A fairy tale about the deceiver Lisa Patrikeevna: A fairy tale. A short fairy tale about a fox Fox in Russian folk tales


> Tales of Foxes and the Fox

This section presents a collection of fairy tales about Foxes in Russian. Enjoy reading!

    The fox and the crane became friends. So the fox decided to treat the crane, and went to invite him to visit her: “Come, kumanek, come, dear!” I'll treat you. The crane went to the banquet. And the fox cooked semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. She served it and treated it to her: “Eat, my dear little kumanek,” she cooked it herself. Crane...

    There lived a wolf and a fox. The wolf has a twig hut, the fox has an ice hut. Rostepel came, the fox's hut melted. The fox came to the wolf for the night to ask: - Let me, kumanek, warm up! “My hut is small,” says the wolf. - There is nowhere for one to turn. Where shall I send you? The wolf did not let the fox in. The fox appeared...

    Once upon a time, they say, animals and cattle did not have tails. Only one animal king - the lion - had a tail. Life was bad for animals without tails. In winter it’s still a bit of a mess, but summer will come - there’s no escape from flies and midges. What will you use to drive them away? More than one has been eaten by gadflies and horseflies the summer before death. At least shout the guard...

    A woodpecker hollowed out a hollow in an aspen tree, made a nest and brought out the babies - three woodpeckers. The little ones grow, and the woodpecker rejoices. “I’ll raise children,” he thinks, “and it will help me in my old age.” But it’s not without reason that they say: “If the woodpecker hadn’t had a long sock, no one would have found it!” He did not know how to rejoice to himself, but trumpeted it to the whole forest...

  • The fox was in the wolf's service and did everything the wolf wanted, because he was weaker than him... It is clear that the fox was not averse to getting rid of his master. One day they happened to be walking through the forest together, and the wolf said: “Come on, red one, get me something to eat, otherwise I’ll eat you.” - "I...

  • Once upon a time there lived a rooster and a hen. There was a crop failure in those places, and it was difficult for the rooster and the hen. “What kind of life is this,” they complained to each other. - How many times do you have to bend down and rake the ground with your paws in order to find a single grain! The rooster and hen decided to move somewhere else, to...

    One cold winter day, a lion called a wolf and a fox and ordered them: “Today you will go hunting with me!” The wolf and the fox respectfully bowed their heads in agreement and went hunting with the lion. They hunted for a long time in the mountains and ran around more than one winter pasture where shepherds kept their flocks...

    One day a bird and a fox met, talked to each other, thought and decided to sow a small field with wheat. “You,” says the fox, “get the seeds, and I will sow.” The bird agreed, flew to one peasant yard, flew to another, wandered around the barns and collected seeds. - Now go...

    Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a granddaughter, Snegurushka. She went berry picking with her friends in the summer. They walk through the forest, picking berries. Tree by tree, bush by bush. And the Snow Maiden fell behind her friends. They yelled at her and yelled at her, but the Snow Maiden didn’t hear. It had already become dark, the girlfriends went home. Snow Maiden is like...

    Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut. Spring has come - the fox's hut has melted, but the hare's hut remains as before. So the fox asked him to spend the night, and kicked him out. Dear bunny is coming. crying. Dogs meet him: - Tyaf. bang, bang! Why are you crying bunny? - How...

    Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. And the fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut. Spring came and the fox’s hut melted, but the hare’s hut remained as before. Then the fox came to the hare and asked him to spend the night, he let her in, and she took him and kicked him out of her own hut. A hare walks through the forest and sadly...

    Once upon a time there lived a peasant who had a Sheep. The owner didn’t like her and tortured her with nagging! She decided to leave home. I walked, I walked. The Fox met her: “Where are you going, Sheep?” - Yes, little fox-sister, I left the man, my life was completely gone. No matter what happens: whether a goat scatters hay, or a ram scatters a fence...

    A crane met a fox: “What, fox, can you fly?” -No I do not know how to. - Sit on me, I’ll teach you. The fox sat on the crane. The crane carried her away high, high. -What, fox, do you see the ground? -I can barely see: the ground looks like sheepskin! The crane shook her off. The fox fell on a soft place, on a hay pile. Crane...

