Scorpio and gemini love. Compatibility: he is Scorpio, she is Gemini


The relationship between these signs resembles a struggle between two opposites. However, the compatibility horoscope for Gemini and Scorpio gives a chance for a happy family life only if their birth charts attract each other. The first ones have an easy-going character; they perceive life as something unpredictable and colorful. The latter demand too much from others and have a complex character. These traits can attract signs, and therefore, over time, the couple’s relationship will improve.

Geminis are talkative and love gatherings with friends. Scorpios are silent and prefer to relax at home or away from all strangers. Their terrible nature will allow them to deliver crushing blows to their chosen one at any time, so the partner cannot relax.

In a couple, Gemini and Scorpio are the first to love freedom, and if their lovers try to enclose them in a certain framework, they begin to resist. The latter can sometimes make concessions, which, however, does not save them from the fact that Gemini quickly loses interest in their partner. Such relationships very often end in hostility.

Both signs love to argue. If they have to work in the same field, the couple does not see eye to eye and begins to conflict not only at home, but also at work. Although having divided their areas of activity, they perfectly find a common language with each other.

General compatibility of signs

If you study the compatibility horoscope of Gemini and Scorpio, you can find out that in the business sphere, as partners, these signs can create an ideal tandem. The former, thanks to their sociability, will cope with the tasks of expanding production and organizing work with minimal losses and costs. Assiduous Scorpios will be able to perfectly analyze development strategy, create excellent competition in the market and conduct accounting. In addition, under the influence of Scorpios, their partners can overcome their laziness and work productively.

For the Gemini-Scorpio couple, the compatibility of the zodiac signs in intimate relationships is simply unsurpassed. Inventive Air signs do not allow their partner to get bored, while hot and tireless Water signs attract their chosen ones with their resourcefulness.

Attraction can arise between these signs; they are wonderful lovers, but as soon as it comes to long-term family relationships, it is difficult for them to maintain calm and balance. Scorpios love to be alone, which will annoy their chosen one. In addition, each partner has his own point of view on all situations, which is radically different from the opinion of the other.

It is practically impossible for Geminis and Scorpios to have a serious relationship. The former love to be in the center of events, while the latter want to close themselves off from everyone and move away from civilization, where no one can disturb them. Sooner or later, incompatibility of characters leads to the severance of all relationships. Although there is still a chance of preserving the union. Gemini will need to make concessions to their chosen one, and Scorpios must learn to choose the best solution for the two of them.

The Air sign can help the chosen one to speak out, laugh at jokes and go through difficult moments together. The Water sign will help partners look at life from a different perspective, and, if necessary, lend their strong shoulder.

Compatibility Gemini Woman – Scorpio Man

This union, if each partner can make every effort, can create an ideal couple. However, they will need to overcome many obstacles on the path to happiness.

At the initial stage, Scorpio will be delighted with the sincerity and femininity of the chosen one. She can become enchanted by the sincerity of his feelings. The couple will want to spend more time together and therefore they are drawn to each other like a magnet. However, over time, the effect of the magnet will decrease.

A woman under the sign of Gemini can feel protected near such a strong, tough and courageous man. But sometimes aggression and coldness will emanate from him, and the romantic and sentimental chosen one will want to break off the relationship.

In order for the union to last as long as possible, both partners must be ready to make concessions and be able to find compromises.

Compatibility Gemini Man – Scorpio Woman

Their love story can take place in two stages. The beginning of a relationship is characterized by interest, love and romance. An unearthly feeling and attraction arises between them. This will happen as long as the man can openly express his feelings, and his chosen one can sincerely treat her partner.

Over time, a critical point in the relationship will come when attraction will give way to irritation and misunderstanding. The difference in characters and concepts can cause significant harm to the union, and it will no longer exist. At this stage, the happiness of partners can be saved if Scorpio can restrain his temper and aggression, and Gemini begins to sincerely show their feelings.

Everything happens quickly between these two, but the result takes years to achieve. Gemini and Scorpio will not look closely at each other - they immediately got along, saw everything at once and immediately started a battle. Time flies past them with a whistle. Both are stubborn and assertive, they will try to change the other in their own image and likeness, and nothing will come of it.

Scorpio will categorically insist on his own, Gemini will fight no less stubbornly for his own. For Gemini and Scorpio, compatibility increases, affection becomes stronger, tempered like steel in disputes. But if the relationship comes to an end, this couple, unlike many others, will be able to maintain friendship.

The secret of compatibility between Gemini and Scorpio.

Your complementary intellectual connection is an excellent basis for a lasting union. Possessing different qualities, Gemini and Scorpio together create an effective tandem.

