A tale about wind instruments. Magic musical instruments


(harp, gusli, violin, cello). And in last time we talked about such an unusual musical instrument as.

Today our guest is a wonderful flute - a rather rare musical instrument.

First, let's dive a little into history, let's talk about where the flute came from. According to tradition, a magical experience awaits children. And finally, you can enjoy magical sounds flutes performed by a young musician.

There is a very beautiful ancient Greek legend about how the flute appeared.

Once upon a time in Ancient Greece Once upon a time there lived a goat-footed forest creature named Pan.

One day he saw the beautiful nymph Syringa and fell in love with her.

But young Syringa did not like Pan - he was very ugly: the god’s head was crowned with horns, and his legs had hooves.

The maiden rushed away from Pan, but he rushed after her and almost overtook her on the bank of the River. Syringa began to beg the River to hide her from the goat-footed god. She heeded the beautiful maiden’s plea and turned her into a reed.

Sad Pan cut out a melodious pipe from a reed and began to play it. And no one knew that it was not the flute singing, but the sweet-voiced nymph Syringa.

The flute we hear in orchestras is nowadays called a transverse flute. Why does it have such an amazing name? The fact is that when playing this instrument, the musician holds the instrument across his mouth, since the hole for blowing air is located on the side.

Despite the fact that the flute is a woodwind instrument, it is sometimes made of metal.

But 200 years ago, this instrument for kings and nobles was made of ivory, crystal, porcelain and even gold.

The flute has a little sister - the piccolo flute. "Piccolo" means "small" in Italian. This flute is really a baby - it is half the size and thinner of its older sister. She has a very thin voice that sounds like the trill of a songbird.

The orchestra also has an alto flute. It is longer than usual and sounds much lower. And there is also a bass flute. It is the largest of the flutes in size.

IN symphony orchestra The flute occupies far from the last place and many composers even devote individual works to it.

And now our promised fairy tale. This Vietnamese fairy tale is called "The Wonderful Flute."

Once upon a time there was old woman. And she had one son. They lived so poorly that of all their wealth they had only a piece of dry land and a dog. To raise her son, the mother worked from morning to night. The son grew up handsome, strong, and hard-working. And in his village he was known as the best flutist.

He will go out into the field at dawn, work hard, and in the evening he will sit on the grass and begin to play the flute. As soon as the sounds of his instrument were heard, everything around froze: the streams stopped flowing, the clouds stopped running across the sky, the birds did not sing. And people praised the young musician.

Once upon a time, girls from rich houses, who played and had fun all day long, heard a wonderful musician play. And each one wanted him to become her husband. But the musician refused everyone. And the offended daughters of the rich began to think about how they could destroy the obstinate flutist.

One day, when he was walking home, the girls waylaid him and pushed him into a deep hole. The mother waited for her son all evening, shedding bitter tears. And, without waiting, she sent a dog to look for him.

But the young man, falling into the pit, was not killed to death, but only lost consciousness. When he woke up, he heard a dog barking and called out to it. When the dog ran up, he told her to bring him a flute from home. The dog ran to the house and began to rush onto the roof, where the flute lay, with a ringing bark. The mother realized what was going on and gave the instrument to her faithful dog. She grabbed the flute in her teeth, ran to the pit and threw it to the owner.

As soon as the musician began to play his flute, the birds stopped singing, the monkeys stopped calling to each other, and all the animals gathered to the pit to listen to the wonderful music.

The monkeys climbed onto a branch hanging over the hole and bent it low. The young man grabbed a branch and climbed out. Returning home, he continued to live happily with his mother.

But the evil daughters of the rich, seeing that the young man returned unharmed, hated him even more and decided to kill him at all costs. One day they waylaid him while hunting and pushed him into a deep ravine.

Finding himself at the bottom, the young man began to make his way along the ravine. He was on the road for three whole years. The roots of plants served him as food, and he quenched his thirst with spring water. And during this time the old mother cried her eyes out, grieving for her beloved son.

Finally, the young man saw a light at the end of the ravine and came out onto a large lawn. Nearby there was a field with almost ripened rice. He headed towards this field, but during the three years that he spent wandering around the ravine and eating roots and water, he became so overgrown and thin that he looked more like a monkey than a man.

This field was guarded by two girls. Seeing the young man, they decided that it was a monkey, and they were about to call people with bows and arrows to drive him away. But the young man shouted:

- Don't shoot! I am a man. Give me food, and I will serve you: guard the field so that the monkeys do not spoil the crops.

From then on, the young man began to guard the rice crops, and the girls brought him rice soup every day. The first time the older sister came and from a distance shouted rudely:

“Here’s your stew, go eat it, you dirty monkey!”

The second time the younger sister came and, coming very close, said:

- Brother, I brought rice, eat it, I cooked it myself.

One day the sisters brought him rice together. The young man asked them for vinegar and a comb to comb his hair. The girls brought everything he wanted. But the older one said venomously: “Look, you want to become beautiful!”, and the younger one offered him a mirror.

