How many days of Ramadan are there in a year? Holy month of Ramadan for Muslims


The month of Ramadan is the most honorable and important of the 12 months of the lunar calendar, according to which Muslims all over the world live.

When does fasting begin and how long does it last?

Ramadan (another name is Ramadan) is the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar, which is 10 or 11 days less than the solar year. For this reason, the days of Muslim religious holidays shift relative to the Gregorian calendar every year.

Accordingly, Ramadan, which lasts from 29 to 30 days, depending on the lunar calendar, falls on different dates every year. In 2017, Ramadan lasts 30 days.

At the Moscow Cathedral Mosque during the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, the day, according to the Muslim calendar, begins at sunset, and not at midnight, as in the Gregorian calendar.

Ramadan in 2017 begins on the evening of May 26 at sunset and ends on the evening of June 25, 2017, after which the holiday of Eid al-Fitr (Turkic name “Eid al-Adha”) will begin.

Moreover, in different Muslim countries, Ramadan can begin at different times, and this depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the Moon.

Ramadan is translated from Arabic as “hot”, “scorching heat”. Every devout Muslim this month proves the strength of his faith, thanks to the complete renunciation of the simplest human needs during hot days. During this period, the believer must free himself from various thoughts that can defile a person.

Hassan II Mosque in CasablancaMuslims believe that the spiritual and physical fasting of Ramadan can significantly improve a person’s state of mind. In Turkic languages, this fast is called uraza.

Fasting in Ramadan

During the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to observe a number of strict rules, one of which is fasting, the purpose of which is to rethink life and cleanse the soul and body.

During fasting, you should pray a lot and daily confirm your intention (niyat) to participate in this holiday in the name of Allah. You should also refrain from evil thoughts and intentions, and beware of evil deeds and ungodly people.

Fasting begins at dawn and ends after sunset.

During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from eating and drinking during daylight hours, smoking, including hookah or other mixtures, and intimacy.

Kul-Sharif Mosque in Kazan Swallowing any liquid, including water during bathing, as well as skipping niyat is considered a violation of fasting. At the same time, donating blood, bathing, kissing, and administering medications through injections are allowed.

The main meaning of such fasting is to strengthen the faith of every Muslim believer, as well as to determine life values ​​and, of course, to be spiritually enriched through daily prayer, as well as by abstaining from temptations. Practice shows that fasting has a healing effect on the body.

Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam. Every adult Muslim is required to observe it. The exceptions are children, sick people, pregnant and lactating women, travelers, warriors and the elderly who are physically unable to fast. But it is obligatory to replace the fast in another, more favorable period.

If a Muslim breaks his fast, he must pay the needy a certain amount in money or food, thus making up for the fast.

With the onset of Ramadan, it is customary for Muslims to congratulate each other in words or in the form of postcards, because it was this holiday that marked the beginning of the birth of the holy book the Koran, which plays a special role in the life of every believer.

Pilgrims to Mecca Ramadan is a time to earn eternal Paradise, when many deeds can earn great rewards. These include fasting, five daily prayers, the Tarawih prayer, sincere supplication, iftar (breaking the fast), pre-dawn meal (sahur), donations and many other good deeds and deeds.

When was the Quran revealed?

The first revelation of the Quran was revealed on the night of Laylat al-Qadr or the Night of Power and Predestination. This is the most important night of the year for every Muslim.

Muhammad was 40 years old when his prophetic mission began.

Before the revelation of the Qur'an, the Prophet Muhammad often secluded himself and indulged in prayer in the cave of Hira near Mecca, where the first sura of the Qur'an was revealed to him in 610.

By order of Allah, one of the angels, Jebrail, came to the Prophet Muhammad and said to Him: “Read.” The word “read” means “Koran”. With these words, the revelation of the Koran began - that night the angel Jebrail conveyed the first five verses from Surah Clot.

Revealed KoranThe mission lasted until the death of Muhammad - the Great Koran was revealed to the prophet for 23 years.

According to sources, Laylat al-Qadr is the night when angels descend to earth and the prayer pronounced on this night has much greater power than all the prayers of the year.