Gemini will give Scorpio freshness of judgment, humor and bright emotions, and Scorpio will arouse the respect of Gemini with his clarity of mind and speed of reactions, instantly understanding what his partner is talking about. Unfortunately, the quick reaction of a water sign sometimes also implies the ability to quickly hit a sore spot.

Twins, even if Scorpio stings you, it’s not because he’s so bad. He cannot help but sting - when there is no one to hit, he engages in self-criticism. You still treat everything with a healthy dose of disregard, look at things from a broader perspective. Moreover, you will not lack the ability to relate lightly to even the most difficult situations.

Scorpion, your Gemini cannot comprehend the vibrant world of experiences and emotions that you offer him. He prefers quantity over quality, such is the nature of this sign. You should not criticize Gemini for the slightest reason - they will break the leash and rush off towards the dawn.

This is a rare case when a relationship is built primarily on friendship. Compatibility is not easy for Gemini and Scorpio, but friendly relations will improve everything. It is on this soil that a tender sprout of love will suddenly appear.

Gemini man and Scorpio woman.

If a woman moderates her ardor and does not terrorize Gemini too much, and Gemini understands that for this woman the word “love” is practically sacred, then they will be able to get along. Gemini should just know that this woman is deep and strong.

There is no need to perform your “twin” experiments on her. Try to at least appear serious. She does not joke about serious things, but everything connected with her husband, children, family and home is serious for her.

Gemini woman and Scorpio man.

Compatibility in love for such a couple is even more problematic if we are talking about the long term. The Gemini woman is frank and free. If a Scorpio man learns to respect and love her, who is so spontaneous, sometimes frivolous, cheerful and active, then everything is in order.

If he begins to put pressure on her, forbidding her from visiting friends and girlfriends, and “stings” her, drawing attention to her shortcomings, then nothing good, of course, will come of it. He will suffer himself and will torture the woman: we don’t need that kind of love!!!

And it will be useful for the Gemini woman to know that the Scorpio man, although he looks so stern, is a deeply worried person at heart. He’s just not inclined to immediately throw out his emotions. He will deal with his negative reactions one on one on his own and will only express himself when he realizes that he cannot do anything about it.

Love compatibility horoscope for Gemini and Scorpio.

Gemini and Scorpio can make a wonderful love couple, but most likely not for long. Their unadulterated love compatibility is quite impressive.

Unprecedented passions rage in the bedroom: Scorpio is intense and hot, and Gemini is extremely active and virtuoso. Everything would be fine if the relationship was limited only to bed...

In ordinary life, contradictions begin between Gemini and Scorpio. Gemini will sooner or later begin to infuriate the deep and serious Scorpio. He prefers solitude, likes to think in silence - to be in himself, as they say.

Gemini cannot be alone or even alone with Scorpio - they need parties and new acquaintances. They are careless, superficial, talkative. Scorpio is too “heavy” for Gemini, and Gemini, in turn, is too “light” for Scorpio.

In general, this is, of course, not a sentence. With a skillful approach, much in this pair can be corrected if there is a common desire and will. Gemini is easy to adapt, and Scorpio is endowed with a strong will - they can find a solution that will satisfy both.

Autumn Scorpios and spring-summer Geminis are not very similar to each other. Geminis were born under the auspices of Mercury, and are reputed to be extraordinary intellectuals. Scorpios are patronized by Pluto, the ruler of the underworld, who endows his charges with intuitive abilities. 
 The element of Scorpio is water - the soul of our world. Scorpio water can turn into ice and hide intentions, thawing if necessary. The air of Gemini plays the role of a carrier, and if desired, it can penetrate closer to the element of Scorpio and find out secrets.

 Geminis live in a world of ideas, they are excellent conversationalists - reasonable and competent. However, pets of Mercury can be overly self-confident and superficial, calculating and self-willed.

Scorpios live in the world of emotions, they are easily susceptible to mood changes, but few people know about this, because Pluto’s wards know how to hide their feelings. Many of the Scorpios have the gift of clairvoyance, and with a successful combination of circumstances could become famous astrologers or palmists. 
 The stars are sure that children from the water element can have fun with frivolous air signs, which can be a breeze when necessary and turn into a hurricane if necessary.

Scorpios, in turn, can be useful to flighty Geminis, because Pluto’s pets are the most mysterious among the zodiac signs, and Geminis adore everything surprising and supernatural. 
 In general, for some time Pluto and Mercury decided to fly closer to each other in order to observe the union of their charges.

