Scenario of the New Year's party “Adventures in the distant kingdom with the horse Julius. History of the song “Three White Horses” Sketch for the song “Three White Horses”


"And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses
December, January and February!

Everyone who has ever heard this song sings along to the brave little girl Nina, who went with her brother Vanya to help his fiancee out of trouble. The words, coined by the legendary songwriter Leonid Derbinev, do not require special effort to memorize. They are close and understandable to everyone. The same can be said about the melody written a brilliant composer Evgeny Krylatov. He expresses in music what penetrates the soul seriously and for a long time. That is why the song “Three White Horses” does not lose its relevance from year to year. Denis Klyaver sang it with pleasure as a little boy, and continues to love it now.

“This is one of my favorite songs as a child. I think it's "Sorcerers" as far as I remember, yes. Overall an amazing movie. I always sang it when I was little. I don’t go to karaoke, but if I did, I would gladly perform it there.”

“Three White Horses” was first heard by viewers of “Sorcerers” in 1982. Then no one could have thought that actress Anna Ashimova, who played the role of the girl Nina, was not singing herself. By the way, Anya got into the film completely by accident. One day, an assistant director came to her school. The second-grader and her friends left their phone numbers, and along with dozens of other girls they were invited to audition. Radiant smile little Ani captivated the director and she was immediately approved for main role. But sing this one famous song They still didn’t trust her herself. Whose voice was heard in the film? Composer Evgeny Krylatov will tell listeners of Radio Dacha about this.

“This song was recorded by one girl and she recorded it wonderfully, but she was still so young and her voice was a little caustic, sharp. But they wrote it down and recorded it. And then Larisa Dolina came to record another song, I don’t remember, I think it was the final one. Director Konstantin Bromberg suddenly says: “Let’s try the Valley to record “Three White Horses”?” Well, I was so surprised, well, I think we’ll try it. And she sang so brilliantly, wonderfully. I think a big part of why this song is so popular is because of the artist."

“Three White Horses” was sung in such a gentle falsetto that subsequently no one could recognize the 27-year-old in this performance. jazz singer Larisa Dolina. And this is her great merit. After the song was performed in “Sorcerers”, it immediately entered the New Year’s repertoire. But listeners continue to associate it primarily with the film and its characters, with whom many television viewers were in love. Singer Anzhelika Varum is no exception.

“I have a connection with Abdulov. With my first love. Not mutual."

It’s interesting that Evgeny Krylatov himself was very reserved at first about this song. He wrote it for a film and could not even imagine that it was destined for popular love.

“I’m not a songwriter at all in my creative direction, I’m a film composer. The director needs some kind of song according to the script, well, that means he needs it. And that’s why I never thought that this song would suddenly come out there, no! It was as if it had to fulfill its functions in the film, and then time passed and some songs became independent, were already detached from the film and lived own life. And it’s impossible to predict this.”

Nowadays no one can live without this song. New Year's concert. It is covered by many of our pop stars. And “Three White Horses” is certainly included in the catalog of songs of every self-respecting karaoke restaurant. It is not surprising that it was also heard in the “Live Sound” program. And it was performed by singer Natalya Gulkina.

“I got this song, but I must say that I was very happy, because I absolutely love this film from those distant 80s when it appeared. Of course, I always dreamed of singing it somewhere. This song only evokes some sincere feelings.”

The song "Three White Horses" creates Christmas mood, gives people smiles and positive emotions. And these are the most important components of the holiday.

Fragment of New Year's Eve at the Obolsunovo Sanatorium

Show program " New Year's trip»

1. The presenter leaves at 22.00. - Happy New Year to everyone, verse, toast.

Inviting everyone on an unusual New Year's trip around the world.

2. O. Romberg – “Three White Horses”

Now let's pay tribute to the passing year. What it was like for each of us, now we will sum up the results of 2010.

