A comic interview with substitution of questions. Interview for the New Year Questions for a family interview for the New Year


This article contains a New Year's version of the well-known table game “Questions and Answers”. The presenter approaches the guests one by one and asks them questions. Players draw pre-prepared answer cards at random from a hat (or a beautifully decorated box) and read them out loud. I tried to make a selection so that any question and answer would be funny and, as they say, on topic. Hope you enjoy it.

Presenter's questions:

  1. Do you have the habit of kissing everyone at New Year's parties?
  2. Rowdy in New Year's Eve– is this about you?
  3. Do you like to meet New Year in the forest under the tree?
  4. Is it true that your old dream is to dance a striptease at a corporate party?
  5. Have you ever fallen asleep and snored at the New Year's table?
  6. Do you like to dance non-stop all New Year's Eve?
  7. Is it true that before every New Year you get a tattoo?
  8. Do you like to be naughty on New Year's Eve?
  9. Have you often eaten so much on New Year's Day that you couldn't leave the table?
  10. Do you like to scream songs under other people's windows on New Year's Eve?
  11. Do you like to keep track of who ate how much at the holiday table?
  12. Do you often celebrate New Year dressed as a clown?
  13. Do you love after New Year's feast wash dirty dishes?
  14. It gives you pleasure to select New Year's gifts at the kids?
  15. Are you ready to squander all your money on New Year's gifts?
  16. Do you often wake up on the morning of January 1st in a snowdrift?
  17. Do you secretly dream of a love adventure on New Year's Eve with a stranger?
  18. Is it true that you like to gossip about the outfits of those present at the New Year holidays?
  19. Do you like to pester those present with your boring thoughts about life on New Year's Eve?
  20. Is it true that you consider yourself the most beautiful (the most beautiful) among all those present?

Answer cards:

  1. Yes, sometimes I make small weaknesses.
  2. Come on, I don’t even dare think about it.
  3. It's over, but only for good money.
  4. We are all not without sin!
  5. I admit, this is my favorite activity.
  6. Certainly! What's wrong with that?
  7. Don’t you think you haven’t been to a doctor for a long time, since you’re asking me such ridiculous questions?!
  8. Well, once a year I can afford it.
  9. Questions like these give me a migraine.
  10. Yes, although it’s embarrassing to admit it.
  11. I would love to, but my friends forbid me to do this.
  12. Alas, this is just my dream...
  13. It happens somehow by itself.
  14. How did you find out about this, I asked you not to disclose this?
  15. Yes, but less often than I would like.
  16. Yes, especially when I eat a lot.
  17. Yes, especially after New Year's banquets.
  18. No, but I’m ready to try it with you.
  19. Ugh, how vulgar that is!
  20. Yes, yes and yes again!

New Year's Eve - best time to summarize and build future plans. However, this great opportunity often simply ignored, justifying indifference by lack of free time and other reasons. In fact, the reluctance to take the time to summarize is explained by the fear of being honest with oneself. It is worth taking more seriously the understanding of the events that occurred in the past year. There is a list of questions before the New Year that everyone should ask themselves.

A list of questions before the New Year that everyone should ask themselves

Just the word “results” sounds quite threatening to many, because this is what requires global achievements from us. It is the burden of responsibility that acts as the main obstacle to frank communication with oneself. To simplify this task, you can use the help of questions before the New Year that will help you better understand yourself.

These questions were proposed in the book “My 5 Years. 365 questions, 1825 answers. Diary". All answers must be written down, no one should see them. After a year, take a look at them - thanks to this, you will be able to figure out how much you were able to change during this time, what you were able to achieve, and what you were not able to achieve.

We bring to your attention 30 questions before the New Year that definitely need to be answered.

Question No. 1. What color was this year?

Question No. 2. Which main news of the passing year?

Question No. 3. This year's anthem is...?

Question No. 4. The best moment of the year is...?

Question No. 5. The most important people in my life.

Question No. 6. This year my source of inspiration was...

Question No. 7. In whose arms did I fall asleep?

Question No. 8. The biggest challenges of this year.

Question No. 9. An event this year that I want to remember forever.

Question No. 10. The word I said most often.

Question No. 12. It was a great year thanks to...

Question No. 13. Experiments with... were unnecessary.

Question No. 14. What internal problem did I successfully solve this year?

Question No. 15. Whose wedding did I attend?

