Comic wishes for a competition for the New Year. Fun tasks for forfeits for the New Year. You, my friend, have the right to kiss your friend on the cheek on the right


New Year, as you know, is a fun holiday, but what New Year's Eve can do without entertainment? One of the most popular games, which both adults and children love very much, is forfeits. The rules are probably known to everyone: each participant draws a card with a task that needs to be completed. You can easily make forfeits for the New Year 2018 yourself. For example, find the templates you like on the Internet, print out the required quantity and write a task on each card. We offer examples of tasks below.

However, I would especially like to highlight the main rule of the game of forfeits: the tasks should not contain anything offensive or offensive to a person, as well as physically impossible or harmful to health. Remember that the tasks should be easy and fun so that they do not take more than five minutes to complete. The cards can be wrapped in candy wrappers and placed in a beautiful box. Now let's look at the different options for forfeit, dividing them into several categories.

New Year's forfeits for friends

When a group of friends gathers at the holiday table, you want to please them not only with delicious dishes and drinks, but also with interesting games. And guests are unlikely to refuse to play such a fun game as forfeits. It will be especially doubly interesting if you prepare forfeits for the New Year 2018 with jokes. Your friends will perform such tasks not only with interest, but will also remember them for a long time with laughter.

  • Choose one person from the company and silently depict some famous sculpture with him. For example, “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” or “Peter I on Horseback”.
  • In one minute you need to eat pieces of fruit from the plate, while closing your eyes and putting your hands behind your back. After the time is up, say the names of the fruits eaten.
  • Portray any famous person without saying a word. It could be a singer, actor, athlete, etc. By recognizable details, guests should understand who it is.
  • This forfeit is called “Pass it to someone else.” That is, the participant does not do anything, but in return he must come up with some funny task for the next player.
  • In two minutes you need to prepare a cocktail of three ingredients to suit the participant’s taste. With the condition that the resulting drink is tasty - guests should appreciate it.
  • Show everyone a children's fairy tale. Select several people from among the guests and portray popular characters in two to three minutes. For example, the fairy tale “Turnip” or “The Three Little Pigs”.
  • Within a minute, list ten songs that relate to the New Year. A similar task is to remember ten winter poems in a minute.
  • In a certain amount of time, come up with a quatrain on any topic (at the discretion of the owner of the forfeits), then stand on a stool and read it loudly, with expression.
  • From the products on the festive table, build something related to the New Year (a Christmas tree, a snowman, a garland, etc.) - guests must guess what exactly is depicted.
  • In two minutes, have time to show five animals and birds so that the whole company can guess them by their habits. For example, a monkey's antics, an eagle's flight, a cat's washing, a wolf's grin, etc.

New Year's forfeits for colleagues

These options will be very useful to you if you want to make your corporate event at work more interesting. Usually a presenter is invited to such events, but if you and your colleagues decide to do without one, then these tasks will be very useful to you. Fanta for the New Year 2018 will help diversify the holiday by diluting it with funny and comic scenes. But be prepared for the fact that some of them are quite provocative.

  • In one minute, list your minor work sins to your boss, “repenting” for losing a pen, spilling coffee on papers, a broken pencil, being late for work, etc.
  • Hug everyone present at the corporate party, and say something good to everyone. For example: you are smart, you are kind, you are gallant, you are responsive, you know how to listen, etc.
  • In a minute, manage to collect one small item from your colleagues: one has a lighter, another has keys, a third has cigarettes - and so on until you have ten items in your hands.
  • Quickly create some tasty dish from food supplies and let those present evaluate it. For example, salad or sliced ​​food. Time to complete is three minutes.
  • With your eyes closed, approach at random any person you want to recognize by touch. But don’t give a name, but list the advantages: fashionable, modest, etc.
  • And this phantom demands to name one shortcoming of his colleagues, but in a positive form. As an example: absent-minded, forgetful, late for work, silent, etc.
  • The participant must list his good qualities, but with a question mark. For example: sociable? Punctual? And colleagues must confirm or deny.
  • The player’s task is to imitate any of his colleagues using posture, facial expressions or gestures, and the rest of those present must guess who they are talking about at the moment.
  • Sing any song, changing the words to something stupid like “oink-oink-oink” or “yum-yum-yum.” Based on the motive, colleagues must guess which song “sounds.”
  • Tell a well-known fairy tale (“Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “The Three Little Pigs”), replacing the names of the characters with the names of the employees. Those present must understand what kind of fairy tale this is.

New Year's forfeits for children

The guys are looking forward to the New Year the most, and not only because of gifts, but also in anticipation of noisy fun. They will really appreciate games with funny tasks! Children of all ages happily take part in such an exciting event. The main thing to consider is that forfeits are intended for children, so the tasks should not be difficult so that any child can cope with them if desired.