In the Koran, an entire sura “Inna anzalnagu” is dedicated to this Night, which says that the Night of Power is better than a thousand months in which it is not present. This is the night when the fate of every person is predetermined in heaven, his life path, the difficulties and trials that must be passed, and if you spend this night in prayer, in understanding your actions and possible mistakes, then Allah will forgive your sins and be merciful.

Regarding the date of the Night of Destiny, the Koran says that it falls on one of the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Therefore, it is considered most correct to devote all the last 10 nights of Ramadan to prayers. Some sources indicate that Laylat al-Qadr falls on the 27th of Ramadan, that is, on the night of June 21-22.

Tbilisi Mosque Respect for the ninth month of the lunar calendar is repeatedly mentioned in the Koran. Muslims call the fast "mubarak", that is, blessed. It is believed that the value of a good deed performed at this time increases several hundred times.

For example, a minor pilgrimage (umrah) is equal in importance to the hajj (visit to Mecca), and voluntary prayer is rewarded in the same way as obligatory prayer. Ramadan received special status in 622.

What is celebrated after Ramadan fasting?

Ramadan ends with the second most important holiday - Eid al-Fitr or the so-called Feast of Breaking the Fast. The holiday begins after sunset on the last day of Ramadan and lasts three days.

The Feast of Breaking the Fast occurs on the first day of the month of Shawwal, which comes at the end of the holy Ramadan. In 2017, Eid al-Fitr will be celebrated from June 26 to 28.

The holiday begins with the onset of evening prayer - from this time on, it is advisable for all Muslims to read takbir (formula for the exaltation of Allah). Takbir is read before performing the festive prayer on the day of the holiday.

Tbilisi mosque in the historical center of the Georgian capital

At this time, Muslims should indulge in reflection on spiritual values ​​and rethinking life during the period of fasting. This day is considered a holiday of salvation from hell, as well as a day of reconciliation, love and friendly handshakes. On this day, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and care for the elderly.

It is advisable to spend the night of the holiday in vigil, in all-night service to Allah. On the day of the holiday, it is advisable to wear clean clothes, put a silver ring on your finger, perfume yourself with incense and, after eating a little, go to the mosque early to perform the holiday prayer.

On this day, Muslims distribute alms to the needy, congratulate each other and wish the Almighty to accept fasting, visit relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, and receive guests.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Muslims fast every year during Ramadan. This month falls on different dates every year. In this article you will learn when Ramadan 2019 will take place, as well as the rules of fasting.

The month of Ramadan is called holy and is a very important month for Muslims. At this time, fasting takes place, which is one of the five pillars of Islam.

The month of Ramadan lasts 29 or 30 days, depending on the lunar calendar. Fasting begins at dawn on the first day of Ramadan and ends at sunset on the last day.

Important: Ramadan falls in 2019 from May 7 to June 5. The fast lasts exactly 30 days and ends with the holiday of Uraza Bayram, which will take place in 2019 on June 5.

For Muslims, fasting is considered an honorable act. After all, by doing this, a fasting Muslim strengthens his faith in Allah, cleanses himself of earthly sins, and draws upon himself the prosperity of Allah.

During this Holy month, Muslims consider it honorable to do good deeds and help those in need. After all, Allah sees them, and every good deed is rewarded by Allah.

It is during the Holy month of Ramadan that people stop quarreling, being offended, and envying. During this month, the hearts of believers unite in united prayer and love for Allah.

It is during this Holy month that both the soul and body of a Muslim believer are cleansed through fasting and prayer. The soul is filled with love and compassion for people.

The main condition is not to break the fasting schedule and not to miss prayers.

Ramadan or Ramazan: which is correct?

Important: Many people have a question about how to say it correctly - Ramadan or Ramadan? After all, both words are used in different sources. The answer to this question is clear: both pronunciations are correct.

In other words, Ramadan and Ramadan are one and the same. However, there is an explanation for this.

