How old is Maslyakov Jr.’s wife? Svetlana Maslyakova, wife of Alexander Maslyakov: biography and interesting facts. Family is KVN


Working in show business, it is difficult to maintain family life for a long time. But there are couples who work together on the next project, and their relationship began even before popularity, maintaining their love and family for many years. An example of such a couple is Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov and his wife Angelina Maslyakova. If everyone knows about Alexander, then Angelina remains a “stranger” for many.

Angelina Maslyakova: biography

Marmeladova Angelina (that was the girl’s surname before her marriage) was born in Moscow on January 1, nineteen eighty.

After graduating from school, Angelina entered MGIMO, where she received a degree in journalist-publicist. In addition, the girl is a candidate of economic sciences.

Both at school and at the institute, Angelina was one of the best students; she managed to study herself and help her classmates.

Maslyakova Angelina as a writer

Angelina Maslyakova did not start her career on television; she preferred to write books. She has three interesting works to her credit: “Amore Mio” (debut novel), “He Dolce vita” and the latest book, “Women and Men in Friendship and Love. The Madrid Triangle.”

Reviews of books on the Internet are only warm. They write that all the writer’s books are interesting, easy and relaxed to read. These are stories that you can read on the subway or in the evening after a hard day. They don’t have twisted detective or love plots, which means they don’t strain your brain. They are simply interesting to read.

Meeting my husband

Maslyakova Angelina Viktorovna met her future husband at the student cafeteria. This was at the beginning of the first year of study. They just talked for a while, studying in different groups. But Angelina decided to transfer to Sasha’s group, because she wanted to study Italian and English, and not German and Czech, which were studied in her group. Thus, the guys began to spend more time together.

Angelina helped a friend with his studies, but there was no talk of a relationship. As Maslyakov later admitted, he didn’t particularly like the girl; she seemed too arrogant to him.

As their friendship grew stronger, romantic relationships began to develop. After the New Year they became a couple. After five years of relationship, they realized that they really wanted to be together forever, to build a family. It was decided to have a wedding. The parents received this news with joy and helped the newlyweds as best they could.

Some time after the wedding, Angelina Maslyakova and Alexander admitted in another interview that the idea of ​​a magnificent celebration was their parents. They themselves wanted to quietly sign and celebrate calmly with those closest to them.

Family work

After the wedding, the parents helped the newlyweds purchase an apartment, and life went on as usual. The couple had a daughter, they named her Taisiya.

Maslyakov Jr.’s wife, Angelina, worked at the Federation Council at that time. She often and sometimes went on business trips for a long time, and could rarely be with her husband and daughter. The elder Maslyakov decided to intervene in family life and invited his daughter-in-law to work with them in KVN. This is how Angelina Viktorovna Maslyakova appeared on the TV show.

At one of the interviews, Angelina was asked if she had any regrets about her career as a writer and about her past work. The girl replied that not a bit. Their family has become much stronger, they spend a lot of time together. And writing was not a job, but just a hobby.

Family life

Like all normal families, the Maslyakov family has its own quarrels and reconciliations. Angelina Maslyakova and Alexander can sometimes argue, but reconciliation comes quickly, they cannot be offended at each other for a long time.

They show loyalty to their daughter and do not force her to do things she doesn’t like. In her new endeavors they only support and help.

Taisiya is interested in mathematics and dances in “Fidgets”. Parents do not force the girl to seriously dance in this group or try herself in cinema. Her choice, they believe, should be hers, not theirs.

Angelina and Alexander try to spend all their free time at home, next to their daughter. They do not like parties and noisy meetings, preferring to spend the evening in their family circle. Previously, the couple went on vacation only together, and Tasya was left with her grandparents, but recently they began to take her too.

Alexander says that when Tasya was born, he felt such great happiness and fear for the baby that he even got up at night with Angelina to feed and calm the child. This feeling does not leave him when his daughter is far away. Angelina completely agrees with her husband, so they decided to take the girl with them on vacation in order to be close to her and see that everything is okay with her. The three of them just became inseparable! You rarely see such a strong family in our world.