  • In one minute, tell how the week went, what the participant did, what he did every day, what he ate, what cartoons he watched - everything that the child can remember.
  • The player chooses a partner and after a minute they must sing a well-known song together. For example, the duet of a lion cub and a turtle, Ivan the stove-maker and the Princess is something that is understood by heart.
  • Whoever gets the next forfeit must fulfill the simple wish of the other player. For example, third from the right. Bring a glass of juice, jump rope, etc.
  • The task of this participant is to come up with funny nicknames for himself and the other players and call each other by them until the end of the holiday. Nicknames should be harmless.
  • Fanta contains any five words (for example, forest, path, bunny, goblin and apple), the participant must compose a short fairy tale in one minute and tell it to everyone present.
  • The player is blindfolded, given a sheet of paper with pencils, and within a certain time he must draw an object on a New Year's theme. Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, fireworks, etc.
  • The one who gets this phantom chooses a partner whose task is to recite a short poem, and the owner of the phantom must repeat the story with facial expressions and gestures.
  • In one minute, list ten fairy tale films and cartoons about winter and New Year. As an example: Morozko, 12 months, The Snow Queen, The Nutcracker, Winter in Prostokvashino.
  • Sing any New Year’s song (like “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”) from the rapper’s perspective, while clapping to the beat and dancing. If desired, you can choose a different style.
  • Come up with five new decrees and solemnly announce them. For example, give all children ice cream every day, cancel homework, go to bed at any time, etc.

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Forfeits are a well-known and beloved game not only for children, but also for adults. Its rules are so simple that even the youngest participants in a New Year's party can come up with tasks and play the game. The popularity of forfeits lies in the fact that this game is suitable for absolutely any society. Be sure, no matter what company you are in, be it friends, colleagues or relatives, you will spend the New Year 2020 unforgettable.

Reference! Forfeits were played several centuries ago. In some countries, this game was the most central event of any holiday. From German the word “fanta” is translated as “deposit”.

You can play forfeits in different ways:
1.With the help of the presenter. All participants in the game give the person chosen to play the role of the leader any of their things, preferably small in size. All items will be placed in a bag or hat. The presenter's assistant takes turns pulling objects out of the hat, and the presenter, without seeing this object, comes up with a task for the owner of the forfeit. If the owner of the item has completed the task, then his item is returned to him.
2.Using cards. You can play forfeits without a leader. To do this, all members of the exciting show write tasks on pieces of paper. Then the leaves are placed in an opaque bag or bag. They take out forfeits one by one. The one who takes the leaf out of the bag is the phantom. Tasks should be moderately easy and unusual, quickly executable. Don't come up with tasks that are too intimate or dangerous.

By the way! If the fan does not cope with the task, then a fine should be provided for him in this case. Which one is decided jointly. You can, for example, drink a glass of strong drink or pay a monetary “fine” to the general treasury. At the end of the game, the money will go to the most creative player.

3.By drawing lots. First, all participants come up with a task together, and the one who will carry it out will be decided by drawing lots. The lot can be a burning match, which is passed around in a circle. If this method is too dangerous for you, you can use a nursery rhyme.

  • Fanta for a group of children
  • Fanta for friends
  • Fanta on the street
  • New Year's forfeits with jokes
  • Fanta for colleagues

Fanta for a group of children

You can make your children's New Year's holiday original and memorable with the help of the game "forfeits". As you already know, there are many options for building a game, but for children it is better to choose the simplest one - where there is an adult leader who will draw forfeits and assign tasks. Children will highly appreciate the game where you need to give your item to the presenter and wait with rapture for the personal item to appear from the hat. In addition, this version of forfeits is made easier by the fact that there is no need to require children to come up with tasks and write them down on pieces of paper. Children's tasks are not always feasible, and therefore it is better not to take risks with children's imagination.

Advice! You can use another way of playing for a group of children: cards with the names of the participants are placed in one container, and with tasks in another. The leader first determines who will do the task, and then the task for him.

The main thing in the game of forfeits for children is to designate tasks that are suitable for the age of the participants. This game is not for difficult actions. Everything should happen quickly so that all participants have time to play and no one gets bored.
List of funny tasks for a noisy children's company:
1.Draw a portrait of one of the guests without using your hands (holding a pencil in your hands).
2.Tell about yourself from an immodest side. In this case, you need to look in the mirror.
3. Depict the animal in a funny situation.
4. Depict objects that make sounds (a boiling kettle, the whistle of a steam locomotive or ship).
5. Show some well-known scene using pantomime.
6.Draw a mirror: you need to repeat the actions of one of the game participants for a minute;
7.Depict six emotions - fear, joy, grief, fright, surprise, resentment.
8. Describe each team member.