Question No. 16. My average salary this year was...

Question No. 17. A new business that I started this year.

Question No. 18. Was there a conversation this year that changed everything in my head?

Question No. 19. What would I do if I became a superhero for 1 day?

Question No. 20. My main achievement is...

Question No. 21. The last message I sent.

Question No. 22. A quote that is appropriate for this year.

Question No. 23. A phrase that characterizes this year.

Question No. 24. What am I dreaming about?

Question No. 25. Was everything accomplished that was planned for this year?

Question No. 26. The person or people I helped this year.

Question No. 27. How many new friends have I made this year?

Question No. 28. Places I've visited.

Question No. 29. Things that had to be postponed until next year.

Question No. 30. What do I want to achieve in the new year?

Questions before the New Year, or rather, answers to them, will help you look at your life in a completely different way and give impetus for decisive action.

"New Year" doesn't really exist. Every adult understands that this is a convention that was invented by Julius Caesar back in 46 BC. e. Since then, many changes have occurred regarding the date and style of celebration, but the habit of making wishes and waiting for changes has taken root. We all hope for something in a single impulse, burning pieces of paper with the treasured text and throwing the ashes into champagne. But this is not always enough.

In order for the New Year to be different from the past one better side, ask yourself these 5 questions. You will find the recipe for happiness in your own answers.

What moment of the past year was the happiest for me?

In answer to the question, you will give precise definition what brings you joy and positive emotions. Sometimes we forget that best moments do not always repeat themselves, they must be repeated. And as it turns out, this is not so difficult to do. In order for you to live on the positive side in the New Year, increase the share of actions that bring you sincere pleasure. Perhaps this is meeting with friends, traveling, meeting new people, or mastering an unfamiliar sport. Whatever it is - repeat!

What people can I call close?

When answering this question, try to move away from generally accepted stereotypes. We often write down as close people all our relatives or those friends with whom we have not spoken on the phone for years. In order to understand which people are really close, you need to calculate with which of them you have mutual interest in each other and joint plans for the future. If you don’t find any, look for them in the new year. There are many options for searching: close people can be found among like-minded people and friends. A significant other will become a close person if you look at the world with the same eyes and are sincerely interested in each other’s hobbies.

What activity was unusual for me in the past year?

Think about it, have you ever done something truly new? Taking a step into the unknown will help you discover new facets of your personality. If such actions have not been observed, be sure to include at least one similar behavior in your plans for the future. next year. New includes not only the development of previously unknown computer program or job change. Any unusual action will help you cheer up: from finding new routes to your destination (work, university) to making new acquaintances.

What was the hardest thing for me?

Find the answer to this question, and most importantly, trace what the execution of this difficult task led to (having a difficult conversation/experiencing difficult emotions). Catharsis comes not during the struggle, but after it, when you look back and realize that you have become stronger.

My biggest stupidity?

Did you answer the question? Now think again. The insidiousness of the question lies in the fact that our “I” very successfully masks contradictions. How often in “stupidity” we write down something that is not at all what causes real damage.
Do you think you don't earn enough? Contradiction! It doesn't happen that way. Either you are not competent to receive big prize, or are not decisive enough to talk to management or find new job. Your significant other is unbearable and you are golden? Contradiction! If you are gold, then why are you still with her? Maybe you just turned a blind eye to your own mistakes or forgot about the merits of the person you once fell in love with? Using this scheme, you can analyze all the “discontents”. After it, you will find out what exactly needs to be changed to get a different result. Pleasant and long-awaited.

Interview results

Be sure to write down your answers. If you have been frank, you will see a unfolded “map” of your life, where the territory of your power is ( happy moments), the territory of your inspiration (close people), the area of ​​development (if you take on new things, this indicates that you are open to success, if you don’t take it on, start taking it on), the area of ​​faith (in yourself and what you able to withstand a blow or successfully avoid it). Your self-criticism will be a dotted line on the map. Can you see the contradictions between what you want and what you do? If so, you can refuse to make wishes during the chimes. You already know what you are missing, and you can get it in the next 365 days.

Interviews are one of the most rewarding types of content.

You select questions, send them to the hero, receive answers, format them and go to print! Of course, this is a superficial scheme for creating an interview. In fact, this is an independent and vibrant content format. And on the blog it looks very advantageous against the background of the usual articles, guides and news.

We have already prepared several materials on the topic of the interview. Now let's talk about the important stage preparing for an interview - about questions.

