Semantics and functioning of units of the lexical-semantic field "Lachen" (laughter) in the German language. Russian word stress


Definition of laughter

Let's look at the definition of “laughter” in various dictionaries.

The classic dictionary interpretation goes like this: laughter is characteristic, intermittent throat sounds caused by short exhalation movements when showing fun, joy, pleasure, etc. IN explanatory dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozhegov we find a similar definition: laughter is abrupt characteristic sounds expressing the fullness of pleasure, joy, fun or other feelings, accompanied by short and strong exhalation movements (Ozhegov: 638).

1. Short and strong exhalation movements when open mouth, accompanied by characteristic intermittent sounds that occur in a person when he experiences any feelings (mainly when experiencing joy, fun, when observing or imagining something funny, absurd, comic, as well as during some nervous shocks);

2. these sounds themselves: There was laughter. Burst with laughter. Joyful, cheerful laughter. Evil, bitter laughter. Triumphant laughter. Hysterical laughter.

The Sociocultural Dictionary also gives two meanings:

2. Something funny, worthy of ridicule (colloquial): This is not an activity, but just laughter.

There are more precise definition laughter: laughter is a complex act consisting of modified respiratory movements in connection with a certain facial expressions. As for the former, when laughing after a sigh there follows not one, but a whole series lasting sometimes for a long time short spasmodic exhalation with an open glottis. If vocal cords At the same time, they are brought into oscillatory movements, then a loud, ringing laugh is obtained - laughter; if the ligaments remain at rest, then the laughter is quiet, silent - a smile.

As for facial expressions when laughing, it is determined by the reduction of certain groups facial muscles, giving the face famous expression characteristic of a laughing person. There are many similarities in changes in breathing and facial expressions during laughter and crying or sobs, as a result of which these states, with outside, can be mixed with each other, and in children these conditions even easily transform into each other (Wikipedia)

There are also other, one might say, fictional definitions of laughter, such as:

1. Laughter is an emotionally triggered physiological reaction.

2. Laughter is a physiological reaction to intense joy, rejoicing from the fact that the one laughing is higher on the scale of prestige, and someone else is lower. The scale of prestige is the main one in society. The subject experiences pride and contempt for his opponent, expressing it verbally and paraverbally (Sisalieva).

3. Involuntary laughter in some circumstances is a psychological defense similar to “forgetting the unpleasant” or “aggression due to powerlessness or fear” (A. Bergson).

The historian and theorist of Soviet film comedy R. Yurenev listed as follows: various types laughter. Laughter can be “joyful and sad, kind and angry, smart and stupid, proud and sincere, condescending and ingratiating, contemptuous and frightened, insulting and encouraging, arrogant and timid, friendly and hostile, ironic and simple-minded, sarcastic and naive, affectionate and rude, significant and unreasonable, triumphant and justifying, shameless and embarrassed, cheerful and sad, nervous, hysterical, mocking, physiological, animal, etc.” (Yurenev: 8). For the most part, laughter reveals joy, the radiance of a person’s soul.

Linguistics is primarily interested in the role played by laughter in linguistic mediation: the constitution of the meaning of an utterance, the features of text generation, the specifics of selection linguistic means expressions, problems of laughter hermeneutics, achieving mutual understanding in cross-cultural communications. These and other problems justify the relevance of considering the problems of comedy and laughter, and developing a specifically linguistic theory of the funny - linguistic gelotology. How does Laughter fit into the linguistic picture of the world? What place does it occupy in the existential triad of Being - Language - Man? Is it possible to give a specifically linguistic definition of laughter and develop its linguistic theory?

Undoubtedly, in the linguistic theory of laughter it is necessary to take into account the semiotic uniqueness of the latter. What else does it contain? language specifics laughter? The otherness of the laughter world is clearly manifested in its ambivalence. “True laughter, ambivalent and universal, does not deny seriousness, but purifies and replenishes it. Clears from dogmatism, one-sidedness, ossification, from fanaticism and categoricalness, from elements of fear or intimidation, from didacticism, from naivety and illusions, from bad one-dimensionality and unambiguity, from stupid exhaustion. Laughter does not allow seriousness to freeze and break away from the incomplete integrity of being. He restores this ambivalent integrity. These are the general functions of laughter in historical development culture and literature" (Likhachev: 134-135).

Axiologically, laughter has a positive value, but it is ambiguous.

Laughter is an integral part of our life; when we laugh, we truly live. We offer you a selection of positive statuses about humor, laughter and smiling. Let them cheer you and your friends up! Read sayings and aphorisms about laughter, and most importantly, don’t forget to smile and give a smile to the world!

They say that laughter prolongs life. Whatever you say, there is some truth in this aphorism. Today there is even a science of laughter healing, founded by Norman Cousins. It all started when Cousins ​​heard a fatal diagnosis from doctors. From then on, he began to regularly lock himself in his room and watch comedies. That's when a miracle happened - he recovered. This is in once again proves that laughter better medicine, and not only from problems, bad mood, but also about the ailments themselves.