9. It’s funny to “tell fortunes” to a person you choose yourself.
10.Eat a piece of cake without using your hands.
11. Burst the balloon with your butt.
12.Stay for a minute with a serious expression on your face while other children try to make you laugh in every possible way.
13.Sing a verse of a famous song, but make different sounds instead of words.
14.Eat a lemon and don’t wince.
15.Gather all the guests, seat them in imaginary carriages and transport them throughout the apartment.
16. Fulfill your neighbor's wish.
17. Find an object hidden in the room by other party participants.
18. Play the role of Santa Claus - with an adult male bass voice, taking a stick that acts as a staff, congratulate the children on the New Year.
19.Draw a New Year tree with balls and garlands while blindfolded.
20. Make your friends laugh with your causeless laughter.
21. Show a poem with your hands, which will be read by one of the company members.
22. For a while, list fairy tales, cartoons and films on the New Year theme.
23.Show the Snow Maiden or Snowman, who began to melt with the arrival of spring.
24.Make yourself a New Year's costume from improvised materials.
25.Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in rap style.
26. Come up with funny nicknames for your friends and call them that throughout the game.
27.Say the players' names backwards.
28.Take a funny photo of the entire company gathered.
29.Show the robot.
30.Call with affectionate words such fairy-tale characters as Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Leshy, Vodyanoy, Koschey the Immortal.

Funny forfeits for drunk company

In the midst of New Year's Eve, when the decibels of noise and laughter reach the limit, it's time to play the game "forfeits". This harmless and, on occasion, very funny game will help guests take a little break from the bustle of New Year's Eve and laugh heartily at the stupid and ridiculous, and sometimes vulgar tasks that the participants of the game diligently perform.
For a group of adult friends, a game using cards is suitable. Guests write funny (and not difficult) tasks on scraps of paper in advance, then put all the cards in a bag. The presenter brings the bag to each member of the game in turn, and he takes out the first piece of paper he comes across without looking, thereby assigning himself a task.

By the way! You can play this game in pairs. All guests are divided into pairs and jointly complete tasks that are determined either by the host or by drawing lots. Tasks for couples may be more complex, but in no case dangerous, compromising or time consuming.

List of funny tasks for a group of adults:
1. If the player is a man, take a saucepan and spoons, approach a lonely girl, drum and in a regular voice confess your sympathy to her.
2.Pester all the guests with stupid conversations, pretending to be an annoying fly. This can make an unpleasant buzzing sound. One of the guests might slap you.
3. To come up with a fairy tale in a modern way, you can have the main characters being friends gathered at the table.
4.Using your hands and facial expressions, show one of the guests.
5. Show poses of seven different animals that are doing something at that moment. For example, a butterfly flies, a caterpillar crawls, a cow drinks water, a dog chews a bone.
6. Make a forfeit with the transition of the move. If such a forfeit falls to the driver, then he can give it to any participant.
7.Using voice and posture, show the mating games of animals (growling, biting the withers, excitement of monkeys, ostriches, etc.).
8. Dress up as a woman if a man is playing (and vice versa) and seduce a guest of the opposite sex.
9. Dress up as Father Frost or Snow Maiden and congratulate your roommates.
10. Make a New Year's toast and drink a shot.

11.Draw a statue, while dressing up in a canopy (you can use a sheet). Take a photo with each member of the game, while changing your pose.
12.Have a drink with your neighbor at the Brudershaft, and kiss at the end. Guests kiss regardless of gender.
13.Place nuts or candies on your cheeks and at the same time pronounce a few tongue twisters that the guests will remember.
14. Depict how a chicken lays an egg.
15.Choose a participant and give him New Year’s makeup.
Cool forfeits with erotic overtones:
1.Massage the buttocks of the neighbor on the right.
2.If performed by a couple: hold an apple between their bellies and, without using your hands, roll it to your mouth and eat it.
3.Draw a pose from above. In this case, a person is selected as a partner by drawing lots.
4.Tell about your five wildest desires.
5. The person completing the task becomes the slave of his partner for five minutes (in this case, the “master” should not come up with humiliating or difficult to fulfill desires).
6.Tell all members of the game about what role-playing game you would play.
7.Fulfill the wishes of each player.
8. Without using your hands, burst the balloon that is on the lap of your neighbor at the table.
9. Depict how a rooster takes care of a hen.
10. Answer honestly which option you will choose: hard BDSM or sex in a public place.
11.Play truth or lie: honestly answer frank questions from the participants in the game. If you don’t want to answer, you’ll have to carry out a stupid assignment.
12.Massage the neighbor on the left on the part of the body that he points to.
13. Dress as a doctor and cure a patient using erotic actions.
14.Take off your toilet item.
15. Voice an orgasm.