When studying a hero, you want to ask him important and thorny issues simultaneously. I would like the interview not to be boring, banal and typical. I want the reader to swallow it, savoring every letter, every line.

And at such moments, there is a really lacking selection of interview questions at hand that can be tailored to an individual character.

Interview Questions: 60 Templates

  1. Tell us about yourself and your business.
  2. How would you describe yourself in a few words?
  3. When did you decide to become_____ and why?
  4. What led you specifically to __________?
  5. What was the impetus for _________?
  6. What were the first steps?
  7. What are the pros and cons of being a _______?
  8. Describe your greatest achievement and most impressive failure?
  9. Describe three of your achievements?
  10. Are there times when you lose inspiration (lose faith in yourself, in your business)?
  11. Describe your work environment?
  12. Are you planning to change _______?
  13. What are your plans in _______?
  14. What is the secret to success in _____?
  15. How did you manage to achieve success in _______?
  16. What are your favorite books (movies, dishes)?
  17. What would you never do in life?
  18. Can it be said that ______?
  19. By what principle do you ______?
  20. Did you come to this position yourself or ______?
  21. How have you changed since _______?
  22. Do you love your job (business, product, service, cause)?
  23. What do you like to do in your free time?
  24. How to make ________?
  25. What advice can you give to newcomers (employees, readers)?
  26. When are you in last time _________?
  27. What interests you besides _____ and ________?
  28. How do you take a break from ____?
  29. How did you come up with the idea to organize ________?
  30. Did you do _____ on your own or with support?
  31. How often do you ________?
  32. What do you think ________ is?
  33. In your opinion, what qualities should _____ have?
  34. Are you being yourself while doing your job, or is this a PR stunt?
  35. What is the share of luck and luck in your project?
  36. Do you have your own motto or mission?
  37. You have already achieved a lot in your profession, has popularity changed you?
  38. How much time do you devote to ______?
  39. Why do you think such a point of view has formed in society (in the market, in a company, on forums, on the Internet)?
  40. What was the most difficult thing for you?
  41. Tell us step by step what needs to be done to _________?
  42. Where should a newcomer start if he wants to follow in your footsteps?
  43. What professional advice can you give to those who are just starting to develop in _______?
  44. What pitfalls might there be in your field?
  45. Is it difficult to do something that brings you money? What does it cost you?
  46. How did your first success come to you?
  47. How do others perceive your development (work, changes)?
  48. Where do you look for your customers (clients, buyers, investors, partners)?
  49. Don't you want to throw everything away and start something completely new?
  50. Tell us the TOP 5 most effective tactics(tips, tips, tricks, secrets, methods) in _______?
  51. What is your opinion on this question: ___________?
  52. Form your attitude towards life (business, family, colleagues, employees) in five words?
  53. What is the main expertise of a person at your level?
  54. Was it difficult to give up _______ (free time, stability, career growth)?
  55. Are you always this open (closed, aggressive, optimistic, fast)?
  56. How would you rate yourself as _______?
  57. Have you ever professional activity overstep your principles?
  58. In any business there are turning points. Which ones did you have?
  59. What hinders your life and what helps?
  60. What are your dreams?

Of course, these questions relate more to a personal interview rather than a professional interview. But in any case, each of them can lead to a chain of new ideas, which will eventually turn into a full-fledged conversation scenario.

New Year's Comic Interview with substitution of questions

A comic interview with substitution of questions at the prom

Wedding Funny Interview with substitution of questions

Fake questions for wedding interviews.

Please introduce yourself.
Name an extremely rare female (male) name.
Name an inedible mushroom: Pale……..
Continue the sentence: Basilio the Cat and…..
Name the great Russian empress.
Give the name of the cat or dog.
What was the name of the old woman from the cartoon about Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena?
The title of a film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger about a combat robot.
A character from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh and Piglet (it was his birthday).
Name the Indian's nickname.
What does a girl call a mature rich man who supports her?
Wide famous hero cartoon, in which there are characters such as Piglet, Eeyore
Leader of the Cossacks?
To the cream. in jargon, the leader of a criminal group who has authority.
Name the Russian Tsar
Name the famous French emperor.

