Scenario for a constructive-model activity lesson “let’s help the short ones” senior group. Forms and methods of constructive model activities with preschoolers


Elena Andriyanova
Forms and methods of constructive model activities with preschoolers

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« Forms and methods of constructive and modeling activities with preschoolers

Constructive – modeling activity – what is it?? This is practical activity, aimed at obtaining a specific, pre-conceived real product that corresponds to its functional purpose.

The purpose is activities is the development of independent creative activities and the personality of the child in it. Creativity implies the ability child:

Towards the creation of fundamentally new designs, characterized by originality and novelty;

To use new methods for these purposes design;

Or to the restructuring of already old ones.

Species constructive - modeling activities:

Technical (from ready-made forms: building materials, different types designers, boxes).

Artistic (from paper, cardboard, natural and waste material) .

In technical constructive - modeling activities children mainly display real-life objects, as well as their associations with images from fairy tales and films. At the same time, they model the basic structural and functional characteristics of objects and images: a building with a roof, windows, a door; ship with stern, deck, steering wheel.

In artistic constructive - modeling activities for children, creating images, not only display their structure, but also express their attitude towards him: convey their character using color, texture, shape, which leads to formation emotional images. Children are having fun constructive – modeling activities during a walk, using both natural materials and all kinds of packaging.

There are the following forms of constructive-model activity:

According to the sample (map, diagram, drawing, operating instructions).

The point is that children are offered examples of buildings made from parts of building materials and designers, paper crafts, etc., usually showing how to reproduce them. This ensures the direct transfer of ready-made knowledge and methods of action based on imitation to children. Using samples is important stage training, during which children learn about the properties of parts of building materials, master the technique of constructing buildings (they learn to allocate space for construction, carefully connect parts, etc.) Properly organized examination of samples helps children master a generalized method of analysis. Within this forms can solve problems, ensuring the transition to independent search activities creative nature.

According to the model.

Children are presented with a model as a model, in which the outline of its individual elements is hidden from the child. Children must reproduce this model from the building material they have. In this case, the child is offered a certain task, but is not given a way to solve it. Setting such tasks - effective remedy activation of thinking preschoolers.

Design according to conditions.

Here are the tasks design are expressed through conditions and are problematic in nature, since no ways to solve them are given. This form working on drawings and diagrams contributes to the development of creativity design(develops imaginative thinking and cognitive abilities).

By design

This form, compared to design according to sample, has great opportunities for developing children’s creativity and demonstrating their independence. In this case, the child himself decides what and how he will design. But such formdifficult task For preschoolers, because their plans are not stable and often change during implementation.

By topic (older age)

General topic suggested designs, For example "City", and the children themselves create specific crafts and buildings, choose the methods of their implementation. The main purpose of this forms– updating and consolidation of knowledge and skills.

Methods of constructive-model activity:


Informational - receptive





Partially – search


Examination of finished buildings in classes, demonstration of fastening methods, techniques for selecting parts by size, form, color, ways to hold them in your hand or on the table.

Informational - receptive

Inspection of parts, which involves connecting various analyzers (visual and tactile, familiarization with shape, determination of spatial relationships. This is a joint activities of a teacher with children.


Reproduction of knowledge and methods activities(collection of models and designs according to the sample) .


Children use in practice the knowledge they have acquired and the work techniques they have seen.


Brief description and explanation of actions, accompaniment and demonstration of images different options models.

Problem method.

Statement of the problem and search for solutions. Creative uses ready-made tasks (items, their independent transformation.

Using game plots to organize a nursery activities, characters to play out the plots.

Partially – search.

Solving problem problems with the help of a teacher.

Model – constructive activity creates conditions for organization children's group. It has a great influence on the development of the child’s personality and volitional sphere. During this activities physical improvement of the child is carried out. Constant exercise in a wide variety of movements is accompanied by an emotional upsurge and contributes to the fact that movements become fast and dexterous. The experience a child gains during constructive - modeling activities, indispensable in terms of formation skills and abilities of research behavior. Targeted and systematic training preschoolers design plays a big role in preparing for school.

Thus, constructive - modeling activity plays a huge role in the process of comprehensive, harmonious development personalities preschooler.