Unlike laughter, a smile can be sly. It’s much more difficult to laugh, dishonestly, but smiling is as easy as shelling pears. Don’t be disingenuous, give others only a sincere smile, the kind that a child can give. After all, children's laughter and smile are the most sincere and good-natured. Learn to overcome all difficulties with a smile and enjoy life the way children do.

A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, joyfully surprised, sympathetic, wishing well, if you have not been able to make him smile wisely and kindly, he will laugh evilly, his laughter will be a mockery.

Laughter is an integral part of childhood.

Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it.

Laugh with your friends, not at them, and your friendship will last forever.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of incomplete higher education.

People with completed education always have a reason to laugh - the size of their salary...)

Humor is truth in life-safe doses.

Doses are safe as long as dark humor does not begin...

Those who often die of laughter live longer.

When we laugh until we die, we prolong our life.

Humor and laughter - along with love - are the main components of a healthy life.

Do you want to be healthy? Never let laughter out of your life!

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from a person's face.

If you want warmth, then it's time to smile.

Don't lose your sense of humor. Humor is to a person what fragrance is to a rose.

A person who has a sense of humor can come out of any situation gracefully.

Quotes from great people

Good laughter is sunlight in the house (William Thackeray).

Without laughter, the house will be cloudy even on the sunniest day.

Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter (Japanese proverb).

Give each other a smile, laugh more often and open the doors to happiness!

As long as we laugh, we're fine (Saul Bellow).

A man lives as long as he laughs.

Double be filled with kindness
And, so as not to offend anyone,
When you laugh loudly,
Be able to see through the wall with your heart (E. Yevtushenko).

Never laugh at something that causes pain.

Laugh with others, not at others (Elbert Greene Hubbard).

Laughter exists to lighten the mood, not to make fun of someone.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people (Victor Borzhe).

If you want to get closer, smile at each other!

He who never laughs at himself misses a lot great occasions laugh (Sarah Duncan).

Sometimes your own actions can be a great reason to laugh.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness (Belarusian proverb).

Fools are known to be happy, so let's laugh!

Laughter is the most powerful weapon in defeating anger (Gregory Nazianzus).

When a person is overcome by anger, you just need to make him laugh.

Crazy and contagious laughter

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning.

It's better to get infected with laughter than the flu!

Some people have such an infectious laugh that when they laugh, you laugh too, without even knowing what they are talking about...

Laughter without understanding the essence is a great way to spend time)

It happens that there is no time for laughter here,
And before our eyes you deteriorate without a mood
The moment will jump, splashes of laughter will flow,
Then you will take it and, without hesitation, you will laugh.

Let everyone have more reasons to laugh!

The boss has the most contagious laugh!

Especially when he gives out a salary...)

A sharp look, an infectious laugh!
Slim figure (ugh, ugh, ugh, so as not to jinx it!)
And let modesty adorn only those
Who has nothing else to decorate themselves with!

Contagious laughter attracts more than any jewelry!

Contagious laughter has a healing effect on painful sadness.

If you want to feel like a doctor, infect people with your laughter and heal them of sadness...)

About laughter and smile

All the joy of life fits in the smile of a child!

A child's smile is the most precious diamond!

Life is a smile even when tears run down your cheek...

And if tears of laughter flow down your cheeks, it means you live in paradise.

A smile costs nothing, but it is highly appreciated...

Appreciate those who give you their smile.

Smile when there are clouds in the sky.
Smile - when there is bad weather in your soul.
Smile... and you will immediately feel better.

Smile, and everything will be like in the song: “A smile will make everyone brighter...”)))

Let's smile more often
So that the mouth is right up to the ears.
And burst into ringing laughter,
Like three year olds.

Learn to enjoy life from children...)

There is nothing genuine left in the world, with the exception of a child's smile.


Laugh whom. Alt., Arch., Prikam. Make fun of, make fun of someone. AOC 4, 83; SRGA 1, 152; MFS, 13.

Into laughter. Eagle Not seriously, just as a joke. SOG 1989, 97.

Homeric laughter. Cm. Homeric laughter (LAUGHT).

Free laughter. Arch. About smb. very funny. AOC 10, 267.

[And] laughter and sin (grief). Razg. About what.-l. tragicomic, both funny and sad. FSRY, 438; BTS, 227; Glukhov 1988, 60; Mokienko 1990, 149; Versh. 6, 294; Zhiguloev, 261.

Muh-fur - cockroach laughter. Kazan. About smb. unimportant. SRNG 18, 143.

Bring (skip) to...


LAUGHTER-a (-y); m.

1. Intermittent throat sounds caused by short exhalation movements when expressing fun, joy, pleasure, etc. Burst in laughter. Can't help but laugh. Burst into laughter. Happy s. Voiced s. Nervous s. Unreasonable s. Fake s. Children's village S. through tears. It is impossible to look at you without laughing. Explosion of laughter. Homeric s.(uncontrollable, roaring laughter). Roll around, roll around laughing(laugh very hard).

2. Fun, jokes or ridicule...



(Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”)


Smile, grin, laugh; hilarious.