The young man washed his face, combed his hair and turned into a handsome man. The elder sister was the first to fall in love with him and wanted to take him as her husband. And she told her father about her desire. The same one set the condition:

– There are two roads near our house: one is good, and the other is overgrown with bushes. Both of them need to be cleared. Tomorrow let each of you choose one for yourself and get to work. Whoever the young man comes to help will be his wife.

Early in the morning the elder sister went to where there was less work. The youngest got the road, densely overgrown with bushes. The young man came out to help them and immediately went to his younger sister.

Then the girls’ father set one more condition:

“Tomorrow let each one prepare food for the young man: whose food he takes, she will marry him.”

The eldest chose better rice and seasoned it with venison. The younger one cooked the rice as usual: with sauce and small fish. And this time the young man helped cook and ate with younger sister, and not with the older one.

Father said:

“Now let each of you prepare a bed for him: whose bed he chooses will marry him.”

The elder sister prepared a snow-white bedspread, a colored mat, a fluffy blanket, a mattress and an embroidered pillow. The youngest took a brown bedspread and a simple blanket, and instead of a pillow, a wooden bolster. Having finished her work, she went to the kitchen and began to spin. The young man also came to the kitchen and talked with the girl for a long time, and when it was time to sleep, he chose the simple bed she had prepared.

The next day, their father arranged a wedding for them. The sounds of the flute were heard again, praising pure and selfless love. The young man and his young wife returned to his old mother, and they all began to live amicably in work and contentment.

This is so wonderful.

Let's now listen to how this musical instrument sounds. plays for you young musician With unusual name Tsar Alekseev.

Music accompanies a person throughout his life. We listen carefully to the music and admire the virtuoso playing of the musicians. It’s always interesting to read how music originated, how sounds were born; and what works (fairy tales, poems, stories) touch on the topic of music and musicians. Here is a list of just some works related to musical themes.

Brothers Grimm
"Odd Musician"
"Musicians of Bremen"
"The Singing Bone"

The Brothers Grimm are famous German linguists. They wrote about the golden bird and Thumb, about Little Red Riding Hood and the three lucky ones... A number of works by the two brothers Grimm, collectors of fairy tales, are about music and musicians.

Elinor Farjeon "Hurdy Organ"
Elinor Farjeon (1881-1965) – English writer, author of entertaining, instructive fairy tales. Elinor Farjeon - first laureate important prize Andersen, awarded to the best children's writers.

G. H. Andersen “The Nightingale”
G. H. Andersen (1805-1875) It seems that the queen of fairy tales herself let the writer into her world of sorcery and secrets, miracles and fantasies. H. H. Andersen is a world-favorite and revered author.

The Urals are rich not only in marvelous gems and iron ore, powerful factories and the beauty of nature. Its main value is people. Among them is the wonderful writer Evgeny Permyak. About music and musicians Ural writer wrote the following works:
"All the colors of the rainbow"

"Thin String"
"Lucky Trumpet"

You can get acquainted with I.A. Krylov’s fables about music and musicians.

You can familiarize yourself with Osip Mandelstam's works on music

A. Kichaikina “How Leshka and I acted in music school»

V. Bianchi “Musician”
You can read a review of this work.

“How I was taught music” by I. Pivovarov.

Russian folk tale "The Magic Pipe".

A fairy tale about a musical instrument for children senior group: Sweet-voiced Guitar.

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU secondary school No. 1499 SP No. 2 preschool department
Description: Author's fairy tale introduces children to a fantastic version of the invention of a musical instrument - the guitar.
Target: Arouse children's cognitive interest in the world of music and musical instruments.
1. develop aesthetic perception, imagination, interest, love of music
2. develop the ability to penetrate moods, thoughts, feelings
3. create the prerequisites for the formation of creative thinking
4. create the prerequisites for the development of musical and aesthetic consciousness

Listen, the whole world is singing - rustling, whistling and chirping.
Music lives in everything! Her world is magical!
Mikhail Plyatskovsky.

Whether it happened or not, no one will remember for sure. But people say that in ancient times, in a kingdom far away, there lived a very beautiful princess. The young girl's name was Guitarina. She was slender, well-mannered and had a gentle character. Its long, straight, light brown hair glittered in the sun like golden threads. Moreover, the young princess with early childhood she knew how to sing songs, so touching, melodic, so divine. That the young men who heard her voice immediately fell in love with her. But the girl's heart was free. The king's father doted on his daughter.
One day an amazingly handsome young man came to the kingdom. It was a young prince from a neighboring kingdom. At this very time, Princess Guitarina asked the king to take a little walk along the streets of her beloved kingdom. Young people found themselves on one of the narrow streets ancient city. As soon as the glances of the young people met, at the same moment clear sky lightning flashed. They stood and looked at each other in surprise.
- God, what a handsome young man? - thought Guitarina.
- I've never seen anything like this in my life. beautiful girl? - thought the prince.
They stood motionless for a long time, not daring to speak. And then Guitarina began to sing a song. Her voice amazed the young man, but the song seemed familiar to him. I was humming this exact song little prince his mother. Without wasting a minute, the prince began to sing along with the young beauty. Their voices merged together and spread throughout the kingdom. The inhabitants of the kingdom were shocked by the beauty of the sound of the melody. People enjoyed them beautiful singing. The voice of the young people was so harmonious and pure that it seemed to the inhabitants of the kingdom that an orchestra of musical instruments was accompanying them somewhere nearby.