Let him raise his hand
Who experienced a career takeoff (promoted)
Let him send an air kiss
Who has been lucky in love all year (kiss)
Thumbs up
Who has celebrated success more than once! (finger OK)
And turn your fingers down
Who squandered the capital, (Down)
Come on, wave your hand
Who has acquired a grandson, granddaughter! (wave)
And stand side by side
Who gave birth to a daughter or a son (stand up)
Let them clap their hands
Who new house I bought a good one! (clap)
Those who got married got married
Shouts “Hurray!”, we will hear you!
And raise your glasses up,
Those who worked hard
They worked without sparing effort,
Who brought the salary to the house?
Who's having fun at the banquet?
In spite of all the crises in the world
Who looks forward joyfully
Happy good New Year!
Toast! Over the past year!

3. Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

– congratulations to the guests, getting to know the guests according to their horoscope, asking the guests who can name the date of birth of the Russian Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Farewell to the guests and a promise to return again.

4. We begin the journey and the first stop is Austria

where on New Year’s Day it is customary to give figurines or send postcards with traditional symbols of happiness; These are considered to be chimney sweep, four-leaf clover, and pig. It was believed that in order to be happy, one must eat a piece of a pig's head or snout at New Year's dinner; it was called "participating in the pig's happiness" And it was in Austria in 1780 that the dance was born high society, but simply a waltz. A waltz sounds for all guests with greetings from Austria.

Ballroom couple – “Waltz”.

On New Year's Eve and waltz sounds,
As the clock strikes, we wish you again,
Raise a glass to peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love.

5. Next stop is Italy.

Italians in New Year's Eve they throw old things out of the windows - flower pots, old chairs, boots fly out of the windows onto the pavement... The more things you throw out, they believe, the more wealth the New Year will bring. It has also been proven that the first circus appeared in ancient times in Rome. And how wonderful it is that this art lives on to this day, and at our holiday, meet the circus studio “Harlekino”

Circus studio - acrobatic act.

Italians throw old things out of windows on New Year's Eve; this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to throw out old grievances, quarrels, bad deeds, envy, infidelity, ingratitude from your memory as unnecessary trash. If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory. Let's remember it this way, and then the coming New Year It will be better than the last!

6. History of the New Year holidays.

Turns out, New Year's celebration- the most ancient of all existing holidays. During excavations of ancient Egyptian pyramids, archaeologists found a vessel on which was written: “The beginning of the new year.”

In Ancient Babylon, the New Year was celebrated in the spring. During the holiday, the king left the city for several days. While he was away, the people were having fun and could do whatever they wanted. A few days later, the king and his retinue, dressed in festive clothes, solemnly returned to the city, and the people returned to work. So every year people started life anew.

In ancient times, the New Year was most often associated with spring - the beginning of the rebirth of nature and the expectation of a new harvest. Therefore, in Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1.

And only in 1699, Peter I, returning from a trip to Europe, with a special decree, ordered “from now on, summers will be counted” from January 1: “In honor of the New Year, decorate with fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults shouldn’t indulge in drunkenness and massacres – there are enough other days for that.”

Toast: Very soon into the world of dreams and faith
We will be led by the Rabbit-Cat duet,
Let's pour the graceful glasses fuller
And let's move them for a better New Year!

7. Stop – India.

On New Year's Day, Indians decorate themselves with flowers in pink, red, purple, or white shades, and light small lights on the roofs of their houses. Although the Egyptians believe that belly dancing originates from the pharaohs, it was actually brought from India in the 10th century by the gypsies and from there spread throughout the world. And recently it has been very popular in Russia.

A man's toast. London...Fog...Cafe... Two elderly gentlemen are sitting. One to the other: - New Year is coming, good! Second: -So what. Sex is better. -Yes, but New Year is more often...