What do you think: who will give the least amount of money to newlyweds today?
What is the name of the brother (sister) of the bride (groom)?
What is the name of the groom's (bride's) godmother?
What is the name of the famous Russian poet, author of “Eugene Onegin”?
What are the names of the parents of the bride (groom)?
John Paul 2, Pontiff, what is he also called? (PAPA R…..)
Who is the President of Russia?
Name the leader of the LDPR?
What is the “golden voice of Russia”?
Name your favorite singer or singer.
Who hosts the program at the wedding?
Who serves the festive table at a wedding?

What do you think: what did the bride say when the groom proposed to her?
What exclamation will come from your lips when you become the winner of the main prize of the wedding evening?

Where would you advise newlyweds to go on vacation on their honeymoon?
Name any city in the far north or Siberia? ...a country in Asia? In Africa
Continue the phrase: I’ll take you away……..
Where do astronauts fly?
They usually hang out there, they often send people there. Where are they being sent?
Say the phrase in full: To Kudykina Mountain, to steal.....

What song do you think the newlyweds will dance their first dance to today?
Sing one line from any song.

Do you know: where the bride and groom met?
Where do the prisoners sit?
Where are the traffic cops hiding?
Where can you now get information on any request?
Where do they steam and whip with brooms?
Where do homeless people seek refuge?
Where are crimes solved?
Where did you first try alcoholic drinks?
Where do you usually meet your guests?
Where did the heroes of the film “Station for Two” meet?

What holiday is today?
Name a holiday that you do not usually celebrate.
Name your favorite holiday.

What will you give to the newlyweds?
Name one of the items of underwear?
Name the brand of an expensive car?
What did Gleb Zhiglov promise to Gorbaty instead of Sharapov?
Say it completely catchphrase: “The key to the apartment where...”
How much does it cost to travel on the metro?
How much do you think it will cost the newlyweds to go on their honeymoon?
Name the place of residence of a city person.
Name a remedy for indigestion.

What treats will be on the tables?
Which alcoholic drink is it brewed in villages?
What do they serve for lunch in prison (film “Gentlemen of Fortune”)?
Name a nut that grows in Africa.
A drink common in prisons.
Liquid from pickles called...
Name the type of first course.
Name the food that monkeys, rabbits, horses, chickens, sheep, hippos, and birds eat.
What's your favorite dish?
What food do you take with you to the beach?
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?

Describe the groom.
Describe the homeless man, Bruce Willis, Jackie Chan, Jean Claude van Damme, Winnie the Pooh, Boyarsky, John Travolta, the president, a real knight, a ladies' man, Karabas Barabas, a horseman, a new Russian.

Describe the bride.
Describe the old woman Shapoklyak, Pippi Longstocking, Marilyn Monroe, Anfisa Chekhova, the Queen of England, Jennifer Lopez, Alice the Fox, Miss World.

Show us how the newlyweds will dance their first dance?
Dance the duckling dance, hava nagila, apple, gypsy, belly dance, Russian squat, gan gam style, Caucasian dance, twist.

Congratulate the newlyweds!

Fake questions for interviews at a New Year's corporate party.

(Questions that will be asked during editing of the video are marked in red. They do not need to be asked. Ask those below).

The success of your company, what does it depend on?

  • What determines the amount of temporary disability benefits?
  • What determines the price of a barrel of oil?
  • What determines the sex of a child at conception?
  • What does the ruble exchange rate depend on?
  • What determines the color of the yolk in a chicken egg?
  • What determines the mood of employees during the New Year holiday?
  • what does it depend on vocabulary person?
  • What does your salary depend on?
  • what determines your desire to perform an amateur performance at New Year's corporate party?
  • what does your career growth in the company?
  • What does your mood depend on?

How do you affectionately call your employees?

  • What are the names of famous women who are successful in " upper strata» societies: Secular……?
  • What do you call young cows that have never calved?

What do women call their male employees?

  • Inedible mushrooms?

If your bosses ban alcohol at a New Year's corporate party, what will you drink?

  • A drink obtained by boiling highly concentrated tea leaves. Causes addiction. Distributed in places of detention.
  • A deadly white powder, one of the most insidious drugs known to mankind.
  • How much do you think the New Year's corporate party will cost?
  • How much is Abramovich's net worth estimated?
  • How much does it cost to travel by metro?
  • How much do you think a holiday per person in Egypt will cost for the New Year?
  • How much did a call from a payphone cost in the USSR?
  • Name a salary that would suit you?

What do your colleagues call you?