    Once upon a time there was a man. This guy had a cat, but he was such a spoiler, it was a disaster! He's bored to death. So the man thought and thought, took the cat, put it in a bag and carried it into the forest. He brought it and threw it in the forest - let it disappear. The cat walked and walked and came across a hut. He climbed into the attic and lay down for himself. If he wants to eat, he'll go...

    Listen: there was an old man, he had a cat and a rooster. The old man went into the forest to work, the cat brought him food, and left the rooster to guard the house. At that time the fox came: “Crow, cockerel, Golden comb, Look out the window, I’ll give you a pea,” So the fox sang, sitting under the window. The rooster opened the window and stuck out its head...

    Lisa was very hungry. He runs along the road and looks around: is it possible to get hold of something edible somewhere? She sees: a man is carrying frozen fish on a sleigh. “It would be nice to try some fish,” thought the Fox. She ran forward, lay down on the road, threw back her tail, straightened her legs. Well, it’s dead, that’s it! ...

    A fox fell into a hole, and above this hole stood a tree, and on the tree a thrush built a nest. The fox sat and sat in the hole, kept looking at the blackbird and said to him: “Thrush, blackbird, what are you doing?” - I look at the nest. - What do you need the nest for? - I’ll take the children out. - Thrush, feed me. If you don't feed me, I'll eat your children. Thrush to grieve...

    The thrush made a nest in a tree, laid eggs and hatched young. The fox found out about this. She came running and knocked her tail on the tree. The blackbird looked out of the nest, and the fox said to him: “I’ll cut down the tree with my tail, I’ll eat you, blackbird, and your children!” The blackbird got scared and began to ask, began to beg the fox: - Mother Fox, trees...

    Once upon a time there were two friends: the bunny Gray Tail and the fox Red Tail. They built houses for themselves and began to visit each other. As soon as the fox doesn’t go to the bunny, the bunny runs to the fox and shouts - Red Tail! What happened to you? And if the bunny doesn’t go to the fox, the fox runs to the bunny and shouts: - Gray Tail! ...

  • A fox ran, gaped at the crow - and fell into a well. There was not much water in the well: it was impossible to drown, and it was impossible to jump out either. The fox is sitting, grieving. The goat is walking - a smart head. He walks, shakes his beard, shakes his faces; Out of nothing to do, he looked into the well, saw a fox there and asked: “What are you doing there, little fox, ...

  • The fox was walking along the path and found a rolling pin. She picked it up and moved on. She came to the village and knocked on the hut: - Knock-knock-knock! - Who's there? - I, little fox-sister! Let me spend the night! - It’s cramped here without you. - Yes, I won’t displace you: I’ll lie down on the bench myself, my tail under the bench, the rolling pin under the stove. They let her in. Here...

  • A fox slept under an aspen tree and dreamed of thieves. Whether the fox is sleeping or not, there is still no way for the animals to live from it. And the hedgehog, woodpecker and crow took up arms against the fox. The woodpecker and the crow flew forward, and the hedgehog rolled after them. A woodpecker and a crow sat down on an aspen tree. “Knock-knock-knock,” the woodpecker knocked on the bark with its beak. And the fox had a dream...

  • Once upon a time there lived a Flea, and she was so evil and arrogant. All she knew how to do was jump high, but she thought she was special. The Flea climbed into the Kitten's ear and squeaked: - Hey, woolly, from today I am your mistress. So now you will obey me.

  • One day the Fox came to the river, and there the Bear was fishing. Patrikeevna wanted some fish, but she didn’t really want to get her paws wet. She thought, thought and said: “I, Mikhailo Potapych, had a bad dream yesterday.” There is no trace of you eating fish today.