Fanta for friends

If a group of close friends (usually family) has gathered on New Year’s Eve, then the game of forfeits will exclude the erotic component, so as not to inadvertently compromise the participants when performing ambiguous tasks. More often, in a friendly company, tasks are simple, without intimate or negative connotations.
List of forfeits for friends:
1.A man should stroke his belly, imagining that there is a child there. At the same time, talk to the baby and anticipate the imminent birth.
2. Make the player on the left laugh with grimaces.
3.Draw a mad gopher.
4.Choose three girls and dance “Cancan” with him.
5. In a minute, remember 10 films about the New Year.
6.Eat a sausage with your partner without your hands.
7.Draw a mustache and walk like this for the rest of the evening.
8.Bow to three players using different poses.
9.Make delicious cocktails for the players and make them drink.
10.Drink a glass without using your hands.

11. Pretend to be a beggar. Walk with your arm outstretched until you collect 100 rubles.
12.Recognize by touch 10 different objects hidden in the bag.
13.Sing a popular song in another language.
14. Depict any profession using gestures. The rest must guess.
15.Guess the item asked by the guests using leading questions.
16.Talk about the life of penguins for one minute.
17.Draw a portrait of your wife (spouse) without looking at the canvas.
18.Call an unfamiliar number and wish Happy New Year.
19.Praise yourself as if you are trying to be your wife (husband).
20. Answer players’ questions for three minutes, but you cannot answer with clear words “yes” or “no”.
21.Tell your biography in five sentences.
22.Lapping an alcohol-containing drink from a saucer like a kitten.
23.Sing a children's New Year's song, leaving only vowel sounds in the words.
24. Explain to those present how to fry eggs. This must be done without the help of words.
25. Make a Caucasian toast.
26. Do now what you have wanted for a long time.
27.Talk about your main shortcoming and tell how you fight it.
28.Name a certain number of New Year’s words starting with the letter C.
29.Sneeze until one of the guests says: “Be healthy.”
30. Show any trick (for example, how you drink a glass of vodka without your hands).

Fanta on the street

The game moves to another level when completely strangers become its participants. At the same time, the phantomers are all those participants in the New Year’s celebration. And random passers-by usually serve as the “object” of the action. Harmless desires with simple jokes are suitable for forfeits on the street.

Important! Before you choose to perform the actions of a stranger, make sure that he is not against your tomfoolery.

List of possible tasks:
1. Give a complex riddle to three random passers-by.
2. Congratulate all passers-by on the New Year.
3.Organize a round dance of strangers around the Christmas tree in the city square.
4.Drink a glass of champagne with passers-by.
5.Stand under the Christmas tree and loudly congratulate all the people present in the square in a presidential manner.
6. Pretend to be a fortune teller. Pester all passersby to tell their fortunes.
7.Give out sparklers to strangers. At the same time, kiss them on the cheek.
8. Meet 10 passers-by of different genders.
9. Pretend to be a rat (symbol of 2020), circle around the Christmas tree and make sounds.
10.Treat all children you meet with candy.
11.Receive compliments from 10 passersby of the opposite sex.
12. Dress up as Santa Claus and take various nonsense out of the bag, giving away (matches, toilet paper, candy) to passers-by.

13. Organize a mass flash mob around the Christmas tree, involving passers-by and children.
14. Build a snowman in 3 minutes.
15. Ride down the hill like a train with your friends.
16. Shout to the whole street: “People, stop drinking! The New Year has already arrived!”
17.Run naked into the street and ask a passerby for salt.
18. Portray a drunken Santa Claus. For ambiance, you can put lipstick on your nose.
19. Go around to all the neighbors in the entrance and congratulate them on the New Year.
20. Pretend to be a conductor. Waving your arms with feeling, leading the performers of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” consisting of friends and random passers-by.
21. Arrange a mass snowball fight.
22.Take phone numbers from 10 people of the opposite sex.
23.Interview passers-by, asking questions about their dreams and future.
24. Stop the car and congratulate the driver on the holiday.
25.Make a butterfly in the snow.
26. Throw yourself on the neck of the first person you meet, and then, as if nothing had happened, say: “Oh, I made a mistake.”
27. Sing a New Year's song at the top of your lungs. Maybe with some foreign accent.
28.Pretend to be a speculator. Stealthily offer to buy something, while hiding something under the jacket. Don’t forget to then admit to the passerby that you played a prank on him.
29. Pretend to be a foreigner and address passers-by, asking for directions to the embassy.
30.If a man is phantoming, then he should hug as many girls as possible at once. If you are a girl, you need to hug men. In this task you need to be smart.