Laughter is Homeric, uncontrollable, incessant, sardonic, sarcastic, Mephistophelian. Proud grin. An explosion of laughter drowned out his words. The malicious neighing of ill-wishers...

to make one laugh, to make the chickens laugh, to burst with laughter, to fill one's sides with laughter, to raise oneself to laughter, to roll with laughter, to die of laughter... .

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999

laughter Obsesslav. Suf. derivative (suf. -хъ) from the same root as laugh. School etymological dictionary Russian language. Origin of words. - M.: Bustard N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004

1. m. 1) Intermittent sounds caused by short and strong exhalation movements as a manifestation of joy, fun, pleasure, etc. 2) decomposition What? funny, worthy of ridicule. 2. predicative colloquial. Same as: funny (2*).

Formed suffixally from the same stem as the verb laugh.

noun ( Greekγέλως) - laughter; joy; a laughing stock. (James 4:9).

Complete Church Slavonic dictionary (including the most important Old Russian words and expressions). Comp. priest Grigory Dyachenko. 1900 .

1. A sign of being a fool for no reason.
2. Aristotle considered it ugly, but not causing harm, Hobbes - a manifestation of a sense of superiority, and according to Freud - this is one of the mechanisms for repressing painful complexes.
3. Voiceover in a sitcom.
4. Contagious...
5. Roman American writer Langston Hughes "... through tears."
6. Collection of stories by the Russian playwright V.N. Bill-Belotserkovsky “... through tears.”
7. It was sold by Tim Thaler.
8. American actress Audrey Hepburn made her debut in the film " Paradise."
9. Concussion from a good mood.
10. The novel by the American writer S. Anderson “Dark...”.
11. “It’s just chickens on...”
12. Laughing reaction.
13. “And... and sin.”
14. Reaction to Petrosyan.
15. Sardonic...
16. “A Serious Case” from the movie “Carnival Night.”
17. “... through tears.”
18. A sign of foolishness in the absence of extenuating circumstances.
19. Showing cheerfulness.
20. Reaction to humor.


Dictionary of antonyms. 2011 .

Laughter I

there is a complex act consisting of modified respiratory movements in connection with certain facial expressions. As for the former, with S., inhalations are followed by not one, but a whole series of short spasmodic exhalations that sometimes last for a long time with the glottis open; if the vocal cords are brought into oscillatory movements, then the result is a loud, sonorous S. - laughter; if the ligaments remain at rest, then S. is quiet and soundless. As for facial expressions in S., it is caused by the contraction of certain groups of facial muscles, which give the face a certain expression characteristic of a laughing person. There are many similarities in changes in breathing and facial expressions during S. and crying or sobbing, as a result of which these states, from the outside, can be mixed with each other ...


Uncontrollable laughter

Boisterous laughter

Homeric laughter

Wild laughter

Uncontrollable laughter

Uncontrollable laughter

Dictionary of Russian Idiomatics. . Combinations of words with a high degree meaning Academic 2011


Indo-European – (s)mei- (to laugh, laughter).

Common Slavic – smech.

Old Slavonic, Old Russian - cm(yat)хъ (fun, joy).

The word "laughter" in modern language came from Old Russian, where it is found in monuments of the 11th century.

The Old Russian “sm(yat)хъ” goes back to the Old Slavonic “sm(yat)хъ” (fun, mockery, joy), then to the common Slavic smechsme- and then to the Indo-European root (s)mei-, which is also in the common Slavic verb ( s)meijati se, (laugh).

Related are:

Ukrainian – smikh.

Czech – smich.

Polish – smiech.

Derivatives: funny, make laugh, laughingstock, grin, ridicule, laughter...

A (-u), m. 1. Short characteristic vocal sounds expressing fun, joy, pleasure, as well as ridicule, gloating and other feelings. Vesyoly s. S. through tears (sad laughter). Roll with laughter (laugh; colloquial). They died laughing (laughed very hard; colloquial). It's no laughing matter (there is nothing funny or cheerful about anything; colloquial). 2. Something funny, worthy of ridicule (colloquial). This is not an activity, but simply with. This answer is right with. S. and that’s all! * Without laughing (colloquial) - seriously, not joking. And laughter and sin (colloquial) - both funny and annoying. For laughter (colloquial disapproval) - for the sake of ridicule. Say it for fun. To laugh at someone (colloquial) - to laugh, to make fun of someone. Laugh at the ignoramus. It's like laughter - funny and absurd. This statement is like laughter. For the sake of laughter (for laughter) (colloquial) - for the sake of joke, ridicule. II adj. laughter, -aya, -be (to 1 meaning; special).