Publications on the topic:

Formation of creative activity and initiative in children 2–3 years old in constructive modeling activities The fundamental requirement of society for a modern preschool institution is the formation of an individual who can independently.

The main goal of work in kindergarten- is to raise a child as a comprehensively developed personality who can think independently.

Summary of an integrated lesson on constructive-model activities Video SYNOPSIS of an integrated lesson on design and modeling activities on the topic “Atelier” (sewing a dress for the Miss Ecology competition).

Abstract of the educational activity on constructive and model activities “Let's help Boniface” Kirillina. L. G. MBDOU No. 12 “Crane” Final practical-significant work on the Federal State Educational Standard. Abstract of GCD constructively - model activity c.

Abstract on constructive-model activities in the second group of early age “A fairy tale has come to visit us” Summary of constructive and model activities in the second group early age“A fairy tale has come to visit us” Purpose: to teach children to build.

Lesson on constructive modeling activities for children of senior preschool age “Basket with spring flowers” Objectives of the lesson: To develop the ability to create with your own hands, to shape the creativity of children. Program tasks: Create conditions for free.

HER. Krasheninnikov M., 2014-

M., 2014-

Design(from Latin constructio - composition, construction), device, relative position parts, composition of any structure, mechanism, etc.

Creation -activity that generates something qualitatively new and is distinguished by originality, originality and uniqueness. Creativity is specific to humans, as it always presupposes a creator - a subject creative activity(NES).

Constructive and modeling activities- this is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, pre-conceived real product that corresponds to its functional purpose.

The goal of the training system for constructive and model actions in preschool educational institutions isis - the development of independent creative activity and the child’s personality in it

Creativity in constructive model games implies the child’s ability to:

· to create fundamentally new designs, distinguished by originality and novelty;

· use of new design methods for these purposes;

· or restructuring of already familiar ones. There are different specific definitions of design.

Technical- constructively - modeling activities from different building materials, andartistic - from natural and waste materials.

You can select three types depending on the material constructive - modeling activities :

1 type - made of paper and cardboard,

2nd view - natural material,

3rd type - from ready-made molds.

The uniqueness of constructive and modeling activities from paper lies in the fact that a three-dimensional object is created from a flat sheet.


1) bending a sheet in half (house, hut, notebook);

2) bending strips of paper (table, bed);

3) bending, cutting and gluing (cube, chair);

4) folding using various combinations (boat, plane, glass);

5) use of patterns (birdhouse, house).

The originality of constructive and modeling activities from natural materials.A variety of natural materials are used. Additional material- paper, glue, thread, wire, scissors, awl, needles, hammer.

The originality of constructive and modeling activities from ready-made forms. Ready-made forms- boxes, plugs, theme builder. Small and large - soft, wooden, plastic, metal.

The following stand out: forms constructive - modeling activities:

According to the sample- (according to a map - a diagram, a drawing, an operational map, a model); In the process of constructive-modeling activities according to the model. Children develop generalized methods of analyzing objects and generalized ideas about them. Children’s assimilation of the sample examination scheme plays a major role in this.

According to the conditions. These methods are necessary for the successful implementation of design according to the conditions. In the process of constructive-modeling activity according to conditions, generalized methods of analyzing constructed objects are formed from the point of view of these conditions.

By design. All this ensures that children can design according to their own plans - they themselves determine the theme of the design, the requirements that it must meet, and find ways to create it.

By topic. In senior preschool age the choice of object to build depends on the topic of the project being carried out in a given group at that time or on the idea of ​​the child himself.

Based on the theme of the project, teachers prepare a selection of sample drawings and operational maps, choosing the “Construction and Design” Center at the morning meeting, or in the evening independent activities, children go to it to construct, using a sample drawing or operational map diagram.

It is important that children of older preschool age are able to independently play with constructed objects with the help of toys.


evoking adequate emotions- its essence is to evoke certain feelings, emotions, mood in children.;

explanations- widely used when children use unfamiliar patterns during construction;

comparisons- increases the mental activity of children, promotes the development of mental actions: analysis, synthesis, inference;

focusing on details- enhances the child’s perception, helps establish the relationship between part and whole, develops speech;

pedagogical observation.


story, can be used in various situations;

visual comparison- comparison of the constructed object with the diagram;

compositional options- the teacher verbally or visually shows how the content of the building or constructed material changes;

mental creation of an object by name given by the teacher. At first, children find it difficult to express their thoughts consistently and in detail. Therefore, at first it is necessary to use precise settings.