Gemini woman and Scorpio man

The Gemini lady is an unpredictable and frivolous flirt, a sweet and charming person. The Gemini girl is inventive from an early age, she is romantic and sentimental, and the ethereal beauty is constantly drawn to adventure. There is never a dull moment around Mercury's pet; she knows the value of her charm, and skillfully uses it when she breaks another man's heart.

The laid-back and emotional lady of the air loves making new acquaintances, she is resourceful and smart - it is not surprising that, even having reached adulthood, the Gemini lady is surrounded by crowds of admirers. Gemini can cope with the role of a wife perfectly; she will be the most cheerful wife and the most caring mother.

The Scorpio guy is a mysterious and passionate handsome man with hidden animal power. The water guy is unusually powerful; everyone around him falls under the spell of his charm. Pluto's pet always knows what he wants and achieves the desired result with extraordinary persistence. Scorpio penetrates the souls of women at one glance and reads them like an open book - beauties of all stripes are ready to fight for the love of an aquatic handsome man.

Pluto’s sensual ward does not know defeat, he is partly a sorcerer, so the future wife must understand that if she is too drawn to her hubby, perhaps mysterious rituals could not be avoided. However, honest Scorpio rarely uses his supernatural gift, and in choosing a wife he will rely only on fate.

 Dating Gemini women and Scorpio men

The cheerful and tireless beauty Gemini will not sit at home, even if there is a terrible downpour or a terrible snowstorm outside - the lady of the air will definitely find adventures for herself and break out into the street. The Scorpio guy is a lover of risky undertakings and is always in search of adrenaline.
 It would not be surprising if fate brought the air-water guys together during an avalanche, on the top of a mountain in some abandoned hut of a meteorologist or hunter.
 But a party with mutual friends is also not bad - there, at least, the Scorpio boy and the Gemini girl will get a better look at each other.

The Scorpio guy will instantly feel something wrong - he seems to like a beauty, and smart, and witty, but what worries him? In astrology, the water guy is strong, and he will quickly guess what’s going on - it turns out that the Gemini lady is from the air element, and therefore her soul is restless. But it’s okay, Pluto’s pet didn’t take on such obstacles, and breaking the rules of astrology is a nice thing.

The Gemini lady, of course, will be confused by the pressure of such an unusual man - who will order a bouquet for this meeting, and the most luxurious one, and will manage to purchase an expensive necklace in some seedy jewelry store around the corner. 
 But the process has begun, all the characters are assembled, including the omnipresent Cupid, who is frantically looking for information about arrows for air-water pairs in the witchcraft book.

 Gemini woman and Scorpio man dating

A determined Scorpio will try to persuade the air lady to agree to a date the very next day. The Gemini girl is capricious at first - after all, she won’t have enough time to get ready, but since she is confident in her attractiveness, after an hour of persuasion she will agree.

The night will be sleepless for both Scorpio and Gemini. Scorpio will call friends from all over the world, but will ensure that in the morning fresh bananas are delivered to the Gemini girl’s house straight from Malaysia, and a basket of grapes from Georgian comrades.
 And the Gemini lady will hire the best dressmakers to alter her outfits, because overnight she will lose five kilograms from anxiety and all the dresses will be too big.

The meeting of a Gemini lady and a Scorpio guy will be chic and unusual. The air-water guys will go on a river trip, of course, on the initiative of an energetic water guy who has already rented a yacht, captured the captain and the crew, forcing them to pretend to be happy guests.

 Scorpio and Gemini can talk about anything, the main thing is not to look into each other's eyes. After all, as soon as their eyes meet, love will come instantly, and the air-water guys will even forget that they are not alone.


The Scorpio man will be fascinated by his unusual partner, and the very next morning he will dream of going with Gemini to exotic islands, or, in extreme cases, to a ski resort, where he will show his skills and get to know the airy lady better.

 Lady Gemini will be ready to go even to Chukotka, just to be close to Scorpio. 
 True, the girl of the air will be a little surprised that her male neighbors have disappeared somewhere, and there is nothing strange in this - Scorpio has already solved the problem and convinced all the surrounding men to stay away from Gemini.

Jealous Scorpio will replace his driver with an elderly driver, just so that his charming Gemini girlfriend does not fall in love.

 The Gemini lady's friends will put her on the wanted list - after all, the ethereal beauty has never missed a single party, and for a week now she has not been in touch at all, and even ignores offers of country parties. It's simple - the owner Scorpio has locked his airy passion in a golden cage, and spoon-feeds her all sorts of sophisticated dishes and gives her luxurious jewelry.

Lady Gemini, even if she is in love, in a week will begin to wither from control and excessive care, and will certainly fly away from her domineering partner.