8. New Year's quiz

What is the name of the film director whom the whole country recognized and fell in love with after his New Year's film was shown on screens" Carnival Night"? (Eldar Ryazanov)
What was the name of the boy whose father, mother, brothers and sisters left home alone for the Christmas holidays? (Kevin)
What holiday did the residents of the village of Malye Pyatki organize according to the plan of film director Yuri Mamin the morning after the New Year? ("Day of Neptune.")
What material was the man made of, whom his mischievous wife sent into the forest to get a Christmas tree in the cartoon "Carrion" last year's snow"? (from plasticine)
In which New Year's movie? main character sings in the voice of Alla Pugacheva? ("Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath")
In which New Year's toy turned the young prince into a king of mice fairy tale of the same name? (In The Nutcracker)
In which film did actors Evgeny Leonov, Georgy Vitsin, Savely Kramarov celebrate the New Year at the dacha of an archaeological professor? ("Gentlemen of Fortune")
What were the names of the sons of geologist Sergeev, who came to the distant taiga for the New Year holiday? (Chuk and Gek)
What is the name of the New Year's film in which the popular children's song about "Three White Horses" was first heard? ("Sorcerers")
In what New Year's film did Mikhail Boyarsky have to meow mostly according to his role? ("New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya")
What was the New Year's episode of the cartoon "Well, just wait!"? (Fifth)
In what year did Russia first celebrate the New Year on January 1st? (1699, 1700)
And who in Rus' introduced the order to celebrate the New Year on January 1? (Peter 1)
How many years have you been eating? (50-mil.years)
Riddle: The forest has grown, all white, you can’t enter it on foot, you can’t drive it on a sleigh. (patterns on the window)
What year only has one day? (new)

9. Stop - Cuba.

On New Year's Eve, Cubans fill all the dishes in the house with water, and at midnight they begin to pour it out of the windows. Thus, all residents of Liberty Island wish the New Year a bright and clear path, like water. And Cubans are also proud that they gave birth to the “Cha-cha-cha” dance; meet it on our site.

Ballroom performances – “Cha-cha-cha”

Women's toast. New Year's Eve. One lady says to another:
- It seems to me that you and I already celebrated the New Year in the same company about 12 years ago.
- Is it true? I don't remember anything.
- I also have a bad memory for faces. But for dresses it’s good.

10. Stop - France.

The French do not go to visit on New Year's Eve, and according to tradition, a good winemaker must clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate it on the holiday and drink to the future harvest. And since only lazy people don’t make wine in France, you can imagine what fun they have there. The French are amused not only by wine, but also by wandering acrobats; they consider France the birthplace of their art.

And on our site there is an acrobatic performance...

Circus studio "Harlequin"

11. How to celebrate the New Year of the hare

First of all, by February 3rd, finally clear your house of unnecessary things, and on the mezzanine too! And don’t forget about the balcony, it’s okay, dress warmly…. Moreover, all the dusty trash that you collect must not be taken to the garage or to the country house, but simply carefully placed next to the garbage containers. There will be a holiday for someone else too. And in your house, that very same stream of life will finally begin to wander around, soaring higher and accelerating.

And now - the main thing. Two tips that will make you happy and successful. Just don't tell anyone this terrible secret, because... it's coming true. First: find figurines of a dragon, turtle and phoenix bird among children's toys or souvenirs in the sideboard. If among your household there are those born in the year of the Hare, you will also need a hare figurine. Place the figures in places of honor: the dragon on the east side of the house, the bird on the south, and the turtle on the north, in accordance with the symbolism of the cardinal directions. This tradition is very popular in the countries of Central and East Asia: the dragon (east) is a symbol of happiness, the turtle is wisdom and prosperity, the phoenix bird is longevity and health, and the hare is family and home comfort. These symbols will attract all of the listed types of well-being to your home, moreover, if your house is positioned incorrectly from the point of view of “Winds and Currents” (“Feng Shui”).

How to attract good luck in the New Year

Before the New Year, you should ask for forgiveness from everyone you inadvertently offended in the past year.
Before the New Year, you can’t wash dirty linen in public, otherwise there will be no domestic well-being for the whole year.
To celebrate the New Year, wear the new and best clothes and jewelry - to live richly...
The New Year's table should be rich so that all year round there was abundance and prosperity...
Before 12 midnight, women need to throw capes or scarves over their shoulders, and after the twelfth strike, quickly remove them. All illnesses and bad events will remain in the past year.
What happened on New Year's Day will be repeated in variations with a person throughout the year.
If a girl pricks or cuts her finger on New Year's Eve, she will get married in the new year.
On January 1, do not do hard and dirty work, otherwise you will spend the whole year fiddling around in the dirt and experiencing hardships. You cannot clean the house, especially sweeping and washing the floors, or throwing out garbage - this promises damages and losses.