The letter dad exists only in Arabic. Therefore, Arabs pronounce this word as Ramadan. The Turkic peoples, in turn, say “Ramadan”, because such a pronunciation is characteristic of their linguistics. Any pronunciation is not considered an error.

When do Muslims fast for Ramadan in 2019?

  • In 2019 Muslims will start fasting May 7 after the morning adhan - the call to prayer. The post ends June 5 after evening azan. June 5 the holiday of breaking the fast is coming - Uraza Bayram.

The month of Ramadan is considered sacred because, according to legend, the prophet Muhammad received the first verses of the Koran in the month of Ramadan.
During Ramadan, it is customary to pray with special zeal and renounce the evil of everyday life..

Fasting helps a believer to cleanse himself of sins, understand the true meaning of earthly life, pacifies souls, and teaches patience.

Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr 2019 calendar: schedule, date

Ramadan ends with a big holiday - Eid al-Adha.

Important: Uraza Bayram is celebrated the day after the end of fasting. In 2019, the holiday of Uraza Bayram is June 5.

Preparation for Eid al-Adha

Preparation for this day begins in advance. It is customary to begin the holiday with general prayer.

  • Every Muslim must make a donation to the poor on this day; also on this day, Muslims go to cemeteries to visit deceased relatives, as well as visit each other.
  • It is forbidden to fast on this day and be sad.
  • The best dishes should be on the table, and clothes should be elegant.
  • In many countries this day is an official holiday.

Eid al-Fitr holiday

As you know, with hardship comes relief. This can be seen in the fasting of Ramadan and the holiday that follows it. It is difficult to observe fasting, but the joy after it is very great.

Intention for fasting Ramadan

A Muslim who intends to fast should not forget about his intention for fasting - niyat.

There are rules of intent, non-compliance with which leads to the fact that the post may not be counted. Consider these rules:

  1. Intent for fasting pronounced on the eve of each new day of the month of Ramadan. The intention is pronounced after the last meal of the night, but in the second half of the night.
  2. If a person makes an intention at dawn, then his fast on that day will not be counted.
  3. When a person has doubts about pronouncing an intention at dawn or at night, then fasting on that day is also not counted.
  4. It is not necessary to say the words of intention out loud, you can say it mentally.
    Before pronouncing an intention, a person must understand the essence of this action - the desire to renounce all sins that could break the fast.
  5. If a person pronounces an intention without understanding the essence of what is happening, such an intention is also not counted.

Important: Words of intention sound like this “I intend to fast the day of Ramadan in accordance with faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty.” .

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

Ramadan fasting requires eating and drinking only at night. During the day, a person should completely refuse food.

In the first days it can be very difficult to adapt to this diet. But prayers also help other people who are subject to the same goal. After all, together it is easier to experience all the inconveniences.
After a few days, the body gets used to the routine and fasting proceeds easily. Therefore, tune in to this and remember Allah will reward you for the right actions.

In addition, sexual relations during the day are prohibited. At night you can make love.

Who is exempt from fasting during the month of Ramadan?

  1. Elderly people. If people, due to health reasons, cannot fast or make up for the fast afterward, they must pay fidyah sadaqa - a donation to feed one poor person per day. You can feed 30 poor people at once or feed one poor person for 30 days. If a person is old, but his health allows him to fast, he should fast.
  2. Pregnant or nursing mothers. Also, a woman who is breastfeeding someone else’s child may miss the post. In this case, you can skip the post if there is a real threat to the baby’s health, the risk of milk loss or the risk of miscarriage. In the future, such a woman will have to make up for the days of fasting; there is no need to pay a donation for fasting.
  3. Women who have started menstruating. On menstrual days, women should skip fasting, but then make up for these days. The fast of such a woman will not be counted, but out of respect for Ramadan, she should not eat during the day.
  4. Hopelessly ill people. If a patient begins to fast and his health deteriorates, he must break the fast. If a person subsequently recovers, he will have to make up the missed days of fasting, and his fidyah sadaqah will be counted as a donation.
  5. Travelers and those who are at war are also exempt from fasting. However, they are subsequently required to make up these days.