Tell me what, what color and what size will you take first?

What will be built next?

What are you particularly good at?

"recognition" by description. The essence of this technique is description. In this case, the teacher only describes the subject, without saying its name.

game elements, stimulating the child’s desire to tell (talk) “Who can tell it better, more interestingly? ", "Define what it looks like", "Write a story";


Let's build a road to grandma's village;

Let's create a voluminous applique for mom;

creation game situation “Let's build a house for a turtle”, “Bridge across a river for a mouse”, etc.;

use of riddles and literary works.

plot play.

Approximate time ratio of parts.

Total OD time 100%.

Part 1 - introductory 15 - 20%.

Part 2 - main or productive 50 - 70%.

Part 3 - final or analysis of children's work 15 - 20%.

Part 1. If necessary, show a sample, examine it, explain it, ask questions to the children. Motive. Children should know for whom (what) they are doing.

Part 2.Productive activity. Children's choice required material. Directions, reminders, individual demonstration, encouragement. Be sure to celebrate original finds and creative approaches.

Part 3.Note accuracy, strength, presence of parts, correspondence to the original or diagram, originality, etc. Encouragement is a must.

Important! Do not compare the work of one child with another.Look how great Lena did, and how about you? Comparison is possible only with the successes of the child himself. For example, today you have such a strong building. Or - you tried, but the details fell off. Next time, do it better. You can ask the children whose craft they liked, but this, as a rule, is not objective, but based on their liking. Is it worth spending time on this?

Must be specified when analyzing children's worksFor older preschoolers, questions that arise from the goal of OD:

  1. photo, diagram, etc., why?

The analysis can be carried out after OA. It is necessary to return to analysis repeatedly.

Teach children to make a swallow toy out of paper by folding a rectangle in half. Develop fine motor skills.

Pogrebnaya Elena Yurievna, 03/11/2018

Design lesson notes

1. Teach children how to make a toy - paper swallow, by folding a rectangular sheet.

2. Develop fine motor skills.

3. Develop thinking and imagination.

4. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech.

Reading a fairy tale by H.H. Andersen "Thumbelina" .

Materials and tools :

1. Squares of different sizes from wrapping paper.

1. Motivational moment.

-Guys, guess the riddle :

The bird's tail is so good

It looks like a fork.

The whole day is full of worries

She built the house.

He will scoop up clay with his beak

2. Sample analysis.

Children, what do you think mine is made of? martin ? (from paper)

Did you want to do the same?

What parts does it consist of? (head, tail, eyes, wings)

II. Sequencing execution :

– The bird is made from a simple square sheet

Guys, let's bend the square in half so that we get two triangles.

We fold the edges towards the middle strip.

– From below we also bend the edges towards the middle – the strip.

Fold in half to form a triangle with sharp corners.

We bend the edge of an acute angle, we will have a head swallows .

We bend the other edge of the acute angle, there will be a tail.

Let's draw on the wings with a felt-tip pen and eyes.

Individual work. The teacher explains in stages, while the children repeat the stages of the sequence, speaking out loud.

Let's look at our swallows. They can gather in a common nest, they can scatter throughout the group, and sit in a clearing.

Let's call Thumbelina, a toad, and a mouse to the clearing and show a puppet theater.

The teacher organizes a theatrical game based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen "Thumbelina". Children voice their characters, changing their intonation and expressiveness of speech.

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Calendar and thematic planning for design, manual labor (senior group) on the topic:
Long-term planning for constructive-model activities in the senior group according to the program “From birth to school”

Senior preschool age

Teacher Epishkina E.G.

Explanatory note


Long-term thematic planning

Educational field "Cognitive development"

Directions: “Constructive-modeling activity”

Senior preschool age

Teacher Epishkina E.G.

Continue to develop the ability to construct buildings and work collectively; combine buildings in accordance with a common plan.