Looking at this couple, you can’t even say that they are “stars”. These are the easiest people to communicate with, devoid of delusions of grandeur. This is the most ordinary family that values ​​​​its happiness.

Alexander the Second, or, as the Kaveen people joke, Son Synych, does not like comparisons with his father Alesander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

Alexander Alexandrovich not only does not dream of eclipsing his parent, but does not even pretend to take his place. Maslyakov Jr. is happy with what he has. Especially his wife Angelina and little daughter Tasya.

Alexander tries to spend more time with his family

Where did you meet Angelina?

At MGIMO in the buffet. It was on the first day of school, September 1st. Only Lina doesn’t remember this. Two months later she joined our group. She realized that English and Italian were closer to her than German and Czech. And by the New Year we started dating. I looked after her for five years. Before I proposed to Lina, I had to start earning money on my own. As soon as this happened, I proposed marriage to her. This did not come as a surprise to Lina, nor indeed to her parents. Everything was leading up to this.

Alexander, why did you choose KVN and not a career as a diplomat?

Alexander Maslyakov

I received a good education. But I don’t seem to have any profession, like most university graduates in our country. I never dreamed of a diplomatic career. There is nothing to do there without connections.

How did you look for work then?

I was walking down the street and saw an advertisement: “We need a presenter for KVN,” and he went and became a presenter (smiles). I have always played KVN. When I had to choose what to do in life, I chose KVN. Even then I wasn’t sure it was right. I still doubt this.

How do you manage to maintain independence in your profession?

Who told you that I am independent?

Maslyakov loves to play with his daughter

Your dad talked about this.

He flatters me (smiles). Independent is the one on whom nothing depends. Youthful maximalism, when you want to prove that you are smarter and more successful than your parents, passes over time. It is very difficult to achieve anything in life on your own. I completely calmly accept my dependence on my father.

You are currently leading the KVN Premier League. Would you like to take your father's place?

I don’t want to think that far ahead at all. I'm happy with what I have. I have a lot of projects related to KVN and television. This area is inexhaustible for creativity.

It's no secret that Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan made a business out of humor. You stay within the framework of a television project. Is this a principled position?

Household chores fall on Angelina’s shoulders

This is a question for Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. I don't think this is good, although I could be wrong. We have different audiences. Their audience is older and there are more of them. What should we do now, go shoot Petrosyan? (Laughs). Let there be both them and us.

You and your wife give the impression of calm and balanced people.

Absolutely not. We're both impulsive. When we argue about who didn’t hide, it’s not our fault.

Who makes peace first?

Me, of course. Like the smartest (smiles). Well, where have you seen a woman who, after a quarrel, is the first to come up with an apology?!

How do you divide your responsibilities?

Lina takes care of the house. She has more time and taste. The issue of raising Tasya is not yet an urgent issue - for now we are only discussing what to give her to eat and what not to give her.

Who is Tasya more like?

To my mom. We once put a photo of a young mother and Tasina next to each other. Very similar.

They say that grandchildren are loved more than children.

They love it very much. I don't know if it's more or less. But they definitely are thrilled. Both grandparents melt when they see her.

Do you often get together with a large family?

Yes, we go to our parents’ dacha so that the child can breathe fresh air and not this Moscow rubbish. Tasya calls her grandparents by name, already understands everything and recognizes everyone.

Taisiya is a beautiful and rare name.

Yes, my wife chose it. She herself has a rather rare name. So unusual female names have already become a tradition in our family.

Are there other traditions in the family?

There are no special ones. Like everyone else. We celebrate New Year and birthdays together. I remember at school on my birthday, my friends and I got so upset that we almost destroyed the apartment.

Did your parents scold you?