Video: Month of Ramadan

What breaks fasting in the month of Ramadan?

  • Critical days or postpartum discharge;
  • Taking medications by swallowing;
  • Smoking, mindful intake of food and water;
  • Conscious intimacy
  • Getting water into your mouth when swimming
  • Inducing vomiting

If a person consciously commits sexual intercourse during fasting, he is obliged to atone for sin - fast for 60 days in a row.

Other violations require compensation for the day of fasting on which the violation occurred.

What does not break the Ramadan fast?

  • If a person ate and drank water, forgetting about fasting. If a fasting person suddenly drank water or ate, but immediately remembered and continued the fast, this is not considered a violation;
  • Involuntary vomiting;
  • You can taste food with the tip of your tongue without swallowing it;
  • Rinse your mouth or rinse your nose if water is not swallowed;
  • You can put medicines in your eyes and give injections (not vitamins or nutritional supplements);
  • Anointing and inhaling incense, bathing.

Muslim prayer

Ramadan: what can you eat?

Important: At night during the month of Ramadan you can eat whatever you want. However, it must not be conveyed. It is enough to eat exactly the amount of food that is enough to renew your strength and satiate.

After sunset, you can put either one dish or several on the table. Breaking the fast begins with dates. At night you can eat whatever you like - soups, vegetables, meat, baked goods, dried fruits and fruits, cereals, fish, salads, etc.

Food during Ramadan fasting

Why do people only eat at night during Ramadan?

Important: The Almighty said: “Eat and drink until you can distinguish a white thread from a black thread at dawn, and then fast until night.” These words became the basis for the Ramadan fast.

The effects of Ramadan fasting on health

Studies have been conducted that have found that fasting Ramadan does not harm the body. Blood was taken from the volunteers at the beginning of the fast, during and after the end.

  • Laboratory studies have established the positive effect of fasting on many systems of the body, such as the immune, genitourinary, circulatory, and nervous systems.
  • Most fasters were able to lose excess weight.
  • Basic blood counts remained normal.
  • Those indicators that deviated from the norm recovered a few days after leaving the fast.

The main advantage of fasting Ramadan from a medical point of view is receiving all the necessary nutrients, albeit at night.

Video: Fasting Ramadan from a medical point of view

Congratulations on the beginning of the month of Ramadan

For Muslim believers, the onset of fasting is a joyful event. People congratulate each other, wish them patience, strength, wisdom, as well as joy and health. Below in the picture see the best selection of congratulations and poems dedicated to the holiday of Ramadan.

Congratulations on Ramadan in verse

Congratulations on Ramadan in prose

What should you do during Ramadan?

During Lent, it is imperative to pray fervently, develop spiritually, think about good deeds and perform them.

  • This time is necessary to remind a person of his real mission in this life.
  • Ramadan is not a time for fun, it is a time for reading the Koran, good thoughts and deeds.
  • Ramadan is a time to help other people, the poor, the needy.
  • During this month, alms are given out, people ask for forgiveness, and do good deeds.
  • During this month, strictly follow all the rules of fasting.

What should you not do during the month of Ramadan?

During Ramadan (Ramadan) you cannot lie, use foul language, talk idle talk, behave dissolutely, or quarrel.

  • It is advisable at this time to give up having fun and judging other people.
  • You can’t be angry with your loved ones, swear, or plot bad things. Fasting teaches humility and patience.
  • If a person provokes a fasting person and calls for a quarrel, the fasting person should not engage in abuse, altercation, or fight.
  • He must remind himself that he honors and observes the fast.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

During Ramadan, believers must pray fervently and also read a prayer - tarawih prayer. This prayer is best performed in a mosque, but can also be performed at home with your family.

Important: Tarawih prayer is a special prayer during Ramadan, which lasts until dawn.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

Video: Prayer before meals in the month of Ramadan

Women, like men, must fast during Ramadan.