The girl’s father, King Zlatoslav, also heard about this diva. He immediately ordered his court servants to bring these wonderful musicians to the palace. Imagine his surprise when his beloved daughter Guitarina and an unknown man were brought to the palace young man. The young man introduced himself and said his name.
- I am the prince of the neighboring state of Vigoria. My name is Dian.
At that very moment the king's face fell in surprise. The fact is that for 15 years now the neighboring kingdoms have been at enmity with each other. And the king of Vigoria, Frederick, Diana's father, was Zlatoslav's sworn enemy.
“What do you need in our state?” the king asked in a stern tone.
- I came to see your state, but today I met my fate.
“It seems to me that I fell in love, fell in love selflessly and for the rest of my life,” he said young prince.
- So who is she your chosen one? – the king asked impatiently. - This is the girl who has settled in my heart forever! - and the prince pointed his hand at Guitarina, who also fell unconsciously in love with the overseas guest.
“This will never happen,” King Zlatoslav said sharply and stamped his foot. There is no way I will bless my daughter with the son of my blood enemy. And I ask you, young prince, to immediately leave the aisles of our state. The unfortunate lover had to leave for his castle without a sip.
Days passed, months passed, but the poor young man was bored and suffering, refusing to eat. He remembered his beloved’s eyes, her divine voice. He felt sad in his soul. The young man sought solace in garden of paradise where they grew up extraordinary beauty trees. Dian walked along the alleys and looked at the tree trunks. And everything around him reminded him of her. About his beloved Guitarina. And now it suddenly seemed to him that the trunk of a young tree resembled the slender figure of a girl. And the golden foliage resembles her long light brown hair. And then Dian decided, so that this would not happen, to sculpt a statue of his beloved girl. He cut down the beautiful Alder tree with his own hands and carefully took it to the palace.
For three months the prince did not leave the workshop. He carefully polished and varnished the wooden pieces. And when the work was already coming to an end, Dian saw the graceful and fragile figure of his beloved. Instead of beautiful long hair Guitars, the prince took the golden strings and stretched them across the entire length of the sculpture.
Dian tenderly took her in his arms and stroked her golden hair. And at that very moment, lovely music flowed through the castle, which was like two peas in a pod like the voice of his beloved Guitarina. The prince did not let go of the instrument from his hands. He enjoyed and was touched by the beauty of the sound of the melody. And when on this magical music The subjects of the state came running and asked the young man what was in his hands? He said tenderly and reverently: This is my Guitar! From that time on, beautiful and divine music flowed from the windows of the castle throughout the entire area, day and night.
This is how a real miracle happened, only in the hands of an experienced master with with a loving heart the wooden blank took on the appearance of a musical instrument capable of becoming an extension of the body, soul and voice of the beloved young princess.
And although many centuries have passed since then, the melody of the guitar amazes people with the beauty of its sound. And thanks to this particular musical instrument, you and I can imagine how beautiful Princess Guitarina’s voice was.

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Slide captions:

“A fairy tale about how smart and useful things became musical instruments” That was a long time ago. We lived and lived in a small village, a wooden hut, with smart and useful things.

Smart and useful things: Wooden spoon Rubel Ratchet Horn

One day, in a village, buffoons appeared. Buffoons are wandering artists, singers, and musicians. Folk music performers.

In the hands of the buffoons they sang, played and rang musical instruments: Gusli Balalaika

“Life is fun,” answered the balalaika, a cheerful chatterbox. “We go everywhere, entertaining people with our sonorous songs.”

Here the harp entered the conversation. “They love us in Rus' for our songs and cheerful dances. Everywhere they meet and greet you.

This is how smart and useful things became musical instruments. Since then, they have all been traveling together around the world.

An orchestra is a large group of musicians playing musical instruments.

Friendly musical family– Russian orchestra folk instruments. This orchestra contains all the musical instruments of the Russian people.

Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments

CONDUCTOR Who is impolite: Turned his back to us, Started waving his arms Right in the hall in front of us. Is he not accustomed to order? Or is he doing exercises? Who does the orchestra and choir sound with? We know this...