laughter (laughter), pl. no, m. 1. Short and strong exhalation movements and an open mouth, accompanied by characteristic intermittent sounds that occur in a person when he experiences some kind of. feelings (mainly when experiencing joy, fun, when observing or presentation of something. funny, absurd, comic, as well as during certain nervous shocks, etc.); these sounds themselves. There was laughter. Burst with laughter. Joyful, cheerful laughter. Evil, bitter laughter. Triumphant laughter. Hysterical laughter. Sarcastic laughter. Suppress your laughter. Laughter makes out, suffocates someone. Laughter through tears. Homeric laughter (see Homeric). General, right, people: come to the fair, and at least sell a handful of hemp. Gogol. And laughter and sin. Saying. Laughter and only his work - one laugh Without laughter (colloquial) - seriously, not joking. I say without laughing, listen to me. In laughter (colloquial) - for the sake of a joke. To laugh Say. Chickens don't laugh - see chicken. For laughter (or ridicule) - not as it should be, just for the sake of a joke or with...


noun, m., used very often

Morphology: (no) what? laughter And laughter, what? laughter, (see) what? laughter, how? laughter, about what? about laughter

1. Laughter are called intermittent throat sounds that a person makes in a state of fun, joy, pleasure, etc.

Happy laughter. | Sounding children's laughter. | General, friendly laughter. | Burst in laughter. | Tears came to my eyes from laughter.

2. If anyone roars with laughter, then this...

Laughter can express joy (Gen 21:6; Ps 126:2; Eccl 3:4; Luke 6:21), ridicule (Gen 18:13; Eccl 2:2; Jas 4:9), confidence in p.s. (Job 5:22) . God laughs at people who rebel against Him in impotent anger (Ps 2:4; 36:13; 58:9; Proverbs 1:26).

Laughter Á noun cm. _Appendix II

with laughter (burst, die, roll) ;

for a laugh ( decomposition not as it should be; decomposition for the purpose of ridicule) ;

lift someone up for a laugh (to ridicule);

for the chickens to laugh ( decomposition ridiculous, pointless)


laughter genus. p. -a, ukr. smikh, gen. p.-u, other-russian, old-slav. sѣkh γέλως (Sup.), Bulgarian. smyah, Serbohorv. smijekh, gen. smijekha, Slovenian. smẹ̑h, Czech. smích, slvts. smiech, Polish śmiech, v.-luzh., n.-luzh. směch. Dr. vowel alternation level: other Russian. nasmisati sѧ "to mock". For details, see I laugh. From I.-e. *smoisos; see Pedersen, IF 5, 41; Guyer, LF 55, 360. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Progress M. R. Vasmer 1964-1973

LAUGHTER Laughter is a disinfectant.
Maurice Chaplin
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
Victor Borzh
He who laughs forgives everything.
Vasily Zhukovsky
You can't truly love a person with whom you never laugh.
Agnes Replier
With whom you can laugh together, you can work together.
Robert Orben
Laughter for no reason is a sign of a great mood.
Mikhail Genin
Even if there is no reason to laugh, laugh for credit. I think, therefore I laugh.
John Polos
Man is the only animal that can laugh, although he has the least reason to do so.
Ernest Hemingway
Laughter is contagious, as is yawning.
Heinrich Heine
It seems like Pavlov's condition...

About the degree of volume, duration, character of sound, etc.
Hellish (colloquial), velvety, bassy, ​​bass (bass, obsolete), soundless, toothless, unrestrained, silent, mad (colloquial), splashing, violent, fast, shrill, sudden, high, harmonic (obsolete), general, deaf, cackling (common), homeric, guttural, loud, thunderous, rough, chesty, booming, thick, wooden, long (obsolete), long, rattling, fractional, friendly, pearly (obsolete poet), liquid, fat (obsolete), bubbling, gushing, choking, sonorous, sonorous, sparkling, bubbling, clucking (colloquial), bell-shaped, short, noisy, clucking (colloquial), barking, light, slow, small, soft, dumb, uneven, inaudible, incessant, unstoppable, irrepressible (colloquial), indomitable...

LAUGHTER is a cultural and psychological phenomenon that expresses a person’s ability to detect comic situations contained in life and art. It is a fusion of emotional and rational moments, in which analytical work the mind takes on the form of a special joyful emotion, expressing specific satisfaction regarding the resolution of a contradiction that seemed at first glance insoluble. Laughter is twofold. However, both of its forms - the lowest and the highest - come from the same root, while maintaining the unity of external facial expression...

(Gen.18:13, Gen.21:6) - a word meaning joy, ridicule, confidence, surprise, etc. When this word is used about God, as for example in the book (Prov. 1:26), it means that God despises, or does not pay any attention to, a certain object or a certain person.

(Gen.18:13, Gen.21:6) - a word meaning joy, ridicule, confidence, surprise and etc. When this word is used about God, as for example in the book (Prov. 1:26), it means that God despises, or does not pay any attention to, a certain object or a certain person.

Bible. Dilapidated and New Testaments. Sinoidal translation. Biblical encyclopedia.. arch. Nikifor. 1891.



(to be) in, comic, situation

laughter is a reflexive reaction to a comic situation; aesthetic criticism.

laughter and that's it). just [direct] laughter. funny. funny.

like laughter.

laughter. ridiculous. ridiculous.

you'll burst out laughing (simple).

you'll tear your stomach.

chuckle. giggles - [yes] giggles.