  • If a woman begins her period, she must break her fast. And later continue it;
  • A woman should not approve of her husband’s weakness if he desires intimacy during the day during Ramadan;
  • At night, there is no need to deny your husband intimate intimacy;
  • When a woman prepares food, you can taste the salt without swallowing the food;
  • It is not advisable to while away the days of fasting by shopping and spending money;
  • A woman should not neglect prayer because of household chores.

Is it possible to drink kvass during Ramadan?

Muslims are allowed to drink alcoholic drinks if the proportion of alcohol in them is insignificant and does not lead to intoxication. Factory-made kvass, as a rule, is not capable of intoxication, so you can drink it.

Is it possible to swallow saliva during Ramadan?

  • The saliva that collects in the mouth can be swallowed. This is not considered a violation of the fast.
  • But if the saliva has already left the mouth, for example, touched the lip, then swallowed saliva will be a violation.
  • If blood from the gums gets into the saliva, this will also be a violation. Such saliva needs to be spat out.

Is it possible to brush your teeth during Ramadan?

It is better to brush your teeth at night. If you have to brush your teeth during the day, you need to be careful not to swallow toothpaste and saliva at the same time. When rinsing your mouth, you should spit out the water and not swallow it.

Important: It is better for Muslims to brush their teeth with a siwak stick. This will not break the fast.

Is it possible to marry or steal a girl during the month of Ramadan?

Fasting is not an obstacle to nikah (wedding). However, you cannot have feasts and celebrations during the day.

From a religious point of view, stealing a girl is a sin. Islam strongly discourages stealing anything and causing violence to a person. Therefore, girls should not be kidnapped during Ramadan.

Video: Fasting in Ramadan

Ramadan is the holy month of Muslims. According to the Koran, this is one of the five pillars of Islam on which faith in Allah is based. Ramadan is also called the ninth month of the lunar calendar, when all believers practice holy fasting (saul). Its dates are determined depending on the changing phases of the Moon. The Islamic synodic calendar is shorter than the Gregorian calendar, so every year the beginning of Ramadan is pushed back by 10-11 days. In 2017, this month falls between May 26 and June 24. Ramadan (another name is Ramadan) is translated from Arabic as “hot”, “scorching heat”. The title contains the very essence of the post. The task of every devout Muslim this month is to prove the strength of his faith, to renounce unclean deeds and thoughts despite the sweltering heat. In Turkic languages, this fast is called uraza. And find out

History of Ramadan

Muslim tradition says that it was in the ninth lunar month that the Prophet Muhammad received the first message of the Koran from the angel Jibril. The event dates back to 610. At that time, the main herald of Islam indulged in prayer in the cave of Hira near Mecca, where the first sura of the Koran was revealed to him. Ramadan received special status in 622.

Respect for the ninth month of the lunar calendar is repeatedly mentioned in the Koran. Muslims call the fast "mubarak", that is, blessed. It is believed that the value of a good deed performed at this time increases several hundred times. For example, a minor pilgrimage (umrah) is equal in importance to the hajj (visit to Mecca), and voluntary prayer is rewarded in the same way as obligatory prayer.

Fasting in Ramadan

During the holy month, Muslims are required to follow strict restrictions on food, pleasure and entertainment. The purpose of fasting is to cleanse yourself physically and spiritually, to pacify base instincts and passions. An important component of Ramadan is intention (niyat). It is said daily, between night and morning prayers. The niyat sounds something like this: “I intend to fast tomorrow (today) for the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah.”

During the ninth month, Muslims abstain from food and drink, smoking (including hookah or other mixtures), and sexual intercourse. Swallowing any liquid (such as water) while bathing, as well as skipping niyat, is considered a violation of fasting. At the same time, donating blood, bathing, kissing, and administering medications through injections are allowed.

As a rule, during Ramadan they eat twice a day. The morning meal is called suhoor, the evening meal is iftar. It is advisable to complete Suhur at least half an hour before dawn, while Iftar should begin immediately after evening prayer. According to the Koran, the best food for breaking the fast at night is water and dates. Skipping Suhoor and Iftar does not break the fast, but keeping these meals is rewarded with additional rewards.