No, they suggested it themselves, and it’s their own fault. It’s just that when six guys get together, don’t expect anything good - at the end of the third hour we were practically running on the ceiling. The three of us celebrated 2008 – with my wife and daughter. Tasya was very little, so they didn’t go anywhere or invite guests.

You are thoughtful parents...

Of course, this is our first child. I don’t want to indulge in self-indulgence, but I think this cannot be avoided, and I will spoil her.

Your parents have lived together for more than 35 years. What is the secret of their marriage?

Don't know. I can't say that they are that much inferior to each other. I've never seen anything like this. They are both accomplished individuals. My father is generally a difficult person. And my mother has a commanding character. Nevertheless, they manage to maintain normal relationships and not get hung up on quarrels.

Are you father's son or mother's son? Who did you go to for advice when you were a child?

To mom. She took more care of me. They say that boys are drawn more to their mothers, and girls - to their fathers. This is my case. My mother knows how to resolve conflicts; she grew up in a communal apartment, and anything could happen there. All these stories about rats in the borscht in the common kitchen, judging by my mother’s words, are true.

Did you already grow up in a separate apartment?

Yes, even before I was born, my parents got an apartment, where I grew up. By the way, I still have nightmares about this apartment.

Alexander, aren't you superstitious?

To a normal extent. If a black cat crosses the road, I will stand for a long time, spit over my shoulder and wait until someone passes in front of me.

Do you have any bad habits?

I’ve never tried drugs, I didn’t even want to. I smoked regular cigarettes, it was a sad experience. At one time I really struggled with smoking. Both mom and dad smoked, and I threw tantrums and hung posters in the house. I fought against childish ardor and won. And dad quit smoking, and mom quit.

What influence do you have on your parents?

In fact, I still have little idea of ​​who I am. Is this good or bad, I don't know. It’s wonderful that I have such a father, behind whom I am like behind a stone wall.

What is Alexander Vasilyevich like at work? How does he resolve conflicts?

He tries to get away from them and not interfere in controversial issues; he does not like to figure out who is right or wrong. He's beyond that.

Does your mother still work behind the scenes at KVN?

Yes. She has been a KVN director for 30 years. Dad, of course, is more public than mom.

You won't meet your parents at social events. They don't like parties?

They had a stormy, eventful, very active youth. And in terms of parties, they can give everyone a head start a hundred years in the future. Everything happened in due time. Both dad and mom are bright people, I myself am surprised how they manage to live together. But there can only be one captain on a ship.

Is there captain Alexander Vasilyevich in your family?

Definitely. I don’t apply for the position of captain and I don’t worry about it.

Valeria Roslyakova

The other day, the head of the Satyricon Theater, People's Artist of Russia, Professor Konstantin Raikin told the broad masses about the complete censorship lawlessness in the country and that we are all “slandering, informing. And we want to go into the cage again.”

However, as it soon became clear that this whole revolution rested on the money issue, which was soon successfully resolved in negotiations with the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, who was also no less a professor than Raikin. It would seem that three people met peacefully - two professors and one Russian budget - they quietly rubbed off and closed the topic, forgetting about censorship and the cage. However, colleagues from Life, attracted by the performance of Konstantin Raikin, discovered an amazing fact during the course of the play - it turns out that since 2015, 86.5 million rubles received by the Satyricon Theater from the Russian budget smoothly flowed to the disposal of the Planet KVN center ", owned by the Maslyakov family. Moreover, as it turned out, the director of the indomitable Raikin, Anatoly Polyankin, is connected with a joint business with Angelina Maslyakova, the daughter-in-law of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, and other structures belonging to the Maslyakov family.

Everything seemed to fall into place - budget money through Satyricon and personal connections of director Polyankin with the Maslyakovs quite legally (for rent and other services) flowed to the Planet KVN center they owned, and there are no complaints against Raikin. But a question arises that for some reason the participants in history prefer not to remember. And how did “Planet KVN” - a gigantic building with a multimedia concert hall and other premises with a total area of ​​8.7 thousand square meters, located right next to the Third Ring of Moscow, end up in the ownership of the family of the “main KVN member of the country” Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov? And not only this building.