  1. Stop - Spain.

IN Spain For every grape eaten at the strike of the clock, a wish is added. Therefore, everyone strives to swallow not 12, but as many berries as possible. The main thing is that the grapes are seedless... And they give gifts here for both Christmas and New Year: something romantic for the first holiday and something practical for the second. And of course, Spain is the birthplace of the famous dance - flamenco,

K. Frolova - dance “Carmen”.

  1. New Year's signs.

They say on New Year's Day that whatever you wish for, everything will always happen, everything will always come true. But if you really want your wishes to come true, there are some signs.


    Write a wish on a piece of colored paper, make any toy and place it on the top of the tree, it will come true.

    Write your wishes on 12 sheets of paper, put them under your pillow at night, take out 3 in the morning - they will come true.

    Take a plate of rice, cover it with your left hand, palm down, and make a wish, then take a handful and count.

    Take the chain, rubbing it in your hands, make a wish, and then throw it on the table:

A circle is a difficult situation from which it is difficult to get out.

An even stripe is good luck.

Knot – illness and financial losses.

Bow - marriage.

The snake is the enemy next to you.

Heart - you are loved

Who knows anything about rabbits and cats?

Now I will check this by conducting a “rabbit and cat quiz”:

* Do hares live in burrows?

(No, this animal is practically not attached to the territory; it does not build burrows.)

* Do hares store supplies for the winter?

(No, hares are active throughout the year and do not store food.)

* How many teeth does a hare have?

*What speed can a hare reach?

(Up to 40 km per hour.)

* Is it true that male hares are larger than females?

* How many times is the fat content of hare's milk higher than that of cow's milk?

*Which way does the hare run faster: uphill or downhill?

(Uphill, because the hare has short front legs and long back legs.)

* Is the hare sideways?

(The hare is not oblique at all.

* Does the March hare exist in nature, which we read about in the book “Alice in Wonderland”?

(Yes, it is widespread in Europe. March is the mating season of hares. During this period, they appear in the open at any time of the day, forgetting about danger.)

* Is it true that if a hare fails to escape or hide, it lies on its back and fights off the predator with its hind legs, like a real boxer?

* Who wrote a poem for children about a girl who abandoned her toy bunny in the rain?

(Agniya Barto.)

*What does a hare on a bus not have?

(Ticket. This is what free riders are called.)

16. Stop – Russia.

IN Russia Since ancient times, it was believed that the New Year's table lays and predicts the family's prosperity for the next 12 months, so the table was set very generously and satisfyingly, and it was customary to sit at the table only in new and rich attire.

“Crystal” - “River”, “Ice Ceiling”.

17. Stop – Argentina.

Tarron is a sweet bread baked for New Year in Argentina, considered the most traditional New Year's dish. Another New Year's custom says that if you walk around your house with your suitcase, you can expect a lot of travel and pleasant trips for the next year. Argentine tango today at our site, welcome.

Ballroom couple – Tango

  1. Which one of you was born in the year of the rabbit?

Competition for baby rabbits.

19. Stop - Egypt.

New Year in Egypt is celebrated on the night of February 9-10. Muslims celebrate the New Year as a day of spiritual rebirth. Egypt is considered the birthplace of belly dancing. Term "belly dance" comes from the Arabic word “beledi”, which means “homeland”, “ hometown" Since its inception, beledi has always been a dance of female self-expression. Today you and I can see belady on our stage.

Ensemble "Fiesta" Oriental dance.

Let next year we will have as many good and joyful events, as many good and wonderful deeds, as many lights burn in our New Year's garland and as much as wonderful songs will sound today at our holiday.

    At 11:15 p.m. - Dance break – 30 minutes.

"Crystal" - retro songs.

    We say goodbye to the old year .

The old year is passing away

Leaves without return

The thread of worries goes away,

Which we don't need.

And it will sink into summer,

What we wanted

Who was in love and was loved.

Unexpectedly - unexpectedly,

Names go away

Moments, looks, songs

Time is passing.

Where it was so wonderful!

Goodbye, Old Year,

Goodbye, no goodbye

New Year is coming to us

And makes promises!