Lesson objectives:


  • introducing students to the world of folk musical instruments
  • training in the skills of timbre differences between musical instruments
  • familiarization and memorization of techniques for playing folk instruments


  • show the originality of Russian folk instruments and their place in the life of a Russian person
  • through folk oral creativity(fairy tale) to develop interest in Russian musical culture
  • cultivate love and respect for the traditions and history of your country
  • continue to develop performing and listening culture

Corrective and developmental:

  • contribute to the formation of creative thinking in schoolchildren, the development of attention and memory through figurative, moral and aesthetic comprehension of Russian folklore
  • develop students' timbre and rhythmic hearing
  • promote awareness of the importance of collective music performance, without diminishing the importance of the personal contribution of each performer

Lesson type: combined lesson

Methodological support:presentation for the lesson; phonograms of the sound of individual Russian folk instruments; fragments of works for ORNI; posters depicting instruments of the Russian folk orchestra

Technical support:multimedia projector,projection screen, computer, piano, wooden spoons, tambourines, rattles

Lesson structure:

II. Updating knowledge.


VI. Bottom line.


I. Organizing students for class. Vocal and choral work.


Work on Y. Dubravin’s song “Good Day”:

Repeating text

Repetition and intonation of the melody

Creating a Positive Atmosphere

Song performance

II. Updating knowledge.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Why do you love them? What usually happens in fairy tales? ---……..

Today's lesson we will spend together with a fairy tale. Since ancient times, people have loved to tell each other fairy tales. Every people in the world has their favorites fairy-tale heroes, these are kind and evil wizards, beautiful princesses And brave princes. They love fairy tales because all kinds of miracles happen in them. Only in a fairy tale can a simple boy become Tsarevich Ivan, and Vasilisa the Beautiful can turn into a frog. I think that you, dear guys, love and know Russians well folk tales and their heroes. Please name the Russian folk tales you know.

Slide 1

But the fairy tale that I want to tell you today, you will not find in any book of fairy tales. Because I came up with it for you myself. And it's called like this:“A fairy tale about how smart and useful things became musical instruments.”This fairy tale will help us in studying the topic of our lesson: “Russian folk musical instruments.”

In our lesson, you will not only hear a fairy tale, but also get acquainted with the names of folk musical instruments, hear their voices, and also learn how they are played.

III. The main stage of the lesson. Explanation of new material.

Slide 2

It was a long time ago. They lived and lived in a small village, in a wooden hut, with smart and useful things: wooden spoons, a ruble, a rattle and a horn.

Slide 3

They lived in a large friendly family. WITH early morning and until late in the evening, smart and useful things worked tirelessly, together with their owners.

Wooden spoonsWe cooked cabbage soup and porridge in the kitchen, and then fed the whole family a delicious lunch.

Rubel - helped the mistress of the house wash and iron clothes so that everyone in the family was clean and tidy.

Horn - together with the owner of the house, early in the morning he drove a herd of cows and sheep into the meadow, and in the evening, with his loud voice, he called the entire herd home.

Ratchet – protected gardens and orchards from uninvited birds so that they would not spoil the harvest of fruits and berries. So they all lived together, for the time being.

Slide 4

One day, buffoons appeared in that village. This is how wandering artists, singers and musicians were called in ancient times in Rus'. The buffoons walked down the street singing a cheerful song.

The whole village gathered to watch the cheerful performance of the buffoons.

It sounds r.n.p. “And they walked, they came out cheerful...”(Skomoroshina)

Slide 5

In the hands of the buffoons, musical instruments sang, rang, strummed and played. Were among them gusli (phonogram) and balalaika (phonogram).

A short story about the techniques of playing these musical instruments...

Smart and useful things remained at home, but even to them the sounds of lively music and cheerful songs of buffoons who amused the people could be heard.

Soon evening came, and the buffoons asked to spend the night with the owners of the very hut in which smart and useful things lived. After dinner, when the guests and hosts fell asleep, things decided to talk to musical instruments. “How do you live with your buffoon masters?” - the wooden spoons asked the musical instruments.

Slide 6

“Life is fun,” answered the balalaika, a cheerful chatterbox. “We go everywhere, entertaining people with our sonorous songs.”

Slide 7

Here the harp entered the conversation: “For the songs and the merry dances, they love us in Rus'. Everywhere they meet and greet you. We bring joy to people with our music.”

"Oh!" - exclaimed the horn - “How we would also like to bring joy to all people.”

“So let's travel around the world with us. Together we have even more fun yes better music it will begin to sound,” suggested the gusli and balalaika.

Slide 8

So they decided to turn smart and useful things into musical instruments, so as not only to bring benefits to people, but also to give them joy.

Since then, they have been traveling together as a big happy family. And their family began to be called -orchestra of Russian folk musical instruments.

Slide 9

For a long time now, neither that village, nor the wooden hut, nor the buffoons have been in the world, but the music performed by Russian folk instruments continues to sound and bring joy to everyone who hears it.