  • Name any (male, female) nickname of an Indian that you know?
  • This mushroom is called: pale...?
  • Name a common name for dogs and cats.
  • What was the name of the bearded character from the fairy tale about Pinocchio?
  • Title of the film starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gierre
  • Name the Indian's nickname
  • Name the cat or dog
  • Hero famous film about the Italian mafia?
  • Leader of the Cossacks?

What do they give you on payday if there is no money in the cash register?

  • In the film, did Gleb Zhiglov promise this to Gorbatom instead of Sharapov?
  • What is the name in one word for laboratory tests that will allow us to draw a conclusion about current state patient's health?
  • It is given, but it is not always followed. What is this?
  • Your promotion has been leaked, when will it happen?
  • A saying about inclement weather in the second half of the week?
  • A saying about someone whistling on a hill?
  • When will it become warm in Moscow apartments? When will housing and communal services do what?
  • Give me some advice: when to change tires on cars?

What affectionate name do you call your Boss?

  • A very poisonous mushroom, not so dangerous because it is easily distinguished from everyone else edible mushrooms bright red color.
  • Is that what a girl calls a mature, rich man who supports her?
  • A well-known cartoon character, which includes characters such as Piglet, Eeyore?
  • The hero of the famous film about the Italian mafia?
  • Leader of the Cossacks?
  • To the cream. jargon leader of a criminal group; criminal having power, authority.
  • A bearded character from the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio.”

What do your employees do when new year holidays are over, and there are still 2 weeks until payday?

  • What do bears do in their den in winter?
  • What do migratory birds do in the fall?
  • What do the so-called “safecrackers” do?
  • The state in which drunken people go into ....?
  • Bears go to .... in winter?
  • What do hackers do?
  • What do traffic cops do while lying in ambush?

Fake interview questions for a woman's anniversary.

(Questions that will be asked during editing of the video are marked in red. They do not need to be asked. Ask those below).

What was the name of the old woman from the cartoon about Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile?

What was the name of the bearded character from the fairy tale about Pinocchio?

Title of the film starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gierre

The name of the film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger about a combat robot with artificial intelligence

A character from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, it was his birthday

Name the Indian's nickname

Name the cat or dog

Is that what a girl calls a mature, rich man who supports her?

A well-known cartoon character, which includes characters such as Piglet, Eeyore?

The hero of the famous film about the Italian mafia?

Leader of the Cossacks?

To the cream. jargon leader of a criminal group; criminal having power, authority.

How are you related to the birthday girl?

  • Continue logical chain. There is a brother, and there is a cousin....?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a sister, and there is a cousin...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a neighbor, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a neighbor, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a grandmother, and there is ....?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a grandfather, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a granddaughter, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a grandson, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a daughter, and there is….?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a son, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a drinking companion, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a matchmaker, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a matchmaker, and there is...?

Describe the birthday girl!

  • Alla Pugacheva, seductress of men, Ksenia Sobchak, Verka Serduchka
  • describe the heroine of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, the old woman Shapoklyak, the Housekeeper from the fairy tale about Carlson,

What did the birthday girl dream of becoming as a child?

  • Who would you never agree to work for?
  • Name a rare profession
  • What did you dream of becoming as a child?

Where did you meet the birthday girl?

  • Where are the traffic cops hiding?
  • Where does a bear spend the winter?
  • Where do penguins live
  • Where do the artists perform?
  • Where do mushrooms grow?

The main advantage of the birthday girl?

  • what quality should a real woman have?
  • what is the most important quality, in your opinion, in a stripper, in an actress, in Zhirinovsky, in the President of Russia, in a woman, in a man, in an athlete, in an Olympic champion,

What do you secretly affectionately call the birthday girl?

  • What is it called famous woman, having success in the “upper strata” of society: Secular ......?
  • What is the name of a Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted doll, inside of which there are similar smaller dolls?
  • What is the name of the animal that gives milk?
  • Goat is masculine, but what about female?
  • Timatiti’s song “Listen, what are you....”... try to sing it

What surprise do you think awaits the birthday girl at home?

  • Are they airy, French, passionate?
  • What are palm strikes to the back, lower part of the head called?
  • Your favorite fruits, sweets
  • List remedies for headache relief
  • Famous singer, King of the Russian stage
  • Famous American actor, sex symbol

What song does the birthday girl like to sing?

  • Remember your least favorite song.