Ideographic dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: ETS Publishing House. Baranov O.S. . 1995.

m. laughter, an involuntary, public manifestation in a person of a feeling of gaiety, fun, an explosion of a cheerful mood; but there is also the laughter of ridicule, the laughter of contempt, anger, etc. His laughter is very simple-minded. Laughter is a middle expression between a smile and laughter. Laughter is malicious, malicious, sardonic. Heartfelt laughter. What kind of laughter did they raise? This is done for fun, done for fun, said, as a joke, or as a joke, to annoy. Laughter is laughter, business is business. Well, laughter, and that’s all, for the chickens to laugh at! You can't live forever by laughing. And I'm not happy about laughter. Last laugh better than the first, end of the matter. To roll with laughter, to burst, to hurt your sides with laughter. Looks like laughter, doesn't seem like business. Small is laughter, but great is sin. Where there is sin, there is laughter. Sin is not laughter. Sins are not laughs. They led me to sin, and left me laughing. And laughter and grief. Both laughter and sin. This is no laughing matter (no laughing matter). Where laughter lives, therein lies sin. Sin is not laughter when death comes. Some laughter echoes with crying. You're laughing, but we're not even half laughing. There is a lot of laughter, but not a little sin. How much laughter...

LAUGHTER is a cultural and psychological phenomenon as a specific evaluative human reaction to reality. The phenomenon of S. is ambivalent: it is, on the one hand, formal S. (primitive, pre-laughter) - S. as the joy and enthusiasm of a healthy, growing and enjoying organism, S. body and, on the other hand, S. as a way of expressing an attitude to reality , S. soul, S. mind. In the first case, S. is a gift of nature. There is no evaluation, no attitude. This is pre-human S. as an expression of the joy of being, subjective physiological jubilation, gaiety - “the pinnacle of perfect health” (Schopenhauer). In the second case, S. is evaluative, reflective, purely human, and also paradoxical. The paradox is that S. most often is an inadequate emotional reaction to actions or events: we laugh at things that in themselves are not funny. S.'s being is associated with bifurcation, the splitting of reality in two, the creation of its laughter shadow. S. reveals in one another: in the high - the low, in triumph...

an expression of fun, joy, good nature of a Russian person. There are many proverbs that express the laughter of the Russian people: “To burst into laughter; “They hurt their sides with laughter”; “Everyone started laughing”; “You can’t burst out laughing”; “Tear your stomachs (tummies) out of laughter”; “Burst, roll, fall down laughing”; “Dying, laughing too hard”; “Hold your sides laughing”; “Laughter has stood at the gate for thirty years, but it will take its toll.”
“If you want to examine a person and know his soul, look at him when he laughs. A person laughs well - that means good man"(F.M. Dostoevsky). “Nothing is more feared by a person than laughter. Fearing laughter, a person will refrain from doing something that no force could restrain him from” (N.V. Gogol). “There is a reconciling and redeeming power in laughter - and if it is not without reason that it is said, “Whatever you laugh at, you will serve,” then we can add that whoever you laugh at, you have already forgiven, and are even ready to love” (I.S. Turgenev). “He who laughs forgives everything”...

cultural-psychological phenomenon as a specific evaluative reaction of a person to reality. The phenomenon of S. is ambivalent: it is, on the one hand, formal S. (primitive, pre-laughter) - S. as the joy and enthusiasm of a healthy, growing and enjoying organism, S. body and, on the other hand, S. as a way of expressing an attitude to reality , S. soul, S. mind. In the first case, S. is a gift of nature. There is no evaluation, no attitude. This is pre-human S. as an expression of the joy of being, subjective physiological jubilation, gaiety - “the pinnacle of perfect health” (Schopenhauer). In the second case, S. is evaluative, reflective, purely human, and also paradoxical. The paradox is that S. most often is an inadequate emotional reaction to actions or events: we laugh at things that in themselves are not funny. S.'s being is associated with bifurcation, the splitting of reality in two, the creation of its laughter shadow. S. reveals in one another: in the high - the low, in the solemn - the everyday, ...


LAUGHTER- a psychophysiological phenomenon that underlies comedy and the literary effects it defines, from simply funny, amusing, to satire and comedy. The nature of laughter and related literary phenomena still seems to be insufficiently understood. The closest to the essence of the matter can be considered the provisions on the nature of laughter in life and literature, developed in the work of G. Bergson: “Laughter in Life and on the Stage” (St. Petersburg, 1900), and consistent in general and in particular with a wide range of comic phenomena.

Laughter is a phenomenon unique to humans. Consequently, laughter is somehow directly connected with what most distinguishes man from animals, with his reasoning intellect. At the same time, laughter, starting with a smile...

The group "Laughter" was formed in the town of Istra near Moscow in 1997. It includes: Sergey "Chup" (guitar, vocals); Maxim "Gruzin" (bass, vocals); Alexey "Rat" (drums). The group quickly makes a name for itself with catchy hits like "7:11 AM." All hits performed by "Laughter" were composed by the group itself, all lyrics are written in Russian, and performed in the style of "Istra punk rock". The group has a negative attitude towards hard drugs, any manifestations of racial discrimination, “plywood”, lies and hypocrisy. The group has many more positive relationships than negative ones. Musical preferences: "Nofx", "Goldfinger" and many other similar groups. Non-musical preferences: skateboard culture. "Laughter" swept through all the rock clubs in Moscow, some clubs in St. Petersburg and Simferopol.