  • A rumor spread through the forest that the Owl could cast magic. Allegedly he performs such miracles that neither a fairy tale nor a pen can describe. He can help any trouble. The hare heard about this and decided to come to her with a request. He ran to the hollow where the Owl lives, he saw it sitting on a branch. The eyes are huge. There are tassels on the ears. Apparently, the bird is important. The Hare was afraid, and then he gathered his courage and said:

  • One morning Little Fox woke up from a new sound. He cautiously raised his pointed ear and listened. “Drip-drip-drip” came from outside the hole. The curious Little Fox stuck his red head out of the den with his eyes squinted from the bright light.

  • Winter has come, and with it came bitter frosts into the forest. All the trees were dusted with white fluffy snow. The river was covered with a layer of thick ice. How good winter fun is! You can play snowballs, make snowmen, sled, skate, ski... The squirrels laughed and poured out onto the ice and quickly raced back and forth on their skates along the river: - Zipper! Whack! - came to the Hare.

  • Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman; they had neither children nor grandchildren. So they went out of the gate on a holiday to look at other people’s children, how they rolled lumps out of snow and played snowballs. The old man picked up the lump and said: “What, old woman, if only you and I had a daughter, so white and so round! Old woman...

  • The fox and the wolf were running somewhere about their business, but they ran through the meadow. There is a haystack in the meadow, a bird is sitting on the haystack - its head and back are black, its feathers are ginger and red. She took off and flew away. The wolf says: “I wish I could become like that!” “It’s simple,” said the fox. - Do me a favor, godmother, do me a favor. Remake...

    Various animals lived in the forest. Everything would be fine, but a lion appeared in the neighborhood and imposed a tribute on the animals: the hares must bring him a live hare, the wolves - a wolf cub, the foxes - a fox cub. I had to submit: who would argue with a formidable lion! The animals cry, but they take their cubs to the formidable lion. Here it is...

Lisa Patrikeevna lives in our forest, she is very beautiful. Few such beautiful animals can be found here. Patrikeevna’s fur coat is the most expensive, but her eyes are kind of sad. And the face is sad. Do you know why? Nobody wants to be friends with Lisa, she is lonely.

As a child, Patrikeevna was the most beautiful little fox both in the forest and in the family. Her mother loved her very much, but like all little animals, the Fox did not obey her mother and really did not like it when she scolded her. The little fox grew up a little and came up with the idea: “I’ll try to deceive my mother!”

One time my mother caught some delicious fish in the river, and Patrikeevna took it all and ate it while her mother and her younger brother were walking. I couldn't resist. “It’s not my fault that the fish is so tasty, but mom could have caught more,” Lisa Patrikeevna thought to herself. Mom and brother came home, but there was nothing to eat. Then Patrikeevna began to cry and said that it was a cat from the village that came running and ate everything. The mother believed her beloved daughter.

One day, my mother asked Patrikeevna to clean up the hole, and she went off on important mother’s errands. Patrikeevna, of course, didn’t want to clean up at all; it would be better to lie in the sun. Mom returned, but the hole was not cleaned. My daughter says to her: “Mom, I was already cleaning and cleaning, sweeping and sweeping, but the wind came and swept the trash back.”

Mom doubted a little, but this time she believed her favorite.

Patrikeevna grew up in love and satiety. Sometimes she was cunning and deceived, but she got away with everything. One day my mother needed to go to the neighboring forest. Patrikeevna was already a big fox, almost an adult. So mom says: “Take care of your brother, don’t leave him alone.” Patrikeevna promised her mother that she would keep an eye on her brother, but she just deceived her. I went for a walk in the forest with him, and then I met my friends and ran to play catch-up. But my brother still didn’t know how to run fast and fell behind. It began to get dark in the forest, and Lisa Patrikeevna returned home without her brother. And soon my mother came. I saw that my son was gone, and let’s cry, grieve, and scold my daughter. And Patrikeevna says: “He ran away from me himself. I looked for him, but didn’t find him.” And the mother laments, worries, what if her son falls into a trap, what if a hunter meets him... Well, the good animals saw the little fox in the forest and brought him home. Since then, the mother stopped trusting her daughter, she was offended, and realized that her daughter had grown up to be a liar.

Meanwhile, Patrikeevna began to deceive the forest animals.