Slide 10

Phonogram “The moon is shining”

And our fairy tale continues. It took a while before they learned the musical intricacies of the ruble, spoons, rattle and horn in the orchestra. They learned that all the instruments in the orchestra have their own melody. If a musician plays his melody accurately and rhythmically, then he will not interfere with the other musicians. Combining together, all the melodies will create beauty and harmony in the music.

Slide 11

Musical minute “Imagine yourself as an instrument of a folk orchestra”

We remember the names of instruments, their location in the orchestra; getting acquainted with orchestra groups and techniques of playing instruments; We imitate playing a certain instrument with our movements.

Slide 12


Who is impolite?

Turned his back on us

Started waving his arms

Right in the hall in front of us.

He is not accustomed to order

Or doing exercises?

Who does the orchestra and choir sound with?

We know this is... CONDUCTOR

What does the conductor do? ---...

IV. Reflection. Generalization of acquired knowledge.

Today you got acquainted with Russian folk musical instruments. We learned the history of their appearance and significance in human life, heard their voices, and became acquainted with the techniques of playing them.

And now I invite you to remember the names of the musical instruments that we talked about in class.

Slide 13

Riddles will help us do this:

It has three strings

They should be pinched by hand.

You can dance to it

And squat in Russian!

I'm all round.

You'll hit me-

I'll sound the bells

If you put me down, I will remain silent.

We gathered a round dance,

All the people were invited.

And in the circle is our shepherd boy

It blows merrily in …………….

There are notches on the board.

Run your hand over them

Wooden, naughty!

And Sadko played them

And he hummed soulfully.

He went through a lot of strings -

Neptune emerged from the wave.

Has a connection with magpies

Its name.

A person can own it

Having at least a small calling!

And they slurp cabbage soup,

And they play “lady”.

V. Playing percussion and noise instruments.

And at the end of the lesson we will try to become an orchestra of folk instruments. Let's take the instruments in our hands (spoons, whistles, rattles, etc.) and play the song.

Dramatization of the comic song “If only there were a musician”

VI. Bottom line.

Our fabulous lesson has come to its end. The fairy tale was with us throughout the lesson today. She told us about the orchestra of Russian folk musical instruments and taught us to understand their special sound. With the help of a fairy tale, you learned to listen and understand music, to be more attentive and kinder towards each other, and it seems to me that we should say “thank you” to the fairy tale today for teaching us a lot.

Slide 14

Our lesson is over. Until next time.

Fairy tales, stories about music and musicians.

The boy lay in bed and listened. No, it's still early. There was no sleep in the house. Six-month-old Christina began to cry and Inga, her brother’s wife, began to rock her, humming something. What a beautiful melody. Johann had never heard it before. Maybe Inga composed it herself. And he sings well. So tenderly. I'll have to play this melody on the violin tomorrow.

Johann remembered that when he was very little, his mother also sang to him before bed. And also very gentle. Everyone in their family sings well. Tears welled up in my eyes. How bad it is to live without a mother. He wiped his eyes and sat down, placing a pillow under his back. Just don't fall asleep. This has sometimes happened before.
No, he won't fall asleep. Yesterday he found wonderful music in his brother’s closet and today he will need to rewrite it to the end. What is the name of this composer? It seems Pachelbel. Why doesn't his brother want him to play his music? So beautiful. Not clear. If dad were alive, he would have allowed him. But dad also died last year.

How good it was before, thought Johann, when dad and mom were alive. His brother, of course, also takes care of him, but everything has become completely different from what it was before.
Johann listened. It seems to have become quiet. Everyone fell asleep. We could begin. The boy stood up quietly, trying to stop the bed from creaking, and went to the closet. It was, as always, locked, but the boy had long ago learned to open it.

The doors were old and wobbly on their hinges. It was enough to lift one door up and move it slightly, and the cabinet opened. I just had to remember later and carefully put the doors in place so that my brother wouldn’t notice in the morning.

Johann took out the notes, music paper, quill pen, ink and sat down at the table near the window. It was a moonlit night, not a cloud in the sky and the notes are clearly visible today. Of course, there were candles in the house, but it was impossible to light them. My brother would have noticed immediately. The boy wrote and immersed himself in music. It sounded in his head, surrounded him, captured him, and, probably, that’s why writing wasn’t boring.

The nightly rewriting of notes had been going on for almost six months. The boy did not get enough sleep, his eyes hurt from tension, sometimes he fell asleep at school right in class, but every night he was drawn to this music again and again. Suddenly the door opened and Rudolph entered the room. The boy shuddered and a large blot spread across the notes.

Johann, what are you doing? Why aren’t you sleeping? - the brother came closer. I saw the open closet and understood everything. - I forbade you to play this music. There is no melody or meaning. This music breaks all the rules of harmony. If you play it, you won't make a good musician. And dad, if he were alive, would agree with me.

No, dad would have allowed me,” tears appeared in the boy’s eyes and he could barely restrain himself not to cry. “Don’t take the notes, Rudolf.” I'm asking you. This good music. When I grow up, I will also write this kind of music and even better.