During Ramadan, it is customary to limit oneself in entertainment and pleasure. Muslims devote daytime to work, prayer and reading the Koran. The unshakable tradition of the holiday is performing good deeds. Muslims believe that hunger and restrictions during fasting make wealthy people sympathetic to the troubles of the poor. During Ramadan, it is customary to engage in charity, give voluntary and obligatory alms.

To the five obligatory namaz (prayers) one more is added. It is called tarawih, which translated means “rest” or “respite.” The prayer is performed voluntarily after the obligatory night prayer (isha) and continues until the first signs of dawn. Tarawih consists of 10 prayers of 2 rak'ahs each. After every four rak'ahs, worshipers rest while sitting, hence the name of the ritual.

Who is exempt from fasting?

The strict requirements of Ramadan do not apply to children, the elderly, the sick, pregnant and lactating women, and travelers. However, breaking the fast must be compensated by abstinence at a time more convenient for the person. The elderly and seriously ill, instead of strictly observing customs, are allowed to feed the poor or give them alms.

Completion of Ramadan

The last ten days of the holy month are especially important for Islam, because at this time a revelation from Allah was sent down to Muhammad. The exact date of the event is unknown, but most Muslim countries celebrate its anniversary on the night of the 26th to 27th day of Ramadan. The holiday is named Laylatul-Qadr, which means “night of predestination.” For a Muslim, this is a time of repentance, persistent prayer and reflection on his mistakes.

The fast ends on the first day of the month of Shawwal, its end marks Eid al-Fitr (aka Eid al-Adha) - one of the main Islamic holidays. In 2017 it falls on June 25-26. On this day, Muslims perform a solemn prayer (Eid prayer) and certainly distribute alms in the form of dry food products or money. Followers of Islam greet each other with the words “Eid Mubarak!”, which means “Blessed Eid!” Source

There are only a few days left before the end of the holy fast of Ramadan and soon Muslims will begin to widely celebrate one of the most important holidays - Eid al-Adha.


The date of Eid al-Adha is not specified in any documents, since it depends on the lunar calendar and changes annually. In Muslim countries and regions of Russia, this day is officially recognized as a non-working day - a holiday. In 2017, Eid al-Fitr falls on Sunday, June 25th.


The most important thing is the holiday prayer - namaz, for which you need to prepare: upon waking up, you need to perform ablution, put on clean holiday clothes, and have a light breakfast - usually drinking tea. After which the believers (men and children, women usually stay at home) go to the mosque, says the first deputy chairman-mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Bashkiria Ayup-hazrat Bibarsov.


In all mosques, the service begins at approximately the same time - at 8-9 am local time. If you want to be closer to the imam during prayer, it is better to go to the temple in advance. Otherwise, there may not be enough places in the mosque, but this is not a problem - you can participate in prayer even outside the walls of the mosque. Usually, sound is broadcast through speakers installed on the roof of the temple.


First, the imam reads a sermon, explains why one needs to fast, and talks about the blessings of heaven. Then visitors to the mosque pay donations (fitr-sadaqa) - those who did not make it earlier. The donation amount is set by representatives of the clergy, and it depends on the family’s wealth; usually these are small amounts: from 50 rubles are contributed by low-income people and pensioners, from 150 rubles by people of average income, from 250 rubles by people who consider themselves rich.

Then the festive prayer itself begins, after which the imam reads a short sermon in Arabic and excerpts from the Koran. Then everyone collectively prays out loud - asking for peace in the whole world, peace for the departed. For example, this time the heroes who died in the Great Patriotic War will be remembered in mosques. After the general prayer, everyone is treated to tea and pilaf. All this lasts 1-1.5 hours.


After visiting the mosque, believers go to the cemetery to honor the memory of loved ones and clean up the graves.

Well, after the obligatory rituals, everyone goes home or to visit, sits down at the festive table with family and friends. It is customary to do good deeds and enjoy life. But swearing and quarreling is strictly prohibited.


In Russia in 2017, the holiday is celebrated for two days - June 25 and 26, and in Muslim countries - for three days.