One day a Fox was walking through the forest and looked at the Hare, gobbling up a carrot and crunching it. The Hare wanted to treat the Fox, but she said to him: “Hare, I don’t eat carrots, but the Wolf loves it very much.” Just then the Wolf passed by, the Hare handed him a carrot, and the Wolf snapped his teeth and almost bit off the Hare’s paw. Lucky for the bunny that he could run fast. But from then on I stopped being friends with Patrikeevna.

And this is what happened to the Bear. He somehow sits on a stump and yawns. The fox saw this and asked why are you yawning, clubfoot? “I want to sleep,” answered the Bear. “Of course, winter will come in a day,” says Patrikeevna. And in the forest it was the height of summer, Bear believed his friend and began to prepare the den and went to bed. I slept for several months, became hungry and woke up, and there were snowdrifts and cold all around... What should I do? The emaciated Bear wandered towards the people. And there, you know, the dogs are angry, hunters. It was very hard for Bear. “Eh, Patrikeevna, you have evil jokes, you deceiver! “I won’t be friends with you anymore,” he told Lisa.

By this time, other animals had told everyone about the fox’s deceptions. So Patrikeevna was left alone. Not only people do not like deceivers, but also animals in our forest.

There lived a grandfather and a woman.
The grandfather says to the woman: “You, woman, bake the pies, and I’ll go get the fish.” He caught fish and is taking a whole load home.
So he drives and sees: a fox curled up and lying on the road. Grandfather got off the cart, went up to the fox, but she didn’t stir, she lay there as if dead. “This will be a gift for my wife,” said the grandfather, took the fox and put it on the cart, and he himself walked ahead.
And the little fox seized the time and began to lightly throw out of the cart, one fish at a time, one fish at a time, one fish at a time. She threw out all the fish and left.
“Well, old woman,” says the grandfather, “what a collar I brought for your fur coat!”
- Where?
- There, on the cart, is both a fish and a collar.
A woman approached the cart: no collar, no fish, and began to scold her husband: “Oh, you!.. So and so! You still decided to deceive! Then the grandfather realized that the fox was not dead; I grieved and grieved, but there was nothing to do.

And the fox collected all the fish scattered along the road, sat down and eats for itself. A wolf comes towards her:
- Hello, gossip!
- Hello, kumanek!
- Give me the fish!
- Catch it yourself and eat it.
- I can't.
- Eka, after all, I caught it; you, kumanek, go to the river, lower your tail into the hole, sit and say: catch, fish, big and small, catch, fish, big and small. Then pull the tail out of the hole - you will see how many fish are attached to the tail.
The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole and sat. And the fox ate enough fish and also ran to the river.
The wolf sits and sings:
- Catch, fish, big and small! Catch, fish, big and small!
And the fox runs around the wolf and says:
- Make it clear, make it clear in the sky! Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!
The wolf will say:
- Catch, fish, big and small.
And the fox:
- Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!
- What are you saying there, little fox? - asks the wolf.
- It’s me, little top, helping you. I say: catch, fish, and even more!

The wolf is tired of sitting. He wants to pull his tail out of the hole, and the fox says:
- Wait, little top, I haven’t caught enough yet!
And again they began to say their own sentences. And the frost is getting stronger and stronger. The wolf's tail froze.
Lisa shouts:
- Well, pull it now!
The wolf pulled, but it didn’t work out that way.
The wolf looked around, wanted to call the fox for help, but there was no trace of her - she ran away.