New Year's forfeits with jokes

This is a selection of tasks for a group of different ages that are easy to complete and at the same time “not fall on your face.” Simple, childishly naive and funny forfeits will amuse any guest not only on the New Year, but also on any other holiday.
Tasks for forfeits for the New Year:
1.Recite a famous poem as if you were a rapper.
2.Sing a New Year's song as if you were very drunk.
3. Show fireworks or sparklers using pantomime.
4.Use mayonnaise or ketchup to draw a portrait of a person sitting at the table.
5.Take a group photo, putting those posing in funny poses.
6. Let all the girls at the table paint your face with gouache.
7.Drink an alcoholic cocktail that the guests “put together” for you.
8.Predict the future for each member of the game.
9. Show with gestures what you do at your workplace.
10.Blindfolded, identify your wife (husband). You can make it more difficult: guess each person.
11. It’s funny to characterize all the guests using only positive qualities.
12.Dance a striptease while removing three items of clothing.
13. Count down the time remaining until the New Year. It is advisable to announce the time every 10 minutes.

14.Kiss the player opposite, wherever you wish.
15. Stick your head out the window and shout loudly: “There it is, Türkiye!”
16. Confess your love to yourself as convincingly as possible, while looking in the mirror with a serious face.
17. Play the role of a waiter: throw a towel over your hand, stand in the appropriate position and offer everyone coffee and tea. Prepare drinks for everyone who agrees.
18. For 10 minutes, pretend that you are a patient in a psychiatric clinic: constantly look around and repeat in a conspiratorial whisper: “Hush, hush, otherwise the doctor will wake up and we’ll have hell.”
19.Draw a bee collecting nectar from flowers.
20.Depict a student on the last day before the session.
21. Perform a belly dance while wearing the appropriate paraphernalia.
22.Depict one of the players, while the others must guess who they are talking about.
23.Tell everyone that you are not wearing underwear. Explain your action with a serious and calm look.
24.Dance a slow dance with the neighbor on the right, while the neighbor on the left chooses the music.
25. Show your childhood dream using gestures. Everyone must guess.
26. Spoon-feed three men, talking to them like little children.
27. Conduct a master class on erotic banana eating.
28. Portray a capricious child for whom they did not buy a toy. You can cry, be hysterical, ram your feet and hands.
29. Write a fine to any guest, at the same time come up with a punishment and dress like a policeman.
30. Propose to the neighbor on the right. Only instead of the phrase “Marry me,” you need to ask for legs, kidneys, a piece of liver.

Pay attention! Make a bonus: let everyone present praise the person phantoming or name his best qualities.

Fanta for colleagues

For a corporate party for the New Year 2020, forfeits with jokes are suitable. True, these jokes should be neutral in nature and not affect the honor of employees. Usually a hired presenter works at corporate events. He collects small items from the guests that will serve as forfeits and begins the game.

Fact! This game is ideal for a group of unfamiliar people. It has been noticed that it liberates the participants and makes them closer and more friendly.

Funny forfeits for a corporate feast:
1.You are a tangerine addict. Admit how withdrawal goes and how you cope with this problem.
2.Hug everyone present.
3.Imagine that you are a wizard. It is necessary to fulfill the wish of one of the guests.
4.Make players laugh using grimaces.
5.Eat two incompatible foods on the table at the same time.
6.Say a New Year's toast in the style of the President of Russia. Have a drink with everyone for the New Year.
7.Participants take turns calling words that come to their minds. The task is to come up with a rhyme for each word.
8.Sing Verka Serduchka’s song. In this case, you need to dress appropriately.
9.Draw a portrait of the player on the right, holding the pencil between your teeth.
10.Wish each player their wishes come true in the new year.
11.Blow kisses to all guests in different ways.
12. Conduct a master class on washing socks. At the same time, it is necessary to explain the entire technology of a difficult task.
13. Come up with a short New Year’s story where all words begin with the letter P.
14.Tell everyone about your election campaign. Don’t forget, you are running for the post of deputy of the Ecumenical Duma.
15. Tell fortunes by the head of the neighbor on the right.
16.Tell a joke.
17.Until the next move, clap your hands, killing invisible mosquitoes.
18. Convince everyone present to vote for you in the next presidential elections.
19.Sit angry for a minute. At the same time, the other players should make you laugh. If you give in, take the forfeit.
20.Say any stupid phrase out of place for 20 minutes. For example: “I am a talking bird. I’m distinguished by my intelligence and intelligence.”

21. In Drozdov’s voice, tell about the mating season of penguins.
22. Tell any poem on a New Year’s theme in the form of a tongue twister.
23. Show the pose of the phrases “I’m boiling.” Participants must guess. If you couldn’t, take a forfeit.
24.Capture New Year’s greetings on your phone camera as a souvenir for all players.
25.Imagine yourself as a doctor. Listen to the heartbeat of all participants in the game by pressing your ear.
26.Play a little counting game with the player to your left. The winner can refuse to perform his forfeit and the turn will pass to another player.
27. Show how the fish congratulate each other on the New Year.

