.

11. Ankles

If you step on your opponent's ankle with all your might, you can damage the joint and tendons. Especially if you are wearing heavy shoes.

12. Groin

Everyone knows where this will lead. Pain and more pain.

13. Chin

A blow to the chin can cause you to lose consciousness. With such a blow, the head turns so sharply that the brain is literally shaken.

14. Whiskey

A strong blow to the temple will cause you to lose consciousness and can cause serious illness.

15. Nose

It's easy to break your nose. The bleeding and pain from the fracture will stop most attackers. In addition, upon impact, the nasolacrimal duct is activated, which further disorients the enemy.

16. Eyes

By hitting the eye or pressing hard on both, you can permanently deprive a person of vision. Use this technique only as a last resort. It is enough to press lightly on the eyes, as a result of which a lot of tears will be released. And you will have a chance to escape while the attacker does not see anything.