“That’s how many fish there are!” - the wolf thinks. “And you won’t get it out!” He spent the whole night fiddling around, pulling out his tail.
Morning has come. The women went to the ice hole for water, saw a wolf and shouted:
- Wolf, wolf! Beat him! Beat him!
They ran up and started pounding: some with a rocker, some with a bucket, some with anything. The wolf jumped and jumped, tore off his tail and started running without looking back. “Okay,” he thinks, “I’ll repay you, gossip!”
Meanwhile, the fox got hungry and wanted to try to see if he could steal something else. She climbed into one of the huts where women were baking pancakes, but her head fell into a tub of dough, she got dirty and ran.
And the wolf came towards her: “Is this what you teach? I was beaten all over! The tail was torn off!”
“Eh, kumanek,” says the little fox-sister, “at least you’re bleeding, but I have a brain, I was beaten more painfully than you; I'm dragging along.
“And it’s true,” says the wolf, “where should you go, gossip?” sit on me, I'll take you.
The fox sat on his back, and he carried her. Here the little fox-sister sits and quietly says: “The beaten one carries the unbeaten, the beaten one carries the unbeaten.”
- What are you saying, gossip?
- I, kumanek, say: the beaten one is lucky.
- Yes, gossip, yes!
The wolf took the fox to her hole, she jumped out, hid in the hole, and she laughed and laughed at the wolf.

The fox in Russian folk tales has become the personification of an evil mind. She is beautiful, seductive, eloquent, and can easily pretend to be defenseless and weak, manipulating others for her own benefit. To achieve what she wants, the red-haired beast is ready to use all her trump cards - deception, deceit, fraud, seduction. In fairy tales, the fox acts as a negative character who, trying to outwit the positive hero, becomes a victim himself, paying for his meanness and hypocrisy.

Fox in Russian folk tales

Why is the fox credited with a sharp mind and resourcefulness?

The sly fox, like a character in fairy tales, appeared as a result of observations of this animal by ordinary people. These are mainly stories from hunters who personally saw the tricks of the red cheat. More than once she pretended to be dead in order to catch game. As a captive, she behaves similarly in order to weaken the hunter's vigilance and escape. She can fall when a weapon is fired, as if wounded, but when she is thrown among the rest of the prey, she will sneak away at any convenient moment. Even with serious wounds, the foxes managed to get out of the bag and run back into the forest. Since she is not endowed with special powers, she has to resort to cunning to survive.

And they often hunt for her, either because of her beautiful fur or because of her predatory activities. She herself is a good hunter - dexterous, cunning, silent. Its victims are hares, grasshoppers, mice, butterflies, fish, cockchafers, young roe deer, as well as poultry and eggs hatched by it. Due to the fact that she often climbs chicken coops, poultry owners dislike her. That is why among the people the fox acquired the image of a clever villainess-thief.

Nicknames of foxes in fairy tales

In fairy tales, the fox is portrayed as a real beauty because of her luxurious red fur coat. And, despite the character’s negativity, they are often affectionately called “gossip” or “sister”. She has similar family ties with another anti-hero of fairy tales - the wolf and other animals, which she can still fool. There is another prerequisite for this nickname - a sly female image that was found among the people. A cunning and sharp-tongued gossip or neighbor who was in every village, capable of sweetening the interlocutor and achieving her selfish goals.

In one of the Russian fairy tales, the fox is even given a name - Patrikeevna. But it is not in honor of the woman, but in honor of the governor of Novgorod, Prince Patrikey Narimantovich. He became famous among the people as a cunning and unscrupulous manager, manipulating people and making money in dishonest ways.

The image of a fox from folk tales

In each of the fairy tales, specific features of the fox are highlighted. It's rare that she's the victim. Basically he is a skilled deceiver and swindler:

  • "The Fox and the Crane" displays duplicity - external benevolence and hospitality, hiding indifference to other people's needs and calculation;
  • "Sister Fox and the Wolf" shows the adventurism of the villainess, her penchant for mischief and ridicule, hypocrisy even with her brothers;
  • "Fox - Confessor"- the image of the red-haired heroine personifies deceit and vindictiveness;
  • "Cockerel is a golden comb" And "Kolobok"- the heroine deceives naive, good-natured characters for her own selfish purposes;
  • "Fox with a rolling pin"- reveals the image of a fraudulent fox, greedy and dishonest;
  • "The Fox and the Black Grouse" shows the main traits of the character - flattery and deception, hypocrisy;
  • "Snow Maiden and Fox"- one of the few fairy tales where the animal character is positive. Here she shows kindness and altruism by helping the Snow Maiden.

The people in fairy tales demonstrated a negative attitude not towards the animal itself, but towards the qualities that it symbolizes.

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