 The stars are in a hurry to reassure Scorpio - Mercury's pet will certainly return, because she has already fallen under the witchcraft spell of the water guy and is about to knock on the door and ask to come back.


Despite the idyll in intimate relationships, many difficulties await air-water children, especially of a domestic nature.

 Lady Gemini is not used to walking around in a robe and making either borscht or pea soup. And even more so, she didn’t hire herself to serve dinner to her master, putting food in golden plates.

Although Scorpio can be tyrannical, next to a sweet Gemini lady he will not be able to dominate for long and will understand that either he will become gentle and caring, or the relationship will come to naught.
 True friends rush to the rescue, who will begin to pull the couple out of their shell and offer all sorts of entertainment. Scorpio will be glad that his touching companion turns out to be a swimming champion, and the Gemini lady will be delighted when she finds a volume with Tsvetaeva’s poems under the pillow of the water guy.

The time of getting used to each other can last for many years, so Cupid again decided to take control of the situation and settled in the apartment of the water-air lovers under the guise of an arrogant and fat red cat. Almost all of the relatives of Scorpio and Gemini have already turned grey, their cousins ​​have gathered in a monastery, and the parents of air-water children are actively attending auto-training courses.
 But the stars came to their aid and had already printed invitations to the celebration; all that remained was to persuade the freedom-loving lovers.


The selfish groom Scorpio, for the sake of his beloved Gemini bride, will make concessions and agree that cute little angel girls carry a veil, and the wedding cake is banal - with figures of the groom and bride on top. 
 This is where the platitudes will probably end - the Gemini bride’s dress alone will become the subject of conversation for all guests and local gossip. It will not be snow-white; most likely, the Gemini lady will choose the color of love and wear a bright red outfit.

Scorpio himself may show up to the wedding in the shorts in which he was climbing under the car yesterday, but then his relatives will be persistent and put an elegant Armani suit on the stubborn groom. 
 The dressmaker who sewed the dress for Gemini will be enriched - after all, all the brides will now order outfits only from her. 
 The family life of air-water spouses will not be easy, but not boring - there will be fun every day, however, in the house of Scorpio and Gemini there will not be a single whole cup left, and guests will drink tea from plastic cups and slurp soup directly from the pan.

Scorpio dad will be proud of the most insignificant successes of his children, even if the child draws a crooked circle, the water dad will immediately order a frame for this brilliant drawing and send it to the exhibition. Gemini mother has a simpler approach to raising her offspring - she will play pranks with the kids, while the strict head of the family wipes away tears of tenderness.


The impressionable Gemini girl will not pass by the active Scorpio boy when he protects the kitten from the evil neighbor's dogs, or from harmful boys.

The airy heroine will instantly join the battle, and Scorpio will certainly appreciate the dedication and courage of the airy girl. So the water-air children will become friends in childhood, Scorpio will even want to seal the oath with blood, but the cute little Gemini will dissuade him from such extremes.

Friends will quarrel as if without this, but they will always guard their relationship, and there will be no place for any Aries or Pisces in their union.

 Relatives of air-water comrades will only shrug their shoulders - they say, what’s the point of fighting against this friendship if Gemini and Scorpio don’t want to separate even for the night, and signal each other with flashlights, or correspond until the morning on the Internet.

Having become independent people, friends will not part. Friends will meet after work, even if their offices are located in different parts of the city. The other halves of Gemini and Scorpio will become friends, and what else can they do? They must somehow control this strange relationship. The stars are even embarrassed to talk about the retirement age of Gemini and Scorpio - the aged, but still energetic pets of Mercury and Pluto will race to the nearest pharmacy, while their spouses trail behind and grumble at their partners.


A decent Scorpio guy can be an excellent lawyer or a brilliant investigator, because he always stands guard over the law and justice. However, the water boy will also be good in the role of a businessman - his intuition is always on top, and the pet of Pluto will see through any machinations of competitors in no time.

The Gemini lady always dreams of a luxurious life, and when she gets Scorpio as a business partner, she can calm down - now life will get better, and money will literally fall from the sky. 
 When the air-water couple arrives for negotiations, all business people will hide in a panic behind their computers and frantically look for advertisements for inexpensive housing in remote villages.

The Scorpio man and the Gemini lady are perplexed - why is everyone so afraid of them, because they have never broken the law and are always honest with their partners?! It's simple - from the charm of the Gemini lady, men cannot stay on their feet, and the piercing gaze of the Scorpio man finishes them off to the end.

 But the pets of Mercury and Pluto do well together, they, in principle, live a sweet life even without companions - the office is shining, business is going uphill, finances are flowing like a river, and what else do two businessmen need to be happy?