And the answer turned out to be simple and uncomplicated - all this golden real estate, which was previously the property of the city of Moscow, passed to the Maslyakov family, in my opinion, not without a pre-planned scheme of seizure, better known in the criminal code as fraudulent acquisition of someone else’s property by deception and abuse of trust , and, as the documents further show, as part of a group of people. But let's start from the beginning. With all the details and completely unexpected facts.

Episode one: “I invented KVN” or where 25 years disappeared.

Here is an amazing and unique document dated 1996. This is the certificate of the Russian Copyright Society number 1519 “On registration of a work - an object of intellectual property.” Let's quote:

“This is to certify that an object of intellectual property is registered with RAO - the script for a humorous game called “KVN (Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful), the author of which, according to his own statement, is Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

Maslyakov A.V. testifies that when creating the above-mentioned object, he did not violate the intellectual property rights of other persons.”

So that's it! That is, KVN is only 30 years old? And to what 55th anniversary is Maslyakov inviting us all?

Episode two. How to steal $35 million from the budget. Step by step instructions.

At the beginning of this investigation, the existence of the cultural center “Planet KVN” was already mentioned - a gigantic building with a multimedia concert hall and other premises with a total area of ​​8.7 thousand square meters, located at the address: Moscow, Sheremetyevskaya Street, 2. So, until the fall of 2014, this golden real estate, worth billions of rubles, belonged to the State Unitary Enterprise MMC Planet KVN, the sole founder of which was the Moscow Property Department. That is, the “Planet KVN” center, with its almost nine thousand square meters, was the municipal property of the capital.

Yes, by the way, pay attention to the fact that the General Director of the state unitary enterprise “MMC “Planet KVN” somehow mysteriously turned out to be none other than Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov himself:

Next. At the same time, there was also a limited liability company “Television Creative Association “AMIK” (abbreviated as TTO AMIK LLC). And this office was completely private, that is, it had nothing to do with government agencies. And the founders of TTO AMIK LLC were (attention!) Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, his wife Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova, and their son Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov is the general director. And it was to TTO AMIC LLC that the so-called intellectual property objects were transferred, which began their journey with that very first trademark, registered in 1996 by a company owned by the “author of the KVN game.”

And in the fall of 2014, real witchcraft was learned. On October 28, 2014, according to the protocol of a certain newly-minted LLC “House of KVN”, two Maslyakovs, two general directors – a son and a father – met. Namely, the General Director of TTO AMIK LLC Maslyakov Alexander Aleksandrovich (son) and the General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "MMC Planeta KVN" Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich (father) made the fateful decision enshrined in this protocol. They, that is, the father, who is a director in the State Unitary Enterprise, and the son, a director in a private LLC, where the same father and mother are among the founders, “decided to establish a limited liability company “House of KVN” at the address Moscow, Sheremetyevskaya, 2.”

Now attention! Quotes from Protocol No. 1 “On the creation of Dom KVN LLC”:

“SUE “MMC “Planet KVN” contributes real estate to the authorized capital of the Company in the form of a separate building with a total area of ​​8,707.1 sq.m. located at Moscow, st. Sheremetyevskaya, building 2, estimated at 1,113,561,000 rubles (one billion 113 million 561 thousand rubles). As well as equipment inside the building, estimated by an independent appraiser at 277,509,476 rubles (277 million 509 thousand 476 rubles).” And the State Unitary Enterprise "MMC "Planet KVN" receives for this as much as... 49 percent of the authorized capital of LLC "House of KVN".

And what does the private TTO AMIC LLC, owned by the Maslyakov family, contribute to the authorized capital? I quote the protocol: “TTO AMIK LLC transfers in full, as a contribution to the authorized capital of the Company, the exclusive right to the Trademark “International KVN Union” (certificate No. 345643), assessed by an independent appraiser... (attention! Author) at 1,447,848 863 rubles (one billion 447 million 863 rubles). TTO AMIC LLC receives 51 percent (fifty-one!!! Author) of the authorized capital of Dom KVN LLC.