What does the birthday girl do at work?

  • Does the bear go to .... in winter?
  • What does a hacker do?
  • What does a bodybuilder do?


Fake interview questions for a man's anniversary.

(Questions that will be asked during editing of the video are marked in red. They do not need to be asked. Ask those below).

Hello, please introduce yourself!

  • Name the famous singer.
  • What was the name of the old woman from the cartoon about Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile?
  • Name an inedible red mushroom? Pale……..
  • Title of the film starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gierre
  • Name the Indian's nickname
  • Name the cat or dog
  • The name of the film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger about a combat robot
  • Is that what a girl calls a mature, rich man who supports her?
  • A well-known cartoon character, which includes characters such as Piglet, Eeyore?
  • The hero of the famous film about the Italian mafia?
  • Leader of the Cossacks?
  • To the cream. jargon leader of a criminal group; criminal having power, authority.
  • What was the name of the bearded character from the fairy tale about Pinocchio?
  • A character from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, it was his birthday

How are you related to the hero of the day?

  • Continue the logical chain. There is a sister, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a grandmother, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a neighbor, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a groom, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a drinking buddy, and there is....?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a partner, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a partner, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a classmate, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a father-in-law, and there is...?
  • Continue the logical chain. There is a classmate, and there is...?

Describe the hero of the day!

  • describe the hero of the fairy tale Karabas-Barabas
  • describe the cartoon character Winnie the Pooh
  • describe the New Russian
  • describe the president of Russia
  • describe Superman
  • describe a person of no fixed abode
  • describe the hero of the fairy tale Duremar
  • describe the cartoon character Leopold the Cat
  • describe Stas Mikhailov
  • describe Santa Claus
  • describe the Russian hero Ilya Muromets
  • describe the ladies man
  • describe a real ideological Komsomol member
  • describe a modern pirate
  • describe the hero of the fairy tale Basilio the Cat

What did the hero of the day dream of becoming as a child?

  • What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  • Name an extremely rare profession

Where did you meet the hero of the day?

  • Where are the traffic cops hiding?
  • Where does a bear spend the winter?
  • Where do penguins live
  • Where do strippers perform?
  • Where did the docking of Soyuz and Apollo take place?
  • Where do mushrooms grow?
  • Where can you get any information today?
  • Where are disadvantaged teenagers registered?
  • Where do the prisoners sit?
  • Where it's always hot
  • Where it's always cold
  • Where lies the leader of the proletariat
  • Where can I sing songs?
  • Where do the ships go?
  • Where Robinson Crusoe lived for 28 years
  • Where friends met on December 1 in the film “The Irony of Fate”

The main advantage of the hero of the day?

Name the quality that a stripper, actor, president of Russia, athlete, Olympic champion has, ladies' man, seducer of women, wine taster, body builder, football player, fitness trainer,

What do you secretly affectionately call the hero of the day?

  • Name the cutest animal in your opinion
  • Goat is feminine, but how will it be masculine?
  • What is the diminutive form of the word "naughty"
  • Does this word literally mean "male male" in Spanish?
  • Mainly a northern-dwelling horned, artiodactyl mammal?
  • What is a male domestic goat called?
  • He has been teased with this word since school, but does he move our lives forward?
  • He considers himself very smart, they just, you see, are unlucky in life, but in reality he is a loser? A person who is socially unsuccessful.
  • Inedible red mushroom?
  • Male individual, the first three letters are “SAM”?
  • A large bird of the hawk family?
  • Falcons are plural. What will it be like in the only one?

What surprise do you think awaits the hero of the day at home?

  • Are they airy, French, passionate?
  • What are palm strikes to the back, lower part of the head called?
  • They are given, but they are not always followed. What is this?
  • How do they decorate the hall during a wedding? What could it be?
  • List common alcoholic drinks...
  • Your favorite fruits, sweets
  • List remedies for headache relief
  • Famous singer, ladies' man
  • Famous singer, golden voice of Russia
  • Famous singer, Queen of Russian pop music
  • Famous American actress, sex symbol

What song does the hero of the day like to hum when he goes (drives) to work!

Sing a couple of lines from the song: Oh God, what a man, And I’m walking like this all in Dolce Habana, I wish everyone to be healthy, Let them run clumsily, Oh the frost is frosty, Am I to blame, There are so many lights, And we don’t dream about the roar, Oh what woman, glass of vodka on the table, Lai la,

What does the hero of the day do at work?