Okay, we'll talk in the morning. Now go to sleep, you chatterbox. Tomorrow I'll make a new lock on the closet.

As we know, Rudolf was wrong. Johann Sebastian became a great composer and, indeed, began to write better music than his contemporaries.

Lev Madorsky. Anatoly Zak

Star Flute

(a parable for reading and discussion with children by parents)

It's quiet at night in the music store. The important black piano is sleeping. Booming drums and ringing cymbals are sleeping. The violins sleep in their velvet cases. Only the old flute does not sleep. One day, the owner of a music store forgot to close the window for the night. A curious star accidentally flew into the store through an open window and hid in an old flute. Since then, at night, the old flute, barely audible, so as not to wake up the musical instruments, hums starry music. During the day, the flute is, of course, silent, and no one knows that the old flute has received a stellar voice.

In the morning, the servant boy carefully wipes the dust. When he touches the old flute, it rings softly. More than anything else, the boy dreams of buying this wonderful flute.

- Ding! - The bell at the entrance rang, and an old man entered the store.

Come in, we're glad to see you. What do you want? - the store owner said kindly when he saw a richly dressed customer.

“Nothing yet, I’ll look and think,” the old man answered dryly.

From then on, the rich old man began to come to the store every day. Since childhood, he dreamed of learning to play the flute, but instead, all his life he worked as the director of a factory, which his father handed over to him. It seemed to him that it was too late to study music at that age, however, every day he was irresistibly drawn to the music store.

One day the owner of the store was absent, and the rich man asked the boy's servant:

- Can you play the flute?

What are you saying, sir, I only have a wooden pipe. Do you want me to play it for you? - the boy suggested. The pipe began to play a cheerful song, and the old flute quietly echoed it.

- Great! Now try to play this flute,” the old man asked.

The boy raised the old flute to his lips, and sparkling, iridescent music poured out, as if all the stars were ringing and laughing in the heights. The rich man was surprised and fascinated, but the boy was no less surprised.

“It’s not me,” he whispered, “the flute plays itself, it’s probably magical.”

The old man immediately bought an old flute, paying exorbitant prices for it, and in the evening he went to see the music teacher.

To his surprise, he met a boy from a music store there who pleaded:

Mister teacher, please give me at least one lesson, but next week I'll bring you ten more pennies.

“Ten copper pennies are not enough for one lesson, boy,” the teacher answered softly. - I explained to you that my daughter is sick, and I need money for the doctor.

“Teacher, I will give you ten gold coins if you teach me to play this flute,” the rich old man interrupted the boy.

Please come in,” the teacher bowed to the rich man. - I agree to teach you if you pay in advance. And you, my friend,” he turned to the boy, “come back later, when my daughter recovers, and you will have more pennies.”

After receiving ten gold coins, the teacher tried his best. He canceled all other lessons and studied with one rich man all day long. I passed the first lesson, the second..., the tenth, but nothing worked. Where is that magic melody? The rich man was able to extract only a few false sounds from the flute. He practiced for hours, but it was all in vain. One night he tried for a long time to play at least the simplest melody, but without achieving any results, he went to bed sadly. Suddenly it seemed to him that he heard the same iridescent music that had so amazed him in the store. The rich man stood up and saw beautiful woman in a blue dress with stars. She played his flute.

- Who are you? - whispered the old man, enchanted by the music of the flute.

Blue eyes looked sternly at the rich man, and his iridescent voice rang:

- I am the Fairy of Music. Only a person with kind hearted can play the magic flute.

The rich man jumped up from the sofa, but the vision disappeared at that very moment. All night the old man thought about the Fairy’s words. In the morning he ran to the music store.

Get ready,” he told the boy, “you need to study, not wipe the dust.” You talented musician. I will agree on everything and pay for your studies.

The rich man arranged for the boy to music school, and then went to the music teacher.

Excuse me, teacher,” he said, “I forced you to give me lessons, although I knew that your daughter was seriously ill.” From now on there will be no lessons until she recovers. And for her treatment, accept this wallet.

“Finally my flute will play,” the rich man thought as he returned home. Imagine his disappointment when he failed again. At that moment there was a knock on the door and a boy from the music store came in.

“Dear sir,” said the boy, beaming, “I composed a song for you and I want to play it for you on my pipe.”

The rich man handed the boy a flute:

- Better perform your song on this flute.

The boy raised the old flute to his lips, and sparkling, iridescent music poured out, as if all the stars were laughing above.

When the music stopped, the rich man said:

- Take this flute, boy. She suits you better.

- What are you talking about, sir? “I can’t take such an expensive gift,” the boy whispered.

Then let's change. “You will give me your pipe, and I will give you a flute,” the rich man suggested and, almost by force, put the flute into the boy’s hands.

The boy left, unable to feel his feet beneath him with happiness.