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What is a person like in his soul and in his mind?

And what kind of heart beats inside it?

Sometimes you can just judge by

How a person laughs.

And let his head be thrice

Crafty or cautious

Everything can be invented: gesture and words,

But it is impossible to invent laughter.

Among the evil, among the insincere, and among those

Whose conscience is full of stains,

As a rule, rude and harsh laughter,

Fake and unpleasant.

And only good people Always,

Probably throughout the entire universe,

Laughter is like the water of a mountain river,

Never hides feelings -

Loud and frank!

Eduard Asadov

Laughter is a spiritual impulse, practically uncontrollable by consciousness. It reveals what a person might want to hide. Learning to “read” by laughter means getting clues to the personality of your interlocutor, to his true intentions, thoughts and feelings. A little observation and everything secret will become clear!

Features of laughter
In general, if your interlocutor laughs, and laughs for real, baring his teeth and making characteristic sounds, then he is quite comfortable with you, and he is committed to a close, trusting relationship, or he deserves an Oscar for acting. In addition, he interesting topic of conversation. But there are also nuances, and we’ll talk about them.

Laughter with the mouth wide open, showing the palate and all the fillings. On the one hand, this is not very decent, especially if you are not in a close relationship. Most likely, this person is a tyrant, disregarding norms of behavior, avoiding any burdens and responsibility. You shouldn’t trust such a person; today he says one thing, tomorrow he says something else. And keep in mind controversial issues he is inclined to decide by force, without experiencing any sense of guilt or remorse. On the other hand, such laughter is characteristic of born leaders who do not obey other people's rules, but create their own. Most likely, he knows how and loves to talk, but does not know how and does not like to listen, because he is sincerely confident that his opinion is the only correct one. Courses good manners and cultivating self-restraint would not have hurt him at all.
A woman who laughs with her mouth wide open has a bright temperament, is very confident in herself, but may very well turn out to be unrestrained with her tongue, hysterical and aggressively sexual (“egg-cutter woman”).

Laughter with your mouth closed. This is how people laugh either with complexes (stupidly worried about the beauty of their teeth), or with cold, balanced, self-possessed people (such people can work as spies).

Laughter with head thrown back. Frivolity, extravagance and an unscrupulous desire to enjoy life.

Laughter with squinting eyes. Congratulations, your interlocutor is a confident, balanced, intelligent and persistent person. Carefully! He can be very, very persistent.

Laughter is accompanied by unusual facial expressions and inappropriate gestures. Your interlocutor makes strange faces, theatrically slaps his hands on his knees and uses other cliches from the arsenal of the regional amateur theater. He's probably a perky and sociable guy, but you shouldn't delude yourself about him. He may turn out to be inadequate, emotionally unstable, unpredictable and generally unhealthy in the head, that is, potentially dangerous. In any case, when acting out a performance, a person hides his true feelings, and this should not be forgotten.

Laughter is accompanied by touching the head, hair, and face. Usually women laugh like that. This means that in front of you is a person hovering somewhere in her dreams. She is curious, inconsistent, and can be romantic. Perfect couple For strong man with strong nerves, who really wants to protect someone.

Laughter with head tilted to one side. You may think that a woman who laughs this way is flirtatious and curious. But you are mistaken, in fact, she is watching you, studying you, and have no doubt, she will draw the right conclusions.

Laughter with a wrinkled nose. Here is a curious, emotional and intelligent subject, prone to scams, risky undertakings and adventures with an unpredictable end, who easily succumbs to momentary moods. It is unlikely that it would be wise to burden him with monotonous work that requires constant concentration, but if you go on a trip with him, it will not be boring.

Laughter with rolling eyes. Demonstrativeness, thirst for popularity, desire to appear better than one really is. Usually, young ladies in love roll their eyes up. If you notice this manner of laughing in a man, most likely he has a non-traditional sexual orientation.

Covering your mouth with your hand while laughing. Complexes, self-doubt, embarrassment, discomfort, often infantilism.

Laughter with shudders. Pure psychosomatics. Take a closer look at your interlocutor, perhaps he is depressed or experiencing acute stress, or maybe he mental problems much more serious.

Mimic freezing before laughter. Defensive reaction. The person is clearly tense and constrained, and therefore cannot react immediately. Your interlocutor is vulnerable and suspicious, does not know how to adequately respond to aggression, does not tolerate alcohol well, and is in a depressed mood most of the time. If he manages to overcome his complexes, he may become arrogant and impudent, but he will never be the life of the party.

Suppressed laughter. If you are in a place where laughing is allowed, but your interlocutor is holding back his laughter, then something is not going according to plan. Perhaps he is not very comfortable with you and is not in the mood for contact. Or he is a closed person by nature, doesn’t trust anyone and doesn’t show his emotions to others. He's probably not the most charming or outgoing person on the planet. He is characterized by irritability, nervousness, touchiness, and envy.