  • Develop the ability to create a variety of buildings and structures
  • Learn to identify the main parts and characteristic details of structures
  • Encourage independence, creativity, initiative, friendliness
  • Help analyze crafts and buildings made
  • Introduce new parts: plates, bars, cylinders, cones of various shapes and sizes
  • Learn to replace some parts with others
  • To develop the ability to create buildings of different sizes and designs of the same object
  • Learn to build according to a drawing, independently select the necessary building material
  • Continue to develop the ability to work collaboratively
  • Continue learning how to make crafts from natural materials and paper

Approximate long-term planning

Theme and purpose of OOD

Theme and purpose of OOD

Theme and purpose of OOD

Theme and purpose of OOD

"Butterfly" made of natural material

"House with a Window"

Learn to make a butterfly from various natural materials; lay the leaves in the form of wings, press them tightly, attaching them to the body.

Encourage initiative and independence in the implementation of buildings according to one’s own plans. Play around with buildings.

Learn to reflect your ideas about familiar objects in construction; conveying the main details in the construction

Practice planar modeling. Develop creativity and design skills.

"Horse" made of natural material

"Cargo Car"

“We’ll cross the bridge and end up in the forest”

Learn to make a product from natural materials, cultivate accuracy.

Clarify the shape of objects; learn to build tall buildings; make floors from two vertical bricks and a plate.

Practice planar modeling, the ability to independently build elementary diagrams from simple building samples and use them in design.

Strengthen the ability to make a structure from building materials; cultivate accuracy and independence.

Simulation according to the scheme

Exercise children in designing according to diagrams; develop spatial thinking, quick wits, and independence in finding your own solutions.

Check the name with the children building materials. Encourage initiative and independence.

Practice modeling and design using building materials and construction kit parts. Develop imagination and attention.

Strengthen constructive skills.

Theme and purpose of OOD

Theme and purpose of OOD

Theme and purpose of OOD

Theme and purpose of OOD

“Bird” made from natural material

"Basket" made of cardboard

"Christmas tree toy for a friend"

"Kitten" made of natural material

Learn how to make a bird using natural materials (acorns, branches, maple seeds)

Learn to work from a pattern. Develop the ability to carefully make cuts and glue the sides. Foster independence and initiative.

Strengthen the ability to correctly use materials and equipment for work, prepare your workplace and clean up after work.

Learn to make a kitten from natural material, connect the parts using a match (cleaned of sulfur).

"Palace of Father Frost"

"Tower and fence for a bird"

Exercise children in the construction of various buildings according to the proposed conditions, in the analysis of the main parts of their functional purpose; justify your decisions; develop constructive skills.

Exercise children in plane modeling.

Teach children to create a building that meets certain requirements. To form generalized ideas and knowledge in children. Strengthen the ability to make floors.

Clarify ideas about construction details and design details. Practice co-construction.

"Elephant" from matchboxes

“I’m going to the theater with my mother”

Learn to do new toy. Strengthen previously acquired skills in working with paper. Develop your imagination creativity children.

Expand generalized ideas about different types ships, depending on their structure and purpose. Exercise your ability to reason and justify decisions. Develop attention and memory.

Learn how to construct a building by combining parts of a building material that are familiar in shape.

Exercise in planar modeling. In joint design. Develop independence and initiative.

Theme and purpose of OOD

Theme and purpose of OOD

Theme and purpose of OOD

To understand how to do Constructive activities in the senior group, we brought in our experts with extensive experience to solve this problem, and here are some other options for solving this issue we were able to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

Abstract of educational activities on constructive-modeling activities in the senior group “Young Architects”

Inna Maslennikova
Abstract of educational activities on constructive-modeling activities in the senior group “Young Architects”

Target: learn to create a building and a diagram for this building.

Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”

(constructive - modeling activity) :

– Practice creating elementary buildings from parts according to the projection from the front;

– Reinforce ways to depict a diagram using tracing geometric shapes on checkered leaves;

– Distinguish between side and top views;

- Develop logical thinking, spatial orientation.

Educational field “Social and communicative development” (socialization, development communication, moral education) :

– To develop the ability to work without interfering with a friend, to be able to negotiate.

Educational field « Speech development» :

– Improve the dialogical form of speech;

– Encourage attempts to express your point of view, agreement or disagreement with a friend’s answer.

Preliminary work: while walking, looking at multi-storey buildings in the immediate environment; looking at photographs of houses in an album "Selo Alexandrovskoye".