Late in the evening, getting ready to go to bed, the rich man took the boy’s wooden pipe from the sofa, brought the pipe to his lips and a lovely, murmuring song began to flow.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale (for children and parents):

· Why did the flute lose its stellar voice in the hands of a rich man?

  • Does the way a person plays a musical instrument depend on his character?
  • Do you think the boy from the fairy tale will become a real musician?
  • Listen to flute music for a few minutes. After that, try to draw this music.
  • How does the sound of a flute differ from the sound of other musical instruments?
  • What do you think will happen to the rich man after this incident? Come up with a continuation of this fairy tale.
  • Imagine that little stars are hidden in different musical instruments. How do instruments with stars inside differ from simple musical instruments?
  • What musical instrument do you dream of learning to play?

A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova / from " Magic world music"


(according to W. Wackenroder)

Music is definitely the last one. mystery of faith,
mysticism, religion given in revelation.

When I sincerely enjoy how a beautiful string of sounds suddenly breaks out of the silent emptiness on its own, ascends with sacrificial smoke, soars in the air, and then falls to the ground again - then so many new wonderful images appear in my soul, crowding each other that I cannot recover from bliss.

Sometimes music seems to me like a Phoenix bird, which, delighting itself, easily and boldly soars upward, proudly ascends to where it pleases, and pleases gods and people with the span of its wings. “Then music seems to me like a child sleeping in a coffin—a pink ray of sunlight affectionately receives his flying soul, and, transported into the heavenly ether, it enjoys the golden drops of eternity and embraces the prototypes of the most beautiful human dreams. - And then - what a huge mass of images! - music seems to me to be a perfect likeness of our life - a painfully short joy, arising from nothing and returning to nothing, which is born and dies God knows why: a small cheerful green island, with sunlight, songs and dances, lost in the dark bottomless ocean...

Truly, rejoicing in sounds, pure sounds, is an innocent, touching pleasure! Children's joy! - When others deafen themselves with restless activity and, surrounded, as if by hordes of strange night birds or poisonous insects, by a buzzing swarm of vain thoughts, finally fall in exhaustion - I plunge into the sacred satisfying source of sounds, and the healing goddess again pours into me the innocence of childhood, so I look at the world with new eyes and dissolve in joyful reconciliation with my surroundings. “When others quarrel over self-invented quirks, or indulge in tormenting mind games, or alone harbor ugly thoughts that, like mythical warriors, devour themselves in despair—oh, then I close my eyes so as not to see this universal struggle, and quietly retire to the land of music, to the land of faith, where all our doubts and sufferings are lost in the sounding sea, where we forget the human hubbub, where we are not dizzy from empty chatter, from the confusion of letters and hieroglyphs, and where immediately with a light touch all the fear of our heart is healed.

But how? Will they answer our questions there? Will secrets be revealed to us there? - Oh no! Instead of answers and revelations, we will be shown cheerful, beautiful airy pictures, looking at which we will calm down, without knowing why; and now with brave confidence we wander through an unknown country, we greet and embrace, like friends, spirits unfamiliar to us, and everything incomprehensible that oppressed our hearts and that is the disease of the human race disappears, and our soul is healed by the contemplation of miracles, much more more incomprehensible and sublime. And then a person wants to exclaim: “This is it, what I was looking for!” Finally I found it! Now I’m happy and happy!”

Such is the most beautiful and amazing picture, in which I can imagine music, although many will call all this empty dreams.



The greatness of art is strongest
manifests itself in music.
There is nothing material in music;
this is pure form
elevating and ennobling everything,
what lends itself to its expression.

In order to preserve our senses, many wonderful inventions were made, and this is how all fine arts. But I consider music the most wonderful of all these inventions, because it describes human feelings superhuman language, for she shows all the movements of our soul in an immaterial form, raising them above our heads in golden clouds of ethereal harmonies, for she speaks a language that we do not know in our everyday life, which was learned who knows where and how, and which seems to be the language of only angels.

This is the only art that reduces all the varied and contradictory movements of our soul to the same beautiful melodies, which speaks of joy and sorrow, of despair and reverence with equally harmonic sounds. Therefore, music awakens in us true clarity of spirit, which is the most beautiful treasure available to mortals - I mean that clarity of spirit in which everything in the world seems natural, true and good to us, in which we find beautiful meaning in the wildest human chaos , in which we with a pure heart we feel all beings as family and friends to us and, like children, we look at the world as if through the veil of a pleasant dream.

Questions and tasks

Read these passages while listening to music.

Do you agree that music is the most wonderful invention?

What names does Wackenroder use to describe music? Which descriptions and definitions of music in these passages did you like best and why?

Write your own anthem to music.



Music revives our consciousness
our mental abilities.
Its sounds inspire us
for noble efforts.