    Congratulations from the President, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    The presenter leaves at 00.20.

The host wishes everyone a Happy New Year and makes a toast.

    The artists wish all guests a Happy New Year.

Ensemble "Fiesta" - oriental dance.

In England, a bell announces the arrival of the New Year. True, he starts calling a little earlier than midnight and does it in a “whisper” - the blanket with which he is wrapped prevents him from demonstrating all his power. But at exactly twelve the bells are undressed, and they begin to loudly sing hymns to the New Year. At these moments, lovers, in order not to separate next year, must kiss under a mistletoe branch, which is considered a magical tree.

England was the homeland not only of the first New Year's cards, but also the birthplace of modern circuses, the first of which was built in 1780.

Circus studio of N. Privalova - acrobatic act.

Friends, your help is urgently needed. It is necessary to “unfreeze” the songs. I call last words lines, you need to know the song and perform this verse.

    Christmas tree - grew - slender - was (Song "Christmas Tree": "A Christmas tree was born in the forest, in the forest it grew...");

    icy - creaky - wall - prickly (Song "Winter": "The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...");

    me - distance - horse - February (Song “Three White Horses”: “And they carry me away into the ringing bright distance...”);

    an elegant one - lower it - with a chocolate one - treat us (Song “Christmas Tree”: “Lower the elegant branch, lower it, treat us with a chocolate fish...”);

    frost - wires - blue - star (Song "Blue Frost": "Blue, blue frost, lay on the wires, in the dark blue sky...");

    brought - Frost - I look - thank you (Song " It is snowing": "You probably brought my love to me good Grandfather Freezing…");

    minutes - they sing - to the light - this (Song “Five Minutes”: “I’ll sing you a song about five minutes, let them sing this song of mine...”);

    centuries - seas - bears - earth ("Song about bears": "Centuries float past, sleep under the ice of the sea...");

    young - into the distance - palm - make a wish (Song “Snowflake”: “When a young year comes, and the old one goes into the distance ...”).

"Crystal" - song.

For Americans, the New Year begins when the huge illuminated clock in Times Square shows 00:00. At this moment, thousands of people gathered in the square begin to kiss and press the car horn with all their might. A traditional New Year's dish in America is black pea porridge. It is believed that it brings good luck. It is also believed that the Rumba dance was born in America. For you, friends,

Ballroom couple - Rumba.

25. Disco from DJ A. Kraikin – 40 minutes.

26. For fire signs – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius – The White Rabbit promises trials, through which you will achieve much more than you expected. Perseverance and a certain amount of conscious risk - and you will conquer new heights and wonderful horizons will open up.

To the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - the White Rabbit invites them to work hard to build their own well-being on a solid foundation. The foundation is laid in the first half of the year, on which you will build a building of financial and family stability.

As for the water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the stormy currents of the first half of the year can take them to completely unknown shores. Everything will depend on how skillfully they can bypass the whirlpools of fate, and on those who swim next to them.

For Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - the White Rabbit promises a wind of change. Therefore, you should not go against the wind at all, but on the contrary, moving in the same direction, you can achieve success without much effort.

A competitive program for those who want to move forward.

27. Dance break - 30 minutes.
"Crystal" - retro song"

28. Quiz “Guess the melody from the movie”

29. Disco from DJ A. Kraikin – 40 minutes.

30. The presenter once again makes a toast to the New Year, and talks about how to properly celebrate the year of the hare, which according to the Chinese calendar will come on February 3.

31. Dance break – 30 minutes.
"Crystal" - retro song"

32. Disco from DJ A. Kraikin – 40 minutes.

The sonorous and catchy song Troika is great for learning with children during the winter months. Ask the kids what the author compares horses with. Wait until the kids answer this question themselves. Listen to Troika song online at kindergarten and it's fun at home! Children learn beautiful things, as the song uses many very colorful epithets and comparisons: about the ringing distance, and about Christmas trees in dresses, and about snowy embraces. The song is fast, so it’s perfect for a competition where kids run in circles around chairs, and there are always 1 more participants than chairs.