Vocabulary work: architect, diagram, drawing, construction company.

Material: Wooden details designer, diagrams in 3 projections (side view, top view, front view, example of construction "Multi-storey building", stencils with cut out geometric shapes of parts designer.

Educator: Guys, come to us group I received a letter from construction company "Cutting down a house". Reads letter:

“Hello guys, we are employees of a construction company "Cutting down a house" would really like to build multi-storey building near your kindergarten, we know that you love design and they could help us build a house according to this drawing.

Educator: Guys, should we help the construction company? Who conceives and develops a house project? (architect) Where does the construction of a house begin? (The construction of a house begins with a drawing that creates architect.) Let's design a multi-storey building. First of all, we must familiarize ourselves with the construction drawing that the construction company sent us with a letter "Cutting down a house".

Educator: What types of houses are there? (brick, wood, block). What parts does the house consist of? (Foundation, floor, walls, windows, ceiling, roof). Before you build a house, what do you need for this? (schemes).

Game exercise "Find out the scheme". Look at the diagram, in what projection is it drawn? (front view) The front part of the house is called the façade. What parts does it consist of? Children name the details and show them on the diagram at the board (cylinders, bars, cubes, triangular prisms, plates).

Educator: Now, independently build a multi-storey house according to the front projection from the parts that you named, then draw the projection on sheets using stencils with cut out geometric shapes of the parts designer.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed this task and helped the construction company "Cutting down a house". Guys, do you want how? architects, create your own building drawings? Look at these drawings, what projections do you think they are drawn in? (side and top view). Let's play a game "Come up with your own scheme", you will need to independently draw a side view diagram of any building, and then create a building according to this diagram.

Bottom line: Guys, what did you design today? And in what projections? Who develops the projects? What is a façade? Name the parts from which you built and completed the drawing multi-storey building? Did you enjoy being architects- come up with your own schemes and create buildings based on them?

Summary of direct educational constructive-model activities in middle group compensating orientation Synopsis of direct educational constructive-model activities in the middle group of compensating orientation for children p.

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the second younger group“Bee Buzzing” Objectives: To teach: define a set with the words one, many, none, answer the question “how many?” Develop: visual attention, logical.

Summary of educational activities for cognitive and research activities in the senior group “Invisible Air” Summary of educational activities in the senior group Cognitive and research activities Topic: “Invisible Air” Objectives: 1. To form an idea in children.

Summary of GCD in the senior group "Young Researchers" Summary of an educational game situation with elements cognitive development"Young Researchers" ( senior group) Goal: expand and.

Summary of a lesson on constructive model activities in the middle group “Bridges” Topic: “Bridges” Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​bridges and their purpose. structure; practice building bridges; strengthen the ability to analyze.

Abstract open class in the senior group “Young cooks” SYNOPSIS OF AN OPEN LESSON IN THE SENIOR GROUP ON THE TOPIC “Young cooks” Goal: Continue to introduce children to the professions of adults. Organize a practical one.

Constructive-modeling activities for children of senior preschool age " Fabulous journey» Constructive-model activity for children of senior preschool age “Fairytale Journey” Prepared by: Osyka Inna Nikolaevna.

Constructive and productive activity in the middle group “Fire engines at the station” Fire engines at the station Learning outcomes: Observation and clarification of the structural features of fire engines; Research various.

GCD for constructive model activities in the senior group “Space Builders” Goal: Arrangement of the planet by building a home for its inhabitants using new generation construction sets. The form of organization of the lesson is creative.

Summary of entertainment on constructive-model activities for children of the senior group “Golden Hands” Summary of entertainment on constructive-model activities for children of the senior group “Golden Hands” Purpose: to support children and parents.

Ready design for abstracts, moving folders

To understand how to do Constructive activities in the senior group, we brought in our experts with extensive experience to solve this problem, and here are some other options for solving this issue we were able to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

To understand how to do Constructive activities in the senior group, we brought in our experts with extensive experience to solve this problem, and here are some other options for solving this issue we were able to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

Website for kindergarten teachers

Development of constructive model actions in children of senior preschool age

Constructive activity is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, pre-conceived real product that corresponds to its functional purpose. Construction is one of those activities that are of a modeling nature. Having analyzed the constructive-model actions of children in the older group, I saw that children find it difficult to create structures, crafts using diagrams, models, and read symbols and follow them exactly. Their construction games were monotonous and poor in content. The goal of my work was: the development of constructive and model actions of children.