And this happiness is signed on the part of the state (State Unitary Enterprise "MMTS Planeta KVN") by General Director Alexander Maslyakov-father, and on the part of the private LLC "TTO AMIK" by General Director Alexander Maslyakov-son. Don't believe me? See for yourself:

Now let's watch our hands. So, the state contributed to the authorized capital of Dom KVN LLC golden Moscow real estate and internal equipment, with a total value of 1,391,070,476 rubles, which at the exchange rate as of October 2014 was about 35 million US dollars. And for this, the budgetary State Enterprise is entitled to only 49 percent of the authorized capital. And the private structure of the Maslyakovs (father-mother-son) introduces the useless Trademark “International KVN Union”, valuing it at 1,447,848,863 rubles (at the exchange rate for October 2014 - more than 36 million dollars) and receives a controlling stake in at the rate of 51 percent. Here is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:

This is what the property transferred to the Maslyakov family enterprise looks like:

And here’s what this unknown sign No. 345643 looks like on the Rospatent website, valued, judging by the minutes of the meeting between father and son, by mysterious “independent appraisers” in October 2014 at $35 million, and which brought the Maslyakov family state property almost in the center of Moscow, which later It was also reconstructed using the same budget funds:

Well, has anyone seen this supposedly famous design miracle anywhere? My attempts to understand where this miracle sign, worth 35 million greens, is used were in vain. Fortunately, Yandex is now searching by images, but the search engine did not find anything except the image already shown above from the Rospatent website and some modified versions of the mark.

Let me remind you once again: the protocol states that the hitherto unknown picture owes 1.5 billion rubles, with reference to certain independent appraisers. It’s just a shame: this product of intelligence was introduced into the family enterprise much later than the registration of “Planet KVN”, which in itself is not a violation, but its assessment in the very amount recorded according to Maslyakov the son in the protocol was carried out only after registration of the society itself! That is, an outright scam - first they named the exact price down to the kopecks, and then only estimated it.

Let's choose the options: either Maslyakov the son is a real visionary and a genius in the field of valuation, having named in advance the exact cost of the picture or their price of “51% per picture” was completely trivially adjusted to the valuation of real state property so as to be higher by exactly 2 control percents. Well, the appraisers simply confirmed “whatever” number you want.

And pay attention to the fact that this whole amazing story took place in the form of a get-together between dad and son. And another important factor - the wife of Maslyakov Jr. and, accordingly, the daughter-in-law of Maslyakov Sr., Angelina Viktorovna Maslyakova, became the general director of the newly-minted LLC "House of KVN", the very one whose property was the building of "Planet KVN".

And here is the agreement on the transfer of that very “KVN trademark”, valued at as much as 36 million dollars, from TTO AMIK LLC to the newly-minted KVN House LLC, signed in a family style by husband and wife - General Director Alexander Maslyakov and General Director Angelina Maslyakova :
And now let’s return to the story of the Satyricon Theater. As it became known, the theater is financed from the federal budget and for several years has been renting halls and other premises from the same LLC “House of KVN”. And as colleagues found out, from 2015 to the present, 86.5 million rubles received by the Satyricon Theater from the Russian budget smoothly flowed into Dom KVN LLC. And there would be nothing scary about this if it weren’t for the above facts that the Maslyakov family business received state property leased to Satyricon, to put it mildly, with obvious signs of deception.

That is, having become the rightful owner of the former state property that belonged to the subject of the Federation - Moscow, the Maslyakov family successfully rents out these premises, receiving tens of millions of rubles now from the federal budget allocated to the Satyricon theater. Truly a sweet child...

And maybe it makes sense for Konstantin Raikin, who is forced to talk about slander, denunciations and the cage, trying to extract additional government funding for the theater, to simply show greater care when choosing partners?