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Three notes

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Three white horses text

The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled
And they got a little ruffled at home.
It's warm and damp in the city,
It's warm and damp in the city,
And outside the city it’s winter, winter, winter.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
December and January and February!

Winter has opened its snowy embrace
And until spring everything sleeps here.
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses,
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses
Everyone is running, running, running towards me.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses
December and January and February!

The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled, but I'm not afraid of freezing.
It was in the city that I was always sad,
It was in the city that I was always sad
And outside the city I laugh, laugh, laugh.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses
December and January and February!

And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses
December and January and February!

script for New Year's theatrical performance for high school students of the Pochinkovsky district

/the curtain is closed, music sounds, 3 girls appear, sing the song “Three White Horses”/

GZK : Winter. Peasant triumphant
On the firewood renews the path
And the horse, smelling the New Year
Trotting somehow
/a harnessed horse and a man appear and walk across the stage/
M: Old grandma has gone crazy
She told me to bring the Christmas tree
It's been a hundred years, and it's all to no avail
Lay out a Christmas tree for her on New Year's Day
It's time for her to die
And not jump around the Christmas tree
/curtain closes/
GZK: Yes, people are in a hurry
Celebrate the New Year with a bang
And getting ready seriously
Meet Santa Claus

/the curtain opens, DM’s house is on stage, music is playing, the Snow Maiden with a bandaged throat, a phone call is heard/

WITH: (hoarsely) Grandpa, it's for you.
DM: Hello? Yes, of course, to Pochinkovskaya high school? Always ready! Snow Maiden? She can not. She, how can I tell you, got sick.
Of course, I understand that this is not customary, but yes, it’s tradition. Well, I'll think of something. Of course, of course, young, beautiful. Wait, we'll be on time.
WITH: Young? Beautiful? But not me?
DM: Granddaughter, but you are sick
How did it stick at the wrong time?
Damn bird flu for you
WITH: Grandfather…
DM: No, you lie down
I can handle it, experience after all
Do not worry about me
I'll be home soon

/DM leaves on skis/

WITH: (singing) It’s winter again in this world,
People are celebrating the New Year.
But only if you are sick
Then you are not happy about the New Year.
/cries, siren sounds, doctor appears/
AY: Who is sick? Where does it hurt?
Aibolit will cure everyone.
We take the temperature
Let's drink a new mixture.
Well, the main thing is to remember
About physical therapy

/to the music “If you want to be healthy,” AI and S do exercises/

AY: All. Snow Maiden, are you okay?
Exercise helps everyone.
Let's get ready for the road,
Santa Claus needs to be caught up.
We have a beautiful Snow Maiden -
There's nothing else to choose
/curtain closes/