1. Introduce children to the world of technical and artistic invention.

2. Practice design using graphic models.

3. Develop visual-figurative perception.

4. Improve memory, fine motor skills, thinking, perseverance, and creativity.

The practical part highlights the main pedagogical conditions, ensuring efficiency pedagogical process. This is a joint activity between an adult and a child, the relationship between educational activities and independent activity children, providing each child with a variety of materials, and integrating construction with other activities. The work reveals the sequence of work on the development of constructive-model actions. Fragments of classes, excursions, games illustrate the main stages in achieving the set goal. Model-constructive activities create conditions for organizing a children's team and can be used by the teacher to instill in them elements of cooperation and interaction, serve as the basis for the formation of substantive forms of cooperation and collaboration


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In real practice of preschool educational institutions There is an urgent need to organize work to arouse interest in technical creativity and initial technical skills.

Modernization preschool education, assumes that the goal and result educational activities preschool institutions will be not the sum of knowledge, abilities and skills, but the abilities and qualities acquired by the child, such as those set by the target guidelines for the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education: the child has developed large and fine motor skills; shows curiosity; is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities - games, communication, cognitive and research activities, knows how to express his thoughts, negotiate, make choices, and is capable of volitional efforts.

Constructive and modeling activities (including technical ones) - This is a method of teaching children to design using counting sticks, paper, Lego sets, cardboard, waste materials, natural materials, etc.

Term "construction" (from the Latin construo build, create) means creating a model, constructing, bringing into a certain order and the relationship of various objects, parts, elements.

Construction is a productive activity because it is aimed at obtaining specific product, both real-life objects and objects invented by the children themselves.

By posting images, creating a product of his activity, the child learns analysis and synthesis: he examines a sample and comes up with his own original design, analyzes intermediate options, corrects mistakes and errors. Thus, training in creating simple and complex structures becomes a stimulus for the development of the child’s thinking. I would also like to say something about Lego construction sets. The game is the most important companion childhood. And LEGO allows you to learn by playing and learn through play. More and more new cognitive interests began to appear in children over the years. lately. One of them is LEGO construction. What is this? Another fashion trend or a requirement of the times? Is it good for children to play with Lego construction kits? And what are other uses of LEGO in children's lives? This is an excellent educational material. Playing with a constructor develops color and logical thinking, spatial imagination, tenacity of fingers, in a word, it develops everything cognitive processes. Once you show your child the principle of playing with a construction set, you will not be able to tear him away from it. exciting activity very long. The good thing about Lego is that you can endlessly change its designs and create something new. It is this diversity that attracts children so much, giving them food for creative thinking.

Constructive and modeling activities (including technical ones) are planned and carried out once a week in the afternoon during the interaction between an adult and children in various types activities.

The “Samodelkin” circle operates on a budgetary basis at the MADOOU, and the DPOU “Lego Country” operates.

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow School No. 1947







1. Modeling as a means of developing constructive activity.

The famous Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget noted that at three years old children distinguish between open and closed figures and correctly reproduce the ratio of the sizes of two drawn circles.

By the age of four, children learn to construct a straight line using beads or buttons if they are given a ruler to guide the line they are creating.

At six or seven years old, a child can already confidently build a straight line on his own. Children at this age already understand well that one object can look different from different points of view and begin to coordinate different possible perspectives.

In older preschool age, there is a transition to the stage of formal operations, which is associated with a certain level of development of the ability to generalize and abstract, and readiness for modeling.

Modeling - This is the process of making a model of an object according to a drawing. Modeling brings great benefits to future schoolchildren, because the production of models contributes to a deeper understanding of the school mathematics course and the material that is being studied. By modeling, the child acquires useful practical skills, learns to build, glue, and make a drawing. After all, any model is made according to a specific drawing.

Drawing - a kind of graphic language, such a language is international. Anyone can understand it. The word “drawing” is originally Russian. In a meaning close to modern, i.e. as an image of some objects on paper, a plan of something, the word “drawing” was used in Russian, according to at least, from the 16th century.