In 2017, the holy month of Ramadan will last from the evening of May 26 to the evening of June 24 and will end with the onset of the month of Shawal with the holiday of breaking the fast.

The month of Ramadan is the most important period of the year for Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad allegedly once said that when Ramadan begins, the gates of heaven open and the gates of hell close, and all the devils are immobilized with chains during this time. According to the beliefs of the religion, it was during this month that God revealed the first verses of the Quran to Muhammad. It happened on the night known as the “Night of Power.” During Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. This is a time to strengthen spiritual discipline - deep reflection on one's relationship with God, additional prayers, charity and generosity, and intensive study of the Qur'an. However, not everything is so boring, because Ramadan is also a time for celebration and joy, a time spent with loved ones. A large three-day holiday called the "Festival of Breaking the Fast" ends the month and is sort of the "Muslim version of Christmas" in the sense that it is a religious holiday during which people gather with relatives and friends around a large table and exchange gifts.

Muslims fast during Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam along with witnessing faith, prayer, charity and pilgrimage to Mecca. Of course, there are some relaxations of the rules for the sick, pregnant or breastfeeding people, travelers, small children and the elderly.

Fasting in Ramadan has several spiritual and social purposes:

  • remind people of human weakness and dependence on God;
  • feel compassion for the poor and needy;
  • reduce the weight of distractions so that a person can focus on his relationship with God.

Ramadan means abstaining from eating food and any liquids, smoking cigarettes, and engaging in any sexual activity from sunrise to sunset. Chewing gum is also prohibited. If you fail, this day does not count. Each missed day of fasting must either be “caught up” later or fed to a needy person.

Early in the morning, long before dawn, Muslims wake up to have breakfast, and in fact, to eat for the whole day. Therefore, they need to eat high protein foods and drink as much water as possible until the sun rises. This will be followed by morning prayers, after which many return to bed to get some more sleep. However, no one canceled work and study, so everyone fulfills their duties in this holy month. It is true that in many Muslim countries, enterprises and educational institutions are reducing their working hours.

Before evening prayer, for which many go to the mosque, followers of Muhammad can eat again. However, this is not a hearty dinner with several courses, but a light snack. Only after prayer do families get together and have dinner before going to bed, and early in the morning everything starts all over again.

Why do Ramadan dates change every year?

In matters of religion, Muslims use the lunar calendar, the 12 months of which give a total of approximately 354 days. It is precisely because of the discrepancy between the number of days and the Gregorian calendar that Ramadan - the 9th lunar month - shifts back by about 11 days every year. This factor significantly influences the course of the celebration: when Ramadan falls in the winter, it is much easier to fast, since the days are short and you do not have to endure hunger for a long time. In addition, due to the air temperature, the ban on drinking water is easier to bear.

Interestingly, in some European countries (Iceland, Norway, Sweden) fasting can last about 20 hours a day in the summer. For Muslims in the Arctic Circle, where the sun hardly sets below the horizon in summer, it is permissible to fast according to the time frame of the nearest Muslim country or Saudi Arabia. By the way, in 2017, Ramadan will last from May 27 to June 25.

How do Sunnis and Shiites celebrate Ramadan?

The celebration of the holy month is practically no different between Sunnis and Shiites. However, there are some nuances: for example, Sunnis end their daily fast when the sun has already hidden behind the horizon, while Shiites wait until it is completely dark.

How should followers of other religions behave during Ramadan?

In some Muslim countries, eating in public during Ramadan is considered a crime, even if you are not Muslim. Even if you do not live in such a country, out of a sense of solidarity, you can “fast” in the presence of friends or colleagues from the Muslim religion. At the same time, no one is stopping you from eating a delicious-smelling cheeseburger, for example, in the break room. Try to forget for a while about your politeness and do not offer those observing the fast to “take a bite.” The same goes for parties: if you are going to invite Muslim friends, try to organize events after sunset so that they can feel at ease. In addition, congratulating them on such an important holiday for them will never be superfluous, but it will show how important these people are to you and how much you care about them.