Where can we find words to explain the power that heavenly music with its full-sounding chords, with its enchanting harmonies has over our hearts? She directly enters our soul, quenching it with her heavenly breath. Oh, how quickly memories of all the bliss we once experienced return to us at this moment, how all noble feelings, all sublime thoughts rise to greet our beautiful guest! How soon, like magic seeds, sounds take root in us, and now they are growing, warmed by invisible fiery forces, and now in our soul an oak forest is rustling with a thousand amazing flowers, with incomprehensibly bizarre colors, and in the foliage of the trees they are frolicking and playing our childhood and our even more distant past. Flowers begin to move and dance in cheerful circles, the colors sparkle with a thousandfold brilliance, and all this light, sparkle, rain of rays give birth to new shine and new rays. And who, having dissolved in these abysses of voluptuousness, with a soul transformed into something for which we have neither words nor thoughts, which in itself is everything, is the highest bliss - oh, who will then still look back at the hardships of life , who will not follow the stream that with a gentle but irresistible force draws us... there, there?

What is it, stronger than all laws, than reason and all philosophy, that speaks so powerfully to our soul? How to describe the power that, like a burning glass, unites all the power of numerous rays at one point and thus produces the most amazing?

Music powerfully inspires in our breasts love for man and for the world, it instills in us tolerance for our worst enemies, and our enlightened heart hears only song of victory of its Divine Transfiguration, drowning out all complaints, all abuse, all pitiful speeches...

What could be more worthy of surprise than this miracle, when, thanks to the efforts and skill of mortals, invisible spirits suddenly appear in silence, surround our heart and conquer it with pleasure and bliss? And when we joyfully turn our eyes away from the wretched everyday life, which sometimes crowds and suffocates us like the walls of a prison, a new country, a heavenly abode, with flowers and beautiful trees and golden fountains stretches above our heads. “She is like a blissful island in a stormy ocean.” It’s as if the sunset suddenly condensed into a dense corporeal substance, and lifts us on its clouds, and surrounds us with the brightest rays, and it’s so easy and free for us to walk along the azure, there we find our home in the crimson glow, our friends in the bright clouds; and everything that was sweet and dear to us smiles towards us in visible forms.

Where can I find words to adequately glorify you, heavenly art? I feel that words are even more powerless here than in all other forms of art. How can I combine all the richness of images, all the audacity and bold flight of language in order to sincerely express what my soul tells me? deepest feeling?

Questions and tasks

Imagine that a beautiful guest, music, has entered your home. How will you meet her? What will you do to keep her with you as long as possible? What gift will you give her?

Try to remember, while listening to music, the happiest moments of your life. Draw the music of these moments.

What do you think is the power of music?

Do you agree that music is the most powerful art on earth?


We can ridicule and together mourn and idolize our heart when it is carried upward from its earthly sphere, and all our thoughts fall into a more subtle and noble element, where all our sadness and all joy disappear like shadows - both grief and happiness, both delight and tears merge together and are decorated with mutual reflection, and in moments of this pleasure it is impossible to utter a word, it is impossible to separate and isolate individual sensations, which our spirit usually does so willingly, and it is as if you are plunging deeper and deeper into the abyss of the sea, further and further and further you leave the world. And what gives us such bliss? The fused sound of wood and metal!

Questions and tasks

How would you describe the wonder of a musical instrument? What feelings do you get when you look at different musical instruments?

Very often, when people see a musical instrument, they want to touch it so that it makes at least some sound. Why do you think people have these feelings?

Would you like to learn to play any musical instrument just because you really like it?

Do you think different musical instruments have their own character? What do you think is the character of the violin, cello, flute, harp, piano?

Do you think animals and plants feel music?


Every single sound specific instrument is like a shade of color, and just as every color has a basic tone, so every instrument has one and only very special sound that expresses it most and best.

What happiness for a person that at that moment when, crushed, he does not know where to run, where to be saved, a single sound can extend to him thousands of angelic hands, take him into their arms and carry him upward! We may be far from friends and loved ones and lost in the dark forest of frustration and loneliness, but in the distance the sound of a horn is heard, and as soon as it is blown just once, we feel that these sounds bring to us someone’s passion and sadness, that those people , from whom we were, alas, separated, are with us again. The sounds tell us about them, we feel with all our hearts that they, too, are yearning for us at this moment and that there is no separation.

Sounds often contain such vivid and seemingly visible images that this art, I would like to say, captivates our eyes and ears at the same time. Then you see sirens frolicking in the waves of the mirror sea, singing the sweetest songs; then you wander through a beautiful, sun-pierced forest, looking into dark grottoes full of mysterious ghosts; underground waters sound in your ears, magic lights flicker.

Questions and tasks

Do you agree that the art of music “captivates our eyes and ears at the same time”?

Have you ever heard music that evoked such feelings in your soul? vivid images that you still can't forget?

Draw the sounds of music in the form of different magical creatures.

Invite the children to listen to the sound of different musical instruments and ask them what colors and shades they associate with the sound of different musical instruments.

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