 Gemini man and Scorpio woman

The Gemini guy is an amazing person. The pet of Mercury has been striving for success since childhood, and victories come to him quite easily. But Gemini is changeable, so, having become carried away by one thing, a second later he switches to another, more interesting thing. However, this does not stop him from conquering women, and in the collection of the airy womanizer there are quite a lot of broken women’s hearts.

It is impossible to be offended by Gemini, and even the ladies he abandoned remember him with kind words, rereading his poems, and sorting through the numerous jewelry donated by the generous boy of the air. Gemini honors family traditions and values ​​relationships with relatives, but the wife of an air spouse must remember the main rule: no quibbles or showdowns.

The Scorpio girl is a strong and passionate person who can be hated and loved at the same time. There are no obstacles for the water lady, she is energetic and always achieves the desired result. Even in the maternity hospital, the water girl drove the entire staff crazy, the doctors were even afraid to approach her - after all, the look of Pluto’s little pet was piercing like an x-ray.

Lady Scorpio is not a fan of easy relationships and takes romance quite seriously. Woe to the man who decides to play on the feelings of Scorpio - the passionate beauty of water will never tolerate betrayal. But the husband of a water wife will be extraordinarily lucky, in bed the Scorpio lady has no equal, in the kitchen she is a queen, and the stars are afraid to talk about the craving for cleanliness, remembering how the lady from the constellation Scorpio cleaned up their sky, and for several centuries they could not do anything find.

 Dating Gemini man and Scorpio woman

The restless Gemini guy moves around the world at the speed of the wind and does not stay in one place for long. Lady Scorpio is also not a fan of routine - give her adrenaline and all sorts of adventures associated with risk. Air-water guys can meet at the top of some mountain, which they have once again conquered, or in the middle of the ocean, where they sailed in search of lost treasures.
 But still, Mercury and Pluto decided to introduce their energetic charges to some simpler place, for example, in a recently opened restaurant - after all, both the Gemini guy and the Scorpio lady love to hang out in high society.

Even a blind person will notice the mysterious beauty of Scorpio, and what can we say about the amorous Gemini - the guy will immediately fall before the lovely legs of the water diva and beg for a phone number. 
 Lady Scorpio, despite her stunning appearance, has difficulty making acquaintances, preferring to communicate with geniuses and unusual people. But the Gemini boy, although a frivolous fellow, falls into this category - just look at his brilliant jokes and sayings. 
 And Cupid has already persuaded the restaurant director to seat the water-air couple in a special place, where buttons soaked in a love potion are prepared on the chairs.

Gemini man and Scorpio woman dating

Such extraordinary comrades as Scorpio and Gemini are unlikely to limit themselves to an ordinary date under the moon. No, give them something like that - a flight to Mars, or, in extreme cases, a meeting on a desert island.

Well, Gemini is a guy with imagination, he will involve mass entertainers and illusionists, but will put on an unforgettable show for his new aquatic acquaintance.

 Before a date, the Scorpio lady will be concerned only with her outfit and appearance; she does not yet see a future together with the charming Gemini, but the water lady’s intuition tells her that you can try. 
 The eloquent Gemini will lose all the words he has prepared when he sees the unusual, amazing and mysterious Scorpio fairy, who will appear on a date like a royal person.

The lady of water, of course, will not resist the efforts of Gemini and will change her anger to mercy, she will even allow herself to flirt and flirt a little, but she will not rush into kisses and hugs. The unfortunate Gemini in love is not used to being refused, but he will not dare to act actively - the airy cunning fortress decided to conquer this fortress in a different way. 
 But in order not to upset the stars, who are watching with delight the development of the plot, Cupid decided to help the air-water couple again - he has already fired a dozen arrows, and is waiting for the magic solution with which the instruments of love are impregnated to begin to act.


The fatal aquatic beauty will be an ideal partner for a Gemini guy. The air guy, after intimacy with Scorpio, will completely lose his head and will be ready to even run to the registry office as soon as his beautiful lover hints about it.

The sultry Scorpio lady herself has already fallen head over heels in love - after all, how can one not be charmed by such a sweet, sensitive and gentle partner as Gemini.

 Gemini will hear the first bells of jealousy on the part of the Scorpio lady the next morning after a stormy night - the water lady will begin to ask the airy handsome man about all the past ladies, and Gemini, out of naivety, will lay out everything as if in spirit.

The stars advise the air boy to urgently lock himself in the bathroom, call all his ex-girlfriends and warn them not to open the door to a beautiful stranger under any circumstances, because the Scorpio lady is already looking for the addresses of all Gemini’s lovers and is going hunting.