Constructive activity and its meaning

The term "design" (from Latin word construere) means bringing various objects, parts, elements into a certain relative position. Children's construction is usually understood as a variety of buildings made from building materials, the production of crafts and toys from paper, cardboard, wood and other materials. In character it is most similar to visual activities and the game - it also reflects the surrounding reality. Children's buildings and crafts serve to practical use(buildings - for games, crafts - for decorating a Christmas tree, for a gift for mom, etc.), therefore they must correspond to their purpose. Construction is one of those activities that are of a modeling nature. It is aimed at modeling the surrounding space in its most essential features and relationships.

This specific focus of design distinguishes it from other types of activities.

Constructive activity- this is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, pre-conceived real product that corresponds to its functional purpose. Characteristic feature the design process is the recreation and transformation (combination) of spatial representations (images), which contributes to the practical knowledge of properties geometric bodies and spatial relationships.

In this case, the development of spatial imagination and imaginative thinking is especially important (N.N. Poddyakov). On the one hand, this type of activity requires children to have rather complex spatial orientation. The child needs to imagine the structure being created as a whole and take it into account spatial characteristics, the relative position of parts and details. On the other hand, it is in design, like in no other activity, that spatial orientations are formed.The idea of ​​space is made up of specific features of the shape, size, length, volume of objects, as well as their structural units: parts, details.

There are two types of design: technical and artistic.

Technical design includes design from building materials (wooden painted or unpainted parts of geometric shape), from parts of designers having different ways fastenings, from large-sized modular blocks, some methods of construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, reels and other materials; to the artistic - design from natural and waste (used) materials, from paper. Some authors classify artistic design as manual labor.

In order to develop children's construction as an activity in the process of which the child develops, they use various shapes organization of training (research by Z.V. Lishtvan, V.G. Nechaeva, L.A. Paramonova, N.N. Poddkova)

1. Design according to sample.

Its essence: children are offered samples of buildings made from construction kit parts and shown how to reproduce them. Design based on a model, which is based on imitative activity, is an important learning stage where you can solve problems that ensure the transition to independent search activity of a creative nature.

Within the framework of this form, tasks are solved that ensure the transition to independent search activity, which is creative character. Visual and figurative thinking develops.

2. Design according to the model.

Its essence: as a sample, a model is proposed in which its constituent elements are hidden from the child. Children must reproduce this model from the construction kit parts they have.

In other words: a specific problem is proposed, but not a method for solving it. As a model, you can use a structure covered with thick white paper. Children reproduce it from an existing builder. Generalized ideas about the designed object, formed on the basis of analysis, will have positive influence for the development of analytical and imaginative thinking. Model-based design is a more complex type of model-based design.

3. Design according to conditions -is of a different nature. Without giving children an image of the building, drawings and ways to reproduce it, they only determine the conditions that the building must meet. In the process of such construction, children develop the ability to analyze conditions and, based on the analysis, build practical activities enough complex structure. This form of education develops creative design, but only if the children have certain experience.

4. Design on the topic.Children are offered a general theme of structures, and they themselves create plans for specific buildings, choose the material and methods of their implementation. The main goal of constructing on a given topic is to consolidate knowledge and skills.

5. Design by design: This creative process, during which children themselves have the opportunity to demonstrate independence. However, the teacher must remember: the design concept and its implementation is a rather difficult task for preschoolers. The degree of independence and creativity depends on the level of knowledge and skills.

6. Frame construction. When children are introduced to simple frame construction and, as a result, easily learn general principle designing a frame and learning to identify design features based on a given frame.

In a design of this type, the child must, as it were, complete it, adding additional details to the same frame. It develops imagination. However, the organization of this form of design requires the development of special design material. Such as the German designer “Quadro”.

7. Design using simple drawings and diagrams. This form has a modeling character and makes it possible to introduce children to drawings and diagrams. Ability to use templates and subsequently see details in three dimensions. As a result of such training, children develop imaginative thinking and cognitive and creative abilities.

Each of the considered forms of organization of design training has a developmental impact on certain abilities of children, which together form the basis for the formation of creativity.

In order to develop creative personality, must be created subject environment in a group, the material and the teacher’s ability to guide and develop the child’s abilities are necessary.