Laughter through teeth. Such laughter does not bode well for you, because your interlocutor is an insincere and vile intriguer, inclined to play a “double game.”

Laughter inappropriately. Laughing for no reason is a sign of a psychopath. Your interlocutor is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. One wrong word and he will explode, and instead of laughter you will see hysterics. Very often, ostentatious gaiety and inappropriate laughter are just a screen behind which negative emotions, anger, envy or painful self-doubt are hidden.

A grin instead of a laugh. If a person generally does not laugh, most likely he is a cruel and selfish manipulator.

A smile with a twist right side instead of laughter. Cunning, adventurism, touchiness and distrust.

A smile with a twist left side instead of laughter. Your interlocutor is shy, but overall a harmless and sincere person. These are usually popular with the opposite sex.

The sound of laughter
The volume of laughter can be used to judge a person's openness. Loud laughter - he enjoys communication and completely opens his soul. Quiet laughter indicates an introvert and a modest person, for whom any communication is stressful.

Laughter reminiscent of neighing. Your interlocutor is dull, has a criminal consciousness and increased suggestibility. What are you even doing next to him?

Loud laughter. You communicate with a cheerful, kind and caring person. If, moreover, his upper gum opens when he laughs, you have a devoted and faithful person in front of you.

Subtle laughter. Refinement, romanticism, developed aesthetic sense, some egocentrism, capriciousness and stubbornness. In the 19th century, subtle laughter was considered a sign of inner purity and purity, but later this interpretation was abandoned.

Loud squeaky laughter. Arrogance, arrogance and some bitchiness. Women with a squeaky voice are hysterical, demonstrative and seek to manipulate their partner. Men are dreamy and gentle. There are many homosexuals among them.

Quiet squeaky laughter. The laughter of a loser. People with such laughter are not able to build harmonious, equal relationships. Women often become victims of a domestic tyrant. Men are tyrants.

Rolling laughter. Indicates an artistic and refined nature. Such a person loves and knows how to have fun, he is welcome in all companies, at all parties. In the presence of the opposite sex, he spreads his peacock tail and easily embarks on the most dubious romantic adventures. He finds it difficult to live by a schedule, attend meetings on time, and control his finances. He knows how to spend both his own and other people's money easily and quickly.

Dull laughter. Congratulations, here is a bore who considers himself the most brilliant, intelligent and interesting person on this planet. He is a difficult passenger, it is almost impossible to be friends with him, building a relationship is more expensive for yourself. He is suspicious, self-serving, boastful and unreliable.

Laughter with anguish. There is a person next to you who is overwhelmed by emotions. Such emotional storm characteristic of people who restrain their true feelings and intentions. And this is a sure sign of an overbearing owner, a parasite and an emotional vampire who despises the norms of behavior accepted in society. If you are not a fan of S&M relationships, stay away from this person.

Laughter that sounds like a sob. Most often men laugh like this. I strongly advise a man not to pour with such a laugh. Even when sober, he is not very adequate, and under the influence of alcohol he can become aggressive and prone to violence. Most likely, he is a simple person, even too simple, he can be a boor and an insolent person. He often has pronounced criminal tendencies.

Laughter "in the nose"- a sure sign that your interlocutor has an excellent student complex. He certainly needs to be the best and receive endless confirmation from those around him of their respect and gratitude. And since this does not always work out, most of the time he is insincere, suspicious, arrogant and inclined to spoil the mood of everyone around him. He relaxes and becomes like a person only in the circle of his closest and dearest people, and there are always few of them.

Laughter with frequent gasping for air (choking laughter). Most likely, your interlocutor is already over 60 or has physical illnesses. In any case, his character is not sugar; he can be touchy, hot-tempered, or, on the contrary, prone to melancholy and depression.

Metallic laughter. Arrogance, indifference, selfishness and spiritual coldness. Be careful, such a person is inclined to abuse other people's naivety and trust.

A cutting, harsh laugh. Assertive, talkative, tenacious, with a clear commercial streak, he knows how to achieve his goals.

Silent laughter. ABOUT! Before you is Doctor Evil himself! Suspicious, cruel, with sadistic inclinations, which he does not even hide.

Laughter turning into silence. Workhorse: hardworking, resilient, patient, trusting and flexible. It is very easy to make such a person dependent and generally use him. Try to restrain your dictatorial habits, do not spoil your karma.

Laughter that sounds like a scream. The phenomenon is rare. Very strange, unusual personalities laugh this way: musicians, poets, artists. They have an active psyche, they are easily excitable, and are often susceptible to pathological passions. If you visit a madhouse and manage to make the inmates laugh, you will be surprised how often their laughter resembles a scream.

Laughter with squeaks. It's more likely female feature. Squeaky ladies are playful, flirty, easy-going and love to have fun. As a rule, they become girlfriends of strong and aggressive men. What to do, opposites attract. A man squeaking while laughing is a rare phenomenon and not the most pleasant. He is always a bit of a woman, and therefore envious, jealous and loves gossip.