 But it’s okay, the stars say, Gemini just needs to quickly turn on his eloquence and convince the dear jealous woman that from this day on, the Scorpio lady is the only woman who lives in Gemini’s broken heart. 
 Gemini will even order several plush Scorpios - and the lady of water will not resist such a cute gift, and will forgive the insidious Gemini for all his past romances.


The owner from the water element will insist on a civil marriage, because Gemini needs to be constantly monitored. At first, Gemini, inspired by love, will not even notice that he is gradually turning into a henpecked man, until his ubiquitous friends hint about it. This is where the fun begins - the scriptwriters have already prepared goose feathers and rods and are waiting for the story to develop.

The unfortunate neighbors of the air-water couple will begin to suffer from insomnia and look for options for exchanging apartments - but no such luck, the whole city is already buzzing about the relationship between Gemini and Scorpio, and no one is eager to take up housing next to this sweet couple. But the lovers don’t care at all - a second ago they were making a row in front of all the honest people and breaking benches in the park, but now they are passionately kissing in the elevator, having forgotten about the reasons for the quarrel.
 The relatives of the Gemini guy and the Scorpio girl have already created a secret community - they gather at night and decide what to do with their naughty children. But the stars know that love always wins, although jealousy can be stronger than this magical feeling. There is only one piece of advice - while the air-water lovers are getting used to it, it is advisable to go to the wilderness, where only Old Believers live, who do not care about the relationship between Gemini and Scorpio.


From a remote village, our air-water heroes will appear renewed and radiant. True, Gemini with his beard will not be immediately recognized, but the Scorpio lady will be, as always, magnificent - a tanned and long-haired beauty will look like a fairy-tale princess.
 And then the relatives will arrive in time with a convertible and balloons. And the friends didn’t disappoint - the toastmaster had been drunk for a week and had learned his speech by heart, and the guests had been gathering for a long time, because the restaurant was bought out forever during the lovers’ absence. 
 In general, the wedding will be held at the highest level; Scorpio and Gemini will even decide to get married, just to be sure.

The newlyweds' relationship will develop like in an American action movie - today there is passion, tomorrow there is war, and the day after tomorrow the end of the world. But nothing, five storks have already settled on the roof of the house of the loving spouses, and Gemini and Scorpio can go buy strollers and cribs. 
 The frivolous Gemini dad will become a real friend for his offspring, with whom you can run wild and talk about life. And the strict and domineering Scorpio mother will be a role model for her children and an authority in everything.

The Scorpio wife has always dreamed of a big family, so the Gemini hubby will have to try, and it’s time for the neighbors to prepare - the patter of children’s feet and loud singing of lullabies will be every minute. 
 In general, Cupid can retire, because after the union of such dissimilar guys, he rightfully deserves a rest, and the happy water-air spouses will definitely invite him to their golden anniversary.


The stubborn and purposeful Scorpio girl, if she decides that the Gemini boy will be her friend, then so be it. A frivolous guy just needs a girlfriend like Scorpio - an independent and reserved water girl will always keep an airy guy from doing stupid things. 
 And Gemini himself will entertain his amazing companion every minute and will become a faithful page for the Scorpio girl until the end of her days.

True, the airy boy will not have enough communication with one water friend, and he will want to surround himself with a crowd of other guys. However, Gemini must understand that a jealous girlfriend will instantly weed out all the unnecessary friends, in her opinion, leaving only a couple of patient Capricorns and one cheerful Lion Cub.

 With age, the Scorpio lady will become wiser, learn to control herself, and even allow her Gemini to get married, having first checked all the ins and outs of the future wife of the airy groom.

Old age is also not a hindrance for the Scorpio lady and the Gemini guy. Moreover, retirement is a great time for adventures and various adventures.

 Relatives will often catch the airy old man with the watery old lady on the highway when Gemini and Scorpio once again decide to hitchhike around the world.


The restless Gemini man prefers activities associated with an endless change of impressions, even if the air guy is a director, his subordinates will never find him in the office. And the Scorpio lady can become president if she wants; she loves difficulties and always overcomes obstacles.

Together, water-air businessmen can achieve success in any field, but they should initially agree on the division of capital and the distribution of responsibilities.
 Lady Scorpio is a strong-willed woman, she is a born fighter, moreover, the water business lady has an excellent memory - she may not even keep documentation, all the information is stored in her head forever.

These features of an aquatic companion will be useful to the frivolous Gemini guy, who always loses and forgets everything, like all geniuses.