If you are lucky enough to be the host of a New Year's party, prepare thoroughly for this event. After all, the success of the holiday depends not only on and beautifully. The main thing in a party is entertainment! When preparing an entertainment program, you can use ready-made scripts. But it’s much more interesting to create competitions and quizzes yourself, taking into account the characters and hobbies of your friends. When choosing, do not forget about forfeits. This time-tested game is enjoyed by both adults and children alike. It consists of fulfilling desires written on pieces of paper or suggested by the presenter.

Fanta for New Year 2017

There are two varieties of this entertainment. The first option looks like this: each participant must give the presenter some small but valuable thing (keys, mobile phone, watch, ring). These will be forfeits. They fold into a small hat or box. Then the presenter draws any phantom at random and asks one of the participants in the game what this phantom needs to do. The owner of this item must fulfill the wish, otherwise he will not receive his “deposit” back.

In the second version, instructions are written on small pieces of paper, which are rolled up and placed in a bag or hat. The host, in turn, invites each guest to draw a forfeit and fulfill the written wish. Fun tasks need to be prepared in advance. Try to keep them simple and funny, harmless and feasible. When coming up with puzzles for your friends, take the following options as a basis:

  • sing a children's song about a Christmas tree with a Georgian accent;
  • sell sandwiches from the table to guests;
  • identify 3 objects by touch;
  • depict the symbol of the coming year using pantomime;
  • exchange 2-3 items of clothing with the neighbor on the left;
  • sing a few lines from a New Year's song, pronouncing only vowels;
  • show a scared cat;
  • for an hour, every five minutes, announce to guests that another 5 minutes have passed;
  • depict drywall;
  • mix a signature cocktail from the dishes on the table;
  • congratulate yourself on the New Year, standing in front of the mirror;
  • eat candy or drink a glass of champagne without touching them with your hands;
  • talk about your main shortcoming and how you are going to deal with it;
  • dance the cancan with a glass of water in your hands;
  • portray a mirror, repeating the gestures and facial expressions of guests approaching you;
  • next year;
  • fold a sheet of paper into 4 times using only one hand;
  • take a felt-tip pen in your teeth and draw a cockerel with it;
  • play a well-known melody with your finger on your lip. Other participants must guess it;
  • the presenter reads out the verse, and the phantom must act as a sign language interpreter;
  • choose your “twin” among the guests and convince him of his relationship with you, naming common features (eye color, love of sweets, etc.);
  • sound the chimes;

  • sing a holiday song like a very cold person;
  • without laughing, praise your reflection in the mirror for 10 minutes;
  • repent of the three biggest sins;
  • read a New Year's poem at the pace of a tongue twister;
  • show with gestures a flashing garland, Santa Claus' reindeer, a sparkler or a firecracker;
  • make a toast speaking with a Baltic accent;
  • sing a song while holding three matches in your teeth;
  • read a New Year's poem as if you were sweltering from the heat;
  • make a skit based on fragments of the songs “Blue, blue frost lay on the wires”, “A blizzard is blowing along the street”, “Snowfall”;
  • show how the Snow Maiden jumps over the fire;
  • voice the president’s congratulations in the English manner;
  • wish all the guests something that no one has ever wished for;
  • show the snowflake dance;
  • give all party participants gifts from the festive table with the phrase: “You will need this in the coming year, because...”;
  • draw a portrait of Santa Claus with mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • bring some New Year's attribute from the street;
  • say the name of Santa Claus in other countries;
  • bow to each guest;
  • take a group photo of the guests, putting people in unusual poses;
  • speak German for 15 minutes;
  • place a portrait of the neighbor on the left from tangerine slices on a plate;
  • make a Christmas tree from food from the table;
  • eat a portion of Olivier with sushi chopsticks;
  • Unwrap the lollipop while wearing mittens.

Playing forfeits will add variety to the party, and fun tasks will make the holiday unforgettable!

To celebrate the New Year well, you need to think through all the nuances of this celebration! We are talking not only about delicious dishes, interesting drinks, and for the hosts of the party, but also about such an important aspect as New Year's entertainment. These may include competitions, skits, drawings and lotteries. Party hosts write scenarios and rules for such entertainment themselves or look for ready-made options on the Internet.

Of course, not every company will want to stage complex productions or organize team competitions. In this case, adopt a simple and fun game of forfeits. Forfeits, without any doubt, can be called the oldest party game - even the aristocracy of past centuries gladly took part in this simple but very exciting game. The main rule of forfeits is the fulfillment of tasks and wishes of the presenter for the participants, which are determined completely randomly.

You can buy cards for the game or make your own!