Laughter with a wheeze. If there is a man in front of you, then he is undoubtedly a “real colonel”: confident, successful, strong-willed, charming. He is respected by his gender brothers, women wet themselves in his presence, even children and dogs love him. Did you like him too? Then get ready to salute, walk in formation and strictly follow orders. There is no other way to deal with him; the army is strong due to its unity of command. This man demands complete submission, does not forgive mistakes and runs over all those who disagree with an asphalt roller. The woman with the raucous laugh is a charismatic badass. She is rude, sexually liberated, easily (to the point of madness!) parting with money, and prone to all the well-known bad habits, and didn’t care about my own health.

Laughter with gnashing of teeth. I don’t know why you pissed off your interlocutor so much, but apparently, right now he is thinking about where he will hide parts of your body when he finally dismembers you. This is a smug, attentive and thoughtful sadist, who also has the gift of suggestion.

Intermittent loud laughter. The emotions of your interlocutor rush around like birds in a cage. It's possible he has problems emotional sphere, his life path is hectic, his actions are thoughtless, and the decisions he makes are highest degree ridiculous. And the reason for this is the increased level of anxiety. Give him some mint tea and let him calm down, otherwise he can do a lot of trouble in the wake of hysteria.

Intermittent quiet laughter. This is the laughter of a minor official, a secretary, and generally an executor of someone else's will. He is dependent, cowardly, and easily predictable. The most convenient way to control him is through fear.

Duration of laughter

It would seem that the duration of laughter depends on the quality of the joke. But not everything is so simple. So 10 people started laughing at the joke, two of them giggled and stopped (short laughter), seven continued to laugh for some time (long laughter), but soon they also fell silent, and one cannot stop, continues to laugh when everyone else has already distracted (prolonged laughter).

Short loud laugh. Before you is a smart, quick-thinking and quickly responsive interlocutor. He may be too hasty at times, but that's for sure that he is not a fool.

A short quiet laugh. Such laughter speaks of the suppression and suppression of your interlocutor (maybe by work, or maybe by everyday life, by the vampirism of loved ones or by one’s own complexes). He is suspicious, fearful and distrustful, it is difficult for him to open up to his interlocutor, so he gradually creates a living barrier around himself from people who torment, use, despise him, and slowly withers away in this environment.

Long loud laugh. Your interlocutor is in the mood to have a lot of fun, and he doesn’t even need a reason for fun. Show me your finger and he will laugh. You shouldn’t take his gaiety personally, well, it happens, a person just good mood.

Long quiet laugh. Here is an intellectual, an erudite, a logician, a person with his own (sometimes very original) views on life. Are you even sure he's laughing at your joke?

Prolonged loud laughter. This is how bores and slow-witted people laugh. However, you shouldn’t immediately write off such a man. He is one of that breed of people who do everything efficiently, conscientiously, and slowly but surely achieve all their goals. If not for his terrible stubbornness, such a man could be considered an almost ideal candidate for a husband. The woman who laughs the longest is most likely just trying to get someone's attention.

Lingering quiet laughter. This is the same boring and inhibited character as the one who laughs long and loudly, but in a less successful configuration. Hard work, dedication and vital energy are clearly not enough, so goals are unattainable, and complexes are quite real.

Laughter "ha ha." This is a normal, sincere laughter of a healthy and happy person. Your interlocutor feels great in your company.

Laughter "hee hee." But this is no longer very sincere, your interlocutor is hiding something or does not sympathize with you too much. Be careful, this guy lies like he breathes.

Laughter "hehe." Don’t even dream of mutual understanding; your interlocutor is not going to become on the same level with you, he feels much higher. If you think he likes you, you are deeply mistaken.

Laughter "ho-ho." It looks like you surprised your interlocutor with something, and unpleasantly surprised him. Get ready, he's ready to get into an argument.

Laughter "hoo-hoo". Replace your anger with mercy, you have already intimidated your opponent, he feels unprotected and is ready to flee.

A laugh that cannot be classified.
If your interlocutor’s laughter is so original and specific that it is impossible to classify it, most likely the owner of the laughter cannot be classified either. Most likely, it is very unusual, to the point of abnormality and severe pathology.
When a man laughs with a woman's laugh, and a woman with a man's laugh, it looks strange, but it is not as rare as one might think. In emancipated women, male laughter is almost the norm. Why be surprised if a woman took on everything? male functions(breadwinner, protector, leader, etc.), why can’t she borrow laughter too? Men with feminine laughter, on the contrary, have successfully thrown off all male functions. These are not necessarily homosexuals, but rather just mama's boys and wimps.
There are people who laugh one way today, another laugh tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow they don’t laugh at all, but only grin wryly. This doesn’t happen often, because a rich assortment of laughter is a sign of an extraordinary and original nature. Such a person is always guided in everything own opinion, and his opinion often differs from the majority opinion, but this circumstance does not bother him at all.

Now you know almost everything about laughter and can begin to experiment on those around you.
Have fun experimenting!