Family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. You work together (at AMiK - “Alexander Maslyakov and Company.” The only thing that slightly disappoints the wife of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. is the lack of a romantic component in the latter. About 30-40 years ago, Soviet television viewers were sure that Alexander Maslyakov’s wife was his colleague and permanent co-host Svetlana Zhiltsova.

Maslyakov’s wife is a native Muscovite; she was born in 1959. As a child, Sveta was a very active and energetic girl; she always played the role of “ringleader” in the team. Alexander Alexandrovich, the son of the permanent leader of KVN, was born in April 1980 in Moscow. The fact is that his mother, Svetlana Anatolyevna, also devoted herself to serving this wonderful program.

All KVN fans know Angelina Viktorovna Maslyakova very well, who is constantly next to him on all programs of the program. But Alexander does not understand such impulses of his wife at all, but promises to improve! And when one day the corrected inscription “Director – Svetlana Maslyakova” appeared in the credits of the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful,” fans of the program rushed to congratulate Alexander and Svetlana Zhiltsova.

Here she met Alexander, here their romance developed, a family was born here, and a long-term creative tandem emerged. Then a son was born, and for some time Svetlana plunged headlong into maternal responsibilities. But in 1986, KVN appeared on television again, and the popularity of this program and its host exceeded all expectations. Alexander Maslyakov’s wife is now a member of the Academy of Russian Television, she is an authoritative person in castings, screenings, her opinion is respected when evaluating programs.

It is not surprising that Alexander Jr., who grew up in the atmosphere of KVN, followed in the footsteps of his parents. Alexander Maslyakov Jr. is a famous Russian TV presenter, whose activities are closely connected with the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov was born on April 28, 1980 in the city. His parents were closely connected with the world of Soviet and Russian television.

Thus, Alexander Alexandrovich, from an early age, was closely connected with the project of his parents. The activities of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful occupied an important place in the life of the Maslyakov family, and therefore our today's hero could hardly really stay away from what was happening.

The name of Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov is known to all fans of the television student game KVN. His father is the host of this show, who appeared on television back in the 60s. Many are interested in learning more about the life of the son of the permanent presenter. Moreover, his granddaughter was born - the daughter of his son - Taisiya Maslyakova.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. was born in 1980 in the capital (in the same place where his daughter Taisiya Maslyakova was born). His father, Alexander Vasilyevich, was the host of a cheerful student show, which appeared on the TV channel in 1961. There weren’t televisions in every house back then; they were old-fashioned ones with a magnifying glass. But the topic of original student humor was already popular then.

The first presenters of KVN were: Albert Axelrot and Svetlana Zhiltsov. Then, in 1964, Albert was replaced by a young and handsome man, Sasha Maslyakov.

In 1972, as a result of a scandal, the popular program was closed; this was a manifestation of the stagnation that had set in in the country. At the beginning of perestroika in 1986, the show was restored, they decided to host the same person who was before the closure -.

Alexander met his wife, Sveta Semenova, in 1966, when she came to work at the studio as an assistant director. The young people liked each other, began dating, and formalized their relationship in 1971. The married couple still lives happily; last year they celebrated their anniversary - 45 years of marriage.

In 1980, their son Sasha was born, which brought joy to all KVN members. Some even advised calling him Kaveen, but his parents did not consider this idea serious. They decided to name him in honor of his father - Alexander.

As a child, Sasha was involuntarily involved in the creation of a student show. He saw the whole kitchen, the whole underbelly of this fun game, and understood what kind of work goes into creating the Club. Mom worked as a director, dad worked as a presenter, so little Sasha was always in the studio, where he absorbed all the technology.

But oddly enough, he did not see himself as a child either on the stage of this show or behind the scenes. Sasha dreamed of becoming a traffic cop, and later became interested in economics and politics.

Start of a career

After schooling was behind us, it was time to choose a profession. Alexander decided to enter the Moscow Institute of International Relations. In 2006, the young man defended his PhD thesis in economics. It seemed that the road was open for a successful career as a diplomat.