To play the game, you need items belonging to the guests (ring, watch, scarf, key, keychain, etc.), placed in a box or hat. Things are taken out of the box by touch, and at the same time the task for the forfeit is announced. You can also write tasks on pieces of paper and invite each participant to determine their own destiny. When creating assignments, consider the composition of the participants. Come up with simple and funny problems that won’t offend or embarrass anyone.

Tasks for forfeits for the New Year 2018

We offer you options for tasks that can become the basis for your entertainment at the New Year's party. The list can include the following wishes for forfeit participants:

  • sing a couple of verses of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” with some unusual accent (Baltic, Caucasian, German);
  • sing two or three verses of a popular song, voicing only those letters that are vowels;
  • persuade one of the guests to buy a sandwich or snack from the festive feast;
  • be able to identify three objects placed in a bag by touch;
  • show guests the totem of 2018 (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman, reindeer sleigh, elf, fireworks), using only gestures and facial expressions;
  • from all the drinks presented on the table, prepare a cocktail and drink it yourself;
  • stand in front of the mirror and congratulate yourself on the upcoming (coming) New Year, wishing you all the best;
  • try drinking champagne without touching the glass with your hands;
  • reveal to everyone your main flaw and turn it into an advantage;
  • for 10 minutes, accurately copy the gestures and facial expressions of one of the party guests;
  • act as a sign language interpreter for a guest reading a New Year's poem;
  • prove to one of the participants in the celebration that you are related to him, citing as evidence the same color of eyes, hair, the presence of two hands, and so on;
  • be a “cuckoo clock” for half an hour, telling guests the time until the New Year;
  • dance the cancan while holding a glass of water in your hand;
  • be able to fold a piece of paper four times with one hand;
  • draw without using your hands - you need to hold the pencil only with your teeth;
  • go to the mirror and compliment yourself for five minutes;
  • recite a thematic poem at a very fast pace;
  • tell those present the most unusual wish for the New Year;
  • recite the quatrain as if you were very cold or unbearably hot;
  • perform a mini-play based on the plot of the song “Three White Horses”, “Snowflake” or “Blue Frost”;
  • congratulate those present in the manner of the president of the country;
  • take funny gifts out of the bag and give them to those present with the words: “This item will be vital for you throughout the year, because...”;
  • using tubes of mustard, ketchup and mayonnaise, paint a portrait of Santa on a large plate;
  • name as many names of Grandfather Frost in other countries of the world as possible;
  • take photographs of guests, placing them in unusual poses;
  • eat one of the salads using chopsticks;
  • show three different emotions using facial expressions so that others can recognize them;
  • transform into a gypsy fortune teller and prophesy some events to one of your table neighbors;
  • collect one hundred rubles for a ticket home, imitating beggars at train stations;
  • to speak as a candidate for deputy, promising the most unimaginable achievements;
  • speak for 10 minutes only in French, German, English, Polish or another language;
  • find one of the guests blindfolded, whom the host has wished for a Fanta;
  • Unwrap the lollipop, pulling the mittens over your hands.

This simple, but very fun entertainment will fill your home with laughter and make your holiday party unforgettable!

Card templates for playing forfeits

When there is a holiday or some significant event, such as an anniversary, many guests always gather. There are toasts accompanied by the clink of glasses, congratulations to the hero of the occasion, and, of course, a lot of jokes. How can we do without humor at the holiday table?

But to make the fun even more interesting, we suggest using comic tasks for guests at the table, or as they are also called, forfeits. You don’t need to rack your brains and come up with tasks for your guests - use a ready-made solution, already compiled comic tasks that are perfect for such fun events.

1. Let's do it, get a prize

For this competition you need a rope, scissors and some candy. On the candy, or more precisely on the inside of the candy, there is a task and a prize for completing this task. The guests are blindfolded one by one and they cut off the candy. Having unwrapped the candy, they read the task and complete it, and after completing it, they receive the prize that is written there. For example, have a drink with the celebrant at the brooder party and give the celebrant a snack. Or, kiss the husband of the hero of the day and say how much he loves his wife.

2. Goldfish

Friends! Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of catching a goldfish so that it would fulfill three cherished wishes. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The host goes around the guests with a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard. One of them is gold, and offers to choose any of them without looking into the bag. The owner of the “goldfish” has the right to voice three of his wishes and choose them among the cards proposed by the presenter. But before that, he names any “performer” among the guests.) Examples of desires:

I would like now to make a toast in honor of the hero of the day, in which the three words “anniversary” would appear.
I want any item on the table to be presented to the birthday person as a memorable gift with meaning.
I want your neighbors on the right and left to recite a children's poem in chorus.
I want you to shake hands with the hero of the day and jump on one leg to your place.
I want you to sing the tune of a familiar song to the guests, and they guess its name.