 Competitors, perhaps, would have decided to take over if the company had only Gemini without Scorpio, but they will not get involved with the lady of water - Pluto’s pet only needs to blink and all the enemies will faint from mystical horror. 
 In general, local Rockefellers are already buying simpler chairs for themselves, freeing up a warm place for future water-air rich people.

Men and women are two different poles that are constantly attracted to each other. And not everyone has the patience, and often there is no such opportunity, to get to know a person for a long time. Therefore, many - both men and women they try to understand in the early stages how suitable they are for each other. Compatibility of zodiac signs according to the horoscope is the first and quick way to find out what prospects await your couple both in friendship or in work, and in a serious relationship.

Compatibility in love relationships for the zodiac signs Scorpio and Gemini

There is probably not a single person who, when mentioning people born under the sign of Scorpio, would not remember their difficult character. But every coin has two sides. Restrained in emotions and words, Scorpios born under the sign of Water know how to remain faithful. The dual nature of Geminis born under the Air sign can play a bad role with them at the very beginning of a relationship. But if they can cope with doubts at the very beginning of the journey, then in the future they will become a reliable friend and like-minded person for their partner.

Scorpio man and Gemini woman love compatibility is honed through hard battle. Vulnerable dual natures have a hard time coping with their partner’s emotional stinginess. Women of this flighty sign constantly need approval and emotional nourishment, which the reserved Scorpio is simply unable to provide. Compromise is the very word that a couple must learn at the very beginning of a relationship. And then the thoughtful Scorpio man will open his inner world to his beloved woman, which she will be able to appreciate. But remember that Scorpios are quite jealous by nature, which means that girls should not test their lover’s patience for too long.

Gemini man and Scorpio woman Compatibility in love must be proven first of all to each other. The reserved Scorpio woman will at first be very puzzled by the changeability of Gemini's character. After all, she doesn’t expect a man to radically change his mood and emotional openness. But after some time, the lightness and fun of Gemini will be able to break the shackles of profundity in his partner. So a couple that comes together on the principle of opposites attracting can subsequently transform into a strong union.

Sexual compatibility of the zodiac signs Scorpio and Gemini

Emotional opposites attract from the first minutes of communication. The unbridled energy of Gemini and his love of experimentation will help a restrained partner realize even those fantasies that he was afraid to dream about. But Scorpio’s sexual energy makes him truly tireless in bed.

Compatibility in bed Scorpio men Gemini women can be considered ideal. A woman’s willingness to experiment and natural curiosity can pleasantly surprise her partner. From the first minutes she attracts attention, and in bed she requires long foreplay and complete emancipation. In some cases, such boldness can even be frightening. But thoughtful Scorpios will quickly realize that with a sexually experienced partner they can experience a real fireworks display of pleasure. And you still need to look for such reliable and reverent partners as Scorpios themselves.

Scorpio girl and Gemini man will be able to feel compatibility from the first minutes of intimacy. A man's courage will help a girl to relax and enjoy herself. Erotic fantasies and sexual energy of partners are reliably intertwined in this union and develop into harmony of feelings. The Scorpio girl represents a real mystery for a man, which he will strive to solve again and again. But even the most experienced lover should reserve strength, because Scorpio girls require constant attention from their partner. So count on no less than a whole night of pleasure and the upcoming “sex program”.

Marriage Compatibility

A couple who passes the test of differences in temperament and decides to marry promises to be extremely strong. Long-term relationships already indicate that the partners were able to concentrate not on the shortcomings, but on each other’s strengths. Scorpio's emotional cordons are broken by the romance of Gemini's partner. And the lack of restraint in the character of Gemini’s temperamental nature no longer irritates, but invigorates the calm but passionate Scorpio. The desire to get married indicates that both a man and a woman have found true harmony in psychological and sexual intimacy and are ready to understand each other for many years to come.

Compatibility Gemini girl and Scorpio guy begins to undergo all new checks from the first days of marriage. What a girl considers quite acceptable - friendly parties or night get-togethers - for her husband is an indicator of his wife's frivolity and frivolity. But those girls whose fidelity their spouses never doubt, even returning from a bachelorette party at four in the morning, will receive a cup of coffee from a patient husband. And although many argue that Gemini girls are not capable of long-term relationships, the patience and care of their spouse will help her understand the depth of her feelings.

Scorpio Girl who has decided to marry a Gemini man, strives to see in him not only a tireless experimenter in bed, but also a reliable shoulder in difficult life situations. But who, if not a romantic and emotional partner, will pull her out of her daily routine and give her a positive attitude. But in such a union there is no limit to perfection, because both partners are still complicated things.