GZK: Meanwhile, extraordinary news spread through the forest.
/a crow appears/

IN: I want to say, I want to say
Moroz is preparing a casting
Another Snow Maiden in return
He will choose for the holiday.
In general, everyone who wants to become the Snow Maiden,
We are urgently waiting in a forest clearing in an hour.
/the curtain opens, there are chairs on the stage, the Mermaid, a modern girl, is sitting, the beauty Varvara enters, with a long braid/
VR: Is there a casting here?
/The mermaid nods/
VR: Well then I'm first
/The mermaid points to herself/
VR: Second...
/The mermaid points to the girl - that means she’s third/
/Marfusha runs through the hall with her mother/
IDA : Mom, hurry up, we'll be late
M: Yes, I, Marfushenka-darling, am already out of breath.
MAR: What are you doing, mom, we’ll miss Santa Claus.
M: Yes, there can’t be a Snow Maiden better than you, Marfushenka-darling.
/run onto the stage, sit down, Baba Yaga descends from the balcony/
BY /sings/:
I'm certainly not a model.
But there is no one more fashionable than me,
Me too on Snegurochka
Similar in profile and front view.
/comes up, sits down, the Snow Queen appears/
SK: I'm tired in my halls.
The melancholy really got me.
And it seems the Snow Maiden's role
Suitable for me alone
/sits down, Thumbelina appears/
D: I, Of course, I understand that the sprout is too small,
It’s not for nothing that they once called me Thumbelina.
But in my mind I won’t give anyone a head start.
/sits down/
MAR: Mom, Varvara’s braid is better than mine
M: And yours, Marfushenka, is more expensive. Bought at the market for a lot of money.
BY: No, I don’t understand why you all came here. There is only one real candidate for the Snow Maiden - me.
IN: Now. After all, I am certainly the nicest of all.
All blush and whiter
MAR: No I!
SK: They also said...
BY: Who will help us resolve the dispute?
MAR: You're oblique!
D: You're lame!
SD: And over there is generally deaf and mute.
IDA : Your legs are crooked
IN: My? Your cheeks are yellowish!
IDA : Mom!
M : Now, Marfushenka - darling. /rubs her cheeks with beets/ Princess!
D: And this one has a wig
/DM appears/
DM: Hush, girls! What kind of scream?
I need to choose the Snow Maiden from you in an hour!
Yes... The candidates are so-so.
I obey fate
I will hold a competition with you,
I will find the best among you.
/Baba Yaga/
Well, introduce yourself, say your name,
And brag about your talents.
BY: I'm looking young,
I'm good for a lot of things.
I will dance the dance quickly,
Only I need partners.
DM: How many? Two, fifteen, five?
BY : Two!
/DM taps his staff/
DM: Let's start the dance!
/BYA, Koschey, Leshy dance tango/
DM: Yeah, the dance is not high class
/turns to modern girl/
What will you tell us now?
SD: Santa Claus, I'm like in a dream,
Take me with you
I will be your wife.
I want to give birth to a son,
Or the red maiden.
DM: Are you crazy?
Consider the competition failed!
/Oblomingo flies by/
/Cinderella's song sounds, Cinderella appears/
DM: Cinderella, please tell me,
What happened to you my friend
Z: I was running through the forest so much that I lost my shoe
DM: However, even without shoes
There will be suitors for you.
Or maybe you want Snow Maiden?
Z: Grandfather, the prince is waiting for me, by the way
Don't be angry with me /points to the others/
There are tons of candidates!
D: Father Frost! You choose me
Like the Snow Maiden, I am also slim.
Choose me, choose me
The bird of tomorrow's happiness
DM: Daughter, I would be glad
But it's time for you to go to kindergarten.
The gifts in the bag are tight,
There won't be enough space for diapers.
/Pippi's song sounds, Pippi appears with suitcases/
DM: Well, what kind of miracle is this?
Where are you going and where are you from?
For the Snow Maiden you are little...
P: Fuck off, Grandpa, please
I'm tired of winter.
The cold makes me itchy.
On the Snow Maiden myself,
I understand, I'm not suitable.
My dad is waiting for me in Africa
Has the old bast shoe moved in?
Maybe it's worth a try?
DM: /shows her out/ Dad will be waiting
/Varvara gets up/
IN: Look at my feet, Grandfather,
They grow straight from the ears.
And to the best of my ability the roads,
Well, I'm not a midget.
DM: Legs, really, nothing.
But no luck with the rest
/DM looks at the mermaid/
DM: Well, what will you answer me?
Are you also aiming for the Snow Maiden?
/mermaid shakes her head/
Leave the idea,
I walk, not swim.
MAR: So, Grandfather, I’m already tired of waiting. Am I dragging myself here in vain? I want to become the Snow Maiden! Want! Want! Want! Maman!
M: Princess! No, not a princess. Queen!!!
MAR: / lifts up his sleeves / Listen, old man, give gifts to the kids too, if I don’t eat the gifts on the way. Why are you silent? /DM chatters/ I want to be the Snow Maiden! Want! Want! Want!