  • What does a bear do in its den in winter?
  • What does a migratory bird do in the fall?
  • What does a so-called “safecracker” do?
  • The state in which a drunken person goes into ....?
  • Does the bear go to .... in winter?
  • What does a hacker do?
  • What does a student do during recess?
  • What does a bodybuilder do?

How will you dance at your anniversary?

  • Show how a person who grabs a bare wire shakes.
  • I know that you have excellent control over your body. Show off some fancy moves.
  • Dance Apple, Gypsy, Seven Forty, Quadrille, Sirtaki, Twist, Belly Dance, from Pulp Fiction, Michael Jackson Moonwalk

Your congratulations to the hero of the day!

Mock questions for prom interviews.

(Questions that will be asked during editing of the video are marked in red. They do not need to be asked. Ask those below).

Hello, please introduce yourself!

  • Name the cat or dog
  • — Name the famous singer.
  • Character red-haired girl with pigtails and stockings
  • Character girl with blue hair
  • The character is a girl who carried pies through the forest to her grandmother
  • What was the name of the old woman from the cartoon about Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena?
  • Name an inedible red mushroom? Pale……..
  • Title of the film starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gierre
  • The name of the film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger about a combat robot with artificial intelligence
  • A character from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, it was his birthday
  • Name the Indian's nickname
  • The name of the coolest rapper
  • The character who left his grandfather, grandmother and everyone else except the fox
  • Character from the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command”
  • What was the name of the bearded character from the fairy tale about Pinocchio?
  • Is that what a girl calls a mature, rich man who supports her?
  • A well-known cartoon character, which includes characters such as Piglet, Eeyore?
  • The hero of the famous film about the Italian mafia?
  • Leader of the Cossacks?
  • To the cream. jargon leader of a criminal group; criminal having power, authority.

What do you affectionately call your classmates?

  • What are the names of famous women who are successful in the “upper strata” of society: Secular......?
  • What are the names of animals that give milk?
  • What is the name of the movie starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts?
  • What are the names of Russian wooden toys in the form of a painted doll, inside of which there are similar smaller dolls?
  • What do you call young cows that have never calved?

What do graduates affectionately call their classmates?

  • Does this word literally mean "male male" in Spanish?
  • Are they mostly horned, artiodactyl mammals living in the north?
  • What are male domestic goats called?
  • They have been teased with this word since school, but do they move our lives forward?
  • They consider themselves very smart, they just, you see, are unlucky in life, but in reality they are losers? People who are socially unsuccessful.
  • Inedible mushrooms?
  • Male person in the plural?
  • Large birds of the hawk family?
  • Falcon is in singular. What will it be like in plural?
  • What are the names of animals that climb trees?

Describe your class teacher!

describe Alla Pugacheva, Ksenia Sobchak, Verka Serduchka, Snow Queen, old woman Shapoklyak, Housekeeper from the fairy tale about Carlson, Angelina Jolie, Pippi Long Stocking, Angela Merkel, Keira Knightley, Marilyn Monroe, Maria Sharapova, Hillary Clinton, Baba Yaga.

What do you affectionately call the school principal?

  • Name the cutest animal in your opinion
  • What is the diminutive form of the word "naughty"
  • Inedible red mushroom
  • Angelina Jolie's husband
  • What is the name of the character who lives on the roof?
  • What does the driver press to stop the car?
  • failure - how else can I say it?

The main advantage of a class teacher?

Name the quality possessed by an actress, the President of Russia, an athlete, an Olympic champion, a wine taster, a body builder, a football player, a fitness trainer, a fashion model, a doctor of sciences, a school principal,

How did you get to graduation?

  • What does Baba Yaga fly on?
  • What is the biker riding?
  • How are patients transported to the hospital?
  • What is the cyclist riding?
  • What is the taxi driver driving?
  • What is the groom riding on?
  • What do astronauts fly on?
  • What do pilots fly?
  • Who did the cartoon lion cub decide to ride?
  • What do newlyweds bring to the registry office?
  • What do you use most often to travel?

Name your dream profession

  • Name an extremely rare profession

What are your plans for graduation?

  • What do you think should not be done in public places?

Who is the smartest graduate?

  • Name the last letter of the alphabet.

How will you have fun at prom?

  • Show a couple of moves from any dance.

Your wishes to your classmates!