3. "Fanta"

Each participant must put one small thing in the box (keychain, pen, hairpin, etc.). This will be called a phantom. The birthday boy turns his back to the presenter, who randomly takes items out of the box and asks: “What is the task for this phantom?” The hero of the occasion must come up with a comic task for everyone, for example, to sing, tell a story, dance, etc. After the box with forfeits is empty, they move on to completing tasks.

4. Variants of the game “Fanta”

The point of the game is to fulfill the so-called tasks for forfeits - the wishes of other players. Moreover, at the beginning of the game, no one knows what wish he will receive. In order for the game to be fun and varied, it is better not to come up with simple tasks. Each forfeit must be exclusive; performing a forfeit must require effort or courage from the player. When organizing long holidays, the program can be diversified with “penalty forfeits” - participants in other games who are unlucky draw cards with tasks and fulfill the wishes of the guests. There are several varieties of the game:

Forfeits with the presenter. In the classic form of this game, each player takes off one item (watch, earring, mobile phone) and puts it in a common bag. The presenter turns away, and the players take turns taking things out of the bag with the words “What should this phantom do?” The presenter assigns each phantom his own task. In the classic version, deposits are not returned to owners until they complete the task.

Forfeits with cards. Each player writes his wish on a piece of paper or cardboard card, after which the cards are shuffled. Next, either the players themselves draw out their phantom tasks, or the presenter distributes cards.

Forfeits with a match. Players sit in a circle, light a match and pass it around the circle. Whoever's match goes out will fulfill the players' common wish.

5. Tasks for forfeits

Draw a mustache and walk like this until the end.
Run around the building while pretending to be an airplane with the sound of vzhzhzh.
Go out to the store in your pajamas and ask for matches and salt for your soup.
Pretend to be drunk, accost a passerby and naturally faint.
Walk in your arms (you can support your legs) to the nearest couple in love and wish them happiness.
Yell from the balcony 10 times “People! I love you"
Open and eat a banana without using your hands
Fall to your knees and repent of the 3 most significant sins of this year
Say “Oh, how beautiful I am!” 10 times in different tones, looking in the mirror and not laughing
Draw a pig in a pigsty
Perform the melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born” by flicking your finger on your cheek or shuffling your soles on the floor
Sing a children's song while holding 3 matches in your teeth
Show the skit “a prisoner in solitary confinement dances in a round dance”
Portray a drunk stripper
Draw the selected animal
Portray an athlete so that the public can guess the sport
For mega-brains: Using a cup, thread, pencil and ruler, print the number “Pi” to the 15th digit.
Juggle 3 raw eggs. In case of failure, remove all consequences
For an hour, make sure that all glasses are filled to the brim (top up the necessary drinks in time)
Take an unusual group photo. Arrange participants, select surroundings
Become an airplane. Ride everyone on your shoulders
Drink a glass of wine through a pierced straw (if the straw is pierced 3-4 times with a toothpick, it will become almost impossible to drink from it)

6. Tasks for forfeits in verse

The hero of the day has traveled a wonderful path,
You can talk about this.
Come up with a title for your memoirs
Which he could write.

Not a complicated phantom, you should know
About this, don’t go to a fortune teller,
And now name five things,
Necessary for fishing

Now you must show
How flexible are you?
Your fantasy is to dance with a chair
Funny and erotic.

Perhaps this role is for you
A little unusual
Your fant - sing a ditty now
Of course, more decently

Your forfeit is quite simple at first glance,
But it will arouse general interest -
Tell us the height of the hero of the day,
And also guess its weight.

You are lucky, you got a simple phantom -
You must stand on your right leg,
And holding my left leg with my hand,
Raise a toast in honor of our hero of the day.

You must drink without reserve
A glass for the birthday girl,
I'll let everyone line up in order
And dance the cancan together

Your phantom is to become a conductor for a short time,
Quickly organize all the guests,
So that, by order of the hero of the day, in chorus
Sing all table songs.

Your forfeit: in the art of achievement
Show your guests to everyone,
Standing in the center of the hall, with an expression
Tell a poem!

As a sign of friendship and mutual respect
To your neighbor or neighbor,
Pour wine and loudly with expression,
Read everything that is on the label.

Your forfeit is successful, let’s say in secret -
Organize a model show,
And comment on the show at the same time,
And recruit fashion models from among the guests.

You need to compose a composition
From fruits on the table "He and She"
Add your own explanations to it
And announce who it’s dedicated to.

You should applaud
For the hero of the day, in her honor
Come up with a fax from the President
In her name and read it.

Such a responsibility, except for you,
No one else can do it.
Your forfeit - on behalf of the guests now
Say “Thank you” to the hostess of the celebration