But unexpectedly for everyone, Alexander suddenly turned off the prestigious path and found himself on the stage of the “Planet KVN” project as a presenter. Apparently, genetics still prevailed.

Sasha turned out to look like his father with his dazzling, charming and wide smile. Goodwill, optimism and a sense of humor were also inherited from him. Then there were rumors that the son would soon replace his father as the host of the student show.

The rumors began to be confirmed when in 2003 Maslyakov Jr. headed the KVN Premier League. This project was created as an incubator that prepares young and talented comedians for the show. It was he who gave way to such now famous showmen as Gudkov, Medvedeva and others.

Then Alexander hosted the program “Outside the Game” and the First League of KVN. Often, during the filming of a TV game, the camera stops on the face of Maslyakov Jr., and the emphasis is placed on it. This suggests that he has a great future ahead of him.

Friends jokingly call Maslyakov Jr. Alexander the Second or San Sanych, but he does not like being compared to his father. He also doesn’t like it when people ask him whether he will soon replace his father and become the host of the show. Firstly, he does not strive for this, and secondly, Maslyakov, the eldest, despite his 75 years, is cheerful and cheerful.

In 2013, Alexander Alexandrovich surprised everyone by taking part in KVN not as a host, but as a guest artist in the Kamyzyaki team. This participation helped the team receive high scores for their performance.

There were rumors that NATO spoke out negatively about the negative impact of the popular show on Russians. But Maslyakov Sr. and Jr. did not take this information seriously, but gave free rein to their imagination and jokes about this at their next performance in the game.

Personal life

Alexander Alexandrovich met his wife while studying at the university. Angelina Marmeladova was not only a beautiful girl, but also very smart and capable. She helped a classmate improve his grades and prepare for exams and his thesis.

So the friendship imperceptibly grew into something more, the young people began to meet. After five years of relationship, they registered their marriage. Angelina often says that she and her husband are very different people, but apparently the attraction of opposites worked.

Ten years after the wedding, the couple decided to refresh their relationship and went on a trip to sunny Italy. They are quite happy and content with each other.

Angelina is an intelligent and talented woman, she works as a journalist and writes prose in her spare time. She has already published three novels, which are popular.

An addition to the family occurred in 2006; the couple had a daughter, who was named by the rare name Taisiya.

Daughter of Maslyakov Jr.

As mentioned above, Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov became a father in 2006, his daughter Taisiya Maslyakova was born. Mom and dad, as well as grandfather and grandmother, dote on their beloved child. She looks more like her father in appearance; like him, the girl spends her entire childhood behind the scenes of the student Club. She often sits with her parents in the auditorium during the game. But for now, she doesn’t think about whether she will be the host of the show.

Taya has talents: the girl sings and dances well. She is a member of the famous children's group "Fidgets" and performs on stage with them. In addition, Taisiya is studying English.

Once a girl, together with other “Fidgets,” performed on the KVN stage. The musical group helped the team with their homework, successfully portraying a parody of the show “The Voice.Children”.

In 2015, a charity concert took place at the Rossiya Concert Hall, it was called “Adults and Children.” The “Fidgets” team performed on stage together with Russian pop stars: Baskov, Dolina, Pavliashvili and others. Among the presenters were children: Taisiya Maslyakova and Kirill Pinjoyan. The girl demonstrated excellent diction, acting abilities and the talent to act independently on stage.

Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov, of course, is proud of his daughter and makes every effort for her happy childhood and good education. Now the girl is in fifth grade. When asked what she wants to become, she answers: a singer.

One day Taya wanted to try her hand at the popular show “Minute of Fame,” but her parents explained to her that it would be unethical. After all, her grandfather is on the jury, and viewers may perceive his assessment as not entirely objective.

Currently, Taya is growing and studying hard in order, perhaps in the future, to take the baton of leading the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.