/DM barely escapes, hits with his staff/
DM: Stop!!! Sit down and close your mouths!
/Marfusha and mom throw themselves on chairs/
Yes, this can happen too.
And who will decide to take part in the competition?
Maybe he'll lose his beard.
/Little Red Riding Hood’s song sounds and she appears/
DM: That's a girl, that's a girl.
Cute, chubby,
Looks like the Snow Maiden
Even a little younger
Suitable for the Snow Maiden!
KS: Grandfather, grandma is waiting for me.
Everyone's got me now.
Raz: The hunters have arrived.
Two: The wolf almost scared me.
Three: there's some kind of carnival here.
They sent pies to grandma,
Find out for yourself here!
/runs away/
/SK gets up/
SK: Santa Claus, you can only be sure of To the Snow Queen/sings/
Icy and impregnable
For people I have always been
I just really wanted to
I will become the Snow Maiden.
In your icy halls
I couldn't hold back
And I need an heir
Search among people again
And I …
DM: Stop, stop, stop
What are the heirs? Should we come to the kids with gifts and congratulate them on the holiday?
Yes, the problem is a problem,
The applicants are all off topic,
Time is already running out
But the Snow Maiden is not there.
What to do? What do i do?
How can I solve the problem?
/curtain closes/
GZK: Frost thinks about the Duma,
He seriously messed up.
Let him think for now
And we have a game for you
/a game is being played with the audience/
GZK: And now it's time
Find out how the Snow Maiden is doing
/the curtain opens, the forest, the blizzard, the Snow Maiden is coming/
WITH: I'm tired. Tears are choking
I can't find Frost.
Grandfather, where are you, hear me,
And in response there was only silence.....
/song sounds Bremen Town Musicians, Troubadour, donkey, dog, cat, rooster appear/
T: We all know about your problems,
And we will certainly help you.
All the kids are waiting for you in the New Year -
Meeting him without you is too much!
ABOUT: Eeyore, eeeeeeee. That's not how things were done.
WITH: Woof woof woof! Celebrate my year
I can only get high five with you
TO: Meow! Well, what's the use of words?
We need to help her first.
P: Ku-ka-re-ku! I will help!
/goes on stage/
Father Frost! Red nose!
Think seriously!
Is it necessary to change the Snow Maiden,
Or is it senile neurosis?
T: Santa Claus will hear his voice,
And he will find us in the forest
/they leave, the curtain opens, the forest/
DM: I heard a voice. He's not easy.
He asked one question.
Have I really made up my mind?
Should I seriously change it?
After all, her kids love her,
She's nice to people, after all.
After all, people around me will judge me,
What has old age led to?
/looks at his watch/
Oh, I'm an old blockhead!
Why was the staff given to me!?
Hey, whirlwinds, blizzards and blizzards,
circled, flew!
And my Snow Maiden
Found in that region.
/the howling of the blizzard, the Snow Maiden appears/
DM: Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you have been,
Tell me, honey, how are you?
WITH: Santa Claus was running after you,
I shed a lot of bitter tears.
GZK: This song is old, it's time to change it
WITH: Tell everyone, Grandfather, where did you go?
Have you found the new Snow Maiden?
DM: Please forgive me
The best Snow Maiden is you!
Come on, come on, it's time for us to hit the road
WITH: Just thank you, just don’t forget to say thank you to everyone.
DM: What thanks? To whom?
WITH: And to those who helped us find each other, to those who helped you understand that I cannot be replaced, to the viewers who patiently waited for the end of our story.
DM: Thank you, kind people, thank you, heroes of different fairy tales!
/all the heroes come out/
We want with all our hearts
Congratulate you today
WITH national holiday big,
With a cheerful, bright, proud,
Beautiful, bright, young
Happy New Year!
WITH: So that on a big holiday
It became more fun
Let's sing a song together.
Well, friends, be brave
/Song “The clock on the tower is striking loudly” to the tune of the song “Winged Swing”/
The clock on the tower strikes loudly,
New Year is coming to us,
He will take away yesterday,
Everything that was will be taken away
All the doubts and worries
He'll leave behind
He wishes everyone happiness
Hurry up and follow him
Snowflakes flying away
They're calling, they're calling ahead
Meet people of the world,
Happy New Year!
Joyful meetings await us,
We will not go astray.
Adults and children nearby
It's easier for us to walk together.
Let the blizzard not be angry today,
Covering the path with snow.
We are all friends and girlfriends,
And we are not at all afraid
New Year is knocking on the door,
He's in a hurry, he doesn't wait.
Well, of course, we believe
He will bring good luck.
Open the doors wide -
Let him enter every home.
Gives out more happiness
So that there is enough for later!