Compatibility in friendship between Gemini and Scorpio

Gemini woman and Scorpio man even after many years of friendship they can quarrel. After all, an emotional girl may feel that her friend is putting too much pressure on her. How else can you convince your flighty friend to do one thing or choose a worthy profession? Tireless explorers often need someone to help them stop and rethink their lives. And only a reliable friend, Scorpio, is capable of such feats.

Friendly compatibility of zodiac signs for Scorpio women and Gemini men Rather, it resembles an appointment with a psychotherapist. A woman’s energy and wisdom are enough for both her husband and her friend, who just can’t make a choice. Developed intuition will help a woman not only help, but also insist on the right choice for her friend. But if a man has passed all the friendship tests, then he is certainly capable of a long-term relationship with the girl he chooses for a love relationship.

Compatibility at work

Scorpios' habit of getting to the bottom of things makes them reliable business partners. But sometimes such qualities also play to the detriment of career growth, because the inability to make compromises does not improve the atmosphere in the team. But the energetic Gemini can always dilute the strict tone and offer a couple of original ideas. True, he is in no hurry to complete his projects. Apparently there will be other, more diligent workers for this.

Business compatibility of signs Scorpio man and Gemini woman more reminiscent of the struggle for emancipation. A man who is used to always doing as he pleases attributes Gemini’s dissatisfaction solely to female quirks. A woman perceives Scorpio’s assertiveness as aggression and tries in every possible way to express this not only to his face, but also to her friends in the smoking room. But if such workers understand each other, such a tandem of energy and ideas will become a real treasure for any company.

A Gemini man at work often thinks about things that are not related to work, which Scorpio woman I definitely don't like it. A woman who is purposeful and uncompromising in her work cannot understand why Gemini treats work as a hobby. But, if a company needs to develop a new strategy or choose the right course of development, then Gemini, with his friendly connections and creative imagination, will always come to the rescue.

Of course, there are practically no “pure” representatives of each zodiac sign. Perhaps you have your own opinion or close people whose union of Gemini and Scorpio has already undergone many trials. Share your observations with us, because they will help other couples pass the tests of differences in temperaments.

Compatibility of Gemini and Scorpio in love and marriage is 40%. These zodiac signs are associated with different elements (Air and Water) and are ruled by different planets (Mercury for Gemini and Pluto for Scorpio).

There is enormous mutual interest and intrigue in this alliance. Gemini's imagination and Scorpio's energy can make a good combination if only the two can get along together. They may have harmony in intimate relationships, but this is not enough because their lifestyle has little in common. Geminis want to live a full, fulfilling life, but they are not the kind of partner who is more focused on the idea of ​​self-improvement. Scorpio is sensual, passionate, demanding, jealous and inflexible. Geminis are fickle, superficial, frivolous and changeable, striving for people and communication, while Scorpio loves solitude.

Representatives of the Gemini sign tend to accept love too easily, unlike their partner. Scorpio is goal-oriented, while Gemini is always doubtful and lacks consistency. Compatibility between these signs is not easy. As a result of all this, they will find it difficult to cope with difficulties in relationships and marriage.

Compatibility of Gemini women and Scorpio men

The compatibility of Gemini women and Scorpio men is low, but such a union will be bright, passionate and full of a storm of emotions. Initially, people of these signs will be attracted to each other like a magnet, but later they will understand that their temperaments coincide only in the intimate sphere. Life together for partners will not be the easiest, because you need to arrange the home, taking into account the wishes of your partner, take care of your family and not forget about personal development.

The life positions of Gemini women and Scorpio men are so different that within a few months they will think about the correctness of the choice they made. Those couples who decide to continue the relationship risk breaking up later, and only a few will be able to go through all life's trials together. The couple will last a very long time if Scorpio turns out to be older than Gemini, then he will be able to treat the shortcomings of his other half with understanding.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Gemini man

The Scorpio woman is very jealous and always tries to control her partner, while the Gemini man has a fickle and independent character. The compatibility of these signs creates a real explosive mixture. Their love relationship will be filled with frequent quarrels, conflicts, jealousy, but also romance. And this is not at all surprising, because both partners are strong and independent individuals.

Gemini man and Scorpio woman are a vibrant union filled with the spirit of competition and passion. In almost all cases, relationships do not last long, but they will be remembered for a lifetime. At the same time, these partners can create quite strong, long-lasting unions, filled with love and sincere feelings. The Scorpio woman will make every effort to study the habits of her chosen one, creating comfortable living conditions, both for her partner and for herself. Common interests, hobbies, and hobbies will help strengthen love and marriage.